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The Huron Expositor, 1988-07-13, Page 13
24, PROPERTY 7 FOR SALE 46 ACRES, no buildings, Moore's Poultry Farm Ltd. 527-0508. 24-28-1 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT 2000 sq. ft. COMMERCIAL SPACE in Seaforth. Will divide for office or stores. Lots of parking available Aug. 1st. 482-7126 after 6. Jim Preszcator. 25-28-1 TWO BEDROOM Mobile Home at Heritage Estates, available now, 527-2328. 25-28-2 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 13, 1988 13A NEWLY DECORATED one bedroom, fridge and stove, Main Street location. $350 per month. Phone 527-1720. References. 26.27-0 ONE - 2 -bedroom, ground floor, 950 sq. ft. $500.00 plus utilities. One 3 -bedroom upstairs, 1150 sq. ft. $450.00 plus utilities. 482-7126 after 6. Jim Presacator. 26-28-1 TWO BEDROOM apartment, ground floor, close to uptown. Available August 1. Apply to 527-1637. 26-28-2 ONE BEDROOM apartment with private en- trance and veranda, one block from Main St: Phone after 4 p.m. 527-2205. 26-28-x4 0 .� ALL POINTS 1�y1/ 2 II�.aREALTY INC, .1 1 1 1 J I OROKCn OPEN HOUSE 27. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND USED Satellite Sy: tems, rent or lease to own with easy montl illy payments; also, repairs to all makes. L 8 . A Southwest Satellite, day or night 524-9595 , 27-27-ff 28. WANTED TO REN" r FARM HOUSE, excellent re ferences, (519) 335-3692, if no answer I eave message 335-6237 September 1st or ea idler. 28-28-x1 31. NOTICE 23. REAL ESTATE 23. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN DUBLIN ON HWY. 8 7 year old brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms, dining room and attached garage on .09 acres. 345-2182 SEAFORTH e 2800 SQ. FL Beautiful family home with 4 extreme- By Barge bedrooms, 3 bathrooms in - eluding 6 pc. moults, large eat -in kit then with Jenn-Air range and bulls -in oven. separate dining room, main floor family room with stone fireplace, main floor laundry, central air, heat pump, quality carpet throughout, mainten- ance free exterior, sun deck, patio, double attached garage, totally Band - seeped lot. included In the price of 0159,900. Is a severed lot of 60' x 148' with fruit trees. For more information call: JEFF WEBB REMAX CREATIVE REALTY BROKER, LONDON 673-0502 A Country Setting With Class Location: County Road 3 between Brucefietd and Egmondviile Time: 7 p.m. • 8:30 p.m. Date: Friday, July 15th Hostess: Kathy Larose OPEN HOUSE A.A. If you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650. 31-19-tf SEAFORTH VEHICLE & Drivers Licence of- fice closed for vacation July 25 to Aug. 2. 31-27-x3 ARE YOU LIVING wits. d c Anon can help. 527-1650 ). oblem2 Al Purebred polled HEREFORD BULLS, ser - 31 -28`1 ' viceable age, some are performance tested $1200 up, 20 registered polled hereford heifers open, 20 registered cows wit/h calves (519) 669-2055. -28-bc 13/: VACATIONS The BRUCE Peninsula between Lake Hur1 on and Georgian Bay. Nature, fresh air, clean water, great vistas, accommodations, country cooking. 1-800-265-3127. Bruce Peninsula Tourism, Box 8.269, Marton, Ontario NOH 2T0. 32-28-bc CRUISING on the St. Lawrence River. Close to home. Enjoy 4 days this summer aboard the elegant Canadian Empress visiting roman- tic cities, the world famous 1000 Islands, the International Seaway/locks, spectacular shorelines and more. Dial -a -brochure 1-800-267-0960. 32-28-bc WAIKIKI HAWAII 7 Nights $899, 14 nights $1,079 Twin. Includes Air Transfers, accom- modation, taxes and more, 2, 3 and 4 Islands available. 12 -Day escorted 3 -Island holiday $1,799. T & S Tours 1-800-265.0900 or 93615. 32-28-bc 34, AUCTION SALES Location: 48 Ontario St., Clinton Time: 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Date: Thursday, July 14th Hostess: Kathy Larone Family Setting or Business Setting . 