HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-09, Page 1M TIMES.
VOL NNXIII.-- NO. 1 68i.
Blow Your
Own Horn
We're "Blowing our own
horn" along with the rest of
our fellow citizens, but ours
is a different sort of a horn;
it is a business horn with as
business end to it; and we're
blowing it for"YOUR good
as well as for our own.
That is why we have
plenty of help in blowing --
why hundreds of people are
constantly blowing for us.
Homuth Bros.' clothes
are the best clothes made.
Ask the man who wears
them, "He knows."
Homuth Bros. clothes
from $12.00 to $40.00.
We have the very newest
American makes, Hats and
Caps. Not a single out -of -
style hat in the store, so
you are sure of getting a
new, up-to-date hat when
you buy one from us.
In shirts we have a full
assortment of all the best
makes of Canada, and can
guarantee you fast colors.
sizes from 14% to 17 '•.
prices $1.00 to $1.25.
Be sure you buy all of your Gents
Fnrtnehings from us. If you do yon
have , the best
1 t shred
you ate
fee is
materials your money eau buy and
always sure of it being up-to-date.
A pleasure to show goods.
fHofflllth Bros.
Issued by FRANK PATERS011, No. 2$ Victoria
atreet.Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,000 ,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,474,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the 'United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
$. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President— HON. 'GVar. GrusoN.
Vice -President and
General Manager —J: TumNnrtree
en Proctor,
HonG. Btthefod
Inspeetor—t{. M. WATsoN.
pavanIggs $atik Hours 10 to 13• Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest a116wod, and computed on the 80th No-
vember raid 3lst May each year and added to
tit:melts deposit* als6 received at current
rows at interest.
Drafts 6n (;tre..it Britain end the Vatted
States Bought and Old,
Travellers are notified that the Beak of Ham-
ilton rind its Branches issue Virouiar Bates of
N*tiennl Prbvinoit I Bank of England, Limited,
bwhich can be
le in any 'not ofthee world without charge or tion-
il1O 1NS011'.1011,014151ES, Solicitors.
Gall Up Telephone 59
When you want the best and
freshest to be had in
and the latest, prettiest and
most up-to-date in
Our increasing trade and our
many satisfied customers are the
best evidences we want that the
goods we handle are right.
We aim to get the hest—and we
get it.
Having put on a new delivery
v+agon, our enstoj ors may rely
on prompt deliver' ;of goods.
■ . Ai Hulchison
Guods delivered promptly. Phone 50
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashileld Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a lvag;onshop. Aeneral store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 8 per cent. Ear further par-
ticulars apply to
.T. A..ttIacKENSIE,
Insurauce Agent, Holyrood.
My Business is Belying
and Selling Real Estate
in Onferin,
VANSnmr Broca. WINGHAM, Oa
Horse maid wanted. Geed svnges.
Apply to Orr Bros., I%rug Edward hotel.
The results of
the first, second a
at the Ontario Ag
announced last we
County who pas
were as follows:
ton, Clinton. Sec
on, Seaforth; R.
Smillie, Biuevale
Deachman, Gorrie.
he examinations of
d third year students
cultural College were
h. Those in Huron
ad the examinations
"irst year—F. Middle,
nd year—J. R. Dick -
Sloan, Blyth; W.
Third year—J.
eree>r''s Shoes and Rubbers
A meeting of the It
ham, will be held in
ber on Mouday event'
the ttdvisibility of. ft
discussed and all bus
vited to attend.
erobants of Wing.
he council gham-
tg next to consider
%ming a Merchants
{ matters will bo
mess men are in -
Have you seen Cooper's wall paper?
Hotel Changin Hands.
Mr. Jas. Broadway 1 t week sold his
hotel property and bust ess to Mr. Thos.
Hill, of Lgndesboro. b r, Broadway, has
been in the business he for three years.
He bas not yet decided n his plans for
the future. Mr, Hill its had several
years experience in th hotel basiness
and recently sold his p operty at ',nudes -
bora to Mr, R. D. 13r +e, late of BeI-
grave. 'Mr. Hili gets ossessinn of the
prop y here on the ' let of June.
WARTY" D—Car of butter, 350 tubs by
June 10th. Eggs, 10o trade; 14c cash,
Geo. E. RING
Former Resid nts in Oregon.
Mr. W J. Neil 1st week received a
letter from our for ier townsman, Mr.
