HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-06-02, Page 1THE WIN(iHAM TIMES.
> ' VOL XXXIIL—NO, 1686.
Blow Your
Own Horn !
We're "Blowing our own
horn" along with the rest of
our fellow citizens, but ours
is a different sort of a horn;
it is a business horn with a
business end to it; and we're
blowing it for YOUR good
as well as for our own.
That is why we have
.plenty of help in blowing --
why hundreds of people are
constantly blowing for us.
Homuth 'Bros.' clothes
are the best clothes made.
Ask the man who wears
them. "He knows."
Homuth Bros. clothes
from $12.00 to $40.00.
We have the very newest
American makes, Hats arid
Caps. Not a single out -of -
style hat in the store, so
you are sure of getting a
new, up-to-date hat when
you buy one from us.
In shirts we have a full
assortment of all, the best
makes of Canada, and can
guarantee you fast colors.
sizes from 141/ to 171.
prices $1:00 to $1.25.
Be sure you buy all of your Gents
Furnishings from us. If you do you
can feel assured you have the best
materials your money can buy and
always sure of it being up-to-date.
A pleasure to show goods.
Homutil Bros.
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 -Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and addedto principal 30th June and 31st
December each year. °
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
' R, Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President— HOE. WM. GIBSON.
Vice -President and
General Manager —J, TURNBULL.
George Roach, John Proctor, A. B. Lee,
John S. Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford,
Inspector—H. M, W Tso1.
Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No.
vember end 81st May each year and added to
Bimet,u :deposits also received at current
yaws of interest.
Drafts on Gre.t Britain and the t7nited
States Bought and sold.
travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham-
ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
which can be cashed without charge or troll.
bla la any part of the World.
W. COABOULt , Agent
DIOK11YSON & UO7.aMES, Solicitors.
Call Up Telephone 59
When you want the ben
freshest to be had in
4 and
and the latest, prettiest and
most up-to-date in
Our increasing trade and our
many satisfied customers are the
best evidences we want that the
goods we handle are right.
We aim to get the best—and we
get it.
Having put on a new delivery
wagon, our customers may rely
on prompt delivery of goods.
R1 A. Hutcheson
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 60, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terns.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a cod blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection a good business, for sale cheap.
A hots doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Arent, Holyr•ood.
My Business is Buying
and Selling Real Estate
in Ontario.
K. 0. T. M. To Attend Church
The local tent of the Knights of the
Maccabees will attend divine service iu
the Wingham Baptist Church on Sunday
m ornmg next, at 11 o'clock. The mem-
bers will inset in their hall, Mason block,
at 10.30 o'clock.
$30.00 to Colorado d Return
Via Chicago, Union .'acific & North-
Western Line. C 'cago to Denver,
Colorado Sprigs .nd Pueblo, daily
throughout t • comer. Correspond-
ingly low rat rom all points east.
Only one nig o Denver from Chicago.
Two fast trains daily. Tourists sleeping
cars to Denver daily. B. H. Bennett,
2 East King St. Toronto, Ont.
Imported Cly
The imported cl
of Morning, No, 10
Mr. Archy Patterso
on his regular rouu
were printed at the
the week. Pride of
the great Barron's 1
ported in 1902 by
Guelph. This horse
stable every Saturday
esdale Stallion.
esdale stallion, Pride
38, the property of
, of Bluevale is now
s and route cards
TIMES office during.
2orning is a son of
ide, and was im-
)swald Sorley, of
s at Broadway's
tfront noon until 4
Large stock of sample (right up-to-
date) ready -to -wears at reduced prices,
at Mrs. Green's.
Died at
An old and highly
of Brussels passed al,
in the person of Rev.
years and 15 days. 1
known to many peop:
and had on many occ
pit work in the Meth
and a few weeks ago
in the Presbyterian c
had always been a man
tution and was ill only
Paul was a- superannn
minister and in his yOun
many important charges;
ed Bluevale and Brussel
forty years ago. Mrs.
Bluevale is a daughter of
Paul had arranged all do
tion with his funeral prit
The funeral, which Was
attended took place to th
cemetery on Monday aftj
pallbearers were selected by
follows: W. H. Derr, Thos.
