HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-09, Page 88 t THE WINGIIAUI TIMES JTJNE 9, 190$ fi t; CHISHOLM BLOCK ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + •+ + + • • • + + Can't be beat REGENT BRAND READY - TO - WEAR CLOTDINO A. R. SMITH. has the sole control of this superior Clothing. In about a month he will strew his customers the best range of Ready-to.Wear Clothing ever shown in Wingham-better finished, better tailored -the inside work of the garments is snperior to the usual ready-made work. He also hes an outfit supplied for the Tirade -to -measure department, enabling1n hnu to give his customers an (mimed. u1t when they are not norm 1 Rna nher this <r<-Rogert Let thepeople bethe judge e e hit a decision in end A. R. Smith is <, ut fat to abide to by the echsh n as to the merits of this big stock, whit; will be here in the course of a mouth. NOT ROOM ENOUGH -Therefore will give Bargains in all lines of clothing now on hanri--llien's Youths' and bnvs Suits, Gents' Furnishings Hats, Caps Boort and Shoes, for the uext month. Remember the Regent Bran.] can't be brat. • • + • • + + WING HAM +++++d++++++++++++++++++++ Pretty Pattern AND ALL HEW The Wail Papers we want you to see are strictly this Season's Productions. They are unquestionably -super- ior in beauty of design and artistic colorings to any we have ever shown, or that you can see elsewhere. It should not be difficult to in• duce lou to examine them. Will you do so soon? COOPER Si C09 (Successors to Alex. Ross.) MINOR LOCALS. -A meeting of the Directors of the Turnberry Agricultural Society will be held at the Queen's hotel on Thursday evening, June 23rd to atrauge pries list fsi;he Winghaun fail fair. • "'.'-Mr. J. E. Swarts shipped his racing horses to New Hamburg this weep, and before returning home will take in the circuit of races at New Hamburg. Listo- wel, Seaforth, Stratford, and other p Ants. - y agreement between the business people of Brussels the varieus stores and shops Will close each evening at 7 o'clock excel tin; on Saturdays, and evenings preceediug holidays during the summer mouths. {-Mr. Donald A. Stewart has accepted a position as junior clerk in the Back in • Hamilton at 1'eeswater, and left for that place on Tuesday. Mr. Stewart is a young man who should do well and we wish him every success. -One of the old and respected resi- dents of Huron Towuslhub, near Ripley, passed away on Wednesday of last week In the person of Robert Gawley, aged 72 years. Deceased was an uncle of Mrs. John J. Moffat, B. Line Turuberry. Mr. F. Patterson was in Lucknow this week building a lawn bowliug green for the bowliug club of that village. Next week the Forest City Paving Op ander Mr. Patersou's supervision l repair the defects in cement sidewalks laidelty that Co. iu Wingham. -r Mr. Frank Buchanan, who recently took an interest in the 0. Lloyd & Son Co., manufacturers of doors, has moved his family to Wingham from ''.ronto and has taken up his resident in Mr. Huge Taylor's house, corner . John and Shuter street. Walker r(A. &; Butto a prices have been to�onest to suit tr competitors for rllepast six _ rs- • t we're bound to give the people -al for their money. The sooner the Fr<.• is found out the -The Atwood Bee is taking the usual better, for our business. holiday this week. WALKER Bros. 6:: BUTTON. -Huron County tinned is in session -Miss Nancy Irvin, daughter of the ,'at G)ierwc i this week. late Robe. Irvin, of Lower Wingham who has been in London for some years, 1 -Judge Holt will hold Division Court died in that city on Sunday last, aged Aitu[sTHOcco—HATasTQcK.—In St. Stephen's Church, Gerrie, on June 1st, by the Rev. E. A. Hall, of (rorrio Mr. I:ieleird Armstrong to Miss Lizzie Hainstosk, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hainstock of Hu,viciu Wat rMn an-ReanaIN<:.--At the, residence of the bride's parents, Howielc on une 1st, by Rev. Mr. Holmes Mr. George Whitfield of (irt'v to Mis9Mary Sperling. youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. lt&twin Sperling ot the 4th con. Inwtly-HOnuuun.