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The Wingham Times, 1904-04-28, Page 6
R r 4 ernels from the Sanctum Mili creating netragraplls trent nor exchanges. qtr, E. A i)tntlnp',+ eleeti• rt t-xpetwits Mr. Charles Bos, of Stephen, has a do Nort}r. Rent•r•' e were rep mild et $7,- cow thee gave birth to four Calves with• t37S. in 11 months --two pairs or twins, He •,-_•.r.•,-,.... else has another that gave tirth to twig GET RID OF THAT COUGH calves, making three ptlirs of twin C.aR Before the t+u"nruer Serum Dr. Wood's Novelle Pine Syron congaers Coughs, Coles, Sure Throw, ET inreettese, Brone bibs, luta. all Di'teasea t the Throat sand Lutige. Jobe !Vie wen of Clinton has pnrr-llas ed the Aikeuhead feral on the ?I tel con., of Stanley, for a eatisiieratiou of a little over '5000. It`s not the weather that's a fault. It's your eysteul, clogged with polsnnoue materials. that makes yen fell t1n11, drawee. weak and miserable. Let Bur- dock Blood Bitters Glen away all the malts yoeisons,u feel bright and ch vigorous Mood, Mr. James Lauth, a Brant farmer, has • I WINC1IJA.M TEV S, APRIL, • 9 Mr, Zebu Noray,, of Exeter, failed to get alt of hie potatoes iu i;ardea dug last 111, cotleequeutly Jos some Re the Snow disappeared lie ecught out the shot whertc they were supposed to beiaud uueerthed several hills of fine tubers. The pots,s toes had not been frozeli and when cook- ed were found to tie in good State of preservation, Ueiug better than it they had beat► inept iu the cellar chime the winter. How's This ? We offer Otte Hunched. Dollars rewind for nuy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by I1a11's,Otttarrh Cure. ves in It ntotuhs. This is a record- I'`, J. CauiSry & Co.,Toledo, 0. breaker. We, the undersigned, have kuown F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- There is no form of kidney trouble, Neve hint perfeutly.11ouartib1e in ell has - from a Waller,. he dawn to Bri;,;ht's din• Hess trausuetlous, and financially able to arise, be Doan's Kiduey Pills will not carry oar tiny obligation made by his relieve or eine. artu, Welding, Ksnnan ea. Marvin, Wholesale Dregtoets, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Care is taken tuterualty If you arta trnubleei with any kind of kidut.y cowplalut, give Doat,'s Kidney I']lle n tries. actiug direptly upon the blood and mac - one en daces- of the systent. une•oneenrfaces-ofthesystent. Testimonials A quiet but pretty home wedding took sent free, price -tete per bottle, Suld place at the residence of M. Sprung, Base by all Druggists. Line, Hallett, ou Wednesday, April 18th, Take Hall's Fenny Fills for coustipa- wheu their youugest clan; titer, Cather• tion, hie, was united in marriage to W. Tall, a prosperous young farmer of Matte outside the jonrnalistio pro, The ceremony was solemnized at high fessiou has any idea how difficult it is noon by Rev. Mr. Yellaud, iu the pies. for an editor to please some of his pat. encs of only the srntuediate relatives. roots• For instance referring to a public mat's reputattou for carelessuess in the shipped eggs to Toronto, ou and off all C., .EDt ,E1. •evtater,receiving for them as high as 3So. $ears the The Kind Yea Bale Atways BWcht matter of his toilet, a paper aunoune- a dozeu. a Signatnrs ed: he ass Smith will wash himself be - For Cholera 1lterbus, Cholera In. e f fore he assumes the ofliee of Town Corm- ' oilier." Cramps, Colic, oialrht'ete Dys- entery The rtrrcliauts t f G1lnano ue have oiIlnr," This a nic}I furions,aud he and Summer Complaint, Dr. q demanded a retraction, which appeared 'Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ;s organized) an association toprotect thew- thus: -"Mr. Smith requests us to deny a prompt, t ctfe anal sere cure that has selves from -deed beats" and people of that he will wash himself before he as - been a popular favorite fur Dearly GO doubtful pay. Once