Gerry, Sohn Grainger, Eli
Harry Brewer.
respected resident
ay on Sunday last
. Paul, aged 77
r. Paul was well -
in this section
ions took the pnl-
ist church here,
cupied the pulpit
lurch. Deceased
of strong consti-
few days. Mr.
ted Methodist
er days filled
he first preach -
districts over
os. Pugh of
eceased. Mr.
cls in connec-
to his death.
very largely
noon. The
r. Paul as
arrow, B.
with and
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Winghamites m
While iu St, Louis,
St, Louis.
he editor of the
TIMES and Mrs Elliott et Mr and Mrs.
H. Clark and family, f mer well-known
residents of Winghat . We spent a
pleasant evening at th r home and had
a chat over old days i Wingham. Mr.
Clark is doing well his Amerioan
home and all memb s of his family
were pleased to see f tends from their
old Ontario home. arry.Clark, jr, has
a good position in t. Louis and Guy
Clark has a lucrata position on it rail-
way running f in St. Louis down
through the sont ru States.
WANTED.—At once—a good general
servant, Apply to
Mits. (Dia.) MACDONALD,
Two Days i Detroit.
Mr. E. 11. Ayer, th genial and com-
petent advertising a ut of the White
Star Line, was in iughain last week
completeing arrange ents for the excur-
sion to Detroit on aesday, Juue 21st,
which will give pati ne two days in the
City of the Straits. 'he big, new steel
steamer "Greyhoun ' will leave God-
erioh at 8.30 a. m., r urning leave De-
troit on Thursday at p. in. Passengers
from Wingham,I3lyt and other points on
line will take regular rias to Clinton on
21st, where connect' n will be made
with special for God a rich. The Trains
has made arrangemei s to have a special
run from Clinton on ight of 23rd, so
passenger from this ection can reach
home without any de
y -
A few Bags of Seed Peas still on hand
and all kinds of Seeci Cern, at
P. S. and High
The high school ent
begin on June 28th at
throe days. The exa
held at Goderich, px
field, Heusall, Dunga
Helens and Crediton f
at Clinton, Seaforth,
Wroxeter, Fordwich n
Huron. Mr. John Hat
at the Wingham school,
niers of Blyth.
Juuior leaving, part I
matriculation (pass
comureroial specialists
gin Monday, July 4th a
Clinton, Seaforth, Br
•ham, Mr. 3. H. Ca
will be the presiding
ham and Mr. A. H. Be
form a similar duty
chool Exams.
once examinations
:45 a. m., lasting
'nations will be
er, Zurich, Bay -
non, Kiutail, St.
r West Huron and
ingham, Brussels,
d Blyth for East i
ley will preside l
with Mr, Sum-
senior leaving,
d honor), and
xamivations be-
Goderich, Exeter
ssels and Wing-
eron of Brusselst'
First Lacrosse
The first home champi
match in this district wil
the Wiugham park on Fri
this week, between the
and the Maple Leafs,
Game called at 0.15 pan.
Mon. Attend the game
boys to victory.
]ship lacr;isse
be played on
ay evening of
istowel club
f Wingham.
Usual ad
nd cheer the
House maid wanted. G
Apply to Orr Bros,, King E
o wages.
rd hotel.
Trains Were Di
Through au accident
which fortunately no on
the London, Huron and B'
blocked for several hours o
of last week, and the traiu
don at 6:20 p m. did not ri
until after 10 o'clock, an
train to Wingham was ou
Passengers and baggage w
red from one train to the
scene of the wreck. The
curred while some cars
shunted by a way freight
at Clinton, in
was injured,
uce line was
i Wednesday
due at Lon -
eh the city
the evening
hour late.
re trausfer-
ther at the
accident oe-
were being
An auxiliary
crew from Loudon cleared the wreck.
Have you seen Cooper's wall paper?
Case of Local In
Judge Teetzel last wee
inent in the case of Wa
tried at Groderich, to ret
occasioned by the explosio
bought by plaintiff iron
The plaintiff alleged (1) fa
tion as to the quality of tl
negligence in construction
of express warranty; (4) b
plied warranty. There w
at the trial upon the first
The judge then dispensed
and proceeded without a j
question of defendant's
breach of warranty. It w
express nor an implied w
action was dismissed with
gave judge -
der vs. Bell,
ver damage
of a boiler
e r'epresenta-
e boiler; (2)
; (3) breach
each of im-
s a non -suit
two grounds.
illi the jury,
ry to try the
liability for
s neither an
rrauty. The
t costs.