R. C. Kittson, who is now residing at
Marshfield, Orego . Mr. Kittson and
all members of his family are enjoying
good health and re ni.;ely settled iu
their new home,', here 111r. Kittson has
a position ae nigh watchman in a large
saw mill. He re its times as not very
prosperous, owl') to the approaching
Presidential elect .n. During the past
winter they had n heavy frosts or cold
weather, but bad o end of rain. Dur-
ing February it ra led for twenty-seven
days out of the tw 'sty -nine, and dud ig
January, Fabrnar and March, se nty-
four inches of rat fell.
We are paying the high t cash price
for wool, delivered t ur tannery on
Victoria stret.t
he local rent of
Muccabees and visit.
Brussels, Teeswater
Corners, to the lig
more, attended di+
Baptist Church on S
%1h lists pa
B. A., dt•.itvered a vel
practical discourse.
concise account of th
order, and dwelt on
which the members yr
The duty of protec
the necessity of mal
the life beyond w
those present. 11'i:r.
a solo "Rock of Ag
tt Church.
se Knights of the
ng brethren from
and Williatrlson's
tuber of fifty, or
n� SerVlee in the
nday ler:ruin;; last,
v. J. J McLean,
appropriate and
he speaker gave a
founding of the
the principles for
rebandeci together.
ing the house and
ng preparation
re impressed/
E'rank Hill
Fon S ILn—Tiro hi
goes, set hob sleighs
ness. Apply to D.
horsey;` two wa-
id set double her,
Showers, Edward
The R. H. Crow
nounce a surpris
A few Rags of Seed Peas still on hand from June 10th to
and all kinds of Seed Corn, at will be found in a
T. A. MILLS. sales will be cont
Celebrated 1st Birthday.
Our good frien Mr. Jas. Cochrane
celebrated his 81st birthday on Su.uday
last, and his ma friends are pleased
to see him still h e and hearty and en-
joying excellent health. May ho live
to flee many ore birthdays. Mr.
Cochrane and t e Tastes editor had
partially arrang d for a trip to Scotland
during this kno th, but owing to un-
avoidable circus stances our trip will
have to be postp ed until next year.
Large stock of sample (right up -to.
date) ready -to -wears at reduced prices,
at Mrs, Green's.
WANTED—Eggs, lde trade, 14o cash,
commencing May 25th. Treat those ped-
lars fair; make them them take your but.
ter, pork, etc., with the eggs, 'same as
your general merchant does. Potatoes
wanted. Geo, E. IS`INdi.
Owing to the it
Duncan the citizen
mence their weekl
Friday evening las
park tomorrow ev
following weeks t
Thursday evening
in Blyth on Pride
has also been enga
at the Dominion
and Notes.
ess of Bandmaster
' band did not corn -
open -air concerts on
, but will play in the
ning. For the tWQ
y will play out t
, having engagements
evenings. The band
ed to furnish music
Day celebration at
The following is he program for Psi-
day evening's conrt:--
March--The Tw Eagles.
March—The Ba leship Alabama.
Overture ---Goldin Crescent.
Barn Dance—In s Id Alabama.
Waltz—Tri 'afu Eyes.
Polka, Cornet s, o—The Lily.
Overta —Von
s aii-
pie River.
Serenade ---On t d's Charms.
'Waltz Medley Home Sweet Houle.
God S r ve The King.
a.._-..+..IMY.r .11.40.
and different a
each week. The
favorably knows
county and this h
to a large extent
ink. If you are
in clnthing, necks,
hats or caps, in
wears yon will fit
store. Watch th
in the Times for t
pedal Sales.
er Co. this week an -
special sale, lasting
10th, and particulars
other column. These
ned for eight weeks,
titles will be offered
rowder Co's. store is
in all parts of th,i
s been brought about
y the use of printers'
u need of anything,
ear, boots and shoes,
act anything a man
1 it at this up-to•date
Crowder Co's. advts,
le next eight weeks.
Wood an Coal Galore:
Look at our a vt, this week with
prices for wood. Our No. 1 $od is ent
from green body
split and not one
it. It is the bes
Wingham iu ten
if not as represen
First orders in w
No. 2 wood is els
but from smaller
5 quality is goods
now delivering co
tons per day, and
three oars per day
to follow. Have
mbar; ev
y stick will
tten stick in
er delivered ire.
