HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-09, Page 22 THE W'1NGRAM TIMES, JUNE 9, 1904. T 0 ADVERTISERS N itice of changes roust be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not Inter than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon \Vecluesdav of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872. TIIE WIN6IAM TIMES. 11 R. ELLIOTT. PIIALIF} i n AND PRaritIETOR THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1904 THE POST OFFICE DEPART- MENT. A great transformation has take* place in the Post Office Departmeut since Sir William Mulock took bold, Saying uott ing of the useful reforms he ' sJuts made iu various branches -the rail - ay mail service, dead -letter office, woney.order offices and so ou -the fivau- tial resnite aecor_►plishy'!t are exceeding. Iy- satisfactory. In lk90 there was' fade:• tacit of nearly $800,000, -,There had al- ways been deficit...; it was supposed they were iuevitabk. Atter Sir William had been in office two years, the balance on the wrote: „ikln Vk as cut down to less than $30,000, whereupou he felt justi- fied iu tryine the experiment of lower- ing the postage rates. Iu 1898, mainly through his efforts, the rate op letters between Canada and the United King- dom was reduced front five to two cents per half -ounce. The year after the do- mestic rate ou letters in Canada was re- duced from three to two cents, as also the rate between Canada and the United States. Natutaily, the revenue fell in conse- quence, but it recovered by 190.2 when there was a small surplus ou the year's operations. In 1903 the surplus had riseu to $300.000. although iu addition to the redueti.in of rotes he had all along been paying for the Yukou service, which was not in existence when he en- tered office. The poet office, for the first time iu its history, is now a self- sustaining department and something better. It is contended by the Tories, who do not like to admit what is now mann fest even to the bliud, namely, that by comparison they made a poor fist of Post Office affairs, that the reduction in the rates of postage is not a gain to the farmer and mechanic but ouly to cor- poratious and merchants who purchase large quantities of stamps iu the coarse of their business. As a matter of fact, the cost of the Post Office Department is now paid for by those who make use of it, who buy stamps, etc. But when there were deficits ranging from $050,- 000 to 71;800,000, as happened under the Tories, these had to,be made good by ex- tra taxes on the whole people. Under the present order of'things, however, we have, first, lower postage rates, aud, secoudly, a surplus that goes to reduce the taxes on the whole people. It is ob- vious, then. that everybody is profiting by Sir William's capable mauagenient and that of his highly competent deputy, Dr. Coulter. As the result of a recent decision in the court of appeal,' it would appear that where a caretaker is not employed to look after the fires in the country schools, it is tate duty of the teacher to act as stoker, keep bite snow off the woodpile, and perhatet split the kindling in an emergency. Mise Emma Emerson, a Melancthon township teacher, brought a suit against the trnstees of her school section for $2500 damages for injury caused to her health by the alleged neglect of the trustees to appoint a per- son to attend to the heating of the school -room. The case was carried to the court of appeal, where the plaintiff was non -suited. The drink bill of the United States for coffee, tea and cocoa amounted last year to $208,600,261, but not satified with this amount of liquid nor the degree of stimulants contained, there was used also about $1,250,000,000 worth of alco- holic drinks, or that is about what was spent for that kind of drinks. Verily it is a dry nation if it takes that much Iiquid to keep the whistle wet. A Minister Cured of Itching Piles They suffering from itchingand burning was almost be- yond endurance. ;i'he victim of a severe case of piles isnot only fillEt for Mental Or physical work but is kept in almost constant agony. Besides the dreadful itching and burning iensations there is a strain on the nervous system *thick almost drives a person crazy, far as is known the only a'F.asolute and teed cure for every form of piles is Dr. Ointment. a preparation which is now e world over. HOMAS, Brownsville. Ont., Writes: I f seventy years 1 am grateful to Chase's Ointment for a cure et caused the endle., annoyance •ry. The itching and burning nd eadutr<act, but Dr. Chase's relief and at the trouble to believe that is a hos, at ail 4 