HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-12, Page 3Drs wooa'sCONTROL -oF-STOCH
1' o .y Pine
Cures Cough;, Colds, Brom:NU ,
tieereeness, Croup, Asthma,
irate or Tightness In the
Chest, Ete,
'It stops that tickling in the, throat, is
&Asaat to take and soothing and heat-
ing to the lungs. lair, E. Bishop $rand,
the Vell-known Galt gardener, writes: -
1 had a very severe attack of sore
throat and tightness in the chest. Some
times when I wanted to cough and could
not I would almost choke to death. My
wife got mo a belle of DR. WOODS
1(ORWAY. PXNE SYRUP,and to nay aur-
urprise I found speedy relief. 1 would
snot be without it if it cost $1.00 a bete
ale, and I can recommend it to everyone
bothered with a cough or colds
Price 25 Cents.
The Canadian Presbyterian says:
"The unanimity of sentiment on the
question of the union of the Presl yet ri-
an,Miet ho bst and Oaneregatioual church-
es, and the eagerness with which it has
been taken up and disonesed, has been to
mauy a matter of surprise. The cordial en-
dorsement given 'to the propositiou at
meeutimes held la Halifax, Toronto, Hone
ilton, Winuipeg veld other iwportaut ursn-
tres, clearly iuclicates the existence of a
large budy of xipeniug public opiuioi
which Only required the oceitston to I,rrug;
it to explteitstatameut. •Wehave ten vetel,
fax from the old days that are still Ireeh
iu the memory of many yet alive, who
true and earnest leaders iu the dnll:ermit
"regiments" brought their batteries of
logic and eloqueuce to bear upon thew-
-outside of their own camp, and sought to
prove that the segment of trtth held be
them was the entire circle." Truly wt
have "travelled far from the old days"
and we believe for the better. Seine
will still remember when it was consid-
ered sacrilege to even sing the paraphras
es in a Presbyterian church and the etre
of hynrus and the "Kist o' Whistles'
caused man abiner and
prolonged un
ed bu-
ale Now, hyalite ail
almost exclusive')
'used in all the churches and to couduttp
the service of praise without the aid u
an organ would be considered aimust at.
Little, 'ver Pills.
Must Clear Signet ee of
Sea FaaUttotlo CJcrapper Below.
Very amen orad au easy
-01.0 es t's.W:O.I1•+
FOR DiZZIlii.":a.
c iracr•,IIim')lb MY.TMVCs,�}}PPI:ATYI.c.
partly Vegetaible./yhL„ s•.raG
Wide Discussion on the Grat•1'd
Trunk Pacilic Bili.
-�- A
Quer'ttoe ail $eperula*tee 4u $tnuk t;44.ael,
Wet tho t•r.tulor .lad utu.rr 4'aleted
our Ilse $t.t.t.,,art(t.r,.r.s of Ault.'
mutat til Enubt. 4r,.nei Trunk
lt.ellwJay to Matto 4.114,e14e1UAt
Ottawa, May 4, --No visible pro-.
grass was merle in committee on the
Grand 'trunk 1'aoiilc hill yesterday.
The clause nominally under consider-
ation was that providing that the
Grand Trunk Railway Company shall
retain control of the stock of the
Grand 'Trunk Pacific liailway Com-
p=any to such an extent as to domi-
nete in voting power the other
shareholders of the eompany and
direct the operations, The Opposi-
tion contended that the U overument
lead , abandoned the position taken
last year, of oppesitiun to specula-
tion in the stock of the company, but
the Premier, Finance Minister ana
Minister df Justice pointed oat that
the amendment allowing the (Grand
Trunk Railway to dispose of a pore
tion of the stock was reasonable,
and that the original contract im-
posed restrictions entirely unneces-
sary in order to accomplish the re-
sult aimed at, and which, moreover,
hampered the Grand Trunk Railway
in making financial arrangement.
Tho committee wandered away from
the clause under consideration, and a
general debate upon the principle of
the bill took place, in the, course of 000 last season by reason of the
which the relative merits of the all- Starr -hell t+
rail and combined rail and- water
routes were discussed. The clause
had not been disposed of when the
Howe rose.
Surpens3ael of notes.
