HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-11-23, Page 14114LDA - THE lE7l(QFTi EIFIT „ IFi@iWfflgtp 7/3„ TREE 14_ ARTIICLES FOR SALE 1 23® REAL ESTAT1E 23. REAL ESTATE N"l -lie) ir' ij GJEI r ,. fttie galls &qhs ,itFIs11I One at? Moue, erltitagt ti s 8iaihataars .441gmarm- am*l sown .dikanill swam .hila Ike ✓far' !f, 117.'" Table saws r ltara6 lea nfian it A 27- 101clet at! sheat Oakum Gnuarramanti ManRilux GasOw O ILTON 777 Flht= Si $ Soden:lar Cho I, REAL., EiSTATE LTID,. 26, APARTMENTS FO ; RENT LARGE tww Omitmgnm apantntemt Ymir rent in Saaf(witn Quiet sheet tClbsen tai dlaultmtaiwnl Fnid,, sheie, erastherr, dryer immlbttadl For more imfbnmatiemi rani 52.41 -gaga ma ast-aasea 11914!77-2 ORE EEITUREIGNI aparenentt M'biim Stt hawk iain fhirttrg� alae, shave;. rnaw1yy daumnatedl $2513 per inaz tthk Musts 52W-117/201 21Tb-44tfl LOMRll!E V1IW.A hilar Limits available imamedlate- lyy Rhona 34544E91 264141 MI Sae ilent tf AIIIIEE ii h"dlpi3liUl tLATAI , IiiMEO aiaagi7A Chaim Sams hum fl hie spm"s; ar ih•ruillthmas. &APR mrsottlslls inn stavriki.. Cilerrritpl ilk and rattan filar wAthatt we smell In it Glen Saws ff' wni 444©Gngwm 55 GO 'CH ST W t�Roechaiderriaal i8 ditmm® &Sa a killactily Sara !ted Tar time ally- me has atm $J -s,, a &Laurinil;% mom cour mAtry stygle Ohre kErtshem, %aced VIRAL diaaal- Eme giamoga & march =am. Arm this it boxcar Syp us moaned amae®emafuall mak, ne.,n•�l Fire perfect;:e"., am borne reliaaed b miffrmm.as amid tgye best part of an % 44112ACCLOG- MUST BE SEMI r OPEN HOUSE VIEWING Brandi new s ,un) -c j enc i maim street apartments - t bachelay, 11 - arm Eledlr oomL Satrerdaz, WV& 2E 111 aura. Iff ,dart,, 86 Marr Street S. For further 7nfa,, calf E1848. 23- EAL. ESTATE 1126. APARTMENTS FOR RENJT HEATED two, badman apartment, 3 piece hatttT available ,January. U. Rime 523-1219&. 1 26 -46I -d3 T Vfa@)16ETIMEX tnOl apartment mewl flj alaconatedt close to uptownc gµiet area Phone 42321-53356. 213-47-2 ONE ®EDtAtO@.NRI apartment ter neat Walton. Availablle immeilatelyy, Pumas » fl81DS(np�lmr®817/-60801 26:4,31 WORKMAN NTI REAL ESTATE Oa L :STll : ,,n\GENTS We are corrrfrt ney interviewing experienced, ekiri ', die„ sctli,,''dl i divfdtriilalls to complement emir adrogging Clinton ¢Contact ee Estate 91 TT VICTORIAv 5nshi ii Q11JlUiU it 9) 1-)) The Mlinii-Stete its a poweirttuln UHF/VHF TV 2_)) The Italiilrnii-State its dullralbile_ 3) The Itainii-Sttate comes compilete and is easy to alrri�f)ll_ 4_)) The Whiff -SUS i ssmall 5. )) The WTnil State ns economical. Can you think off any Ian not to choose a MINI -STATE CAMPBELL'S Horne v=ovie611 Cerrmre 527-1420 Si Sty .obi 15. RV'S FOR SALE EXCELLENT IAL'Ot SSIIf EiliTf FRCP - BRIM Two Imo, 2 bedews apartments. vary/ well kept Nes multi and rnru¢}m more Faatimal ars liege climate, euerlimmkurgl tlhe muerr Apartments rravie crompenc separateentlrarrces RIR more Mishits mill Matt 5077411661ID MST QJS1fffic ltfimt amndltlram this 3 IaeeJlmiwun 2 stamp semi =ached, rrome. Mary 2r' n ism' whin fireplace ter- race over garage, pinveroy fiance ,m rear y ,Ng aafi tra p8ltedl muss be seem Cain Sher= Reedit 5271utratt tar mrr ,m(U,u.simm Exam.a.tour STARTER ke¢fte t bitick fiw,et morn street. 