HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-05, Page 8WINOUAM'S Press Goods Z Carpet House m4'b'1► r'iYrb'1rr,wk b4avv/wwvairw•'O' THIS IS THE TI1IE FOR Carpet, Oilcloth, Rugs LINOLEUMS, LACE CURTAINS And Drapery of all kinds. And undoubtedly, Ritchie's is the place for them. No other firm in town can show you such a large assortment as this store, at prices to suit any one. Special for 10 Days For quick selling we have put on Bargain several lots New Spring Goods. LOT NO. 1-100 yards 2 -ply all -wool Carpet, guaranteed pure wool, 36 -in, easily worth SOc., for .45 LOT NO. 2-63 yards new design Oilcloth, 2 yards wide, assorted patterns, worth 05c, for .45 LOT NO. 3-4 dozen Corsets, various makes, including Crompton, P. & C., P. & D., broken sizes, worth from 75c to $2.30 a pair, for - - .60 LOT NO. 4-5 piecgs all -wool Voile, assorted colors, worth 73c, for - - - - .50 LOT NO. 5-10 dor :i Kid Gloves, worth $1.00 and $1.25, assorted colors, for, per pair - .75 of WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Dorothy Dodd Shoes Prices $3.00, $3.75 and $4.00 a pair We have put in stock a large stock of the W. & B. Corsets 0 from the well-known firm of Wenigarten Bros. of New York. Also a full range of the D. & A. Corsets. There are no Corsets so widely known as the two above makes. We have them in all sizes and styles. Ritmo,. chie's for Dress Trimmings ex BEAVER BLoccr. WINGHAM Ritchle's for Carpets .QUALITY PRICE S The ins That Help us to retain old customers an d to gain new ones are the uni- formly HIGH QUAi,IT9ES of the Wall Paper we sell, and the uniformly LOW PRICES at which we sell it. Our new line includes many excessive patterns—things yon won't see elsewhere. May we show them to you? COOPER & CO. (Successors to Alex. Roe:.) MINOR LOCALS. —The National hotel has been bright, tined ftp with a fresh coat of paint. --Kincardine has a total assessment of $811,678, and a poptilation of 2448. - Ringling,Bros. circus will visit sev- eral places in Ontario during .Tune, ---Lovely weather this week. A.11 hands busy with gardening and house- cleaning. —Regular monthly meeting of the School Board will be held next Monday rvening. ---Work has been commenced on Mayor Ironstone's new residence an Min - 'street. W. b". '4 anStone shipped a double deck car load of hogs to Toronto at Monday. —Monday was the first day for trout Ming. Not many successful catches Weng reported. --His Honor :nage Bolt will hold ritvialeea Court in Wingham OR Thurs. of this week. 1 A 0 --May—fifth mouth of the year, the month of flowers—how many pleasant a I things are said of May! —Dr. Chisholm is having the front half of the south side of his basiness block veneered with brick. —Mr. W. H. Green has purchased a lot adjoining his recently purchased gra- vel pit, from Mr. Merkley. —Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Frances THE WINGIIAN TIMES MAY 5, 1904 ---Walker Bros. d, Button furniture dealers, have a new advt. in another column of this issue. ---Winghuux Intermediate football club will play* the first league gauze of the season at Seaforth ou Friday of this week. Ladies, don't fail to see the large dis- play of city trimmed ready-to•wears, in all shades and latest styles at Mrs. Green's, ---Mr. W. F. VauStoue has moved his office to the Button block and Mr. Rich. Barrett is moving his barber shop to the premises vacated by Mr. VauStoue. —The Seaforth senior Uuroa's defeat- ed the Brussels intermediate champions in au exhibition game of football at Brus- sels on Monday evening. Score 1 to 0. —Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart and family left Wingharn on Thursday last for their new home near Ailsa Craig. They will have the best wishes of many Wingham frieuus. —Mr. John Patterson, of Molesworth, was in town ou Saturday delivering his driving horse to a Clinton gentleman to whom he had sold it. The animal was sired by Slander. —A new order came into effect at the Western Foundry Co's. works on Satur- day. Until further notice all employees of the Co. will cease their labors at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoons. —The Goderich Assessor has complet- ed his work. The total assessment is $1,409,350, compared with $1,396,330 for last year. The population of the town is given at 4040 au increase of 25 over last year. —Mr. Jas. Hamilton is Navin; his house on Frances street moved back on the lot some fourteen feet and will build a foundation underneath it. This change will make a great improvement iu the property. —Mr. John J. Moffat, of Turnberry, who has been confined to the house for some weeks with sciatica, is able to be around again. Mr. Moffat had a long siege and his friends are pleased to see hire around again. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Tbroat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Ohurch. Glasses supplied. Will be at Queen's Hotel, April 27th, June 1st and 29th. — Mr, John C. Conrey has sold his house and lot on the corner of Centre and Maple streets to Mr. C. J. Graham. Mr, Conery and family have removed to Guelph, where Mr. Conery will engage with his brother in the cement paving business. —Where is the watering .cart? This is a question that a number of our busi- ness men have asked this week. The, warm weather has dried the roads very quickly and dust has been flying in all directions. The watering cart should be put into service at once. — Miss Margaret Nixon, daughter of Mrs. Nixon, of Wingham, who has been ttending Normal School at Regina since January, has secured a school at Mc- Lean, Assa., and commenced teaching on Monday. Miss Nixon's many Wing - ham friends will be pleased to hear of her success, a street is seriously ill, having been con- fined to her home for some weeks. h —E. House, V. S., who practised with T John Wilson, V. S., some mouths ago, t has sold his practice at Atwood. r —The butchers, bakers and milkmen of Listowel have adopted the cash sys- T tom in connection with their business. b —Voting on the C. P. R. bonus by-law h took place in Hallett on Friday last and v h a w 0 -coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ilments are quickly relieved by Cresolene ablets. ten cents nor sox. All druggists —Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell, who are been residents of the Wingham own Plot for a number of years left his week for Mildmay where they will eside. Mr. Campbell has rented his farm to his son, Robert Campbell. he TIMES wishes Mr. and Mrs. Camp - ell success and happiness in their new ome. ' was carried by 317 for and 34 against. --Anothea C.P.R. bonus by-law will be submitted to the ratepayers of part of East Wawanosh on Saturday June 4th. —The parties who have been deposit- ing dead dogs in the river should be pro secuted. During the past two weeks the bodies of two dogs have been dropped in c the river. —The plans for the right of way sur- ey for the Guelph-Goderich extension ave been completed by the engineers nd the estimates for the total cost of he extension are being prepared and ill be submitted to the officials of the . P. R. some time during the next week or so. .—Mr. J. A. Ring, a former resident of Wingham, intends selling his bakery business at Clinton and will move to Manitoba. e fr ly f 1 —The Toronto Huron County Old Boys is will run an excursion to Goderich and Lucknow ou July lith, returning to —The fishing regulations have been onsiderably amended. Hereafter a fish- rman is only permitted to take 20 trout om a stream in one clay, and previous - fifty was the limit. The close season or trout is from the loth September to st May. For bass from 1st January to t July. About six months after the ceremony Toronto on the llth. a bride begins to wonder if her husband is really the man she married. —Mr, C. J. Maguire, real estate agent has sold Mrs. Forester's house and lot on Shuter street to Mr. C. S. Blackall. The price paid was $1,000. —Mr. Robt. Bruce, formerly of Bel - grave has taken possession of the hotel at Londesboro, having purchased the business from Mr. Thos. Hill. .