HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-12-07, Page 66A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 7, 11988 SPECIAL THIS WEEK 0 OFF WOOL and WOOL BLENDS 9 MAIN 5IREET, SEAFORTH, 527:1900 The Lenc lonc TONING CENTRE Christmas Bureau collecting (Christmas (comes kearly at tthe Duren County Thrifames Bureau, and liacsil :distributors wall :begin ttheir :annual freliPe- tionuifgeotisttbis meek. ILast year anore tthan :320 [Huron (County damilies-dneluding %nal vcif :826 (Children - were :aided `by tthe (Chriatmas :bureau. 'This year, :coordinator Beeline Linger:it:weds liven amore fpeoPle to 'be hooking ffor thelp att (Chrirtmastime , and iis zappealing tto (everyone - community tgroups, (dhurdh :organizations, -service ullitbs :and _iirtlittaity citizens togive genermully: " (Coordinated countywide 1y Faniiy and ,ChildrerPsSeriticesdiffiluron,ttheiChriatmas Burcauiphipoirits ffaaillies tin :need through :its ,conneetions with Lehurehes, (community :grows and :social and Ihenith atgenoies. r Organizers Lin tfive;streas-(Clittton elite1fferth: :Exeter, Gotierieh and Wittigham, (operate • TUESDAY, DEC. 13. c_ 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 `p.m. e Gov0 Come In And See How 11Works 28 Main St. For More Information -CEIII 527-2473 Seaforth Shop Early! Take advantage of factory discounts on that Maytag you've always wanted. cdiStribtition &mitres anti cm- nuracatiluthilikefiatieliignate,ff tneedt+Thuiii- dpreceivesurnewituy,:atnerviitemaikeitithing tforwfinbir,tnewanittensantizasitodkingaittff- Iferlforatitituais.IRamiliesanceiviedittagaif voceries, and iff :needed, norae thdjp pro- \ riding Thriamascdinner. Bregram (or,ganizers ce.ntainize the :need lonnew ttoysandatlothingiforuiliBtirendif dill atges.nomematieartiektsAttehaasthautikaiit- led that, :scarves, :Mitts car dither :award!, thandimade woollen toys (etc.. aimespediallY apprediated. '`Theprograminzessesnharing,metulhatti- tty;"saitiMrsliiingarti,atildinglitetbuireautis :setammtitirdititelhtitionanyn,aikpareritsccan actually (Choose What they Want ffor their (Children, anther than }have iit alhosen ffor them. 'The ciiistribiltion iis (done lby ampeint- merits:and iis very :confidential anti private . 1 1) fi y Centreiktitionafttiteffihrthitmasibureauds tramortatit tto tthe 1prrgram }because itt am- siunistionarantywommmidwilsoncerell, Ann Mutt no area its ntAnetJ. lit ailso ailinibruttes anceriagghig that mlit mew iff anzganiiza- *ens Whit% trailitionilliy wean& littdp alt Chtiatrutts, writ etlindispendently. lin Betifotth donations rill be made webzomeadttheDpitainffiRilli,ffromlnarm. tto 41 rpm,, be9lnIuI!glFIlttIay, Illecendher 11), and manning artery ditty through Thaestfity, Illearanher Illartiethritillleffinaneitilciionationsozanthe diiredeiltbo: 1PanillyanditliiiffireffliterricesaffiBurun (County AffaloueetterIllerrime (Gaileti4h,311ritatio IN7A11Wil 1Poroingutilie_srmill1.191311146531108. Involvement lops in Iorai Santa Claus parade -SeefortliVllecontlAmnualEveriiugilanta Claus Baradeattrattetiaattetalaffffilffkutts andffivelbands,andcdrewailargecezowiltto Beaforth,sMain StreetERriday Might. • tion -Army fBand of lention, vwas =tablets) attend:the parade, tbtitmetettlielbandkrited humamerrorandaanirdeketinatitesiastthe reason. Despite their „absence thownwar, the parademasalbigintettess-tthmilmtbottheuff- orts dif :maw people. The !parade :itself 'was 4pmisored by tthe %ions iGhtb, ,Ross DR1they dhateltg'1heoganizingcom- mittee.lbyeeSthJsoeontnjbutedaUjjt of timeandtefforttotthe(orgmezingliftthis year's parade. Various local -businesses - dmiluding Kelift Auto Service, rIalkes Natibine Shop,ffileffmnyeftlaill,diebnER.IlacTilwain Construction Ltd., Pizza Train, lillittney- lilliey Funeral 'Rome, 'The Buron Ex- positorrSeaforth Creamery' Co. itti.,(CJJA Auto Service and Custom Art Design - , donated the trophies ler the Ffloat competition. The 'Lions Chib provided the winners fel the costumed .walking participtun com- petition, .with Lions crested pens, ,ehange purses and lighted key. chains. In addition, the Lions Club provided all parade