1 11NTE E M rtrvilitm This 2 storey Victorian home has an appeal; ing location for establishing a professional business, bed and breakfast or a family home. For information call Kathy Larone. Lake Front Cottage EXCELLENT LOCATION: 4 bedroom modular home, finished rec room of pine &brick, double brick garage may be bought with 2nd lot. $60's. AA 3 BEDROOM( std ®tipigious living. CASH CROP FA res Including nice bungalow, .j�phement shed. HANDYMAN'S SPEledroom vinyl sided home, 2 IcS ed R.2 (multiple dwelling). LAKEFRONT COTTQ4'�:.sten concept located In Bayflet andy beaches. LONDESBORO: Loco .ain Street. 4 bedroom, 11/2 st ff home. STANLEY TWP.: Bqe rf�100 acres, elaborate set of bur st:,rey brick home . 777777��-��- SMALL ACREAGE WITH HIGHWAY LOCATION: Zoned highway commercial, included is 40' x 100' workshop with office, parts room & much more, included is a 4 bedroom bungalow. For more details call today. IDEAL STARTER HOME: 60' x 12' trailer including 3 add -a -rooms. 2 storage sheds & more. JUST LISTED: One floor, 3 bedroom tastefully decorated home • large family room with woodstove and patio doors. Cen- tral vac & whirlpool. Many extras included. List Price 174,900. LOTS GALORE: Londesboro, 12 building lots to choose from starting at 111,000. Owner will provide survey prior to closing. Kinburn - vacant lot. List 112,000, Brucefleld - large treed lot on highway, waterline to property. Seaforth - Several building lots, various prices. ONE ACRE WITH WORKSHOP: Near Clin- ton racetrack. Asking 1129,500, Present all offers. IDEAL LOCATION: 2.52 acres, vacant land across from Clinton racetrack. Phone for details. We are M.L.S. members - Having Information on all M.L.S. properties In the area. CaII or drop In for friendly, efficient assistance. Sharon Meed (Seaforth) 527-0560 Peter Damsma 482-9849 Bili Steenstra 482-3780 Mary Divok 482-3370 Aileen Craig 402-3669 Office: 11 Victoria St., Clinton 482-5991 Cottage is located just north of Bayfield, ideal for a summer getaway. Call Kathy Laron for more information. Building Lots Bring in an offer. Located in the newer developing area of Egrnondville, accessible to the golf course. Call Kathy Larone. New Listing Building lot located In St. Joseph. Second row lake front, ideal location for a summer retreat or retirement home. Call Kathy Lorene. For More Listing Information Century 21 has many Ratings throughout Huron County. Farms, small acreage. residential, commercial and recreational. Give Kathy Larone a call to service your real estate needs. KATHY LAWNS Res. 527-0808 REPRO ESENTATIVE HENRY MEP tO 527/0430 1500 SO. FT. rata it store on Main St. with 2 bedroom deluxe c Iportment. Ideal owner oc- cupied business : ret -up. ATTENTION FARI VIERS - 143 acres - 140 acres systematically tile d. 3 ml. north of Cuth, paved road, no buildin, gs, Excellent land, EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full basement, , garage, large lot. Excellent condition. '79,0 00.00, KIPPEN: This 3 beA-: ' excellenf-con- dition with 'a Ir jr double lot. CLINTON: 1 floor ranch style with 3 bedrooms. Ene trgy efficient. '91,500.00. 166 ACRES: t Jew ranch style home, large barn, 16 acres i licensed gravel pit, McKillop Twp. Call for details. 80 ACRE RE1 'REM: 60 workable, 3 stocked ponds, 40' x f 10' shed, cottage, bush, close to Goderich. Br toutiful. EXECUTIVE I RANCH: % acre lot in Egmond- villa. By opF'ointment only. HARPURHE Y EXECUTIV ised ranch with all the extras... professionally landscaped , etc. eally must be seen. 20 ACRES: of bush, small creek, Ideal retreat. COUNTRY HOME: In McKillop Twp, on a pav- ed road. A beautiful 4 bedroom 2 storey brick home wit' : full walk-in attic on 5 acres. 59 SEAT R ESTAURANI: and Take -Out. Call for details. BUILDINI ; LOTS: We have a very good selec- tion of lot s in Seaforth, Egmondvllle and area. Call for ' your choice. , AREA FARMS & COUNTRY PROPERTIES LAYER 1 FARM.24kkeerth. 8100 quota. A fine go Ing col 8- 100 AC :RES: 92 workable, 50' x 100' shod, ex- cellent frame home, very scenic. 