HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-28, Page 3Very small and us easy
to take as v1:v:s.
Are a sure and permanent cure for all
Kidney and Bladder Troubles,
is the first sign of Kidney Trouble.
Doft't neglect it I Check it in time I
Serious trouble'will follow if you don't.
Cure your Backache by taking
In the weekly retort of the Depnrt-;
men:, of Trade and (otnmerce for Ap-
ril 4th, M'r. 1'. B. Ball, Agent of that
Department •int B:rm:n,ghem "nten-
.tirens an inetttiry from rl ilrm in' Ire-
land, wh'eii is pr.prr.t to engage -with
shippers of apples for the ec'in.ne• ae.
.on, Further ineormatton m y b'
had ou application to the fdinis'.er of
Trade and Oentmerce, ineit.ion nor the
report to tic agent at 13:rm:ngham.
ln'gu:ry No. 35.
The Fruit Division, Ottaw', reeeiv•
ed on ;'peril llth from Mr. C. L. Stcv•
ens of Or'Ilia a basket of very tine
Salome apples. These had b:san Stor-
ed ifi a cellar all winter, but are still
in perfect condition, although the Sal-
ome is ,generally considered an early
winter apple. • filiei.r handsome ap
pearanco and earee lent condition b
tho mouth of April are highly credit-
' able to.the Orillie. district ea an ttip-
>ilio growing section.
Cer gine
'mrd te r
Little Liver Pisa
/Must Dear Signature of
Sco Fac -Simile Wrapper Below.
Toronto's Wholesale District
Swept by Fr lames.
flomilUan, Huit'.alu, Iondon at)d Potnrb4r
i3N1At ,#A4.-Uet;ltu 111 Currie 1Y0:4
el,tntrtoa street, xuseday Night,
aIua klr...Oieua 1aev.,10,at4,l ,lcryr
Jlrtpru ]turulo; ltarul„ tr AL
5 .,.1n. -t plat 404alad• •
Toronto, April 20.--Indcseribabie
it its terrors, irresiatable is its forte,
and eatautitous beyond any disaster
dint awls yet uvertuX 11 'Toronto was
the great tiro alai lust ttigitt sw4pt
through the whutesuie centro of the
city, leaving iu its truca acres of
smoking rutns, where a few hours be-
fore there lied been huge warehouses
'and factories tilled with the costliest
of rturchandiso.
hor•outu tris morning faces a Ore
loss of ton millions of dollars, and
aces its wholesale district, an area oC
awful ruin. AL 3 o'clock this room-
ing, after the flames had practically
unhindered sway for seven hours,
they had oaten up block after block
Of the finest warehouse places in the
country and were still unconquered.
North, south, east and west thoyt
spread, and the Ore department, dis-
heartened at the start by the injury
to the chief, were pitiful in their ut-
for helplessness.
From a blaze which had a begin -
:ling. serious looking to be sure, in
the Currie premises in Bay street,
yet not necessltt•ily containing the
fountain head of a contiagration,
tens of thousands of citizens watch-
ed the flames sweep unresisted, hute
and there, wherever they could reach,
net one All 1. ump11 Erfurt.
Within thirty minutes from the
time that the firemen were called
the fire was beyond all human effort
to control. Valiantly, as tho firemen
struggled, they had to retreat from
building to building and from street
to street.
From Wellington street, whore
stood the massive six -storey ware-
house occupied by the Ansley and
other orris, and which was the' be-
ginning of the end, tho sweep of the
destroying element up till 5 o'clock
this morning had taken in the urea
west on Wellington street, north
side, to the vacant lot separating
tho Suckling & Ivey warehouse, north
on Bay street to the Toronto En-
graving YinR
ACfUSe the street
to e Telegram, which is partially
damaged. south on that side, com-
pletely gutting the throe adjoining
buildings; then east alone Wellington
street, awoirling the lobuildings nn
the northeast- corner. 'on the south
side of W.•ilinetoa street. the fine
four-stor,'•v building of stone and
brick of the SVy ld, Dar.itng Company
was sacrificed and the flames have
gone cast to the 1.ilgout• Papel• Com-
Reeci. tt'at•"11n11sr. !lone.
On Wellington street. west of Bay,
the old Brock warehouse, almost a
landmark, fell prey from Ilamos
which carne from the Rolp .:Anti tit
and llrown Bros. factories. Through
to the south the conflagration ex-
tended into the roar of tho ware-
house on the north side of Front
street from Bay to Warwick Prase. &
Rutter, and scorching the t,ti.e u's
Both sides of Day street are also
in ruins, involving the loss of tall,
solid buildings. South of Front
street every building in the block
bounded by Bay and Lorne streets
and the Esplanade are no more.
Threatens 4agtoln House++.
