HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-09, Page 4Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. the hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. nacy hair wits doming out terribly. I was alritost afraid to cornb it. But Ayer's Bair Vigor promptly stopped the falling, sod also restored the natural color." Mits. Z. G. E. waltn, Landing, Nt 10, tottbb. .7. C. Alit* Co„ 4flloisetagiglesope for, Kau., Poor Hair 4 T11E WINGIIAM TIMES, JUNE 9, OK TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changemuet be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISRZra 1872. THE WINfillAM TIMES. ft. R.ELLIOTT, PITETZBEIER 4ILlin PROPRIETOR THURSDAY JUNE 9, 1.904. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Moutreal Star, Conservative, frankly admits that Mr. Borden's rail- way policy is one of opportunism. It describes him as "a political experi- menter seeking a policy which is to carry him into power," one who "has looked about hire for a whining policy, and has deoided for purely selfish reasous to try this policy of Government ownership," one who "desired to see whether it has any political strength bebind it." Is the country going to is an investment of over $100,000,000 to satisfy "a political experimenter?'' The Stratford Beacon mentions four Perth county editors who were at St. Louis with the Press Association party and says this was "probably the largest delegation from any one county in the Province." Huron can beat it easily. From this county there were H. B. Elliott, of The Wingham TIMES, W. D. McLean, of The Seaforth Expositor, A. E. Bradwin, of Tho Blyth Standard, C. Saunders, of The Exeter Advocate, Jas. Mitchell, of The Goderich Star, and the editor of The Signal. But Huron is a large county.—Goderich Signal. The Times was going to take the Beacon to task, but our friend of the Signal has saved us the trouble. CHURCH NOTES. The Synod of Huron will meet in an- nual session at London on June 22nd. Rev. Win. Lowe, of Wingham, took the services in St. John's Church here last Sunrlay. He is a practical preacher and is always heard with profit.—Brus- sels Post. Rev. Dr. Gandy was in attendance at the London Conference, and his pulpit work in the Methodist Church on Sun- day was very acceptably taken by Miss K. Morton, an evangelist. Children's Day will be celebrated in the Wingham Baptist Church on Sun- day next, and at the morning service the pastor, Rev. J. N. NcLean, B. A., will preach a special sermon to the children. Very successful Communion services were held iu the Wingham Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. A very large congregation was present and the pastor, Rev. D. Perrie preached an interesting sermon. Last Sunday, Mr. K. J. Beaton, of Whitechurch, President of District Ep- worth Leagues took the services in the Brussels Methodist Church, in the ab- sence of the pastor, Rev. T. Wesley Cov- ens, who was attending Conference at London, Rey. C. 11. Vessot, of Montreal, agent for Board of French Evangelization, preached in the Wingham Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Mr. Vessot is visiting the different Presbyterian Churches and collecting funds for a school in Quebec. The church wardens of the English churches at Blyth, Auburn and Belgrave met last week and after full discussion decided that nothing could be done in the way of attaching Auburn to some other parish. Auburn will therefore have to remain as before, in connection with Blyth and Belgrave. Rev. Win. Lowe took the services in St. Peter's Church at Lucknow on Sun- day last. In the morning he preached a special sermon to the Canadian and In- dependent Foresters. Rev. Principal Waller, of Huron College, London, con- ducted the services in St. Paul's Church here, in the absence of Mr. Lowe. Last Sunday evening the annual ser- mon to Brussels Odd Fellows was preach- ed, in St. John's church when about 50 of the 3 linked brethern attended. A most suitable and interesting discourse was given by Rev. Bro. William Lowe, of Wingham, from Romans 14 and 7, "For none of ns liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself." in which the brotherhood of man and the necessity of fellowship