HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-09-28, Page 31A A SOTH CITIZENSEAFHIP RAWARDS Nominations are now being accepted for the Annual Citizen- ship Awards. You may nominate an individual for his/her VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION in the following categories: *SERVICE TO SPORTS" "CIVIC SERVICE" or *HUMANITARIAN SERVICE" Submit the individual's name and reasons for your choice to the: Seaforth Recreation Dept., P.O. Boxx885, 122 Duke St., Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO. Deadline for nominations is October 14. For further Infor- mation please call 527-0882. Hensall seniors open fall euchre parties Hensall Correspondent SUSAN HARTMAN 262-2449 October 2 was Communion Sunday at Hen- sall United Church. Communion servers were Grant St. John, Steve McGregor, John Thompson, Raye Jacobi, Doroth Corbett and Linda Hartman. Rev. Wright's sermon was "The Bread o1 Life" and he used his puppet for the children's story. The Old Testament lesson was read by Gerry Drysdale and Ushers were Barb Gackstetter, Jo Anne Fields and Jayne Con - sift. Greeter at the door was Ross Corbett. A bible study group will be getting under- way October 4 to run Tuesday mornings at 10 am. This year's topic will be the Gospel of Mark. The afternoon group of the UCW will meet this Thursday at 2:30, here at the Church. PEOPLE Marion Peebles of London spent several days with Leonard and Minnie Noakes of Hensall. Marion is Minnie's sister. While in Hensall she enjoyed renewing acquain- tances with many friends and attended ser- vices at Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. HENSALL SENIORS With nine tables playing, the Three Links Seniors opened their fall session of Euchre Parties. Winners were Ladies high Gertie Moir, second Nellie Riley. Men's high Mary Broadfoot, second Clarence VoHand and CHECKING OUT THE WARES - Helen Anderson, a member of the Queensway Nurs- ing Home's Auxiliary, shows residents Irene Heimen and Margaret Fremlin some of the artifacts collected for the home's international day on USA. A lot of the Queensway residents have travelled to the United States and were instrumental in providing the in- formation and articles for this particular International Day. Mcllwraith photo. QUEENSWAY NEWS• �!1 •. ,4th.inI�ofrY -1.4,throld`. !iiirV./J./i li I ate: ,.:"1",f,µ 1' ` ! srNr,r=•r Queensway starts week with party Queensway residents started last Monday morning off well with a tea party. Somehow those good china cups and the lace table cloth make the tea taste so much better. Choir practise was held in the afternoon. All the practise reaped a reward when one choir member was requested to sing recently at a 66th Wedding anniversary. Fun and Fitness had people moving Tues- day morning, followed by the spelling game. Thank you to Pastor Steve Alles and pianist Gertie Fleischaur for the lovely worship ser- vice they provided Tuesday afternoon. Iva Reid assisted Wedne •1a of 'moon with bowling at Town and r -1-t -v Lanes, in Zurich. Several resident. enll s monthly activity. A National Geogr•ai,,c film "Rainforest" was the featured movie Thursday after- noon. It was an educational and entertaining picture. The Brass Bunch directed by Charles Kalbfleisch entertained at the mon- thly birthday party in the evening. Birthday greetings to Helen Rivers, Harold Tripp, Bona Clark, Mildred Gingerirl Gord Beierling and Jackie Lowe. Resident Council met Friday morning and in the afternoon USA was featured at the In- ternational Day. Residents discovered many interesting facts and many residents contributed to the enlightening discussion. Delicious apple pie and ice cream followed. You know the old saying "As American as...". It was a delightful afternoon. Coming events for October are October 12 at 7 pm a Party with the Goderich No Notes Jug Band and October 27 at 2 pm a Birthday Party Sing a Long with Taurine Madge and friends. The Meals On Wheels program is in need of volunteer drivers. Anyone who would care to volunteer for this worthwhile pro- gram please call 262-2830. Notice of Nomination NOMINATION OF SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS FOR REPRESENTATION TO THE HURON -PERTH ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Nomination forms for the trustee of the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board may be picked up at the Grey Township Municipal Office. Such nomination forms must be filed at the Howick Township Municipal Office. NESBIT ELECTRIC LTD. Kirkfon 229-8222 lone hands Pearl Taylor. Draw prizes went to Alf Ross, Ruby Bell, Dorothy Brintnell, George Dowson, Gertie Flechauer and Edna Patterson. The nest card party will be October 25 at the Hall. TOY SHOW The Hensall and District Kinsmen are hosting their first annual Farm Toy Show and Sale at the Hensall Arena on Sunday, October 16 from 10 am until 4 pm. Admission is only $1 for adults and children under 12 are free. If you would like more information or are interested in setting up a table at the show call Mervin Taylor at 262-3125. SHUFFLEBOARD Correction on the day for Shuffling in Hen- sall. The Happy Shufflers gather every Tuesday at 1 pm. I apologize for any inconvenience. Eileen Dowson was top winner with 418 score for six games