HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-05, Page 6Kernels from the Sanctum Mill leterssting Paragraphs from our Eeehan,es, .dr.ccortliu; to Dr, Parket )314'410,0m• A quiet wedding took place at Latides- eer is prettily on the increase in the i Imo on Wednesday eveitit» , April 27th, United Stated anis is• now ()Wieling more when Robert: Rogerson and Miss Susy victims than censunlptiou Wheatley were married by Rev. AI . Dean's 7iidney Pills act on the kid. : i ennedy; they oonnuence house -keep. acs Bladder and urinary orgatts. truly lug oa the Dunlop fever which Mr. Rog - They cure baeldt lies weals task. rheum- erson has lately purchased, atitthf. able t+ 5, c'ongestiun, iutiaulntiou. $rale). II fight's disease nod all other diseaat'e tirtstnt ttt:ni wroug ttetiul of the kidney anti bladder. West liurou's Inspector ia making tbiugH wa.rw anrd rxpNuslve for hott+i • keepere. Three ill Canton have been ;fined Niece Easter, the Last victim bay - 'hag to put up 8#0 rail costs. CA 1 For Infants and Children. She Kind You ilavo Always Budd Boars the Signature of Ie is said (aud it is worth trying) that Ito s=hall piece of bread is put upon the point of the kuife while peeliug and cutting onions it will prevent the tears Irma flowing from the eyes of the per- son peeling the °Lieus. The essential lung healing principal of tho pine tree has finally beeu suceessf ally gem ated tied refined lute a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 .cents. James Tuok(r, M. P. P., West Well ington, was milted in marriage to liaise Mary Stewart, nt 10 a. W. on Wednesday last. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. 1. Hoskiug in Clark Church, near Ripley in the rresence of a large number of guerts. 7be father oe Mr. Tiles. Tilt, recently owner t f the British Hotel, Goderich, ta+li:ht school in the township of Tack- sinith in 1$113-73 years ago. Had he lived. be would now be one huudred years of age. THE LADIES' 1+A O1t1TL. Lax. -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation. Sick Headache. Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without gripiug, purging or sickeniug. There was a pretty house wedding at 6 30 Thursday afternoon, april 21st, at 176 Dalhousie St., Brantford, the con- tracting parties being John Albert Green, of Port Albert, and Miss Lilly Campbell, of Goderich. The happy event took place at the home of the groom's nucle. Mr. S. Matthews, Rev. Dr. Martin per- forming the ceremony. • Sir Louis Jette. who was one of the Many people say they are "all iietves," (7e:radia n Commissioners on the Alaska easily startlers or nueer, easily worried Boundary Tribunal, iu a speech at Mont- and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such Teal. said that the dispute had been de- cided in advance by diplomacy, and that Canada never had any enauce ef success. .I*itING MEDICINE. As a sprint; IuedietneP rthrdoek Blood Bitters has no veinal. It muse up the system reel removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, 'weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. S. E. Becket, of Kintail, was success- ful in capturing the Chancellor's schol- : arship in Thelogy at Queen's t atversity, re having obtained the highest marks in this subject at the recent examinations. It is worth ;170. -.Beats tie Tata Kind 'ha f a:e Aims Bog '8lgnature of Mr. J. McFadyen of Rh1ley 1iis berght a very valuable heifer, 13 months old, Which cost him the sum of $275. This animal is suffered, and was was pur- ehased from Mr. Platt of Hamilton, the celebrated stock man. SVDI)ENiy ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and daneerou- Cabe., Crimps, Diarnccea Dysentery, Cholera Merlins, tlholera Infautum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of W11d Strawberry is a urompt and sunt cure which should always be kept in the house. Catherine Martyn, one of the pioneer residents in Huron Tp., passed away on Wednesday, April 20th, at the advanced age of 95 yearn. The deceased was mother of Mr. John Martyn,blat;ksmith, and Mr. David Martyrs, con. 8 people require. They restore perfect ha'•niony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. Since D. L. Macpherson has been clerk of Clinton he bas had six registrations of deaths. The youngest age of same was 03 years and the oldest 85 years, and the average age of the six deaths was 70 years. The past two months has been mere than severe ou older resi- dents. T11E., W1NGIIA.1 TIMES, MAT J. >,, tyt14 pettier of W --e-- Mrs. dosepli lilkerkar rifled t ' h p i 28 hotel and shop lloeusue have been lost 'ierida night, April 22nd after Rich Rid wood, uu } brief ilhiesswithiutbwIllation. She woe Bass Of lleiIlf Tho r•;cpetpitsOf the eanditleteein late ]ra y P , grnuted ill South Bruce. 