The rules of the House were sus-
pended for the presentation and re-
ception of the following petitions for
private bills, the time having nouti-
aally expired:
Respecting the Ottawa Electric
CompanyMr. Morrison,
Respecting the Canadian & Domite
ion Central Railway -Mr. (:rant.
A 1)saeger..ue me -value
• I3efore the orders of the day were
called, 11ir. Macpherson (But -reed)
called attention to a peril through
which several of the nteenbees, in-
cluding himzelf, had passed to -day
!hc wedescenU^• >n :n the
elevator, and when about one story
front the bottom the car took or
sudden drop, with a speed suggestive
of a Ring's plater on the*vay to the
finish. 'They were. sent to the bot-
tom wall very unnecessary and in-
decent haste. hoot the machinery
given way when they %%tire at the
top one of the first families of the
now be
(Laughter and cries of "Name.")
Ilon. Mr. Sutherland wus glad to
hear that the old complaint., so often
heard, that the elova or was not
emitting. dirt not apply, even if the
speed was a little rapid. Ile prom-
ised to investigate the matter.
'll,-• Hoek. f , .fu ••t uU.
Mr. Darker complained of en edi:
Aerial reference - in Monday's (aloha
criticizing hint for referring to
Northern Ontario els the land of
jack pine, spruce and poplar. Ile
..uul'tile words had been time • u from
a speech by Sir Wilfrid Laurier last
year. If anyone were to be criti-
cized it should be tht9.1'reinier.
"11 uty hots. friend quotes my
words and takes their spirit as well
as the words, I have no fault to
find," observed the Prentice, quietly,
in closing the incident.
larorllvilia Unit t u,titeetIoll-
TUE WINtr11AM 1IMi,8, MAY 121904
The Creat and Well -%now Ilene' Specific
for tie Care ot all Kidney
and Bladder Troubles( •
Mrs, P. Bertrand, Brecht, A Manor,
Que., writes: -I 'think it nothing but
right for me to let yott know what
DOAK'$ KIDNEY PILLS have done for
me. Icor live months I was badly troubled
with a sere back, and such severe pains
in my kidneys that 1 could scarrcly walk.
at tithes. I got a box of DOAN'S KID-
NEY PILLS, and before I had them half
taken I was greatly relieved; Anil with
another box I was completely cured. I
cannot help but give them all the praise
I can, and will never fail to recommend
their to all kidney sufferers.
are 50e. box. or 3 for $1,25; all dealers or
The Doan Kidney fill Co., Toronto, Ont.
aignor along with Prof. Prince to one
quires into the dog Iish pest in the
llaritinte Provinces, has arrived )sere
to make his, report to the depart-
ment. The opinion of the fishermen
is that a bounty of front 1 cent to
.3 coats each. for dog fish caught by
the lishernien should bo allowed by
the department. M. Norris thinks
that le cents is about right, The
fl aeries% also suggest that the Gov-
ernment cruisers bo supplied with
fishing gear so as to aid in exter-
minating this nuisance. The Glou-
cester fishing fleet alone lost $10, -
^.t'.114"41 New I•:Xtenn,,.n lYtll li. Pushed
At Ot.e.,
Ottawa. May 4, -Very little com-
ment is heard in Ottawa upon the
announcement that the C.P.It, have
started work on a branch line to run
direct from Sudbury to Toronto. The
records of the departments show
that plans and profiles for a branch
lino from Sudbury to-Kleinberg, on
the Ontario and Quebec Railway,
were filed by the C.P.R. in Novem-
ber, 1902, •'uste provided for in clause
14 of the C.P.71iIcharter," tete dis-
tance is given as 225 utiles from
Sudbury to Kleinlx•rg, which is 21
miles distant from Toronto. on the
Toronto Ota ,g
• t coii1r andOwen
Soundbranch of h C. I. R. The
ach e
plan shows the proposed Sudbnt•y-
Toronto branch to cross French Riv-
er. near its ntotith, and follow genete
ally the rust shore of (:eortri,"t Bev
and ran thence smith to Iileinberg,
Passing' through Barrie, on the west
shore of Lnee Sitncoe.
:vet 4.., 4•41eh,•t1.
