HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-05, Page 3THE WINGIAU! TUI ES,. MAY 5 1904 Area comelnatimt of tint active prinele�les 0 the most v +melee eegetable romance ens eta- tia acs ansidhrertiers et tho Livor, Stamm* asci Bowels. • Mole liendaohea Jaundice, Heart. burn, Catarrh or the $tomaob, Deea1- nesse lelgtobe*, and )Pi1mpletlt. leyssaepyia, sour Stomach, Wator Brush. Lever Co;rztalalrtt, (Sallow Or 41404y Complexion. Sweeten the breath and Weir :any alt haste *A'I voimm on't natttrr from the sybtezn. 1"it•n'>.5o. a kettle or 5 tut ton, 1111 dealer's erTun T, IKir.:tuns Co., Limited, Toronto, DEPARTMENT JF AGRICULTURE TUN C1I'iFA,:ii'1 'J•'fiA,ITi 1`►Ot1, In kti4 report reearrre ; 'the eheeae trade es 1903 4r. A. W. Cr•n•,eo. •1g-' eat of the Department of A,Itr'ettl"tre in Great [let lin, rt'11cis warn• stt•:1re', Lion" ibnt merit the •rttene tons no mnkere and osn1+•r' n^Q WI says • Tin eliai "e :nerve r)" 1'113 was n moat succes''fut ear: there t1"s ti lama i..e„"' ' to ihn nn•in' i'}' tint. the steady' IArproverreet le the nu lite war so !meet that in ssp'te o'. very heavy cunpliea the praTes reeli'w.d ntn the whole were snt.isfectory. The mild sweet. pnlitnble fllver, ea ti's- ttntgu'shr d 'ra'm the hunted end bit - Mg eller scter .a'notieeable in eorwer years b s'drrtated a large co'nsu' p - tin demand, which will hive a tend- teee .to do aws'y with this diem -nate-- tkot: in value between Cinadittn and 'inrrl'sh cliedenr, The practice of shipping toe new or ":xraen" cannot be too emphatically ..ndemned, as it ,got only sjrele the ale, but hurts the reesetnt'an of Can- dl"r cheese. Tee_ salesmen as well • the esparto -1. is to blunt; for n' t1- ,' rtire, immature ebeeee nee the nn+rrr+a ttif fnrter,na ahnnlr1 ,naict that ' tear ealee 4ttr,niri he 1..11 in the. n„r_ r ° rrtn•t't w't'1 it is 1' ."'f z•' n rn"rli 1`n e twit pews satisfaction to ter Flrit- rh myrisumcr. INCREASED Ae ey the utero from Deputation Province, 15,1 mouth issued, the same were Matson making The cases ported :mal(pox'.., scarlet Diphtheria... Measles...... Whooping Typhoid Consumption DEATH RATE. n n rcoeived ii of heals It list month t a reporting' t 80.8 of the n death rate1 for any was first „ ago. For , 2,429 deatos v poll- t 60,000, thus , 1,000 14,7. , disease* re- ,. Deaths. : 48 0 10 267 , 46 30 , 2 0 1 80 i 14 l 197 1 ording to the returns provincial board were •4,415 deaths all causes, from of 1,717,081, cr whieh makes the per 1,000, the highest since the bulletin about eleven years month last year recorded, but the reporting w:zs greater -by the death rate per of contagious were as follows: , Casos. ,., ... .,, fever... ... ... 223 ... .., l,,, ... _.. cough ,., , .,....... .,. ... ... . Little ° SOLUTE .+ ,,,.„EC Genuine «r'a0 Liver Meet Boar �Ze.•- Seo Fac-Sinaito r [ji]lftiQ� 1 t , 1 ; s , Pills, , i of • +� y ' t 1 c:ow, ilia•�t3 feeonaturo . P-!�rtlyper Very amali and as e,:..sy to take ns at:;ar. LIVER. SKIN. COMPLEXION 7ja WAt i.,..4 /' tom§ LIU) i'�'�'s^E a, I vER P' LLB,. ..•, 1 :'f' MC DIZZINESS. tell BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID F0 CONSTIPATION. PON SALLOW FOR THE (X WT.nnvt 2(trice I 03NIVrJ.k Its cents r+uralI" Vegetub. : CURE SICK HEADACHE. Dizzu? Appetite poor. Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? Head ache?` It's your liver! Ayer's Fills are liver pills, all vegetable. notdfor 0,;A •orCo.. sixty •years. i.owot ,Many. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE NUM Q. 11. P. HALL.! CO., NAannA. H. e. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN Till?, TIMES` Valet C' irtndr „r Che ee tike a'rr^e- nnr. in +h•n t#,teree rte r'',n-,.m^ bele 'In h„ rho -r.. -n +rn^i r+t^."`T r.n,"q.,.,,d •n rt- „n,+•,nenhl'' nrrif n„1.. ,n nn 114 it. ^'1^,n t•ea he n,lve„+erre n+ nr'vt'n/lett n bonsai- nr7tll^ n"^renin.tt. nr ehr'nk•see. Due - Ter the a ;eeen of 1x,12 ware ",t-nr'.4" rle et: fare+ oT111•..