HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-28, Page 8WIN( IIAM'S
Dress Goods Garpet House
' ✓ 10,tfr teitew'' gItAt''ov4 t gwwt fr'"0''or t,
Nottingham Lace Cvrtaios
Those who came to us a ear ago for Curtains will
have vivid recollections of the splendid v.ilues that gave us
easily the leadership in lace curtain selling. We are pre-
pared to do even better for our customers this season.
The strongest words we can use to emphasize the bargain
importance of our Lace Curtain Sale of Spring,
1904, are that it will mean to you a real saving of
from 20 to 30 per cent, on every pair. This is
made posiblk by a Special Clear-up of 200 pairs
Lace Curtains. At the above ct"ncession 200 pairs
will not last long, It will be a matter of economy to come
15 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains. 31: vcls long. regular
valve $1 and $1.2.'1; special Curtain Sale .. - .75
50 pairs extra fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, worth $2
and x2.25; special sale price, per pair. . , $ 1.75
5 pairs Swiss Curtains, Regular $7 00 wanes for per pair $5.50
25 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, fine net centre, Bat-
teuburg border, easy worth 3 00; sale price...,., , $4.00
10 pairs Lace Curtains worth $1.00; Curtain sale price .05
20 pairs Lace Curtains worth $1.75; special sale price$1.30
75 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains worth from $2 50 to
$3.00; Curtain sate price, per pair $2.00 to $3.00
Fancy Madras Curtaining by the yd, per yd from f25c to $1.00
Bobbniettes and frilled Curtains at Bargain Prices.
Special Sale 0 Carpet Remnants,
The past two weeks have been good for Carpet
selling. Therefore we have quite a number of Remnants
from g yards to 20 yards, in all kinds.
3 ply all wool carpets, $1 00 finalities to clear the ends, for. .75
Remnants of Brussels carpet, regular 75c aucl $1.00 quali-
ties for, per yard use to .75
Also ends of Tapestry Carpets at Bargain prices.
Japenese Mattings, per yard from 10e to .40
P.S.-:--We sew alt Carpets sold at regular prices.
44 4,404004*.••••••••.000od+00 oo•a•••••••••♦a•o♦'a♦coca••
♦ ♦
♦ SHOWING OF • :- : o
• i iy ....0•6.
« ♦•
r, A
}'�i t♦?l` d
•t "t.j•
THERE'S nothing that gives more �) 1 *� '1•
♦ i character to a room than the ' 0
♦ Wall Paper, and you can Answer '°� U•
4 for the character of any of yourre ' 4
4 rooms for which our fine spring ' ���"`'0*
• assortment supplies the paper and the mouldings. One thing we want to im- •
• press upon you at the start—the superior quality of the stock ou which the
4 designs are printed. This means a great deal in speaking of Wall Paper. •
• 4 We want you to see these—New Glimmer Wall Paper—You o
wouldn't think such prettiness passible at the price. A large and well assort- •
• ed stock of pretty floral stripe and conventional designs. Pleasant is the •
• sheen of the mica that in perfect harmony with the colorings will so brighten •
•warty a ronin. All the latest coloring are represented in this line, and the •
• 4 selection is so varied.
♦ Per Roll 3c, 4e, 50, 6e, 7e, Se and 10e
The golden glimmer of the New Gilt Wall Papers will charm. They •
have set figure, conventional and scroll designs. The colors are red, brown,
blue, green, pink and create. The price ♦
Per Roll 100, 121e, 15e, 20e, 25e
In the following selection what many think a further charm has been a
added by the embossed effecte. There are beautiful, artistic designs in these •
New Embossed Gilt Wall Papers in the latest shades of green, red, pink, 4
brown, blue and ivory. ♦
Per R011 20e, 25e, 30e and 35e. 4
To the aesthetic taste the New Tapestry Wall Paper will particular- 4
ly appeal. Choice designs that present a vision of the Orient. ♦
Special prices on remnants and small lots of good papers. •
Mouldings on which to hang your pictures 11 inches wide, in colors to ee
match the papers. also white, gilt and oak, per ft. 3e and lo. ♦
We will talk to you later about our superior stock of Window Shades •
and ('urtain Poles. •
' Ig IIvINGuAi i TIMES, APEIL 28, 1984
—Monday was St. George's day.
--lafourla•y nest will be the first legal
day for trout ti,hing.
—Gardettiag operatious are iu order
this week.
—"Belehazzar's roast," in the Opera
House, next Tuesday evening.
—Sauday's rain oleaued away the
snow uud ice from the font Street,
—Clinton lacrosse club will Bold a
celebration on May 21tii.
