HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-12, Page 66
Kernels from the Sanctum Milt
Interesting Paragraphs trent our Exchanges
Wallace township has 40,7:13 acres of The estate of McLean Hood of
land oe which 35.676 is eleired; total Underwood, who assigned to Mr. Crier
assessment ot $1.946,001.Wade souls time aro, lots been wound
Doan's_ I• iley Pills net on the laid. up and the creditors have received a
Heys, bladder rind urinary organs only, total dividend of 84 coats on tate dollar,
They eurebtnehaehts walk track, rheum- The Liabilities awonnted to 53,810.07.
atistn. diabetes. congestion, iufitltuation,
gravel, Illight's disease and ell other
warrant 13rery Ileitis.
diseases arising front wrong action of the If troubled with rhrt:matfsme give
kidney. and bladder. Chamberlain's Pain B,dn a trial. It
Mr. Henry Bexley, jun., .WaS fatally will not cost you cent if it does no good.
Metered at Shelburne by the fall of a One upplieeden will remove the pain. Ir.
rafter at a Uarn•raising, also cures sprains and bruises in ane -third
the time required by any other treat -
The essential lung healing principal of ru,,ut. Cuts, burns, frostbites, gniusy,
the piste tees has finally beeu setccesstully pains in the side and chest.landu]ar
separated an.d refined into a perfect anti other swellings are quickly cured by
cough nucditiue-Dr Wood's Norway applying it. Je vary bottle warranters.
pine Syrup. Sohl by all dealers ou �u Price, .'3,5 and 50 cents. For sale by
guarautee of satisfaction. Price a Colin A. Campbell.
cents. --- - w --*
A. C. Patterson has been selected as Word has been received that Harriet
'u the
Km- successor to F. E. Cq :mbe i Jemima,wife of Mr. J. A. Carleton of
cardiue Town Council. Pasqua, died on the 26th ult, The re-
_ mains were interred in the Moosejaw
srBlrece nzl:DiC1NI:. cemetery Thursday, 25th ult. 4r. Car -
As a spring medittince Burdock Blond ostia Nras a brickmaker and formerly
Bitters has no tgnai, It tones up the resided at Flolyrood.
system anal removes all impurities from
the blood, and rakes away that tired, Mrs. Wm, H. Scott (nee Miss Annie
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. McDonald, Gth con., Huron) who left
The home of Dr. and Mrs. A. Dl:
Spence, on Havelock street, Lucknosv,
Was the setrue of t► happy gathering on
Friday eveniug, April 20t1, the oecaswn
being. the twelfth anniversary of their
wedding. The haudsolue drawing roma
were tastefully furnished with beuut:fnt
roses, oarhhtions alio tether Rowers, and
a very pleasant evening wits spent in
social games, eto., by the large number
of invited guests pxoseut.
e'er Ov..r sixty fears..
Au Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
W mglow's SoothingSyrn D has been used
for over sixty years byniillionsof ntotherb
for their children whsle teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the chile
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty.five ceuts abottle, lib
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other' kind.
The morning train from Wingham, on.
Tuesday of last wet k killed two fine
COWS at the crossing this side of Londes•
born, One was killed outright and car•
ries several rods ou the engine, and had
to be pulled off by the train crew; the
other unfortunate beast was Wiry
maimed and bruised and was put out of
business to end its safferiug. Th('re Was
a bunch of cattle on the oroeszug, bat
those two had got across the cattle guard
and were standing ou the track and took
uo notice of the approaching train,
The thirteen -year old daugbter of Ripley son.e four years ago, and who cA T
Mr. Frederick Fountain was fatally
burned at Mile leeches- by her clothing
catching fire.
Childreu are often attactkerl suddenly CS .a Exe tome CP M. 3 deo,
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Swathe The Kind You Have Always': Boug
•Diarnccea Dyreutt•ry, Cholera hiorhue, sigaa.hr3
Cholera Infautum, etc, Dr, Fowler's „f
was well-known in the township, died
at Calgary ou April 16th, aged 27
sears. The deceased was a sister of Mrs.
