HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-16, Page 17111110, H� WINGHAi'VI TIMES. VOL XXXIIL—NO. 1688. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1904, $1 A YEAR IN ADVAN No Tailoring Bettor Than Ours and our prices begin at $12.00 The man who needs a new suit; whether for daily, business wear or for dress, can do; no better than leave his order here. He will save a great deal in first cost; he will get his clothes quickly; and he will get them as well trade and stylishly fashioned as it is possible to make them; he will have hundreds of fabrices to choose from; and he will be saved the doubtful economy and un- certain satisfaction of ready-made. Suits—made to order—made to measure—made to fit—made to satisfy. No fit, no pay; You know, of course. that's our way SUMMERY THINGS Summery Toggery is now on the bill. We have lots of cool comtort in store for our patrons. Make your, selections now, Don't wait until the thermometer says 99° and then rush in madly for Summer Duds.. Now if you need. anything in . summer plum- age. We're Yours for Comfort Summer Hats (Straw and otherwise)—Our Neglige shirts— Our Breezy Underwear -- Our Summer Neckwear- there's oceans ot comfort. It will take"but little of the "wherewith"outfit, to bu the . and just think how contented you'll he after we have togged you out for the summer campaign. lIollillth Bros. Call Up Telephone 59 When you want the best and freshest to be had iu GROCERIES and the latest, prettiest and most up•to-date in CROCKERY Our a increasingtrade and our many satisfied customers are the best evidences we want that the goods we haudle are right. We aim to get the best—and we get it. Having put on a new delivery wagon, our customers rosy rely on prompt delivery of goods. R. A. Hutchison GROCERIE$ AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wants a Farm ? Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Transfers of Property. Mr. Jas. Walker ha sold his brink cot- tage on John street t Mr. Henry Road- house, of Fordwich. Mr. David Rush has purchased Mrs, , . A. McDonalcl'e frame cottage on.Sh ter street. `.these sales were made t trough Mr. 0, J. Maguire, real estate gent. _„ House maid wanted. Good wages. Apply to Orr Bros., King Edward hotel. I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 60, 75, 100 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinlos6, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store,with largo trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to T, A. MaoKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. Clothiers a Gents' Furnishers. i M AR R I'A:GE';I:1PgN S ES Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINOHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 ,00 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,474,000 Skips t the meetit Bowling Club ou following skips w season :—Messrs, ley Holmes, Kuechtel, R. Vail A. M. Crawford a REAL ESTATE! Why I am Successful in this Line of Business. ppointed. g of the Wiugham snide), dn evening,the re appointed for the T. Holloway, Dud- 10. Holmes, Ohas. tone. D. T. Hepburn, rd Ed Nash WANTED—Car of butter, 350 tubs by June 10th. Eggs, 19c trade; 14c cash. GEo. E. KING First Gar • en Party The Wingham cit their first garden pa Tuesday evening of I am malting a specialty of this business. I know my business. I am aggressive end progressive.. I never show parties my investments unless I am satisfied they have the money and metro business. All matters are strictly confidential. 1 have been here for years and believe that I have the confidence of the ecoplo. There is it buyer for every business some- where in rhe country. I have sold property in lyesYshort e thattha owner has to dispose of for y+a1:4—arid some good ones at that. It's my specialty and I know it. Yours for quick sales, C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTOWE BLocrc. WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Sale of An auction sale is advertised to tai Bristol Terrace, - evening, June 2 Terms of paymen may be had froi McKenzie, Wing zeas' baud will hold ty of the season on next week. A good program is }wing pr Tared and refr' sh- meats will be sere are still owing a b uniforms and are ti raising funds to There should be a 1 first garden party o own Lots. f thirteen town lots place ou the grounds ingham, on Tuesday st, at seven o'clock. and all information the owner, Mr. Geo. am. A few Bags of Seed Peas still on hand and all kinds of Seed Corn, at T. A. MILLS. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States aud Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager, R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCNAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President= Hos. WM. GInsON. Vice -President and General Manager — T. TURNBULL. DIEEOTORS George Roach, John Proctor, A. B. Lee, John 5, Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Inspector—H. M. WATSON. Savings Bank--Hour4 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards reeeived. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No- vember and 31st May each year and added to principal. t;tiooiw.t deposits also received at current rows et interest. Drafts oh t*re..t Britain and the united States Bought and sold. ' notified that thea ank of Hain.• ikon endd it are its Branches Issue Cironlar Ratee of National Provincial Batik of England, Limited, which oat[ be cashed without (Barge or trou- ole in any part of site world. W. 0bl%)3O171..D, Agent p>toatNBON all 11010411S, Solioiiorel. Died at Mr. John Berry, was a well-known died at Port Arthi last after a week's tion of the lungs. conducting a for the past five were brought to for interment. ort Arthur. :ho for many years resident of Lucknow, on Friday evening Sixty Year ► in Canada. Mr Jobst Taylor, the best known rest landed iu Canada si Monday morning. years Mr. Zaylor ilton and has for fo on bis farm in Hits and Mrs. Taylo: ar residents of the to w friends will wish t of good health aud: d. The baud boys ante on their new ting this means of wipe out the debt. rge crowd at their the season. We are pnying the highest cash price for wool, delivered at our tannery on Victoria Street. PRINGLE & GROVES. Gode •ich to D The great $1 00 r to Detroit two days day, June 21st, pro; patronized from th gers will leave Lackl grave, Blyth and L train on 21st, cornet special train from S Returuing Thins sp Goderich for Wingl. intermediate poen 23rd, on arrivai of ' troit Excursion. land trip Goderich xcursion' on Tues - uses to be largely s section. Passen- ow, Wingham, Bel• nclesboro on regular ing at Clinton with Word to Goderich. cial train will leave Lucknor and on eveni•g of oat from Setroit. f Zetland, one; of ents of this section tv years ago last For a number of worked near Ham- ty-nine years lived Wawanosh. Mr, probably the oldest iship and their many m many more years sappiness. PASTIME—Good pasture to let; either for cattle or horses. Apply to H. Ham- ilton, Victoria street. Garden A garden party u Eadie's Presbyteria will be held at the Robinson, 10th con June 23rd, Music the Winghant ci Presbyterian chest freshnieuts will grounds. Everyor to come and spen Admission 25e., c Party. der the auspices of hurt} Turnberr C , , y sidence of Mr. Wm. ession, on Thursday, will be furnished by Izens' band and the of Teeswater. Re- e dispensed on the o is cordially invited a pleasant evening. Ilriren 16c. Au Al upright piano, nearly new, at a great bargain. Also an Al bike buggy aud phaeton for sale. Apply to Roar. McINnoo. Won th Eva MacMatb, cousin of Mr. R. J. was successful in F examination in her ate nurse in one of last week, aucl obti A Kincardineyouni and out of the lar; finished their eours Canadian y dung 1a late our lady frieuci No. .Loit Spring . w' e at $ 2.70 per hundr-'i, everyroll e nranteed, at FISHLEIGFI'S ARDWARE STORE. FOR SAL[:—Two black horses, two we - gone, set bob sleighs and sot double har- ness. Apply to D. Showers, Edward street. Narrowly Escape • Serious Injury. On Thursday ni lit last Mr. W. H. Green sustaiued an njury which might easily have resultemore seriously. He stepped into a trap loor leading to the cellar of his residei ce, and fell to the bottom. His head struck against the stone wall, stunn g him for a mo- ment, and the cord of his right leg were severed close to th knee, requiring the services of a physi an to attend to the injury. Mr. Gree now goes about by the aid of crutches, and his friends hope soon to see hint c upletely restored. Big Union Farm to Guelph Mode Jane 20th. Spec Wingham at 7:35 $1.25, good for tw illness of infiamma- eursiou to Guelph r. Berry had been store at Port Arthur ears, The remains ucknow on Monday Big Race M The large pur nine harness ra three runs of $20 day, has attract entry list of fas meet will be the section of Oritar The enterprise giving purses larg gether at Listo and American ho appreciated by a 1 dates are Tuesd Thursday next we eting at Listowel. es given at Listowel, es of $500 each and each, four races each an unusually large horses, and that the est ever held in this is already