The Wingham Times, 1904-06-09, Page 54,,
•WeeeletaiNefeeVeceaeoefeeeNYVVVVYSNY iteNSAAAatieAAAAAAAAA040eAattAAAAte
Yost 's for you
No., 1
June 10 to 16
3 5
16 Boys' two-piece Suits, sizes 22 to 26,
Surprise Sale $2.00
17 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, sizes 27 to 33,
Surprise Sale
37 pairs Boys' Mole Pants, sizes 22 to
32, regular price 5oc ; Surprise Sale .39
Men's and Youths' Tweed and Serge
Suits, sizes 32 CO 44; Surprise Sale
12 pairs Men's Colored Worsted Pants,
regular $3.75 ; Surprise Sale -
5o Men's flannelette Top Shirts,all sizes,
regular price 25c ; Surprise Sale -
67 only Men's Colored Shirts, separate
cuffs, and cuffs attached, sizes I2
to IS, regular price 75c, $1.00 and
$1.25 ; Surprise Sale
$2.50 I
The 12. Fl. GROWDER Go.
Men's Outfitters. WINGHA11.
.+÷÷+.H.+÷+4.4.++++++÷+÷+++÷+i. ..!..1.4...H.+++++++++++++++++++..1.+
• Of Interest to June House 'Furnishers
'Would yon like to know how cheaply you can commence house-
4• keeping daring this month?
What $62.45 will do here :
A good Bedroom Suite, Mattress and Wire, Table, Couple
Chairs, 1ocker-$19.30.
Where you spend one-third of your time.
A Fancy Extension Table, Six Diningroom Chairs, Oak -
finished Sideboard --S20.50.
Where you are three times a day.
Two Kitchen Choirs and Table -$3.25.
Where your wife spends half her time.
A Comfortable Couch, 2 Leather•Seated Rockers, Oak
Table, Big Upholstered Chair, 4 Window Shades,
4 Curtain Poles -I9.40.
Where you take your evening comfort.
go- We'll be pleased to show you what can be had for less money. -gal
Krick residence, 5th house west 1+
Store, where night calls will • Furniture Store1 t
from Hamilton's Corner Drug a
receive prompt attention.
.011•101,..111M•1111.1•11.018•• TELEPHONE 51 4.
-++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++4
DISHESWe have justopened up a crate of White
Ware, with gold lines and clover leaf,
very pretty goods, direct from the pot-
teries of Bishop & Stonier, Hanley, England.
One dozen Cups, Saucers and Plates, 36 pieces, for $2.00
Japanese China
Reduced the price 25 per cent.
We have some very
pretty things in
Japanese China.
Everything marked in plain
81100114S We would again remind you about
Brooms, We think we have the best
Broom for the money that ever came
At lelst that is what the ladies say.
25 cents each
into Wingham,
• *A",
.0.0+ ++++++.++++.+_++++.++++.++. .11+4++++++********•44++.+,
News From Our Neighbors] Young Nags
What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate - Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
The following particulars from the
assessor's roll for Township of Grey will
be of interest to out" readers: -
Total real Assessment. $71,793,725
Personal 8,100
Males 21 to 60 ... 758
Population, 3,184
Childreu between 5 and 21 yrs870
" { " 8 and 14 vrs384
No, of Cattle 9,520
No. of Sheep. 1,e04
No. of Hogs.. , 3,986
No. of Horses 2,026
Deaths f 17
Acres Fall wheat 365
No. of steam boilers 23
Tho Greatest Faintly Remedy,
And one well kuowu in most Clanadign
houses is Nerviline, a perfect panacea for
alt interual and external pain. Mrs. M.
E. Cartwright of Morris says; -"I
couldn't think of being withont Nervi-
liue. When I get toothache Nerviliue
stops it. it I got a sick headache, have
a trouble with my stomach or bowels I
can rely on Nerviline to euro ine prompt-
ly. To break up a cold or rab ou for
rheumatism or neuralgia Nerviline has
no equal. It's priceless in any family.
Nerviliue is king over pain and costs
Report of S. S. No. 11, Turnherry,
for May. Names are in order of merit.
Sr. 4th -Frank Calhoun, Charlie John-
ston, Georgina Phippen, Winnie Menagh.
Jr. 4th -Emily Forsyth, Ernest Link -
later Fred Johnston, Earl Reid.
Sr. 3rd-Maizie Lediet, Roy Netter -
field, Willie Lockridge, Anuie Finnen.