W. J. Dent, of Calgary, aud a sister of
Mrs, Chas. Bailey of Ripley.
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt The largest searchlight in the world
and sure cure which should always be -
kept in the house
The lhoteIkeepsrs at Blenheim have
closed as a. consequence of the adoption
of local option, and have even boarded
up the pumps so that the farmers can-
not get water.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
bavniouy of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
It is reported that freight business ou
the lakes will be completely tied up ow-
' ing to difference between the Lake Car-
riers' Association and the masters and
TILE LADIES' 1?avor.1TE.
Lax.. -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache. Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griputg, purging or sickening.
The Anchor Carpet Co. of
assignee tI) J. C. Gibson. The failure is
attributed to the hard winter during
which very little business cured be done.
Customs revenue collected at the port
of Goderich during the n'oer1L of April,
1904, was S., J 3. 5: during April, 1e03,
$5334 40; increase. $3313.80.
Another of Minto's sturdy pioneers
bas dis/lppe,tr«'d with the death of Mr.
John Stltiger, who pass's away lust
Sunday, aged 74 years. He leaves sev-
eral growu up sons aad daughters.
Cs' ^, c °�' its'. $ .A. .
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
In 1001 the attendance at the Iiiu-
cardine High School was 143. fees,
$865; 1002 attendance 161, fees, $1007;
1003 attendance 173, fees, $10+24. The
government grant to the High School
for 19041s $737 92.
is sent direct to aha die. asod
parts by tbo Improved Iilewer.
Noah the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stop:, dropping ht the
throat and Ti,ermar,andv cure:;
Catarrh and F1uy7'ev,;r. Blower
free. All d a
Ice.:. or Dr. A. W. Chase
ilcdiclne Co.. Toronto aud Buffalo.
The Goderich Fire and Light Commit-
tee has figured out that ;1,381 has been
caved by the town in haviug the meters
used in connection with the electric
lighting plant. The saving was affected
in not needing so much power. The
saving on coal alone was $7.44.53.
will be seen at the World's Fair. It was
recently finished in chi eleetriu pant at
Lowell, Mass. It weighs nearly four tons,
is of i, 00.000 candles, projects a beam
of light seven feet in diameter.
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with
Lever's I)ty Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest case. 31.,
In the Grace Methodist Episcopal
church, Chicago, the Rev. Jno. Thomp-
son in declaring that the church owes
a duty to criminals. said: -"If all were
in prison who deserved to be there, there
would probably be a large increase in
'help wanted' advertlseme.tts and some
painful vacancies in some social and re-
ligious gatherings.
A. Farmer Cured of Rheumatism.
"A man living on a farm near here
came in a short time ago completely
doubled up with rheumatism. I handed
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and told hint to use it freely and if not
satisfied after using it he need not pay a
ceut for ir.." says 0. P. Rayder,of Pattens
Mills, s.'. Y. "A few days later he walk g witheach package.
It is to
he hada
ed into the stere as straight as a strias t too drug store,
and handed are a dollar saying, 'give me Sold in Wingham by Walton Meliib-
another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain' bin.
Bairn. I want it in tee boast ail the
I lane for it. cured use." For sale by
Colin A. Campbell. Felix Mays, of Bombay, India, passed
-'�"�'-' through Windsor Thursday on bis way
The Welkertou Tnrf Club have fixed. to Detroit, where he interviews Mayor fele da Cs cyto: "Drs. F. C. Neal and
upon Thursday, July 14th, as the day Maybury, 10 company with his nsother --
N' D to medical
of the University of
upon which rhe annual races will be 1 and father. Mr. )hays is 00 years of age, Toronto medical faculty, have complete
held there. Last year the date was July and was born in Bombay, while his ed their) courses for the degree of L. R
30th. Mr. Day, who engineered the father and mother are said to be, re- C. (Lou.) and M. rb. C. S. (sag)
Both 1
thing Iast year, predicts a fine lot of en- emotively, 138 and 118 years of age. ' a (Lou.) honor graduates from
tries for this year's races. They are both Cherokee Indians, leav- . the U ntenwe i and they have taken the
tel A..�� �° Com , i.11.. I ing for India over GO years ago, both are Above degrees in the shortest time Ihoss-
Boars the � Tha Kind Vol Hace Airily; B)agit 1 hale and hearty, and the elder brays can ! iL•Ie• They it:tend spending some time
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Geo. E. Henderson, of the Commercial
hotel, Seaford', had a very fine array of
undressed furs in his sample rooms last
week. The e,ltito lot were captured
throughout that district, within a radios
of 15 utiles and were parohased by Mr.