••ed an the Bei ti n nrke} enme of the a:errors' Asscele- ions vbjacted. and even want en for as t+i der,isnd an allownnc' in weights, nti ii sena „oon rrev,11 that there 'AMS has shr'nkeee. whiche eel ded to 1 }e merovad qunlrty en'! nroe^,•enre he cheese qu' .kle erseter! 1 b--ee rir•- hand for chrese cam's~; rrem tieeGrv- crr.men L •curinag sttat'en 1 r•t an •i:d- vnnce in Pea", c9mp•r''1 io t•hr,•so oroi•tg `tom the O ai:levy fact' res.:. Boxer' Cheese, The p'reeni:'g' of ,i ken Lox^_s was ani se high during t. ei T t .'iii r'an`t yr ry I11,rh. i.regine: r.'on 5 to 2:, fr•r ct'nt. Th' ::11'ng eat in br^,alta^ is du' to: (.I) Darrel se^ree, wh'eh tn•cltes the taxa: lee; l:rittie. (2) :,tart care on the port cf the Leering co:meanies an loading stow - rig and 'cl:srharging :,arl;oes this \vcrk ir,mg clo..s+Iy wreathed by the ln- cnerlors of your Department. (3) The tee: of boa's, of better qual- Iy. The hitter point wit; ver;' netiee- bl. in pit.eeQ corning from the C,r:v- rnmz it curing. stnt'oas the boxes b3 - ng mods of heavier material; tl'c I rc:;nca e of broken box's did not ruse above two per cent., wheel reeves t hat it is falai economy to bay cheap lxcs. Care should ue taken not to ape green, uneeasone.i bas. s, as this cheese, ,articularly at the top and Bottom may be dantiged in ,c),u.t.ty frian this cause :'lone. Skin .Brand on Cheese. Leiriine 3relish importers of Lansdian chcete re in favor of branding (sheens indet- bl)• s'itic the month in which they are z tale. Some years ago "Sal>tember' hcesu became the favorite, but' owing to the fru, revenient in the qutlity of uit..cee made ;luring Jt:1;; ant August, brought about ))y (Ito s;'stein of "cool curing" trtroducel by the Derrarircetit r .r other snakes a,. 1... L culture the � of A,,, r, , months have proved to Gs neir[y as good in quality as Sut,tcinb:trs. 1L is claimed that unscrupulous dealers in Cutada as well Js t:, Cres: Britain quota 'Septembers" :it :"uclr low prices that the suPpetion is coat they are the mike •;:'i other rnontlts, and elan ,inftr:ority in quality isnot d;seov.red ttatil after c:eltv;r: Li tat- en. If the month o£ make was brand- :1 tr, co on 'the cheese they weu1.1 b_i' ' old • JUST A COLD SETTLED: IN TILE KIDNEYS, DOT IT TURNED TO QROPSY, IT WA8 QUBEII BY DOAN'S gg KIDNEY PILLS. Read of This Wonderful Cure. It Nay Do You or ',lour Friends Some Good to Know About It.. Miss Agnes C'reelmau, Upper Smith' field, N,S., writes: -About 1t3 months ago I caught cold. It settled in my kicl- noys, and finally turned into Dropsy. My face, limbs, and feet were were zrntclr blotted, snit. if I pressed my finger on them it would make a white impression that would last fully a minute before the flesh regained its natural color. 1 was advised to try DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, and before I hod used half a box I could notice an improvement, and the one box completely cured roe. I have never been troubled with it since, thanks to DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Price 50e.per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; all dealers, or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. HOCKEY FOR ST, LOUIS. TWO CANADIAN TE,A.NrS WILL PLAY AT TILE 1 IC FAR. Belleville, Apr'1 22 -"Reddy" Mc - Wenn t''e steamy tee rel of ho' e,' daring the past btieeen, is soars, ,in company with other (median hockey players, to figure as oar of the, attrao- tious tit tho St. Lou's Expasttion. It scents that n. Mr. Smith, of Cornwall, is to take two Canadian teams to sal •y hockey at the L•'xeositi.)n, en attifici',l ice.: rink being- built for the purpo::o. The men for the teams are now baiter picked in Canada. "Reddy" was of- fered a position on the. teem and Iris accepted a, The men will b: cl• send as guides, and will play hockey "on the side." The agreement s'gned calls for t}tair reporting in it. Louis by Una' 15:11. and tate engagement is fee sixteen weeks. S•irilie, who last'win- ter played on the Pietoa teem, will be one of the World's 1''air hockeyists. Mr. Smith, manager of the Canadians, is married to ; ateenter of a 3t. Louis Far diractoi. INSURANCE RATES. ANOT11:11 A DV A N C 14 HAS BEEN ..UD14 Al' LONDON London Ont., Apra 2:2 -Every insur- ance a;;ent in Lhis city r.