HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-05-05, Page 1• Jumped fro Early Ysiaturday IE. Farrow, wife • mail clerk, of Wi second story win Windsor. in whi 1 hospital site was a patient, striking h cr head ou the ground, i and sustaining in; tries from which she died two hours la came 111 about a t fever, and was re The fever brougli case became so have her under About five o'cloc lirious, Mrs, Far and made a dash I sister in charge 1 woman broke aw for help, but window was ra threw herself t• descent she stru plunged through ed on the gravel it appeared as th speech, as she ma. tall: but could n Farrow is son of 1 Brussels, and we I, ceased was form and was some ye Wiighain. ' THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XXXIIL.--NO. .1682. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, TIIUESDAY, U.Y 5. 1904. $1 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE The weather doesn't say so—but the calendar does. It's Springtime — renewing time. Now is the right time to buy, and this is the right place to buy at. We needn't go into any long argument why this is the right place to buy at, either. Most folks know us as our customers, or have heard of us through these self -same customers, We only claim what we believe is the fact, and that is, that we've the biggest and best stocks of Tweeds, Caps, Gloves, Hats, Shirts, Hosiery, etc. in the County. We have the newest of everything—and we've :values vat nes tha t court com- parisons no matter where you've a mind to make them. Be sure you see our goods before buying elsewhere, A pleasure to show goods. moosoomowoolemowowtowaws Homutli Bros. J. & J. H. Kerr's old stand Macdonald $lock, • WINGHAM MARRIAGE LICENSES lamed by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINGHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,4 7 4,00 0 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in. Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. S. Vanstone. Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— )30N.'CVat. GInsbN. Vice -President and General Manager -J. TenvhutL. ] A ECTOB$ L1e John S. Roach, n Geo. Proctor, A. Inapeotor—$,.M. Wano$7. Honest Goods Honest Prices That's what you want— and. .what you get when you trade here. R. A. Hutchison e GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 slainga Bank -Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 'to L Deposits of $1 and upWards received. In. West allowed, and computed ou the 80th No- , wember and Slat May each year and added to principal. $ceche deposits Mao received at ourrent rases ot interest. Hrfftb en (*reel; Britain and the United Mates Bought and Gold. Trevellets are notified that the Gault of l atn- ttax and its Branches issue Cirouler Bates of teetienal Provincial Bank of Enggland, Limited, 1>erste* tem be el let any art oft withoutwoCharge or trort- VV. '4,OBnOtrx.D, Agent DIO t1NBON at BOWIES, Solloitora. Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lauds for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 6 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. liIacKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. IReal Estate Notice. I Do you intend to buy property in town this SprinfiP lf you do, 1 ecu save you sou.e rnoney if you buy from nxo. I invite you to call and have a look at what I have to offer you. Pricey from $800 up to :13,500, according to quality and location. I have some special bargainsthat I would like to show you, and I feel certain Ivan satisfy you in house property no matter how particu- lar you xray be. Dig sale of Manitoba lands on at present. Call and get prices. C..7. MAGUIRE, Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent OFFICE—Vanstone block, Wingham. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Died a London. Mr. Edward B. vies, father of Mrs. Robt. Johnston of this town, died at St. Joseph's hospital, London, on Tuesday of this week. M . Bowles had been hi failing health for some time. He was for many years a esident of Paisley at which place the f neral took place. Mr. and Mrs. Johnsto left on Wednesday morning to atten the funeral. Oddfellows The officers and Lodge, Iudipende lows, and visiting the 85th anniversa "At Home" in the on Wednesday e There was a large hers of the Order p Anniversary. embers of Maitland t Order of Oddfel• members celebrated of"the Order by an hall, Mason block, Hing of last week. umber of the mem- esent. Varieties of Wear Greer's Show and Rubbers Machine Shop a Mr, W. G. Paton Vasbinder's interest and repair business a the old stand. Th Vasbinder will be ret lie will be assured o Paton will also cont ing business an are now busy drillin school house in Ea advt. in another col d Well Drilling. es purohased Mr. the machine shop d will continue in services of Mr, Med and the pub - good work. Mr. ne his well drill - his workmen well at Martin's Wawanosh. S mn. tal WANTED—A Car ing green for the se A. J. IRWIN. A Huron Another of Hur ed away last week, Higgins, at the age ouly remaining ne cinity is the wife o ing a niece, by wl buried on Satnrda tery.--Clinton Nes the readers of the Mr. Higgins. He and a cripple, hav a number of year lived in this viten ago. or the bowl. Apply to Da. amusements, cigars and fruits were pro- vided throughout t e evening, and not one of those in att• dance left in any- thing but a highly s tisfied manner. Baptist Ann al Roll Call. The Annual RoII all and Tea held in the Baptist Church st Thursday even- ing was a decided s. cess. The greater number of the resient members and adherents were in attendance, while many from a dista e sent letters or Scripture quotations to be road in re- sponse to their nam s. After the Roll Call the meeting adj • trued to the base- ment where refreshnl • me were served in excellent style by th members of the Ladies' Aid Society Mrs. George C. Hanna presided at the organ to the de- light of all present. The neat sum of $63.75 was realized in the thank offer- ing. Wome• n's 1 stitutes. Superintendent Pn man, of Toronto, has now completed tit: list of Women's Institute meetings th • t will be held in the rural districts th oughout the Pro- vince dttring May an • June. There are eleven divisions, to e. ch of which have been assigned two :cturers, the total number of meetings . eing 220. Domes tic science as related to the faun Rill be the feature of the ddresses. Among the speakers will be Mrs. Colin. Campbell, of Gode 'oh, and Mrs, D. McTavish, North B acs', The annual meeting of the Win .1. am Viroiaen's In. ititute Will bo held •. Chisholm's Hall •t* Friday afternoons of this Week at 2.30 o'clook. ioneer Dead. 's old pioneers pass - in the person of John of 83 years. His relative in this vi - Job Cooper, she be- nt the deceased was last in Clinton ceme- Era. A number of 'IMES will remember, as a tailor by trade, g lost one of Lis legs ago. Mr, Higgins y until a few years Ladies' Aid The annual mete Society of the M held Iu the School on Thursday after Tea was served au very pleasant afte was decided to sery of July. The fol elected for the ensu Mrs. W. H. Green • Mrs. A. E. Lloyd; Mrs, R. J. Tyn Thos. Gregory Halpenny. nnual Meeting. 'ng of the Ladies' Aid. hodist Church was oom of the church ooa of last week • the ladies spent a I Thompson; 1st noon together. It 1 NOTICE.—The question is: How can Percy Greer; 2nd meals ou the 12th 'Robt. McIndoo loan his money so cheap Helm; 3rd Vice P •wing officers were 1 on notes and mortgages? Call and See. 4th Vice Presiden ig rear:—President, I Rol3T. McINDoo. tary, lYIiss Maggi Betshazzer's Feast. The Citizens' Baud 1 s another sue - costal entertaiument t Its credit since Tuesday evening. Th oratorio, "Bel- shazzar's Feast," given y a number of the young ladies and gentleman of Wingham, tinder the abl leadership of Mr. Geo. W. CIine, was well rendered and the Iarge audience w s pleased with the entertainment. Still big bargains offered in long black plumes at Mrs. Green's. They are handsome. The New Fa Messrs. Walker & Ole work on their new fuz building on Monday ground is being leveled made for the foundation, tion will be built of centre on this will be comment The firm hopes to have completed, if possible, by tory. g commenced iture factory orning. The ud trenches The founda- e and work d this week, the bnildiugs to 1st of July, Seeds !Clovers, Timothy, Goose Wheat, Waverly Oats and Muskoka Seed Peas, etc, Guo. E. Kira. Low Rates for the )th July. The local committee of charge of the railway a for the coming 12thJuly Wingham expect to compl to arrange - meats for a three day rate o Wingham and return, so that tickets will be good on all trains going ou the th and 