—Regular meeting of (Court Maitland,
0.0 F. Will be held on Friday eveuiug of
this week.
—Next Monday evening Camp Cale-
donia, Sous of Scotland, will hold its
regular meeting.
--The next monthly meeting of the
Town Connell will be held ou 1lfonday
Vruin@ tv.' t.
--Mr, 3, E. Saelfte geld ft Qtiu team of
mad horses to Mr. S R. 13ri11, of Tees -
water last week.
—Mr. J. D. Barns has received nine
ear loads of Boal during the past week.
Seo his advt. in another colutnn.
—Mr. R. H. McKay has been appoint-
ed Deputy Fish and Gamo Warden for
Wingham and vicinity.
—Air. W. F. Vanstone is shipping a
double deck car load of hogs to Toronto
to -day.
- Mr, Jas. Haugh has sold his frame
house on Stutter street to Mr. Jas. Pugh.
Mr. Pugh is moving to town from Blue -
—The fartners are making good use of
the favorable weather this week in get-
ting well advanced with their seeding.
—At the meeting of the Epworth
League in the Methodist Church ou
Monday evening nest, the officers for
the ensuing year will be elected.
—It is probable that the annual
militia camps will be held in Loudon,
Jule 7th; in Niagara, June 15th ; King-
ston, June 21st 28th.
—A Kincardine gentleman who is in, a
position to know says that the train due
et that town at 9.35 o,n, has not rut, in
on time since May 20th, 1903.
—A new time table will go iuto effect
on the Grand Trunk on Sunday nest,
It is not likely that the time of Wing -
haul trains will be changed.
—The trains on the L„ H. & B. are
now running on good time. Stock is
not now carried on the passenger trains
and this allows thein to keep pretty well
oa schedule time.
—Madame Liviuski, plamist is still at
t the National hotel. Those wishing to
j visit her should do so early as she is
Co.,Cooper &
Successors to Alex, Ross. •
♦•,,4,.+e••••••♦•♦be♦44,4. ♦N.♦•♦,•♦,•♦♦♦e,•♦',oe♦.a
leaving Wingham on Friday afternoon,
t April 9th.
' oughs, catd.t, boa•sertess, and other throat
ailments are quir•.tly relieved by Cresoleao
tablets. ten cents per hos. All druggists
—The Keeler Co. of the Bee Hire store
had a very successful opening day ou
Tuesday of this week. The Bee Hive
store has been nicely fitted up and the
goods are very nicely arranged.
—The position of provincial inspector
of Iicenses, which has been vacant since
the death of the late Mr. J. K. Stewart
was filled last week by the appointment
of Mr. James W. Gorden, barrister, of
Brighton, Ont.
—Horsemen will be consulting their
own interests by getting their horse bills
printed at the Times Office. A good
crass of cuts to select from and prices
right. Don't pass the TnMES when in
need of such.
—Mr• Wtn, Button and sou, Ernie, of
Toronto, were in town for a few days
this week. They were moving some of
the household effects that have been
stored in Wingham since their removal
When you are coking for a Suit or
Rain Coat
Give us the last call—not file firer
After you look through every store that
handles clothing, before yon buy, salt cu
'us, as we think you aill buy here.
L,oc,k at our big nesottmeut of men's,
youth's and, ()eye' e trite. Look at our
Bain Coats, Gents' Furnishings. eft.
A. R. SMITH., Chisholm 13lo0..
ito Toronto.
` —Brigadier Hargrave will give a mov-
ing picture entertainment in the Salva-
tion Army Barracks, Wingham, on Wed-
,' nesday evening of next week, showing
the life and wort of the late Consul Mrs.
1 Booth -Tucker. Tile admission is 15
1 cents and reserved seats 25 cents.
i —The Goderich Fire and Light Com-
mittee has figured out that $1,381 has
been saved by the town in having the
meters used in connection with the plec-
trio lighting plant. The saving was
;effected in not needing so much power.
The saving on ccal alone was $744.83.
- . A number of the Wingham curlers
had a good game at the rink on Wed-
nesday evening of last `creek. It is not
often that the roarin'game is palyed
the 210th of April.
—The paperhanger is twee the host
popular individual in the Cointnunity
and is beingwooed by widows, spinsters,
and ancient and Itonorabie Haines of
high and l0W degree, and they all Want
him at once.
—Mr. John Humberstone formerly of
Wingham has sold his lumber yard at
; Medicine Hat and is now located at
Calgary, N. W. T.
