HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-09-28, Page 35xo THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 5, 1988 - 17A CLASSIFIED 527-0240 1. COMING EVENTS BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. First Regular Card - $2.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $180 must go, Lucky ball $240.00 (if not won). Lucky ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-40-ff CHIP BINGO, Friday nights, Dublin Communi- ty Centre, 8 p.m. Dublin and District Athletic Assoc. 1-40-tf ROAST BEEF supper Brucefield United Church, Oct. 19, 5 to 8 p.m., advance tickets only. For tickets call 233-7477 or 233-7188. 1-39-3 THE 7th ANNUAL Fall Forest City Nostalgia Antique Show & Sale returns to Centennial Hall, 550 Wellington St., London, Ont. Satur- day, Oct. 15th 12 noon to 9 p.m.; Sunday Oct. 16 11 a,m. to 6 p.m. Featuring 60 Dealers! Olga Traher (519) 679-1810. Admission $2.50. 1-40-bc SINGLES DANCE, White Carnation Hall, Holmesville, Saturday, October 8. Dancing 9-1. Music by Norm Dunsmoor. 140-1 C.P.R. CERTIFICATION Next C.P.R. course, Saturday, October 15, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at Seaforth Community Hospital. To register call 527-1650 and leave your name and phone number. 1-40-2 BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO held every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at Blyth & District Com- munity Centre, $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over $1000.00 in prizes. 1-40-1 EGMONDVILLE United Church Fowl Supper Wednesday, October 26, 1988, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Adults $7.50; Children under 12 $3.50; Preschoolers Free. Call 522-1455 for tickets. 1-40-4 HURON County Federation of Agriculture An- nual Meeting, Friday, October 14, 1988, Blyth Community Centre. Social hour 6-7 p.m. Meal - 7 p.m. Short business, O,M.A.F, Centennial presentations. Dancing to follow. $10.00 per person. Tickets available from Regional Direc- tors, Township Presidents, or County Office 482-9642 (Monday and Friday only). 1-40-1 HURON BRUCE New Democratic Party will hold the nomination meeting on Saturday, Oc- tober 8, 1988, at Dungannon Senior Citizens' Hall, 7:30 p.m. 140-1 A FEW tickets available for Detroit Pistons vs Atlanta Hawks at Copps Arena October 23rd, 7 p m. $30.00. Contact • T. Johnston at S.D.H.S.527-0380, 1-40-1 HURON COUNTY Unit Canadian Cancer Society Annual Dinner Meeting, Tuesday, Oc- tober 25, Wingham Golf and Curling Club. Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker:. Blair Keller, Director of Palliative Care Unit, Tillsonburg Hospital. Tickets $7.00. Enquiries conerning nominations should be directed to the Canadian Cancer Society Of- fice, Clinton. 482-7832. 1-40-1 WARDEN BELL Appreciation Night, October 14th, 1988. Everyone Welcome. Dance 9 - 1 a.m. Hensall. 1-40.2 LADIES NIGHT Euchre and Penny Sale at Kinburn Forester Hall, Thurs., October 6 at 8 p.m. 1-40-1 "There's One in Every Crowd! Young people six to 18 who do outstanding good deeds are eligible for nominations as Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year. Contact this newspaper for details. Sponsored by OCNA and Cana- dian Airlines. 1-40-bc THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office Seaforth Community Health Centre on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 from 9:30 • 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Immunization 3. Anaemia Screening Adult Immunization will also be offered at this Clinic THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC held at the`Health Unit Office Medical BJilding, Brussels on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 from 9:30 - 11:30 o.