Co.. Toronto. the c he famous us HEALTH FOR CIRLS, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make Strong Healthy Rosy.Cheeked Lasses. "I was attacked with appendicitis," says Mies Fabiola Grantwout, daughter of Mr, Charles Gratu'uont, a prosperous farmer of Champlain, Que., "and while the doctor who attended me cured me of this trouble, it left behind after effects from which it seemed almost impossible to recover. I grew weak and very pale; my appetite was poor; I suffered at times from severe headaches; and the least exertion left me completely wore out. I tried several remedies, but in- stead of getting better I was gradually growing worse. Any work about the house left ine weak and dispirited, atd I felt almost like giving up. At this time a friend who bad used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with much benefit, strongly urged me to give them a trial, I got a box, and as I did not feel any better when I had used them, I would have. given them up but for the fact that my friend urged that one box was not a fair trial. I then decided to coutiuue the use of the pills, and by the time I had taken three boxes I found my coudition was improving. I used eight boxes in all, and by the time I had taken them all my old tiwashealth had returned. My appe- tite bad impeivet,el. .bmfl gained in weight and the glow of health -had re- turned to my face. I cannot too strong- ly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all pale and weak girls." Good blood is an absolute necessity, and the only way to have a constant sup- ply of rich, red health-giviug blood is to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Every doss helps to make new blood, and to drive front the system such troubles as anaemia, languidness, neuralgia, dyspep- sia, rheumatism, etc. You can get these pills from any wedicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. TURN ItERRY. Minutes of Council meeting held in the clerk's office, Blaevale, on Monday, May 30th; members of council all pres- ent; the Reeve in the chair; the minutes of last meeting were reaii and adopted' on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and Couplaud. Mr. Agnew of W. T. plot applied to council to cut some shade trees on public street. Couplaud-Rutherford-That the Reeve and Mr. Kelly he appointed to ex- amine the said trees and take what ac- tion is necessary. -Carried. Mr. John Musgrove reported having sold timber ou 4th con. line, opposite lot 5, to Wm, Eagleson, 16 trees at 91 cents each, R. Gilkinson, 2 trees on side road at 60 cents each and to James Nichol a number of elm trees at $1.30 for the lot. Musgrove -Rutherford -That the clerk be authorized to notify Henry Godkin to clean out , to original depth the two Government draius on his place, before the lst day of July next, also to notify Road Master of Cr, T. Railway to clean out the portion of said Govern- ment drain on their premises by the 10th day of July next, also to notify Henry Thompson to clean out the portion of said drain on his place by 15th July next. Also to notify Ronald Lamont to clean oat his portion of said drain before 22nd day of July next. And also to notify Wm. J. Deyell to clean out the portion of said drain on his place as soon as those below him have finished theirs. -Carried. Rutherford -Musgrove -That we let coutract of Elliott drain to Messrs. Duff & Stewart at $2005.00 and $20.00 per thousand for what lumber is necessary. -Carried. Coupland-Rntherfprd-That we take no action on claim ford plow damaged on Morris Boundary. -Carried. .Kelly -Musgrove -That any person cutting trees or sods, or removing earth, gravel, or sand from the public roads of this municipality, without consent of council shall be prosecuted with the ut- most rigour of law. -Carried. The following accounts were passed and orders on Treasurer issued: - Theo. Hall, adv., $2.50; A. Young & Son, spikes, 77 cents; H. B. Elliott, printing and adv., $6.50; Herbert Hen- nings, tile and culvert, $3.00; A. Long- ley, gravel, $2.31; P. McLaren, expenses to Goderich, $8.00; J. S. McTavish, sal- ary, postage and equalizing No. 7 S. S., $69.00. Council adjourned to meet in the clerk's office, Blaevale, on the 20th day of Jane next, at 10 o'clock a.m. The members of council having sub- scribed the oath as members of the court of Revision, the court was opened at 2 o'clock p.m. with the Reeve in the chair. The following changes Were made in the roll. Alex. Kelly was as- sessed for park lot no. 38 W. T. plot; A. Swinderhurat assessed M. ; George Pollard assessed for lots north half 11, 12, 19, north half 20, C. S. Bluevale. James