a month they will sanies the office of Town Councillor." years. have prieted ou a sheet of paper a list E. J. Gaetz of iiitimay has per- of those who run accounts and refuse to At the rerce of George Cautelo :chased James Lee's harness business in pay them. A. copy will be funnelled con. 7, GotIdericich Tp. on April 13th, was I.istowei and Witl take possession next every member, a part of the agreement• the scene of a quiet but pretty weddiug, mouth. is that ho oun whose name appears on wlBe his daughter Lottie was married Ct tW res r- .M. Z .Ea.. this list shall receive. credit. to Beattie Webster, a prosperous farmer Bears the Tha hind Yea Have Alun Path,' _ _ ._ _ _ Signature of %✓; A Brother's iteccmluendatttin. used ve The earnings of the Grand Trupk for medyafor a number ofeyears audohave no the week ending April 14, amounted to hesitant•y in saying that it is the best re - $677,192, as against ~071,127 for the ear- utedy for coughs, colds and croup I have xespoudirn week of 1903, or an increase ever used iu my fauuily. I Wive not words to express my confidence in this of $6,045. - remedy. -Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Wherever there are sickly people with Mich. For sale by Colin A. Campbell, 'weak hearts and derangeu nerve-, Mil- bu nd Arn's HI effectual sal :Ne d glueart andtrve ?� s ThHwll r e The Saugeen Iudiau Peninsula has a I Clormbertain"s Stomach anti Liver Tablets, fostore enfeebled. euervareti, exhausted, population of 380, 97 men, 124 women i When you feel dull after eating. devitalized or over -worsted men and wo. 103 children. There was a net increase h n you have no appetite, it men to vigorous health. at 14 dnring the past year. Area of the d Mete you have a bad taste in the mouth. The marriage of Mr, Jacob 'Haber to reserve is 9026 acres. According to the 1 When your liver is torpid. Miss litany Ruland of llrealstrteu rook goverumenc returus the Indtaus last • When your bowels are constipated, •+tb 'ahterlitiogeinethe 11. C. church at Deemertou years year sowed 3 acres of turnips and when you f evebflheadache an Teesdy•m aorning, April lath Be'. P. raised 700 bus ,els:sowed 13 acres of other 1 They will itnproves. your appetite, Brohmatruof iciatiug. roots and raised 1000 bnshels;cut 184 tons • cleanse and invigorate your stomach, 1 wild hay, and 150 tons of other fodder; { and regulate your liver and bowels. cleared 20 acres; broke 20 acres, croppedPrice 25 cents per box. For sale by 20 acres for tete first time and fenced i Colic A. Campbell. • twel,ty acres. I For a bilious attack take Chanrber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a I quick care is certain. For sale by Colin ' A. Campbell. near Lueltnow. Precisely at 7 r;'c1 s.k, to the strains of Meudelssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Cole, the wedding party entered the parlor, the bride lean- ing on the arta of her brother, George, when Rev. Mr. Hussar tied the kuot se- curely. JUST W1{AT Y01 NEED. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CW . ■, C: is sent direct to the dist•asc'd part, rho! Improved Bower. Eels the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and pc :raeantir core.: Catarrh and Hay Fever. Mawr fret.. Ali easier . or ler. A. W. Chase :1t„^'.?rine C3., 7.3 sato and Mr. Henry W. Alien, of Harlock, was stricken wit paralysis while doing the chores at his barn about seven o'clock on Moudey evening. He died the fol- lowing oblowing morning. at three o'clock. De- ceased was in his GSt;h year. A Good Word Iar Chamberlain's Cough iiernotty. •'In Decemb'r, 19GO, I bed a severe cold and vase° hoarse that I could • not speak above a w•htsper, "rays Allen Davis, of Freestone, N.Y ••I tried several re- medies but got ttu relief until I used (Mambo laiti s Cuut:h Remedy, one bot• tee of whim: cured Me. 1will always speak a goose wozd for that medicine.” y The Bruce