The change of wind prevented the
burning of the Cobban factory 20t1
yards south on the water front,
which was threatened with flying
embers, but that same shirt sent the
flames roaring with but feeble effort
to stay them, taking in the fatuous
old block on the south side of
Front street, and at the time of
writing threatening the Custom
House at Yongo and Front. On the
north side the fire has almost reach-
ed the Bank of Montreal.
outside BP., rias Help.
are unani-
T r n o
Tho people of
mous in thanking Buffalo, Hamilton,
Poor man! He Can't help it.
He gets bilious. ` He needs a
good liver pill--Ayer's Pills.
They act directly on the liver,
cure biliousness. ,•owC•di4 Q.
ol ,
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
,trrr ore. L i. «ALL i ee.. RAU,tnA. N. n.
R. 13. I3pTCiIISQ:3 dl CO., . Villa**WOVLA HAVE TO STOP HEIR,
sale woolens, WORM. AND SIT DOWN.
]PANTS & I•IENDEttSON, stationers.
E, W. GII4101t4 de BRO., silver -
W. H. RAYNE & CO.,, commiesioil
• ROWLAND ORR, advertising agent.
R. M. $I.A.TEit', & CO,, wholesale d17
On the east side OR Bay the Crown
Hotel and the building of the Office
Specialty Compt;ny were burned. '
The Telegram building was saved
after some very strenuous work by the
employes and firemen. Ail the plats
glass windows in the west side of the
building were destroyed,
Nos, 45-49, Gutta Perel a Rubber Co,
Nos. 51-53, ;Y, E. Bonn Co., wholesale
clothing; stock value $150,000.
No, 55, Johnson & Sword, neckwear
man urn cturers.
Nos. 57-50, Cookshutt. Charles & Co..
Nos. 61-63, William Croft & Sone.
Nos, 65-67 Haehb &
are a blessing to wonted ill this condition. They
cure Norvousnoss, Slcelllessness, Palpitation of
thelit•trt, Nalnt and f)izeySkefis, t'eakness,
Listlessness, and all troubles peculiar to the
female sex.
Nlrs. James Taylor, Salisbury, N,B., in recom-
mending thein says: Abmtt eight months ago
I was very betdly run down, a as troubled greatly
with palpitation of the heart and would get so
dizzy I would heirs to leave my work and sit
down. I seemed to be gciting worse aline
ern Sherrlden time, until a friend at visod me to try MI.L•
No. 63 G. can truthfully say that they do all yell claim
l3oulter. for Went, and I can recommend them to all
No. 71, D. D. Hawthorne. run-downwornen.
R. Simpson & Cm, R»etnry. Price6Oc,perhux,or.9boxesfor$1.2a;alideal-
or Tea Milberg Co,, Ltutited, Tarmac, Out,
Dodrte Wood Spilt Puler Compnny. TEN YEARS F REACH,
P, D. Dods & Co., paint manufac-
turer .
Cardslde & White. wholesale shoes.
W. P. Bryce, fancy goods. Two Thugs Sentenced to Sing Sing
for Attempting to Kill,
No. 50, Gordon MacKay & Co.
No, 52, Brereton & Brown,
Nos. 54-58. W. J. Gage & Co.
New York, April 10 -- Edward
(Monk) Last min, the le aclrr of an
No. CO, Ames, golden Co.,' Limited, cost s:da L:nd of thu;1 who Iasi boottl. week was coavsc
ofed of °su;t in iite
No. 62. Book Supply Co,
No. 64, Copp, Cleric Co„ Limited, first d.er-rItee Ic-'ley w's sentencn-1 to
wholesale statitioners. :t' eve len years in Seng Sing Itis ison.
Nos. 08-70, Warwick Bros. & Rutter, Sentence was pronounced by Record -
c'r Goff in the Court of General. Sys -
Queen's Hotel. sons. Eastman was tr:ed on ft eiterge
No. 102 Bradley. Levy & Weston Mor or attempting to kill C,er.rirc E. Bryanehinery Co.. Limited.
