HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-09-07, Page 11THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 1 JA 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. F-00,1AING EVENTS BINGO: Va astra Rec. Centre, Tuesday, 8 p.m. First 'Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $180 mutat go. Lucky ball $160.00 (i1 not won). lucky ball increases $20 per week. Admission; restricted to 16 years and over. 1-36-tf There's One in every crowd! Do you know a "Good Kid" who deserves an award for com- munity siervice, bravery or courage in over- coming a physical limitation? Nominate them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award. ;Contact this newspaper for details. 1-36-bc BLYTH FESTIVAL: Lucien: Sept. 8 (matinee), 9,10, (matinee) Bordertown Cafe: Sept. 8, 9 (matinee), 10, 13, 14 (matinee), 14, 15 (matinee) 15, 16, 17 (matinee) 17. Unless otherwise indicated all performances are at 8:30 p.m. Matinees are at 2:00 p.m. Box Of- fice 523-9300/9225. 1-36-1 2. YARD / GARAGE SALE MULTI FAMILY Yard Sale in Welton on Coun- ty Road 25 west, Sat. Sept. 10, 9 a.m. - ? Dishes, clothing, quilts and furniture. 2-36-1 5. HELP WANTED FULL TIME work available immediately loading chickens! Also part time and special student hours. Call free 1-800-265-3034. 5-36-tf CAREER IN TRUCKING - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For a pre-screening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's, London 1-800-265-3559. 5-36-41 JORDAN ELECTRIC, 52 Francis St., Mitchell, Ont. NOK 1NO requires full time electrician's assistant. Please apply in writing or call for in- terview 519-348-9957. 5-35-2 ALL YOU can eat buffet, salad bar, roast beef, STUDENT REQUIRED to work after school homemade pies, $9.95. White Carnation, and Saturday. Must be good worker. Apply Holmesvllle, Sunday 4:30 t0 7. 1-36-1 P.O. Box 219 Seaforth, Ont. 5-35-2 SINGLES DANCE - "White Carnation Hall" Holmesville, Saturday, September 10. Danc- ing 9-1, Music Tiffin. No Jeans. 1-36-1 SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Elimination Draw and Dance, Saturday., September 10 at Seaforth & District Community Centres. Hot Buffet Meal 6:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Dancing 9 p.m. Music by Anything Goes. Tickets •at Seaforth ' Financial Services and Bob & Betty's. 1-36-1 CHIP BINGO, Friday nights, Dublin Communi- ty Centre, 8 p.m. Dublin and District Athletic Assoc. 1-36-tf THE ETHEL W.I. is sponsoring an Information Meeting concerning the Recyling Program at the Walton Landfill Site. The meeting will be held at the Grey Central School on Tues. Sept. 13 at B p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-36-1 BASKETBALL game featuring this years girls team vs. teams from long ago. More Info to follow. Get in shape, girls! 1-36-1 KARATE - three month course, 2 classes per week. Starts: Wednesday, September 21, Goderich Township Hall. To register 482-3634. Excellent fitness and defence train- ing for men, women and children, 1-35-2 SEAFORTH St. James C.W.L. will be holding their annual Christmas Bazaar and. Tea on Sat. Nov. 26 2-4 p.m. at the St. James School. 1-36-1 CERAMIC CLASSES Afternoon or Evening Classes STARTS SEPT. 13 Call Pat Dalton 527-1273 Appliance SERVICE Technician for General Electric, Maytag, Woods. Experienced. Shaw's Appliances, Napanee. (613). 354-2155. 5-36-bc COMPANION REQUIRED for elderly lady for evenings. Also would like someone to prepare evening meals with their own meal. Call 527-2371. 5-36-1 OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying 'positions, All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 1-800-361-2461. 5-36-bc BAYWEB LIMITED requires press trainees, camera trainees, part-time and full-time bindery workers and part and full-time jog- gers. Positions are available immediately. Please apply to Bayweb Limited, Box 280, 55 William St. Etmvale, Ontario, LOL 1P0 Attn: Kathy Jamieson, or phone (705) 322-1822. Mondays to Friday. 5-36-bc - 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HOUSEWIVES, Mothers, interested persons. Last month to start selling toys and gifts at Home Parties this year. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 6-36-bc TIME TO SPARE! Join the wonderful world of MA CHERIE (Est.) 1975. Present exquisite lingerie and loungewear at Home Fashion Parties. It's easy and fun! Call collect (416) 827-2660. 6-36-bc ELP WANTED 1 TWO POSITRONS AVAILABLE REQUIRED: Versatile, self -motivated and technically in- clined persons for FINAL ASSEMBLY AND FABRICATION. Rapidly growing company with plenty of room for advancement. 017,000 - 020,000 PER YEAR Plus profit sharing APPLY AT OFFICE RLH�OURC . MANAGEMENT INC. (519) 887-9378 WALTON, ONTARIO 1 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1 SEEKING Aggressive, Self -motivated dealers to sell Industrial/Construction Tractors, Trac- tor Loaders & Backhoes. Send brief outline of your business to Box J OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ont. L6J 5A8. 6-36-bc START a second CAREER! Learn tax preparation or basic bookkeeping. For free brochures, no obligation: U & R Tax Services, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2B6. (204) 284-1806. Franchises avaitabre. 6-36-bc BODY TONING TABLES, eleven models. Dealers Welcome. Buy Direct. Excellent Prices. Cali or write (314) 644-4242. Slender World intl. 2201 59th St. St. Louis, MO 63110. 6-36-bc TRUCK financing a problem? Let our in-house financing put you behind the wheel of the LTL9000 off your*choice, O.A.C. Down pay- ment required. Phone Steve or Brian collect (604) 525-3481. 6-36-bc IMPROVE your Lifestyle promoting Chlorine Free Water Filtration Systems $40 - $50,000 year potential. Start part time. Training provid- ed. Bill Sutter, 893 Dalhousie Drive, London, Ont. N6K 1M8. 6-36-bc 7. SITUATIONS WANTED • DEADLINE POR CLASSIFIED ADS is 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A.M. 22 words • one week, $4.50: two weeks. $4 00 three weeks $3.50. Additional words 18 cents BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7. with pi„ lure $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free tor 8 weeks alter date o' wedding. Alter this time, photo and cuthne only. $15. Complete write-up $25. • 1N MEMORIAMS,- $4 50 plus 35 cents per tine of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words. 34.50 Each ad• dihonai word 06 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3 00, each additional week. • 51.00 • CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming E •ants 23 Real Estate 2. Yard. Garage Sale • 24. Property for sale 3, Lost, Strayed 25. Properly for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent. 5. Help Wanted 27.•For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted• 29 For rent 8. Custom work 30. Room and Board 9. Farm Stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11 Hay and straw 33 Educational 12. Used cars 34. Auction Sales 13. Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale 36. Legal notice 15. R.V s tor sale 37. Notice to creditors 16. Mobile homes 38 S rvice directory 17 VCRs for sale 39. ards of thanks 18. Computer corner In memoriam 19. Pals 41. Personal 3. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 11. Wanted to buy 43 Marriages 22 Wantep . PHONE' EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER willing to babysit in her home Seaforth and Egmondvllle area. For information call 527-1009. 7-35-2 WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 527-0114. 7-36-1 FULL TIME position on 550 sow farrow to finish farm, good wages and benefits. 887-6181, 5-36-2 PERSON TO HELP with painting business. Experience preferred but not essential. Call 345-2756, please leave message, 5-36-2 STUDENT required after school and on weekends to help at a finishing barn located Just outside Seaforth. Good wages. Call 345-2550. 