I —Mr. T. Elliott has sold his house
and lot, corner of Centre and Maple
streets to Mr. Barry Rrotvn and he has
Wo shall be glad to have conti•Ibutior, to
this column from any of our reader's, If you
have visitors or purpose going away yoursFlt
drop in and tell us, or send its a note to that
—Every good citizen owes a duty to
himself and the community to as soon
as possible have any rubbish et garbage 1
that may have accumulated itt his back
yard eleaned up.
—Owing to the dates of the Seafottll.
and London horse meets conflicting, the
former turf club held a meeting last
Week and set the time for Tuesday and
Wednesday. 3ttly :nth and dth, $1300 is has seenred the conttaet for supplying 114' Lamont, "(41 '6'4'81'
offered in prizes.
Mr. W. Armour jr., was in Loud- u
this week ou busiuess.
Mr. C. J. Maguire was in lorouto for
a few days during the past week,
Mr. Geo. H. Mooney, of the Ripley
Express was in town on Tuesday,
Mr. Hugh McLeod, of Wroxeter has
accepted a situation in the chair factory.
Mrs. E. Dear has re.urned hone after
a few days visit with her sister at Lon-
Mr. Bradshaw Kerr leaves on Friday
morning to spend a few days visiting
with his two sons in Detroit,
Master Tommy McDonald, has gone
to Ashfield to speud the summer months
with his grandmother.
Mrs. P. S. Tnnsley left this weep
for Milton, having received word of the
setious illness of one of her sisters.
Mr, J. FL Hiscocks, of London was in
town ou Friday last attending the fun-
eral of the late Caleb Griffin.
Mrs. (Rev.) R. Hobbs accompanied
Mr, Hobbs to Wingham and spent a few
days visiting friends in town.
Mr. Robt. Hastings, of Wingham spent
a day or two of this week with his
cousin, Mr. A. Hastings. --Exeter Ad-
Mr. 3. H. Chisholm, of Toronto was
visiting with his parents, Dr. and Mrs
Chisholm for a few days during the
Mr. Jas. Robertson, of Wingham,
spent Sunday with friends in town. Jim
informs us that he intends. going West
to seek his fortune iu the near future.—
Gorrie Vidette.
Mr. H. B. Elliott was at Ingersoll
from Saturday to Monday attending the
funeral of Mr. Henry Cassidy, who was
one of the early pioneers of Derehanl
Mr. and Mrs, L. Luton and fancily ar-
rived in Wiughar_t ou Tuesday from Ire-
land. They will live in Wingham for
the summer and if they like the couutry
Mr. Luton will buy a farm in this sec
Mr. T. Ilan, of the Advance left ou
Tuesday afternoon for California, where
he.will speud a few wee Is. Mr. Hall
bas a sou eugageri iu the jewellery bug -
!less in the south. The TIMES wishes
the Advance editor a pleasant trip.
Mr. A. C. Scarr, of Harristou has been
in Wingham for a few days this week
with his patent window screen. Mr.
Scarr has a very useful and couvenieut
window screen that can be easily fitted
on any kind of a window at much less
cost than the ordinary screen. He is ne-
gotiating for the sale of the right to man-
, ufacture the screen.
When the Liver Gets Torpid
You want a nuM stiwulelnt like Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake ani
Butternut which cure inactive liver, re
lieve constipation and sick headache at
once, Use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
L Price 25c.
The two-year-old son of Rev, Dr. Geo
H. Smith of St. Catharines set fire to
his clothing, while playing with snatch( s
and was burned to death.
1 —The record for late curling in Lon-
! don was broken on Wednesday of Inst
' week, when a friendly game was played
at the Sisucoe street rink.
Taw:mins—In Fergus, on April 14th, the
• wife of J. M. Thompson; a daughter.
ARSCOTT—In Tee+water, on April 10th, the
wife of John Arscntt; a ,on.
BAr1It--Ih Morrie, on Apr: llth, the wife of
Peter Barr; a son,
Tnvr.ot—In ilowi,'k, on April lath, the wife
of Stephen Taylor: a son.
since purchased Mr. J. B. Cummings' }
frame dwIhn
on Shuter street. Mr.
Elliott will give bp possession on the 1st
of October.
—Mr. D. E. McDonald shipped a car,
load of butchers' cattle to Mr. 0, Ken-
nedy at Seaforth, Mr, Kennedy is a j
former resident of Wingham and has
been conducting a successful bothering 1
business at Seaforth for the past few
—Dr. A. 3. Irwin is having plate glass
fronts put in the stores occupied by
Messrs. Galbraith, .Gordon, and the one .
which is being fitted up for Mr. W. 3. i
Greer's boot and shoe business Mr.
