HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-11-16, Page 1529. FOR RENT COUNTRY HOME for rent, north of St. Col- umbian, four bedrooms. Phone 485.4470. 29-45-2 3 Bedroom Apartment For Rent $295. Monthly ROOMS TO RENT by the week APPLY TO: COMMERCIAL HOTEL 527-0980 30. ROOM & BOARD YOUNG WOMAN wishes room and board for winter months in town of Seaforth. Phone 233-9254 after 4 p.m. 30-46-x1 31. NOTICE A.A. If you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650. 31 -44 -fl ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 527-1650. 31-46-1 32. VACATIONS CAMPSITES AND Lakefront Cottages on spr- ing fed Silver Lake, 9 miles east of Kincardine. Boating, fishing, family campsites and fully equipped cottages available immediately. Call collect 395-3330 or 528-3224 for booking in- formation. 32 -44 -ti 34. AUCTION SALES LARGE ESTATE AUCTION Nearly new furniture and appliances; new 2 wheel trailer; radial arm saw and tools; Honda 3 wheel ATC; piano; anti- que furniture; violin; toy trucks; dolls; doll clothes; to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn in Clinton for the ESTATE OF KARL HEINZ TEICHERT of Goderich and MARLYN GRAY of Seoforth on SATURDAY, NOV. 19 AT 10:00 A.M. 1984 Honda 3 wheel ATC; new 6' x 4' 2 wheel trailer w/tilt bed and 1' high sides; Inglis superb 2000 almond fridge, 1 yr. old; Danby 30" almond gas stove w/black glass oven door, 1 yr. old; In- glis almond portable dishwasher, 1 yr. old; Moffat microwave and stand; Whirlpool almond 2 speed portable washer, 2 yrs. old; Inglis liberator plus gas clothes dryer, 2 yrs. old; RCA 28" colour track 2000 square front TV, near- ly new; VCR with on-screen programm- ing and digital command centre; 2 modern TV stands; Zenith 19" portable colour TV; Pioneer component stereo with dual cassette player, turntable. equalizer and 2 large Zenith Allegro 3000 speakers; beautiful 3 section wall unit, may be cherry; 9 pc. dining room suite; good violin and case; Amherst upright piano looks and sounds good; modem heavy wood framed chester- field and chair, modern sectional chesterfield; oval toffee table; 2 hex- agon end tables; modern pine bedroom suite with queen size bed, box spring and mattress, gents' type dresser plus dresser with swing mirrors, 2 night tables; 2 Lo -Z -Boy recliner chair; modern round wooden kitchen table and 4 chairs; 2 Pillow Podlc continen- tal single beds w/extra thick mat- tresses, like new; 3 new recliner chairs; smell china cabinet; dehutikidffier; 2 brass type bedroom lamps; 2 brass floor stand reading lights; Fell table; 2 table lamps w/matching corner pole lamps; small desk and their; large oil pointing; small chest of drawers maple chair, single box spring and mattress w/maple headboard; coffee maker; blender; popcorn maker; small ap- pliances; cups and saucers, dishes and glassware. ANTIQUES, ETC.: antique chest of drawers; antique dresser; oak buffet sr /mirror; antique dresser w/oval mir- ror; matching washstand dresser and bed; drop front secretary desk; rocking choir; heavy hall tree; antique arm chair; large dresser mirror; treadle sewing machine; ANTIQUE EDISON FLOOR MODEL PHONOGRAPH THAT PLAYS CYLINDERS; approx. 93 cylinder records, 5 pc. black leatherette chester- field suite; modern maple round table w/leaf and 4 chairs; old upright freezer; 2 portable washers; small din- ing suite; pine blanket box; toy cars and trucks; Barbie doll clothes; stuffed toys: doll house; dinky toys. TOOLS, POWER TOOLS, ETC.: Log scale; Honda FIRS 21" self propelled lawn mower; Craftsman radial arm saw on stand, like new, 2 yrs. old: 4" Jointer on stand with motor; B & D 4" hand held planer; small 5 speed drill press; small wet wheel grinder; B & 0 router; Craft- sman router, 26 bits; 2 8 8, D belt sanders; small bench grinder; small vise; shop ver small disc grinder; 2 skill saws; clamps; levels; 2 aluminum step ladders; battery charger; hedge trim- mer; weed eater; man's 26" 3 speed bicycle; gas barbecue; 2 lawn lounges garden hose: bag cart; hand tools: plus many items too numerous to mention. NOTE: This Is an excellent offering in like new condition. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Two auctioneers selling starting at 10 am. due to large offering. 33. EDUCATIONAL YOUR FUTURE starts with... Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-265.0400 33-46-bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneer- ing. Next class February 18-25, 1989, For in- formation contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 33-46-bc EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to prepare In- • come Tax Returns by correspondence. New Tax Reform Course now available on a home - study basis. For details contact: Tax Time Ser- vices Ltd., 1304 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4 (416) 827-1455. 