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The Huron Expositor, 1988-08-24, Page 14
i MA THE HURQN EXPOSITOR, ALIOUST 24, 1988 CLASS.I F E 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. L1 o COMING EVENTS CHIP BINGO, Friday Nights, Dublin Com- munity Centre, 8 p.m. Dublin and District Athletic Association. 1-31-tf THE LADIES of the community are invited to a miscellaneous shower to honour Glenda Riley prior. to her marriage to Steve Blair, the special evening will be on Friday, August 26 at 8 p.m. in Northside United Church. (Please br- ing a copy of your favourite recipe for Glenda's recipe file). 1-34-1 THE FAMILY of Ron and Karen Driscoll invite you to share in the celebration of their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Friday, September 9, 1988 at Seaforth Community Centres. 1-34-x2 GARAGE SALE - Friday, August 26, 12 noon and Saturday, August 27 - 9 a.m. featuring children's clothing, miscellaneous items and home baking, 21/4 miles west of Seaforth on Hwy. 8 at Don Carters. 1-34-x1 BLYTH FESTIVAL - The Cookie War: Aug. 31, Sept. 1 (matinee), 3, (rush seats only for all these performances) Fires in the Night: Aug. 25, 26, 27 (matinee) (rush seats only for all • performances) Lucien: Aug. 30, Sept. 3 ▪ (matinee) Bordertown Cafe: Aug. 25 (matinee), 27 (rush seats only for these two performances) 29, Sept. 1, 2. Box Office 523-9300/9225. . 1-34-1 MEET BOB RAE - Bob Rae, leader of the On- tario New Democratic Party, will open The Huron -Bruce Election Headquarters on the main street in Dungannon, Saturday, August 27, at 3 p.m. You are invited. 1-34-1 SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL Society Annual Chicken BBQ and Dance, Saturday, September 17. BBQ 6 to 7:30 CROWNING OF QUEEN commencing at 7:30, Dance 9 to 1. 1-34-2 GODERICH SQUADRON of the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron will be conducting Boating Course for adults this fall, Register at Central Huron Secondary School, Room 117, on September 8, at 8 p.m. 1-34-2 BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8 p'm. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball $120.00 (if not won) Lucky ball Increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over, 1-31-tf 5. HELP WANTED SALES CLERK needed fpr local retail store. Part or full-time. Apply to Box No. 3897 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO. 5-33-2 HEALTH CARE AIDE or Nurses Aide required full or part-time. Apply Riverside Nursing Home, 89 St. Andrews, Mitchell, 348-8903. 5-33-3 PERSON TO HELP with painting business, experience preferred but not essential. Call 345-2756, please leave message. 5-33-2 PART-TIME HELP wanted, position might be ideal for high school students after school. Ap- ply to Ron or Mary Ryan, Ryan's Hard -Up Roost, St. Columban. 5-34-2 WANTED - waitress/waiter;' experience not necessary. Phone 565-2992. 5-34-1 RELIABLE PERSON to work in grain elevator and processing plant. Apply to Nott Farms, Clinton 233-7579.. 5-34-1 HELP WANTED. Electronic Technician G/5duate for repairing copiers and typewriters in Huron County. No experience required, will train. Call or write Grayhurst Business Sup- plies, 38 East St., Goderich, 1-800-265-5191. 5-34-1 BRICKLAYERS' Helper . Call 527-0208. 5-34-2 BAYWEB LIMITED requires. press trainees, camera trainees, part-time and full-time bindery workers and part and full-time jog- gers. Positions are available immediately. Please apply to Bayweb Limited, Box 280, 55 William St., Elmvale, Ontario, LOL 1P0 Attn: Kathy Jamieson, or phone 1705) 322-1822. Monday to Friday. 5-34-bc HOUSEWIVES, Mothers & interested persons needed immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or, money collect. Call (519) 258-7905. 5-34-bc TEMPORARY employmer. ..ept. 5 tc Oct. 17, position available. Waiter/Waitress, kit- chen help, home keeping. Experience dealing with people preferred. We will train. 40-48 hrs/wk. $5.50/hr plus bonus. Free room and board. Contact Cleveland House. Resort, Muskoka, Ont. (705) 765-3171. Ask for Bill Sullivan. 5-34-bc SINGLES DANCE "White Carnation Hall", A CARING/RESPONSIBLE student is re- Holmesvllle, Saturday, August 27: -Dancing 9 -quired part-time for one hour before school to 1. Music: Norm Doonsmore. No Jeans. and one hour after school for two boys. Please 1-34-1 call Mary Margaret Nash 527-1882. 