Herald says. -Nearly every Week we are requested not to publish something that would make ani excellent news iteral. Somtlntes we do not Like to see the news published in another paper, the editor of which was apparently not cur sa:e by team A. t mut peen. i requested not to publish. Henceforth if 'there is any news Item you do not wish FOUND AT LAST. If a farmer sold 2000 bushels of wheat i published the charge for keeping the A Liver POI that is small and t;rrre, that for $$1e00 he would consider it A pretty larsethnt is out fhe Haerald ten ss1ll t Chepn Stee t or acts gently, quickly and thcroughly, profitable bargain. But if he sold 20001 ' p that does not !;ripe. Laxa-Liver Pills - bushels to 2(00 different people each :• trill think the matter over and if he de - possess these qualities, and are a sure rt i cities to publish the news you will get care for Liver Complaint. Cousti at ou, year for five years, and at the end of t Sick Headache. etc..p p t, that time found that agreat l your ten back. percentage' —•y ; had not paid their share, he would feel' Fifty years ago Monday, April 13th, Lavine, the rlanghter of jean Losch t like doing things. Perhaps you can see 1 Mr. John Walker of the Walker House, of Concession I0,Carrick, died on Friday ° the point. If yon were the publisher t Kincardine, was married to Letitia Ante .April 15th, at the age of thirteen years. E you certainly could and would not fur-1McCue at the 1?tcCue residence on the The cause of her death was pneutn•,nia, ; ther delay inremittineyour subscription. !Durham Road. They have lived in this following diphtheria. She suffered ' - district ever since; for 35 years on their about four weeks. j farm in Huron and the rent of the time For bear Silty Years. I at the Walker House. A fine large fee Au Old. and ex- Winslow's S reiti,Pliass beet!~used rs 1'r'ily grew up and were all with one es - for over sixty years bymiilionsof mothers ! ceptiou, present at the golden wedding. For Infants and Children. = for their- children wh:lo teething, with ; r " perfect success. It soothes the child ` now to war,! Ofr an ,Attack or ethentna- ' The Kind. You Have Always Bought softeus the gams, allays all pain, cures `. eare lista, wind collo, and is the best remedy for Bears the / rim' i Sold by drag;estiarrhcea. It is pin severnitt y part of the the i and I • owr ent into gardeening,time I as sure to • I world. Twenty-five rents abottle. Its have an attack of rheumatism and every I value is incalculable. Besure you ask 1 attack was more severe than the precede Mr, Charles ;ytelaiuuou, sou of Rev- i for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and i lug one," says Josie McDonald, of Man. take no other kind. • Logan county, West -a a. I tried every - J, B. McMinn on. has received the appoint- i relent of classical master int the Clinton t Collegiate Institute. He basbeen teach- 1 ingiu Efarriston of late and at' one time 1 lived in Lxcknosr. Me fever's Dry Soap i A part der) to wash woolens and flannels,--yott•li like it. 32 ; Israel Taylor. Mrs. Taylor with her 1 r twof i ' liniment. Professor Saut,ders, of the Dominion € 'a ;xperimental Fartn, who has travelled F all through the Canadian West, estim- 1 since, she lasting to see ail her family of - ates that there is a total of 171,00e.000 t acres of "profitable farming land" in , Manitoba, Assinaboia, Saskateliewan, 1 and Alberta Cowbiued. It is figures like l these which reveal to the 'Canadian the I CASTOR IA Signature of 1 thing with no relief whatever, vntnl i procured a bottle of Chatnherlaan's Pain With a complete resignation to the Balm, and the first application gave me divine will another beautiful exemplary { ease,plike abefore the erf first bottle e v I tee, Christian life was 'brought to a close on Friday, April lith, in the person of Mrs. I battle of Chatnberloin's Pain Balm in the Ann Homely Taylor, relict of the late , house and wheal feel any sy.nptothrs of Wei. Taylor, and mother of Jacob and a return I soon drive it away with one r` o t his For sale by Colin ls:. Campbell. husband and family came to Clinton in - is 11372, and it's resided there oontinucus]y+ The Citizens of Y mfr will no longer be seven sons and one slaughter eolnfor- stood off, We aro not running this tably settled in Iife. journal for fnn. We want looney. We RHEUMATISM CONQUERED! DRIVRti PROM TUE ;SYSTBM BY E1,111NA'1'INQ l'O1iQNQUS.