with Christ was well portray- ed. It a as a very appropriate theme and the lessons drawn from it well placed —Brussels Post. ....rom,•••••••••••1, TRANSIENT T,,RADERS' LICEN8g RAISED. Deputation of Merchants Urge the I n crease of the Fees. ELECTRICITY OR !ROTOR rowEn, Ur. R. Clegg Asks If the Counell will Supply it, The members of the Wingham Town Council were all in their places on Mon- day evening, with Mayor Vanstone in the chair. The minutes of last regular, and sub- sequent special tneetiug were read aud approved. A deputation of the busiuess men of the towte composed of Messrs. D. M. Gordon, J. Kerr, R. Maxwell, I-1;)' E. Isard, A. Ritchie, R. A. Hutchison, R. H. Crowder, Geo. 0. Hanna and W. T. J. Ilomuch, waited on the council to ngro the increase in the license fee charg- ed transient traders, or pack pedlars, do- ing business in the town. Several mem- bers gave their views oa the matter, aud were satisfied that the council would do the richt thiag. Mr. Ciowder stated that Messrs. Jahn Kerr and Geo. C. Hanna had been apnoirted by the Wing - ham merchauts to interview the County Council this week, to urge an increase iu the county license fees. A communication was received. from. G. N. Peebles, Colborne, offering the town the free use of two of his voting machines for one year ou trial, with the object of selling them to the municipali- ty for use afterwards. A communication was received from the County Treasurer, enclosing a cheque for $276 39, being the first divi- sion of the license fund for 1904. Mr. Richard Olegg, of the' firm of Walker & Clegg, interviewed the coun- cil as to whether they would undertake to supply electricity for motor power. The firm would use this power if it could be obtained. There were a num- ber or other industries in town where electric power would be used. In re- sponse to a question, Mr. Clegg stated that an average of about 50 horse power would be required to ruu their plant. The maven will enquire into the matter and see what can be done. The Finance Committee considered the following accouuts Municipal World, assessment roll, etc., $ 1.95 J. Anderson, 1 10 -horse power12,00 Bell Telephone Co. 6 mos. service . etc, 8,15 J. B. Fergnson, regby-law. etc., 2 35 Domimou Express Co., account.. .35 Jas. Bross's, labor waterworks .75 Cooper & Co., stationery . 1.25 V. Vanuorman, salary, 42.00 J. B Ferguson, salary, etc., 4Ei.00 R. Rankin, salary, 5.67 W. Guest, salary, cemetery, .... • 10.00 W. Guest, labor sts. and water- works 29 45 J. Gowdy, labor streets ... 15.87 W. Pattison, teaming sundries... 1.30 Geo. Carr, suit clothes for Chief 20 00 Albert Sanderson, teaming, etc., 30 65 Ilse above accounts were recommend. ed for payment, except that of W. Patti- son, which was referred back. Ou motion of Couns. Holmes and Arm- strong, the report was aciopted. The Waterworks Committee reported recommending improvements as follows: An abutment of stone and timber on apron of dam to cost $100; repairs to wheel house, $100; 300 feet of hose at 750 per foot, $225; a hand -reel with a ca- pacity of 500 feet of hose 6 pairs rub- ber mitts for firemen; the total expendi- ture estimated at $512.50. On motion of Couns. Holmes and T. Bell. the sum of $350 was voted to the School Board. Moved by Conn. T. Bell, seconded by Conn. Holmes that section 10 of by-law governing proceedings of council be and is hereby suspended, and that By -Law No. 515 be read three times at this meet- ing. By -Law. No. 515, 1904, to amend sec- tion 81 of By -Law No. 353. 1898, was read. three times and on motion of Couns. Holmes and Armstrong, was passed. This amendment is to fix the license fees to be charged pedlars doing business in the town. Those carrying on business with a two -horse wagon will hereafter pay a license of $50; with a one-horse wagon, $40; with a pnsh- cart, basket, pack, valise, etc., $25. Council adjourned. Rev. R. Hobbs Elected President. At a meeting of the London, Confer- ence Rev. Richard Hobbs. formerly of Wingham was elected President on the second ballot. Of a total of 233 votes Mr. Hobbs received 163. President Hobbs was warmly received ; He said he could never get up a speech for an uncertainty. To be