12th, returning not later than t e 13th July. Rates and time of special rains will be given later. Have you seen Cooper's wall paper? Moving o Winnipeg. Mr. Percy Gr r, who has been in the local branch .f the Dominion Bank, since the brant was opened here has thie week receive notice of proniotiou to the Winnipe branch, and he will leave here this w: Lk for that city. Mr. Greer is a young . an who should make his mark in the w rld and he has a host of friends in Win _ am who will regret to hear of his r moval, but will be pleased to hear . his promotion and wish him:every su cess in his new home, Mr. W. 0. Conwa , of Whit., will take Mr. Greer's place iooesserank here. 1 Beautiful trim at reduced prices d Spring Hats going Mrs. Green's. Card Thanks to my towers for their my nine years town. Havin business to the Co. Limited I b success. The u business in the Bank of Hamill AC.Pr, The,righ rangemen in 1 will be their mo ommodation 1 Wingham, May celebration in , f Thanks. many friends and as- iberal patronag: • uring f busiuess lif• in this disposed o my drug roe •f A. . McCall & pe for em the same w ' at 111 carryon the ol. = ore, opposite the n, •ith myself as man - goods at right prices to. Thanks again. COLIN A. CAMPBELL. rd, 1901. Epworth The Epworth Methodist Chum Last elected the f ensuing year: Rev. Dr. Gund eague Officers. eague of the Wingham on Monday evening Mowing officers for the Honorary President. : President, W. C. Vice President, -ice President, Arthur esident, Frank Hill; Mrs. Hogg; Secre- Tibbs; Treasurer, ist, Miss Sperling; iss Dunnage. 1st Vice President, • Luther Ball; Pia nd Vice President, all; Secretary, Mrs. 1 reasurer, Mrs. John WANTED.—!c good smart oy to dc• re: is and dry goods business. Apply to Ales. Ritchie. liverpa e . e Succ ssful Students. The results .f the examivations at the Western Med cal College, London, were Experienced clr huuounced o Friday last, and in the 1 puce. Apply to ' list are four oung Hien well•known to block. Wingliamite. who have successfully Assistant Pianist, t New St The new electri streets of Wingh tion ou Saturday time. The back well lighted with we were to pick . we would say th should be placed Shuter street, n and also one in f which is not The switches o lights are will p as the lights ca without the 1 Some of the sure themselves busy Saturday and Stu had better bo car up against a live death to them. eet Lights. lights on the back 1 were put ii=to opera- j ight last for the first = treats are now very this new service If , passed their Agnew has v fourth year e and J. D. Ste art, have sncc year examine. ford. his first have the hear friends. Mr. art secured ho examinations. Mr. John ry successfully passed his mivations. Messrs. Ales. •art, sous of Mr. D. Stew- ssfully passed their second ons, and Mr. A. K. Gif- -ear. These young men congratulations of many gnew and Messrs. Stew - ors in some of the sub- ny holes in the system 1 jects. t au additional light on the north end of Address nd Presentation. r the G.T.R. crossing. ons of the town hall, very poorly lighted. the poles where the ove a great convenience be turned off or on wering of the lamp, 1 boys were making ith these switches on day nights. The boys ul or they may run ore that would mean ssmaker wanted at Irs, Nixon, Beaver New Station A Grand Truu expected in Win measurements pr for a new station sheds. We uncle freight shed will 1 'yardand will beu furniture men. - put in and cars co tion and parties 10 not be disturbed b; gines. This is a very ranch appree' manufacturers. of the latest desi close to Joseph freight shed evil where the preset and would be use If this arrangeme we feel sure the necessity of it, W of the best equippc the line. The iuc 'eased shipmeuts de- mand more room a d we hope the rail- way people will pu .h the work along as . General Manager .13,. officials passed • through Wingham . no day last week. d Freight Sheds. Railway Surveyor is tam this week to make or to preparing plans ouseand new freight stand that the present moved south on the ed exclusively by the new siding would be d be placedr >; osi- n ding furniture would shunting freight en- ove that would be ted by the furniture he new station will be u and will be built e street. The new likely be built near t freight shed stands for the local freight. t is carried out, and