PA1 els--A ..amestou•n, on Apr 1 tt I, tie
Bernice Payne; t hter.
Wife of B P v t a dot
t-- Line. u'nberry on April
iSirr,r,Er On B ,hl Tt
12th, the w,feof Win. Jewel Miller a daughter
Dar --In Wingltnnt, on April ::2ncl, the %tiro
of Tames Dey : a son,
Yorsn--In Ea.t WWawanr.sb, on April 20th,
the Wife of JamesVoting; a dattgltter,
McK,tora--in Culross, on April lith, Mrs.
Andrew Melingue, aged f1' years.
Pr:T99 PIE( t•:—In C'ul os-, on Anti! 1t' h
Fredrick A. Poetiniecr•, sent of Wm. Pettil.iece,
eget 21 sears and. months.
AT,T}.--l)1 Ifuilett, on April lath, Mr. dray
W.Alit.n,aged a,years, t;months and it', days.
Frit'itisn--In'weat tk t tivanoslr, on April lith,
Mr. h1 1�'h 1:e1 �t aged, tNl rags.
t fi y
$1'xt1 -•-t1) trey. on April 20, Ituth Anuli".
beloved wise of Hartwell epeiran, sr„ aged d'
years and 55 days.
e 'ti 11 Wee
.Rrtt•'r�-- 11 Elora,, 1ri] ,.)t G
( 1 n April
Gallen, 1 lt�m a
J fa he o '. "r o i t ed
rill.t, titer t( ti,U ltJh1, tWV g i
" .5 years.
W. T. A. rishleigh, hardware merchant, 1141..,
I,.tiro:lr. Itt Ilipley, 4n1 April 131*(l9 Mrs,
('nr:aatt,4;v--At (+r.dc'rieh, on April taIrd,
! the plate and pri9ntatic glass. l 2,tost'w ('roaenlan, ag.. d . i years and 1 int riths.
��4 4 s sr�rr►" ► +�vsvr"voly vrv�+v�►'v
THP HUM at the
Tt t:.1 OPEJ.'7I c - OF
In. the MoEenzie Block a Grand Success.
On Tuesday, April 26th, at 2 o'clock P, M,, the doors of this store
swung open to welcome the people of Wingham and surrounding country
and our best thanks are extended to the friends for their kind apprecia-
tion of our efforts to prepare for them a pleasant and profitable time
on this their first visit to The Bee Hive."
Our Aim will always be to please and profit every visitor to this Store
We want you to feel that this is Your Store, and you are always welcome
here whether to buy or look.
n+ �.,.,
Dry Ooods Men's Fiiroshiogs and Groceries
and our Money -Saving Prices will appeal to the good judgment
of every economical buyer.
Butter and Eggs taken same as cash.
It will pay you to deal at The Bee Hive
Bee Hive.
•N ""r4✓6.44,1141 11rb4S'b11,'0/@v 4.1 Witt,11,4L"Qi."L.44141 V14,"x, i .401,, 4/%1r1.a,b4 %ef/ t ..41, ` d► Q 4,d
TMcI'cTYRR—At Saginaw, Mich., .April 12th,
Alexander McIntyre, aged. 81, beloved son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Blelntyre of Chicago
and formerly of Lucknow.
Night calls nt Button Block, or resi-
dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St.
or third house west of school ou John
street. Shop opposite Macdonald block.
Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Cc u-
veyallCing Clone
OFFICE—Iu Vanstone Block.
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock.
DR. OVENS, of London
Visits Wingllnm monthly.
Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and
Deafness treated.
Windham Otlice-•Campbell's Drug Store.
London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours : 11
to 8 p.m.
Dates cf visits--Mondnvs, Feb. 1. Fel). 29;
Murch 25, May 2.May VA, Tune 27, July 25,
Sept. 5, Oct. 8, Oct. 51, Nov. 28.
Tenders foruDrraina;' orks'
04 an let
Sealed Tenders *n Ir • sect to theundor+igli,'d,
and endorsed "Tel rs for Drains, • will he re-
oeiveri at the office of the."township Clerk, Blue -
talo, P.O., until 9 0'6,10(11. A.M. of Monday. the
30th day of May, lt'04, for the providing of nla-
,•eri•tl ante constru('tion of the drains known as
lie Elliot drain and Branch drain in the 31•rl.4111,
1811,and (Rh concessions of theTownshipofTttt'u-
)errv, according to plans and spe=6Ilieations
mad' by C. A. Jones, Psn., P.L.Q. wltieh can be
el`I1 at the office of the Township Clerk, The
to.vest, or any tender not necessarily accepted.