- URATJ�%$ IN TIM BLOOD, Stubborn Gases culekly Relieved', Chronic;: Suffers Absolutely Cured by am internal Remedy. This rlisett:te origletetes in the blood. Ite the potsun•4 ill the blood Out eittt$e the pain let rid t+t titet"e porsuns grid you cure rhe pant. Doesn't that serer logiotrl? Those poisons are enrnpo-ed largely of uric tttart e hteh /IiFsnly, s end quiokly passtts nett sof the sy-stt til if lr.•rrozeee is employe'!, it beteg a cutup;'tied per. feet solveut furan the potsow that give rise to tie -monde pair Nu race is too. chrouiu, Ito pereuu to i'ld to be forever released fr, m tate manses of rheuma- tttor if Ferrttzoue is useti; it aures after all other treatments prove useless. Yen may have been disttp• pointed with other reittsdi"'s, :But don't let this deter you trout using Ferri zone. Its not inch true ordtt,ary ■�..�,�............ ..otire"-it poiaess• es peculiar finalities not fonud iu any ether remedy Mr. Edgar F. Riebutonrl, an old .end well kuown resident of WituAlKirtarSays: "My eudt r,uteut for Ferrozetee is cheer- fully giveu for I know that I em speak- ing for a sure cure for theeettatisnh. Per. rozou, cared rue so the pain didn't mute back again. I honestly believe that no medicine on the tace of the globe can tin so much for rheumatism as 9errozone." Mrs, D. J. Thurston of Burton, I' 0.. writes: •'As a long snt1erer trout rhrn- Inatisut I teat say that lferrozone is tete most satisfactory remedy that I need. Quite frequently I would get a bad at - reek and be laid up iu bed. Feirozooe rentovrti every Traub of the disease and I have beim well ever since." Ferruzone is beyond all qnestion the proper remedy to use in rheumatism There is none bettor. Beware of elitistt• totes and dou't allow a druggist to paint off soltlethiug he may Fay is just as gouci, Insist ou huviug Ferrozouu, use it as di- rected and you will he cured. Price 50o per box or six boxes for i2 50. et all drug- gists or by mail, front N 0. Pulttuu tS Cu , Kingston, Out., and Hartford, Conn , U.S.A.: Fer'rozane Cures F,heumatism With the assistance of the latest ma- chinery a pisee of leather 0atl be trans- formed into a pair of shoes in thirty- four hirtyfour minutes in which it passes through the hands of 03 persons and through 15 machines. Mrs.Joltn Hicks whose dett.th took place on Sunday the lith luse was oue of the pioneers of Kincardine and Bruce county. She was a native of Scotltted and came to this country trial Mr. Elijah Miller's fa- ther more than fifty years ego. Her Il.0 • band, who pre -deceased her abort seven years ago. bad at one. tioto the Mill at Stoney bland. Leiter he was couuooted with the mill in town when Campbell & McPherson were proprietors, and was iu possession of the will at Starvation when it was carried awny by floods. An old and retpected resident of the conimuuiry of Fl tin tine tlrid passed avtay to her eternal Notre at 11 o'clock Sun- day evening, April 10, 1904, iu the per- son of Mrs. John Harkins, who reeith d on the 9th lot, of the 18th concession of Howick. Although in advanced yetrs, up to tete time of htr 'death. she hsd enjoyed comparative imtnneity from sickness of any kind. Her maiden name was Olinda Birched, Ole was born i Leeds Co., Canada itt the year 1821, was joined in the holy bolds of wedlock 1 April 20th. 1157. anti cane to the town - ship of Howick Nov., 5th,. 