HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-26, Page 8B. THE WINGJIA 1' TIMES MAY 26 1904 MINOR LOCALS. -Read the advertisements in the. —The TxMFS to January lst, 190e, for btl,oenta. ---Something to think about. See advt. in another column. —Toronto's rate of taxation for 1904 is 10 mills, the sante last year. —Court Maitland, 0. 0, F,, meets Friday c vemng of this week. —Arrangements are being made for a celebration at Wroxeter on July 1st. --.--Mr. W. H. Green has put a new coal .and wood delivery wagon ou the road. —Tell your friends that we will send theta the TIMES till January 1st, 1005 for a0 cents. —Read the TIItus special advt. in another column regarding special premium offer. —Turuberry Court of Revision will be held iu the Clerk's office at Bluevale next Monday afternoon. —Reports from different parts of Ontario indicate that the wheat crop this Tear will be below the average. --Huron County Council will meet in Goderich ou Tuesday, June 7th, at 3 o'clock for the dispatch of business. —The General Sessions of the Peace will open at Goderich on Tuesday, June 14th, before His Honor, Judge Doyle. —It is said that about twenty-five car- loads 'of sugar beets will be raised in -Carrick this year for the Berlin factory, —The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Ontario Medical Association will be held in Toronto on June 14th, 15th and 16th. —A good chalice to get your local paper and home protection at a low pride. See advt. in another column for particulars. --The Ontario department of fisheries intend to vigorously prosecute the work of re -stocking Ontario lakes with black bass during this summer. —A movement is on foot among tem- perance workers in Clintou to buy 'or lease the New King Edward hotel there and have it run as a temperance house. _' r, F. VanStoue shipped a double - deck carload of hogs to Toronto on Mon- day. On the same clay Mr. D. E. Mc- Donald shipped a car of cattle to Toron- -to. —The cheap rates on the railways for the Vittoria Day holiday were taken ad- G a vantage of by large numbers of people, who spent e,few days with friends at a distance. 4 Pretty Pailorns MW ALL NEW ! The Wall Papers we want yin to see are strictly this Season's Productions. They are unquestionably super- ior in beauty of design and artistic colorings to any we have .ever shown, or that yon can see elsewhere. It should not be difficult to in- duce you to examine them. Will you do so soon? COOPER & CO., iSuccessor.s to Alex. Ross.) -e-Mr, Alex. Ritchie. intends holding a mammoth sale during the month of June, and quotes some interesting prices in his large advt. in another column, Look it up. —The front of the Hotel Brunswick is being brightened fresh coat of teued witha. f e i paint. Landlord Orris hound, to have his house in the front rank of the first- class hotels in Western Ontario. meeting of the Wieghani base. ball club will be held at the King Ed- ward hotel ou Saturday evening of this week. All players and others interested are requested to attend the meeting. —Tho firm of Gracey cG 1litcell in St. Marys has dissolved partnership. Mr. S. teracey, formerly of Wingharn, is retir- ing from the business. He has not yet decided what his plaus for the future will be. —Mr. and Mrs. Crawford of Wingham were in town on Tusday with their auto- mobile. The horseless carriage attract- ed considerable attention as these run- abouts are not very common here as yet. —Brussels Post. —Commencing ou Tuesdry, May 24th the Canadian Pacific resumed the tri- weekly service between Toronto and Owen Sound, connecting with. the Upper Lake steamships at the Matter point for the Soo, Port Arthur and Fort William. —Among those who passed the recent exam inations of the Ontario College of Pharmacy and are now full-fledged druggists, we notice the following:—R, E. Campbell, Teeswater; J. E. Mallough Dungannon; and R. S. Thompson, Kin- cardine, —Mr. J. W. Duncan, late of London Advertiser job printing department, and at one time a member of the TIMEs staff, has entered into partnership with Mr. Appleford as publishers of the Sea - forth News. The new firm has the best wishes of the TIMES. —The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club will hold the last meetiug of the season on Thursday evening, June 2nd at eight o'clock sharp at the home of Miss Gregory. It is requested that all the members will attend this meeting as important business matters will be dis- cussed. —Here is the conclusion of Printer's Ink, the exclusive business of which is the study of the art of publicity: "The people of this couutry have