3 bNoile.,u,r •',a attain. t Leu home. 2 oar ttizsmms. Mamma= storm filramlt mess Its excaNEatt w4,11.4 ttuneLjy Rs awcn onus mum hoin,r Ars, %OCTE T REACh t 2 tw_dinaiwm bunggrafbuaz year rpurdfacilities, garage, large tit rn ea urn water Ergs WITH THE ACTION TEAM Seng VES (11-4,a, mitt aiN your Mean Rim Since MSG Medd ( S23 -C860 Fear EktratUne tIMD a&rr3 Bi19 Steeizstra 433-5353 &rte Craig 452-2669 cd -fp rr Victoria 3 . Clk,tu„ CM -EMI M11441R Pit Y "s & Trail WRii(tfy .•.i iia. Tem. Trtanell and Part% mmrdJft„ Aker : k Adtdl-a-rt rt=1s. AUar-Cti » • H+JtL lh. and .A`u.wi eiuinrcS, !MPF Al Used Large select= tux prices IRIvell Trader etre IR V Came Tevitatniate Ott f51I6j1 3* -2 12 it tS47.tls NEWLY iLJS11ffic' m bedroom brick tumgaliaw. 32 years old mu:anent amndi. km kaki finished basement carport lace IIA lancer aped wood shack for =No. gals Ihar water neat vast bar, satellite dish, & morn intuit, (Lost 03415E10 amorefeut d 5akli uni srctaspllt buck a tiny, home. 2 baths latrge basement nevi adttittart finished attached garage Itarge deck, etocellant trance, °VIAL. LOT: r,*" deep, mantic !Maus meter rip property tirne, ideal to put your dream tame art. V A IRLUILialli CE 3 r, r'rt storey home. men fiber rec roam yeti wrrottgravru; !large it:crash.= wilts double garage truck doors, Wake an mfflar 51Sfs, FREE EthWIATIORS REPRESENTATIVE HENRY MEMO 527-0430 °32.1313131130) is toe• fiulll price off this 3i lhedhmmm benne, blame:. S afi:Lawn an ar dbulble licit in, n as S. NltdM SE: 33 inditshriall Ibis, - excellbnh Ibca- tienr x301001910131 WBSIt INP!! 1tEa Ni SEL ne33 bedhaarm backspl It am au lenge Ibis witlh finished basement and aan- porm 405k01110131 SAiriftS SAs 111his 3Ibedhmmrm brick Ihungelbwu bas as campleielly ffirri silted basement with 3tdl ibedhmaml gpnage IRbrridlm imam and muclh mane Weir be seem '136,,1 0111 Mc[61IDECIP DN[84: Nal acne hemi Ica am raced rimae with M bedroom, home ands lap workable acnes '2O0i0f301001 VS ACRES in, Wahl Ilea itnyp,, tiled & wankable `75,1111010131 S. MAIN Sax [Excellent 3 beck: um blame with garage Chaseto uptown 'afik 1.0101rt a RESWE lEarAR. LOBS in, Egrrtondkille• with, niuerr view, 915.003130 ear EGAICIMELVItille Reautifuf D bedhaom, brick ranch, arm 71 IVnfs with db ible• gpnage & sharp: lbstePul y,• decorated) & nicely,• hetet t pelt VeriA reasonable: 1LESELUIET SRICCK C*ONNE= In prime Reaction en Church Sit , ikaatuning3large bedhamms, fbmily room, 2 sundecka, large. slew, and best of al la P bedht am self-can'tamed apartment; well nentedt A4lr this Pon' 118;0130,00: NRAOS SEL Commenci:l lar with 90' frontage aching '7/3, GPM 0@ 21212 SQ. of commercial space an hiwy, fbr lease: 3f21l0S&L Et: Commercial building an t acre obis ler in ttiblah,ell. ideal bar small monufiac- tunes 