a successful Methodist minister had been his absorb- ing lambition. He had rather be Presi- I dent of London Conference than Presi- dent of the Grand Trunk Railway or Governor-General of Canada. He would rely on the Conference for assis- tance. r Rev. Richard Hobbs has been thirty- two years in the Metbodist ministry. He was born in Devonshire, England, and is about 55 years of age. He was educated at McGill Uttiversity, and the Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal. r He has been stationed at the Colborne street Church, Brantford; Niagara Falls South; Askin Street, London, and the Wingham Church. He has been prom- inent in temperance and social work. He is now Chairman of the Strathroy district. Last year he received a large vote for the office of President. Rev. Hector McTavish of 'Warwick was elected secretary of the Conference to succeed Rev. W. E. Kerr of Blen- heim. The lay delegates to the Conference have formed themselves into a conven- tion and officers were elected for the first year, Mr. John C. Hay of Listowel being President and Mr. W. J, Fawcett, of Brigden as seeretary. .A. motion to return to the aid form of billeting Wall tarried by a large majority. The next meeting of the conference will be held at Listowel, June 1st, 1005. Tho flual draft of the stationing committee was made on Tuesday and the Wingham Die..trit remains the same as given in our last issue, ANGLICIAN S. S, OON,VENTION. The annual session of the Anglician S. 8. Conventiou was held at Gorrie, 011 Wednesday, June let, The meeting commenced with a celebration of the Holy Conamunioa. Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins and Rev. Wm, Lowe, of Wing - ham, being the celebrants. At la o'clock the meeting opened with a bytuu and prayer. After the election of Mr. Nash as recordieg secretary, the chair - flats read the reports from the various Sunday Schools, and after a few remarks the meeting adjourned. At two o'clock the delegates assembled for business. The following papers were read and disoussed: lst—"Why we should study the Bible" by Miss Eila Metcalfe, Blyth. 2ud —"Teacher and Class," Rev, J, M. Perkins, B. A., of Exeter. 8rd—"Flome life and training of a child," Mrs. E. A. Hall, Gorrie. 4th—"Lesson helps." Rev. Grassett Smith, M. A., Teeswater. 5th—"Ways of Working," Dr. W. M. B Smale, Wroxeter. The papers wore all of a very highly instructive character, showing great thought and careful study iu prepara- tion. One of the pleasing features of the afternoon was the reading of an address of congratulation to the Vim. Archdeacon Richardeon, from the clergy of the Dean- ery, on the occasion of his elevation to the Archdeacou of Huron. He respoed- ed in feeling terme, thauking theta for their kind words. A touching incident that occurred during the afternoon's proceedings, show ing how "bread east upon the waters re- turns after many days," and for the en- couragement of the teacher was the tribute paid by a layman aud a leading clergyman of the Deanery, to an aged former Sunday School teacher of thil village of Gorrie, to whom they owed many of their first good impressions, which afterwards induced the latter, in later life to become a clergyman. The choir rendered two appropriate anthems in a careful and hearty manlier. A pleasing variation not on the program was iutroduced abont five o'clock in the afternoon, when Miss Elizabeth Han - stock and Mr. Richmond Armstroug were united in the bonds of holy matri- mony in the preseuce of the deleghtes. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. A. Hall, assisted by Ven. Archdeacon Richardson and Rural Dean Hodgins. After the departure of the wedding party the meeting was called to order and busi- ness was proceeded with. It was decid- ed that the convention, upou the invita- tion of Rev. Mr. Perkins, meet iu Exeter next year. The following officers were then el- ected for the ensuing year:—Hou. Pres- idents, Ven. Archdeacon Richardson and Rural Dean Hodgins; Presideut, Rev. R. J. M. Perkins; vice president, Mrs. E. A. Hall; recording secretary, Mr. Nash; corresponding secretary, Miss Irwin, Exeter. A hearty vote of thanks was then tendered Rev. Mr. Hall, Mrs Hall, the