HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-26, Page 1WING AM TIMES. VOL XXXZII,--- NO. 1685. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 26. 1904. I A. YEAR IN ADVANCE Blow .Your Own Horn f We're "Blowing our own horn" long with the rest of our fellow citizens, but ours is a different sort of a horn; it is a business horn with a business end to it; and we're blowing it for YOUR ,good as well as for our own. That is why we have plenty of help in blowing -- why hundreds of people are constantly blowing for us. Homuth Bros.' clothes are the best clothes made. Ask the man who wears them, "He knows." Homuth Bros. clothes from $12.00 to $40.00. 'RATS RI ATS We have the very newest American makes, Hats and Caps. Not a single out -of - style hat in the. store, so you are sure of getting a new, up-to-date hat when you buy one from us. SHI7RTS In shirts we have a full assortment of all the best makes of Canada, and can guarantee you fast colors. sizes from 1-454 to I prices $1.00 to $1.25. Be sure you buy all of your Gents Furnishings from us. If you do you can feel assured you have the best materials your money can buy and always sure of it being up-to-date. A pleasure to show goods. lHofflllth Bros. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FIIerx PATEttSON, No. 23 Victoria street, Winghani, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 1000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,414,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno and 31st December eaeh year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, solicitor, BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHdM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. Presictent-- > oN, WIl. GInSON, Vice -President and General Manager —•J'. Tutu utlLL, DIANcTOES George Itoach, .Toho Proctor, A. B. Leer John B. Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford. Impeder -41. M. WArsox, savings Itank—eteure 10 to 5; Saturday, 10 MI 1. Deposits of Stand upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 130th No- vember and Dist May each year and added to principal. nriooi.c, 6opdeits also received at current reside of interest, Drafts an Gr. * Britain and the United States Bought. atfd sold. Travellers are notified that the Bank of Bain - Ilton and rte Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, watch can bo cashed without charge br troll- ►1e 1n i►n' part of the world. W, racli#..13;QUtD, Agent DICKINSON & B.01,111108, Benetton, Groc kery We may not have the largest etock of Crockery, but the pepple sny we have the nicest stook in Wiugham, and that is what counts, However We leave a large stook of Mee DINNER SETS consisting of 78 piece sets - $5.00 97 piece sets - - $6.50 98 piece sets et 810, $11, $12.0,0 $13, $4,14, $18, $10, $20.00 Guaranteed Goods Also 40 different degins and patterns in TOILET SETS Prices ranging from $1,50, $1.75,' 52.25, for printed sets, and for stipped and gold, prices $3 00. $4.60; $5.00, $5.00, 58 00, 510 00. Also a fine lot of Fancy •China suitable for wedding. presents. Call and see for yourself. R1 - AI Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choices farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots to Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Duren and Ashfield Townships, Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, alnost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagons top. A general Store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J, A. MacKENLIE, 'Insurance Agent, 33olyrood. My Business is shying and Selling Real Estate in Ontario.__, --� C. J. MAG U I R I VANSTONE BLOCK. • NVINGHAM, ONT. II BRING BUYER AND SELLER TOGETHER.. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Woman The postponed a Woman's Iustiti Chisholm's Hall, 2.30 p. m. Woul by present, as b will be taken up. meeting will be h Friday, June 10th. Institute. nual meeting of the e will be held in 'ridgy, June 3rd, at all members kindly -mess of importance The special Institute Id in Wiugham, ou The King' .At the opening o Club's forty-fifth a At the Woodbine, T "Sapper," owned b Barrie won the Kin ing 2.12—the fastest for the Plate. This in succession that th Mr. Dinment. Th starters in the race. of the Hendrie strin War Whoop, owned third. Plate Race. the Ontario Jockey meal spring meeting routo, on Saturday, Mr. N. Dynment of s Plate the time Be- ver made in the race is the second year PIate has falleu to o were fourteen Nimble Dick, one , was second and by Mr. McKenzie, Large stook of sample (right up-to- date) ready -to -wears at reduced prices, at Mrs. Green's. Joint Exeursio to Guelph. This year the Far.. ors' Institutes of West, East and Sout • Huron will have a joint excursion to t e Ontario Experi- mental Farm at G elph ou Saturday, June llth, he trip to the model farm each y ar is becoming quite popular, the numb •r who went last June being larger than on any previous on. casion. Juue'lit is one of the days of the • Gnelp horse show, end this excursion w I afford au excellent opportunity to se. it. The new McDon- ald buildings for he study of domestic science and man al training and the new Massey buil • ings have been cora- plated during th past year, and will, no doubt, afford ad itional interest to those who have been a the model farm on pre- vious excursions They have issued a convenient tint • table for the special trains, and have 'avored the Fanners' Institutes of Hur •n county with a low rate. Ample tr n accoui odation is being provided an all tickets will be good to return by eaular trans Monday. The Bat Huron gricultural Societies Will hold their e cordon to Guelph Ott Monday, Tttne 2 i th. A $pt Tial train Will run from Wi • ghant, partioulars of whioh will be give in our nein• spine. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers About the alendar. Thera are some ell ous facts aboat out calendar. No centu 'y can begin with Wednesday, Frida. or Mond sy. The same eats tidier can b used every twenty years, but most peo le now get new ones every year. Octob r always begins on the same day of th t week as January, April as July, Sept nastier as December, February as March and May, Jane and August always be n on different days from each other, a d from every month in the year. The irst and last days of the year are ulwn s the same, This rule does slot apply t. leap year. WANTED. --At servant. Apply Al once—a good general 0 (DR.) MACDONALD. Severe E ectrical Storm. This section w s visited with a very severe electrical orm on Sunday night last. The lightni ig played many funny pranks for about : alt an hour and many of the townspeopl . were badly frighten, ed. A cumber of buildings in this seo, tion were slight , damaged. Part of Mr. Saunders' ho, re in Lower Wioglzam Was partially w eared. The lightning made its way do ' u the chimney to the cellar and scatt. 'ed the bricks of the chimney and a n tuber of articles in the cellar. The occu ants df, the house were uninjured', but es 're somewhat stunned. WANTED.—A good smart boy to de- liver parcels and learn the dry goods business. Apply to Alex. Ritchie. FOR SALE—House and 1 ou Frances street. House has n' ie r ems, Summer k itehen and w,00dsh cl For particulars apply to D. A. Cani ell, on the prem- ises. Licensed Auction The following 1i Wm, Holmes, Conn the names of those 1 and pedlars for th for 1504:— Auctioneers, —TI Currie, Jas. Staple Cameron, Henry Newtou, J. G. M Henry Brown. J Charles, C. H. Wils Welch, Alex. Mc Thomas Brown, Morrison, Edward Phillips, C. Hainilto Pedlars.—Louis Ras well, Hugh Conolly, Win, Gorier, Alex, W. K. Whaley, Beatty, Anthony ?I simmons, Jas. Hor Thos. Langan, Rubt Cracken, Elwin Mu J. E. Frey, G. F. IS man, Fred Morgan, O'Gorman, W. J. P • rs and Pedlars. supplied by Mr. Treasurer,coutaius en sed as auctioneers Oounty of Huron I Football Gam LI a junior league footl ell game et Brussels on Friday eveniu of last week, the Wingliara club wero fortnnate in being defeated by a score 1 to 0. The next home game will be eyed on the Wiu hao park ott Enda evening .f this week, when the N inghann and Brussels iutermediate clt bs will meet. The game will be called a 0.15 o'clock and the admission is 15 ce ts. 