• Montreal, May 4.-D. McNieol,
vice-president nrsulrnt of rite Ct.l.Ti. declar-
es that there is no hlull' nbout the
Toronto-Sucflury road, us it will l,e
pushed through at once, and that
no aid, either Federal or Provin-
cial, will be askedf
'Mr. Taylor again brought up his
complaint that the G.T.R. mail front
Toronto did not connect with the C.
P.R. for Ottawa at Brockville.
Sir Wm. alulock said the difficulty 1
could be got over if the C.1'.lt.
would snake connection at Bruck- .
dile. "1 have no objection," lie
Added, "to the question being
brought up frequently, as the tine
bas come when we should have con-
trot over the movement of the rail -
Way trains."
Traoneoatiaontat Itailnuq 11111.
The House then \went again into
committee on the 'i'ratlsc•oatinentai
Railway bili, taking up clause 0,
permitting the 4.ruu} 'Trunk lhtiL-
way Company to make what dis-
position they may derma expedient of
the $25,000,00() common stock, so
long as they retain a majority of the
stock of the company by such mar-
gin as would enable them to, control
the policy of the company.
The House adjourned' at 11.40 p.
Tete Guelph lanilwity Hilts mere. Ap-
pt'nv,4.-C.l'.It• :tiny Build.
Ottawa, May 4. -The Commons
Railway Committee yesterday morn-
ing approved two bills providing for
the construction of railways from
Guelph to (:oderich. One is the
Guelph Junction bill and the other
is a bill ineorporattng the Guelph &
Goderich Railway Company was re-
pot -ted by the Committee. Is is for
an extension of the Guelph Junction
Railway to a point on Lake Huron,
near the 'Town of Goderich.
A clause was inserted in the Guelph
Junetion hill providing tltitt it could
enter into at agreement with the
Cahadian Pacific Railway or the
•Goderich Railway Company for the
construction of the Goderich Patens
cion. A similar rlttuse eras inserted
in the -0oderich hill.
Tho Walkerton & Ltieknow Rail-
way Company's bill was lu'ld over
tett tho request. of Mr. Toluic, so
that some parties hi his constituency
might be heard in regard to it. It
will come up on Tuesday next.
at..44n*y id' Deg filth.
t?ttlrwa, May 4. --Teter 11Iovris,
-Ctaxaquot, 15'r3`.t *Ito was at, commfsd•
To. Mand Break In Prince. Albert A
Branch Severely, Dritic'zed,
1110* 01
Vienna, May 40 -Reports arc cur-
rent Erre that there were serums an-
ti -lowish riots in the llesstu abiah
town of Bonder. April :;(t. The mob
sneee1e:1 the trin.loes of houses in Lite
J('W i.;;1 quarter. mitered the houses
end throw wanrn and children tett
of tee wirtrin:ts. A girl was nrut'drr-
ed ir1 n mor;t t'"t Olt ittitir 111a1111('I', the
'•.'punts cat', C,1srutrks tyre 5:•rt to
t• t't•i ' •r4. r. 'i'lu;,.e reports lack of.
foetal eeeerinath:tt.
TIAvoro •o'r.", r.. a v"nuttenan
best it I • upIltn'nr.,: after !Marriage i
rens him inti paving her1,11It
A urn 1 ie 'lever tel we gia'I to APe
Weft, thus •nrpvl her rt•rti' a trate( et t.lieni
pine tour x111 her tartare, he relnot,.td u
homes to misuse t It ' baby.
Wast•re. 34.ntbur. Think In 't!t#w ..1 Tarts
'1'kat (1,1',) . 44 WY* A bitty to the 'ult-
1Ic-•b.Twu Claque* of'f runscouth,.tt
tut 4814W1y Alr..ale•et eeioptee
eti,.rttuns of Cost Anil (hty.ra-
Ple•tae .ecurity Diseuee••tt,.