•eciv:ct this mornin; a circular Item this Canadian Fere Und:rwriters' .,l::soeiation, not- ifying them of another rdvane' in insurance r ties in the basire :a :'eet:a•.t of the c:ty, the manufacturing and business r:sks having, been advanced ma ou every Vetwand and the resic'en - tiat r:sk in the immediate vicinity of the business section $5 a thousand. The policies for the residential risks will cover those •t• yt'ars, whri s the busi- ness risks' w'lI only cover oda year. A few m•:.ath's. a ;o a aims irerease was ro de on account of in icl'q'.iate fire c qu pment.. The city wee giver: to urd.r':tand thtt when a standard bad b::',t. reecho 1 a selbete •a' S2 e tlrcrosa:,.i r,oul l bt p'v n so th.t thea it does eu into effect. t•te in er •,t •, will lei $:t :i tl:+.tts•r. Canadian Patents 11ub:r. ?.1. Taylor, II:tmilten, Ont., incandescent electr.c lamp; Joseph eloreau, 'tet. G.rnz:in de Grantham, Que., rossin;; Machine; John Mcin- tnsh, Alexandria, Ont„ carriage pole: lith^xt Allard, Dlontrazl, Que., safe- ty dev:cs for elevators; James Munro, :tr elea',„ aw, N Y., siring b d ; 'airiest Ab sea, Ile d-Neuhe: tn, Germany, cardiac trusses; Gustave L•s Isiouchel, Lon - doe, 11 ie., structures in or ai[jacenl t,g watt re :ys, POLO SUMMER OF 1816, WILL SU'blb113R 01? 3,004 ill's Will TBIS1 „aha McNabb writcz, to the fort 11i81n Tunas:. 7 rte wiutur wo have just. passed through has bteu a very) severe ono,, Aill.ouae A resident of this count{') Lor true past Ga- years I have never S-s'cz unytILi413• 1,k'; it, However, thtra art: instances in this eeountry LrI winters that not only lasted, longer, but the cold was mors intense end the sr,:Aw fails grottttsr. Notably tee yea; 1816. 1 will give. your in detail the weather accoumits during tiro .t-ontlzs of that tuonao'tb[u year. January, very .mild, tires' almost aweless. TeelfLIS month previous ties, vary cold, February, not very cold, . Mare'', cold used boise:rulzs,. Apra, began wept, but grew, cold- er u$ the .month acivanoed,, ending with snow and ice. May, butts and Lruits were frozen, lee formed beif an inch thick, corn Au.- killed and replanted again: uitd again, until deemed too late.' June, very teed, frost, ice and snort- were common. Snow fell to the dektli of 10 incites in Vermont. July, accompanied by snow and August, ice termed alt inch, thick, le New 'England and Aliddle; Staters scry little Corn ripened, e September, tie* weeks of mtid wea- ther. after the middle cold tu,nd fros- ty. rogty. Ice formed qua}ter of an ;nen thick. October; frost and ice were cent - neon. November, cold and blustry, snow C014 so as to snake good sleighing, .December, mild and comfortable, The above is a, brief summary of the "Cold summer of 113111," as it was called, the year showing the re- markable record of frost and ice ev- ert month therein. The sun's rays seemed to be destitute of heat tl:reuahcat the year and all nature was clad in a 'sable hue. The aver - testi wholosile price of flour; during the year was thirteen dollars per barrel in Philadelphia, f A1'h ee a e s, ft. "nae er)n,it turn away woe to '',.'