members of the congregation, and Miss M. Kaine, the corresponning secretary for the year. The proceedings of the day were brought to a close by a service in the evening at 7:30. Ven. Archdeacon Richardson being the preacher, his text being taken from Exodus 2:9, "Take this child away and nurse it for me and I will give thee thy wage." Delegates numbering about fifty were present from Exeter. Seaforth, Clinton, Blyeli, Belgrave, Wingham, Brussels, Fordwich, Wroxeter, etc. Thus ended a most instructive and interesting convention, which despite the weather was successful beyond ex- pectation. PERSONAL. Mrs. R. S. McGee of Owen Sound is visiting with Winghani friends. Miss Shelton, of Walkerton was visit- ing with Wingham friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cruickshanks of the B. Line, Turnberry are visiting with friends in Cobourg. Mrs. and Miss Murdoch, of Lucknow have been visiting at the home of Mr. M. Robertson for some days. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dimmer, and Miss Moore, of Listowel spent Sunday with Wingham relatives and friends. Mr. D. A. Campbell, who has been at his home here owing to his wife's illness and. death, returned to London on Tues- day. Mrs. D. W. Bradley, and daughter, Irene, of Pine River, visited Mrs. R. J. MaoMath for a few days daring the past week. Mrs. E. J. Shelton and two children, Misses Ferguson and Miss Montgomery, of Walkerton were visiting at the home of Mrs. Bugg over Sunday. Mr. John J. Moffatt was in Lucknow, Ripley and Kincardine this week on business in connection with the Guelph Model Farm excursion of June 2011i. Mrs. Blain, of Grimsby, has been visit- ing for some time'with her brothers, Messrs. Robert and Edward Haines in East Wawanosh, and Mr. Arthur Haines of Wingham. Mr, Alex. Young was home from Tor- onto for a few days this week. He has severed his connection with the cement block company, and is yet undecided as to what line of business he will take up. Mr. E. H. Ayer, advertising and ex- cursion agent of White Star Line of Steamers was in town on Tuesday, ar- ranging details in connection with the Trams, 2181 Of June excursion to Goder- ich and Detroit. Mr. Robt. McKenzie,of Stratford is spending a few weeks in town. lie has been laid up with an attack of rheuma- tism for some weeks, but with good weather ho hopes to resume his work at Stratford in a few weeks. Mrs. A. Waite, and son Campbell, who have been visiting here for some weeks, left for their home in Toronto yesterday. Mrs. Waite was accompan- ied by her sister, Mise Mattie Campbell, who will spend several weeks in Toronto before leaving for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Anderson left on Saturday lad on a trip to the Pacific Coast. They go to Sault Ste. Marie and spend a month with a daughter, and then to Winnipeg to spead a week with another daughter and then through to the coast. We wish theni a pleasant end enjoyable trip. Died at Owen Sound. Mr, Wesley Grav, died at his home in Owen Sound, on Sunday, May 29I aged 43 years. Deceased spent his early days in Winch:sun, but a number of years ago left here for Chesley and later moved to Owen Sound. where he was for some years engaged in the manu- facture of ivorine collars and cuffs. Mr. Grey had been ill sorne time prior to his death and epeut sotne time iu California in the hope of effecting a euro for con- sumptiou from the effect of svbich he died, having contracted the disease from materials used in his business. De- ceased was a brother of Mrs. Wm. Davicisou, and a brother-in-law of Mr. J. A, McLean, of Wiugham. LAve Stock Markets. Toronto. Juue 7,—The price of beef cattle in the city cattle market to -day looks like higher prices in the retail masket for the next meth or two. Present conditions iu the local butch- er's trade have given rise to the ques- tion, "Is their a real scarcity of cattle in the country?" Opinions differ among the cattle dealers, some averring that the reason cattle are not coining forward more freely is because the farmers have not got them. Others say that there are plenty of cattle in the country and that the present high prices will bring them to market in the next few weeks, To -day's receipts were 84 loads, with 1,246 heed of cattle, 405 sheep and lambs, 1,200 hogs stad 148 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. heavy $5 25 $5 45 Light 350 375 Bulls 3 50 4 15 do., light 3 50 3 75 Feeders light,800 pounds aud up- wards 3 00 3 25 Stockers 2 50 3 12a 900 lbs 2 75 3 50 Britchers'— Choice 4 00 4 25 Medium 3 00 3 40 Picked 4 50 4 75 Bulls .... 