been educat- ed to go to the newspapers to find where to go for what they need. No well-in- formed man will deny this. It follows that the advertiser who uses the news- paper will get the customers." Manager of the Company. From the Winnipeg Commercial we notice that Mr. J. D. McKinley, son of Mr. D. McKinley of Wingham, is man- ager of the National Machine Company, Winnipeg, which has recently taken over the business in that territory of the Smith Premier typewritten. Mr. Mc- Kinley's many friends in this part will be pleased to hear of his success in the western metropolis, and will wish him continued prosperity. Maitland Presbytery W. F. M. S. An interesting and varied program was given at Brussels Tuesday last week in Melville Church in connection with the annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Maitland Presby- tery. There was a large and represent= ative attendance. The reception of re- presentatives of sister missionary societies and greetings from them was an enjoyable feature of the afternoon's ex- ercises. Miss Weir, who has spent 7 years in India, and whose home is near Woodstock, was present and gave Iwo most pleasant and instructive addresses ou her work in that interesting land. At the evening service the pastor Rev. John Ross, B.A., presided and after the open- ing exer cises were over. Rev. A. MacNab, M. A., Clerk of the Presbytery, read a most encouraging and well prepared re- port of the W.F.M.S. for the past year in connection with Maitland Presbytery. Miss Weir's 45 minute address was one of profit and she hes the happy faculty 47:***!YYY7orirrry vvsYT77vsv YVvYVVYVVVYVVYYVVVYYYVVYYV 4 a w d 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 Accident or Health /Do/icy l is Issued by the Internatioua1 Registry Company ... or the Iiinjestic Reg ttry Coiuparty. . Cash Capital, $;00,000.00. Reserve rand, $530,758.02. Losses Paid, $1,940,iO3,87. j .00 per week for loss of time in case of accident. a o>i (c s $x,00 sickness. d ti SOMETHING TO THIN ABOUT a, Statistics show that during the year 1003 there were over 5,000 deaths from accidents on the railroads of Canada and the United States, and from the records of the past few months the present :near promises to • greatly augment that number. Is it not possible that YOU may be one of De the number this year ?? Why not provide against the possibility by • becoming a subscriber to The TIll1 S and receive • A paid -hip -full r► s 4 Wise or Unwise,J'm Round to be Temperance. A. R. Smith, the cold water man, ou Thursday of .last week swam across the river --the rapids below the dant--and back and did not 1 anyone have o to hold up his chin, 0, no! 0, yes! the cold water seems to make hitu a very lively corpse; be semis to be able to ride horse- back and wrestle as good as ever. In the store where he has two good hands there is rapid selling of First Class Clothing, Gets' Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, for Boys, Youths and men. A. R. Snaith sells almost everything a man or boy wears. Re- member the place: --.Chisholm Block, Wingham. Yours for another pleasant swim across the Maitland, whets the time comes. A. R. SMITH.. et dressing up every day facts and oc- currences in a most attractive and strip- ing manner. She has a free, chatty yet earnest style, and the people of this Presbytery will feel an increasing inter- est in Mission work in India on account of her visit here. Rev. Mr. MacNab moved the adoption of the report and Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, seconded it in short, practical addresses, the for- mer praisiug women's work and the lat- ter showing the good results, personal and otherwise, to those who interest themselves in Missions. Meeting closed with the Benediction after a colle':tiou had been taken. Dinner and tea were served in the school room of Melville Church by the ladies of the congregation to the delegates, members of the Presby- tery resby tery and others. 'sues. FOSTER.—In Howicic, on the Lith inst., the wife of Cleo. Foster. jr. ; a daughter. WxsT.—m Bluevale, on the 20th inst., to Rev' W. J. and Mrs. West; a son. Gn'x'Erx—In Teeswater on Monday, May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Griffin a daughter, MARRIED Buaki+.ss—JI NKINS.