24 years of age, mid vee the daughter of recent East Bruce bye eleortutt were. Mr. owl Mrs. Rrauk Rutz of the 4th concessiou of Carrick She leaves to mourn her death a hushaud. end four small children, the youngest a baby of two weeks old e'er Over sixty Yours. An Old and 'Well -Tried Remedy --Mrs Winslow's Sootbiugayrup has been used for over sixty years byntillionsof mothers for their children wh:Me teething, with perfect; success. IG soothes the chile softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best renierly for diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the tat;re. Sold by druggists in every pert of the world. Twenty live scuts a 1 ot•le, I+s value ia incaloulable. Besure yon ask for Alrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, stud take no other !dud. The Glow of Heal h,. When the blond is rich and pure there is a healthful glow to the cotnplexiou which speaks of the vigor and vitality of the system. There is more certaia way for pale. weak people to attain the glow AN �' f heaalt h thanby the persistent; of i pe stent ase Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great food cure which forms uew, rich, red blood and Creates new nerve force. ewe - Through the efforts of Messrs. J. S. Meyers and A. 0. Bricker, of Listowel. a company of volunteers bas been formed in that town. The required number was forty and that number has been secured, although more will be token on if others wish to joiu by giviugtheir names either to J. S. '.,fryers or A. C. Bricker. Mr, Meyers will be the captain while Mr. Bruiser will be lieutenant. A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism. „ A A hotelkeeper who kept a remarkable hostlery has at last been run to death nt Paris. He kept a good sized hotel and kept away all guests on the excuse that his house was full. The officers searched the place and fc.uud that four burglars lived there, and had been stealing tra- veller's baggage, which they sent to the hotel. The hotelkeeper sold the goads for them and what could not be sold was packed away in the different roosts. Over $100,000 words of staff was seis- ed. Lever's Y -Z (Wise IIead) Disinfect:ane Soap Powder is better than other powders as it is both soap and disinfectant. 3. An old bachelor who was very bald fell in love with a pretty widow, whose husbaud's name was Robin. One evening the bachelor dropped in to have a cup of tea with the widow. After tea was over she commenced to sing "Robin Adair." The bachelor picked up his hat, and said -"Madam, even if your hnsbtntd did have hair it's no fault of mine that 1 haven't." Thou he fled. ma:. living on a near here cavae in a short titue ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handed bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm Now, read ;shat he says of it: I Souu and told him to use it freely and if not y satisfied after using it he need not pay a felt a remarkable ehan,re and after using cent fel' it." says C. P. Rayder,of Pattens two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, Mills, N.Y. se few days later he walk- was Campbell. ntly cured." Sold by l:olin ed into the store as straight as a string farm a Let Others Experiment. There is always something new in the way of medical treatment and you are constantly invited to try new-fanglecl unproven remedies. Let others experi- ment aud so risk health and lose time. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have been tried in the crucible of time, won the approval of public opinion and de- monstrated their right ton place in every home as a family medicine. Much and sincere regret was felt here by many ou receipt of the news of the death of Mr. Andrew Smith, formerly of Egmondville. The death took place on Thursday, 21st inst., at the residence of his sou -in-law, Mr. W. J. Fear, at Ayl mer. Mr. Smith had reached the good old age of 86 years. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Egmondville add. for a great many years carried on a success- ful harness making business. About 8 years ago he retired from business aud went to live with his daughter, first it. St. Paul aud later at Aylmer. GREATLY ALAR1tE1r. Strong Blood Forti.fles the Nerves, Strengthens the Heart, Heeps You, In tits SWIM. flow to Nourish this. B1Qod. • To keep abreast in the unceasing: retie thatcuutiiouts us, both energy and re• serve strength are essential. Strength: is power. Power fit looney -that's the army we reeolve it to duy; yet eveu wb.ert evidence of tailing strentzth anti sawn id - hog poser becomes tuauitest, very L'ew Donnelly',1100.G0, Robh's x100 4(i. 1•Irs, Ellen Culcntey, of Walton, died ou Satnrrl,ly, April 23rd, nt lit rlate res'. denote in the SOtb year of her age. Sit had lived for many years at Walton and was vary much rtspecteti.. Iin14eEG's Tow nOttp Assessor Nils cant plett d his work for this year and his roll shows No. of aures of oleo=ed l Olt: 48,51$; No. acres wood lane, 3.375; Nn ut es fate tht, actual condition and ;feel actress}vamp and wee.° land, (l.037; tet•' anitk, it as Ina would invuiving u►uoetary value. Thou. -otitis of people are failingbe'airtd in the race of lite sautpiy because ;tiny ate tailing in strength, Instead of Heist,: Ferri z .rte, tn'ittult revitalizes all the 1000(1ous of the body, forms rink, red biped, int proves digestion, thereby re- newing vitality nett endarttuce, they sttupiy drat t thong uutrl the dewier ur eenertaker coutrolnts them. If F.•rrozune wee unpleasant to take, or if tr:t aautluu 11 ere not lmntedit;te mud pernienent, if physical improvement were not of the highest value to the iudividual, there aught be some excuse for deferring the use of this remarkable tine. If your health is inconsequential. then Ferri zone luny be dispensed with. But it health and vigor give you more p.,wer aud coultort, can't you see the touhsllt.ess of denying yourself the orally adVnlltagts of using suclh a grand tnedi- cine. Du the fair thing by yourself, go right to your druggist mud get Pei rezu••e. You will then know whist perfect health good spirits, and strong nerves really 1114.`KLI. 1+'Grrczmu', like other good things, is, gtosoly mibt.tittired. so insist Ott getout: Ferrozoue whtoh is prepared in ta'ltle't luau and sold only in 500boxos,stx boxes for $2.50, at all liealers, or by nail from N, C. Puleou &Oa , Kingston, Out , snit Hartturd, Ouuu„ U. S. A. Mr. E. D. Bolton returned to Listowel last week atter four years residence in the Elun(like. He went out first to an official 'position 10 connection with the gold o tninissiouers, and gained the repo= cation of discharging his duties in au huntst aud efficient manner. He will leave with his father, Mr. Lewis Bolton, D. L. 5 , this week for Saskatoon where they have ivatructious to survey seven uew townships, northwest of those sur - ti . a Persistent Cough but rn n S Cough, Ca to sally Cured by Chamberlain's Cough demedy, Mr. H. P. Burbage, a stadentatlaw, in Greenville, S C., had been troubled for unnrber of wires, 53,425; total valet o' real and personal property, $1.907.309; sores of orcthard,021 ; aores of fall wheat. 