G. T. R. will see the ughant will have one yards and shed along The members =f the choir of the Wing- I ltom Presbyteria 1 Church, with a few i friends, spent a ery pleasant time at the home of Mr. mi Mrs. Jas. A. Cline on Thursday eve • ing of last week. The party spent a ha ; py evening together. The occasion bei g for the pure of ; saying good-bye • two members oaf the 1 choir, who are le ving Wingham. Miss Louise Stewart, ' ho has gone to Ailsa Craig was preseu ed with a nicely bound 1 volume of Burns poems and Miss Mag. 1 gie Stewart, whgoes to Winnipeg was the recipient of gold ring, set with pearls. The foilwing is a copy of the rapidly as possibl accompanied the pre- ; Hays and other G. On and after 1 onday, lit: • Oth, the furniture stores of Wingh. . wiIl close at 7.30 o'clock each cve. g except Sat- urdays and evening. .:ceding holidays. People will kindly .ear this change in mind. Orders for undertaking will be received at residences. The Ne The purchase o Mr. Colin A. Cam & Co., Limited, other step of stea the firm. About Call opened It bu- atter 1etti years dation for a Iarge converted his bu• Company with a and the Coleman site of the head doubtedly the be city. The idea 1 was to ensure su to enable them t manufacturers • a to secure the lot• them by the inor sufficient stock t• the drug line. the correct testin fitting of glasses and a competent • of this departure carried out in th mediately. The store a full line and photographi. addition of these Of drugs and pat stant supply coin the'V4itighant s Campbell can be as Manager for Lituited, and wil his old customer: Drug Firm. the drug business of .bell by A, I. McCall Chatham, marks an- y progress made by is years ago A. I. Mc- uess in Chatham and exit in laying a foun- business, Mr. McCall mess into a joint stock apital stock of e; ;0,000 purchased the present store, Chatham, un - t stand in that growing forming a Company h an output of goods as buy direct from the much as possible so as st prices, also to enable ase of capital to carry meet every demand in n up to date outfit for of eyes and proper s put fate each store • titian placed! in Charge t. This rule will be Wingham store bu- rnt also carries in each of cameras, kodaks, supplies and with the o Mr. Campbell's stook • t medicines and a con• ng in, the success of ore its assured. Mr. nuns] at the old stand I. McCall & Co., be pleased to see all nd many new ones. address which . sent:— • MISS MA(it;IE S7 • WART, Wingham,— The member of the Presbyterian Church choir re ret to learn of your in- tended removal rem Wiughain, and beg of you to accept from them this gold ring, as a token .• their kind regards to- ward you, and tl y trust that it may in time to come bri . to your recollection pleasant memori of association with us. Signed on belts 2 of the choir, Wing - ham, April 20111, 1904 A good mare, wi foal for sale. Apply 1 to Wm. H. Camp '11, W. T. Plot. These will be sold by private sale up to May 20th; a quantity of good house - household furniture and rags. Articles can be seen at residence on Frances street. MRs. R. A. Kl:'ut, Huron's Po. ulation. County Clerk Lan • has prepared the following statement .f the population of Huron county as own by the assess- inent rolls of the va ions municipalities for 19C3: Aslldeld 3,045 Bayfield 635 Blyth.. 865 Brussels 1,210 Clinton ......,2,280 Colborne 1,740 Exeter ..... .... 1,395 Goderich 4,015 Goderich tow • hip Grey 3,201 Hay 3,788396 Howick 3, Hallett 2,721 Hensall 722 Morris 2, Maliillop .... 2,•436897 Stanley 2,014 Stephen 3,996 Seatorth 2,110 Tuckersmith 2,348 Turnberry .. .......... 2,036 Usbornee 2, East Wawano•b .. ,1,855151 West Wawan • sh 2,0•#2 Wingham 2,2662 Wroxeter 525 o�r Housecleaning Aids --HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA, •--ALKALI, -GILLET'S LYE, -CHLORIDE OF LIME, --COPPERAS, -BORAX, etc. Everything the best. Waiton Mckthholl, Phm,B1 elext door to Past Oiler. •1 Hospital Window. morning Mrs. Mary 11Ir. H. W. barrow, wor, jumped from of the Hotel Dieu, c r. Mrs. Farrow be- eek ago with typhoid . oved to Hotel Dieu. on delirium and her d it was decided to etch day and night. Saturday NA hide de- • W jumped out of bed for the window. The grabbed her, but the y. The sister shouted • nick as a flash, the ed, and the woman the ground. In her k against a tree