— A t the home of the bride's parents, Turnberry, on Mav 24th, by Rev F. Swann, Bluevale, Mr. James Burgess, .of Brantford, to Miss Jennie, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Jenkins. $1,000.00 in case of death. These policies are so popular that many patrons take two of them. Not more than two issued to any one person. These polieies include key, yl venation and identification. '4' 'this is an excellent opportunity to secure this popular weekly news- paper land an accident insurance policy at a smell cost. The combined cost 4 of the TIMES and the insurance is only $2.00' per year. No dues. NO aese!aementg. coNmonthly instalments. -4 dill 0nr repteeentati 'e, Mr. Cornyn, will call and explain. 4 114,41 t,Irwi4A r►Aii,1 AAAA.A 1,A JAA AAAAAALAAAAAh,AAAA AAAAAAAA DIED HEwITT—In Rinearcline Township, on Satur- day, May 14th, 1004, John Hewitt, aged 78 years, 1 month and 17 days. O'Coxxon—hi Teeswater, on Monday. May pith, Sarah Taekaberry, widow of the late H. B. ;O'Connor, aged. 79 years and 0 months, RrE.n—OWENS.—Jt t Lucknow, ou May 18th, by Rev. J. N. McLean, B. A., of Wingham, Mr. Frederick Owens, of Warren, Mich. to Miss Jennie, daughter of Mr. Robt. Rord of Luck - now. HARris—In Wroxeter on May 24th. George Harris, sr., cattle and hog dealer. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHANI. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No, 139 'TOLD their regular meetings an the 2nd and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAXWELL, C. C. R. H. CROwi1ER, Clerk. MEETING OF T Council of the Cou of Huron The council of the e , ntv of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the town of Goderich on Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1904, at 3 o'clock. All accounts to conte" before the council must be placed with the Clerk on or before first day of meeting. W. LANE, Clerk. Dates May 23rd 1904. AUCTION SALE —OF— VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OP, WINGHAM. Pursuant to the power of sale con ed in 0 certain registered mortgage, w , r will be produeed at time of sale, ther ' ill be offered for sale by public auction W. A. Currie, auctioneer, at the Br ensu •' hotel in the Town of Wingham, on S DAY, 11Th DAY or JUNE, A,D., 1004, . o'clock in the afternoon, the following Value de property, namely: The west halves of Lots Six and Seven on the west side of Martha street. in Jane Sadler's third survey in said Town of Wingham.• On .is property11 is situate a brick veneered cot- tage 31 x 82 _goee repair, TERMS OF SALE.—Twenty per hent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance in twenty days thereafter. when os - session will be given. The property will be sold subject to a reserve price. Further par- ticulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. next. Dated this 20th day of May, ]004. XZ.1 1NSTONti, Wingham, Vendor's Solicitor. W. A. CIT num Wingitant, Auctichee e Binder twine DR. OVENS, of London, ,,Sett ox4ON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEAS1tS BYE, EAR, NOSE AND- TIIISOAT. Visits Winglranr monthly. Glasses ler'operly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Wingham Olilee-Campbell's Drug Store. London Office --223 Queens live. Hours : 11 to s p.m. Dates of visits -.Mondays, Feb. 1, Feb, 20; March 28, Dilly 2, May 311, June 27, July 25, Sept. 0, Oct. 3, Oct. al, Nov. 28. STRAY HEIFER. Caine onto she premises of the undersigned, (half a mile south of \S'ingharn) on the 15th Nay, a dark red yearling heifer with two small tivinte spots on face. Owner will kindly prove property, pay expenses, and take her away. R. S.1$TEI1, Lot 42, Con. 14, East Wawanosh. COURT O REVISION Take Notice that the Town of Will hold. its first sitti in the s On Wednesday A. D. 1001, at the ho All persons having In should govern thenlsel J. B Dated Clerk's Office, urt of Revision of the Win gham ag in the Town Hall id town 1st day of June r of 8 o'clock,'•.N. :iness at the said. Court s accordingly, FERGUSON, Clerk. ngham, May 10th, 1004 TOWNSHIP 0 ` TURNBERRY COURT OF EVISION MAKE NOTICE that the Court, for the Re meat Roll of the Townsb year 1004, will be held i Bluevale, on Monday, tin at 2 o'clock P.M. Parties take notice and govern th By order. JOH Bluevale, May 0, 1901. he first sittings of ision of the Assess - of Tnrnberry for a the Clerk's Office, 30th day of May next nterestocl will please mseh-es accordingly. BURGESS, Clerk. r'N4"1ti'N1411,10 v 1 V7✓N1+ltiliW 111'1 N1A"N'K'N W JWIlle glee V G 11111 Active At the dee hive Last week's selling of high-class goods at the Bee Hive was away ahead of anyformer week. We knew it would be, andweek's ice, will be Trade 1 this eel. prices Winners, and roll up Larger Sales than ever for This. Busy Store. Underpriced Corset Covers We are showing a very pretty range of Corset Covers nicely trimmed with lace and ribbon, well made and perfect fitting, at earl' 25c, 35.c, 50cThis is less than you can buy the