Order some and
e will take it back.
e given preference.
sound and good, only
itnber. Nos. 3, 4 and
miner wood. We are
1 at the rate of 30 to 35
eceiving from two to
and still there is more
ou placed your order
W. li. GREEN.
=" New Post
�$ In another colu
advt. asking for t
OMNI building in
and specificatiotr
Nioholson'e. Fr
judge that Wing
Very flue buildin
keeping with our i
building will be r
the lot parohasttd
the first door will
oustotns office, an
Doers willbe the
Pestinaster. The
be tttommenced as
award. 'We un
three Winghamit
ffice 1Building.
n tvi11 be found an
riders for the new post
ingham, The plans
are now at Mr. War.
at the plans we would
dm is going to have a
and one that will be in
rogressi'Ve town. The
[aced in the centre of
for the purpose, and On
be the post office and
the second and third
livingMans h
s fort e
Work of building will
Oen ha the contract is
rstand that two or
will tender.
Subscribe S in Arrears.
We are this we sending out a nuns,
ber of accounts subscribers in ar-
rears,. and trust ti 'y will remit as early
as possible, Mon ' is needed to run a
successful Itewspa er and the accounts,
though small, sin' y, make a eoushior-
able sum iu the :;regale. We hope
this notiee will be 11 that is necesltary to
bring a hearty response.
PASTURE—Good pasture to let; either
for (settle or horses, Apply to I3. Ham-
ilton, Victoria street.
Goderich to etroit Excursion.
The great $1 00 round trip Goderich
to Detroit two da, s excursion ou Toes-
day,'Juue 2lst, p omises co be largely
patronized from, his section. Passen-
gers will leave ingham, Belgrave,
Blyth and Londe oro ou regular train
on 21st, couueet on at Clinton with
special train frog Stratford to Goderiult.
Returning Times special train will leave
Goderich for W ugham on oveuing of
23rd, on arrivai ' boat from Det t.
We have never tried t• control the
right of any goods in o • er to deceive
aur oustowers as to e right price of
such goods. Squar and honest dealing
with us everytime.
Conventio'n Next Week.
The annual couv ration of the Huron
County Sunday S hool and Christian
Endeavor Associa ion will be held in
the Wiughtlm ethodist Church on
Tuesday and Wed esdayof next week.
The first day will e ter Sunday School
work and sessions ill be held at 2 p. m.
and 7 30p. m. Of Wednesday Christian
Endeavor work Is 11 be taken up and
sessions will be Il d at 0.30 to m. and
1.30 p. iu, and 7.3 p. m. .A number of
outside speakers i11 take part in the
program, viz:— ev, A. Esler, Toronto,
President Provi +Fal Christian Eudetly•
or Union; J. A. ackson, B.A., Toronto,
Provincial Seer etry of Union; Mrs. J.
A. Jack' on, Tor nto ; Rev. F. 13 Larkin,
B. A., Seaforth Rev. J. H. Oliver, Lis-
towel; Rev. Jol 1 Holmes, Blyth; Mr. 0.
Mustarr', Bruce eld; and Miss B. A.
Elder, Blytb.
I An Al upright piano, nenrly new, at n
igreat bargain. Also an Al bike buggy
stud phaeton for sale. Apply to
R UB r. M,t hmoo.
opened o^c+ne1 n ur lain.., •ar 1 - .
e r in Winse-
hatn, nut' am prere • to buy all kinds
of grain. We als ave Manitoba wheat
and. barley for sale for feed.
Eiectric ?o
he �
enquiry fr
Walker & Clegg
meeting of the T
supplying of elect
brought up a m
looked into by our t
Walker & Clegg w
of 50 horse power p
many other places
two horse power nuc
er for Motors.
m itr. R. Clepg, of
at Monday nieht's
two Council re the
is power for motors
ter that should. be
wu fathers. Messrs.
uld use an average
r day, and no doubt
n town would use
upwards In some
towns the Electric
have so arranged th
dynamo could be r
time to furnish the
parties using eleotri
doubt this same orde
arranged in the Wing
The fuel question is
importance and no do
now using steam pow
electric power if it c
hope this matter wi
once. Throe electric
use in Wingbam an
splendid satisfaction
night powerunites th
veuient le TIME,
for ov i two year s w
for ipairs and w e w
other kind of power.
Light Cumpanies
ir plants that ono
n dnriug the day
quired power for
motors, and no
of things could be
sem power house.
sow one of great
bta large number
r would Ilse the
uld be had. We
ba taken up at
voters are now in
they are giving
but baying only
ir use very incon-
has run a motor
thnutany expense
uld not have any
Foot Powder
What Is It?
It is a discovery which cures
sore, tired, tender, aching,
sweating or swollen feet.
It is prepared 'by the Premier
Medical Co., of New 'York
and Chicago, and FOR A
15 cents per box.