i Robert Darling & Co.,. wholesale a Selective. IL was alleged that some
dry goods. oft astln'rn's companions were in the
Merchants' Dyeing and Cleaning Co' act of robbing nn intoxicated youth
E. B. Eddy Co.
Anderson, MacEeth & Co., wholesale ehum Bryan *vas shadowing and that
hats. Lowndes Co„ factory; Fleming Bros., when the detective interfered Last-
chemi'ts, i man fired s:lver•ti shots at him. After
E. W. flillett & Co. i hearing the verdict the ,fury brought
Carter Creme Co. in a verdict of assault in the first dr-
Wllilar* A. Rogers Co., silver-plated ware. i gree. George Coan, a n<torieus oho r•
Lincoln Paper Comnany. I:Soler. who occupied a pes'ticn among
J, L. Mor+igen to f'o,. broicbin'era' the criminals of the west side simnel -
Jenner, Snuer, Bannerman Co., whole-
sale dryvoods. 1 to that of Elstman in the oast side,
'Rochester Lrtmn Company; Toronto ;also was sent to Sing Sing for ten
Flower and Feather Company, Limi-
ted. t year:. by llecorder Goff to-d:ty. Like
I. B. Kleinert Rubber Company, dress Iiastrnon, Coan had bien convicted of
s Stewart. Howe & May, binding mann- (assault in the first degree. Coon's
facturers. , victim eventunllyr died, and Record -
W. P. King & Co., manufacturing
cr Goff in interring sentence slid that
Tornrto Tintttin'y Mills Co. iif it had•rot. Lien for lila i"xaessof
Trttrn T*nittin'r Mille Co. ; jeet•tne he should have been teed for
2t1ackhall & G'n„ bookbinders. , murder, ne; mufeler undoubtedly wns
The most serious accident of the .tvaninq
Ras that to Chief 'Litotttpson. •ia some as
the ihetl,en perceived that the flames wort,
crossing the lune bettveelt Canto's ht'tidtng
and the Ansley establishment a party enter-
ed nt the door of the tatter dud, headed
by the chief, started to leas; a hese to the
hyper storeys. on arrivf.tg ut tat: third Ilat
they found further progress nn,•red by 'tae
smote and ll'wicn. Turning to ululre tbeii
%'lI)• downstairs again they fouud their
egress barred. The Mose ane pulled to the
window nod linseed out, uu'1 one by one 1
they slipped down to the gram s. Chief
Thompson was the Met to re, nml on near•
Mg the bottom or Ids perilous journey he
partially lost ills brei t and drupp:,1 to the
1.111 rintllt.
The firemen around oolel;iv ra21:o to his
rescue anti carried hint snrar. Ile wits taken
to the Emergency ilospic1,, t1 h• t.' It tuns
dlslcuvercd that Ms itiu,iries ntuountc,l to n
fracture or the Huth; of II', rI,tltl I". and
n overt. rupture of the Ilg.0:kilts, lie tear
enlaced to go hours
There e.vct•e no nthcr serious hijcrics, h'lt
thruour tit'• night Ili" sr1IIT at the rimer-
geney were kept ln1'y udulsler"aa to tlro
little n •' 11' pts which 1., fell the 5r^ -right•
cry, Thr Thine ra u'' rr confined psntaly to
slight Iwo's•A, tied, rs in the or -s, nod
muscular strains. 't'herr were ten tn1'n who
hod be"n o'Suiacr1Il to ' p to enc o'clock,
They t1•or. .ins. As!sfl^ld, Iloiton.avenutr
station. bruised; t!'rn. St"phcnsnn, 00110o.
ave.. f1,11 ,while working; ou n ladder; W. S.
Duthie, 1.002hn•d•strc,•t, eye heft; 'rhos.
Onrrent, 11"t'en-uv.•nm•, eye l'u•n^d; Thos.
Davies, Portia od.sty"rt, braised; John
I owry, Lembo r4.„t root, eve bort; John
Kee, Lnmbter,l.otrect, eye hurt: waiter Par-
ker, 13.erkelcy-street, eye hurt; 'rhos. ear-
gent, Belton -avenue. bruised.
fa Addition to thrs( Thos. Conk of 4$
Sheridan-strect. bn,l his ankle l,^r11y sprain-
ed and Jetnes 1a11a of 588 Cull»ge•strret,
had hi. feet, severely cut by foiling wires.
Alfred (,ares of 1'(1r -street station, wes
atr+•rk by a fulling picot' of timber end
offered n 'mvere r•0110t13MMn. 11e was
ink ^n
A 111t11.11) STATEMENT,
This It.niluattt•entettt ii irm.t1e twlthout any
,tan1IAnatlow.. tierll•itoid is the Nue ,,rep-
nration )u *Ito world that guarlult ewe: it.
Htim•Roi+l will cure, any case of Piles.
It 1y iu the fern, of a 12ehiet.
Ir, is the may Pilo remedy us,'rl inter -
Ir. ter impnwsil,ll' to t'nre nn estnl lished
•' e* of Pel,'- t. uh einrinst,rs, suptio•ttc,r•
ru 21, iitjecttrnn*, 11r rmttvard apph,lncr'$.
A gnernette• is i.i1n,ed with r'v. ry oack-
eg.) of I3,•rn h,,i,l, whieh COLtoitIS a
111111121)'*1 12(21' )111'116.