•'n ore rite a oeeat one datives , mere Frt'i-f lotion. r tt calling a meet a on their Merits, rind speeulators wito bought cheats lines of July, August, October or' November snakes wculd be debarred from quoting thein by cable or other" int as "September's." Len S. W. MOUNTED 1'OLICi;. The report of the 'ease -tits -est Mcunt- e.a laciese for 1903, jus issued, is quite an inttrast us d.:eumettt, t;ornmis- s:oner t'er'ry states that the increase of population of the Territories, hat b..ett grater than in any previoazr year -the ,addition being some a5J,O:,0 -but regretfully adds that the repel :settlement alweys attracts a certain latvlrs3 and unites:ruble element, and as is evident from the year's .rimers report, the Northwest Territories are not an exception to the:rule. A com- parative statement is given by: Com- missioner ferry of the increase of crime, as follows: • • Offences. I903. 1900. Against the parson ... 435 214 Against property.., ... 667 :.33 Against public order i 26 1. Seainst Customs Act A,oittst r:I:gso.t and mor- a ls... L73 :3aa5 Agains', Indian Act ... ,., ... 260 1St .lanins: Railway Ant 313 ' 511 a.. to, adin. offences .., 1. 8 C.:rrneeion an", disobedi- ence .,.... 30lir Aga ns lir ,tg ordi.ta:.ces7;5 2:5 - total,,, ,:s., ,,. 3.315 1,351 The above table covers r hee cases its:nriltel by the mou.nted police, but r.ot the eases euterad by, the munici- pal police. Mr. ferry says that 2,1113 convictions were made rn the 3,315 , cases entered, an increases of 1,2;18 cases and 1,0J3 convictions over j902. Ten years sago the total poputaticn of the territories was estimated at 113,- 600 and the convictions Were,614. New the papulation is 1;50,000, the: oonvie- :ions 2,013. But the increase sof toe - sections is 1ar;t,ly due to !offences of e patty nature. There were 88 cases , of horse stealing entered, but only 34 convictions. This is by far ;the most difficutt class of ,crime to deal with, and owing to the demand for .horses is $1(i,L,EP F*i,L.ETS. SAN JOSE ScALE Cair 13 lik I11lU $' LEGS, CAi.`lINir DI A�TT1. The an Jose soele is declared by the;go`ern,rient fruit trees inspooter, Theneas Deattio,'to b'? destri4ative to chickegs as welt as to fruit tyres. A week ago Landis C: Bradt, .of St. Gath- crines, lost nine Plymouth Dock pul- 1et4- in a mysterious meaner, and Vet- erinary Surgeon laliiott, who was eel:- ed in to perfornr a pust,wortent exam- iu4tiorr, Expressed the epinion that tee birds had dlcd area toe close coefine. anent. Mr. 13radt, however, batt al- low•ud the clecl?;ens to roost iu the xlu.ut trues during the season, ;tuts veiled in the Sao Jost seine lag"( C•• tor, who found tate tees of tbq birds aura covered with the scale. liZAR TILE SOUTHERN POLE. The ,most fruitful expedition in the history of Antarctic exploration is that wh:ait arrived itt New Zealand early this month on its return trom the southern polar ,region. The 4.1: - rearing ship, tits Discovery, was artier command of Capt. R. F. Scott, royal nary, trod left Great ,Britain• in 3901, After to,zehtng at Lyttelton, Newi Lea- laud, the Discovery proceeded and ranched without ditticuity A. point vlf Victoria Land, about 78 degrees south le+titude and 17d east lonat,tude under the shadow of Mounts Erebus ln:l 'Terror. 'this was mode the base .)L' up.rutious. The p.u•ty i:t tile first year olr,:•ned up the great Anttt%ctic continent to the east, and eliecovered u large at'ea of higii land which they Lame°after King Edw.urd. C.'ptein !toss, Lieut, Sliuckicton sand lir. Wit - lea.: pushed southward a,mitl the, er.aL- es1 hardship, as far as;84 degrees 17 minutes, some 250 miles from their ease of operations. This is the. south- ernmost point ever reached by ex- plorers. One hundred degrees of frost were recorded in Blay, 1903; but the winter was less windy and more agree- able dein the previous one. • Slodg- iue parties again atarted out le Sep- tember lust, the beginning oar the lnt- arctic summer. Captain ScoLt and eleven men started went and; eresto3 18,. degrees, the mae,nctio mer da•a, o:t Nov.20 in longitude about 155 1-2 de - grees east. The party reached a ;eclat 270 milds from the ship in latitude 78 degrees south and 146 1-2 