2 25 2 76 Rough 2 75 3 00 Light stock bulls ...... 2 - 2 50 Milk cows.... ,...30 00 ' 65 00 Hogs— Best .. 5 12?‘ Lights 5 00 Sheep— Export 400 440 Bucks .... 300 3 60 Culls 3 50 4 50 Spring Lambs 2 50 5 50 Calves, each . • 2 00 8 00 WINGELAM MARKET REPORTS Wiugham, June 8st, 1904 Flour per 100 lbs.._ 2 00 to 2 50 Fall Wheat ......... ..... 0 88 to 0 88 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 29 to 0 80 Barley .... ..... 0 40 to 0 45 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 Turkeys, drawn . . .... 0 12 to 0 13 Geese, " 0 08 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair , • • . 0 60 to 0 '75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 60 Butter 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs per doz 0 14 to 0 15 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 50 Hay, per ton, • ...... 7 00 to 7 60 Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 60 Tallow per lb . . . 0 05 to 0 05 Lard 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 04 Wool • • • 0 16 to 0 20 Live Hogs, per cwt5 00 to 5 00 WA. CURRIE, Wingham, Ont. " • THE PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER. Why go outside for a good man when you can get one at home ? Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. WINGHAM Machine Shop We are prepared to do all kinds of Machinery Repairing, and respectfully solicit your trade. Farmers, do not wait until you want to use your implements that need re- pairs, but bring them in and have them put in good working order, so that they will be ready for use. Lawn Mowers, Bicycles, etc., repaired. AlI work promptly attended to and guaranteed to give satisfaction. W. C. PATON Machinist and General Repair Shop. Victoria Street, NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. Haring, purchased Mr. Mitchell's in- terests m the Butchering business. I will continue the same in the old stand, and solicit a continuance of the liberal pat- ronage of the past, and guarantee the best of quality in Boasts of Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork. Steaks, Chops, Soup Bones, Boiling Pieces. All orders delivered promptly to any part of the town. ime..••••••••••••=of Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. THOS. FELLS. Oppoelte Skating Rink. IT PATS TO It is now current talk throughout the country that the student who intends totake a business or shorthand course, and wants to h placed, in paying place when graduated, should attend The Canada Business College, ORATIIAM, ON1'. $1Students of last year already earning over 600 per annum. WO placed in 11 months. Do you know of any other business school getting such results? We pay your railway fare. Have you ever seen our catalogue? If not, write for it and enter now. Address McLAOHLAN & CO,, Chatham, Ont. FOR SALE ! The residence of W. J. Chapman ON VICTORIA. ST. This is one of the most cosy and desirable homes iu Wingham. trpply to AE3NER COSENS WINGHAM ONT. .A. number of other houses for sale. rtggtgg mggftw, FINE PHOTOS tl CLEAR AHD BRIGHT w°arena, doing a aka lino at et $125 a dozen. (-)all and 8.00 theni at tz Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGLIAM. gUM:MM “M“UM GRAND TRUNK World's Fair, St. Louis, 1pr. 30-Dec."1, 1004 Exhibits shown by fifty Foreign Govern- ments. Live Stock Exhibit covers 37 acres. World's Fair, St, Louis $18.3o—Good 15 days ON SALE DAILY With stop over privileges at any Canadian sta- tion, also at Detroit and Chicago. For tickets, and further information, apply to J. D. MoDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, or L. HAROLD, Agent,Winghani. Steamship Express COMMENCING TUESDAY, MAY 24TH NORTHBOUND will leave Toronto at 1.30 p. m. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday for Owen Sound; Thurs- day. May 26th, Southbound, leaving Owen Sound 9.00 a. m. Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, for Toronto. Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or A. H. Notman, Asst. General Pas- senger Agent Toronto. estomertionomme inorit(y/Vonnon imar • ke, igis ht ;JIBE ft\ 1111111fl II 10016.,11 %601filli MI 111110 i 1 111111.110111011 k,111111211=112123111 urineA&Immo mai- Mimi_ esimp. 7-_,,_ igvalumii OUR INTENTION is to please—the determination is to satisfy, yes, to gratify. Some thiugs you may be sore of—always. These for instance—you benefit by all the “ktiow how" that compe- tent tailoring has at its lingers ends. Yon benefit by having loads of var. lay to make your choosing easy. Yon have oar promise that the fa- brics are fashionable—the pattern correct. And if you're acquainted with clothing Values—you'll know we aren't charging you too ranch. R. MAXWELL Emu Anr t,Luon. ominwOrM•inom.1111Welianale . . •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE1 1 John & (las. II. Kerr lie • Oa•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : • • • • • Nihon you want the best i 5: • : • I come to the Big Store for ill • • , : Prices that will induce Ladies Neckwear The demand for Ladies Neck- as • Vigorous buying. See for yourself, • wear increases every week. • In tact these dainty little * • : • —... articles form SD pretty a • it • finish to a ladies toilette, • • so • and they are so firmly es • — entrenched in feminine 0 • favor, that we are now be- a • be- : Window Window Shades from 25c up. ginning to look upon them • : as forming quite a staple es 0 Regular 50c Shades, best • roller and spring now, each 40e branch of our trade. An- • • a • —.. other lot arrived this week Fancy Handkerchiefs ieg. 15c • for 5c. Corticelli and Belding Paul's Silk Twist, 2 spools for • 5e Ladies Cotton Hose per pair 5 • * Last week we received a • • quantity of Fancy Hand- • • kerchiefs trimmed with • white lace and insertion, • • that sell in a regular way • ▪ at we and 150 each. We • pat them on sale at, each - 5 • 0 Joh lot of lace Curtains • Travellers' Samples a little IS soiled but all good. Just • the thing for small window • • or glass door. Very pretty • • patterns, sold in single enr- • tains at prices that make • • pocketbooks fly open. • Curtains that, sell in regular • • way at 83 00 to 8.5 00 a • • pair, travellers samples at • - 50e to 60c • • • • • • Shoes • • • The best of every kind, style, fit, finish and quality. In eyery pair * solid service at pleasing prices. a 0 • See our Stock of Cut Glass. ate ••••••••••••••••••••••am 108 Lace Curtains Samples at from. each • - 10c to 60e of the very newest and prettiest designs shown by the manufacturers. • Faney Silk and Wash Collars 250: Embroidered Silk turndowns 25c to 50e. • Fancy Guipier „Collars prices up from - - • 90c But we can't describe them in an so advertisement. Come and see : them. • • • •11141•10•111•11P=M11•1•11, 0 ap. • Men's Overalls • • We are sole agents for the ' Arm and Hammer Brand Pants, Over- 41: alls, Smocks, Shirts etc. We carry in stock moleskin pants and overalls extra sizes in Waist ra and lee measure at the same price 14 as ordinary sizes. • • • • Youths and Boys Pants, and Over. alis also Brownies in all sizes, At • prices that ate right. ea Nothing better than CUT GLASS so for a WEDDING PRESENT. • ••••••••••••••••••••••esse .0111101=11•11••••212••IMINIAN •••••••••••••••• VVVIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIITIVVVY VVVVYIVVVVirITYVVYVVVVVVVVYV 4 4 SEEDS! SEEDS!!J I 1. 4 4 4 4 li I 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VVVVVVVVVYVVVYVVirw7VVY VVVVVVVVYVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVY VYVVIITYVVVVVVVVVVYVVVTI TY SEEDS I ! T. A. MILLS HAS JUST COMPLETED . HIS STOCK OF 1 4 Garden and Field Seeds14 —Common Red Clover —Mammoth Alsike —Crimson, Lucerne and White Timothy —Orchard Grass —Icentuck Blue Grass —Meadow Fescue, Red Top —Lawn Grasses, in packages of the finest mixtures. —Mangolds—Intermediate, Long Red, —Giant Sugar Beets —Goose Wheat. 4 -4 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 -4 4 .4 Cali and see them T. A. MILL Si KAAAAAAAIAAAtAAAAALIAAAAKA 'AIAAAAAAAAAAAIWIAAAAAMVAAS