3,409; population, 2,673, The total assessment of Chesley last year was $397,400, tide yens $4113 631;. mode op us follows: Real estate, $370 • 285; persons) property, $34,450; income. $3,900, There ere 210 children between• the statutory school age of 7 to 14, ants the population is 1770. There are 3i dogs and 88 horses ill .the municipality. warrant Every Mottle. If doubled w it'll rheumatism, glut Chamberlain's Pain Bu=nt a trial. It 'itis true cost you a cent if it dots no good One application will relieve the pain. I+ also cures sprains and bruises in one- thin" rhe time required by any other treat, trent. Cuts, linnet; frostbites, quinsy, pains 1n the side and chest, glaudnho and other swellings are quickly curets l,y applying it. Every bottle warranters, Price, 25 and 50 cents. For sale h) Colin A. Campbell. The plans for the restarting of Oa works at the "Soo" aro progressing sat • isfactorily. It iesaid that the new cont. pany will begin with $4,000;000 in ca -1 or its equivalent. At the annual meeting of the Ontalie Sugar Co. of Berlin recently, the Prt.si dent's report showed a small profit ort the year's business, but not enough on which 11 declare a divideud. The aver• age price paid per ton to farmers for beets was $5. The extraction of pure granulated sugar was 246 0 pounds tel the ton, which is larger than has ever bee» oletained by any factory ill America. out. veyed by Mr. Bolton last summer and side of California. The total production uetlr the Barr Colony. was 7,000,000 pounds ef first-qualit y sit. gar. From the Carrlek assessor's roll for 11,04 N e l teuu the followiug statistics: - There are 1806 persons in Carrick be- tween 5 aura 21 years, and 1310 betweeu 5 and 16, mules between 21 aud-60, 871; population 4638; births y5; deaths 27; shire, Scotland, and learning the trade of a sto.le mason, he emigrated to Can- ada in 1850, and worked his t rade for over a year, about Hamilton. 1.1e canie to Usborne in 1852 taking ul, a bush farm ou the 3rd concession and the sante year married Janet Dougall, who pre oed him to the Eternal wo';1d nearly four years ago. John Holderness, the twee who in- troduced the English sparr,rw on this continent and brought the first hackney Davis. It was a large bird that rueasur- j stallion t0 Toronto, died at the Albion ed Iron, tip to tip of the wiugs, 6 feet,' hotel, Toronto, on April 17. He was suet truin end of bili to tip of roes, five been near Hull, England, 6115 years ago. filer, and from tip of bill to cud of tail, laud came to this country in 7,857. When four icer. It's beak was six inches ' Mr. Holderness conceived the idea of long, and it's color was of the lightest coming to America he wars seized with roar or five years with a continuous shades, belonging no doubt to the genus a desire of bringing with lima couple of cough which he says "greatly alarmed pelecanua that inhabit marshy places English sparrows as a s];ght rewem- me, causing me to fear th>3t I was in the first stage of consumption." Mr Bur- and lake shores, living upon fish, while bronco of the old land. Gu landing in baste, having seen Chamberlain's Gough others again think it is of the crone New York he gave the bireIs their free. Remedy advertised, concluded to try it. srecves, wakes it a rare bird to get en- dom, and from this beginning, 'tis said, 1e trapped. has sprung up the great colony of hardy little winter birds, the utility of which Very sad. aud sudden wits the death of is doubted in so man Mrs. August Prose, sr., which took place Y quarters. on Sunday evening, April 24th, at the i Every town has a liar, a sponger, n residence of her son August on the 8th smart alec, a blatherskite, its richest C0UCeesiou of Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. ' man, some pretty girls, a weather pro- Pross have beeu in Berlin for the past There passed awny on the morning of the 21st April, in the death of Mr. John Strang, one of the early poitieers in the township of Usborne. Born ill Perth- $2,1,8a,SOI real property; $t0,750 personal propel ty ; income SAO; personal income $20,550; total values $2,100,411; dogs and bitches, 529; cattle 7931; sheep 2748; hogs 9237; horses 1901; 45,141 acres of clearing; woodland 8253• notes; swamp 5b60 aures; in:hard 073 acres; full wheat 504S; boilers 19. Arthur Cook, of Goderich township, brought a prize to Cliutoa last week, that he had captured, and sold to Harvey and handed me a dollar say' ill g, `give me C ,=y y,z, • another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Rev. Rural Dean Hods;ins, of St Bearstho The Kind Ynu hue Atway. Bona,,, Beim. I want it in the house all the time for it cured me." For sale by I Thomas church, has kept a record. of Eignatnro of Colin A. Campbell