Card of Thank
Having sold out my taurant and
Grocery business to Jo n Laulonby
of Belmore, I de it z than my custo-
mers for the pc .r ago `.1 he o enjoyed
during the pa eleven y ars. You
will find my successor hone. t and up
right in every particular an I solicit
for him a continuation of yo r patron-
age. D Rum.
Death of Mrs. Elliot
his week it is our sad
chronicle the death of Margare
xamiueriir Wing-' wife of Mr Chas. Elliott wh
usgrove will per- peacefully away on Sunda
last in her 65th year
been in feeble health for so
and since early last fall has
fiued to her bed. Deceas
woman held iu high esteem
Go to 0. J. Maguire, Real Estate
Agent, if you want to buy a house in
town, he has just what you want.
Reached The C ntury Mark.
Maitland Lodge, Na. 119, I. O. O. F.
celebrated the event o having attained
a membership of one hundred by the
holding of a social at he close of the
regular meeting on Tl rsday evening of
last week. The ane bers present en-
joyed a pleasant even g and were all
pleased to have reache 1 the century mark
in membership. It is not the intention
to let the members ip rest at this,
but an effort will be . ade to reach the
150 mark before the c .se of the. year.
During the evening th following officers
were elected for the ensuing term:—
N. G., J. D. McEwe ; V. G., N. L.
Brandon; Fin. Se „ T. J. Elliott;
Rec.-Sec., John F. eroves; Treas., H.
B. Elliott; Past Gr nd, John Elder;
Representative to G nd Lodge, Robert
Allan. The regular meeting of Mait-
land Lodge will be h
evening and all Odd Mows are request-
ed to attend.
circle of friends, and was
years a member of the Win
terian churob. Mr. Ellio
for some years had more
of sickness and trouble.
Miss Lizzie Elliott, has
to her bed for some you
and daughter lay in th
mouths and not able to
The bereaved husband,
tors and other relative
sincere sympathy of n
the time of their bo eavement. The
funeral took place yest rday afternoon
to the Wingham ceme ery.
duty to
, beloved
liottt had
ne yenta
een con -
1 was a
ay a large
for many
lam Presby-
t's home has
than its share
ne daughter,
leen confined
s and mother
same home for
see each other.
ons and daagll-
will have the
any friends in
WANTED—Eggs, 16c trade, 14c cash,
commencing May 25th. Treat those ped-
lars fair; make thein them take your but-
ter, pork, etc., with the eggs. same as
your general werchant goes. Potatoes
wanted. GEO. E. KINu.
ld this (Thursday) — " " •r'
STRAWBERRIES— rawberry plants
for sale. Strong, h ]thy plants which
produce a choice swi et berry for family
use. Price $1.00 p hundred. A few
Cuthbert and Golder Queen raspberries,
500 perdozen, Apply o A. W. WEBSTER.
Oddfellows t
The Independent 0
wel have recently i
hundredth member ai
noon attended diviu
Methodist church in
ing members were in
Harriston, Palmerst
ton? Milverton and t
Wingham, viz;—
Lougheed, J. W. He
Jas. Cochrane, A. Ti
N. L. Brandon, A. B
Pearon, A. Louttit,
Barrick. The servic
best we have ever ha
attending. Rev. J.
a sermon that was fol
the choir, under the
Miss Smith furnished
The Grand Warden f
R. Blewitt looked aft
the Winglrant delegat'
dfellows of Listo-
itiated their ono
d ou Sunday after-
service in the
hat town. Visit -
attendance from
, Atwood, Dray-
e following from
ohn Elder, D.
er, J. D. McEwen,
ling, H. B. Elliott,
11, Jas. Carr, John
. Henseliffo and A.
was one of the
the privilege of
. Oliver preached
of good points and
ble leadership of
excellent music.
Ontario, Mr.
the comfort of
Post Graduat
Dr, T H Agnew le
Chicago, where he
weeks in post gradu
'hospitals in that cit
eft a very efficient in
in the person of Dr.
who, since graduati.
experience iu getter
city, Dr. Agnew ex
Wiugham about th
t last week for
ill spend a few
e work in the
r. Agnew has
in his place here,
bbo, on,
hatts of hadLa yearudo's
hospital in that
rests to return to
first week of July.
WAx•rrD—Car of butter, 350 tubs by
June 10th. Eggs, 16c trade; 14ccash.