Ottawa, May 3. --Better progress
was made on the 'rruascontinentat
Railway agreement yesterday, rho
Iiouso adopting five clauses tri cqm-
atittt••e, and as the4'u are only attain,
and seven have been adopted, the
panperous Accident on
Muskoka river. •
TO STAMP OUT CONSUMPTION- cas•4 of l;onsuml:,ioti 'r• duos
• feci.ox lr., ,nhal:,:tlan ai:' clatters
jklAt ty (1f tiro most thoughtful Ind • a ronx,slcr11)13 pc'rre'rr.tlyf ;eu t-
public-si>;r}ted sum of the Dominioni1CfiAtioly tracedtoinfttt'tio.t xh•
the are numb red amoa the officers andOmn'�t(.;,iv^ tract by food, par
mcltiixtra of the Canadian Assot:intion
Lor the 1'r:went-Iasi of C%asatul;tiu:t
Ana (.'4er forms of tubareules;s erhstsh
held its fourth annual . (stmt;,; in Qt-
tutt,c on Apr.1 3Jih uiid ::1st. h: very
tr)irtk:n; .man. and moon must tit int -
pressen with the fneressity for united
action to cheek sate r.ivages of a ills -
014S welch r:lases one death in every
(,girt in this oc'u,ritry, and gives use
t(, a vast amount of suffering and
permanent 111 -health. It is calcala,,c•J.
that in i;•J•n:t.(llt at the r:;reeent reome',t
14atwcen 311,60e and, 40,000 1vrsoas ere
suffering from, it, yet it is undoubted-
ly a I:rev:e atable disease, and one trio t
i s curably in its earlier stages.
Arousing the retake -The (report at
the executive cc'une3 pointed out that
the oi;ratious of the esscciiation have
co:nbia?d w,tb other influence,, to con- h'r,sh air, tight, land stl,nsltiste,-TI
and slowly turned on her side. t•uatrate public aticattioa in some de- keynote of tire convetntiam was, "Liv
Captain Corbett headed the boat gree arcu consumption and to ta.twakerl As ,much ns »ossible in the open air
for shore and reached it before she a aesire for information regarding irresh air, light and sunshinet ser
ensue $cscu.4 WWI pitgaait4l•, WbIte
Whore Jorrp•4 A.)sora As O. I1.ul
tltruek the likaru-Yo, l.lvvll Were
Lest 5. Yaw An Is !newer -les.
oitire Sishsp Best
c Areosteriag ,
T3racebridge, May 4. -The Muskoka
Navigation Company's steamer Ori-
ole careened in the Muskoka River
about hall a. tante front here yester-
day afternoon. She had just started
on her afternoon t.1'ip with about 00
committee stage will probably bu passengers and a heavy cargo of
ended in a few days. The discussion freight for up the lakes: As the boat
centred largely on the amended guar was turning a bead she was caught
antees for the western sections, the on the side by the eitl'tent, which is
very strong at this time of tho year,
Opposition malting another demand
for tn>urivation regarding cost of the
line and surveys, Bon, Mr. Pater-
son put it "up te" Mr. Morden to
tel how much the scheme would
cost, and the subject dropped, A
sharp discussion characterized the
opening; yesterday on the failure of
the Prince Albert branch of the C.
P. R, to mend the break: in the line.
Mr. T. 0, Mavis and Mr. Walter ing a bend in the river, causing her to 1'r:svenL f'oityumlutien," "Rulas for
Scott offered some severe comments to rock so violently that a great
on the duty the company owed the quantity of water flowed in the sides. Cortsurttheivcs," etc. Mane e lectures
laxly .inest ;iu'(1 milk. Thry few
uses avnilabls so!e►ne'i t•4 inditatte ti
about 25 •r• cont. of children**
weer' duh vithe latter rinse. .'ds®.
n'n krtowl4.41,g^, of any rust' ot a.
becoming eonsump,iv lit'Ibis wail
lu coneta',i t, Dr. Raven;:t1Urged :eel
While it i,5 imperiant io feria:tete ti
public, to build ;s.lnit-lriu, and to ego
tabltalt large institu.. s Cot the tease
Ment <sC advanced POWs the whets di
ty C'f Tt'tveutioni 'WAS pot being dol
it the r3 s,bitityt of inf.'ction I
ar.lrr.ul setu'eeS w•,rtt .Ile4,`leetn4
tipeak:'r W.ts m413".1 L+tvornbly xrcelef
Grid at the clo453 of the lecture+ woo
accorded an unanimous vote of than)
on the motion!. lot Ii•s Excellency fit
Govtrngt-(iknernl, wit) has alwa3
taken a (great interest in the work a
the aasociation. • •
capsized. All on board were saved,
the crew breaking the windows in the
cabin and rescuing all the passengers
there, '
The accident, wa4 due to the strong
current, which caught the boat turn -
the •Jneasures which should be taketa
to stay its ravages. The secretary,
1113v. Ar. Moore, al Ottawa, during
the year distributed by non arta uth-
(rwiss over 100,000 leaflets en "thew
public in view of the. enorutous sub- This, together with the heavy load were also; given, with the hearty ee-
sidtes which they received, Hon. Mr, the boat carried, rendered her unable or';r:ttion uiid s;rm,tia.ih;; (,; ma.clical
llnunetSon protuised to look into the to hold her own, and Captain Cor- h,ttlih otfir:rs zed
caller tnrnlb rs cf peers Ls rt ss'ri of ratestt4nce, iti like
matter and set .