Jr. 3rd-Loura Calhoun, Ethel Ran-
son, Earl Groves, Anun McDonald, Mary
Currie, Maggie Reid, Lizzie Lockridge.
Sr. 2ad-Eddie Lockridge, Edua Fin-
ley, Aggie Finnen, Jennie McLean.
Jr. 2nd. -Eva Liuklater, Frank Lediet,
Tiny Weeks, Willie Srigley, Frank
a Part 2- Ethel Free, Ralph Weeks,
Snsie Welsh, Minnie Saunders.
M. D. Fisher, Teacher.
flurried and Worried all Day.
And the worst of it is you are a little
run down and have mighty little chance
to catch up. Everything seems like a
grindstone wearing down your nerves.
You are irritable and get less sleep than
is absolutely necessary. Better stop be-
fore things get worse. Your best plan is
to use Ferrozone for a while and give
your nerves and brain a chance to pick
up. Ferrozoue is the finest tonic a busy
man can take. It makes new blood,
nourishes the body, strengthens the ner-
ves, improves the appetite and rehabiti
tates the whole system. Try Ferrozoue.
Price 50c.
A very successful mee ting of the
Woman's Institute was held on Satur-
day last, there being a good attendance
at both afternoon and evening sessions.
Miss Hills of Toronto gave an excellent
address on "Invalid Foods," and Miss
Miller of Guelph dealt iu a very prac-
tical way with the subject of the farm
end of the dairy question.
Mrs. J. B. Gray who has been ill is
A garden party will be • held by the
Presbyterian Church, at Mr. John Diu-
meut's, on Thursday eveniug, 16th inst.
The Winghain citizens' band has been
engaged, and a good programme is being
prepared. Tea will be served. from 7 to
8 o'clock. All are cordially invited.
Messrs. Wm. Messer, Robt. McPher-
son and R. N. Duff attended the Liberal
convention at Brussels last week.
Mr. Gordon Paterson has gone to Win-
nipeg where he inteuds to reside in
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCracken of
Brussels visited Mrs. Gardener last
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Paterson of East
Wawanosh. visited Mrs. Auderson this
A number of the members of the Blue -
vale branch of the Women's Institute
attended the annual meeting of the dis-
trict at Gorrie last Thursday.
Miss Miller of Wroxeter was visiting
her grandmother, Mrs. Fowler on the
Bluevale road this week.
Mr. F. B. Scott received word of his
father's death on Monday. Mr. Scott,
Misses Olive and Mary went to Seaforth
to attend the funeral.
Miss Barbara Thyne is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Bailey,
Mrs. S. Geddes of Morris visited her
sister, Mrs. Robert Shaw last week.
Mr. Charles Coultes of Listowel spent
Sunday at home.
Mrs. Stewart McGee of Owen Sound
was visiting her emit, Mrs. 3. Johnston,
Miss Mary Alexander and Mr. T. Ten-
nant of Listowel were visitors to Blue -
vale last week.
Miss Belle Burgess is visiting het
brother at Brantford.
Mise Laura Snell has returned home
front five months visit at YOrkton,
Mr. and Mr. Walter largess and
children of Mitchell spent last week
visiting Mr, Burgess' aunt, Mrs. Daniel
Miss Mary Thornton of Wingluou
visited her grandmother, Mrs, John
Gardener last week.
ths. Andrew Holmes is visiting reIa.
dyes at Hamilton and Dundas.
Mr. John Haney of Palmerston paid a
flying 'visit to his home ell Saturday.
What it Leads to
That makes Catarrh such a dreaded
dist-ase. If you have Caturth taint,
dropping in the throat, if you hawk and
spit and have a stuffed tip feeling iuyonr
nostrils yon should ase fragrant healing
Catarrhozone at once and get cured.
Thousands have been saw d from Con-
sumption and contpletely cured by CO,
tarrhozone. so there is no reason why
you shouldn't stamp out Catarrh also.
Catarrhozone will really euro yoa and
prevent the disease from returuiug. It's
very pleasant, just balsamic inediea
vapor, -no nauseous drugs. Absolute
cure guaranteed to users of Catarrho-
zoue ; it can't fail, try it. Complete out-
fit $1,00; sample size 25c.
11 RJ S.
The couecil met as a court of revision
on May Mai, 1904, members all present
and subscribed the oath required by sta-
tute. Appeals were heard and disposed
of as follows: -F. McCracken complain-
ed of being too high assessed, reduced
$100; Walter Youill complained of be-
ing too high asseesed, dismissed; Thos.