5-36-3 HELP WANTED • Construction Labourers - CALL - 345-2676' The Huron County Health Unit Invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held at the Board Room, Seaforth Hospital Seaforth, Ontario, commencing Thurs., Sept. 15, 1988 The next series of classes will be the week of January 3, 1989. Please pre. register by calling the Health Unit Office at 324-1243. VETERANS GENERAL LABORER required Steel Fabricating or . Boilermaking Experience Preferable Apply in person to: 13011.E11"" m;zH 156 Main St. S., Seaforth, Ontario 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE WILL BABYSIT children of all ages, shift work is welcome. Reasonable rate. 527-0409. 7-36-x4 CHILD CARE provided in my home - Children from two years and up. 1/2 days or full days available - References provided on request. Please call Christine at 527-0707 after 5:00 call 527-2250. 7-36-2 9. FARM STOCK 1 80 CLEAN Sow Herd - ranging from open to due soon and some Just farrowed. Call Albert Boven 527-0177. 9-35-x2 EX -SERVICE MEN/WOMEN The Canadian Corps of Commis- sionaires require full & part-time personnel for security work In Goderich. Basic wage $5.85 per hour. PHONE COLLECT EXPERIENCED WELDERS required Applicants must have held M.C.C.R. tickets including FCAW-2G, SMAW-6G-6 inch pipe, SMAW-2G-7024. Apply in person to: I301LE1 3111irI-I° 156 Main St. S., Seaforth, Ontario 12. USED CARS 1968 GALAXY 500 convertible, fully restored, many new parts. $6000, negotiable. 233-7487 after 4, 12,36 -ti 1978 PONTIAC PHOENIX, only 60,000 miles. As is $800. Call 527-2253, 12-36-1 1984 LTD Crown Victoria V-8 automatic, power windows, power door locks, power seats, lett and right. Very clean, certified 527-0655. 1236x-1 1-681-8440 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office Medical Building, Brussels on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization Adult immunization will also be offered of this Clinic. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career in the water treat- ment industry. Full training program. Equal opportunity for male or female. Program includes: *Salary & commission •Car allowance •Full Company Benefits *and the opportunity to eam an excellent income FOR AN INTERVIEW CALL HANOVER 364-1894 VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT at Seaforth continues to glow and offers a rewarding opportunity for PARTS PERSON -SALES PERSON and SERVICE TECHNICIAN Experienced and aggressive In- dividuals are required. Ideal wonting conditions, fringe benefits. Excellent opportunity for the right people. Please send resume to MARLEN VINCENT VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. SEAFORTH, ONT. NOK 1w0 Telephone 519-527-0120 GIRL GUIDE AND BROWNIE Registration - Seaforth Seaforth & District Comrflvtunity Centres TUESDAY, SEPT. 13 til 9 Oft ante WOO) el urrb on Harr, 4 MO.Mdr M Taewg, (HELP WANTED: REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Full Tirne and Part -Time SALES POSITIONS available Excellent opportunity for self motivated and mature person interested in sales, product knowledge and fashion merchandising. ALSO REQUIRED: Students for sales and related work. Full lime positions available until September 7, weekend and part time after September. Must be conscientious and motivated in fashion sales, merchandising end product knowledge. Apply In person to G.M. Snell Hwy. 4 South of Blyth 523-4595 • 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE $$ LIQUIDATION $$ Buildings priced for im- mediate disposal. All items In stock. 30 x 40 x 14 $3,800; 40 x 60 x 14 $5,990; 50 x 80 $11,260; 70 x 120 $27,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only, All buildings priced for immediate delivery. Call roll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446. 14.36-bc SWIMMING POOL SALE: on Classic Series inground and (above) on -ground. Professional installations or do It yourself kits. Free Automatic chlorinator with purchase. Riviera Pools. (519) 747-4399 or (519) 658-8091. 1436-bc NOT MUCH MONEY - in a Hurry! Steal Buildings every day low factory prices. Straightwalls and quonsets - All models - fast delivery - beat the fall Rush, Call Pioneer 1-800.668-5422 (24 hours). 