Henderson. The display consisted of
two dozen red fox skins, three dozen
miuk, 125 skunk, 100 coon, about 60
muskrat and a few ground hug. The
Nature Sounds
A Warning Gall
To everyone in poor health. Now is
tate tithe got strong, build up, ane
increase your Weight. Use Beni•
zone the Great Food Tonle.
Most of us wake the mistake of toe
gleotiui; the tirst message that coulee
from aur tired betty demanding Heist
strength and less uetvous strain,
Wheu auy organ of the body become'.
feeble, when the boon weeriee and Ott
nerves rebel tigaiust work, it's 11nr0 t,.
take Ferr•e.zoue and bulla up. The pur-
pose of Ferree me is to btunwlate Ap-
petite, improve digtsti,w, couvert fuh.d
into uuttrisbuhent had supply the klutz
of blood ane bundiog utatertal that tor•
tides the uervoub syecehu Hud btreugtheus
Ow whole burly.
k`errezutte is UOt nu uuuatulal stiutu
lam, but a feud wetneinu combining the
most streugtileulug Wettesbts known rt.
scteuee. Unlike sickly cod liver oil mix-
tures end bitters, b'er,uzone is prepar, u
in tablet feria, movement to mite end al
Ways of uniform atreugth. Its health
giving properties are at moo felt, aura
is sere to help yon gnit:kly. Striking
proof of its uterus is luund itt the letter
ot .Lair. N. W. Burka, tt welt-knowna
yerin el en Wee, thosnye: "When I fleet
rook Fel-rowed I Wets Lu a nervous run-
down oollalriurl, almost sick enough tt.
r(V0 up W0(lt. I husked strength arc',
felt as it I could tan get down to work
l3'erroz,ur tit ouoe gime we a good ap-
petite and drove away the uervoas ape
prehelhstve feelings t at. torturrly meek
wy itis miserable. As I continued the
080 of Ferr•ozaue'I meet fl,an run pearl n
say it has brought rue brick to perfect
health. I know t hat Fer rozone tunic ter
business then., add people iueliued to a
sedeutery lite, I eau reComnlCud it to
Ferrozone is endorsed by prominent
people in every walk of lite, because it
never fails ro bring the good health
char sick folks are luukiug for.
You inust be burr, to get Fermzone
•tum (Jetty refuse any substttate. Price
:i0o per box, 00 six (boxes tor $2.50, all
druggists or by mail trnln N. 0. Pulsnu
& Co , Kingston, Ont., and Hartford,
Ooen, U.S.A.
The license Conritiss-ioners of South
Brt c t at their meeting last week made a
olhau;;o iu the regulations that may have
a serious effect on many of the Ilotelkeep-
ors. The licensees have beau warned
sluus throughout were fine specimens that infractions of the low prohibiting
and were awaitiug the inspection of a �titurday night and Sunday selliug
prospective purchased. The lot was would be visited with forfeitures of Item -
at close to $500. se. The Stadia Hotel at Walkerton was
granted a license, provided certain Me
provemWuts were made about the house.
