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/* vwvvvvvvvwvvVVYWYYVvvvwAAAAMAAAA/WIAWOIANVieteketA
It wi:I pay you to get
acquainted with our
Shoe department, Motto,
Quality and price right
There's None Batter
But then with the fact so
evident it's hardly necessary to
snake this assertion -one has
but to look at our elegant gar-
inents to satisfy himself as to
their goodness.their snperiority
and fairness of price.
Then, tno, the selections at Crowder's store are different -they offer
unlimited varieties for ehoosing-they are made of not jnet one maker's
offerings, but of the create of the best makers' productions. Come in and see
for yourself how we equal in every detail the best matte -to -measure garments
for just half what the tailors would charge and no mora than inferior grades
cost elsewhere and in scene eaves even less, CROWDER'S TAILORED
MEN'S SPRING SUITS • - $5.00,,$7 50, $S 50. $10.00, $1e.00, .'",+14.00.
3 MEN'S SPRING COATS. -Men's Spring Cravonette Coats, sizes
33 to 150 ielshes chest, full leugth or Short cnats, box hacks. -
prices - - • $7,50, $10.00, $12.00, $15 00
Give us your Boy to Clothe and we will save you looney
BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS $1.75, $2.50, $3,50,..$$4.00,
BOYS' THREE PIECE SUITS $3.00 $4.00, $5.00
YOUNG NG MEN'S NIFTY SUITS. -Something out of the ordinary
in tweed and stripe effects, sizes 33 to 38 chest, tnade•un-tn-the-
lninute, shoulders well padded $8.50, $10.00 $12.50.
' Underwear Department
Light weight Shirts and Drawers,
•> Men's Eaibriegan Shirts and
t� Drawers, sizes 32 to 48, price 50c.
f• HATS! HATS! HATS -We have a fall Range of Men's and Young
1Men's bard and soft felt Hats in stock all new shapes 50c to :1;3.00,
SHIRTS: SHIRTS! SHIK•TS.-.Teet arrived a full range of sizes in
• new colored shirts hard or soft bosom - - - $1.00 $1.25.
NECK WEAR FOR MEN. -Never before did we have such a beanti-
!4 fni range of Melt's Neck Ties, all the newest coloriugs and shapes
K prices 23c and 50c.
I. The R. D. G1 O DDR Go
- 25c and 50c.
Shoe Department
Boys' School Shoes, 900.
Big Bargains in Men's Shoes,
all styles and prices. }
fir Our $7.75 Rubber Coat is the best in Huron '1001,
MAY 5 1904
News From Our Neighbors
What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate- Other
It41me Clipped From Our Exobanges.
in re/LEVALL.
Tho Eluevale creamery commenced
operations an Monday of this week.
The anniversary services in connec-
tion with the Biuevale Presbyterian
Church were held on Sunday, March
24th. Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter,
preached iutoresting sermons to large
congregations, The pastor W. J. West,
M. A. tools: Mr. Perrin's work at Wrox-
wHITi.0 minora
The home of Mr. 3. W. Mowbray was
destroyed by fire on Tuesday of last
week. The fire was discovered in the
second story and made great headway.
Willtug hands were on hand and saved
nearly all Cho contents on the ground
Poor, but everything np-stairs was de-
stroyed. The loss will be 1tt,avy to Mr.
Mowbray as he carried no insurance.
no NICK.
The following is the Assessor's report
for the year 1904: -Population, 3671;
children between the age of 8 and 14, 453 ;
children between age of 5 and 21, 1106;
children between 6 and 16, 783; male
persons between age of 21 and 60, 857;
dogs in Ford wide 28; dogs inGorrie, 22;
No. cattle in township. 10119; No sheep
in fp., 2619; No. of pigs in tp., 8397; No.
horses in tp., 2222; No. of acres in tp.,
6786.4959-1200; No. of acres fall wheat,
3623; amount of assessment, $2,100,410.-
Cold Settles In the Back.
It hits people in a tender spot and
makes it mighty hard to brace up. Ner-
viline will take that kink out of your
spinal column in short order; it soothes,
that's why relief comes so soon. Nervi -
line penetrates, that's why it cures. Five
times stronger than ordinary remedies
Nerviline cau't fail to cure lame back,
lumbago, sciatica and ueuralgia. Nervi -
line is kiug over all musonlar pain, has
no equal and costs 25c. per bottle.
Mr. Henry Martin, of Whitechurch,
was calling on old friouds its this section
• last week. He returned to Toronto to
write on his examinations at the Uni-
Men's Outfitters. WINQIIAI'i.
visiting friends iu Goderich Iast week.