Pugh struck off roll; S. A, Gan- nett assessed for lot 110 D. S. Bluevale. Robert King struck off roll. Wm. San- derson 3 C. S. Blnevale, assessed F. M, F. ; Wm. Reid lot 30, con. 11, assess- ed M. F. ; Wm Reid 101W. T. plot, as- sessed M. F.; Wm. Breckenridge, Blue - vale, assessed M. F.; George Hawthorn 216, W. T. plot, assessed M. F.; Alex. Robertson, W. T. plot, assessed M. F.; James Robertson, W. T. plot, assessed M. F.; Edward Grooves, 152 W. T. plot, assessed M. P.; Charles Findlay, 351 W. T. plot, asseesed M, F.; Thomas Bass is 60,1011 and 2 B. line, assessed M. F.; D, Poeock assessment to stand. Kelly-Coupland--That the Court ot Revision be now adjourned to meet in the clerk's office, Blnevaie, on Monday, ,l'une 24th at 2 o'elook P. M. Jean Rtiltsltete Clerk. !VEST N'AWAi(1SH. Council met as a Court of Revision, and for general business. The assess• ment roll, after being finally revised, was adopted by the Board, on motion of Cameron and McLean. The council then resumed general business. The clerk was instructed to advertise for en• gincer. The trustees of the Police vil- lage of Manchester asked to have Sta- tute Labor abolished and the privilege of spending their owu rates; the request was grauted. Messrs. Knox and Asquith asked the council to have a by-law sub- mitted to the rate -payers of a section of the township to grant a bonus of $2,000 to the Guelph Junction Railway Com. pany, the necessary petition being pre- sented, the Board granted their request. The following checks were issued: -Mrs, Brown, dram, $$.75; D, Glen, drain and tile, $9,75; Charles Agar, work on cou, 6, $5; Wm. Bamford, cutting hill, con 4, $25; Archie Auderson. gravelling, $2; R. Miller, filling washout, $3.25; Assessing and equalizing schools, $S5; G. Brophy, work on road, $1; A. Glen, disciug road, $3; P. Smeltzer, work ou W. B,, $9, treasurer, trip to Goderioh, re provincial auditor, $2, Council adjourned to meet ot1areesday, June 28th, at 10 o'clock. W. S. Mcoaosrsa, Clerk. The Joy of Living It is only the healthy who find a real 'joy iu life. Weak, nervous, laugoid and discouraged people find new hope and energy in the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. With new rick blood coursing through the veins and the thrill ot new nerve force sent tingling along the nerve fibres, she joy of living returns and dis- ease and weakness disappear. ABOUT TREE PLANTING. Considerable progress has been made with the tree nursery at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College. Hon. John Drydeu stated that in the spring of 1906 he ex- pected they would be in a position to dis- tribute to the farmers of the province at least 200,000 trees of various classes. During the past ten days about 50,000 two.year-old evergreens -pine, Norway spruce, larch, etc. -have been transplant- ed, and enough seed sown to give 30,000 more," said Mr. Dryden. We have also gathered enough acorns for at least 100,- 000 red and white oak trees, a variety of commercial timber which caunot be well transplanted, but which grows somewhat rapidly from seed. Besides these we have several other varieties, such as maple, beech, birch, ash and so on." This is carrying out the policy pro- posed .by Hon. John Dryden and endor- sed by the recent session of the Legisla- ture. It will put the re -growing of trees all over the other parts of the province within the reach of the farmers, and the ultimate bouefit can scarcely be estimat- ed. How to Help a Town. Praise it. Talk about it. Trade at home. Write about it. Take a home pride in it. Remember it's your home. Tell of it's business resources. Try and induce others to trade here. When strangers come to town nse them well. Look ahead of self when your town is considered. Don't call your best citizens frauds and imposters. Support your local institutions that benefit the town. Help your public officers in doing the most good for the most people. Don't forget that yon live off the people here, and you should help other. as they help you. Respect every* good citizen in your town, and if there are any others try and make them good. If your tax is increased a dollar by improvements, remember yonr property is benefitted many times that sum, -The TIMES to auy address till Janu- ary 1st, 1905 for 50 cents. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Paha or Tightness In the Chest, Eto. It stops that tickling in the throat, is pleasant to take and soothing and heal- ing to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand, the well-known Galt gardener, writes:- --I had a very severe attack of sore throat and tightness in the chest.. Some times when I wanted to cough sad could not I would almost choke to death. M wife got mea bottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my aur- prise I found speedy relief. I would not be without it if it test $1.00 s bot• the, and I can recommend it to everyoa0'i bothered with e. cough or cold. *rice RA Cents. .. �. TOWN DIILECTOR,Y. B.t.PTIST Oaw cu -Sabbath Be -vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on 'Wednesdayeveuiugs. Rev, J. N. Mo - Lean, B.A., pastor. Abner Cosens, S.S. Superintendent, METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:30 p m, Epworth League every Mon- day evening. Gel eral prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, J. R. Untidy, 0,0., pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Sabbath Ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:30 p m, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and S S. Superinten- dent, P, S. Lieklater and L. Harold, assistant S. S. Superintendents. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rentor and S. S. , Superin- tendent. John Taylor and Ed. Nash, assistant S. S. Superintendents. SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Suuday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. Punta LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. Tows Covxolh-R. Vanstone, Mayor; Thos. Bell, Wm. Holmes, W. J. Greer, Thos. Armstrong. G. H. C. Millikiu. David Bell, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Win. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SonooL BOARD. -J. J. Hornuth, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Donglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd. Dr. A. 3. Irwin, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyu, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer Usually when a woman's voice is tried by a professor of music it is found guilty. When a woman feels blue she cries; when a man feels bine he goes round the corner.and "smiles." There isn't enough history in the world to supply the demand of would -he authors of historical novels. A man occasionally takes his pen in hand, but the umbrella he takes iu hand usually belongs to another. It you see a lot of women coming out - of a church crying it indicates that a wedding has just been pulled off. Any man who has to get up and get his own breakfast while hes wife lies in bed is likely to feel like turning the "God Bless Our Home" motto to the wall. Most people think too lightly of a cough. It is a serious matter and needs prompt attention. Take Shiioh's Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic when the first sign of a cough or cold appears. It will cure you easily and quickly then -later it will be harder to cure. Prices 25c., 60c. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS fi CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. so Wood'ai Phofsphodiine, The Brest Earlisb Remedy, is an old, well estate lished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40 years. All drug. gists in the Dominion of Canada ®sell and recommend . es being the only -medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak- ness, Emissions, Spermatorrh ea, Impotency, and all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity. Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave. Price St per package or 81x for $5. One win picas®, sire will cure. Mailed prornpty on re- oeipt of price, Send for free pamphlet. Addrea. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont', Canada, Weed's Phosphodine is sold in Wing - ham by A. L. Hamilton, W. McKibbon and A. I. McCall & Co., Druggists. Befol'e and Alter, RAILWAY TINE TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE rola London 650 a.m.... 8.10µ.m, Toronto it East9 a.m,6.58 a.m.,.. 8.05p.m. Kineardine,.11.10 a.m1.40 pen.... 8. p.m. annive meat Kineardine ....0.60 a.m., 9.00 a.m.,,. 8.05 p.m. London 11.10 S.M.... 7.35 p.>et. Palmerston ......... . ... 11.10 a.tn, Toronto k Met1.40 p.m.... 8.88 p.m. L. fAR©L, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAtLW AY. ��✓✓ TRAINS LLA'r1 TOR Toronto and East 6.57 a.nl.,,. 6.46 p.m, Tee5water ...•+ 1.17 p.m....10.48 p.ee, Alto® PROM Teeswitier, , a .... 6 $7 mai a44 p.a. Toro*te and Hest ., ..,.117p.aa,..,104s p.itt. i Ja H. $TCLM1k, Attenl,Wieekaitt, ESTABLISHED 1.73 THE WINfillti TIMES. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING "-AT- The Times Office, Beaver Bloek WINGH AM, ONARIO, Tense or SIIBSOKIPTION-$1 JU per annum in advance, $1.50 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 8o per Nonpariel line rex- flied insertion, 11c per line for each subsequent insertio. Advertnisements in local columns are charged 10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per•line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farmsmonth for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first month and 50 cents for each subsequent CONTRAn Rams -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:- SPACE. 1 YIt. 6 no. 8 MO. Iso One Column $!10.00 $85,00 $15,00 "eel 6 iYr Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.e1 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. TAE JOB DEPARTMENT Is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the, county for turning oat first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Mind Bills, ete., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher 1 P KENNEDY M. L.. M.O.P. 8.O f • Member of tie British Medical Asmocia• tion. Gold Mens,Hot in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren, Office hours -1 tp 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over W,McKibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. OHISIHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM M.B., m.o., O.M., M.O.P.8.0. MB, MD,OM., M 0 P 8 0. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS. Exc. Orme-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. DRR. BROWN, L. R. L. P. London England. Graduate of London, New York and Chi- cago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 4th Tuesday in each month. Hours froin 2 to 9 p.m. R•VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged Mort- gages, town and faun property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY Holmes DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Offloe over Post Office, Wingham. XT T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. • DENTIST. Behver Block, Wingham. D.D.S.-Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. J S. JEROME, L. D. S. Has a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed Orme.- In Chisholm block, next door to Hamilton's Drug Store. ":ems ifsilitifio JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham. Ont. ALES. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders loft at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sale; of Farm Stook and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TI*Es office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. FS. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stock Ad implements. Dates and orders can always be arranged at 'the TIMES office, Wingham, FARMERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation telae and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send -oar advertisement to the Times and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DtslONs CorynieHTs ac. :An -ens sending a sketch end descrition amp gddgfckly ascertain our opinion free whether teais Intention irlotlyoprobably ts i.s: ,bbookonPssees*. sent free. omen a forseenring stents. Patents taken through Mann & Co, reeella special scale, wahost charge, to the nth mules Sc� .� n. A handsomely Itatttrsted *esti'. Urged ear. eelatloa of any actenttae enema. Terms, St ser, kir menthe, IL mole hyan Sewedoniets. ��tlatd066 IS 10. ter. a • i� the ¥lnhster of Flaunts on May 2 7 Fon TYRO t I'j RATE last comn►unicated wholly or in part previous to the sante being so read to the IIouse: Sir Wilfrid Laurier replied that the application was communicated to the Cabinet, and no one else shortly after it was receiv- ed. Mr, Maclean's Bill Referred to the Railway Committee. ADD TO PAY OF THE MILITIA Mr Frederick Norden Explains the Increase. -The Midget Next Tuesday -Mr. ouraesa'n Complaint Against Lord Strathcona-Resolution Passe,! For the Prohibttlon of Cigarettes - 'Protection of Crossings. Ottawa, May 81. -After many weeks of Government legislation the Public bills and resolutions standing In the names of private members were once more given a chance in the House yesterday. full advantage of the opportunity was token, and sev- eral important matters were discuss- ed. Sir Frederick Borden presented the regulations for the increased pay of the militia. The IIouse adopted In committee the resolution introduc- ed by Mr. Maclaren of Huntingdon sonie weeks ago, that it is expedi- ent to bring in a bill to prohibit the importation, manufacture and sale of cigarettes. 