Bernard complained of being too high
assessed, reduced $150; J. J. Elliott en-
tered as tenant of north half part 1 and 2,
con. 1; Reg. Watson entered F. S ,
north half 13, con. 5; Daniel Barclay en-
tered owner, Iots 12 and 15, Beigrave;
John Stewart entered M. F., lots 23,
con. 2; Thos. Marshall entered tenant,
south half 27, con. 9; Levi Lott mitered
tenant, north half 24, cou 1, On motion
of Shaw and Jackson, the Conrt then nd-
journed to meet again on 27th June next,
at ten o'clock in the morning.
Every farmer knows that,
some plants grow better than
others. Soil may be the same
and seed may seem the same
but some plants are weak and
others strong.
And that's the way with
children. They are like young
plants. Same food, same home,
same care but some grow big
and strong while others stay
small and Weak.
Scott's Emulsion offers an
easy way out of . the diffi.eulty.
Child weakness (Sten means
starvation, not because of lack
of food, but because the food
does not feed.
Scott's Emulsion really feeds
and gives the child growing
Whatever the cause of weak-
ness and failure to grow -
Scott's Emulsion seems to find
it and set the matter right.
Send fnr free stuuPit•
Scott & Brwne, Chemists, lnronto, Outset*.
50e. foul SI uo; ntl druggists.
^ - • -
cater wAwalloset
airs. P. W. Scott held a very success-
ful rag -bee on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. J. Tiernay has purohased a new
Bell is the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. D. Ramsay at present. ,
Mrs. P.. Corley visited friends in Mor-
ris last week.
Mr. J. S. Nixon of the western bound-
ary is building an addition to his house.
Mrs. Robt. Taylor of St. Helens was
Council business was then proceeded I tne guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
with. Minutes of last regular and one J. H. McClinton last week. .
special meeting were read and passed. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Nicol were the
On motion of Code and Jackson, Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mason on
Shaw was instructed to have a ditch Sunday.
deg on sideline between lots 20 and 21, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vancamp, of
con. 3, the same to be put in a satisfac- Morris Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. R.
tory condition. On motion of Code ' Owens.
and Taylor, by-law No. 5, for the pnr- Mr. M. Walsh has disposed of 1
pose of prohibiting stock from running fine team of horses to Mr. F. Toll for I
at large iu this municipality was read a handsome figure.
the third time and passed and the clerk A meeting was held in school No 13 on
ordered to have printed copies of the Thursday night on behalf of the new
same placed in the hands of the pound- railway The meeting was
keepers of this municipality. On ino- largely attended and addresses were de -
tion of Shaw and Code, Mr. Taylor was livered by several able speakers from
iustrnoted to examine sideline betweeu Blyth and Goderich,
Iots 25-26, con 4, and report next meet A quiet, but pretty wedding took place >
ing respecting the necessity of a ditch on Wednesday, June lst, at the resid-
on said road. On moton of Shaw and I dente of Mr. aud Mrs. D. Snell, when C
Taylor, a by-law was passed appointingtheir daughter, Lizzie E. wi
as united n <
Mr. Jones of Loudon, as Engineer for I bonds of matrimony to Mr. Wm. Rogers,
this municipality aud the clerk instruct- of Westfield Rev. Conpland perfor- 5
ed to notify him to that effect. 1 lewd the ceremony precisely at 5 p.
By-laws No. 5, 7, and 8 were. duly read
and passed.
On motion of Taylor and Shaw the
following boundary line appropriations
were made, providing the adjoining
municipalities extend equivalent
sums, namely :-East Boundary, $150;
West Boundary, $150, ou prairie road
near Winglittra, and $50 south of Bel -
grave; North Boundary, $50; South
Boundary, $30.
On motion of Shaw and. Jackson,
Messrs. Taylor ani Code were instructed
to have sideroad between lots 5 aud 5,
con. 7, opened out,
On motion of Taylor and Code, the
Reeve was instructed to have the bridge
at stone school house aud Martin's
bridge, 1st line, put in a proper state of
repair. Accounts were ordered to be
paid as follows: -A. E. Bradwin, pub-
lishing railway by-law and printing bal-
lots, $52.33: A. Button, lumber, $79.40;
R. B. Alcock, building cnlvert, $12;
School sections No. 1 and 9, for use of
school at railway vote, each $3; W.