Try a bas and find relief.
Sold iii Wingham by
Waltoh McKibon,lei
N•ezt doer to Past Office.
ON '!'IIIc, PL
Events of Local terest on the
Field of Spo t During
the Past eek.
Baseball on 'F day
HE first home
game of base
ba for the season
wig be played ou
the Town Park cm
Fr'day afternoon of
this week. The old
riv Is, Cargill and
W ngham, will fate
ea h other, aid this
in itself sh9,lild be
a guaranto of a
wiled game ing-
ham ti ai teacly:
lost to Cargill this season, but we fyel-
sure that Friday's game will go, the
other way. Make it a good gate for the
boys for the first gamPlay will com-
mence at 1 o'clock el arp.
Listowel, s5t In It
play ors hilt d lip a
Referee W. Algin
g,anie throughout v
be interesting:, our
their Own way frory
was not a scientific
national game and i
rough. The defers
lues weal:, but not'
rhe eud of the ga
to 0, the Listowel
ninny good shots.
to Oilman to play
town next Wedges
HE first house
game of lacrosse
this season was play,
ed on the park on
riday evening last,
Listowel being the
visiting team. The
out 7 o'clock before
of Lucknow�.� y%`The
as too cue- e'ided to
boys haring it all
start to finish. It
exhibition of the
t times was a little
i of the visiting team
vithstading that at
re the score stood 9
goal -keeper stopped
Winghani club goes
•ith the team of that
Another Gat}se Necessary.
The football inatoh which was to de-
eide the .lonior lha•mpionship of this
District wee played here Tuesday even-
ing, betweetl Bra secs and Winghani
tennis, Ir was the 'aatest game of the
season. oi.te +vo,tlid ova done ;rustics to
t,r '• tOur h
ulnae h.t uu dsa e clubs. c t s, oyt
showed excellent fo m and had the better
of the game, 13rnss s goal with Perr
between the posts b ing always a busy
spot; while on the o her Laud. our de-
fence always stopp 1 Brussels rushes,
and only by the aid f the referee did
the visitors escape a efeat of 2 to 0.
Every player of the 1 cal club filled his
place, the defence be ug sure and steady,
and the forwards ag essive and quick
to shoot, while the .isitors seemed to
rely cn their defence to tie the gauge,
which would leave tt'em winners of the
district. In this the were out -played,
and retiily lost the g . ne by 2 to 0, but
Referee Robinson fai ed to see it that
way, so the official se re was 1 to 0. As
Brussels won at hom'
a deciding game has s
and this will protasis]
Wroxeter or Myth.
our boys will run a s
deciding gunge. The
lows :-
1un s1tLs.
Kerr Go
Brown Bac.
Lindsay "
Smh Half Ba
Little "
('aritdiff t,
Ennis Centr
Miller Rt. Wi
t McLeod "
Good Lt. Whigs
!Scott,. ..... `
by the same score,
ill to he played, ,
be pulled off at
We understand
ecial trap to the
line-up was as fol-
In a Junior Leag
Seaforth on Wedn
Kincardine lost to tl
score of 5 to 1.
Wingbam Junior
defeated by the Te
latter place oa Mon
score of 6 to 1.
lacrosse snatch at
c'ay of last, week,
home team by a
The Wingbam boy
article of foot ball a
their players appear t
Roman wrestling tom
play,—Brussels Post.
Kincardine lacrosse
Seaforth on Monday
the ground, it is said, t
players of the latter el
ibis to play. We and
that they were all ele
crosse club were
voter club at the
ay evening by a
put up a good
hough a few of
think that Grecio
in as part of the
Ihe first, champion&
senior series Western
tion Tillss t aired, ltc* S
night', between the 13
the Hurons, resultin
to nothing for the H
rib defaulted to
f this week, on
tat some of the
b were not eleg-
rstand, however,
ip match je the
,OoSuliiai s50cia-
forth on Friday
rlin Rangers and
in a scure of two
Court of
y The Wingbam 0
its meeting on We
last week, with M
W. J. Greer, Thos.
Bell, members of
r. Peter McLare
complained that t
ty was assessed to
were dismissed.
and David Robe
their property on
assessed too high
dismissed by th
names were add
; and tenant vote
s Deans
k Mitchell
Smith '
g ; ...McGillivray ,
Ansley i
Murray r
Brussels Wo League.
The deciding game i the intermediate
football league was payed at Brussels
on Thursday evening
tweet' Wingham ani
game was fast an
free from any rougl
side scoring a goal.
