HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-07-13, Page 44A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 13, 1988 NEW LOCATION At Seaforth Sewing Centre NEXT DAY SERVICE! IMAGE 11 Meln St., Seaforth 527-1900 P. BERGales - Service Installation Free Estimates e Barn Cleaners a Stabling e Bunk Feeders Donald Ge Ives R.R. 2 Blyth Brussels 887-9024 4 YEAR ANNUAL All Deposits Insured Within Limits. Setae Bubleel To Verification. Serving Ontario since 1976 with 1.5 locations tot your convenience RAY'S FA COKE 640 Irl ILY A • KET Plus Deposit i White Label Egmondville POTATO. CHIPS Ass't. Flavours, 200 g. , FRESH BLUEBERRIES & RASPBERRIES FBI Ass't. Flavours, 3's DRINKING BOXES .79 KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES .99 We are now taking orders for FROZEN FRUIT How many beans can a woodchuck chuck? -� Woodchucks don't just chuck wood, they go through a lot of beans as many cash crop farmers can attest. And this year there seems to be more of these rodents around. Farmers have thew crops eaten by a number of animals. Corn farmers can lose crops to racoons, deer and geese, but the bean farmer's natural enemy is the w000 chuck, or groundhog. The Ministry of Natural Resourcea_cpn- firms the number of groundhogs seems to be on the rise this year for some reason, but there is no available data to ; 'bstanti;Le this. There are no studies being •tine on ground hogs -perhaps because the animals have no commercial value. They didn't put die "hog" 0.1 the and of this marmot's name without reason. Torn Johnston, who raises beans in Tuckersmith township, says the groundhogs are hung': this year and these small animals have eaten off about three acres of his crop so far. His land is bordered by the Bayfield River and there are hundreds of holes along the river bank and bordering lig fields. The holes are heavily infested with groundhogs. This year Mr. Johnston says the groun- dhogs will eat about $1,200 worth of his crops. This loss has to be completely absorb- ed by the farmer. ecause he can't afford a big loss, Mr. Johnston, like other .,Irmers, has set out to deplete the groundhog numbers in the surest way he knows -with a rifle, and has shot as many as 15 in one day. There are so many groundhog holes Mr. Johnston says it isn't feasible to use the methods employed by farmers with smaller problems. He says he couldn't provide enough traps to cover all the holes and trap them, and adds trying to poison them doesn't seem feasible either. But not everyone uses a gun. Farmers ad- mit to trying a lot of tricks (however ethical) to try and rid themselves of the pesky groundhog. Shooting, trapping and poisoning are all common methods, but if one young farmer happens to see a ground hog while he's driving a tractor there results a race to see if the groundhog can find a hole before the tractor finds the groundhog. 13 a CHEWED OFF - This was part of a bean field before groudhogs devoured all the crops growing around their holes. Tom Johnston, who owns this land in Tuckersmith Townshith, says he will lose about three acres of beans to groundhogs this year, and they'll cost him about $1,200. Corbett photo. Some even pour gas down groundhog holes and burn them out. Another farmer told a story about how he and a friend put a hose down a hole in an ef- fort to force the groundhogs out, so they could kill them with a .22 rifle. Although their plan worked it was not a groundhog who came swimming out of the hole, but a skunk. The hunters were lucky it had to swim out head first, since it gave them a chance to take off at a run. But farmers aren't the only ones experien- cing problems with the growing number of groundhogs. Golf course operators regard BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP STEAK LB. 99 TENDERLOIN END LOIN PORK ROAST LB. ` 1 COUNTRY STYLE PORK RIBS AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN, the mast from this sailboat was damaged when it hit the front end of a truck and trailer on its way through Seaforth last week. The truck was also damaged. No charges were laid. Corbett photo, Mast, tractor trailer damaged in accident 2.49 LB. SCHNEIDERS STORE SLICED BOLOGNA CENTRE CUT PORK CHOPS 2.49 LB. 2 89 LB. SMOKED LOIN PORK CHOPS 3 LB. A freak accident Thursday afternoon shattered the dreams of a Listowel area couple, about to launch their new sailboat. The sailboat was being transported west through Seaforth on a low bed tractor trailer driven by John Crosthwaite of Har- bor Development Ltd. of Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. Strapped to the side of the hoat was a 59 foot aluminium mast with 11 feet protruding past the ret; railer As Mr. Crosti' .t , .'d to turn left off Highway s n' .t