peva'. irnl:orient preventives4 of coil
stttn,irtlau, and all roams occupied let
consumptives should ba as well Rah
ed and wahine; tis I�vss;ble• Livia
it over -crowded, ill-ve ntiitl,e 1, der
dirty 'cattle, ittsuffici•n.'e or bad too
oessipntrun, or anything ttlileh en
feeble:: the e nstitut'oe/ end Omelet
what could bo dont belt, seeing this, treaded her
for iy te• fac'li�'it, ties invt }n of the
his connectiort Mr. B. B. tester shore and immediately turned to get- the medical I.r✓Less.oa,, the mayors te.n. by the germs. These are fou
In t
came in for critir.isnn in view of his
defence of the financing of the road
last year. Satisfied with the pro-
gress made, the house adjourned be-
fore midnight.
it.• d u Th'r.l Time,
The hill resta;eting the Quebec &
Lake Huron Railway Company; Mr.
The bill to incorporate the Bound-
ary, Kamloops & Cariboo Central
Railway Company; Mr. Cttlligher,
The bill to incorporate the Provin-
cial IJltercolonial Railway Bridge
Company; Chas. Marcie,
Tunis Bad Blood into
Rich Red Blood.
This spring you will need
Something to take away that
tired, listlessfeeling brought
on by the system being clot; ;cel
with . impurities which have
accumulated during the winter.
Burdock Blood Bitters is the
remedy you require.
It has no equal as a spring
medicine. It has been used by
thousands for a quarter of
a century with unequalled
.• a -t: .,ln•,. ,..,'.1,1. 1.141`411 A.
ting the ladies off, a number of whom aim •nic.iubrr:s ...of. mucic lle' coun.,iis,
were pulled out through the lower
P g the cicr .:: of all enemi .t.tio•t ;'u
cabin windows. I the 're 1'i' rs of Tante, a oils. is
The boat turned on her side a few ; pt p
minutes later and then the bow 'tlt 1'x-,s.dc'nt, lion..'enntor Edwards,
struck shore, when Knout half the . palated out, literature such as Ile as -
1 suctatlon distributes Jhoal'1 ba in^v-
tee vast numb r., Cr. the dust I)artic
or t IJ:. driu:l, ,set of the consuinpt i'
urcl in the m41ut•2 drexiI"te spray.'
into the at meepliere by the cc,'nsun�q
live in co:de:hing eons quenily ipf
tine about ell. astraets or in bail:ilia
(cisurrht.s, schools, 1meteri't, ra.ilwa
swinging around, touched again, cry borne, sa Ilea the re.airle might I)w Stat*On 4, etc,) is a. dtt.ngerznt tat we
when the rest got off, As t f:1.1,}" flub t,
'Tire bout. ryas rapidly carried down (tu.Iat the siin111 n)ra.r_Y b, which The •an::tru.ni treatm'ni• - Th
stream, the crew being* unable to i'ht. ts(OUi'ge ,miy •ba avaided. tVhila Ideal pi•ees far treat ee; int•ii;ientea
stop her until site filled with water, i s„rsi:.iria were 'helpful in the ease c'
when she stopped about a quarter oft those who had ale disease, h ( believe,"
a utile from where she first turned i that the *r: l me.ons cf its
b 1 orevcn-
Another Amongst.
About 3 o'clock yesterday the
steamer Oriole, which runs from
tion was in e tu,'•ttio;t.