assured. the Association in enough to bring to - the best Canadian es will he sure to be rge attendance. The y, Wednesday and k, June 21, 22 and 23. Grand 0 The Grand Ora America was hel and Dr, T. S. Sp ted as Grand Ma retary's report s of 0,078 member ing losses, left Thirty-eight prim sued during the y urer showed re ei penditure $4,307 hand is now $1 tween the Orang Blues ovet the complete. The a memorial hon Wallace elsew meeting of the in Owen Senn ange Lodge, ge Lodge of British at Picton last wook, tile, M.P. was re -oleo ter. The Grand Sec• wed a total addition which, after .deduct• net gain of 6,000. ry warrants were is' r. The Grand Treas- ts $4,441.56. and ex - 3. The balance on 5517,03. The split be - Order and the True ,Acton Orphanage, is range Order will erect to the late 1.L1'. Clarke ere. The next annual rand Lodge will be held rs' Institute excursion Farm, on Monday, tl traiu will leave o'clock a. in. Fare days The only ex - his year. West Hu on Licenses. The license co missioners of West Huron held a me ting last week at Clin- ton to consider s:vernl applications for transfer of licen s. The transfer from Jos. Ra.ttenbnry of Clinton, to M. Stan- ley, who conte from Chatham, was grauted, and ihr ,e others were granted conditionally as some papers iu couuec- r were not complete. 'lis Bros., of Goderich, of Port Elgin; from ton, to Geo. Brixton, rom Jas Broadway, hos. Hill, of Loudes• tion with transf These are from to Andrew Sheila Samuel Pike, Cli of Goderich; and of Wingham, to boro. N THE P AYGPOUNDS Events of Loca Field of S the Pa Interest on the ort During t Week. Wingham 2. A very good gaui nessed by those wh birion watch on t evening between th Wingham juniors. the -visiting tea fine combination keeper of both side work, thus keepi which was 2 to 1 in Mr. H. H. Wigh duties of referee. Prize. oderich township, TacMath, Wingham, using an honorary nal year as agradu- ew York's hospitals ned a prize of $50. lady received second e number that had three quarters were lies. We congratu- on her success. Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, if you want to buy a house in town, he has just what you want. Citizens Bat The Wingham citi first open air band c on the'tow't.park un{ An eccelleht prog which was thorougl large number of p need of a good band concerts. The differ not be properly hear are on the ground some effort inacle to stand erected at an e Teeswater I. of lacrosse was wit - attended the cab" - park on Monday Teeswater club and The home players of put up some very ork and the goal did very effective g down the score, favor of Wingham. an performed the Wingham Lo Wingham Baseba Cargill on Friday la 2. This game was ed as it should bay of the game good b In the first innings wild and let in a r scored another anti when the Wingh+ usual trick of "goi Cargill scored thre boys, if they would able to win from C they will give a bet selves in future. T! Cargill, . 1 Wingham 0 (d Concert. ens baud held the ucert of the season Friday evening lap in was rendered, y enjoyed by the ople present. The tend is felt at these •ti nt3el Selections us ca u- •h e n the players w e There should be ave a proper baud trly date. Coal, Black Coal. And still it conies! During the past week we received 14 cars of coal. To prove our statement, look at the eidings on the railways and our sheds; also the well-filled bins of our customers. Ask Customs Officer Mr. H. Davis if we are getting any coal. He knows, Aud still it is corning. Go look at our stock . sk for sample and test it for yoursel'. This will convince you that oursto. is what we claim—the best by all od• s. Parties wanting coal for winter u.. and cannot take it in at preseu kin . y pass in your name and about tit, a•.ount of coal you want, and we will • ace your name on our books, which will secure you safe Ifor the winter; only costing 'boa one post card or a call at our office. Think ! of the last two winters! We might say we are surprised beyond measure at the amount of orders we have already re• ceived • did not expect one-half. But we are prepared for it, and here tender our thauks to the people for their trade. By July 1st our stock of wood will be abundant, so that we can supply prompt- ly. Coal and wood office, next to 14I. E branch office, A. E. Smith's bauk. phone 6; residence phone 40. See adv. for terms and prices, which will be strictly adhered to. W. H. tiro EN. Large stock of sample (right up to. date) ready -to -Wears at reduced prices, at Mrs, Green's. Canadian For sters High Court. It is expected i t addition to officers and delegates, t at all the past high chief rangers of the Canadian Order of Foresters, exe:pt one who has re- moved to the Uni ed States, will attend the annual menti g of the Order being held in Toronto t is week. The follow- ing are the past . (doers:—Bro. Rev, G, G. McRobbie, ' helburne; Bro. H. Lang, Lansing, ich., Bro. Robt. Elliott, Ingersoll; Bre, E ward Towe, London; Bro. 0, E. Britto , Gananoque; Bro, II, Gamma., Guelp and, Bro. G. Faulkner, Brantford. Mes a. W, F. Waehsmuth, N. L. Brandon, . Beckwith and H. B. 