14-36-bc TWO FAMILY Household Moving Sale - All the following appliances are in good working order and in harvest gold color. RCA fridge (frost free) with Ice maker, 36" electric stove, washer and dryer. Two sets of Walnut Bunk Beds, one year old with box spring and mat- tress. Double bed with dresser and triple dresser with mirror. One queen size four poster waterbed with matching dresser and triple dresser with mirror and end table, im- maculate condition. One king size waterbed with matching dresser and triple dresser with mirror. One super single waterbed with mir- rored headboard. Livingroom set, featherlike choc. brown and wood, solid, with coffee table and end tables and two matching chairs, great for a rec room. Must be seen. Call after 5:00 p.m. 524-4240 or 524-4607. 14-36-tfnxe MONTREAL MIITARY SURPLUS: Work Shirts $2.75, Work Pants $3.50, Work Boots $15. Send $3 for catalogue (reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec, JOS 1X0. 1436-bc 164,000 BTU GAS/PROPANE furnace with dual and speed motor. Good running condi- tion. Asking $175.00. Call 527-0710. 14-35-x2 G.I.C.'S - Competitive rates of interest. Jim Cardiff, McKillop Mutual, 527-0400, 14-35-x4 FIREWOOD and good used building materials, steel roofing, barn beams etc., three door drive shed. Call 348-8151, Mitchell. 1435-tt "Summer Sellebratiorr" on steel buildings from Miracle Span. No gimmicks, just solid value for your money. Example: 60 x 80 - $10,995. Call toll free 1-800-868-5106. 14 -36 -bo BLACK AND RED current bushes, red raspberry canes. Apply after 4 p.m. 527-0705 Leen Van de Ban. 14-36-1 COOPER elbow pads • $5.00; small men's Cooper -rills with tong or short black shell - $35.00; size 81/2 Micron Medallc skates - $35.00; size 5 Bauer Jr. Supreme skates - $15.00; boy's large long black Cooperalt shell - $5.00. Phone 345-2044 Pat Maloney. 14-36-1 FOR SALE - Certified Harus or Fredrick winter wheat and certified OAC Halton winter barley. Rosebank Seed Farrn Ltd., RR 2 Staffa, 345-2697. 14-36-3 BUILDINGS 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building G.E. PORTABLE (Convertible) dishwasher, sound insulated, wood top, $300. 527-2400. al regular price and get double length for 50% more - stock clear out - limited steel. Paragon 14-36-x1 Structures 1-800-263-8499, 24 hours.1436-bc FISHFINDERS - Hummingbirds. Below wholesale 4004 - $329.95, 8000 - $399.95 4 x 6's - 5599.95 CannonDownRiggers Electric from $249.95 Manual Er -3 5119.95. Mail Orders Call Great Lakes Tackle, Cotlingwood (705) 444-1488.-14-36-bc TRUCK TOPPER in good condition and wood stove with glass doors. Call 527-0209. 1436-x l VILLAGE OF HENSALL REQUIRES A Full Time Parks Bard/Road Employee To assist the Parks Board and Road Departments In the daily operation and maintenance of their respective duties. Qualifications - Must be at least 19 years of age. - Valid Class "0" Driver's' License. - Grade 12 Education or previous experience preferred. - Mechanically Inclined would be an asset. A Job description for the above noted position can be obtained from the Municipal Office end/or will be malted upon request. Successful candidate will commence duties on or before October 15, 1988. Excellent eatery and benefit package. Interested applicants should forward their resume to the undersigned by SEPTEMBER 9, 1988. L. F. Phair, Clerk -Treasurer Village of Hensel! 108 King Street, P.O. Box 279 Hens/ill, Ont. NOM 1X0 FRUiT - Apples, cooking and eating, plums and pears. McClymont Orchards, one mile south of Varna. 233-3214.-14-36-3 FiRE WOOD FOR SALE - Dry hard wood - Maple and Beech. 527-1609 after six. 14-36-2 CAKES - do you have an occasion that needs a cake, well I have cakes for all occasions. Call Anita Lammerant 527-0035. 1436-x1 PATiO SETS - 40% off or more. Wide selec- tion. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays, 71 King W., Forest, Ont. 519-786-2180. 14-36-1 FOR SALE - Realistic tape deck and receiver, also Mach 5000 speakers. Excellent condi- tion. $500. Phone 527-0196. 14-36-x1 KILN DRIED soft wood shavings. Call 345-2806. 14-36-3 FOR SALE - 30 fl. tower complete with base and aerial, like new, phone 527-0072.14-36-x1 FOR ALL YOUR TV .ANTENNA NEEDS VHF -UHF -FM CAMPBELL'S HOME DECORATING CENTRE Main 3t., Seaforth 527-4420