.Infection fram animils. --A plias: of
the question in elicit farmers are
of tub:reular dss.is t is En :ire• mut
icl:lnt fresh lair aani.ariu•n. where-ta
;'rs;irn:s ri';. emJf;• 111-• best of eu
wit haat b'ire; ttilere etlie r reannvei
fi6u the watchful e.a of the rfr•a-c
and L,ut'ly ph;'s;cians, Every pa
Cot. Hughes was informed that
tiara who is curd in thesanlitaritti
bacon -tee an alostl1 rf the ;icsp2l til
'United States vessels and goods en- Bracebridge to Beautuuris, left hero eertteulir•iy intereste4 tt•'ifl diseu; �t'1 bacotrial:tit•, ]:wetenc tli t ; gef.ep4. C'it,
ter ports in the Hawaiian I'dtitds, with About forty -live pusscngt•rs and t b3• Dr 11tv,en:tl, an emfaet, 1'uleal s:rt as .1.1) 4• i le..o'ii of the •(!a;
Philippines. Cuba and lotto ltit:u sixty tons of freight, which was a gr
on more favorable terms than du rood load for n far larger steamer. I 1,a1es itutiltr.1), .telt:) 1s •asst:t.ant est valor.. It is for this reason mal:
t. 6 g 1 lett lr ,. ly that \ova �cotia'sgovernment; he
British and Canadian vessels and the captain, Andrew Corbett, of n d t , ec to of th. Ile nil a I hipt.s
goods, for the reason that all ex-13rncebrfdge, was asked to make for t institute at 1'h;l:delplli:a, in an
cepting Cuba Al'e ports of rho Citite,l a landing, but he did not think it I ably address ant ''slrlimal Tut,rrrtl-
States. By ae reciprocity treaty rt- necessary. When about a quarter 01
cantly concluded et cube, unite.. a anile out from the wharf and as teats in Their Rcla,iaa to Hutntu
States goods enjoy a preference ofthey were rounding n bendin the
}Leath." alt . Dr. tv' et t .
20 per cent. of goods from other river the boat keeled over and all , (•suutues'i the advunceinrlt made in
countries entering Cuban ports. At
various t linea representation hake
been made with a view to securing
equally favorable treatment for Ca•
the passengers that were on deck ! alt., sin:iy or cote unlr:ion A8 tu' : lie(o1
ntanagee to climb out on the side of i tilt B'. ill:u Mari •l We , f,:mnui d•i cor.ery
the boat. As site swung site touched -
shore. when about twenty passengers o7. the tub'reel t bacillus, i rel ;:at 4.'
nadiau goods at those port 44, but su jumped off and got to shore. t that in the emirs: of inlay years, ...a-
far unavailable: 'The only advantage The crew were busy getting; the !t1, rine:r,,:n,t tile hid 11:`t feu to :.'i • an -
which Canadian goods en}n•, over other passengers off when the boat i •
('miter! Sates genets in Reit kr or) swung oat. iitto•deep water again. 1m;tl,, that t•::r.• immune flem tut:rr
The •.• is 1' 1`('" 1 � Z4 'l:aSlY
tu,. .. r z~ 1
, t drifted � t.. T,
:••e. •,• tie tilt t i
r ti advan nide life had upset tan 1( f g
tai: 1 u tar.' t l if( t t c
h> > poets t ,, The i d t
I:r✓ferentinl tt'1•ifi., away. but they teenagedto get all u3niba_ted the el"'"'one cf Ruch end
. t.t V 11 -• - o . the passengers out, and off the bout. i t .1'- rs that levee. is •tn'essent iti aif-
In reply to Col. Iiughrw, tire Min- 'rlre captain had not taken the tick -1
l t( voice b: tnceai human arta bovine tu-
istrr of :tliiitia ca:nte.t that the 11'ur els and could not say «•bather all i
4)d11' hal declined to greet the were saved or not. as they have not 'b. rculesis, anti cited n. ;largo number
King's nit': ul 1.0 eeeutbers of 1 he ( a- got the boat up yet. I c'1 cxP'r:eu(•nts in :sueps•rt of his view