1801. one of !the first settlers of the 18th ,'.'Concession. 4r" The j.nlitor employe d int a Phlad'-Iphia , school reeiguerl hii position the other day, after having heldthe job for ouly a little over a week. "I guess Tau too sensitive," he explained. ' Whenever T found anything that bud heir lost I al- 1 ways hung it tip on the blackboard where the owner conld 850 15 and claim t. Tits of her menden 1 went into one of the rooms early to clenu up, and there ou the blackboard was IN ritteu, •1+'iud the multiplicand.' I looked all over but couldn't find anything, The nett Morn- ing I went into the sauce rcotn, and on the blackboard was wilt -fan, 'Vied tate least cotatuun divisor.' Then I says to that I am cured. but 1 always keep a myself, -If them thiuue is lo. t and don't turn up the first [}tieg I know they'll ac- cuse uta of swipiu' thein.' Su I threw are not of the measly East, where the 0 -41� .t,�-- 137 '$" ai A1h1 - editors are afraid to print the names of Bears the • Kai d DI Y is Naos Amax; Beela delinquent subscribers, We beg to state Signaure greatness of his heritage. 1 of nes* e noientsasestii/tet eestailtese estieeeeeMllie•Settiine*rs f,A at illeiteetaixte Ott Itself t •a • 0 0 • • • ao . CtiftES HEADACHE • • riti till* 'tett' so C e WWII* 30 tiles atetir or >Sttirata'y fabled*" a/ Alt tregeiStS Or melted._ tfiti >�ev 1d irtt;>rntbdir Co.,1111* adnate * many years and afterwards carried en rrwetecision nsionfe it i�earS011w+ 4,tral04641y.s0re 011410wwt.6.* +rocas, business ill ititicatdine. that Ike Hetoh,1311 Stevens and Harry Lawson, after having been dunned by us on the street and in the :Heaver Hotel bar have stili neglected to settle, We beg to state that they are, singularly and collectively, yellow dogs, deed beats and fottr flusters. ---Y hhir, H, 0. fliion. The news of the death on Wednesday, April 20th of Mr. John McPherson, Prin. eess St., 11incardine, Carne as a shock to his many friends. He had been 511 for some time, but no ono thought the end wits sonar. Deceased was A son of the late Maleohit Mon'lterso% lie was born in Perth and tame to Kibeatdine jn 1834. Ile wrath a mitler in his father's mill for '1t1ti4 The Sunny Side of We. "'What iso press eeasor, pot ?" "Why a press eeasor, by eon, is a man 1Yllp kmove more than he thinks other peolint• Shen d; '--Yvrtttertr SW0011144. "I didn't kltuw sere tutu utaoh of ail tdun of art." "Oli yes. She's had hit thti'deors taken rite' trues hung Navajo hlrlukets.i"t ti.eir clones,"-Ulti0ugo Bee, curd -Herald, "Sotnetimes," said Uncle Fbsu, "r man gives hisse'f credit felt Milo' to tined tet tate when he }las siyrply 1.51 ;led down to brim' good au' luny." - Washington. Srnr. Paying Teller -"What 18 your uairre. anyway " Indiguatit Presetrter at Check -"Don't yuu see my eiguaturei" Pltyiuit Toll" -"Heti, '.l'ast's what aroused toy curiousity."-BaltinroreAnt. erioau, The Judge --"But you have no visible means of support," The Trautp-"Oh 1 dunao, judge. Ter kin see lots of good natured people int de worse of a dry, it yer keep yer eyes open 1 "-Punk, First Old Grad -"I hear Poler, cash- ier of the saviugs bank, has been arrest: ed for euibezzlttnlet," i econd Old Grad -"Yrs, poor folio e; be never broke hituself of the habit of taking notes,"- Princetown Tiger. Bifltins--'•I don't think numb of Mrs. Go,hgoo's ability as a tnaltnfaotarer,'• JIifkins-"Why, what you mean?" Bitkius--•"Googoo told me the other (lay that Iris wife made him shat he is."- Chioago Daily News, Mrs. Housekeep--"Delia, I don't want you to be entertaining that p sliceman in tote kitchen any more," Delia -"But Miss Edith is in the parlor most av the toirue ma'am, an' Oi don't thick Mr O'Flynu would enj'y her society, her heir' strange to itim."