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2, Immunization 3. Anaemia Screening Adult Immunization will also be offered at this Clinic THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office Medical Building, Brussels on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Core 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 2. YARD / GARAGE SALE 1. COMING EVENTS TOPS & TRENDS Open House New seasonal fashions Discounted Items on sale DRAWS & COFFEE WHERE: 100F Hall (Please note change of location) WHEN: Thursday, October 6 TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 9 p.m. 5. HELP WANTED FULL TIME work available immediately loading chickens! Also part time and special student hours. Call free 1-800-265-3034. 5-40-tf CAREER IN TRUCKING - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For a pre-screening Interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's, London 1-800-265-3559. 5-40-tf MATURE and responsible person required for live-in babysitting, non smoker preferred, responsibilities include household chores and care of 21/2 year old child. Send resume with past babysitting experience to; Box 336, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1HO. 5-39-2 WE TRAIN. Truck. Drivers, Job Search Assistance; highway, yard, classroom train- ing; enrol now 1-800-265-7173. Markel In- stitute of Professional Transport Training, Guelph, Ontario. 5-40-bc NEWSPAPER Circulation Promotion firm re- quires, self motivated honest and energetic saleswomen/salesmen. Must have reliable vehicle and be free to travel, Start earning top $$$ immediately plus bonuses and paid ex- penses. This permanent fulltime career pro- vides interesting management opportunities. Please contact PROSELLEX Corp. Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO, (519) 524-4792. 5-40-bc SALESPERSON required by G.M. dealership. Willingness to work, honesty with the public and an eagerness to learn are what we're looking for. You provide the above and we'll provide the commission and company car. Apply Box 219, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO. 5-40-1 CLAS$ "A" Mechanic or third year apprentice for G.M. dealership. Apply Box 219, Seaforth, Ont, NOK 1 WO. 5-40-1 FULL TIME grocery clerk, must be experienc- ed. Apply Scrimgeours Foodland. 523-4551, ask for Don. 5-40-1 SOMEONE to work on a farm to operate a corn dryer. 527-0897. 5-40-1 MOREWEB Printing Ltd. Toronto's newest coldweb operation is looking for camera room personnel. Now is the time to get in on the ground floor of a fast expanding quality - conscious shop. Call Buz at (416) 828-8888, or send resume to 3155 Pepper Mill Court Mississauga. L5L 4X7. (Near Winston Chur- chill and 403). 5-40-bc SENIOR PRESS & Bindery operators re- quired by large Eastern Ontario printer. For Gross Community Heidelberg MOZP and Mueller Stitcher/Trimmer. Good compensa- tion including excellent benefits and profit- sharing. Located in large town in heart of great outdoor recreation area and close to several cities.. Relocation assistance available. Call Mike 'Phillips collect (613) 283-5650 days and (613) 283-8496 evenings or weekends. Write Performance Printing, Box 158, Smith Falls, Ont. K7A 4T1. 5-40-bc GUELPH Ontario Web Offset Printing Opera- tiong requires Plant Manager. Applicants must be familiar with all aspects of Coldset Web. Salary $35,000 - $45,000. Resume to Webman, 93 Regal Road, Guelph, Ontario N1K 186. 5-40-bc ADVERTISING Manager required by large Eastern Ontario publisher of paid and controll- ed circulation weeklies and special publica- tions. Solid Advertising sales background needed, management experience preferred. Compensation includes excellent benefits and profit-sharing. Located in large town in great recreation area and close to several cities. Relocation assistance available, Call Chuck Hudson collect (613) 283-3182 days and (613) 283-2390 evenings or weekends. The Record News, Box 158, Smith Falls, Ont. K7A 4T1. 