THE WORST RIND. The Wetttrn Hotel, Walkertou, was
After Piles have existed for a long riven throe months in which to dispose, ing divorce is not eowtititted to foe&
time and passed through different stases, of the stock of liquor, after whiolh the courts, as iu Ole con tory, but is reserved
the suffering is iuteuee-pato, aching, Itemise will be leithdrawn• - to the Donriniuf P.uliument Moat', rind
throbbing. tumors fgirm, filled .to burst-
ing with black blood. Quite a curiosity in the animal' line the procedure iusuaes that meet potent
Symptoms indicating other troubles has beeu ou exhibition in the building ceterreut of hasty to collusive divorces
may appear to a thoroughly Pile -sick opposite the Post Wee at Walkerton, -publicity. All the petiole Ines must
person. for the lust few days, in the form of a be iu uccordance with an iippoiuttd 1
This is when Hem-Roid, the only in-
ternal, the only absolute Pile cure, calf with ouly three legs. Tins freak of routine, the prellh,ivatres must be ad• 1
brings the results that bas made its fame. Quintal life comes all the way from the vertised six mouths 111 :Avenue and the
It will cure the most stubborn cage iu vicinity of Calgary, having been brought applicant mast appear in•person before a
existence encet and
onded guarantee to here by Walter Jobnsou. The calf is a collimated of the senate one present his
Year old,and is D t
r u
h bred Durhamm
owucaitPPllIa o hIs
t t
if it were not for the missing leg it
would pass muster as 11 fairly welt -devel-
oped, and well-behaved specimen of the
bovine fancily.
The Globe bad the fallowing note a
AetOrdii g to the sew puntal law
•newspaper publit.ltels eau hold for fraud
thyme, nle, Nitro :t priptrfrt.ui the office
led refuses pee went; Hurl the men who
into, s hitt eubscrlpt lou to be unpaid, and
theft orders a post unteter to nark a paper
'refused" one retain ueltttit•utiott to the
publisher, Los hiau»etf Keble to swivel
net tine.
Building Committee met. at Ho.ise of
Refuge, Clinton, lest: week. Tho rx-
•nv.,ting is niennu a uteple nen Terre is a
at of lunttrihl, emit rte smite, lamb, r,
tuth, stud, rte, on the ground. '1'1 e
►10hile(•t 1e to hu tooted tO loak.e insect•
ion of work and 11Utteruil as soon as
ainyehient. Titer fomelet ion is staid
tl ty,_
l3rilain hnx this moo. powerfel peutele
.Cert in t he far east. I' eunnists of foul
onWest ape ot 11,t)50 ties tette , out
•af 10,500 teas; three :,rtunred ernietr:•
oeb of it hick are uY 14 I00 tons end out
,f 12 000 tuns; ewe first erase cruisers of
11,01)0 anti 9.e00 torts; leer eeentel class
cruisers, two of eInch are of 3,(700 tong,
rush, nue tole others are of 3 See and
3,400 tons, the puw•ertul fist rein.ees Hitt,
rete thnrd•e]ae•a of Liter ( f 1,5ti0 tons be.
.ides n!(s( p 4, genteel's and des. rnyet s
Next to rhe 13rhfeh tb"•t that r tin
United States is thin moor preeerfnl, eon -
:i. ting t•f three Matt leehlp>., s nit chant tee
,ecce ship, siX erai.crrc, several gunboat:-
unboatsand a flotilla or cleee 11.11.05.
Over 2,000;000 Itnlieue have goon to
br L7uirrd Stnit•n in the past thirty
veers. About 1,000,000 of these peuplr
have remained p'rnlrwe it in their
eloptes humea. 1301%14 -en $2:1.0.)(1,00(
,and 00,000,00t)is sent from the United
States each year ro Italy by Italian.
Abroad to their psnpte at home
minuet is so groe t ns to form the mind -
en! part of the leteitiees of all the Totem
Winks in New York, and to furnish
large proportion of the exche age bnsi
nese of a number of bttrlking inttitutiot.h
to Italy. Ili return fur this moues' how-
ever, the Italians give their labor, and it
is couteadetl that in this way, taking
Into cousitleratiou also the amount they
spend for tustensuee, the: net result is
bene;;cul to the United States.