firth's Main Street, another tractor .. dri,en by Robert Van Loo fro r It'rs T.trf . pulled into the curb lane witty die intention of proceeding straight west on Highway 8. During the swing of the turn the must made contact with this second ' actor trailer, knocked out its left headlight and scraped the skirt from front to rear. There was no damage to the tractor trailer carry- ing the boat. There was however damage to the mast. Seaforth Police Chief Hal Claus, who in- vestigated the accident, estimated damage at $15,000, depending on the extent of damage to the mast. He said no charges will be laid since the mast was properly marked, and neither driver appeared to be at fault in the inci- dent. He added a warning beeped out by another driver on the road may have been a contributing factor in the accident, since it ^ould have detracted attention from the protruding mast. them as a problem as well, and the Seaforth Golf and Country Club is no exception. They find however they have a perfect solution in Byron. Although there are a lot of groun- dhogs in the field adjacent to the golf course but Byron, a black lab, catches a few now and then and forces the rest to keep their distance. One interesting tip for farmers who want to try a new method of getting rid of groun- dhogs is juicy fruit chewing gum. Apparent- ly groundhogs will eat the gum, but aren't able to digest it and it kills them. Contributions to maintenance of Lions Park $3,122 Don't touch another thing until iyou read his ad. AND THE LUCKY WINNER IS ... The annual, appeal for contributions to the Lions park maintenance fund is meeting with a ready response according to J.O. Turnbull, fund treasurer. He said gifts totalling $3,122 have been received. While there has been a ready response there are others who have indicated they wish to participate but as yet have not done so. They may forward their gifts to the Seaforth Lions Park and Pool Fund, Seaforth. Gifts have been received from the following; Lloyd Hoggarth, Frank Roberton, K.H. Linglebach, Stan Hillen, M.E. Laycox, Geo. Miller, Gary Betties, Lynn Devereaux, Archie Sommerville, Florence Stewart, Herb Travis, Roger Adams. A. Devereaux, J.M. Nash, Elsie Dinsmore, Dorothy MacLennan, Robt. Archibald, P.F. Dalton, David Stewart, Rod Lyons, James. M. Scott, Wm. Hodgert, Don Cor- bett, Alf Ross, Robt. McNaughton, F.C.J. Sills, Archie's Sunoco, Pizza Train, Frank Golding, H.S. McClure, Queen's Hotel, Sam Phillips. Scott Poultry Farms, Gord Rimmer, Edna Bell, Elizabeth Bach, Mac Stewart, Ron Bennett, Topnotch Feeds Ltd., Seaforth Insurance Broker Ltd., Wm. E. Bennett, Dorothy McCluskle, Shirley O'Shea, John 0. Turnbull, Janet A. Cluff, Geo. Hays, Robt. Tyndall, Dr. Ed Malkus, Ethel Dennis, Elmer Dennis, Seaforth Automotive and Industrial Supply, Ken Southgate, Jeanette Bannon, Christine Souter, Marlen Vincent, Clara Brugger, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Little, Don Morton, Anna Kling, John Lansink Sr., Bob and Betty Beuttenmiller, James J. Kelly, Wilf Drager, Geo. and Ruth Ribey, Jas. Robert- son, John H. McLlwain Construction, D'Orlean Sills, Ken Oldacre, Lloyd Pipe, Seaforth Manor and H.R. Scott. The most important thing to remember about electricity is to always keep a little common sense between you and your power supply. Common sense means cautioning children to avoid areas marked 'Danger"... Metropolitan Life announces a new Sales Representative. MARK McLLWAIN SEAFORTH 527-2268 and warning them never to build a tree house close to power lines, where they could be seriously injured. There are many other ways to practise electri- cal safety. And they all have one very important thing in common. Common sense. 0 A Mrs. Karen Wolfcamp of Mitchell Mark McLlwain of Seaforth has been appointed Sales Representative by Metropolitan Life. We've found the person who can best help you with your insurance needs. So call our new Sales Representative today. You'll find our insurance is worth announcing, too. Think about It, please. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 527®0530 tI ongratulations to Karen! One of six lucky winners in our 38th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Draw. Cathy Anstett (right) manager Anstett's was proud to present Karen with a Swiss stainless steel Concord Watch ... Retail Value $1,190.00. Many thanks to all who participated. Watch out for our 39th!! and remember ... it's always a 'good time' to shop Anstett's. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LI/VIITED 26 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH 527-1720 GETMET. IT PAYS. 0 Metropolitan Life AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES Melropotnan Life Insurance Company Canada