33-46-bc 34. AUCTION SALES RICHARD LORR AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7848 SAL, NOV. 19 AT 10 AM: Complete household of modern furniture and ap- pliances. nevi 6x4 trailer. Honda lawn mower. wood ,norking tools from the Estate of Karl Teichert of Godench plus piano, an- tiques, toys. etc for Marlsn Gray of Seaforth at Richard Lobb s Auction Barn, Clinton. SAT, NOV. 26 AT 10 AM: Large ofiermg, an- tiques. furniture, old Case tractor, old truck and car, old implements for the Estate of Alex Rones to be held 1 1 mile south of Dublin and 1 mile east at the Earl Roses Farm in heated shed Doug Jacob & Wallie Ross 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER WED., NOV. 16 AT 10:00 A.M.: Auction of antiques; furniture and misc. 31/2 miles east of innerkip. John Raker prop. THURS., NOV. 17 AT 6:00 P.M.: Auction of antiques; appliances; restaurant equip- ment & misc. to be held at the Jacob Aar - tion Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Michell. Alma Docking prop. FRI., NOV. 18 Al 10:00 A.M.: Auction of implements & misc. 5 miles north of Bright. Stan Cook prop. FRI., NOV. 25 AT 1:00 P.M.: Property auc- tion ur-tion of 1 On -ire farm with buildings krioscn as Lot 17, Conc. 14 of Ellice Tap. to be held 255 miles North of Rostock and 1 mile esast. Elisabeth Reis prop. SAT., NOV. 26 AT 10:00 A.M.: Enure auc- tion of tractors; implements & household ef- fects to be held at 1 mile east of Seaforth for the Estate of the Late Dale Nixon_ THURS., DEC. 1 AT 6:00 P.M.: Estate auc- tion urtion of antiques; appliances; & mite. items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell for Florence Elliot and the F.taie of the Late Mary Hingst. 35. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS SNOW REMOVAL Tenders ore being called for snow removal at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, Ont. for 1988 - .1989 season. Please make tender in dollars per hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please send tenders to: Laurie Slemon R.R. 1 Bornholm, Ontario NOK 1A0 Closing Date: December 5/88 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of VERA JACKSON All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF VERA JACKSON, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, who died on the 24th day of September 1938, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of November 1988 after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Doted at Seaforth. Ontario this 28th day of October 1988. McCONNEUL. STEWART b DEVEREAUX Barristers, Ac., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executrices 38. SERVICE: DIRECTORY PARKER LOCK & SAFE CO. Lock and safe sales and service. Stuart T. Parker, Brussels, (519) 887-6350. Please talk to our machine. 38-43-x4 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 i'iENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton VEALS I Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3% miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it CUSTOM CARPET CLEANING We will professionally clean your carpets, remove unwanted stains and odors at the best competitive rates. Call us for a free estimate. CAMPBELL'S HOME Deonati'lCENTRE MAIN ST., sEAFoFrnf 527-1420 39. CARD OF THANKS THE SEAFORTH Arthritis Society thanks all those who helped to raise 54025.00 to make our 1988 canvass a success. Jane Golding. Seaforth Arthritis Society. Co -Ordinator 39-46-x HICKNELL I would like to thank my family and friends for their visits. cards and gifts while a patient in the Stratford General Hospital Special thanks to Dr Rodney and Dr. Arciszewski. and M. - nurses on 2 west Stephen Hicknell 39.41 -1 BLAKE I want to thank Dr. Rodney and the nursing staff of the Seaforth Community Hospital for their excellent care. I would also like to thank friends and family for their concern and sup- port, especially Ashley's grandparents for looking after her during and after my stay in hospital Mary Blake 39-46-x VINCENT I would tike 10 thank everyone who visited. sent gifts. flowers and cards to me during my stay in Seaforth Hospital I would especially like to thank the doctors. nurcce, and staff for the excellent care that was given to me Barry Vincent 39.46-1 40. IN MEMORIAM 1 SOURBUTTS In loving memory of my dear wife. Elizabeth (Bessie) Sourbutts. who passed away November 16th. 1982 In our home she is fondly remembered Sweet memories Cling to Her name. Those who Loved Her in Life sincerely Still Love Her in death fust the same Sadly missed by husband. Allan. and Family 40- 6-x 1 CUTHILL In loving memory of Wilmer J Cuthill who passed away November 18. 1983 Ever remembered by his wife Kathleen. Phyllis and Emerson Mitchell and families. 40-46-1 MCCOWAN In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Isabel McCowan. who passed away six years ago. November 19. 