5-40-bc CONTROLLER Northbay. Our clients JKS In- dustries requires hands on manager to take charge of both accounting and computerized systems. Must have 3rd level CGA/CMA; demonstrated supervisory skills and 3 years manufacturing experiences with strong com- puter literacy. Send resume: Anton Sessur, Martech, 110 Riviera Dr., Suite 3, Markham, Ontario L3R 5M1. 5-40-bc INDUSTRIAL Mechanical Engineering Technologist. Drafting, design work, estimating, planning scheduling with limited supervision. Must be able to work on own for aggressive medium sized machine and welding fabrication shop. Wages on ex- perience and qualifications, Send resume to Denis Busch, Busch's Machine & Welding, P.O. BOx 249, Fort Frances, Ontario P9A 3M6. 5-40-bc OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying positions. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 1-800-361-2461. 5-40-bc 5. HELP WANTED PERMANENT PART-TIME Pizza Train is looking for perma- nent part-time employees. Someone able to work lunch shifts and week nights, also someone for after school and a weekend night. Please mall your resume to P.O. Box 712, Seaforth, NOK 1W0 or drop it off at the restaura'ttt. Please NO PHONE CALLS. BETTRIDGE FLOOR COVERING Stratford requires Experienced Vinyl, Carpet and Ceramic INSTALLERS Permanent Employment Apply in Person to 154 DOWNIE STREET STRATFORD 5. HELP WANTED EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career in the water treat- ment industry. Full training program. Equal opportunity for male or female. Program includes: 'Salary & commission.' 'Car allowance 'Full Company Benefits 'and the opportunity to earn an excellent income. FOR AN INTERVIEW CALL. HANOVER 364-1894 EXPERIENCED WELDERS required Preference given to applicants with prior Pressure Tickets (FCAW-2G, pipe, SMAW-2G-7024). Other skilled welders will be considered. Apply in person to: 130ILCIS3t ilii° �CANADA'S4BOILERMMAKERI 156 Mein St. S., Seaforth, Ontario THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a BASIC CUSTODIAN at CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Permanent full-time position 40 hours per week, Includes shift work The successful applicant will become a member of the Service Employees' Union, Local 210. Interested applicants are requested to send a letter of application and resume outlining experience and education, including references. Applications will be received until 12:00 noon, October 13, 1988. ^ra Jeanne McDonald, Personthel Manager HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street CLINTON, Ontario, NOM 110 R.B. Allan Director Huron Public Education Opening Hp the World J. Jowitt Chaff BUSINESS MANAGER This non profit social agency seeks a Business Manager to administer a budget of about $1.6 million. The qualified candidate should have 5 to 7 years experience in general accounting, financial analysis, payroll and computing. (IBM, PC systema) Good Interpersonal and communication skills required, previous management and super- visory experience desirable. Salary $28,312 • $31,980 with generous benefits. If interested, apply in writing by October 16th, 1988 to PERSONNEL BOX 456 GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A 4C7 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MA CHERIE Fashions (Est. 1975). Discover a new rewarding career. Be an independent. Join our team. It's the fun easy way to earn ex tra money. Call Collect (416) 827-2660. 6-40-bc BUSINESS Opportunity in rapidly expanding water treatment equipment market Canadian manufacturer seeking new Kinetico Dealer across Canada. Minimum investment with proven returns. Contact R & H Water Treat- ment Ltd. 2541 Hwy. 20, General Delivery, Fonthill, Ont„ LOS 1E0. 6-40-bc LINDAL CEDAR Sunroom Dealers Do Well! Be one in your town. Protected territory, No franchise fees, no special training. For infor- mation Call Win. Allen, Manufacturers Rep at (705) 722-7577 today. 6-40-bc 7. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED - Energetic, intelligent, young, career -woman looking for new challenges in the work field. References available, Apply to Box 3907 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO. 7-39-2 WILL DO mending and simple alterations. Reasonable rates. Prompt service. Phone 522-1809. 7-40-xl EFARM STOCK LIMOUSIN CATTLE Sale. A.C.H. Farms. New location corner Grey Roads 7 & 14, South of Meaford 125 Head on offer. Saturday, Oct. 8 /88. Call (519) 986-2109 or (519) 538-2651 for catalogues etc. 9-40-bc BANNER SALE, Monday, Oct. 10, 12:30 p.m. 70 head registered Herefords bred heifers, cows with Heifers and bull calves at Elzevir Herefords, Flinton, Ont. (613) 336-8796. 9-40-bc GOLDEN OAK Herefords complete dispersal GARAGE SALE, 3 miles west of Seaforth, on LABOURERS WANTED, apply at Durisol October 9, 4 p.m. Quinte Exhibition Grounds. highway No. 8, Fri., Oct. 7, 12-5; Sat. Oct. 8 Materials Ltd., 216 St. George St., Mitchell, 75 head Top Blood Lines (613) 399-5922. 9-5. Furniture and children's clothing. 2-40-1 Ont. 5-40.1 Truck plus 18 ft. Goose Neck Trailer. 9-40-bc 11. HAY & STRAW CORN SCREENINGS for sale. Phone 527-0897. 11-40-1 12. USED CARS i DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A.M, 22 words - one week, $4 50, two weeks. $4 00 three week's $3.50 Additional words 18 cents BIRTHS --No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7. with p,; lure $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks alter dole o' wedding After this time, pholc and cuttine only $15. Complete write-up $25 IN MEMORIAMS - $4 50 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words $4.50 Foch ad. ditional word 06 cents 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS •TO THIS OFFICE - 53 00. each additional week. - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming Events " 23 Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24 Property for sale 3. Lost, Strayed 25. Property for rent 4. Found 26 Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27 For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28 Wanted to rent 7: Situations Wanted 29 For rent 8. Custom work 30 Room app Board 9. Farm Stock 31 Notice 10 Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11 Hay and straw 33 Educational 12. Used cars 34 Auction Sales 13. Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale 36 Legal notice 15. R.V s for sale - 37 Notice to creditors 16. Mobile homes 38 Serve directory 17. VCRs for sale 39 Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40 In memoriam 19. Pets 41 Personal 20. Swap or trade 42 Engagements 21, Wanted to 'buy 43 Marriages 22 Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE APPLES: Macs, Spartans, Empire, Wolfe River, Snow, Sweets, Cortlands, Delicious, Spys, Ida Reds; pears, cider, McClymont Or- chards, 1 mile south of Varna. 233-3214, 14-40-1 BABY CHANGE table and stroller in good condition. Phone 345-2484, call anytime. Also double box spring and mattress. 14-40-1 GRAIN BINS, 10,000 bushel, natural air dry- ing available, located 11/2 miles south west of Seaforth. Call 522-1644. 14-40-1 10 TON feed tank. Call 522-1641. 14-40-1 BADGER -MODEL BN570 stable cleaner drive unit. Excellent condition and 50 foot long stable cleaner. Chute swings one way, Call 887-6875. 14-40-2 FOR SALE - Three baseboard heaters, cab- bage patch stroller (new), set of sheer curtains and gold drapes. 527-0549. 14-40-1 THREE USED interior doors 30" x 77", also 24" gas stove with clock and timer. Phone 482-7254. 14-40-x1 MONTREAL MIITARY SURPLUS: Work Shirts $2.75, Work Pants $3.50, Work Boots $15. Send $3 for catalogue (reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec, JOS 1X0. 14-40-bc FIREWOOD and good used building materials, steel roofing, barn beams etc., three door drive shed. Call 348-8151, Mitchell. 14-40-tf 1968 GALAXY 500 convertible, fully restored, many new parts, $6000, negotiable, 233-7487 after 4. 12-40-ff 1977 - OLDSMOBILE 98 Regency, 4 -door hardtop - all power options plus air. Phone 527-0388. 