-At the manse, Foderielt, on June 1st, by the Rev. A. B. Dobson, Mr, Fred In% in to Miss Minnie Hnbintul, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Stewart. HAUicns-M('LEon -At the Manse. Ford- wiclh on June lst, by the Rev. A B. Dobson, Mr. 11obt. Harites of W'illnce tr., to Miss Jessie McLeod of the 10th eon., Howiek. Ro:t+sns-SNkr:4--Ab the residence of the bride's parents on June 1s*, by let 'v i•1t'• Coup - land, Mr. Win Rogers, of Westfield to Miss Ltzzi' t.., •laugt ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Snell, of Ens Wawanosh. o • 7)IED IuvTtr.- InLontlon,on Tune1th, Nano/ Irvin, daughter of Mrs. Robert Irviu,Lower Wingham, aged 33. years. GRA V.—In Own Sottnd, on May 39th, Ws siey Gray, formerly of Wiitgltam, aged 43 years. G Huron, on the lst, of June, R `a do iert ,'•t (: t„ lav uncle of Mrs, John J. Mu f:rt tMol fat, Linc Turn' errY, F ,,. 3 et cd cars, LANfiMOItU.-In Kinloss, on May 28, Armin Isabella Langford, beloved wife of Alexander Lam:fohd, aged 40 years. Coax. -In Blyth, on May 0tst, Rowland Cook. aged la years and le days. MAnSitAT,r,: In Morris, on June ist, Mrs, Wm. Marsholl, aged 85 years and 9 months. S'1'Unihy.-In East Wawanosh, on May 20th, Mrs. Joint Sturdy, aged 50 years.` _ - - in Wingham to -day. (Thursday.) ell years, The remains were brought -"Be,,inuers Dar" at the Tennis to Wingham on Tuesday morning and Courts on Friday (June 10th 1. the funeral took place from the G. T. R. -.The Listowel bakers are again sell- station to the Wingham cemetery. ing bread at five cehits per small leaf. -Mr. Thos. Armstrong, of this town -The general sessions of the County has been awarded the contracte,of plac- Court will start at Ooderich on Tuesday ing the three furnaces in the new R. C. of next week. church at Kingsbridge. lir. Armstrong -All Ocldfello�vs are requested to at- securd the contract in competition with tend the meeting of Maitland Lodge a large number of firms. The furnaces this (Thursday) Evening. to be used in the church are the new one now being manufactured by the -The Independent Foresters of Monk- Western Foundary Co., of this town ton intend running an excursion to Kin- and known as the "Red Hot Huron." cardiae on June 25th. -Regular monthly meeting of the Wingham School Board ou Tuesday evening of next week. -The North Huron Comity L.O.L. will hold a meeting in Winghatn on Fri- day afternoon of this week. -Rates at the Royal and Queen's hotels at Kincardine have been advanced from $I.00 to $1.50 per day. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. -The annual district Oddfellows'meet- Ing will be held in the I. 0. 0. F. hall, Wingham, on Wednesday afternoon, Jt�:i.,n,rae� 22nd. ++�3ir. Will Jobb was given a watch by his Sunday School class and teacher, it being sent to him at London where he is now working. eve •--D. M. Gerdon has a new° advt. in another column of this issue. Read it - and pick up some of the snaps offered in seasonable goods., -The Oadfellows of Wroteter have purehase(1 it niece of land nal will erect t!t brick bloclr, using the second story of the building as a lodge room. -June--The month of weddings. The Trims prints the finest wedding sta- tionery o11 shortest notice. A new stcck et the latest type just to hand, -All members of the Tennis Club are >ogrrdially Invited to the Club grounds on Saturday afternoon, (June lith) when *Teat" will be served at four thirty. -Tho plant of the Palmerston Pork king Company has been purchased by .Joe_,ph 14 i. O'Mara of Limerick, Ire. , and is running to its full capacity. The '[inion Sunday Sehool excursion $itloardin e will likely be held this roar Cell gteeaday, August 2nd. Pull as�eticttlare will be given in future is - Mac --Charles Elliott and family return to x11 friends for the many kind b of sympathy received by In their long sickness and recent Titte volunteers front Huron county T1144141AY to spend the nsttal time A special train conveyed the to Ledadotl. Some fifteen Went Wtaghstn. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night cells at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritcbie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. $30.00 to Colorado and Return Via Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line. Chicago to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily throughout the summer. Correspond- ingly low rates from all points east: Only one night to Denver from Chicago. Two fast trains daily. Tourists sleeping cars to Denver daily. B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St. Toronto, Ont. DR. OVENS, of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingliam monthly, Glasses properly fitter]. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Wingham Office -Campbell's Drug Store. London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours : 13 to 8 p.m. Dates cf visits -Mondays, Feb. 1, Feb. 29; March 28, May 2, May 50, June 27, July 25, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Noy. 28. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No. 130 ITOLD their regular meetings on the 2nd a and 4t11 Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAXWELL, C. C. R. H. CROWDER, Clerlt. Sudden Death at Newcastle. Thos, C. Beman, formerly a well- known druggist of Toronto, died sudden- ly at his father's home in Newcastle last week, aged ..37 years. Deceased had been in the best of health and was spend- ing n few days at his father's home. After taking some breakfast he went to lie down and a few hours later was found dead. Deceased went to Cuba some time ago and not being satisfied with that country returned to Canada. Mr. Beman was a nephew of Mrs. (Dr.) Tamlyn, of this town. LICENSE TRANSFER. THE undersigned hereby notifies the public I. that he has sold his hotel property and business in Wingnain to Thomas Hill, of Lon- dt sboro, and that the license will be transferred on or about the 2Ist day of Tune 1(•04. JAS. BROADWAY. Winglin n, .Tune 4th, 1904. Ladies rE ALED TENDER ' addressed to the under - t0 signed and en orsecl • Tende for Post Office, Wingham, On .," will he re veil nt this• office until Monday, ton 13, 1110 • inclusively, for the construction f aPost 0 co Building at Wingham, Ont. Plans and speciflca ions ea be seen and terns of tender obtained, thi. epartment and ot. application to Wm. ' el son, Esq., Wingham, Ont. Persons tenderin , e notified that tenders will not be consid ed unless made on the printed form suppl ed, and signed with their actual signatures. Ezell tender mu be nccompanied by an accepted cheque o a chartered hank. made payable to the or er of the Honourable the Minister of Public orits. equal to ten percent. (10p.c.) of the nmou it of the tender, ,which will be forfeited if the 1 arty decline to enter into a contract when call upon to do so, or it he fail to complete the w rk contracted for. If the tender be not ac pted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any ender. By rder, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Pi bile Works, Otto a, June 1, 1031. Newspapers i erting this advertisement without nuthorit, from the Department, will not be paid for it. Pt Olt Y. AI/ANN.-4n Wingham Town Plot, on June Ord, the wife of Mr. Charles Adams; a daugit- ter. 14oNk: -7n Morris, nn May 29tH, th(• wife of Thos. W. Bone; a son. EA'rrMAv.—In Grey, on May 20th. the wife of Henry Bateman : a son. K1 r.r.v.-Hh Morris. on May 27th, the wife of Mr, Michael Kelly, of Twins -boy and girl. LAWSON.--In Colborne, on May 18th, the wife of Mr. R. Lawson, of twins -boy and gill. Uutsrnr.r,.-TnTeiswater, on ]fay »2.;th. the wife of Mr. D. Driscoll; a son. M sieves. --In Culross, on May 31, the wife of Mr. Henry Meolynn: a son. 1itAitRIED CnAtr.--RonvtTSo 7 --At the home of the bride's uncle Me. M. Robertson, Frances street, on June 8t1,. iiy Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. Orlando G. Craig to Miss Miriam Robertson, both of Wingham, Cr, suic--• aTonL.-On Thursday June 2nd, in Paul's t7tturelt, Wingham, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr. Joshua Clark to Miss Elizabeth Rintonl, both of Whitechurch. CA'ltterts-PitATT.-Atthe Methodist Parson- age, Brussels, on May 30, by Rev. T. Wesley Casette, Mr. John Thomas Carter to Mins Mary Ellen Pratt, both of Blyth. 11TAWAAT—PoT'rye.