naturae .li,,e,e,teel 1:i.e.e tV;to served The mail Lags. which the boat car -that these were practically identicak
twice its t,uni is Aft tea, on the g rou;uls rind, were lost. The Oriole was srcur- \4 title ud.nlitein:.r that the meet:rity of ' s•r.-at uvltit: `pilgue,"
that the ('ot(,,. had not been trine ed about a mile down the river front,
just exacted a sanitarium, itt Beni
vale with a ct•pacity for 18 patient'
in tit' twltol, I.)amir,ien there are illi
four otter institutions devoted to t'
tr. otux.'nt of consumption. Three a
private central tut
the • are s•ier, Ic .n
thee.; x ' u
't: „
a •. . m one Is: heproper �
.n. r, ,,, n., and i
of tin- Nt.tttanttl Sanitarium Aseecia
teen ot i)ntor:o, Th: toter' ttrcontrn
4a tion in all ort thew., With what ie
Isee?>i',ale to which censumpdlYee 0r
aatnit.c 1 ar-btb1y :lees nat ex(te;d 21
bails. W3 aar.'e intie23 peer le rtgtl:it
P;e1 for the .ftrthi, sine' the suffer.:
ero so vest •tn number and so
distributed as tot,rdhuire a home f
consamesivee ;n n?•Irly every ecani
Only ell le arty co-op:r:t.tien of tea
Dominica and Provincial Gov, rsi
merits with tit, mtttve:ell council
stenos likely to nffer,l a set -lame or
solution of lit: prcblam of 'ittl'u
with what should b:• r.;r tort, : r the
u14)411 ; in e:,•r' ice t;>, rr, where the accident occurred.
('ol, li,ittl!>arh tune informer: that The patseuget's will have to stay in
tite tightt;hilt Lute her. built at To- Bracebridge until lfrdnesdny on ac-
Tonto, and now reit tlolled in the count of there being no boat to come'
Illy of reunit •, was eonstruetet1 tif- for thein. -
ter the design of till' flitted States
1.idi:ihone:• lloat•d. Another Ugh 1 -
Mike of the settle nuuhel, is to be
stationed tat t11r cart end of Ante The Sunny Side of Life. 1
c•a.11 Island. The
don't see wl.r yeti shnnlrin t
,>n bee i'„atN^t ,v 1111'•
14.16v -titer eon see the r. it 4)141 I over
In committee'. clause 4 of the Go.- the other
lnve d " Sit.-" 61 by t dui all t,t
et•ttuu'nt's Railway hill was taken
tip. It Prot ides that the Govern- t 11h1; bele yr iti"-Judefs.
merit's I-ruuratttee on the cost of Cita•„uatnma, ahst iv arta PptelPn'ic? ' •
n101111111144 Section iS increased to ;
Ore. -fourths of the total cost fret:, "An epuletnie, mw olril'i ie-P.-smite-
thret-fo:nths of 33(4.01))) per mile. 1thingevr,p•l•c)it•has.'' •'Then,tna,ltrne.
Ale. Iatinox. Mr. I'aterson, .lir. Bar- , is a nose 0n thalamic?" -,Neer Ot'Pone.
ker, lir. Borden and air. Fielding; 'Titers-DPueocrar•.
were the chief debaters in con'tuittee.
The clause was passed.
tu"What can I do for Inv little bey?"
Mamie 5 was passed, providing
that the (lorcrnent shall implement eased mamma, •`So that ito «,tn't Want
its grinl'antee upon bonds of the ' (o t'ut in'twPen ttiCit]e?" II:teetine meals
mountain section and prairie sere fit ter together," rcplit•t! the greedy
tion to brine; the guarantee up to :1 ! vomit;innn.-Gl(tsgott' E:rl,in r Times.per cent. of the total cost in the
one case and 113,4)01 per utile in the "Teel tare," she n'ked, ser• r the had
latter. ecce'ptt•d him, '•stn levelly yens first and('cause 6 was also passed. It pro-
vides4111,3-,er-en, that the tlot•e:•:unent shell nee
ret .11 tee drug clerk, "km yon are
exct•c•ise t,t4�• ri:;•1',)s in regard to s
taking oyer the road until the coat. soutsihitttjust as goo'i."•-Philadelphia
pany shall have )rade five years de:- Press.
fault in interest.