'Se 000,00. RATER ARM: t4254. quota Nills* equipped aperanmrr with excellent buildings, PmaIQNt 2 and share. compiles:, ?30O SQ_ 6L' Retail stare art rtwn Sr. with 2 bedroom deluxe aparhnenh Ideal owner ac• upiad business setup, L66 44:0E5c New ranch stole Kama: large harm, 114 acres licensed! gravel pit: ffficttillbp IG,p, riail Aar detaiih, COMM, J& WIECIFISTrilt an G.addnrich St clone to uptown. with residence, AO ACME ottae41¢2 57 warkablts 3 stocked pond, 40' it 50' sited uu11,6,w4 bush, dose to Gadandh flleau.tifirl. ^ 0.6p0,00, setlaIUr rr sl r r�aGw617 2 liadl.,wr.ra, aluminum s,dad rIU, COUNFGli7 IMAM rL* In klydoillbp two. art a pav- ed aved ru,.d, m beautiful m bin.,uui 2 ,.tri ixy brick barrre watfr fulP walk -u attic an S aL, us, iCl1 1/1747-, CCEs 1rJra kava a veer geed setae, Nam of Iota .n Seafertfr, Egnendueile and cram Cull Par .aur dtanne WA MINIS & CrOt3NITRT seorru SSEs 50 ARE PARCEL: rib buildings, tiled; TOD As General Perm. 3 bed.... iteuss barn\ paha barn\ err. Class. ha Seafarth, 3 MOM 3ystenratically Meds re. buildings, TBS Ric pmrtiallly tiled no buildings, 73 &MSc Nabuildings 1119 A.C1133c Net buildings S11 AlE.Sc Niz building% 3Q *tem Pori` workably brick ha..., ex, caller* 5rroncirig available 1 ' BACHELOR APARTMENTS FO ', RENT SEAFORTH 46 CHURCHI STREET *ALL NEWLY RENOVATED aFRIDGE & STODGE INCL119ED aR)JLLY! CARPETED 'LEANEST MOMI aPAY VOIR OWN 'M&11ER & HYDRO aRiENfif5 $2313roito $3Q0901 MONTH Da cow= AFTER S PM! 393-6921 • FOR MORE INFORMATION [27» FOR SALE OR RENT itIEW AND USED. Satellite. Systeme rent err lease to• awns with easy. Monthly payment aeon; repairs to all makes, L & AN S'muthwest'- Satellite; day. or night 524.9595, 27/-41441 ' 29_ FOR RENT LOVELY three bedroom country home located near Winthrop, two acres. Available, immediately. References required please • contact Mr. itlfagalas, day 4r6-67313342, ekenimgp44164337-1038, 29.454 • 3 Bedroom Apartment For Rent e?a=S, Mlanithtyp ROOMS TO RENT by the week APPLY TOE COMMERCiIAL HOTEL 527-0980 30. ROOM & BOARD YOUNG W.Oft4'AiAL wishes room and board for winter months in town of Seatorth. phone 233-9254 after 4 p.m. 30.47-xt 23- REAL ESTATE 1 MASON BAILEY REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON, ONT. MASON BAIL' EY, troltsr 4a24371 C24 bear wervi st GOALG(& HILL. Safes Rap. 293.3307 CAROL 8OHESCHAHKER. Sstss new 11&7-11870 BUNGALOW. Myth. 3 bedrooms, elec- tric rtear. Under t8QQQ0. HEST QF 2 WORLDS: 2 storey, home Cr V4 ar.i a Nicely landscaped lat. 304 Albert Street. Cilnton. 193 ACRE FARitf: Near Auburn, Brack home frame barn and dnveshect Under n90,, 000; 513 ACRES fta„n near Auburn. Good Marne 11011le lots of buildings, ideal fbr part time tbr- ming or I1u,5eS, G A Hwy. location with 2 storey bnck home garage and workshop, Contact Gordon Hill, NEW HOME Under uctian in Vara, '2017 sq, ft for spring completion. Call Gor- dan 14111. 