'There was no discus- sion on the bill yesterday. Setceral bills amending the railway act were discussed, the most important one being Mr. Maclean's, and the prin- cipal provision being that fixing two cents a mile as the maximum railway passenger rate. This stet with favor from, the Opposition, but the IIouse eventually accepted a suggestion by Eton. 1'dr. Fiteputrick that the bill be referred to the Railway Committee, who should investigate the matter. The Budget Next Tuesday. Ilon. W. S. Fielding announced that the budget would be brought down on Tuesday of next week. Hon. Mr. fielding brought down supplementary estimates, amounting to $10,000, on account of the re- construction of the Ottawa post - office, destroyed by fire. Ile expl ed the amount was necessary to carry on the work for the remaind- er of the current fiscal year, which ends on the 30th of Jtine. Mr. Bourassa's contemns. Henri Bourassa made complaint that Lord Strathcona, Iligh Com- missioner in London, discussed pub- licly solne phases of the political relations of Canada and the Empire. He insisted that a Canadian official should take no part in the politics of Great Britain. Recently the Prime Minister had stated that W. T. R. Preston had no authority to speak for Canada in certain matters he had diseussed; he wanted some such course pursued with regard to Lord Strathcona. Sir Wilfrid Laurier explained that Lord Strathcona, socially and polit- ically, was highly thought of in Great Britain. While His Lordship sometimes gave his opinions on po- litical questions, Sir Wilfrid said he had never known him to speak on behalf of the Dominion Government. Colon Label Rill. Ralph Smith moved the second reading of his hill to enable labor unions to register their labels under the trades marks act. Speaker Bcicourt ruled the second reading out of order under the rule which prohibits the introduction et a bill relating to trade or the re- straint of trade without notice in the form of a resolution. "I give notice to that effect than," said Mr. Smith. To Amend Criminal Code, Mr. Lancaster moved the second reading of his bill to amend the Criminal Code. The object of the bill is to prevent persons under 21 ,years of age, arrested on a criminal charge, from electing as to how they shall be tried without first securing the advice of their parents as guardi- ans. Mr. Fitzpatrick suggested that a good many criminals under 21 years of age know how to take care of themselves on such matters without any advice. He thought it would be sufficient to give persons under 16 the protection provided for in Mr. Lancaster's bill. The amendment was adopted. Cigarette Resolution. Without a word of discussion the House went into committee on the resolution: "That it is expedient to bring in a bill to prohibit the im- portation, manufacture and sale of cigarettes," and passed it. The bill will be brought down at next sitting of the House. Protection of Crossings. The House having gone into com- mittee on the bill, Mr. Lancaster, the champion of the cattle -guard movement of last session, explained the necessity of amending the Rail- way Act as proposed. The bill states that "whenever in a city, town or incorporated village a railway crosses a highway at rail level, the said speed of ten miles an hour shall in no event be exceeded, unless the railway company keeps a watchman at such crossing to warn all people using the highway of ap- proaching trains." Canada -French Line, Sir Richard Cartwright stated that since the beginning of the present session the Government has entered into negotiations with the Arm- strong Company, shipbuilders, with the object of establishing a line of steamers between Canada and France. The Treedgold Investigation. Mr. Casgrain was informed that a new commission Iran been issued to Mr. Justice Britton to continue and terminate the investigation into the Treadgold and other concessions hi the 'Yukon. The commissioner ex- pects to snake his report about July 1. Only to the / e Cabinet. Mr. Barker of Hantiltdn, wanted to know to what persons, oh what det- ail, and under what cltcutestances *at the application of George A. Cox, Charles M. Hay's and William Wainwright read to the House by Timber protection. The Minister of the Interior stated that the Government had been is - formed of the resolution passed at the fifth annual meeting of the Cana- dian Forestry Association, setting forth the necessity of protecting the tinilier along the route of the Trans continental Jlailway from lire risks with the construction of the road, and also asking 'for an exami- nation into the water sources of Canada. Mr, teifton said that an ef- ficient protective service would be instituted where the railway Grasses Government lands. The question of enquiring into the water sources of the country is under consideration. Fay