Mr. John Clark left recently for
Buffalo, where he expects to secure a
Miss Eva Murray has been sick with
pneumonia, and her sister, Mrs. Gordon
was summoned home from Atte Arbor.
Rev. S. M. Whaley was attending the
Synod meeting at Hamilton last week.
++++1 oL•:•y- s .1 i• 1 + 1,3• e✓i b.1+1 1
4 Speci: 1 sale of
Save your Carpet by using our Folded Carpet Paper
7( , ntt•entioi,.
receive prompt + alt
In re -arranging our stock more room is required.
A couple hundred Chairs must be turned
into money at prices quoted. If you need Dining
Chairs it's your opportunity ; if you don't need
theta it will pay you to buy anyway. Come and
examine them.
3 dozen Comfortable Rockers, regular $3.25, for • $1.75
Headquarters for Window Shades Curtain Poles
Rricl:residenet•, lthhouse west
from Iietnitton's Cotner Drug
Stare, where night calls will
The People's
Furniture Store,
.+,.1•°,.t •' ++4 ++++++++++++++++++ 4-e++++++++++++++++++++++++
,4 n
Nothing more useful in the house than a Hamper, that
is, a covered Clothes Basket, to keep soiled clothes out
of sight until wash day, - - each $190
Fibre Wash Tubs the kind that don't go to pieces out
in the sun no hoops to fall off, we have them in all sizes
• each $1.00 to $2.00
Fibre Pails made from the sane materials as the tubs.
You may let them stand full of tv.iter for a year and they
b _ _ each 40c
get no heavier -
y AT
Report for April for S.S. No. 11, Turn -
berry : -
Sr. Iv -Winnie Menagh, Georgina
Phippen, Frank Calhoun, CharIlo John-
Jr. iv -Ernest Linklater, Lnln Currie,
Fred Johnstou. Emily Forsyth.
Sr. III -Annie Fiunen, Willie Lock -
ridge, Roy Netterfield, Maizic Lediet.
Jr. III -Annie McDonald, Lizzie Lock•
ridge, Willie Styles, Earl Groves, Mary
Currie, Laura Calhoun, Ethel Ranson.
Sr. n -Eddie Lockrigde, Edna Finlay,
Aggie Finnen, Albert McLeau, Jennie
Jr. II -Eva Linklater, Ruby Forsyth,
Tiny Weeks, Willie Srigley, Frank
Lockridge, Frank Lediet.
Pt. it -Clare Menagh, Ralph Weeks,
Minnie Sauuders,rsnsie Welsh.
Names are in order of merit.
M. FISIIEB,Teacher.
If You have a Bad Cold,
If you are sneezing and suffering from
a "stuff:ed•np" head and retuning eyes
the hest plan is to gee fragrant. healing
I Catarrhezone. the quickest and surest
cure for cold in the head. coughs and ca -
1 tarrh over discovered. This great heal•
ing agent is carried by the air you
`: breathe all through the passages of the
nose, thrust and lnogs. It soothes the
irritated membranes, kills catarrhal
germs. instantly stops the cough and
sneezing. It's the antiseptic vapor of
Catarrhozoide that dots the comites, A
trtul proves that u. cold can be. killed in a
few minutes by Catarehoznno. Money
back if it fails. Complete outfit $1.00;
entail size 25c.
H+1+•44++•++++,+1r1+1.1• i4+4+44+4+1++4$4+444.1++4
The East Wawanosh Agricultural
Society leas been wound up owing to
lack of cordial support and the member-
ship fees retained Xrom last year's mem-
bers are being paid, There will be a
balance of about $50 in hand and a
committee of three was appointed to see
about that.
Rev. Mr. Edmonds, English Church
iuounibelit, whose charge has been Blyth
Belgrave and Manchester, tendered his
resignation some time ago but has been
pressed to withdraw it and bus done so
oa condition that Manchester be placed
with some other charge as the day's
work was to heavy. The 13eigruve
congregation will bo pleased to have
Rev. Mr. Diomede continue.
Ordinary Corn Salves Contain Acltls.
Brit the old reliable Pntman's Corn Ex-
tractor in entirely vegetable in composi-
tion and does not out or burn the flesh.
It gradually lifts the corn, causes no pain,
and cures permanently. Price 25c at all
druggists. Use only "Putman's,"
April report for U. S. S. No. 8, Turn -
berry and Morris: -
Sr. iv -Mary Wheeler, Bert Elliott,
Lily Hogg, Lily Moffat.