,, ► Accepted R
'At a spacial meeti
of Maitland, held in
day, the resignation
as pastor of Belm
Churches was accept
rig, B A. of Wroxet
Moderatoor the oh
pits preached
June 10th. Rev Mr,
his farewell sermon
of the Presbytery
inghatn on Tues -
f Rev A C. Stewart
o and McIntosh
d. Rev R. Per -
✓ was appointed
rges and the pus,
acant on Sunday,
tewart will pr • eh
n Sunday June
To RENT. --Brick
and orchard; corns
Francis streets. Ai
lo a
with stable
Victoria and
Mf. S. B. McCall
evening from Chath•
been preparing to re
effects to Wingham
his residence here s:
he purchased a coni
Wingham store, in
struments for the c
Au optical parlor IS
the store, which wil
week and anyone tr
tive eyesight shoal(
to Town.
returned Tuesday
m where he has
eve his household
and will take up
rtly i While there
ete outfit for his
tiding the latest in-
reot testing of eyes.
being arranged in
be completed next
able(' with with defec-
see Mr. McCall.
Annual Farmers'
The annual meet
Farm ors' Iustitut
Institute will be
Woman's Instit
A meeting of the E
Institute, for the di
household science en
ou Saturday,June 4t1
Bluevale. The meet
ed by Miss Bella Mill
and Mise Jessie
Afternoon ession
o'clock and the even
o'clock. At the of
women interested a
At the evening me
cordially invited, w
be dilivered and
given by local tale
tion will be taken.
to Meeting.
t Huron Woman's
nesion of house-
`ects, will be held
in Foresters' Hall,
ug will be address-
er of Guelph, and
[ills of Toronto.
commences at 2
ug session at 7 30
truoon meeting all
invited to attend.
tiug everybody is
ere addresses will
good programme
. A silver collec-
PAsTIIRE—Good pestpee to let: either
for cattle or horses. Apply to H. Ham-
ilton, Victoria street.
On Wednesday
a very pleasing ev
residence of Mr.H
Wingham, when
May, became the
of Morris townshi
performed at 3':3
J N. McLean, B
about 150 invit
was attended by
Clifford, while
brother of the
After the usual
elaborate Suppe
served on the la
was afterwards
guests, a large
from a distance
useful presents
whicu the brid
Sellars have s
Morris townshi
the best wishe
orne Nuptials.
ternoon of last week
nt took place at the
ry Hawtborne,Lower
tis daughter, Martha
ride of Mr S. Sellers
The ceremony was
o'clock by the Rev.
An the presence of
guests. The bride
Miss Maud Henry of
r W H. Hawthorne,
ide, assisted the groom,
congratulations, a very
was partaken of, being
n. An enjoyable time
pent by the assembled
umber of whom were
Many handsome and
ttested the esteem in
is held. Mr and Mrs.
ttled ou their° farm in
, where they will h• ve
of a host of frie
Use Bug Death on
Institute Meetings. i plantss bothernt and ed ooseb ry
d w' 1
ng of the West Huron For sale by A. I.
and the Women's
held on Wednesday
afternoon, June 2 . nd, at Harry Morris',
Colborne, at 2 o'clr ck. George A. Put-
nam, Superintend . r of Framers' Insti-
tutes and Women': Institutes, will be
present and give u address, and the
election of officer and other general
business will be t a$sacted. After the
business of the tire' ting is completed a
saciol time will be spent, and all mem-
bers of both orgini ations should make
it a point to atten The anuual meet-
ing of the East H rou Farmers' Insti-
tute will be held t Brussels on Thursday
Juue 7th.
Au Al upright piano, nearly new, at a
great bargain. Also an Al bike buggy
and phaeton for sale. Apply to
Roar. Molsnoo.
An Old Re dent Dead.
11ir Robt. Irvin d ed at his house in
Lower Wingham o Friday last in his
84th year• )Decease had been ailing
for somerime and t as not able to be
about very much for some years. He
• potatoes,
,sues and all
orms and bugs.
CALL & Co., Len.
First Draft of Stations.
The Stationing Committee of the
'' Loudon Conforetie made their first
f draft on Tuesday ev • ning. The follow-
; is the draft for it iugham Distract:—
, Wingha District— • 'ngllana—Joseph R
Gundy, D. D. Kinca ine—Joseph Philp,
B. D. Lueknow ' euben Millyard.
Brussels—T. Wesl. Cosens.Teeswater--
B. Cleineut, (G. . Kerr toBrownville.)
Ethel—Chas. P. Wells, B. A., B. D.