Claus' 7 turd A, which provide that "Tests roost beef is lewdly bal'nftl,'
after sitt•11 deraua the road shall be., enisi the waiter to his employer. "It';
Placed in the hands or a receiver, t0 .useless to cause trouble by trying to
be operated for 1110 john benefit of ' ,,.rile it." ` it'ake it over to rho bridal
til(overnment alt arrears tt the
shall have tI)been 041nele by the window," said the restatir•
paid, when it shell revert to the • ant proprietor. "They will never no the
(grand 'Tunic Pacific were also pass- 4ifl'erenee."-Chicago Daily News.
The House adjourned at 11.10 0. "I suppose," said the physician, after
tn. he had sounded the new patient, "that
yone4Pleise judgment iu the matter of
1..t CitarAe 11, UruuJe'1. smoking ? roti do not indulge to foolish
Ottawe, Mae :1,-I'. Ball, rata- t•teess in it?" "No. indeed," replied the
ada's contlnercial agent at Birming-
irmting i rweteritte ilrrilvitltiAl, "X never smoke
ham, writes to thedepartmentiGhees sag more than ane cigatata time."-a-Cincin•
gesting that Canadian cheese be
l>1•anded with tin' mc>ntli of the year 1 pati Tittles Stat.
in which it, is manufactured, An im-
porter told flint that there was mote , "I must eonpratnlate yon on the
;Canadian September cheese put on ;noble iudignetiou with whicIL you ex -
the Market last year than could bo i pressed yourself against the Morinous."
made in tett weeks. 11r, hall helots I. "Ye P." answered enntorSorgbulu. "I
that the cheese' Inst Year was not so ;
good as the year previous. feel perfectly easy i11 my conscience
.. •.. ,.. i about going after the Mormons They
40 Arras or shed* lenreee. i don't represent any big financial interest
Znclianapolis, Ind., May lir- rerty ' that ate nable to get back at MO."-
- of live steel( sheds and gene , Washington Star.
• were burned at the 'Union Stock 1
bards this horning. 'rwo cars 01 1- _-` - --
Mee. J. T. Skife of Shigaweite, Oleo : Wattle were hunted. MANAGER, WANED.
writes; "I have used Burdock blood '
IDlstttlera' l,le.>tr4ld Peter.
Toronto, May 1l. -The distinct* of
the Province paid for their licensee-
efasterday, the anlouil.t tollecto-4
tlt1141jn6 about leo cog r ;.
Bitters as it spring Medicine for the past
four years and dom't think there is its equal.
When I feel drowsy, tired atul have no
desire to eat f get a bottle of 13.13.13. It
purifies the blood and builds up the coat,
Stitutiotl better than any other rrttnedy.il
rerns1Wurthe laity or iteetlenute to manage
141411PW9 114 11119 comet) and adjoining territory
4for well and tamable mown Monate of solid
1tthan nal sr4mdtng. ONO etlmittht cash enema-
111td 1txptalircra, paid a ach Meander by eltrelt
I cliira't moaheadgttarce(a 11pen ee money.
tuwrr5ilcnt. ageManage10 come Bek,(iiilmirr.
L.'3 E .{^+ DAC S S E .
Tieatlache that is con-
gest ;SP.
14.4,1tt:le that; (1 b::
Ilea :at Ito that neer.
Heartache teat fs net, l
Tteese emelia.e.s a:•' i
metre met Lr "a; es.. et
Dr. Lmeenele'1 1:t.Pili
tltrclteei ,.sot•: ; ta,'
lees,: eel hreo
utlleel spells of h:.i.lat•:;e,
aeseelate,l with melon
a•.: Ile:yens debility,'
r ,' , ,iti•:' 4 or trun :2:1g
of tar tnu'cice, er
nna, signal fellow til; the
use of ..'lit -Pill once or
tales a aleck for a fete'
weeks neve the trouble
sae entirely vanished. 50
cents of druggists, or by
ad.ii 's.-ittg erneos-rete
Co.. Niagara faller, Ont.
Free sample to any ssi
$$gee cao wasp DUST twins t' .youg. t�i'.�s'ke?3
Don't plod along like your grandmother did before
you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and rubbing*
!makes housework easy. It cleans everything and
injures nothing. More economical than soap.
Made only by TIM N. K.1=AII'J3ANK COMPANY.
Chicago. Kew Yolk, Settee. St. Lot's. Moxititerl.