degrees eac,t. The; repeat that the interior bf Vic- toria; Land stretches continuously at. a NO SPOTS ON THE SUN* COLT} WEATIII:R IS NOT GENERAL UN i ORTII' AIM:1RICAN CON'i R - ENT, In his recent report 1r R. F. Stu - part, director of the Dominion, Mete- orological Service, does not favor the view that the unprecedented colts is caused by spots on the! sun. Ile pointe out 'that the cold is not general on tire North Arneriean• ,continent. In ITtah„ for 'instance, the weather isof e mild description. Te Great Britain and Europe generally, lie says, the vtcather is about the average for this time of the year. +: Tft NATURE AND THE SCHOOIS. There was .a time: when ell know- ledgo considered worthy of the schools was coRtailed In books, and came down eromthe distant east, habits of thought based on this idea have had ani immense influence on cue methods of teaching, and are re- ar onsibie for the belief that stick is I It'; on1Y means of education. Literature and history can never be ignored, so long as our minds are influenced by the great minds and the great events of all ages and all countries. -But we are begin- ning to sea that learning is not; lim- ited to books, and that education COMAS through the study of the com- mon and the practical as well as thrown tine remote and the theoret- ical, An important result of this modern way of 'thinking is seen in 11ie interest now shown in nsture as n n.eans of education, Nature has always been childhood's t'irst and best teacher. The child gains tram the real �:orld around 'him a train- ing that 'sant b3 got in no other way. Hie learns not merely to know but. to do and to feel.; his 'heart and litre hands cera trained as well as file head. The wisdowz of nature's meth- od is shown by the fact that' in her kindergarten dunces are extremely rare. In schiools, where one. -sided book -learning prevails, they ere ex- iremely ctommon. Nature Study aims to encourage the childish 'spirit of enquiry and of activity by appealing to things rather than, te, becks. It culls for seeing and thinking rather than mas- tering what others have seen and K t.l, ht Nature h � � t re study is the eY- height of 9,000 feet :,nd is evidently fort of the schools to continua Nat - a vast continental plateau. Oa Jan. arc's method as 'a basis and a inep- t; of this year the rel.el ships Blornin; t nretian for later studios in literature ur,e: Terro 13,)va arrived at the edge c f i anA science. the: icefield in which the Discovery i It, infancy and ejtrly ch:I.11too 1 tia- wae embedded and by means of dyn- tures beet assist'tnt and interpreter anitine the ice w,ts broken up. A is a kiurl mdtlwr. For the growing shortage of coal compelled the: ships !child the teacher :rust take the place to return north. j of the partuts, and should combine The scientific work accampli,he4 b; + the same sympathy with a liyely in- th<• exped:t'o•i was of gre tt impart- Wrest in nature and a wide know - Lance. Sandstone foes 1 rema.:us of ledge of Nature's works and meth- dicotyledoneus plants ::t an altitude Inds - of 8,000 Leet were aiscoverad, showing j For tiro people of this your, eosin - that the Antarctic ono: enjoyed a i lender climate, probtbly in the , Miocene per:od. The trent of biologi- cul evidence shows that Aaterctic i flora and fauna arc compase.0 of etc - me nts similar to Those which existe•k t throat bout the Atrct:c rcgies's, mall tams an immense continent once• con- t n::eted the' Antarctic land an:l Aus- tralia. The results of the magne. e. t investigations are of great value, ere- i tieuous o'bs.rvaticns being taken in! Ithe neighborhood of the magnetic pose 1 `The expedition is bringing home frith 1 it a mass of data anti a store eef ocl- I t lections that will throw a'flood of ' lithe on 'the darkest area. of our globe so far as human knowledge is con- ` corned. Neither the German .tor the Swedish