when the last sleigh for the season was --•-�•--- seen on the streets of Seaforth. This phot, a neighborhood fend, half a dozen year, but they carie up hero ou Satur- ; lunatics, women who tattle, a man who- knows-it-all, ho- The Medical Health Officer at Lonis- A vrry interesting social event took extends over a period of ten years and is day to sell property in this town. They !t=lows ft all, more loafors than it needs, grille,1 y., declares that the germs re- place in the R. 0. church, Walkertcn, on spent Sunday with their son, and its the men who see every clog fight, a fewiueal- a very fair indication of the date at dlesome old women a "thin " leased by beating carpets, are very Monday morning, April 25th, at 10 which balmy spring opened. The fol- evening ;lir,. Press, who hasbeetliufeeb• , g that dangerous to health. Tell this to your o'elodt when Mr. Joseph D. Schuett of lowing are the figures: --4893, April 0: le health fur the past six mouths, was ;stands at the hotel corners and stares at wife waren she wants you to go 0121 in 3iitdmuy was united fu marriage to bliss I 1896, April 7; 1897, March 26, 1898, suddenly called away to the great be- women, a widower who is too gay for the back yard and flog the Brussels to Theresa Godfrey, one of Walkerton's March 11; 1899, April 10; 1900, April 5,; pond. `rhe cense of her death was his age, a few who know how to run the death. most popular young ladies. The core Iff01, April 1; 1;102, March 12; 1903, heart trnbh:e. She was 09 yews of age, affairs of the country, a grown young March 7, 1304, April 10. It will be and has spent the . greater part of her man who laths every time he says any sensed that this spring is the latest for life ill Carrick township, j thing, a girl who goes to the pustofTiee of several years. - - $Sheathe The Kind You licca A,c'a+s Caught The G.T.R. has paid the proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, Palmerston, 81,000 mony was performed by Rev. Father Kelly in the presence of a number of the friends of the contracting parties. leo ll1F DIFFERENCE. No distinction is made as to the kind of ioratortn tied passengers. This multi. Plies that Hem-Roid cures. The names Internal, Extenal, Bleed - plied by many places, wrecked engines ing, Blind, Itching, Suppurating. etc., and snow ploughs, extra Iabor etc., will snake up a big total. Ilodrrotts, secretary of the Provin- cial Beard of Health, has received word from this Township of Stephen, County of Huron, of a case of smallpox. The patient contracted the disease in Micbi. lean, white working on railway construc- tion but the case is a mild one, and all style have been exposed to the contagion ve been quarantined. are simply names of the different stages through which every case will pass if it conthsnes long enough. Piles are caused by congestion or stag• nation of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes au internal remedy to remove the cause, Dr. Leonihardt's Hem -Reid is a tablet taken internally. It is a permat-lent cure and no case of Pies has ever been found it failed to et re. Loney back if it does. A guarantee with every package. iit•Ottoocatno•••••asepostisosaseceoceo00000cicoocboo••0006•00000 • • e • • • • • • • • • •• •• •` ape It apeeali t• € it Stoethr 1 • ur 26,x, CURES HEADACHE MANAGER tvnxris't,' editor how to run the paper, scores of .Yost \Chat deal Need.. TrustworthyIadv or gentleman to manage s every time the mail is carried in, a i legion of smart alecs who call tell the Inteineti.•s in ring county and adjoining territory men with the caboose of their trousers fm' ta(�iC nn<1 tar+nrabl known house �f solid S'A'4W.:+1'I .tiers.-. 'n.. x, t..+n .. ?#'� •tat' FF.., GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better escription for- men, women and children than pans Tabules.. They, are easy to take. They c made of a combination of medicines approved cl used b every .h 'sician. V.ipans tabules are y Sr1dely used by all sorts of people -hut to the ain, cvery-day folks they are a veritable friend need. Ripans Tabulcs have become their stan- rd fam. ' remedy. They are a dependable, hon -t r m=d with a :song and successful record, to y br, • 'a rlgcsptin, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn .t.lpation, , ..";:ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, I • *)i' ition ef the heart, sleeplessness, muscular f• latism, sour stomach, bowel and liver 00m- ' .' ..ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t ' i-,wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- • ,: ".id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives .;can tp.nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans '.l',;to=saes. Your drt $gist sells them. The five - ems: packet is eh .,;h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bott'-i, io cents, contains a supply for a year. 3 ,• '4 xi>^'r►.a+ list: ;r� .,,, ,e;:,•<:.Y t.' r1'el"g'e3e •l44.4ee 44.4.444' .4.01.44 ie1tr+t�4'?44.r..4.4- F 4 pea inePeir4'd•'i•i44-'€•'1.3'4.. Chamberlain's Stotenchand Liver Tab- anon[+tel etnnrllnrz. biroo straight cosh f olid worn as smooth a8 $asap, a hall who paDats ted; ewhen yust louthave ou no appetite, eed when oi eel ,i eeet�lr4OM headquarters nee moon v i grins when he talks, aud laughs 'out dull after eating and wake up with a had taste in your mouth. They will improve Your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give yon a relish fcr' your food. Ear sale by Coin A. Cramp.' A Minister of the Gospel Recommends bell. advenetd, Positionperuutient. Addres, loud when he says anything. ;tanager, 511 tomo Block, cago, Illmois, The underwriters, dealing with the ; claims for Toronto fire losses have now material before them for making an ace curate estitnate of the total loss. While ntthing official has been issued, it is un- derstood that they place the insurance loss at very little less than 810,000,000. Of this sum British companies carried about 40 per cent, United States compan- tes about 35 per cent or a little less, and Canadian colnranies about 25 per cent. The Northwestern millers have 'coin- plained that through newspaper adver- tising the health food or breakfast feed men, have gained a vast trade, some of it + at the expense of the white flour millers. After a long controversy the latter have reached the eonclusionthat the only way • to defend themselves is to buy newspa- Obabrateell to Core within 30 IIfardes, or, inane). retuaidett • t►tate ata or ltieik& The Koala keldledY Co** &inntreell .. • advertising that creates' business and tale l ,Art 00•••••••000,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 lack of it cane decline inbn*hiess, - • per space liberally. It is newspaper OXYGENATOR 'Har several years I have been in +very poor health. Last $all I was advised by Iter. r. S. Allen et Murray,try 'Oxygenator i Eefore trying it 1 had no faith in It, but last Octo- b.r 1 began its use and eau truly say that before using one luta 1 heal wond,rlully improved in my sacral haalth. Iineo then 1 have used several• uq., as aresult lieu, Hover spent such a healthy inter or Spring as 1 did this year. 'Oxygenator' for'Chroat l rouble, Caswell I'urifyin lite Blood, and for Building up the system, 1 believe ie not equalled to•ilay by any other remedy. several of my cengrettatinn lav, alae Used It with blessed results. I take great interest in 'Oxygenator,' having given fart, of it away, and musts y 110 A wovpatt='ut. RiOtf:nY. In rag:urd to my eyes, 'Oxygenator' hat done theta moresateed than the tleuliats or the treatment I received 3n tai, Un pitai. For f,arache, I think it peerh"t. 1+',r ppafne in ilio cboet, longe or pfd,, Raised anyivher,, it , work. wonders •' REV. A. b. MrLz MountOA, iltdwart, For Sato iby-•-. THE OXYGENATOR 00. t2 Harbord sat. w Toronto • WANTED •1• sA loan to represent "Canada's Great- est Nurseries" in the town of Winghain and surrounding country, and take orders for OURHA.RDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, V nese, Seed Potatoes, &e. •1' .4.1.g.4'•,4.'i.