and Joy Hogg was se- cond. Both ladies won every game. Pearl McKnight was nest with 378 followed by Ethel McMuttrie 329, Jack Consitt 326 and Isobel Rogerson 300. NORTHCREST NEWS The residents of Northcrest would like to issue' a warm welcome to Irene Davis who moved into her apartment last Thursday. Margaret Mole attended the weddingof her niece Tracey Machan to Mr. ary McPhee on Friday evening at Goderich. Ida Dickert has spent the last week with her granddaughter Robyn McLellan of Toronto. Shirley and Eric Luther of Kitchener visited last Wednesday with Hazel Luther of Northcrest. Correspondent muses on fall's quick 'arrival Kippen Correspondent MRS. MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 It's hard to believe October is here already! The summer flew by in spite of the heat, September gathered momentum with back to school activities and fall fairs are now history. The farmers are looking to the skies hop- ing for several dry days in a row so soya beans can be harvested and winter wheat sown. The leaves which are turning beautiful autumn shades will soon be flutter- ing to the ground, ready to be raked into piles or left for the wind to blow them away. This is one of my favourite seasons of the year. 9-H clubs have also started again for the fall. Sherri McLaughlan, the Press Reporter for Kippen 3 9-H club, reported the leaders for this club "Much Ado About Meat" are Barb Moffat and Mary. Helen McLachlin. There are 16 members in this club and the first meeting was held at Brucefleld United Church on Tuesday, September 27. It started with mixer games, then went on to more serious matters like the election of of-. ficers: President is Kris Gemmell, Vice President is Patricia Wynja, Treasurer is Candace Cooper, and Secretary and Press Reporter are floating (not literally of course). This means that a different person is elected at each meeting to hold this office. 4-H members made the recipe for "Ter- rific Tacos" and sampled them when cook- ed. Comments on the tacos were "really good" and "terrific" as the name indicates. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 5, 1988 — 13A 4 NOTICE Regarding Municipal Elections TOWN OF SEAFO �=.TH Offices to be filled A. Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and 6 Councillors for the Town of Seaforth. B. 2 P.U.C. Commissioners for the Town of Seaforth. C. 1 member of the Huron County Board of Education for the Electoral Division of The Town of Seaforth and the Township of McKlliop. NOMINATION DAY IS ON • MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1988 1. Nominations may be filed In the office of the Clerk during the period commencing at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, October 13, 1988 and ending at 5:00 p.m. Monday, October 17, 1988. 2. A Nominee may withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5:00 p.m. Thresday, Oc- tober 18, 1988. 3. Where the number of candidates nominated is not sufficient to fill the offices to which candidates may be elected, on Wednesday following nomination day October 19, 1988, the Clerk may, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., receive and certify addi- tional nominations for the office in respect to which there was an Insufficient number of candidates. SHOULD AN ELECTION BE REQUIRED the same will be held on MONDAY, November 14, 1988 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ADVANCE POLL on Saturday, November 5, 1988 and Thursday, November 10, 1988 bet- ween the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. For further information regarding election procedures, contact the undersigned. James Crocker Clerk/Returning Officer 72 Main Street Town of Seaforth HURON -BRUCE FEDERAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION • CONVENTION • WILL BE HELD AT LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1988 AT 8:00 P.M. *GUEST SPEAKER* For the purpose of selecting a candidate to represent the Pro- gressive Conservative Association in the federal riding of Huron - Bruce In the next federal election. The constitution provides that the following delegates will be en- titled to vote at the nomination convention: the executive and honorary members of the association; the chairpersons and vice - chairpersons of each municipality; the executive of the Young Pro- gressive Conservative Association and three resident delegates from each polling subdivision. Each candidate must file a written nomination with the secretary of the Association at least 48 hours prior to the nomination meeting. BARRY JOHNSTON, PRESIDENT. MARY DONNELLY SECRETARY -TREASURER. CUSTOM APPUCATION Sound ECONOMICS AND AGRONOMICS Say For Fall PLOWDOWN OF PHOSPHATE AND POTASH Application Equipment For BOTH DRY AND FLUID FERTIUZERS AVAILABLE For a custom application job you can count on... Call us today SEE U O Industrlel .Form OResidentiol *Pole Line Construction FOR ALL YOUR FII=tDs- °Bucket Troth Servle, *Hydro Poles OEleetrie Motor Repairs .Rewinding *Sales end Service For Service Coll 229-4222 or 9-800-265-2938 AFTER 6 P.M. CALL TOM RAPSON 327-9643 Hensall District Co-operative Inc "Farmers working together for over 50 years" Hensall 262-3002 1-800-265-5190 Seaforth 527-0770 (Store) 527-0200 (fertilizer) Zurich 236-4393 4