19. PETS -Tanto FEEVALIE g15eialear d . JNe ohms 7 ague a7nay, Filmes 263-a.. 5 r T_, 21. WANTED TO E3UY r- REAL ESTATE LTD ANINTILIE glass @r peeve all ap„ di arbi- euieS SStrL II Sim 0-01211 1 Crim..• Enem mv„arwarrr piart; 211-337-x52 DUDDY O1dit ttiAt a s.- s ;EALt R CASH PAID for ar3Wry Camel, le• ear pinata e.Flalas, arms, ' 'w -ern 'lair,$ .uru,.+ varrrc did ;Er..IZ,-r ••,., '.r^rnur� erre Gall Seaforth i2;-1847 or 527-1633 REAL ESTATE i • . t aE 3 =bill finrisl - " Ideurs-rp,t cazactp frim lee sews .''nRICCA Ilglurd manure terra. . cove salt . Farr - ale rrrtiil =wag shed 2 sttaryp. 3 bedroom faire deck acnwwrtt meshy/ teal maws drip:. -.el ',tater wens age 5 %mtWO coif n 6 p ml4 231 -42 -nom 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT Seaford' Office: 523-1571 8 Main Street, Seaforth MUM LISTINGS 32IDS.LGP b r sante ext off 5li ® -mEvOffrage Ed Ye. F IXEMITL..m. - 114'a 4 E ,.,.n s bears Fcrarms1 I k rola. �i ERS mom_ 2 bade. • STP.-nfEL-canna3Elea g&s head. La em s 9 t&. Newer iT & atEndlamie, si,"luutk...3 ram spacious ikt_ CillERCH SV - ?iter i aL-"e caecraticaL.¢w...eurtny, siiasd Ihst 3 betetacms..gos best. peat • air -icon & am- 1 erg Eu, mem cIT roam 3rCIOIDARECCIAL E11m•3Nrt,+-Ifseu-,�c9 3/E� Ce13 Eca East William - cc. beemnue.ci PREtakeTa ur aft bas a> Siae4:, scaslainasrt„ii yr n. -rt wen fasexted. err ,owniee firm Eaare- cie^'" tta L,isu.mn1.9 g,.:uu;3,r. Dt..ri.a.':. _ -� free eats. At tin see. M7tfm. St- taistefei. Iii &carats& 3 Pier:li mn brangainar. Cam- Ftr 2 ua-+,nr.+r owe. ,F}:. " kftsPren =kb scat mak a 8hi 4 pm. Yt>id&. gas 6un,.,:.v'e. A peate.Gau to r or re mesa (arse to teto AF'ARTItitEATTS ard sled 666 soar RC act kuu„n~ inert ell scrape Reese Oche 345,2415g 25> FETAL SPACE.. Ulan Street Seeferdi ail/citable IfDziast mitur:,r lot. RiNkiita 4182-7411541 Girt- 527-11720 ir527-11720 25414-tR TING EEORT3Ohal flatiron Ihaawsra ice. VARmhttrrrrnfin amt paned mend. amairaid.Falai 1St 5350. QtD Pius Attics erg plhiwri 23 26-47/-1I(i Seaforth & Winton Representatives Menreen itiadftmg Greta I Jwtlil u 2C6 Gsedezieh SL West - n 4'13 sliuutiy a Z-Ic.,,>ru ar,.u.e: 6ras>s r kitefiena. nt'c flans. gas &er£fi_ IRE- dt F@sen a crab a 3g pea Paved dmz`ye Over _. Brantford Street - Spa Fkven &ware if Silverware fermi RsrkWuua.n4t1 ��:frsaiave assicalt years of setvice to the Other Area Office ntthgocter,-, Ralyfreid aiiei E" traiSharEt Q i'r4e 348 8355 566 51:655 351 322 IMMEDIATE PRICE RE©&JCTION - 374,900 Pt'eaaiantki sitaaated am the comer m'f Church Sr. and Centre St This.th ctive 3 bedhacr r .4 features the fcltawing; mature lancereapingv spacious beckyardt. 2 storey/ Frees garagdworlishasp. 325 arida efeattrcaJU extensive cereal wiring arrddesiwallinsrestoredEpinefiberswith rabid= finish,. 3934 " 1Kitahens Trafee- solid weed cherry cupboards, genuine stained glass twetbacaun and keghafe windows. separate dining room with bay window: Now STO,.90010111. Claim% possession can be arranged JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. 19 Albert St., Clinton GFtFtL 482-3766 R. - 482-3662 - MLS REALTOR