Jr. Iv -Maggie Wheeler, Gershom
Ferguson, George Moffat.
Jr. m -Hannah Walker, Alba Hogg.
Sr. et -Charlie Fowler, Rowlaud Hen-
derson, Pearl Walker, Willie McKenzie.
Jr. It -Mac. Elliott, Ariel Ferguson,
Robert. Hogg, John Wallter, Minnie
Walker, Harvey Anderson.
Pt, n -Percy Martiu,
Pt. 1 -Clarice Moffat.
Names are iu order of merit.
A. Howsox, Teacher.
Chief Ranger Burgess and P.C.R.,
W. H Kerr will represent Court Prin-
cess Alexandria, C. 0. F., Brussels, at
the High Court which meets in June at
Toronto. •
An old landmark in the town is disap-
pearing on Mill street in the pulling
down of the old log house on the lot own-
ed by W. J. Norton, of Lrstowel. It was
bails about 50 years ago by the late
Frank Kelly and in the early Clays the
local Orange Lodge held its meetings up-
stairs in it for a time before their Hall
was built on the same street.
About 25 persons around Brussels who
grew sugar beets last season for the
Wiarton factory and who did not receive
their pay, owing to the financial ember-
rasinent of the Co., are filing their
claims with the expectation of receiving
a percentage, from the bounty to be paid
by the Provincial Government. Prom
$1200 to $1500 will be the total claims
iu this locality and it is estimated that
they will receive about 30 cents on the $.
Mr. A. Wettlaufer shipped 70,000
brie c to Stratford last week.
Mr. John Denholm left Blyth station
last week with a car load of horses for
Neepawa, Metntoba.
Mr. and Mre. Howard Alexander and
Miss Me -gory left Thnrsday morning
for their home in Winnipeg. They spent
the past four months with Blyth and
Klncardiue friends.
.Mr. Themes Watson has sold his
barber shop its plyth to Messrs Samuel
McCracken and Oliver Kellingtou, of
Rrnssels who are now iu possession.
The ren proprietors are graduates of
the Chicago tonsorial college and come
to Blyth highly recommended.
Mrs. T. E. McElroy and two sons left
last week for their new home in St.
George, where Mr. McElroy has been
living for the past mouth, he having se-
cured a good position in a large copper
shop its that village. Mr. and Mrs, Mc-
Elroy were highly esteemed and re-
spected residents of Blyth for many
years nod they carry with theta to their
uew home the beat wishes of their many
friends in this village
Seventeen deaths from tuberculosis in
Hamilton lust month has been reported.
ten -Is
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid fat
twelve pounds of flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion, and by tak-
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished.
Eight cents .a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma-
terial. Some pay more, some
less, some get nothing for
their money. You get your
money's worth when you buy
Scott's Emulsion.
\Ve will send you a little
Toronto, Ontario,
5oc, and $I.00 ; all druggists,
Council met at Cranbrook on Satur-
Last Sabbath morning the quarterly
communion services of Ethel Circuit was
held in Roe's church.
Mrs. Loris Hollinger, 10th con., has
been on the sick list, but is considerably
better now we are pleased to say.
Mrs. Hector McQuarrie's health has
not been very vigorons of late but we
hope she will soon be fully restored.
Friday, Asril 22nd, Mrs. Joseph Arm-
strong, mother to Mrs. Hector McQuar-
rie, 4th con., passed away to her reward
like a ripe shock of corn ready for the
garner. She had been ill for about two
months, the machinery of life having
well nigh worn ont as she was over 80
years of age. Mrs. Armstroug and her
husband lived in Kinloss township
Bruce., Co., for many years and were ,
widely known. Mr. Armstrong died 2I I __-
years ago. The children are: -Mrs. Ed. I
Harrison, of Kinloss; Mrs. H. McQuay rof1 Doremend
ries of Grey; David of Petrolia; Joseph
and William, of Kinloss; John of Mani-
toba; and David, of Montana.
Stout �talui'
Stn PacessLeadingThe Stere
Two Thousand Dollars' Worth
or High -Class Clothing in the
Basement to choose from.
Our prices are in keeping with
the department, "away down,"
The stock comprises the best makes. Garments
made, with good, strong trimmings, guaranteed
to give good satisfaction.