of the Mllltia. In reply to Mr. Henderson, re the late of pay to be allowed the militia, at the annual camps, the Minister of Militia said that muter the act long service and good conduct will be al- lowed at the rate of 20 cents for the first year, 40 cents for the second and 50 cents for the third year. Several conditions are laid down. To be entitled to this pay, which is in addition to the regular rate of 50 cents a day, privates and iten-commissioned oiltcers must be duly enlisted in a regiment outdid® of the permanent corps. They must perform the full amount of drill for which their regi- meats are called out. They must he reasonably efficient in the perform- ance of their duties, in the Ilse of the ri fie, or whatever weapon their corps is equipped with. They must have rem coined no ponishment beyond admo- nition or reprimand. If these condi- tions are not complied 'with all right to good service standing is forfeited'_ The act will come into force on June 1.. 1904, but privates and non-com- missioned officers who have served continuously for three years will come unde• its provisions. Two-Coot,l'tusenger Itale. , W. F. Maclean moved the second reading of his bill to amend the Pailway Act. The bill, besides pro- viding for a minimum rate of two cents a mile for passengers on rail- ways, contains three .other amend- ments. It deprives the chairman of the Railway Commission of power to override the decision of his two, collea;ues on questions involving' points of law. 11 brings the express companies within the jurisdiction of the Railwav Commission. It provides that compensation in connection with independent telephone companies gaining access to railway stations. shall be based on actual damages sustained by the company, and aside from any claim to recognition for violated contract of rights. Mr. Maclean fought unsuccessfully against sending his bill to the Rail- way Committee. Like Mr. Lancas- ter's hill to amend the Hallway Act it was passed on to the Railway Committee, The Minister of Justice gave the assurance that the purpose of the Governinent in sending it to that. committee was not to shelve the hill but to expedite its full considera- tion. Aliens on Grand Trunk Tactile. At midnight, Sir William Mulock to bled into the douse the corres- pondence between the Department of Labor, the representative of the Ca- nadian Amalgamated Society of Civ- il Engineers and the Grand 'Trunk management, in connection with the charges of the employment of aliens on the Grand '!'rink Pacific. FRANCE AND THE VATICAN. Chamber of Deputies Hears Interpellatloni on (.overnu,ent's Attitude. Ilon-ie, May 3t. -The Chamber of Deputies were crowded yesterday to hear the discussion on the interpel- lation on the attitude of the Gov- ernment towards the Vatican pro- test against President Loubct's visit. Signor Mazza, Republican, called the Note of the Papal Secretary of State, Merry del Val, a perfect in- sult. Ile recalled that the Pope had not protested against the atrocious offences to religion in France. His Holiness had now risen against a king, who, according to the Vatican„ had stolen the pontifical patrimony. designating his Majesty as a usur- ' per. The note, therefore, was a de- claration Of war. Sig. Mazza asked the Government to take energetic action to prevent. the invasion of church into the king's affairs. The Government had forgotten all pride and the national dignity by answering the Vatican in- sult, by giving hospitality to Cardi- nal Svampa when the king, on Sat= urday, went to Bologna, The Gov- ernment permitted the people of Franco to defend Italian rights. The Liberals and the extreme parties ap- plauded and the galleries joined. Sig. Guerei, Radical, followed, say- ing that "this time the Vatican was not protesting, but bleating." Sig. Sabrins, Socialist, interrupt- ing, said:. "Call it 'braying.' (Laughter, ) Peary' Brlekmakcrs Strike. Toronto, May 8l. -There was hot ft. brick made in Pear's brickyard at Toronto Junction yesterday. The men are out on strike for higher wages. This is the largest brickyard in the western part of Toronto and invelves the paving brick plant as well. A speedy settlement is looked for. Rocelved African France. London, May 31. --King Edward held a brilliant levee yesterday morn- ing. After the levee the King receiv- ed in audience the Alake of Abeokuta (Upper Guinea), a picturesque "West African potet►tate. The 13ritish Gov- ernment hos agreed to buy all the Make's iahos cotton for three years. Steerage raeliege For if11. London, May 31. --Tho Americas Line has reduced itis steerage rate to $10. e.