--At the re.:idenee of the bride's parent+ on June 1st Mr. W. H Stewart, formerly of Blste•vale to Miss Cassie Potter, daughter of Wm. Willie Potter of 1eowlittg Green, Amaranth. Call and inspect carefully bargaiq t, bite in D. M. Genii ri store. Season. able goods pi n away at one-half and in many cases one-third, the regular prices. No harm in picking up some " Snaps " out of our " penny Box." D. M. GORDON EIRECT IMPORTER. ye PENITENTIARY SUPPLIES. („;.'l BALED TENDERS addressed "Inspectors 1.-1 of Penitentiaries, Ottawa," and endorsed "Tenders for Supplies," will be received until Friday, 24th June, inclusive, from parties desirous of contracting for supplies, for the fiscal year 1004.1905, for the following institu- tions. namely Kingston Penitentiark. St. Vincent de Paul Penitentfa •, Dorchester Penitentiary. Manitoba Penitentiary. Columbia Penery Lary, Regina Jail. Prince Albert Jail, Separate tender will ie received for each of the following elms,s auPplies :— 1. Flour (Cana i i Strong Baker's). 2. Beef and int on (fresh). 3. Forage. 4. Coal (anthracite and bituminous). u. Cordwood. 8. Groceries. - 7. Coal Oil ti,, barrels). 8. Dry Goods. 9. Drugs and Medicines. 10. Leather and Findings. 11. Hardware, Tinware, Paints, eta. 12. Lumber. Details of information ns to form of contract, together with forms of tender,will be furnished on application to the Wardens of the various instittttions. All supplies are subject to the approval of the Warden or Jailer. All tenders submitted nhust specify clearly the institution, or institutions, whiehit is pro- posed to supply, and must bear the endorsation of at least two responsible sureties. Papers inserting this notice without author- ity from the King's Printer will not be paid therefor. DAL"(ALAS STEWART, GEO. W. 'DAWSON, Inspectors of Penitentiaries. Department of Juetiee, Ottawa, May 81, 1904, .ra..r.b Binder Twine We are sole agents in Wingham for the Ontario Government T wiues, Pure Manilla, 010 feet to the lb ]2aye Manilla, 000 feet to the lb 11340 Farmers' Special, 550 feet to the lh.11e Farmers' Special, 100 feet to the Each package contains 60 lbs• of Twine, with a two -bushel grain bag and three rope halters with snaps and rings. Every ball guar- anteed. Freight paid to your near- est station. Orders must be in by June 15th. Fishleigh's HARDWARE, WINGIIANI. STRAY PEIFER. Came onto she premi, _s of the undersigned, (half a utile south of inghaht) on the 15th May, a dark red year] g heifer with two small white spots on face. weer will kindly prove property, pay expens , and take her aa -ay. R. 8, STEINN, Lot 42 Con. 14, Enst Wawanosh. LI BALED TENDERS addressed to the under - I,/ signed, and endorsed " Tender for Godericli Breakwater," will be received at this office until Monday, July 4, 1904, inclusively, for the cnnstruntion of a Breakwater at (loderich. County of Huron, Ont., according to a pian and specification to be seen at the otficg9'of 11. A. e. of harbour fe Building• Postmaster of Department of Grey, Esq., Engineer in char works, Ontario, Confederation Toronto, on application to th (4oderieh, Ont., and at th •. Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be co . idered sinless made on tho printed form a lied, and signed with the actual signator . f tenderers. An accepted clieq a on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Ptthlic Works, for nine themanl dollars ($3,000.00,1 mustaeenmpaltyeach tender. The eheque will be forfeited if the party ter der - Mg decline the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be retitrried lit case of non-seeeptance of tender. The D'partmeet dries not bled itself tat c• crept the lowest or any tender. ley order, GET.INAs, Seers tars. Department of Public Werke, Ottawa Juno 4, 1004, Newspapers inserting thie adoertietriteet wlthr tit authority from the Department, Will not be paid for K. 4 A FEW OF THE dee Hive Specials FOR THIS WEEK. ART MUSLIN S We ere showing an elegant range of very new and pretty colotirgs of Art Mnslins, worth in a replier way t'rnm 123() to 15o per yawl. Bee Hive speolal price per yd. .10 BUTTONS The new and np•tn•dete in Tri neither Bute -nos