'WAWSF.D—Cof y June lOelt. Eggsar, ICObutter, trade;3rL GEo tabs by cash. KING Anniversary Se ices The anniversary service of the corner stone laying of the new . C. Church at St. Augustine will be held at 10.30 o'clock a. in. on Sunda next. Rev. Father Northgraves of Se orth,editor of the Catholic Record, will , reach the ser- mon. In the evenings M tical Vespers service will be held. A fr.: will offer- ing will be taken at b, tel services. The public is cordially inset d, onsets Gundry, W, A, , F. S. Scott, Thos. ossenberry, W. H. Michael, John Gill, eph Cowan, R. M. u; Jus. Jones, Wm. wen Alex. Kelly, hu Purvis, Alex. Bos senberry B. S. , Joseph White. kopelri, J. E. Harn- Wm. Fleury Hele, oe, Alex. Munro, J. Miller, Geo. onald, Jas. Fitz - n, Walter Steels: Shaw, W. 3, Mo- o, Win. Bashfleld, •Pliee, Fred Goss - Jas. B. Iuucs, D. well. —Thu TIMES to any address till Janu- ary 1st, 1905 for 50 cents. NOTICE ,—The question is: How can Robt. Mclndoo loan his money so cheap on notes and mortgages? Call and See. RoaT. MoINDoo. ST1tAv'11Er:nn:s—Strawberry plants for sale. Strong, healthy plants which produce a choice sweet berry for family use. Price $1,00 per hundred. el few Cuthbert and Golden Queen raspberries, 50e perdozen, Apply to A. W. WEBSTLlt. Orange Demonstr The County Oran Huron, together wi the adjoining distri• ing the anniversary Boyne, by holding tion in the town of clay, July 12th, 1J speakers have pro address the brethre and Hobbs, Strut Philp, B.D., Kin Lowe, Grand Chap Gingham; Dr. Th J. H. Scott, M. W West, and several also expected. Arrangements h' berth the G. T. R. issne tickets at one filth and 42th, good from Goderieh, Palmerston, Rincar Orangeville and all Betides this, arran made to have specie, rates ma July 12th. rates will be made k finite arrangement- Active and energ charge of deiuonst being spared by b the citizens of the reeotd. celebrati ;North Huron Or non in Wingham. e Lodge of North h their brethren of ts. purpose celebrat- .f the Battle of the monster demonstra- Iingham on T 4, The foll sed to be p, :—Bros. royi P arch.ain s- vieg sent to ar v. Rich- . Joseph �, Rev. Wm, Ontario West, s. Bradley, Bervie; G. M. of Ontario other brethren are e been made with d the C. P. R. to ingle fare, on July o return on the 13th, widen, Stratford, int, Walkerton and tormediate points, ements aro being trains at reduced Time -tables and Wit as soon as Be- have been iinade. ie committees have tion, and no pains is h the brethren and own to snake this a in the history of geism. Victoria Day Holt ay. The Victoria Day- halide, on Tuesday was very quiet in Wiogh• , ninny of onr townspeople taking in the celebra- tion as Lucknow, Clint.1 and other neighboring points, T):: Winghaxn baseball and Iacrosse Clu s going to Lucknow. A very sue essful day's sport is reported to have eau hold at Lucknow, The baseball 'oys niet the Cargill club and were d:feated by a score of 7 to 4, and the lacrosse boys lost to Kincardine by a sc re of 6 to e A few Bags of Seed Peas s i1 .n hand and all kinds of Seed Corn, . T. A. Mmes. REMOVED We have removed to the store one door north of Alex. Ritchie'. dry goods store, See Skeet of, Slat As au introduction t ur new store, we willfive' a discount of Te r cent off all Hoots zd Shoes for two weeks, corn- lneucing • Saturday, May 28th, 1904. Wa extend a hearty wel- come to everyone who wears .hoes to call and see us, W.J.Greer } Re -Union of Canadian Foresters. A meeting of representatives of a i number of the 'Western Ontario Courts I of the Canadian Order of Foresters was held iu Stratford on Wednesday, 11th inst., to discuss the advisability of 1 holding a demonstration, or rather a re -union. Dr. W. T. Holloway repres ented Court Maitland, No. 25, Wingham. After the object of the meeting had been explained, and the matter discussed at some length, it was decided that a de- monstration be held in Stratford on l July 1st, iu the interest of Forestry generally and as a means of affording a pleasant re -union. It is expected that a large cumber of the courts of the dis- trict will take part in the demonstration and it will li kely he continued as au annual affair. • lei 0 u•,;, 7. keat•iMIN "Name on Bvcry Place." Chocolate Bon -Bons. Fresh consignment of these famous Chocolates to hand this week with ''Something New." "Chocolate Molasses Brittle" Try cern. 25e a box. gen MOW, Phm,B, Next door to Post Orate. Have you seen Cooper's wall Raper? About L Prof. J. B. Reyno Agticultural Collets articles ou the de lightning, a year or wide attention is at colIectiug data cone of destruction by lig of the Proviuce, the o lish the relation bet stroke and the surr could be dete.