Clark, part salary, $40; John 'Watson,
assessor's salary, $70; T. S. Brandon,
attending provincial audit, $5; A. Laid-
law, D. R. 0. officer's fees, $6; R. Bew-
ley, D. R. 0. fees, $6. Annie Leaver, Tessa Anderson, Wilfrid
The council then adjourned to meet Pocock.
again after court of Revision on June
27th next. Sr. m -Maggie Shiell, Garfield Shoe- •
W. CLARK', Clerk. bottom, John Kerr, James Ferguson
Mrs. Wm. Marshall died at her resi- and Herbert Bart:hill, (equal). •
deuce on Wednesday. May 1st of dropsy Jr. m -Gordon Rintoul, George
of the heart. She lea.ves a husband and Walker, Gwendoliue Currie, Earl Elli- •
twos daughters to mourn her Ioss.
Stout Values I
Slim Prices pron
'The Leading bitil Quick rem
bite ear
You only know half the story of our remarkable values
in Whitewear and Waists when we tell you the prices.
The other half is told in the quality and style of the
garments. Come in and learn the other half,
Corset Cover Specials,
NO. 1.-5 dozen made Corset Covers,
fine cambric, trimmed with hice, perfect
lit, good value at 23c. Our special price., .20
NO. 2.-5 dozen embroidery tritutned Corset
Covers, reguler value 45e. Special priee .35
NO. 3.- Extra special fine catubric Corset
Covers, trimmed with insertion und lace,
to clear itt .50
A texas range of Ladies' Night Gowns at prices much
less than you can make t Item tor. See our vaine at
75e, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Dollar value for 75o.
Special in Ladies' Skirts,full widtb,
deep frill, trimmed with enilwaylery
and insertion, regular value $1.25
Our epecial prioe
If yon want something better, see
our value at $1.50 $2 $2.50 $3
LADIES' DRAWERS at surprising
values- well ninde and trimmed ;
orictes 2.5e 35c 50e 75e
Extra special at 25c
Ladies' White Lawn Waists -We
have been complimented at different
times on hiving the nieest and larg-
est assortment of Waistein town No
room here to describe our menet styles.
Come and see them, prices 30e to 85
3 special clearing liues, 50e 75c $1
amgelue.M11.137M2., MOM.. mempliyarietmacattsicsista...rn Vr..144C12.•111.0..041
it E. SARt & Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prics.
ForV81119' we give th hest!
after which all partook of a sumptuous
repast. The esteem the bride was held
in was shown by the numerous prcsents <
she was made the recipient of.
An old resident of this township, in the
person of Mrs. John Sturdy, died on
Thursday morning, May 26th, after a
lingering illness with cancer. Deceased
was born in Fermanagh county, Ireland,
in 1824 and came to Canada with her
brother in 1844. She WAS married to her
bereaved husband in 1855 and settled in
East Wawanosh in 1857. Besides her •
husband, she leaves five children -Henry, •
George, Mary and Annie at home, and
Wm., of Parry Sound. One sister, Mrs. 4,4*
George Fulton, of Mt. Clemens, Michi- o
gau, also survives. For many years she
was a faithful and consistent member of
the English church. She was a kind and •
true neighbor, and highly respected and
esteemed by ell who knew her.
Tbe following is the report of S. S.
No. 9, E. Wawanosh, for the month of
May. The names are arranged in order IP
of merit. •
v -Bella McDougall.
Sr. iv --Stanley Elliott, Willie Shoe -
bottom, Ella Walker.
Jr. iv -Laura Currie, Katie Shiell,
Mrs. R, Proctor is very ill at present.
Mr. W. McMurray visited friends in Pocock.
East Wawanosh last week. Sr. n -Pearl Deacon.
The monthly ineeting of the Ladies' Jr. n -Verna Taylor.
Guild, Trinity Church, •Belgrave, was
ott, Mary Elliott, George Carrie, Walter •
held on Thursday last at Mrs. J. H. yen- Part n -Richard 'Deacon, Daniel ler-*
camp's and iu spite of the rain was gason, Bernice Shiell, Harold Walker, I •
largely atteuded.
4#2n AI/wield Foe
To health and happiness is Scrofula -
as ugly as ever since time hnmemoria!,
It times bunches in the neck, ells-
gures the skin, inflames the rancone
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak-
ens the boftes, reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity
for recovery, and develops into con-
"Two ot my children had scrofula sorer
which kept growing deeper and kept their
from going to echool for three menthe,
Ointments and medicines did no good mall
X began giving them Hood's Sarsaparillr.