expedition were able- to cross) trf' T1atwo la more th%1a a ' ameher, Tba great 'raa,jority of our onildrispi now at school till be mixed In' a .tow yearsr iii winning s.' living from five. soil or closely' relata4 triotus.. tries, Sono of these atilt eureeed, seen},s �tr'ill fail. &tree will find fan Nature a. Triepd ;}.rd a helper; Others will see kap' the sumo biaturu +solus •e:, hard and cruel taskmaster. Some will grow up to hate the fares; others will find in country life happinesew- and satisfaction. Tltoso vito would live at peace with Nature Must learn, her ways. Very: much: dependss on the schools. Farmers' 'Institutes, clYomen'5 In» stitutes, Agrioultura1 Colleges and journals are doing splendid work; but these must deal with grown men, anti woxaon. If the fieboels error oat° the boys and girls away frons, tern, life, 't wilt be a. losing struggle to atte3unt to win these hick in latex years. Nature study in our rurtil cch,aols Roust connect the school with ter: farm , and the Immo , a;ad six xuakc education rt preparation for the real life of the great majority,, Such a -training will give the freer- dean that comes from the mastering 4f our surroundings, and the few who are able is go ani to Chet -higher, learning of college and university will find no better basts for a truly' liberal education. Deafness Cannot be'Cured By local applioatieus, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies.. Deafness is caused by an iuflamtued con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube is iuflan,ed you have a rawbliug sound or imperfect hearing, and when it isen- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tabe restored to its normal condition, heating will be destroyed for- ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an iia• flammed couthtioa of themaooussurface We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY cC Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, Tae, Tale Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Andrew Gourley, of Sebring, has de- oided to cast in his lot with Dowse, of Zion City. He has sold all his property., and leaves for the west. Gourley bas invested considerable of Itis cash in the Zion industries, contending they P.av g ood dividends, and are money -making con- cerns, He became interested in Dowie's teaching about five years ago,and is now a firm believer in faith cure. He says he was cured of a wound in the head in a mire - onions way, without stirgical operation of any kind. His family, he says, will joie him shortly at Zion City. Mr. Gourley is a matt of more than ordinary intelligence, of exceIIent character, and nobody doubts bis sincerity. Pawning an engagement ring is a pledge of love. Pain rn LA m Shout der CALLED RHEUMA- TISM. There is a great deal of pain and ache termed Rheu- matic -sometimes called Kidney lain. The back aches, shoulders, side, and 'tips. A cold will cerise pain and distress in the t,at:t, Mane), and Bladder trouble. In cases of this kind use Anti -Pill and see how quickly you will get relief. It acts on all the largo glands of the body. Any one who doubts should write for a free sample to Witso> -Frt,s Co., Ntsgara Falls, Ont. I)r. Leonhardt's Anti -pill is a perfect System Treat- ment. Price, 50 cents. r L IN W\,• Si BYWAL Iib I B iV FOR SALE 1. I C I3A TO IcI� B 0 . the Antarctic circle in their ship, and the latter met with rare bad fortune,! The geographical work accomplished I' I by these expeditions amounts to very; little though in other direct inns nbun- 1 dant, observations have been .dodo. The Scottish expedition is now op its I way home, and its commander, 11r. Bruce, .will no doubt be able to give interesting detail3 concerning tine 4,000 ,miles of unexplored ocean whieh, it is stated, lie hats been able to par - 1 • on the increase. Several bands of 'vcy. '. afit5 SO nervous Site horses were brought in from: the to -I • Could Nat Sleep At MAL ilea States dist the police had every �, reason to believe were stolen, but the INVESTIGATING CHILD'$ DEATH.I PARENTS A1,LEGED TO HAVE NE.; GLECTP:D '1.'O CALL, IN 1'1iY 1- ' Clil,N IN ", Ute . . St. Thomas, Ont., A'tpril 23 -- The County Crown Attorney has ordere:l utt inquest to be held( into the reuse of tite death of Audrey. Merrill, the 11. year-old daughter of Robert. 