5-34x1 ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet, salad bar, roast beef, homemade pies, $9.95 White Carnation, Holmesville Sundays 4:30 to 7. 1-341 PANCAKE BREAKFAST, will be held at the Township of Stanley Community Complex, Varna, Ontario, on Saturday, Sept. 3/88 serv- ing from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Everyone welcome, 1-33-2 "There's One in every crowd". THE SEARCH is on to locate and recognize the outstanding young people of Ontario.. if you would like to nominate a deserving young person aged six to 18 for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, contact this newspaper. 1 -34 -pc 12. YARD / GARAGE SALE 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SLENDER CONCEPT "Hottest New Fitness Concept In Canada". Six motorized exercise tables. Training, and promotional package. Tremendous profit potential. All Canadian pro- ducts. Financing available. Cost $30,000.00. Call collect 1 -600 -TONE. 6-34-2 FREE: 1988 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121, 6-34-bc TURN Back time on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meet new people and make new friends through auctioneering. Next class is October 15 -22nd. Register now, Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneer- ing, RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 6-34-bc BEGIN a log building career. Jobs are available for qualified log builders. 10 -week career course beginning Sept. 26, 5 days a week 9-4:30. $200 per week. Shorter courses available. Camping on site. Contact Pat Wolfe. Log Building School. RR 1 McDonald's Corners, Ont. K0G IMO Days(613) 278-2009, evenings 2590-2607. -• 6-34-bc GROW FOR IT! $$$ Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, Low in-' vestment. We Train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithvilte, Ont. LOR' 2A0 (416) 643-4251, 856-2248, (705) 435-7463. 6-34-bc BE INDEPENDENT! If you are amtius and looking for a career that is highly profitable and fun, Call (416) 827-2660. MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows Est. 1975. 6-34-bc 17. SITUATIONS WANTED. 1 WILL DO HOUSECLEANING. 482-5798. 7-31-4 DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home. Daily outings, creative play and meals. Reasonable rates. For more Information call Marg Maydell 527-2301. 7-33-2 MOTHER In Winthrop area would like to babysit, any shit. Phone 527-0668. 7-34-1 STUDENT WISHES ride daily to College or is willing to drive in ca 527-0835. Fanshawe pool. Call 7-34-1 PIANO TEACHER Registered Piano Teacher will be accepting students for autumn lessons. Register now with June Hardie, Phone 527-2386 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. high (John Deere). Scott Consitt 233-9297 or 565-2728. 8-31-4 J.C. ENTERPRISES Custom Farming, Com- bining Grain, Wheat, Canola, Corn, Soy- beans, etc. Phone 526-7523. 8-30-6 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Aps 13 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY e1 A.M. 22 words - one week, $4.50; two weeks. 54 90 three weeks $3.50. Additional Words 18 cents. BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS .-- Flat rate of $7. with picture $12. prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks alter date or wedding. After this time. photo and cfUhne only. $15. Complete write-up $25. IN MEMORIAMS - $4.50 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words. $4.50' Each ad. ditional word ,08 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON QF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. Box NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE =- $3 00. each additional week. - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming Events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for sale 3. Lost, Strayed 25. Properly for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent 8. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8. Custom work 30. Roorri'and Board 9. Farm Stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11 Hay and straw 33 Educational 12. Used cars. 34. Auction Sales 13. Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14 Articles for sale 36. Legal notice 15. R.V s for sale 37. Notice to creditors 16. Mobile homes 38 Service directory 17. VCRs for sale 39. Cards. of thanks 18, Computer corner 40 In memoriam 19. Pets 41. Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21. Wanted to buy 43 Marriages 22 Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9. FARM STOCK One BEEFALO BULL, 2 years old, guaranteed breeder. Phone 527-1798. 9-33-2 Huron E xpositor PEOPLE SERVING PEOPLE 10. FARM MACHINERY TWO COMBINES, 1 - Allis Chalmers Gleaner, 20 years old. 3 seed drills, one in good condi- tion. 345-2410. 10-34-x1 5. HELP WANTED 11. HAY & STRAW INDEPENDENT and career oriented person for full time secretarial and receptionist duties in a professional office. Personality and com- munication skills important. Apply to Drawer No. 33 c/o Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. BOx 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486. 5-34-2 FACTORY HELP needed, farm or elevator background helpful, welding experience an asset. Call 527-0310. 5-34-2 YARD SALE, Sat., Aug. 27, 15 Adam St., 9 a.m. - 7 Used stereo, children's clothing, stroller, misc. 2-34-1 3. LOST, STRAYED PARTTIME BAR HELP WAITERS & WAITRESSES Apply in Person to EEN'S TAVERN Waiters•& .Waitresses.. FULL TIME or PART TIME Apply in person at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL 527-0980 FOR SALE - Square bales of straw and large and small round bajes of clean straw, stored inside. Phone 527-1686. 11-33-3 18 ACRES of mixed straw. Phone 527-1480 Clarence Maloney. 11-34-x1 Sewing Machine Operators Operators with upholstery sewing ex- perience needed to start Immediately. Company Incentives and benefits. Please apply In person to: KROEHLER FURNITURE COMPANY 552 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario N5A 6T4 R.N. REQUIRED 2 days per week, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift. Hospital parity. APPLY: RIVERSIDE NURSING HOME 89 St. Andrews Sf. Mitchell Ph. 348-8903 LOST - Man's gold Seiko watch, last Saturday night at the Lions Park near the ball diamond. Sentimental value. 527-0656. 3-34-1 5. HELP WANTED FULL TIME work available immediately loading chickens! Also part time aqd special student hours. Call free 1-800-265-3034. 5-31-tf FULL TIME HELP WANTED for local dairy farm beginning September 5. Contact Kevin Kale 345-2908. 5-31-4 CAREER IN TRUCKING - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For a pre-screening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's, London 1-800-265-3559. 5-31-tf WANT TO HIRE a person for Mitchell area dairy farm. Milking duties only. Call 348-9620. 5-32-4 YOUR FUTURE starts with ... Tri -County Truck Driver Training Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-265-0400. 5-34-bc HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS. Taking a semester off school? Would you enjoy spen- ding the fall and winter season working at one of Ontario's leading resorts? We have live-in accommodation and need friendly outgoing people for positions in our dining room, cocktail lounge,housekeeping, kitchen and reception desk. Please call immediately (416) 861-1358, (direct Toronto line to WIG-a-MOG INN) or (705) 457-2000. 5-34-bc FULL TIME POSITION on 550 sow farrow to finish farm, gold wages and benefits. Phone 887-6181. 533.-2 WAITERS & WAITRESSES Call or Apply to: RENE DUPUIS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career in the water treat- ment industry. Full tralnin$ program. Equal opportunity for male or female. Program `includes: *Salary & commission •Car allowance •Full Company Benefits •and the opportunity to earn an excellent income FOR AN INTERVIEW CALL HANOVER 364-1894 12. USED CARS 1968 GALAXY 500 convertible, fully restored, many new parts. $6000, negotiable. 233-7487 after 4. 12-33-tf 1976 BUICK Century V6 Automatic, saftied in April, low mileage. $600. as is. Phone 527-0196 after 6. 12-34-1 1976 PLYMOUTH Volare, 318, V8 automatic, power windows, air very dependable, good winter car $500.00 as is, Phone 527-0078. 12-34-x1 1965 ANTIQUE T -Bird convertible, 74,000 original miles and owner, requires body work. Best offer. Phone 527-0352. 