This medicine caused the sores to beat, ane
the children have shown no et:gne of setae
tila since." 3. W. Martine Woodstock, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
will rid yon of it, radically and per,
fluently, as i hM rid thOutanda.
Harold Currie.
Part r -Bella Ferguson. Charlie Tay-
lor, Franklin Robinson, Maggie Pocock,
Katie Currie, Eruest Shiell, Bessie Bur-
chill, 'Viola Deacon, Nellie Deacon.
Average attendance 33.
Amon DM', Teacher.
President Cooper's Opinion on the
Popular World's Fair Route.
The Grated Trunk ltailway System
aro In receipt of a letter from the Oana-
dinn Press Association, signed by their
President, Mr, John A. Cooper, extend-
ing their appreciation for the service af-
forded them by the Grand Trunk Rail-
AvaY SYstem while en route to the
World's Fair, at St. Lewis. Mo., recently.
An abstract from the letter reads as fol-
lows -
"On behalf of the members of the
Canadian Press Assoc:nanny excursion
party to the Louisiana Parchase Exposi-
tion, I desire to express to you our ap-
preciation of the excellent service afford-
ed by the Grand Trunk Railway System.
between Toronto and St. UAW. Tho
I #
I •
011ni NCB, WO leg
Where does honesty come in by trying to get $125.00 for goods worth <
only 875.00 ? We are not guilty of making a charge of $257 or thereabouts Z
for goods worth only .3 or keel. It we were we would feel like going to <,
our customer and giving it back, one then talk about hmtesty and truth, S
If some people would do as they advertise, there would have to be a lot of
mouey given back and a bee; them in prices.
When you DEAL WITH US you are used right. The truth • will
soon be found out.
For the next 60 days come and see what value is
and what satisfaction is.
••04.000eeeteeeet.40 •••••444.4..a4G4444,44,44,4*****
We are sole agents here for the Scranton Coal,end will guarantee every
delivery to be 0. R. Just ask any person who bas used same and hear what
they say about it. The followiug prices will not raise for 12 mouths.
June delivery
July delivery
August delivery. . ,
September and 7 followiug months "
per ton lots and over, $6.70
" " $6 SO
" $6 10
" $7.00
To take advantage of the above prices,orders 1/lest be in by the fifth of
each month for immediate delivery or they will take the next nionth's prices.
Farmers wishing to load and draw theirowe. Coal will have 25e pertoa rebate.
Pardee not wishin,e, to have their Coal delivered before Fall, but wish-
ing to have their sunply secured, may do so by requesting us to place their
name on our books as customers; this will secure them for the winter without
No. 1 -Rest liody Hardwood, per Cord
....... $3 00
No. 2 -Hardwood, from Smaller Tfinner per Cord ..... . 2.75
No. 3 -Hardwood, and Ash, mixed, per Cord 2 50
No, 4 -Ash and Elm, mixed, per Cord . ......... 2.21
No. 5 -Slabs and soft Timber, par Cord 2 00
Rough wood, chunks, oto.. fo,• fmmatces and box stoves2.00
t Nos. 1 and 2 mit from green timber.)
Our terms for Coal and Wood are strictly oath.
I eee4044•04.4,44404•000404,444
I _ .
i twenty-two hours each way in your
magnificent tram, over your excellent
road -bed, passed quickly heertuse of the
utter lack of discomforts of any kind.
iThe promptness with which the trains
were run, the cheerfulness and. attention
I of your offfeinls, aud the perfection of
management impressed the members of
' our peaty and shonld insure you a largo
trailic between Canada and St. Louis
during 1904 I should like to refer es-
pecially to the exeellence of the dining
car service and of the Pullman .equip -
went with which your trains are providede these are the finest I have ever
e aro proud to know that a Vatia-
dian railway' has a service and a staff on -
.excelled b any railway running into St.
Louis. You display at the Mut is most
creditable and is undoubtedly one of the
finest advertisements Canada. will re-
ceive during this Exposition."
.4. Satisfactory l'ile Remedy
Will (lure the conditions °amain,: the
piles. Try Dr. Hmailtou's Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut; their frequent use
Prove/1M piles. No case ever known
where the 14.50 of Dr. Muni/totes Pine'
feiled, Price
-The Thins to any address till Mne.
wry 1st, 1903 for 50 eente
--Scour') tho till January 1vt.
1005. Only 50 cents.
(o to O. .1. Maguire, Rog Wats
Agent, if you want to buy a house ist
town, he has just what yeti Want.