•P.,1,4..;.r14-lelerei ;.,;,. elet..i,o,I. ee.i 'r I• : .1-1,.g4 :••Ael ee-te e4-1••A4'F•3'3•+.34 There is seldom a clay that we are tot consulted in regard to a said lion that, if we were to have seen it in its early stages the sufferer would have been relieved, cured and saved considerable expense, 'ries we consider is due to lack of knowledge on the part of the doctor who has previbusly treated the case; therefore, we say to you, if yon are suf- fering from any disease or condition peculiar to Wren, or if you have been a victim and been dissapointed in not getting a permanent cure elsewhere, we would ask that you come to our office for personal examination or write us for a Question Blank for home Treatment. iVe will explain to yon OUR SYSTi11t OF TREAT:RENT, which we have originated and developed after our whole life's experience in the treatment of special diseases of men. We will give yon, Y•REE OF CHARGE, an honest and scientific opinion of your vise. If we find you are incurable we will honestly tell you so. If we find your case curable we will give you a written guarantee to cure you or refund you your money. -YQU CAM PAY WHEN CURED - Wo cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURES, ES, BLOOD anti STUN diseases, PROSTATIC troubles, BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINARY diseases. 5 • 4. Question hist Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSUI.TAT:ON FREE. El E k{l'l X Yi EY & c 290 Wood- 'i' ward Ave., .'Zo c7 Detroit, " Mich. 4' Stock true to name aud free from San .Tose Scale. A permanent position for the right sawn on either salary or com- mission. STONE & wELLzNT1wTo y!'ONTHItla $sv1tsn1t111.B over 800 Acres 'Ol`tON"1`O, ON/ARIO rw :K K K & KK:& kC :•1\,1&.I'S�k�Kr&•.. DON'T BE AN ASS. ;f If you are buying a pair of shoes or a suit of Clothes you are particular as to the honesey and y�treputation of the merchant. Your health Is of XurN ^'i more importance than either, yet you let quacks, medical fakirs and other humbugs deceive you by fa their deceptive osiers of something for nothing. {' by After beteg def ramie 1 by these medical sharks you .4-,+ think all doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone ...- aIM, are to blameWO/ net first demand from them evidences of their honesty and responsibility as specialists. We have been located in Detroit 25 years aud can dive best of bank references. pAreyoucontempla- ting lost ho -,e? co a i tmt . litre you you c � dee o vP %'�: y Y a I�� p � d�®,...I1 Have you tingmarriagc. Has your bto•ri been diseased. H any weakness? Our New Method Trcattro'-sat will cure you. Whatithas done for others it will do for you. CONSULTATION Fi tlI. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. NON FREE. -"The Golden Monitor" tilluscratedt, oa Diseases of Men, 33No Nodus uood cfititoaat writte eoxa.saatt. Priv.mtc. filo Medicine cent C. G. D. No na_raew ors lisoseo c_ cray.elotpaa. Evcrythiut; confielenticl. Om:otioa ILfIIO cad coot of rest. s=ent 1['12 L. DRS. KENNE 'Y t KE .:GAN No. 149 SIIELEY STREET. DETROIT, NES. • •tli`et7.Cr1'K,'t sII Y.% 0 K CIubhillg .�ffers 4903 -04 .{.•le•i -b✓re1•4,.. .1.4••pvel..i..;:.;..},i..:..1•.se,;e-r.t..;. THE T'fMES announces the fol:owing low -rate - Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 .. Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated supplement Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario 1 75 Times and Weekly ItIaii and Empire 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness - - 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun.. ... • ' 1 15 Times and Daily Globe - - - - 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate .. ............ 2 25 Times and Toronto Daily Star., - 1 80 Times and Montreal Wet:kly Herald - - 1. 15 Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night - ,. • 2 30 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We cam give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine - published. The above are our FLED RA'rrs, marked down. so as to admit of no reduction.. Therefore there is no use' asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the fAI.ANCE t»' 190; FLEE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal snbscriptions, All subscribers. will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. *CA at the office, or address - el 00 1 GO TRE TRIES OFFICE =AVM 1#1.001i~ TOSEa 1IIN S'piiEB'lt, WINGHAM,