Fordwich—Jas. ussar (D. Rogers
to Thorndale.) ".rrie—Jos. W. Holmes,
Wroxeter—John H. Osterbout, 13. D.
Bluevale--Georg: Baker, (Francis Swann
to H1 ll A
o mesvi e.
Smith, B. D.
River). Ripley
Bervie—Win. R
Edwin W. Edi
Whitechurch —
siafielcl—Wut. A.
lem—James Walker.
. R. Pentland (Pine
Robt I. Hesking.
Vance. Tiverton--
ards, B. A , 13. D.
iristopher C. Koine.
.Jones. There inay
be some changes iu the above when the
i final draft is made.
is a preparation for the
destruction of Bugs,
Beetles, Worms and all
other Insects on plants,
it helps the growth of the
plant instead of burning
the leaves, and thus gives
the plant proper time to
dewlap This is ehere it
has the advantage over
all other ',preparations,
AO Li McCall& Com
Druggists and Opticians
Successors to -
Many GaAs
are received from business firms and
Many Students are pinced in good
positions each year by the famous
This school stands for the highest
and best in business education in
Canada to -day. Many business col-
leges employ our graduates as teach-
ers. We have scores of applications
trout other colleges. Ask to see them
the day you enter. ComIItense course
now. Catalogue free.
Defensive, N Aggressive.
Mr. Prenchy, w o thought himself
smart in purcha. ug a pair of black
overalls front tht one -eyed roan last
year, may find s meoue looking at him
with two eyes 11 is year. He will not
come off aS e.ts as he did last year if
he tries the tric again. )shay vet the
same medicine as the fish and put.
behind the bars besides.
—Tho openin
be played in W'
noon, June 10th
will be the v
Cargill clubs h
esting gauges
should be an
called at 4 0'
game of baseball will
ghain ou Friday after -
The club from Cargill
sitors. Wingham and
ve played man inter-
pthe conning Fame
iterestiing one. Game
rck sharp.
was one of the earl pioneers of this
Ag -
section, coming here n 1565. He leaves 1
a family of two sons . nd several daugh-
ters, among them b ug Mr. Jas. Irvin
and Mrs. John Welsh, of Wingham.1;
Deceased was one of he oldest members
of the Orange Order n this section and
the funeral on Monday afternoon was
conducted by the m nbers of the Order.
Service was held i St. Paul's church
Wingham cemetery.
I and interment in
'1 •'
lr f
•f J l•,,1fly a^jp a: %
1k3:,ta,a . 4..•"•••
"Name on Every Piece."
Chocolate Bon -Bons.
Fresh consignment of these fatuous
Chocolates to hand this week with
.'Something New."
"Chocolate Molasses Brittle"
Try em, 25e a box.
alton McKwbon, Phm, B,
Next door to Post omee.
wanted immediate)
Grey and Bruce Oen
Sound. For parti
TIDIES office.
Twenty-five men
, to work at the
ent Works, Oweu
lars apply at the
Patronage • ppreciated.
The last concert o r the series for the
past season to bo given under the
auspices of the Win ham Citizens' Band
was held on Frida evening last. A
good programme w • rendered, but the
attendance was not s large as might
have been anticip+ted. However the
members of the ban wish to publicly
express their gratitu e to those who at-
tended, and to the ci izens generally who
have so liberally pa ronized their enter-
tainments during tl past season, and
assisted in making it possible for them
to procure the hands. ie new uniforms
in which they now ppear. They also
wish to heartily tl ole those who so
ungrudgingly gave tl ir time and talent
irr contributing to r le programmes of
the concerts, and to seure them of the
hearty and cordial al reeiatioti of their
services. The band ys have certainly
done themselves ere • it, and it is a
pleasure to note that t o organization is
in a very satisfact r condition. We
understand that the intend holding a
garden party in the 1 ar future. The
first open-air comer is season will bo
held on the park norrow (Friday)
Cz 4 i
A Shoe Event
This is the time of the year to buy your
Spring and Summer Footwear.
Shoe up the entire family. Think of the saving!
As an introduction to our new store, we will give
a uniform
Discount of 10 per cent.
on every pair of Shoes we sell --Men's, Women's
or Children's ; also Trunks and Valises.
Sale will last but a short time, but while it's on
is the time to buy Shoes for the family.
Come and get first pick. Don't delay ! But,
buy or not, we ask our friends to step in for a
social call. We'll be pleased to welcome you.
The Shoe Man.