and bush before she land -1 thway. When found 1 ugh she Isad lost her e several attempts to 1 'utters sound. Mr. • ostmastbr Farrow of nderstand that de- ny a Miss ,l'ohnston, rs ago a resident of Total 57,064 In 1901 the p •ulation of the county as shown by the assessment rolls was 69,786. In the wo years there was a decrease of 1,822. Every municipality shows a decrease : cent Hullett, Tuck- ersmith, Blyth, Br'ssels, Wingham and Wroxeter. It seems that Hu =.n is helping to fill the vacant places i • the Northwest Ter- ritories at the expe• e of her own popu- lation, Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, if you want to buy a house in town, he has just what you want. Important Changs of Time. The Grand Trunk a nouuce following changes in time take effect May 1st, 1904. Mixed train now 1 ring Stratford at 10.10 A. M. daily ex pt Sunday, will be changed to fall pass nger train, leaving Stratford 10.30 A. a , (daily except Sun- day) ., noon, reaching day) Palmerston 1 s o . 0 c m„ Owen Sound and iarton at 2.50 r. at New passenger t in will leave Pal• merston at 7,40 P. M. Listowel 8.02 P. ac. arriving Stratford .00 P. M , arriving Clinton 0.15 P: m„ nd Goderich 7.05 a l., taking place of pres- ent mixed train leaving Stratford 4 40 P. m., and reaching Goderich 7.4(1 r. et. Now passenger train 110) will leave Stratford at 6.50 P. a and arrive To. routo 9.50 P. M., con • ecting for Mon- treal. This train tv.'1 take place of mixed train leaving Stratford 7.30 P..lL, and reaching T. onto 11.40 P. M. Train leaving Eerlit 6.30 P. at., will run through to Elmir returning leave Elmira 7.10 P. at., arr ring Berlin 7.10 P. m. making direct co nection with new train for Toronto and outreal. New passenger tra' • will Leave To- ronto at 9.00 P. M., or Montreal and Fast Express now leav ng daily at 10.00 P. al., will depart fro . Toronto at 10.30 P. al., reaching Moutr: 1 7.30 A. al., as at present. These improveme is calling for largely increased mil • ge will no doubt be appreciated by th travelliLg public, and is in liue with G = nd Trunk policy to give the best servi e that the busi- ness will warrant. he only ehauge at Wiugham is that the 'ening train from London now arrives at 7.35 o'clock in place of 7.53. FORMALDEHYDE STAR BRAND HAS NO EQUAL FOR PREVENTING 'SMt;T IN GRAIN PUT UP IN i; AN POUND BUTT WITH FULL TIONS 0 E 1 ES IREC- H THIS BRAND FOR SALE ONLY BY A 1 McCaII & Co1 LIsxITED. Successors to-- COLIN A. CAMPBELL The Druggist WINGHAM, - ONT. Many Calls are received from business firms and Many Students are placed in good positrons each year by the famous CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. This school stands for the highest and best in business education in Canada to -day. Many busiuess col- leges employ our graduates as teach. ers. We have scores of applications trona other colleges. Ask to see them the day you enter. Commense course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL. Of trite -st to Laches. The visit o ; Prof. Dorenwend Wingham on clnesclay, May 18th. • ill afford the ladi : of Wi'agham an ,sur- rounding coun.. y an opportunit of con- sulting him r:gardiug their rlair, its needs, and 1 eir requires •nts in all styles of Hair roods. P Dorenwend carries With hi.. a la e and most varied assortmont of is fa.. us couceptions in Switches, Ba • s, Pompadours, Wavy Fronts and W gs. The equal of these high grade nat ral hair productions can not be procure from any hair goods dealer in Am rice. Prof. Dorenwend has the distinct ou of being the lareest manufacturer and the most noted specialist in the e goods. Private apart- ' nients are at th : convenience of all who avail themsedt -s of calling at the Hotel Brunswick on e day of his visit. Women's 6hoes SPRING, 1904 The new styles are assembling and each arrival is a thing of beauty. We are well within the bounds of truth when we say these new Spring, of 192 4 styles have reached a point in beauty of' construction and shape --- combined with the highest degree of excellence ---beyond which it seems impossible to go. We want every woman hi town to call to see these new Spring SHOE BEAUTIES We'll talk about some of the different styles and prices later. This is simply an invitation extended to the ladies, asking then to come to see our Spring Shoe show. W. J. GREER The Shoe Man. 4