11. Kennedy, *sr. C. 11. conductor, No. it iittgles shirt. The ehk[d died last Friday' 'morning train the effects of diphtheria., and it is claimed that her parents. who aro Christian Selene tists, neglected to call en a, physician until it was too la.to to nave her rife. The date gat holding the inquest Tree not nut been decided "upolx, t Had Pal(►itetion of the Heart and Lots of Appetite - Are You Otte of Those Troubled in this Wage If yoe aro, MILaBUI1N'S HZAR1` AND NERVtt ''ILLS wdl Caro You -They Guro 1?iorvous. ness, SIeepfessnos5, Ansonia, Faint and Dizzy Spens. General Debility, and All Heart or Nerv6 Trbublei. teed. what Mrs,'C, IT, BaenaCoboronk, buys about theta: --Over six years ago I was troubled with palpitation of the heart and loss of appetite. I was so nervone 1 could not sleep .at . night. I took MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE .DILLS. Thev cured me, and 1 have not been bothered since. Price 50e. per box, ot'' 3 for $1,25; all deniers or Thi- T. 1`'I1}burn Coe Limited, Toronto, Ont, • 'brands" were so well worked that the owners could opt be discovered, i and therefore nothing could b' dente; Cal.tle stealing is prevalent in tato I ranching regions, and the police are I very often unable, through the reti- pence of lenchcrs for ;leer of repris- als, to eecure information that would lead to the arreet and ftunislsntent of Ile criminals, Tho mounted police force 111: the ter- ritories numbers 490 officers and men, le tinder the strength authorized, but Z8 more than in 1902. The forts• is noir; distributed from, the internal Ton- al boundary to the Arctic ocean atrt.l from 1luetsou's 13ay to 'Ihe, 11aska boundary, Theta are tight divisions in the territories, each with: a head- quarters post, and there asci 84 de- tachments with 181 oft}eers gird mess constantly empioystd on detached du- tx'. 01 course, 55 aro distributed .mut• ong 21 rtotaolententg aieag the inter.tr.,. tiottal bettndaery,'. , • "To trove to youthat Dr. Ch•tsu's Ointment is acertain • 4;7%and absolute euro for each ty' and every form of itching, bieedingand proti-wlint; piles. 1.1i4 ma"u'achtre•"e ',eve t:uarnnteed it. See tes- •'•n ,nada in the gaily i•re.is and ask your neigh. ' n^ wh tt tier think o' it, Yon can use it and i ''o'tr taonry tui -it if not mired. c'nc a. beg. at de:.l:'rsnri:nu.t 'sow,13,t't'las& Cc.,Toronte, i -) r. C;"'rt*'kt'ss Ointment Mr. Wm. Bennett, who has been ab- sent from home for 33 years, and un- : heard of for 20 years, arrived in Milver- ton recently from. Culverts County, Oali fornix, when he is interested in mining and farming, For n number of years he was en;tlred in the engineers' depart - anent on the boats plying between China Japan, Australia, and San Francisco. 'Mir. Bennett arrived in 14lilvertontlating the snow storm and was not very favor- ably impressed with the kind of weather that wo have been having. When he , Ieft California the bay was in the coil, fell wheat ersa t hootilig into head, and the early cherries were MI the market. He has seen 'a vast Change since th., dine of his departuro, "lel gio ' p0 DUST 1t;;P.f,i'F-uu rgo vow. v..ca i!°'irn'7> t. Don't plod along like your grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and rubbing., :takes. ilousetvorK easy. It cleans everything ai=d injures nothing. More economical than soap. v1ade only by THE N. lt,1=A1RB,1NK CQMVANY, Clz'icheb. New York, Boston. St. Louis. Montreal.