By order.
JOHN BURGESS, Township Clerk.
Bluevn]e P.0
thg High otalt of Justice
Pursuant to the Judgment herein there will
'te offered for soh with the approbation of the
Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature at
3odericli on
Wednesday, the filth day ct May
A.D. 1284, at tn'elvt' ri cicel. noon
111 (toftou's h11e'tetroxet11) el' .tt,e 'tiller a of
he following valuable farm property, namely:
The north halves of lots fifty-three and fifty- ri'HE undersigned will keel) for sorvlee on
his prein]ses, north half lot :2, 1st line of
Morris, the Thoroughbred Shorthorn Ball,
"Ontario Gold."
Terns :1.50, with privilelte of returning if
necessary. J. (1. FT1i'E.
We are stilt in the Coal usiness and intendi
to stay. We c n o supply Wood. and
Slabs at 1. t possible prices.
We have already received several cars of our season's -
order of Lehigh. Valley Coal, and all orders placed with
us will be promptly attended to:
Hardware and Coal Dealer,
Q Coal and Wood
• Owing to not having received prices on some kinds
2 of Coal, we defer giving any quotations until next week,
2 when our list will be complete., We have already received
2 invoices of about Too Tons of Coal ; and are delving
2 into the Wood and as soon as roads are fit will have it on
the market.
Complete quotations on all kinds of Coal—and we
guarantee to handle the best kinds --will be given next
• Watch this space for full particulars.
Wiogham Coal & Wood SupplyCon
W. M. GREEN, Manager.
Camp National, No. 1:19
IT OLD their regular meetings on the 2nd
t and 4th Friday in each mouth, in odd -
fellows' Bnll. All visitors welcome.
R. MAXWELL, C. C. R. H. CROwate, Clerk.
'one in the first e one ess.ou ,f the said Town.
hip of Morris, containing Due hundred acres,
gene of less.
Ninety acres of the said lands are cleared,
the balance on hardwood hush. The soil is
:lay loam, The farm is thoroughly under -
1r, fined, well fenced, and well watered, having
two wells and the Alaitland River crossing the
•ear of the farm.
There rue two acres of first class apple or-
ch'r ahrde ,
t >uil(linu
a e5I (f n
and frame
_rhu•e bank hart and a good frame ritinn
,peri, all in good rel?ait•.
The farm is well situ8t((1 for market being
seven miles from the thriving town of 'Wing•
'x)111 and three and four miles etsppt•ctivefy
from the village of Bluevale and Wroxeter,
to nit of which there are gond gravel road;.
The land is at present under lease to .Tolnt
). biller at n rental of $5001)0, per year with
*axes,etc., which lease will terminate on the
Inst ay' or Anvil A,D. 111)1. The sale will bo
lubieet to this lease.
Thr lands will be offered in one parcel, sub -
1e08 to a reserve bid.
TERMS OF SALE—Ten nor Cent. on the day
of rage to the Plaintiff's t olieltor, and the hal-
Mee to be puke into Court within thirty days
,ltereafter. The other tering and voltlitions
wit' be the standing terms and Conditions of
the High Court of +latstiee.
Further particulars may be had from the
,+nder.:btnsi:1. w. Harcourt, Official Guar-
dian,Toronto t Dickinson & Carrow, Barriste
),rxl rlrh foul Messrs. Proudfoot, Ray's e;
ers :lerie
Blair, Barristers, Go li•
Dated this 19th day of April, A.D. 11104.
Local Master at (, eklericit,
.1,''ANSTOr Fl, Esq.,
Soiicixnr for 'r laintilt,
achue S
We aro prepared to all hinds of
Machinery Repairi g, ud reepectfully
solicit your trade.
Farriers, do not wait until you want
to use your implements that need re.
pairs, but bring them in and have them
put in good working order, so that they
will be ready for use.
Lawlt Dtowet•s, Bicycles, etr., repaired.
All work promptly attended to and
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
asbinder 86 Patton
Machinists and general ilepair Shop
'tTictoJria Street, Wingham.
Having purchased Mr. Mitchell's in-
terests in the Butchering business, I wilt
continue the same in the old stand, and
solicit a continuance of the liberal pat-
ronage of the past, and guarantee the
best of quality in
Roasts of Beef, Veal;.
Lamb and Pork.
Steals, • iniops. Soup.
Menotti. Boilia ' rieees.
All orders delivered promptly to any
part of the town.
Highest cash price paid for IIi(1es and.
opposite Skating Rink.