There is materiel for tsouebtful eon-
eideratioa an i► eorupurisun of the.
oorce statistics of Canada and tbeUnited
States. While this country has a 1•opu•
Jetfoil that ',vertigo twelve times that ot
t)tutada during the pi fit d front 183i to
1001, for whtuh n cuutptlhtinu has beeu
Heade, its divorces have been 10,00G
times as tetany as in the older provinces
of the Dominion. The porter of grant
FD of
claim to be probably the oldest living on the continent before returning.
man in the world. Both these doctors are old Huron boys. 1
The Musical Society of Goderich Inas �.__-o-._, Dr. Neal is a son of Mr. Neal, postmaster
filled the vacancy in the position of at Witlton, and Dr. Bue1 mean is a sou
bandmaster caused by Mr. Bussing- ! Good TDigeston i of Dr. Buchanan, of Zurich. !
thwait's removal from town by the ape 1 If you can keep your digestive system ; At the venerable age of eighty-four 1
poiutment of Theo. V. Snaith, late of rho n proper condition the body will he well!
" years and seven months Mrs. Jrtmes !
Kent re •mental baud, Chatham. nourished and you need not have. fear of p y
g• disease. By regulating the kidneys, 1 Carruthers of Goderichassed awe ou
jVied nesday morning, April 4th. Mrs.;
R1 ATL1 ALARMED. Pills ensure a healthful condition Carruthers, though troubled with rheu-
of the organs of digestion and for this { matistn had always Leen aisle to be about.
reason are indispensable as a family i ,1 ust a few minutes before her death she
ley a Persistent Cough, but Perm: nently medicine. ! had been taking noarl:tl•.meut and death
Cured by Chamberlain'- Coagnt
xte,nedy, i was due to 0111 ogre lather than any
r1 very interesting ceremony took ! specific ailment. Tile deceased was born
Mr. H. P. Earbage, a student at law, in place ort May 4th at the residence of Mr. i and married iu England anel on coming
tour or five years with a continuous and Mrs. E. Pengelly, Victoria St.,
cough which he says "greatly alarmed Walkerton, when their only daughter,
me, causing me to fear that I was in the Miss Mabel, was united in marriage to
first stage of consumption." Mr Bur- Mr. Howard H. Hodgson, of Hamilton.
hags.), having seen Chamberlain's Cough The ceremony was performed at high
Remedy advertised. concluded to try it.
Now read what he; says of it: "I soon noon, by the Rev. Rural Dean Robinson
felt a remarkable mange and after using in the presence of a few of the more in-
two bottles of the twenty-five. Cent size, timate friends of the bride and groom.
was permanently cured " Sold by Uolin
Greenville S C. had beeu troubled for
A. Cainpbell. �►
Just What von \sett,„_
Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tab -Don't Trust to T.nel.•
lets are just what you need when consti- Tho Buffalo Courier of recent data Even if there is such a thing as luck
gated; when yen Imre no appetite. feel publishes a 1nit-figure portrait 01 Alexan- you cannot afford to trust to it iu the
doll after eating and wake up with a bad der Kirkbride, Goderich, who, the case of sickness. Yon know by the ex-
nerieuce of others that Dr. Chase's Nerve
taste in your mouth. They will improve
,your appetite,. cleanse and invigorate
yOnr stomach and give pot -a relish for
your food. Ear sale by Colin A. Camp-
` bell.
item states, has been an Odcifellow for
fifty-nine and a Mason for forty years
and claims to be the oldest OddfelIow
on the hemisphere.
•••*•••s•••••••••••••Osiers e••ss••6••••••••••••••••et
Et Speak* for Itself!
e1 tweeter
Okedielkattlea fin if;trrs vlthiel fill`IMilltiettsfee or ototaeY teetendet]I M
AttlSttteiKlrYttsertolled. the liferatei *weedy to., Meefteet
Foots actually forms uew blood and tis-
sue and revitelizee the nerves and by us -
sing it regttlarly you can be certain that
your system is being built up and that
weakness and disease are being over-
While John Laurier Was delivering a
wagon load of port wine from Hensen
station to Zurich, being about half way,
stopped to water his horses. While
removing the bridles, the ]horses dashed
away up Main street, the wagon struck
a telegraph pole with Snell force that the
large hogsheads wereh hurled
to p s
About two hundred gallons of the finest
imported wine soakedstreets. In trying
to stop the team, Mr, Ladner natrowly
escaped being crushed to death by one of
the ftyingbarrels.
to this country the and htr husband,
who predeceased her about a year and a
half, settled near Oakville, later remove
iug to the residence on Huron Road,
We offer Ten Dollars for the best
answer written on a postal card, and
which is received by us before May 15th, j
Dunlop D
"Always ready, strong and steady,
Made for swfft progress -light and free;
Easily adjusted, never get busted—
That's wiry Mee ao like the Japanese."