--The License Department of the Ont - trio Government expect a reduction of 10 per cent, in the number of licenses granted for the ensuing year. ---l1r. P. Carlisle was relieving G.T.R. Agent Ring at Kincardine last week, owing to the latter being in Stratford on account of his mother's illness. —Mr. Alex Orr, who recently lost his hotel at Fordwich by fire will rebuild at once. The new building will be fifty feet square, two,storey, and built of cement blocks. —The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club 11 wi meet on Monday y evening next at the home of Mrti. il. Clegg at eight o'olock sharp, THE EPIDEMIC. It sweeps its devastating course Throughout the smiling land, And women feel its direful force On each and every hand. When gentle zephyrs stir the air And balmy spring is here, The married mains in dispair, He's filled with grief and fear. Upon his loved and loving wife He keeps a watchful ewe; He knows the epidemic's rife And will not pass her by. And well he knows that when at last She falls into its clutch His chance of happiness is past— He won't amount to much, He'll never get a decent meal, Nor have a decent bed, Upon the floor he'll sleep and he'll Eat dinner in the shed. Some day the 0.01 that tat he fears Upreare its horrid brow, He kitowit she's stricken wbenhe hears Her Say: "We'll hosnseelean new." When you are Looking for a Suit or Rain Coat Give us the last call—not the first, After you look through every store that handles clotbiug, bei ore you buy, callow us, as we thunk you will buy here. Look at our big assortment of men's, youth's and boys' suits, Look at our Rain Coats, Gents' Furnishings. etc. A. R. SatiTir, Chisholm Block. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this colunin from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr, Pete Deans spent Monday in Brus- sels. Mr. E. L. Dickinson, of Goderich was in town this week, Barrister Proudfoot, of Goderich was in town on Monday, Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton spent Tuesday in Winghatn. Mr. Hugh Taylor, of Toronto was in town for a few days during the week. Mr. W. J. Chapman, of Acton was calling on Wingham friends yesterday. Mrs, Geo. Harris, of Wroxeter, spent a few days during the past week visiting with her sisters, the Misses Stewart. Miss Kirtie Ross left this week for Chicago, where she will spend the sum- mer with her brothers, Messrs. Chas. and Bert Ross. Mr. John McDonald and his daughter, Miss Florence were vititing with his brother, Mr. D, E. McDonald for a few days this week, Miss Maggie Stewart left on Tues- day afternoon for Winnipeg, where she intends residing. Miss Stewart will leave many friends who wish her well in her new home, S. 13. McCall, who has been associated with his brother A. I. McCall for some years is in town in the interests of A. I. McCall & Co., Limited. He will shortly become a resident. Rev. J. N. McLean and Mrs. McLean are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. McLean has been on the sick list for some weeks and her friends will be pleased if she returns home fully restored to good health. Dr. W. T. Holloway and Mrs. Hollo- way were iu Clinton yesterday attend- ing the funeral of Miss Mattie Shipley, one of Clinton's estimable young ladies, ',vim had been ill only a few days with iufiamatory rheumatism. The young roan who admires a girl because she is well dressed kicks like a mule after marrying her when he is called upon to pay the freight. EITmor.E—In Wroxeter, on April 2Gth, the wife of Thomas Filmore ; a -ion. MCCRAcitEN—In Brussels, on April 23rd, the wife of Fred McCracken ; a son. LOc KERrnaE—In Lower Wingham, on May Ord, the wife of Robert Lociteridge; a daughter. MARRIED IyMA:r—SMITH—In New York city on April 10th, Mr. Lewis Inman of New York to Miss Jane Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Smith of Wroxeter, DIET) COLES Ay—In Walton, on April 23rd, Ellen Sullivan, relict of the late Daniel Coleman, aged 80 years. ALLEY—Irl Hallett, April 19th, Henry. W. Allen, brother• of Mr:�. Rost. Warwick, O£ for- ris, aged 37 years. Wiewrmms—in East Wawanosh, on April 30th, Mrs. Henry Wightmau, agrd 77 years, 3 months and 23 days. tho 8i :out of Justice MILL : R vs. MILLER Pursuant to tl e Judgment herein there will be offered for y:. e with the approbation of the Master of the Si premo Court of Judicature at Goderich on Wednesda ,the Ilth day of May A.D. 120 at twelve o'clock noon At Cotton'. hotel in the tillage of Wroxeter the following vc luable farm property, namely; The north hal es of lots fifty-three and fifty- four in the first concession of the said Town- ship of Morris, . mtaining