'Elliott are repress nth* Court Maitland at this annual in : ting, t to Cargill. boys again lust to t by a score of 5 to ot as largely attend - been. During part seball was played. Wiugham boys got in. Neither team the seventh iunings in boys did their in the air" and rolls. The local play steady ball, are rgill and we hope or account of them- e snore by innings : — 0000301-5 0000002-2 The "Irish Ni e" vs. Wingham. Very S.i Profound sympat Aar. and Mrs. Phili of Tarnberry in the of their eldest Bang which took place o week ,under peculiar' About a week ago M misfortune to injur� ping on a nail, but n ees were thought of Tuesday morniug sh Lockjaw developed, pite the efforts of m care and attendance away about 5 o'oloc The funeral takes p afternoon at 2 30 o' ham cemetery. eter y A game of base • til will be played on the town park, Wi tgham, between the "Irish Nine" of i ucan and the home team on Friday, J ue 24th, at 4 o'clock P. 1m. sharp. The nanager and officers respectfully ask be patronage of the citizens general , , ss baseball games are more expen ive to run than any other game. Un --ss the public patron. ize the gaine, th management will be unable to give a y more games at home, o secure teams from peing no baseball play ns. This game will be and will be the last Death. y will be felt for Dawson and family very sudden death er, Nettie Susanna, Tuesday of this sad circumstances. ss Dawson had the her foot by step - serious consequen- t the time, aud on was about as usual. however, and des- dical skill and the bestowed she passed Tuesday evening. ce this (Thursday) look, to the Wing - Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Will be at Queen's Hotel, Wingham, June 29th. Fortnightly Tho Young Ladle held the last meetin home of Miss Greg June 2nd. Last s 'period of from Sept the members of th study of Julius Cae `peare's great histor' thoroughly enjoyed Shakespeare's plays subject of study f work. The electiot the last meeting of rhe followiug:—Pr parson ; 1st Vice—Pri 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Miss as they have a distance, tnere od ila near -by tosi strictly up-to-dat for four weeks or more, when they ex- pect to play Ingersoll, St. Thomas and I Landon. Th officers and players of the home t• m would be greatly obliged if the spectators would re- frain front "roo ing" as it gives the visitots a bad ii rpression of the local I team as well as rhe town, and also "rattles" the pia rs, blocks the umpire, I etc. Give the p • yers a cheer when required, but don t ,retake that yelping f sound, much like t.ie grey wolf. ub Officers. Fortnightly Club of the season at the y ou the evening of isou, covering the 23rd to June 2nd, club took up the ar, one of Shakes - :al plays, which was by all. Another of will probably be the the next season's of officers held at he club resulted iu ident, Miss Farqu- sident, Miss Irwin; Mrs. L. Cumuliugs; ern yn; Assistant Secretary, Miss Cjiisholm; Treasurer, Miss Reynolds. WANTED—Eggs, IGc trade, 14o cash, tom mencing May 25th. Treat those ped- lars fair; make thein them take your but- ter, pork, etc , with the eggs. same as your general merchant Coes. Potatoes wanted. Gao. E. KINGe Znrbrigg' photo >a ller ' r phG4 one ; , ANTISEPTIC Fool Powder What Is It? It is a discovery which cures sore, tired, tender, aching, sweating or swollen feet. It is prepared by the Premier Medical Co., of New 'fork and Chicago, and FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY RETAILS AT 45 cents per box. Try a box and And relief. Sold in Wingham by a Iton MeKihon, MO, Neat door to Post Office. The Wingham '.chool Nine Baseball Team journeyed •. Lucknow on Thurs- day 9th to play friendly game, and met defeat at th; hands of Lucknow's best and only ba eball.team, by the score of seven to four Although beaten, it was a pretty go.s showing for a School Team. The Sch of Niue aro bound to win at the retur game which will be played in the ne. r future. Be on the look -out for auno ncement, as you could not afford to