Harold Paterson, Springfield, Man.
"Because they aro strong, known the
world over, and making a great nacre
for themsclvcs.
Miss ;Minnie Miller,
435 Sherman Ave., Oakland, California
"Because they are certainly the goods"
Mrs. 'rhos. Maphmn,
Perri() Sl., llamilton, Ont.
"Recauso their chief object is to go
(Torso)." E. M. May::rtrd, Stratford, Ont.
"Be alMII they aro the quickest and
It F• evobster,
188 Jarvis St., Toronto
Addres4-Department W.
the Dunlop Tire Co., limited
fA neon to represettt "Canada's Great-
est •Nur: erica" in the town of Winghain
1 and surrounding t.ountry, and take
orders for
Are a True Heart Tofait,
Nerve Pood and 1Stcod Enricher. They build
tilt and renew ail thsworn out and wasted
tissues of the body. and restoreperfectliealth
Ind vigor to the ehtire syetettr.
Nervousness, sleeplessnese,Nervotis Pros-
tration, Brain Fag, Lack of Vitality. After
effects of La ()rhes, Amanda, Weak end
Dizzyy te,pells Loss of Memory, Palpitation of
the Newt, Less of energy, Shortness of
Breath, etC..lttn ata boasted by using
H lburn's and Nerve Pills.
Pried flee. rt hoe or 3 for Coe AOI sterner' or
,WU%T.Mtsette:I Co., le tti;ti,TOttiattt.OM.
In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits
Ornamentals, Shrubs, Poses,
Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e.
;;{ :. stick 114• �..., • ,:✓"y..p;'..�.�' ',04 4;;;.;
w � y M
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. .They, are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicine.; approved
and used by every physician. Ripi:.rs 1 ditties are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam. ' remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est orith a long and successful record, to
c'• rt''.a tlgest,,in, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
.i.ipation, t .:fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
D • 9P .ition of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
.atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
• .• .•ts. They stregthen weak sto:nach3, build up
3-iwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
• ' ,: .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
t:an tP.nt benefit from a regular lase of Ripans
l 'i',b�lles, Your drt ggist sells them. The five
c.:nt packet is et, ...);h for an ordinary occasion.
Thea Family Botta, 'io cents, contains a supply
for a year.
Stock true to name and free from San
Jose Scale. A lsermauent .position for
the right nusn ou either salary or coul-
rounder of
Dr.;,pinncy t't Co.
If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or ac-
quired disease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated
from the system. Don't trust to family doctors, patent met -
eines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, etc. They will nev-
er cure you—though they tnay help you temporarily. Have you
blotches, eruptions, running sores, bone pains, itchiness of the
slain, sore throat, falling nut of the hair, dyspeptic stotuach,
weak heart—We can cure you.
Our VITALIZED TREATMENT la the result of :to years
experience in the treatment of thousands of mood Dis(:ases. IF
we fail in curing you, you aced not pay us a emit.
Ws Cure Norvous Debility, Blood Diseases, varix -
cote and strictures, (without operation), sexual Weak -
fleas, urinary. Kidney and Bladder Dineaoos.
COt+Ot91.,•-•17::)F7 FEr..E. BOOKLETS FREE. List 01' Questions sent for
Homo esea1.n.r ,
DR., dY N a
290 Woodward Ave., Do l•oii, ac6'-
ISVOIC : i& 'CrELM itiG►ro i
TONTISI'C.I. ftti'ItMEItil:sl
over 801) Acres
If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe until the
virus or poison has been eradicated from the system. Don't be satisfied with a
"patch up" by some family doctor. Our New Method is Guaranteed to
Curs or No Pay. 1 ,..No Names Used without Written consent.
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