goods and make them. Men's Furnishings This week we have on sale a splendid lane of men's fine Egyptian cotton underwear at per garment - - 50c Tho latest in New Fine Straw Hats, also extra values in latest shapes of soft and stiff Hats, and a special lino of new designs end colors of fine Dress Shirts the regular $1.25 kine] "ourprice" each - - - x;1,00 r The Bee Hive. We also show a 90c line of Fancy Shirts very new "our price" each - - 75c New Suspenders, new Gloves, new Collars, new Hosiery, new Neckwear. The goods and prices are sure to please you. Those Dress Goods Special Values Those Dress Goods, Special Values, we are giving keeps business humming its this de- partment, increased selling and pleased cus- tomers, have rapidly spread the reputation of this store for high class goods at money saving prices. Wash Fabrics This department is always a lave one—over forty pieces of regular 120 print in new patterns and colors, all on sale this week at per yd 10c New Dress and Apron Ginghams at per yard 10e, 12e,, 115c New and Choice Groceries This department is steadily gaining new custo- mers—it will pay you to have your name on our list, orders promptly delivered to all parts of the town. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. We want large quantities hf Butter and Eggs and always pay the highest prices. IT PAYS TO DEAL \VITH WINGHAM Ont. "vdt1 r v ^ 1l►8► . s , •b .ti S R✓Oq 1A.4olik". WV&18144.4AA" AVS,.'V43,0p,/t.'w. 0 o$ RITCHIE'S JUNE SLE JUNE SALE NielZIERIZEIRMIZSEMIEDIETSCOM RITCHIE'S JUNE SALE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE WE WILL OFFER SOME EXTRA. GOOD BARGAINS, INCLUDING : Dress Goods at Special Prices. - Carpets at Sweeping Reduction& AS^ EGINNING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1904, at 8 A.M. You may rely on getting goods as we advertise. Ladies' Muslin Undergarments Undergarments at 25 per cent. Underskirts at 25 per cent, Nightgowns at 25 per cent. OFF REGULAR PRICES. $1.00 Gown for 1.25 Gown for - - 1.00 Musliu Drawers for .25 Muslin Drawers for .75 .9:i .75 .19 `Linen Laces. The balance of our stock of Linen Laces, qualities ranging in prices from 5c to 1210c per yard. Your choice for, yd .05 Shoe Display for June Sale Including Oxfords, Slippers and Boots, reg. 1.25, 1.50, 1.75. To clear at, per pr $1.00 wee Ladies' Knit Vests AT BARGAIN PRICES. Ladies' Kid Gloves AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE. Lace Curtains See the good qualities at low prices. 250 to 88.00 per pair. C ARPETS. In this department we have quite a num- ber of remnants, including Tapestry, Brussels and Wool Carpets, with 5 to 15 yards in each. 50c, 75c and 85c qualities. June sale price .45 Dress Goods Remnants 1 lot of Remnants of Dress Goods. New goods at one-quarter off regular prices. Dress Goods, Black and Colored AT BARGAIN PRICES. 81.50 black and colored Suitings for - 81.25 1.45 qualities Etamines for - 1.20 .90 Voiles for - - .75 .75 Voiles for - - .55 .50 Basket Cloth for - .40 Ladies' Shirt Waists We have an extra large stock of Shirt Waists that we will sell at BARGAIN PRICES. Embroideries June Sale prices in the above lines. LOT NO. 1—Embroideries worth 5c, Gc, 7c, 8c, and 90 per yard. Choice, per yard, - .05 LOT NO. 2—Goods worth 10c, 121-e and 15c, June Sale price per yard, - .10 LOT NO. 3-17c, 1Sc and 20c qual- ities for, per yard, - .16 Table Linens Having bought a large shipment of Table Linens at our own prices, we will be able to give you extra good values. 72 -inch, all Linen, worth regularly 75c and 85c, for - - ,50 Extra good qualities for, per yard .25 Cotton and Cashmere Hose. 10 dozen Cotton Hose, worth 1350. June sale price - - - - .25 20 dozed Boys' Ribbed Cotton Hose, worth 20c and 255e, to clear at 150 or 2 for .25 LADIES' CORSETS • A LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves Sample lot of Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, assorted colors, worth from 25c to 45c. June Sale price, per pair .20 We are solei agents in Wingham for the Ontario Government Twines. Pure Manilla, 610 feet to the lb 1234c, Manilla, 600 feet to the ib Farmers' Special, 550 feet to the lb.11c Farmers' Special, 600 feet to the lb.10? 2e Each package contains 60 lbs. of Twine, with a two -bushel grain bag and throe rope halters with Snaps and rings. Every ball guar- anteed. Freight paid to your near- est station. Orders mast be in by June 15th. Fishleigh's t t RDWARt W1N W- M. Our Stock of Staples at flarAain Prices ONE PRICE TO EVERYONE. CASH AND TRADE ONLY. COME EARL I( AND GET THE FIRST CHOICE. BEAVF,R BLOCKlex* ie. Art WINGIiAM