10 Boys 3 -piece Suits,with
short pants, dark tweed
small pattern,well made
and lined throughout.
generally sold at $5.00,
bargain price - $4.00
15 Men's fine Tweed Suits,
dark with narrow stripe,
latest cut, good value at
87.50, special price :0.00
lieu's fine Worsted Suits, in black, blue or gray, nicely
made, good trimmings, fit guaranteed ; our sptuial price $10,00
Men's fancy Tweed Suits, dark with small pattern, very
stylish, regular $9 00 value ; bargain price $7,50
Men's fine tweed Pants,new goods with very narrow stripes,
will give good wear, good value at $3,50; sale price
Youth's Suits iu Cheice new patterus,spendidly trade. new
cut. will give good satisfaction,• regular value $8.00;
our price -
Men's Odd Vests, all sizes, strong, well lined; price to
clear - - - - -
Men's Overalls -all kinds, snakes and prices. See oar leader,
well made and riveted, for -
Men's Rain Gnats, a special Iine of dark grey, all sizes, with
velvet collar; a bargain at - - -
It will pay yon to buy your SPRING CLOTHING here. -
We will save you money.
11. E. ISARD & Co.
Opposite' Bank of Hamilton, - Right goods at right prices.
A hood Complexion
Is a joy to every woman's heart and
man is vain enough not to despise it.
Beautiful complexion means pure blood,
or in other words a healthy body. Tens
of thousands of worsen take Ferrozone
because it's a splendid blood builder,
keeps the system in perfect order and
helps the complexion. "I consider Fer-
rozone the best remedy to give you a
clear ruddy complexion 1 know of,"
writes Miss Ada B. Brandon of Pem•
broke. "My skin used to he sallow but
after taking a few boxes of Ferrozone a
rosy tint was noticeable on my cheeks.
I can recommend Ferrozoneas as a tonic
also." For good health and beauty use
only Fearozone. Price 50c at all drug-
The following is the report of S.' S.
No. 9, East Wawanosh, for the month
of April. The names are arranged in
order of merit.
V. -Bella McDougall.
Sr. IV, -Stanley Elliott, Ella Walker,
Willie Shoebottom, Raymond Elliott.
Intertnecliate IV. -Laura Currie, Har-
vey Linklater, Annie Leaver.
Jr. IV. -Katie Shiell, Wilfrid Pocock,
Tessa Anderson.
Sr, IH. -Maggie Shiell, Garfield Shoe -
bottom, Herbert Burchill, John Kerr. L. MILNE, Teacher.
.Tr. III. -Walter Pocock, Gordon Mr. James Curring, of East Wawa-
Riutoul, Earl Elliott, George Currie and nosh, lost it valuable grade heifer recent -
George Walker (equal), Mary Elliott, ly. It was found bead in the stable. It
Gwendoline Currie. had not been i11 and its sadden death is a
Sr. II. -Pearl Deacon. mystery. Mr. Ouminz hag ouly pnr-
Jr. II. -Verna Taylor. chased this heifer 10 days before, giving
Part I L -Harold Carrie, Harold $120 for it and another.
The greatest
Haar Goads
is COMING in America.
Will be at the
Brunswick Hote nesday, May lath*
LADIES -If you appreciate the added charm and the younger appear-
ance lent to the face by having beautiful hair, do not fail to see the
grand assortment of Switches, Bangs. Pompadours, Wavy
Fronts and Wigs, which Prov. DORENWEND will have with hint.
Consultations entirely free and denioustations given regarding these
beautiful conceptions in natural hair.
Even though you are held or partially so you can regain your form-
er appearauce by weariug Dorenwend's Wigs and Toupees.
They are made to match any
shade of hair. They are a protec-
tion to the head teed a cure for
chronic cold in the head and ca-
tarrh. They are perfectly fitted
to the head and bear no trace of
Poor. DouExwrxn will take measure-
ments and demonstrate the merits of his Wigs.
Don't Forget the Day and Date,
Wednesday, May 18th.
Jr. Part 1. -Eddie McBurney, Russel for Div. No. 2; and Wm. John Jefferson.
Walker, Mary Currie, May Doyle. lot 28, Uon. 7 D.R.O.polling place at
wagon and repair shop on lot 28, Con.
7, for Div. No. 4. --Carried. The Reeve
and Clerk were instructed to get a new
by-law drafted in a correct and legal
manner and printed forthwith. Com-
munication from Jas, Marshall, resign-
ing the office of Tp. Engineer, received
and accepted.
(eorge White, Blyth, was reappointed -
to work the road grader this season, fnr-
nish•two men and two teams, stud to be
paid at the rate of S0;; an hour.