miss the game. Clinton Collegi to Football Club have been deluged wit challenges this season to play for the Hough Cap, and for two months there has been agame every week. Saturday Galt Club tried hard to life the cup, b t were not successful, s the score being 2 o 0 in favor of Clin- ton. The return mat Wingham baseba in the park, Win ing of this wkek. o'clock. T,.is g well worth seeiu I make it a point to In the semi-fiva match between Br the latter place on Brussels won by a li of the Lucknow and 1 clubs will be played ham, on Friday even -1 Game called at 6 me will no doubt bo and everyone should be present. intermediate football ssels and Mildmay at Ionday of this week, core of 3 to O. 12th duly Ielebration. The committee in July celebration in are putting forty es tjiis the most succe r here,there e e is present that their e rewarded. Alread lodges have signifie being present. and petted that a nu doubled. A numb; be present from a i Wingham citizens ple and suitable m inent members of sent and deliver a, are being made Ion the ]2th, w 1 three-day rate a means of bringi ing brethren ma welcome at this FARMERS TAKE opened our grain ham, and are prep of grain. We also andbarley for sale SEA oTtcE—We have re- arohouse in Wing - red to bny all kinds cave Manitoba wheat for feed. O1iTtI MILLING Co. Institute A The annual nee Farmers' Institut residence of H. afternoon of June business will be tr election of office ronto, will be p Institute will liol same time and pl be held in conne your basket. M and Mrs. Ca inPb Institute. R.lt Morrie, vice pres Secretary of Per nual Meeting. ng of the West Huron will be held at the orris, Loyal, on the I 22nd, when the yearly nsttcted, including the s. Mr. Putman, To - sent. The Women's i their meeting at the, ce: apicnic will also tiou. Come and bring Cantelton is president 11 secretary of Women's Holing, president; H. dent ani P. C. Elfotd ers' Institute. HELLEBORE PARiS CREEK BLUE STONE BUC DEATH In Fact everything for sprinkling Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Currant and Gooseberry Bushes and Potatoes. We Persnme BL'G DEATH is a new preparation in this Part of the country. We only ask you to look into ' the matter—try a pound—it has been used in other places with good success— Why not with you? A,I,McCall&Co. LIMITED. Druggists and Opticians, Successors to-- COLIN A. CAMPBELL. ONT. a WINGHAM, be ingbamoarge of thisthyea12thr ry effort to make sful one ever held very indication at 'orts will be amply upwards of forty their intention of is confidently ex- ber will be about of brass bands will stance, and, with the band will furnish am - Ste for the day. Prom - he Order will be pre. dresses. Arrangements .r special train service ich, together with the pounced, should be the g a large crowd. Visit - be assured of a hearty elebration. Many CaIIs are received from business fi4ms ,and. Many Students are placed in good positions each year by the famous • CENTRAL STRATFORD., ONT. This school stands for the highest and best iu business education in Canada to -day. Many business col- leges employ our graduates as. teach- ers. We have scores of applications trom other colleges. Ask to see them the day you eater. Commense course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL, A Good H. If Day's Work. Mr. Wm. And son, who resides i the Township of urnberry, about tw utiles from Wi gleam, and who ha passed his 77th m lestone in life, recent', clipped twenty sh ep in half a day. Thi is certainly a • etty good half days work for one wh, has attained such a age. Mr. Ander-.n is a Scotchman, and, this no doubt acc.unts for his remark= able energy and : cavity. He has been. a resident of this locality for many years having been presret at the raising of the' first house bui -- in Wingham. Thu; TIMES wishes M Anderson yet man years of health a c1 vigor. —Secure the TIimEs till January 1St, 1905. Ouly 50 cents. - Sandals and Slippers Our Sandal and Slippet display attracts the atten- tion of every lady who gets in sight of our store. Such beauty points in fine shoemaking as are shown in our Dainty Sandals and Slippers leave the ordinary Shoe Store. Hopelessly Stranded Sandals of different heights and Slippers of all styles of cut and toe shapes. Pretty Oxfords, also. Cuban and French Heels. Patent Kid, Vici Kid, Patent Leathers, etc., etc. Just Footwear elegance for your feet. Ladies, step in and see the show, it's a display worth seeing. Oxfords and Slippers, prices - $1.00 to $3.00 1111100. W. J. GREER The Shoe Man. awasmemOnroolitiNalorlinvinlik