participants with a hot drink and hot food at the parade's .concilusion. Assistingthe Lions inFloatiine+uppriorto the parade, were: Larry McClure, Ravin Hackett, Bob Patriek anti Mandy Gritizek. Winners of the costumed walking par- ticipant competition were: Best North Pole - Chris MdNaughton .and Jar& Bedard; Best Winter 'Wonderland - SeaforthFirernen; Best TottlandAtimand Jennifer Boyd and Bev Biwa, Trudy }Ilp- shaw, , Carrie McMillan and Donna ,Before you send II, sedlni with a tehrttibnas Sea! IPreszoator Most ffitunorous-IBrown/BeariantlEatenffillkin and IBreitt iliwy; 'Mod Elliatiftil }Thilar Sear - Titration; EBest Bealotth 'Brian amtilllitiliiiiemon, Winners df the filo& (competition vwere: Most (Old - Bedford' Legion; RieStifitanoroui-BeefortieBIA; MottlRan- ttasy-lletTitransinatt BeStSlatiVilw-(Cana- ipi(ilianire iiR°o • :redte, ;Metlit'aliellie- Marehing.i81365131111(Grcurp- Illazy Mediates; Beat 116afforniing Maud -Buffett Mititrittt Haigh Selman Mil Trinunpet Band; Beat Frimmnereizil Bloat -Danablian'ffire ; 111ent/RmillyifIbutt- Dan COfflourke Land Dell IRanin Ramillies ; (:anchibd Meat. (Organization - Datierieh lions Toy show winners picked IBOORMURESIFORBABUDRABROW Toy '07rattor Bum Swanson Masai lEgnipmeitt, Ellutikoreetl, ffelin Deem &elk off cardsaandtbusinesscardtheitierffrornibity.MasseyBergusontteliffy diearilmuttetitityllabblEarmlegidpment,(Clinton.anillBurtyoniPlursettionateditY Virulent Farm IRgudinnerit. 'Toy thorn mit tity MriGrutin &arm 811gi iunmint, Whitton. Case Maw tractor thy Vard Warmallgnipmeitt,Miteleell. 11113919EREI: Sam :Metflure, Bedforth, •Thilimiton, See:forth, Mary }Me, Bt. 'Thomas, Helen Conndll, Senforth, Glenda (Gardiner (Clinton, Dreensan (Glenn, Mort Boron, 'lltiehigan, Mrs. Bill }Reiland, (Clinton, :Maxine EiZtiliniiii,Datierieh :209214111081FiRtill0117SHOWIETIERMPEORS • Most .Attractive 1E0014y: David :Martin, licatborough,1121ott Attractive Belling Cllineent &arm Illiquip., Braferth, Mott Dittittanding 0/ ,The Van - Friers, IRoortifielti, Farm Ti"y Show Oat Winner: Ibiff Millie lEitteliener, alt Miniature Tractors: Brig}, irekind,Titeeswater. . Q101.1150110W Quilts were, on display limn BR U 32eittnilia Goderitth, Enron Bounty Mamma, Bensall, Ilistowel, Beef orth. Rome Liff these were Mint priie wimuns Dom Mimi ThatriaVSfairs. Prizesfor doorprizetttehow: waillthanging (damned litylRearlIDEile,Setiforth;a patternttotintike.awinillhaughigantkindbliiingatentrepieeetityticifforti; and :fabric printed to anake(ChristmasctienorittionsvOltieharestermtantlaitiffhttitity Jessie \Wareham -the 'ffl.airibowd"tenbibitoriindiellsikow. Winners of Door Prizes: Mrs. 'Romig, }Batffield; (Cketle1Turnb1111,liedetth; miff 'Sixtieth, (Clinton. 100151511019500010S Teddy :bear, pattern:for Barbie:AA tent:and thomemaftetiseftdbill all prodded 'hy. Setif orth AgrimilturalSodety. Winners ditto:Jr:prizes at dell thaw: Jeanette Mangan, Mayne Beading, 'Varna, lettigel Matson, Reda& Most attractive display at dell dhow 'was (Cintlft Drills lily Iftomie Ilariksan alt Ocaftshow girizes were three toy gunikages,33 aibilb =ice, anti aiciartoitd audit • lead: 444 TPlimters -1Mb/1-Shanahan , Clinton',Wilandylornattronelaikonigirmn,litilm Ryder, Bnibro, A1. Van Dorp Bettforth,:anti Iiiktda Minimum, IIIihrthm. Award wirmerf or most outstanding WdItln [Dawson IRR22, 'Wheatley, HEAVY DUTY WASHER MODEL A104 • Lasts longer, needs tewer repairs and costs toss to service • No 1proterred brand •olaso ori a CalW.vi maim -iv brand prEtererte aym?) • Large apacity WASHER1DRVER SAVE ViclIfidikattrOYNAift 4:0411$1** NMEL IME303 -.:F011,inzattlefgoveregitY vestherandlitytt7 MODEr:"6=n''''''11)00 HE SfeRMC.V14.1.F. , FURNITURE * tv. « APPuANcrp, -2 YOUR CHRIST GIFT STORE FOR HIM.... Dream Shirts and qport Starts 14 Forsyth, /Arrow, [Reno Cardin. 16Psti. GREAT SELECTION.. *HANDKERCHIEFS IA *SOCKS *BELTS *SCARVES *PYJAMAS *HOUSECOATS *SLACKS *LUGGAGE *ATTACHE 'CASES Ssa 11:11)D 9111 SWEATERS Plains and fancies Tha wide colour frame Fox, Fag, 'Terry WiTuans. 1744eck, car- tfigall EMI Crew [ma styles in fiat knit or cable sTitch. SELECTIOR 5"