McLauchlan, of Br
satisfaction to both t:
was as follows : ---
The standing of the the three teams is
as follows:—
f last week, be -
Brussels. The
exciting, and
playing, neither
Referee Duncan
ssels gave entire
ons, The Iine tip
Kerr (moa
McCrae Bac
Robinson "
Lindsay Half 13
Brown '°
Brussels 3
Wingham 1
Seaforth.., 1
cic Moore
s , .. McClillivray
... Holtzman
Lest, Tied. Pts.
1 7
1 3
0 2
In a Bough. Oup gaits of football on
Friday, Clinton C. I. 'raw ' n for Berlin O.I,
by two to nothirik•
urt of Revision held
uesday evening of ,
ssrs. Wm. Holmes, 1
Armstrong and D.
the Board present.
and Mrs. McInnes
ir residential proper -
high. Both appeals
lessrs. John Wilson
:sou complained that
Josephine street was
but both appeals wore
Court. A number of
to th roll as M. F.
Big Union Farmers' Institut nrsion
to Guelph Model Far n Monday.
June 20th. Special n mill leave I
Wing ham at 7:35 o'c ck a. nl, Fare
$1.25, good for two days. Tlie ouly ex-
vureion to Guelph this year.
A happy event to
Weduesciay at th
Robertson, France
neice, Miss Miria
daughter of Mr. Wi
Wingham, was join
Dir. Orlando G. Cr
The interesting core
by Rev. 1). Perrle iril
few invited friends. I
were unattended
dinner was served.
couple will spend a
bride's relatives in A
many ha
presents, testifying t
she is held. The Tit
numerous friends in
years of happy wedd
place at noon on
home of Mr. M.
street, when his
Robertson, eldest
. Robertson, late of
c1 in wedlock with
ie.., of this town.
oily was performed
11'e presence of a
lie young couple
nd a wedding
'tie newly wedded
w days with the
bfield. The bride:
some and useful
e esteem in which
s joins with the
'siting them many
Auction sale On M
ham, on Saturday
o'clock of the fol
buggies, two bugs
harness, one set lig
number of wheelb
other articles.
cash, over that an
notes at 3 months
offered for sale, se
lots, situate on Br
nn lots made know/
A. I
rket Square, Wing -
June Iltb, 3
wing artie
poles, o
t doa
set single
harness, a
(ail new). and
s, $5 and under
nt, approved joint
There will also be
is qnarter acre town
tel Terrace. Terris
day of sale.
ILLY, Auctioneer.
We have add, -d'. o our stock this week
a nice bee of Photographic Material, in -
and everything required for amateur
Brownie Cameras,
$I.00 and $2.00
Druggists and Opticians
Successors to•—
- ONT.
Many Calls
are received from business firms and
Many Students are placed in good
positions each year by the famous
This school stands for the highest
and best in business s ducatiou in
Canada to -clay. Many business col-
leges employ our gradvates as teach-
ers. We have scores of applications
trout other colleges. Ask to see them
the day you enter. Commense course
now. Catalogue free.
New Tii
A new time table
the G. T. R. on Mo
important changes
trains at Wingllai
now arriving froom
9 o'clock a. m., wi,
a. m• and have in
do the freight w
Kincardine at 11:
The other change
train now arrivin
9 o'clock a. m. wi
until 11:15 a. m.
be an advantage t
o'clock is rather t
which to have sto
and loaded on the
i11 go into effect On
klav next and two
ill be made iu the
The mixed train
almerston at about
reach here at 9:35
fie time in which to
rk, leaving here for
0 a. m., as at present.
vill be that the mixed
from Kincardine at
not reach Wingham
his last change will
the stock mea, as 9
o early an hour in
t delivered into towti
A Shoe Event
This is the time of the year to buy your
Spring and Summer Footwear.
Shoe up the entire family. Think of the saving!
As an introduction to our new store, we will give
a uniform
Discount of 10 per cent.
on every pair of Shoes we sell—Men's, Women's
or Children's ; also Trunks and Valises.
Sale will last but a short time, but while it's on
is the time to buy Shoes for the family.
and grid
Conte and get first pick. Don't delay ! But, frmeinn o ux
buy or not, we ask our friends to step ill for ciucnt has de'
social call. We'll be pleased to welcome yo ,,oitttely impossible,
WH t i,000 tots.
fay 30. --The Lindop
are re :latnrday morn•
W j.
r. i
Ln a ,. .
d s h ss is 1,2
n �
of which $10,009 is on the
The Shoe Man. Jing And machinery and $24O0