1982 You meant so very much to us. That nothing we can say. Can tell the sadness in our hearts. As we think of you today It doesn't matter the day or year There are ahrrays memories of you here Always remembered and sadly missed by daughter Kaye, son-in-law Fred, and grand- children Dana. Vance and Judd 40-46x1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 16, 1988 - 15A LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 'Gay caucus' sad co The Editor: Hopefully, you will allow me to express my views as I have done for the past 20 years as a weekly newspaper columnist in Saskatchewan. Perhaps Pm getting too old, too conser- vative, out of touch with the times. Perhaps I possess too much of that rustic purity of our primitive prairie people. There is one news stem in this federal election campaign that did shock me into writing this letter. In the November 1st edition of the Regina Leader -Post, Dale Eisler, the paper's political editor wrote the following news story. The NDP National Party President, Johanna den Hertog, has campaigned with the self-proclaimed "gay" MP Svend Robin- son, doing what 'they refer to as "the gay - bar -tout". The same NDP party president is mmentary of times running for election in a Vancouver riding and has a very active worker in Dermis Dahl, a lawyer and yet another self pro- claimed hamncaxnual I quote Mr. Dahl, "The NDP is the only party where "gay" and lesbians can actual- ly get organized-" Dahl goes on further to say, "There can be a "gay' caucus in the NDP.' There could well be homosexuals in the Conservative or Liberal ranks, but none have made it public. I thank them for that. The openness of the NDP on the question of homosefmality appears to be the next thing to the promotion of this way of life. It is a sad commentary of our time and smacks those of Its who have respect for the traditional family valoaes, Yours truly, Ray L. Bailey Turner lacking credibility - NCC Dear Editor: Which is the real John Turner? One John Turner says he's in a battle with big business. His campaign co-chairman, Senator Michael Kirby, even went so far as to liken big business to the Ku Klux Klan! Does this mean Turner is giving up his cor- ner table at Winston's? This same John Turner, however, has served as a director for such big businesses as Bechtel Canada Ltd-, MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Marathon Realty and Massey - Ferguson Ltd. Thereis nothing wrong with being associated with big business. There is something wrong, however, with a man who wants to lead our nation and who is either confused or 'deliberately misleading Canadians. Some Canadians think Brian Mulroney has a credibility problem. We think John Turner has one too. Yours truly, David Somerville, President The National Citizen's Coalition Fire marshal' position to be filled Dear Editor: A number of people have written to ex- press their concern that the position of Fire Services Advisor for Huron, Middlesex, and Elgin counties might not be filled by the Ministry of the Solicitor Genera/. I am pleased to advise that this is not the case. At the time of the recent resignation of Robert Beckett, the former Advisor, the Ministry was in the midst of an internal financial review which necessitated a tem- porary freeze on recruitment However, this is no longer the case, and Solicitor General Joan Smith offers her reassurance that recruitment action is under way to fill the position as quickly as possible. In the mean- time, the Office of the Fire Marshall is readily available in an advisory capacity to provide any assistance which may be re- quired by local fire boards. I appreciate the concerns which have been expressed by our fire boards, and wish to assure them there was never any inten- tion to leave the position permanently va- cant. The try recognizes tante of this�valuable community � ce and is anxious to fill the position as ex- peditiously as possible. Yours very truly, Jack Riddell MPP - Huron Minister of Agriculture and Food Legion pleased with response Letter to the Editor I wish to express on behalf of the members of Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion their sincere thanks to the people of the Seaforth community for their helpful corporation during the 1968 Poppy Drive. As a result of their generous con- lributions, the net result of the drive showed a much appreciated increase over most previous years. The Legion also appreciated and thanks the merchants who co-operated in allowing poppy collection boxes in their stores and to all those organizations, businesses and in- dividnais who contributed wreaths and who took part in the Memorial Services on Remembrance Day. It was greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Bill Wilbee Poppy Chairman Independent firms wanted To The Editor: Is there any reason why, when we pay high premiums for coverage, we have to fight tooth and nail to have a legitimate claim reimbursed? 