1135,000.00. 50 AC RE PARCEL: No buildings, tiled. 100 A CRFS: General farm. 3 bedroom house, born. pole born, etc. Close to Seaforth. 50 At :RES: Systematically tiled, no buildings. 115 ' ACRES: Partially tiled, no buildings. 75 O'CRES: No buildings. 69 / ACRES: No buildings. 51 , ACRES: No buildings. 13C1 ACRES: 140 workable, brick home, ex. cel' lont financing available. W ©LJ© 11AL101 /'Will WWI tuna EVENING AUCTION SALE 3 bedroom house and contents at 132 E' St. Brussels, Ont. for MRS. MARIE BleRGESS. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 AT 6:00 RM. Three bedroom 1'/, storey house on a lot 66 frontage by 82.3 ft. depth, oil furnace, town water and sewers, new hot water heater. Selling subject to a reasonable reserve bid in a price range anyone can afford. Terms: 10% down at time of sale. balance due In full In 30 days. For view - Ing and information phone Marie Coutts • 887-9307 or Ross Bennett at 887-9069. APPLIANCES, FURNITURE, ETC.: ICelvinotor square model fridge; Enterprise 24" elec. tric stove; portable colour T.V.; vacuum cleaner; antique blanket box; 3 washstands; 2 antique dressers; 2 china cabinets; library table; buffet; wringer washer; double bed w/mattress; 3 plat- form rockers; feather tick; steel bed w/mattross; old table; rocking chair; magazine stand; day bed; 4 wooden chairs; small chrome table; lamp table; 4 wooden chain; 2- 9 x 12 carpets; 2 hooked mats; bedding; older chesterfield & choir; small tables; lamps; dishes; small appliances; garden tools; round wicker' fern stand; stop ladder; plus many other Items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton Where con you easily find millions in real estate, sell your old car, find a better paying Job, find your lost bank book. make a good buy 0 on on antique lamp, locate o good carpenter who CCM repoir your porch. sell your Adiolt\ old baby carriage and much. much more? vEHuron xpositor ' 527-0240 123. REAL ESTATE Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. Seaforth & Area, THE LARGEST REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. NEW LISTING A rare find Is this 1 Vr storey brick house, family room on main floor, modernized kit- chen, fireplace In living room, circular sitting room. Seaforth Office: 527-1577 8 Main Street, Seaforth OTHER LISTINGS Harold JOHN ST. - Charming 3 bedroom home featuring spotless kitchen & dining, family room, gas heat, well landscaped with circular porch. Garage. '60's. MAIN ST. S. - Cozy bungalow, 2 bedrooms, close to uptown. '40's. Must be seen. JAMES ST. - 1 Floor 3 bedroom home, very well maintained. Laundry on main floor, hardwood floor in dining room. Ex- cellent location. HULLETI' TWP. - 20 yr. old brick ranch style home located 3 miles from town. 3 bedrooms, laundry on main, att'd. garage, new drilled well all situated on 1 acre. JOHN ST. • Immaculate 4 bedroom home featuring family room on main, formal din- ing, 11/2 baths, country-Ilke porch, new roof, interlock brick drive, patio plus much more. EGMONDVILLE - 18 yr. old ranch style home, family room, bar, 4 bedrooms, laun- dry on main, steel sided shed 40' x Don. ble lot. Quiet area. Must be seen. '90'1. WORK REAL ESTATE LTD HENRY MERO - 527-0430 Seaforth & Clinton Representatives Maureen Wildfong 482-3224 Gretta Miller 345-2705 HARPURHEY • Excellent value for your S's. 3 bedroom bungalow style home, coun- try sized kitchen, laundry on main, family room, games room area. Att'd. garage. '62,000. OVER 10 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY CLINTON • Dairy far, ck; stock & b ,ar- rel. Good 4 bedr' , -, ale. 139.7 ea res, 55 cow operat,l, ota: No. 1 516, N.D. 2 147.86 L. 2 cont -Le silos. Located on pav- ed road. Other Area Office N3 Mitchell Office Bayfield Office Wingham Office 348. 8355 565 5055 357 3622 ussil PRICE REDUCED '49,500,00 N. MAIN ST, - 2 bedroom cottage in perfect condition, with full basement and nice ktt. Ideal starter or retirement home.