or.e hundred acres, more or less. Ninety acres c the said lands are cleared, the balance on 1 ardwood bush. The soil is clay loans. Th farm is thoroughly under - drained well fes ced, and well watered, having two wells and tl : Maitland River crossing the rear c,f the farm There aro two teres of first class apple or- chard, The building.; ensist of a good frame house, large bank barn and a good frame driving shed, all in good epair. The farm is we • situated for market being seven miles from the thriving town of Wing - ham and three nd four miles respectively from the village of Blnevale and Wroxeter, to all of which tl •re are good gravel roads. The land is at p esent under lease to John D. Miller at a ren rt of $200,00 per year with taxes ete, which ease will terminate on the :first day o1 April, D. 1905. The sale will be subject to this lea::. The lands will b offered in one parcel, sub• feet to a reserve l id. TERMS OP SA —Ten per cent. on the day of sale to the Pini tiff's Solicitor, and the but - ante to be paid int . Court within thirty days thereafter. The her terms and conditions evil' be the standi terms and conditions of the high Court of ustica. Further portion : rs may be had from the undersigned; F.Harcourt, Official Guair- dian, Toronto ; Di cinson pec Garrow, Barristers, Goderich; and essrs. Proudfoot, Hays Blair, Barristers, e- odorieh. Dated this 19th a 1 Al).Ay of April, A 1901. DOYLB .Local Master at Goderich. 12. VA1181401iE, :. Sol iter for Plaintiff, O �►!���vi�r�1!v't N'NNNrV1►�r11N1'r�nrNNNNVvr �1 ■ Busier and Busier Every Day PLEASED CUSTOMERS OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT ! I al - `t'. ' Aloota Y E B13!3 HIVE THE REELER CO., a WINGHAM, ONT. savinp• values for this week will be a magnet for busier and busier days Wonderful selling during the past week ! And the array of money - at THIS STORE, Active Dress Goods Dress Goods Selling This department has shown sales away above our expectations. The " very new " is here to select from. You cannot afford to overlook this fact when making your purchases of Dress Fabrics. Prices range 25c, 35c. 40c, 50c, 00c, 75c, SSc, 90c, $1, up to $1.60 per yard. Every price a money -saver, qual- ity considered. Groceries Only the best quality is bought for this store's sulliug. We will be pleased to have a trial order. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. Splendid Values Ladies' Undervests, Corsets, White Shirt Waists, Parasols, Gloves and Hosiery, 1 Quick 1 Men's . Furnishings Sales Reasons there are which make quick sales iu this branch of our business. The latest novelty— Soft and Stilt Hats --- Fancies — Delightful showing of the newest colorings of Men's Soft Front Shirts — Pretty effects in Silk Neckwear—New Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Summer Underwear, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc. Prices all in the buyers' favor, $ EIMER AND EGGS $ TAKEN SAaME AS CASH. The The Bee Hive. IT PAYS TO DEAL AT THE BEE HIVE IN THE MCKENZIE BLOCK lor 99 BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. CO g •f WINGHAM, Ont. $ WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school ou John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. C. J. MAGUIR,E ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from I' to 9 o'clock. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. Tenders for Drainage Works Wanted. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tenders for Drains," will he re- ceived at the office of the Township Clerk, Blue - vale, P.O., until 9 o'clock, A.m. of Monday, the 30th day of May, 190.4, for the providing of ma- terial and construction of the drains known as the Elliot drain and Branch drain in the 3rd,4th, 5tir,and Gth concessions of theTownship ofTurn- berry, according to plans and specifications made by C. A. .Tones, Esq.,P.L.S. which can be seen at the office of the Twnship Clerk. The lowest or any tender not uecessnrily accepted. By order. JOHN BURGESS, Township Cleric. Blnevale P.0 WINGHAM Machine Shop We are prepared to do all kinds of Machinery Repairing, and respectfully solicit your trade. Farmers, do not wait until you want to use your implements that need re- pairs, but bring them in and