The clerk was instructed to order two
new bits for the grader, to be sent to
The Reeve stated that he wanted to
to take a trip oat West this summer,
and asked leave of absence for sometime.
-Request granted. The Council their,
adjourned till Tlnirsday, 26th of May
next, then to meet as a °out t of Revision
and other business, at 10 o'clock in the
P. PORTEItrXI•.Ln Clerk.
The C P R. has begun the construction
of a line from Sudbury to Toronto.
"Wo are told that salvation is free,"
said Mark 'twain while chatting about
religion a few days before he sailed for
Italy. I think few realiz(i the foot so
thoroughly as a good old soul who lives
near civ summer house at Elmira. Site
told the not loug ago that she had pa•
jored religion for about 13: years ata
cost of but 10 rents. And, she added, it
would not have oast that Much hut
went to a church social RUtti I slid not
know they charged for ice cream.
Walker, Bernice Shiell, Richard Deacon. Miss P. Densmore, of Westfield is
Average attendance, 24. teaching at S S. N t . 3, near C .rlow, re-
ALrCE DCt'>!•, Teacher. lieving Miss Patte) so who -i:• taking a.
The following is the report of S. S. few weeks' rest.
No. 11, Fest Wawanosh for the month The Council met April 30th, pursuant
of April.
5th, Class, (examined in Arith. Algebra
Gram. and Hist. Totnl 465) --Annie
McBurney 3i2, Rohert McBurney 3:36,
Gordon Shiell 271, Edna Iifcfurney 267,
to adjournment; metltbehs all present,
minutes of last meeting read and adopt-
The chief object of this meeting was
•------ Allan Pattison 174. to hike into further consideration, and
Sr. 4th. Class. (examined in all the dispose of the petitions presented 24'h
entrance work. Total 1070,) -Minn March last, for and against the re -sub•
Currie 678, Ednintid Irwin 672, Elsie mitring of another by law to the rate-
' Shiell 600, Stuart McBurney 540, Ed. payers to aid and assist the purchase of
Fitzpatrick 518. the right of way for the Guelph Junction
Jr. 4th, Class. (examined in Arith. Railway via Croderkh, s.nburu aihd
Grain. and Comp. Total 260). -Clay Myth, ete.
enee Shiell 152, Alex. hien 131, Joyce Messrs. M. reeckhart and Jas.Nicking-
McLean 139. botlhatn were present in the inter •sts of
Sr. 3rd. Class. (examined in Amit, the Ii.y. (:o. and time appeared to ark'r
Gram. and Comp. Total 250 )-UIive any opposition to agaiu submitting a by
Carrie 151. , law to the ratepayers. After consider -
Jr. 3rd. Class, (examined its Arit). nble di'9cussion, it teas moved by Mr.
and Geography. '.Coral 150..)--Adanh i Beecroft, secouded by Mr. Menzies,
Mc13m hey 138, James Currie 154, Nettie that this council submit a new by-law to
McLeau 143, Birdie Robertson 140, Met, t etubrace all the lost in Cous. 1, w, 3, 4, 3t,
Ferguson 123, Luella Shiell 95, Norman',. 6 and 7 of tile Tp., the vot.r to I:i3 taken
McNeil 92. Hersou Irtt in 85.
eon Saturday, 4th Jnntt neer.
Jr. 2ad. Class. • •Edna Nit :tieil. Stalker, tut 42, Con. 8, D R 0., polling
Sr. Part 1.-Idilton hic)3ttrney. place 8,:hool House, No, 10. Con. 2, for
Inter. Part 1.--I1t,zella WNW, Edna' Dic, No. 1; John S. Scott, D.lt t), poll-
Iiobertsou. I ing place School lions° No. 131 Con. G,
. stethlrsh, de 14-9
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Grip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
('r:Pfer.PVR 1. along estnhil+hed and Standard returth• for N e diseases indicates, it
sMre, hee+.utsa the air renderer, strongly 611/5511 c is ear :c.t mer the diseased surfnees
Of the hrourhini tohel ttith pVery brAath, giving proinnced and constant treatment.
Those at a.nu suniptive tendency, or entterera frou, rhront.• hranthitis, title immediate
seises from coughs or lufiatned conditions 01 the: throat. Itederiptit a booklet free.
LEE'tl\(:, itlt.rrS aC ('O.. td i Notre Dame FA., 1.onteenl, ('atindlau Aaent5
Antiseptic Tablets
tliettelved in the mouth are effective andsafe for
coughs and irritation of the throat.
)ti(C st. box. !.tt. DenteateeeTe Bot