41. PERSONAL AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb 482-7898 canton 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY KELLY'S SEWING SERVICE. All wardrobe making. bridal wear, dressmaking, children's clothes, alterations. etc Call 522-0529. 38-44-tf CHIMNEY SWEEPING Paul Gridzak. Phone 233-9916 after 3:30 38-444p Do you know- how to reduce the risk of getting AIDS? Practise safer sex. Get the facts. Let's Talk Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AiDS Hotline 392 -AIDS OBITUARIES 1411111•11111it JAMES NOLAN James Joseph Nolan of Seaforth, died Fri- day, November 11, 1938 at the Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. He was 85. Born in Grey Township on January 15, 1903, he was a son of the late Timothy (Ted ) Nolan and the former Catherine Ryan. He had farmed in the township until retiring to Seaforth 15 years ago. He was a member of St James Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Nolan is survived by his wife, the former Mary Quirk; two sons, Donald and wife Patricia of Walton and Barry and wife Lorraine of Wallensteue two daughters, Rebecca and husband David Young, and Marie and friend Nick Hussar, all of London. Also surviving are 10 grandchildren. Mr. Nolan was predeceased by one sister, Margaret Cull-iton- Friends were received at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home in Seaforth and Mass of Christian burial was held in St James Roman Catholic Church. Burial was in St Ambrose Cemetery, Brussels. Pallbearers were George Blake, Jake Hnlzebos, Jerry Ryan, Tim Nolan, Mark Nolan and Mike Nolan. Honorary pallbearers were Alvin McDonald and Lawrence Ryan. Flowerbearers were Pam, Laura and Cheryl. MLRIEL )CAMERON) ELLIOTT Muriel Cameron Elliott of Kitchener, died Thursday, November 10, 1988 at the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital. She was 65. Mrs. Elliott is survived by a son Neil and grandson Jason Elliott Also surviving are; a sister Ethel Hayes of Bayfield; a son Arthur and his wife Dorothy of London; a sister-in-law, Jessie Cameron of Hensall; and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Elliott was predeceased by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Cameron; a sister Isobel Asleeson; and brothers, William J. and Glen FL Cameron. Cremation took place in Kitchener. A graveside memorial service was held on Saturday, November 19, 1988 at 2:30 p.m. at the Maitlandbank Cemetery, under the direction of Box Funeral Home, Our Insurance Brokers decide what par - tion of a claim they will cover, would it not serve the public better if an independent In- surance Brokerage Finn was called in to assess the damage. A concerned citizen NELSON 6.11. BRODHAGEN Nelson G.H. Brodhagen of RR 4 Walton, died at the Seaforth Community Hospital on Friday, November 11, 1968. He was 71. Born in McKillop Township on December 24, 1916, he was a son of the late Henry Brodhagen and the former Celena Scoirts, On September 12, 1935 he was married to the former Herta Greve who survives. Follow- ing their marriage, the couple farmed in Logan Township. They had operated the General Store at Slabtown Runt 1962-1972. Mr. Brodhagen was a member of First Lutheran Church, Logan Township. Surviving besides his wife are; two sons, Irvin and his wife Grace of Mitchell, and Lloyd and his friend Helen of Slabtown: and one daughter Della and her husband Roy Kistner of Logan Township. Also surviving are six sisters, Ordelia Trentowsky, Laura Rafilie. Irene Rose, Helen Rock, Gladys McKenzie and Doris Dinsmore; a sister-in-law Doreen Brodhagen; eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, Mr. Brodhagen was predeceased by a grandson Donald Brodhagen and three brothers - Ross, Roy and Kenneth, in infancy. Friends were to eived at the Lockhart Funeral Home in Mitchell, where the funeral service was held on Monday with Reverend Michael Thurau officiating. Pallbearers were grandsons, Roger, David and Robert Brodhagen, and Allen, Brian and Kenneth Kistner. Interment was in First Lutheran Cemetery, Logan Township. CHARLES FERGUSON MACGREGOR Charles Ferguson MacGregor of Exeter, and formerly of Brighton and Kemptville, died Monday, November 7, 1988 at Universi- ty Hospital hi London. He was 48. Mr. MacGregor is survived by his wife Susan of Exeter; son William of Toronto; and daughters, Carolyn of Landon- and Jen- nifer at home. Also surviving are his mother Jessie MacGregor of Seaforth; sisters, Janet (Mrs. Percy Huth ) of Clifford, Margaret (Mrs. Harry Engeland) of Stratford and Mary (Mrs. Lawrence Ribey) of Chatham. Mr. MacGregor was predeceased by his father Ross MacGregor. Friends were received at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home in Exeter and a funeral service was held Wednesday at the Exeter United Church, with the Reverend Richard Hawley officiating. Interment was in Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth. As expressions of sympathy donations may be made to the Heart Find.