have them put in good working order, so that they will be ready for use. Lawn Mowers, Bicycles, etc., repaired, All work promptly attended to and guaranteed to give satisfaction. W. C. PATON Machinist and General Repair Shop, Victoria Street, Wingham. NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. Having purchased Mr. Mitchell's in- terests in the Butchering business, I will continue the same in the olcl stand, and solicit a continuance of the liberal pat- ronage of the past, and guarantee the best of quality in Roasts of Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork. • Steaks, Chops, Soup Bones, "Wiling Pieces. All orders delivered promptly to any part of the town. • Highest cash price paid for Bides and Skins. ....... .... ... THOS. FELLS. Opposite Skating Rink. AAANNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAA AAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, < r 'Lure' A LARGE STOCK OF [Fine F1 e 5t'C'Ii c --Parlor Suites edroom Suites c —Sideboards —Extension Tables g —Couches --Fancy Chairs. i —Baby Carriages. c t SPECIAL PRICES ON IRON BEDS— THE BEST MAKE will Itpay�' you to get our prices. '� � WALKER BROS. & BUTTON. I'+AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YVVYYVVVVVVVVVVioV YWYVVV , COAL, COAL, COAL, We are still in the Coal Business and intend. to stay. We can also supply Wood and Slabs at lowest possible prices. We have already 'received several cars of our season's order of Lehigh. Valley Coal, and all orders placed - with us will be promptly attended to. Hardware and Coal Dealer, J. D. BURNS. s..sos®.e•oosoos•o•oo.+,•. c.•ooaeo.s.eo...o.,.s.♦s,ee* • List *. We have taken over the Cassels & Carr Coal business, also that of T Beattie Bros., and have secured the very best grades of Coal. We are sole • agents here for the Scranton Coal, and will guarantee every delivery to be `; 0. K. Just ask any person who has used same and hear what they say about • it. We have 3 storehouses—two at G. T. R., one at C. P. R.—and we will • store enough Coal so that you need never be without it, no matter how long the railways'are blocked, as the stock will be in early. The following prices will not raise for 12 months. • May delivery per ton lots and over, $6.60 4 s • ••i s •• •i 4 •s s •s •• s • • •0 r • •• •s Com/ Price June delivery e " " 50.70 w July delivery " " " 56.80 + August delivery " " " 56.00 $' September and 7 following months " t, 57.00 We pay 10 cents per ton extra each month to the mines up to September, and to secure the above prices, orders must be in by the fifth of each month for immediate delivery or they will take the next mouth's prices, and when orders are accepted by us we will send acknowledgment of some to you , which will secure you and we will deliver as promptly as possible after. The above prices are for Furnace, Stove, Chesnut and Cannel Coal. We :. have also Pea Coal which is $1.00 per ton less. We have Domestic Coal for s' grates at same rate as Pea Coal. Our Cannel Coal will burn in cooking ♦i stoves without grates and is fine for summer use—try it, and if not satisfac- �. tory we will take it back free of charge. �} Farmers wishing to load and draw their owri Coal will have 230 per i► ton rebate. All large orders will be weighed on town scales. Our terms for 'ei Coal are strictly cash. .�- w • IWingham Coal & Wood SupplyCo.I W. H. GJ EEN, Manager. • • .` *********••••••••••••••••• *oo••+••••,•N*+'►*+ •r+•4'• .. CANADIAN ORDER DR, OVENS, of London, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly, Glassed properly fitted, Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. W1nrlrara Office—Campbell's Drug .Store. London Office 223 Queen's s ave. Hours : 11 to 8 p,m, bates of visits—Mondays, reb. 1, Feb. P.9; March 0$, May 2, May 30, June 27, July 25, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. ;23. Camp National, No, 139 OLD their regular meetings on the ',ins al and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. 31Axwerm, C. C. 11. H. Cutownxa, Cleric. BULL F R SERVICE, +THE undersigne will keep for service on his premises, iorth half lot 2, 1st line of Morris, the Tho ughbred Shorthorn Bull, "Ontario Gold." Tering ;1,80, wit privilege of returningle necessary. J, G. FYE'S,