-Philadelphia Press. A schoolboy was assigned to prepare au essay ou the subject of "Ducks," and this is what he wrote: "The duck is a low heavy set bird, composed mostly of meat and feathers. He is a 'nighty poor singer, having a hoarse voice caused by getting so many frogs in his throat. Ile likes the water, and carries a toy baloou in his stomach to keen him from sinking. The duck has only two legs, and they are set so far back on his runuiug gears by nature that she - carne purty near missing his body. Some decks when they get big has curls on their tails, and are called drakes. Drakes don't have to set or hatch but just loaf, go swimming, and eat. If I was to be a duck 1'd rather be a drake every time." Not Afraid to Endorse 15 People have learned to have such con- fidence in Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure for every form of piles that they do not hesitate to endorse it at every oppor- tunity. As a result Dr. Chase's Oint- ment is probably recommended by more persons than any preparation on the market to -day. There is no guesswork about its effects -relief is prompt and cure certain. Don't Marry This Girl. Who is lazy. Who is a flirt. Whe cannot coutrol her temper. ‘,711c) dislikes children and animals. Who is not neat and tidy in her dress. Who is deceitful and is hot true to her friends. - Who fusses, fumes and fidgets about everything. •SrdrM1•..,41 .. 'tGv.+/„ l t!•,yi 0 HEt• i 1TH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules, They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of mcdicinc,l approved and used by every physician. Ripens abules are widely used by all sorts of people- ••butoyo the plain, every -day folks they arc 1'.. veritable friend In need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. ' remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est ' jm °.dy vith a long and successful record, to r IN • tigesr'tln, dyspepsia., habitual al m id stubborn .o' .e 1pation, d Senslve breath, heartburn, dizziness, - �1' !tion cf the heart, sleeplessness, muscular .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- • •"ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up ! ' .lawn systems, restore pure blood, good apps- id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives .:or. t2.nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans `t`; b'4les. Your druggist sells thele. The five - c. nt packet is et, .;h for an ordinary occasion, The Family Bott't `io cents, contains a supply for a year. :t•:.,f.•, .�• . - :,.;.t;'Y` .i;M'+i: a"Yip+W `:7c?•t.•;s''t.'4t:. '441,,Pe, .'.v. '' .^ :••lt( DR. SPINNEY, rounder of Dr. Spinney & Co. v RIC C 'aitotrr.'I SEEES . t, 1 • try ete • CURED TO STAY CURED. Vc ricocele impairs vitality and destroys thee•,.. is of tnanhoexl. Surgical means should not be employed , , treat this complaint, as operations always weaken the parts. We daily prove by successful results that Varicocele can be anted without operation. instead of maiming and mutilating toe organs. our VITALIZED TREATMENT strengthens the parts, relnoves all pain or aching, restores the circulation, reduces the swelling, vitalizes the nerves and establishes the vigor of manhood. Our treatment is the result of go years exnertnuce. Von fetal its tragic influence during the first week. PAY vinim CURED. W.© cure Blood and Ckin Diseases, Strictures, Varicooeie, Nervous Debility, Prostatio Troubles, Chronic), Kidney, Urinary and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Fres. Books Free. Question'.1st Sent Sealed For Homo Troatmont. DIZo S P N N4 Y 6 ?ho ©id Reliable Specialists. 