Meted. and Fan - sr] it, toll ate . are here. Pearls, Gilt, Gt Fan- cies, at mines I-engine�at. ner rlr•zen 5e Se 100 12,}e 15c 18e 20e 25c end up to 75c HOSIERY Wonderful Ho';iery Selling for this week -a few dozen more of those Ladles fine fest blank 20c per pair kind still on sale at 2 pair for - - 25c Other money -saving values at per pair. 20c 21Tc 40c and 50e GROC.ERY BARGAINS 2 peekages Shredded Wheat Biscuits, for 2fi'c 2 packages Oilmen Meat. for - - - 2Fc 2 large bottles Tomato Catsnp, for - 25c Wiley saving prices all through our Grocery department. ingsmommroorammina THE TABLE LINENS The real Irish Linen hind, the kind that Wm - dries Finooth and nice. Splendid values, at per yd. 25c 40c 50e (i0c and nn to - $1.00 LADIES AND CHILDRENS UNDERVESTS forty dozen choice values of Ladies and Child- ress summer nnderveste with or without sleeves, some beautifully trimmed with lane, of hers plain. Prices ere for each, 5c 10e 12? e 15c 20e 25c and up to 5Oc Every one of special value. SPECIAL FOR MEN' AND BOYS Threw Silk Neckwear., New Collars, New Summer Underwear, New Hats, New Fancy Shirts, New Hosiery, New Suspenders, New Umbrellas, All at prices in favor of the buyer. SPECIAL VALUES In Parasols, Dress Goode, Dress Trimmings, Corsets end Corset Covers. HIGHEST ]PRICE FOR The KEELER. CO, MUTTER AND EGGS Hive® WINGH.Ah]VI, Ont. r"{U.''al'.;:+{,q,''/a,t,rr.'yh•. Vt,.,.i T!!!+e .!•.:.:t Y?a� ,. ..ti••:h�'t.j�,1" RITCHIE'S JUNE. SALE JUN RITCHIE'S JUNE SALE I FOR THE ,MONTH OF JUNE WE WILL OFFER SOME EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS, INCLUDING : Dress Goods at Special Prices, - Carpus of Sweeping Reduction& BEGINNING W E'DNES <<I AY„ JUNE 1, 1904, at 0 A a Mas You may rely on getting goods as we advertise. Ladies' Muslin Undergarments Undergarments at 25 per cent. Underskirts at 25 per cent. Nightgowns at 25 per cent. OFF REGULAR PRICES. $1.00 Gown for • 1.25 Gown for - 1.0C Muslin Drawers for .25 Muslin Drawers for .75 .75 .19 Linen Laces. The balance of our stock of Linen Laces, qualities ranging in prices from 5e to 121,c per yard. Your choice for, yd .05 Shoe Display for June Sale Including Oxfords, Slippers and Boots, reg. 1.25, 1.50, 1.75. To clear at, per pr $1.00 Ladies' Knit Vests AT BARGAIN PRICES. �s Ladies' Kid Gloves AT 'PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE. Lace Curtains See the good qualities at low prices. 250 to $8.00 per pair. Dress Goods Remnants 1 lot of Remnants of Dress Goods. New goods at one-quarter off regular prices. IMI••••e Qotton and Cashmere Hose. 10 dozen Cotton Hose, worth 350. June sale price - - - - .25 20 dozen Boys' Ribbed Cotton Hose, worth 20c and 25c, to clear at 15o or 2 for .25 CARPETS. In this department we have quite a num- ber ot remnants, including Tapestry, Brussels and Wool Carpets, with 5 to 15 yards in each. 50c, 75c and 85c qualities. June sale price - .45 sommisser LADIES' CORSETS A LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Dress Goods, Black and Colored AT BARGAIN PRICES, $1.50 black and colored Suitings for 1.45 qualities Etamiues for .00 Voiles for .75 Voiles for - - .50 Basket Cloth for $1,25 1.20 .75 .55 .40 Ladies' Shirt Waists We have an extra large stock of Shirt Waists that we will sell at BARGAIN PRICES. Embroideries Juno Sale prices in the above lines. LOT NO. 1 -Embroideries worth 5c, Ge, 7c, 8c. and 9c per yard. Choice, per yard, - .05 LOT NO. 2 -Goods worth 10c, 12::ec and 15c. June Sale price per yard, - .10 N LOT O. 3-17c, 18c and 20c qual- ities for, per. yard, - .16 Table Linens Having bought a large shipment of Table Linens at our own prices, we will be able to give you extra good values. 72 -inch, all Linen, worth regularly 75c and S5o, for - - ,50 Extra good qualities for, per yard .25 Silk and' Lisle Thread Gloves Sample lot of Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, assorted colors, worth from 25c to 45c. June Sale price, per pair .20 Our Stock of Staples at Bargain Prices ONE PRICE TO •EVERYONE. CASH AND TRADE ONLY. COME EARLY AND GET THE FIRST CHOICE. BEAVER. 13LOCR: WINGHAM AleX.Ritchie. r s1„_:. „. Ir.. 1 1.:..insoiet>r6 .. ) r•� r,