12-34-1 1984 HORIZON, tan 4 -door, asking $3500. Certified. 1979 LTD Ford, asking $850. as is. Phone 527-2302 (4:30 to 7:30). 12-34-1 5270980 atter 7:00 p.m. �ri�rrrrrrirr riffiirr-✓ ✓✓� 0 MANAGER 1 0 Call or Apply to RENE DUPUIS 527-0980 after 7:00 p.m. LABOURERS S9go/hour FORM SETTERS S11g©/hour Work at Conestoga Dam. Approx. 50 hours/week Apply: L.J. L000Y CONTRACTING LTD. 345-2800 ask for Stew Mustard SEASONAL, WORKERS The Exeter Plant of Nabisco Brands Ltd. Requires Seasonal Workers to help Process Corn from now to approx- imately the end of September. • Hourly rated jobs available • Day or Night Shifts Register for Employment at L Isco BR ' So 13. USED TRUCKS 1981 GM 1 ton truck with all steel cattle racks and low mileage. Call 348-9620, 13-32-4 NEW AND USED TRUCKS available w/ steady year round contracts, Low interest rates, 12.9% and up O.A.C. Good selection of makes and models. Minimum investments, $10,000. Phone Transpo 1-800-663-5166. 13-33bc 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE YEAR-OLD HENS around 6 pounds, fresh - killed freezer -ready, excellent for roasting? $5.00 each. Available first or mid-September. Order now. Carol Forbes, 482-3127 after 6 p.m. 14-33-3 78 DATSUN PICK-UP for parts, cap, new tires with mags, best offer. Also, charcoal barbecue with rotisserie, electric water heater, 2 sets full length sheers for large windows (1 brown -1 embroidered), bed sofa, OK for cot- tage. Phone 527-1617. 14-33-3 $$ LIQUIDATION $$ Buildings priced for im- mediate disposal. All items irl.stock. 30 x 40 x 14 $3,800, 40 x 60 x 14 $5,990; 50 x 80 $11,260; 70 x 120 $27,900 Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for Immediatele delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446. 14-34-bc STAINED GLASS and Supplies by mail order - Shop by mail and save - 100 pg. illustrated supply catalogue available. ($5 refundable deposit required). Write: The Glass Place, 50 Ste. Anne St. Pte. Claire Village, Quebec. H9S 4P8 or call toll free 1-800.363-7855. 14-34-bc CALORAD Weight loss products - Hot Sum- mer Special $39.95. Also water purification systems for home distributions. Call (416) 387-2377. Write 64 Flamingo Dr. Hamilton, Ont. L9H 4X7. 14-34-bc SAVE YOUR CARPET. 2 -step guarantees removal of urine stains/odours from carpets/upholstery,, Write for free brochure No. 410. Trade -All Corporation, 62 LePage Court, Downsview, Ont. M3J 1Z9. 14-34-bc ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff Joints? Sleeping hands? "Beaulah Oil" helps!! Send $1 for brochure/information. Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man. R1N 3C5. 14-34-bc RABBITS for sale - all sizes, cages, feeders and waterers. Phone 527-0196 after 6. 14-34-1 FRUIT - Apples, Burbank and Ozark, Premier Plums, Clapp Pears, now available at McCly- mont Orchards, one mile south of Varna, 233-3214. 14-34-1 BUILDINGS - Save Thousands while steel supply lasts - Summer Clearance - We over- estimated and are clearing out excess stock - All steel & wood/steel types - Paragon 24 hours, 1-800-263-8499. 14-34-bc 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Good Salespeople Are Rare! Territories Available: Perth County & Huron County They must be found one at a time. We are part of a prestigious international organization that has been in Canada for over 25 years. We specialize in a wide variety of products designed for use in industrial, commercial, municipal and Institutional markets. We recruit our personnel on an individual basis. Some are experienced, others are not. We are more interested in your personality and ability to get along with other people. We spend the time, money, and effort to provide you with the training needed to be successful. Opportunities for personal, professional and financial growth depend upon your capabilities and efforts. Please call: Brian Allan on Monday, August 29, 1988 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., toll free at 1-800468-3034. if unable to call, write to: Brian Allan PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 210 Wellington Street, West, Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-2445 )(-ER ,243 Orenda Road Brampton, Ontario L6T 1E6 f