12-38-3 1978 CHRYSLER LeBaron 318, air condition- ing, new tires, in good condition. Asking $1200.00 or best offer. Phone 345-2460. 12-39-4 '79 THUNDERBIRD, new transmission, new battery, $500 as is. Good winter car. 527-0482, 12-40-1 1985 CHEVROLET Caprice Classic, beige with vinyl roof, loaded with options, in ex cellent condition. Original owner. 887-6240. 1240-1 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE HONEY - 75$ per pound, bulk, liquid or creamed, in your containers. Kramers Apiaries, Matilda St. Dublin. 345-2180 - Open Monday to Friday 9 to 5, closed Saturday and Sunday. 14-40-tf PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL 100 Buildings. Many sizes. Call now for best selection. Miracle Span 1-800-668-5111. 14-40-bc SWIMMING POOL Sale on Classic Series in - ground and (above) on -ground. Professional installations or do it yourself kits. Free Automatic chlorinator with purchase. Riviera Pools. (519) 747-4399 or (519) 658-8091. J 14-40-bc BARN CLEANER replacement chain - Pintle & Super Tough $8.45 per ft. We repair and deliver cleaners manufactured by HUSKY Farm Equipment, Alma, Ont. (519) 846-5329. 14-40-bc CAKES - do you have an occasion that needs a cake, well I have cakes for all occasions. Call Anita Lammerant 527-0035. 14-40-x1 VHF/UHF/FM TV ANTENNA with rotor and control Box. Phone 527-2445. 14-40-x1 MARTENE ORCHARDS • Picked or pick your own Macintosh apples, windfalls, 1/2 price. fresh cider and custom cider, Pressing by ap- pointment. Phone 522-1507. 14-39-tf APPLES, Spartan, Red Delicious, Imperial Macs and Fallen apples. Also 2 boys winter Jackets, size M., girls size 14. Man's suit. waist 32. Phone 527-0622. 14-39-x2 APPLES U -PICK large beautiful Macs, Cor - fiends, Spartans, Red and Yellow Delicious, Mutsu, Ida Reds, Spies, great windfalls, bring containers, Wed. • Sun. and Thanksgiving Monday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m at Middleton Place, one mile east of Bayfield, north of river 14-39-3 OVEN READY roosters, order now. Joan Stewart 527-0897. 14-39-x3 GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Store. Pro Ark Lamps, Allanson Ballast and hydroponic kits, plus much much more. 63 Clarke Rd. London, Ont. (519) 452-3919. 14-40-bc STEEL BUILDINGS: Immediate Delivery. Ex- amples 30 x 40 Straightwall $5,110; 40 x 50 Straightwall $9,227; 70 x 80 x 24 Arch Bldg 2-14 x 24 Slide Doors $18,000; 32 x 40 x 12 Steel Trusses and Columns $5400; 40 x 60 x 14 Steel Trusses and Columns $6,880. 50 x 100 x 16 Steel Trusses and Columns $14,200. Sheeting avail. 30-28-24 gauge, colours and Galvalume 1-800-387-2115, 1-416-858-2446. 14-40-bc NOT MUCH . MONEY • In a Hurry! Steel Buildings every day low factory prices. Straightwalls and quonsets - All models • fast delivery - beat the fall Rush. Call Pioneer 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours), 14-40-bc BUILDINGS - Save thousands while steel sup- ply lasts. Fall clearance. We over-estimated and are clearing out excess stock. All steel and wood -steel types. Paragon 24 'hours 1-800-263-8499. 14-40-bc SHEEPSKIN Seatcovers, books, rugs. Great potential, low trade prices. Dealers needed F./T. or P./T., all areas (416) 454-6470 or P.O. Box 2580 Vancouver, V6B 3W8. Clip this one- time Ad. 14-40-bc MACS, Cortlands, Empire, Red Delicious, and 'CHRISTMAS GIFTS' 40o/s OFF Patio fur - apple butter at farm. Orange tent in Clinton niture and accessories. Spring layaways. closed Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037.14-40-tf Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, Ont. (519) 786-2180. 14-40-1 BOOK NOW for your Christmas Portraits. Also available Limited Edition Prints, custom fram- ing, cameras. Walden Photography & Fram- ing. 482-7675 or 523-9212. 14-40-tf ONE - NEW wishing well; 1 - 30 gal. U.S. hot water tank with gas burner; 1- band saw with motor. Phone 522-0554. 14-40-x1 a AMR