••min would have been talc remedy against the de ty by lightning. Tie which the farmers ar ed and Prof. Reynol operatiou in the task He would like the every fire which take of lighting. htning. ds, of the Guelph whose series of ruction caused by wo ago attracted resent engaged in ning the amount Ping inrural parts ect being to estate en the lightning drugs. If this d, the first step in providing a truction of proper - is a matter in specially iuterest- asks for their co- o has nudertakon. nil particulars of place, the result Victoria Da Wedding. A pretty home weeding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Thos. Jenkins, Turnberry, on May 24th, when their youngest dau. titer, Miss Jeuuie, was united iu mat nlony to Mr. Jas. Burgess, of Brantfo ., by the Rev. F, Swann, At the Il. r of eleven o'clock, the bride, attired inchampagne voile over pale blue, an carrying it bridal boquet of Americas beauty roses, enter- ed the parlor to th strains of Mendle- shou's wedding in, ch, played by Miss Mabel Oliver, niec of the groom. The bridal party stood nder au arch of ferns and apple blosson s, the parlor being draped iu greeu a I white which gave a charming effect. ' tter the ceremony, when the usual g eetiugs had been ex- ehauged, the gees s were served with a tasty wedding bre kfast, the table dec- orations being g -en and white with violet fere. Mr. aunt Mrs. Burgess, amid a shower of ' lossoms, left on the 5 train for their ho a in Brantford. The bride's going awa dress being greeu Llama costume clot , with white chiffon hat. Only the im ediaterelativos,of tha contracting 1:arties were present. Moved to Mr, W. 3, Greer his stock of boots a premises in the Ir premises have bee for boots and shoe now be able to dis advantage, The with cluster eleotr Telegraph CW's. o store as Mr, Gree the local agent. Greer many year perity in his new ew Store. as this week moved d shoes to his new n block. The hew specially fitted up and Mr. Greer will layhis stock to better 1 s c be e. ore will be lighted o lights. The G.N.W. ee will rezuaiu is this has beeu appointed 'he Tains wishes Mr. of success and pres- usfness home. Home fro St. Louis. The Canadian ` ess excursion party returned home fro„ St. Louis on Satur- day last, and Mr, a zd Mrs. H. B. Elliott, who were members of the party arrived home on Monday niht, We iutend to give our readers as.•:toh of the trip, but will have to defer th s uutil next week, as the forms for this issue were almost complete upon our a ival home, and it will take a day or tw to get our mater- ial into shape, We n say, however, that this was the mos successful trip in the history of the C. .adian Press As- sociation, and one th will always be fresh in the mentor ' of every persue who was fortunate en ugh to be a mem- ber of the party. Thmembers of the party are deeply in ebted the Grand Trunk Railway Syst m for the excel- lent service rendered, , lid all members of the party will here, ' ter have a good word in praise of the +. T. R, which is the popular route to a World's Fair at St. Louis,/ On arri ng in London on Saturday, Mr. J. T. lark, the obliging and efficient secreta • ' of the Association was presented with a handsome silver tea service of the si pieces, and Messrs. Charlton and MMD. aid of the G. T. R., were made the reel lents of a silver cel- ery dish and a hand.ome gold ring each, while Mr. A. E. 1 adwin, Blyth, the advance guard of ie party, was also presented with a beautiful good ring. MEN WANTED — Twenty- a Inert l wanted immediately, to ork at the 1 Grey and Bruce Cennt orks, Owee Last Band Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Ageut, if you want to buy a house in town, he has just what you want. Soiled. For party ars apply at the TIMES office. Sudden Dea The people of thi surprised on We hear of the sudde Harris, sr., the we hog dealer, of Wr denly on Tuesday was only ill from quinsy. The dise and baffled the bes Harris was one of t in the Wroxeter se in the vicinity of W life. For a number buying cattle and 