290 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. iii >* l'''assaa?ma•I.aB°J:'Jsaasasasasesasses9ii*3 salsa asass6 IP vi* I Il On account of its terrible efiects, blood disease is called the 'ring of an diseases. It may ba either hereditary or contracted; so while it may not be a crinto to have the disease, itis a grime to permit it to remain in the system. It may manifest itself in tho form of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, itchiness of the Skin, eruptions or blotches, Ulcera in the mouth or on tho tongue sore throat, falling out of hair,-'lsordered stomach, and a general depression of tate system. If you have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself, You have no time to lose. Beware of "old foxy" treatment beware of mineral � ppoisons— beware of Quacks aad Fakirs. Ot3t r3EW asinvBO1D TREATMENT is guaranteed tocure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you. Our treatment is not injurious in any way, but reaches the veryroot of the disease and eliminates all poison from tiro system. 'rho symptoms of disease gradually disappear. The blood beccmos pure and enriched, the whole oystem 1e cleansed and purified, and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures of life. CURES GU.ateab.sr/SSD OR 1410 PAY. 25 Yearn lay Lbetroit. 250,000 Cored. Consultation Free. Qeostion plank for Homo Treatment and Books Free. �y Cor.rMAcintgrlu ova. and (Shelby St., Detroit,, mein. `.matin: �.+ x f ali6 a -4 ��— Whose highest aspiration has never - soared above self, Who is amiable to suitors and "horid" - 04, to her fanlsly lw Chihhinu a Offers I THE TIMES announces the following low -rate- , Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 :— Times 1111 Jan. 1st, 1905 .. • $1 00 Whose chief interests in life are dress aura. amusements.ck Who las thrift, and has no idea of the value of money. Who cannot bear to hear any ono but i herself praised or admired. Who thinks more of making a fine appearatloe than a fine character. Who is coarse, imperious and domin- Who never thinks that her mother 1 needs an outing, amusement or a change. Who humiliates servants by snapping at theta or critics ing there before guests. Who appropriates the best of every- thing for herself, and is thoughtless of others. Who dresses in the height of fashion when going out, but does not care how Bering in manner and conversatione up the job." she looks at home. -0. S. Marden. in eeseirrr .wterrerost esnte XeSIIM 11.1E CidREATFs? BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLD r. Coot) brain food, 2. 'excites the functions of the fiver. 3, Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Disinfects the mouth. s. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the stomach. 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbaticee. 7. ]issues the secretion of the kidneys. 8. Prevents calculus concretions. Jose Scale. A perhhanent position for Siiceess. Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated suppletnent 1 60 Times and Family nevoid and Weekly Star, with premium i taps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario.. 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. - .. 1 50 Times and Weekly San, - 1 i5 Times and Daily Globe - Times and Farmers' Advocate - Times and Toronto Daily Star... Tinges and Montreal Weekly Herald 'Times and Toronto Daily News WANTED Times and Toronto Saturday Night 4 35 2 25 1 80 1 15 1 85 2 30 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We Can A Bran to represent "Canada's .Great- give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine 1�- est 'Nurseries" in the town of Winghaai published. The above are our FIXED RATE,, marked down and surrounding oonntry, and • take orders for St) AS to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates, In Trutt 'trees, Small l,rults In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new Ornamental;, shrubs, Roses, subscribers for the BALANCE OF 1903 z•l:t;E. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal snbscripttons. - All subscribers Stock true to name and free from San will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES Vines, Seed Potatoes, ate. g, Obviates indigestion, Co, A preventative against diseases of the throat. • tr. 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