1 respected by a larg He is survived by 11' Miss Stewart) and daughters, 'riz : —G John of Manitoba; Millie and Norman several brothers a The bereaved will pathy of a large ei sudden bereaveme; t at Wroxeter. section were greatly nesday morning to death of Mr, George 1 -known cattle and Teter, who died sud- evening. Deceased Relay eveniug with se took a firm hold medical skill. Mr. e best known men ion, and had lived oxeter nearly all his f years lie had been gs and was highly ,ircle of friends. et widow (formerly tree sons and three The band concert opera house on .Grid week will be the las the boys are looking as the proceeds of petted to be large en final payment on t The admission is 25 boys will appear in for the first time of The following is the Concert. to be held in the ; evening of this of the season, and For a bumper house lis concert is ex - ugh to make the e new uniforms. cents. The band zein new uniforms Friday evening. rogram:— PATI I, 1. March .... "Gate ity" Ba Black Art Mr. WAley 3. Waltzes,.. -"Tru zful Eyes".... Peat 4. Lullaby Song.." sur; me to Sleep" . Miss rifle. I') LEATHER We have udders to our stock this week a beautiful pew lot of PURSES WALLETS CHAIN PURSES FINGER PURSES AND CIGAR CASES ut prices ranging from • oat to 13,60. Drop in and see them. Well be pleased to :;how then. AILMcCall&Col LI3uTr',D. Successors to•— GOLIN A. CAMPBELL The Druggist WINGHAM, • ONT. Many Ca/is are received from business firms and Many Students are placed in good positions each year by the famous CENTRAL 1 '11 ',if '1 / STRATFORD.. ONT. This school stands for the highest and best in business education in Canada to -day. Many business coI- leges employ our graduates as teach- ers. We have scores of applications trona other colleges. Ask to see them the day you enter. Commense course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELU OTT. PRINCIPAL, 5. Baru Dance. and G. Flag Drill by twenty little girls..... PART II. 1. Medley Overt e. "Harry Von Til- zers Swat e Rrver" and 2. Slight of Han Mr. V. Aley 3. Duet .. . . , .. Selected Mr. F. Hill nd Miss Griffin 4. March '•. Oth Century". and 3. Specialty H. ightman U. March Selected and (sod S. '0 the King. Admission, ad its 25c; children IOC. orge, of Wroxeter; i to and Mary, Cassie, at home, and also d his aged father. 1 ave the sincere syn - le of i riends in their 5. WANTED—Eggs, lOo trade, 14o cash, commencing May 2eth, Treat those ped- lars fair; make them them take your but- ter, pork, etc., with the eggs, same as your general merchant does. Potatoes wanted. Gro. E. Kixv.. Funeral of Lai Thee funeral of Campbell, whicl old home ou Fra day at 2.30 p. n large number of aequaintauces. bad reached the r four years had b years, but for the confined to her b which was hard to witness was b parted with Cls patience, repeate. how it pleases though it would and waken in He granted. Mrs. C• member of the over forty years, christian life en casae within hor intimate friends f noble qualities, as ing. Size was a devoted, loving missed. She lea her husband, five and one grand Gundy, assisted conducted a mos' at the house. c Mrs. Campbell. the late Mrs. D. A. took place from the cis street last Thurs- . was attended by a orrowing friends and rs. Campbell, who pe old age of seventy- en in poor health for i last twelve weeks was d, and her suffering, r those attending her me by the dear de- 'stian fortitude and y saying, "When anal od, He will take me; ' e nice to fall asleep von." Her wish was • obeli. was a faithful l ethodist Church for net her gentle, loving :tired her to all who" teach, but only her lly realized her many she was so unassunl- ood wife and a most Other, who is sadly es to mourn her loss sons, three daughters aughter. Rev. Dr. liev. N. 5, Bsrwash, impressive ceremony 1. My Ma Says That she has tried all the Shoe Stores in town and the Children's Shoes she gets at W. J. GREER'S Look Better and Wear Better than any of the shoes she has bought at other stores. She says, also, that she thinks W. J. GREER'S prices are a little lower than others ask for shoes not so good. She says, too, that after this she is going right to W. J. GREER'S and get my shoes with- out looking around. W. J. GREEi2 The Shoe Man.