Go and talc t., pier druggist anent, it. tricts. Although there are• seventY-1
S )!d in W1nph.tnt by Walton MuKib- five farmers in Ontario who are giv-
ing spacial attention to growing high �
cias't seed grain as members of the
WOi Eisi AT ST. LOUIS iu,eoei:ttion, only pine of them are 1
The carreepond:nl; secretary of the growing seed corn. it is hoped that
No;tor,.1 Council of Wor.1^n, Mrs. others may b: induced to take up the
Cirrmin•^,s, Toronto, aske the inser- work. According to the rules of the
tun or the fo1icwine notice in '>ur association s)'11 cern ,grouters are roe
lei:umns: To the 'Women of thin- quired togr•aw but on: variety en *210
- The National 'Council of Wo- same farm and keep it pure bye fol -
axon of C,lneda has been asked to lolling a system of .selection similar
motel known the feet that a very to the plan adopted by the Illinois
cordial invitation has b-' n sent to Seed Dern Breeders' A.seeiat:on. Ar-'
tyle Wout_n of Canada, through His rangements are being, made by i'rof.
Excellency the Governor-General from Robertson for Issuing an annual asst-',
t11e Board o: Lady 11anngers of the dation eataloaua for the. i:urpese of
Louisiana .L•urcha o Exposition to udvertising ,pedigreed seed inoduoed
join them in presenting to the world by members. Herein; is provided an ,.......-..__
information of thy. condition, armor- opportunity for seed grower:3 to build
iunities, development end promises up a reputation as producer; of high
As. a fodder cropp the corn
plant is tut iwpgrtent one For
' o.sita a purposes, A Proper aombina
tion. of stalk, leaves and ear's isr de..
sired, ;'V'arieties that are salted for
ensilage age not, art a rule, an Most
profitable to grow for husking on the
sante farm or it the immediate loco,.
lity. The largest yields of fodder
are obtained from ,the later ripen-
lug: v..rieties, and for ensilage the best
returns are Obtained from sorts that
will just reach the glazed stage of
riper ss before the time for early
artist. Varieties that give, the lurg-
est yield. of ,good ensilage in Bastern
Ontario, (eu..bec and the Maritime
provinces aro among the bast vurietieit
.or !Making in youth WA:Stern Onte-
r,o, and the bast va.rietie,s for ensil-
age in the latter district are grown
for husking in the great corn bat.
ft is not to b� recommended, than,
that farmers along the northern corn
bait grow their own, seed for ensilage
corn. To stteuripg their supplies of
seen they become accustomed to de-
pend entirely on their se.edsmen. 'A
;real deal, therefore, depends on the
euro exercised by seed merchants in
securing their yuppiies of seed corn.
Owing to the male end feruale or -
gum; of a-el:redaction being borne on
different parts of the same plant, it
is d,fiicuit to ktop varle:les Pare, The
pollen is borne on the tassel, and must
Dente in contact With, the silk before
seed formation alp take place. The
pollen is cari'id chiefly by the wind.
JOvuo, when 1)laneed two or three butt-
ered yards ap.trt, two distinct varie-
ties Weenie doss-ferttlized, t.ntl, in
uonst.quencc, established
broken de*rn. The eharacters of a
variety cat corn cannot: be preserved
unless a system of continued :election
of Wed be followed, and the trees for
seed be grown at .east a quarter! of
a mile dis.ane ;ram any other type
or variety,
Variety names clave become very
:tooth confused, and are not a sale
gu d: unless the steel ba cbiain"d from
a skilled grower of seed corn. C'ross-
brcci seed corns sold under the names
at favorably known * taadard varie-
ties have been the c;,tu3* of (much ois-
aepointmont and loss in crop. There
are, in many cases, exceedingly wide
differ..noes between two strains of
steel which bear
the sante
i names. Lipner existing conditions Oa-
nadi:en corn growers cannot do better
than endeavor to get seed of the bast
stand varieties
Tbt2 I)ominiop 1 epari.mept t1t, Agri-
culture calls the attention of cream -
arae owners to the following facts;,
1- 4 large proportion of butter for
export is nett cooled to u sufficiently
low temperature before leaving the
creamery, Investiget:ons by this de-
partment during the lust: two years
have shown.'th'lt the temperature of
batter on its arrival at the railway
stations varied between 40 and 00 de-
grees F..
2, It is very important that butter'
be cooled to the ,centre of the box tit a1
tetneprature below, 38 degrees F. as
soon as possible after being manufac*
turgid. Every moment that butter is.
left at a high temperature lessens its
keeping gtaalities, Butter left 0,t. a
high, temperature for some time is
subject 'to tt rapid deterioration en
its arrival in Great Britain. The
refrigerating compurtmetats of steam-
ers are not inte;aded to cool warm bat-
ter and such butter does not get staf-
f icieutly chilled before arriving ire
3. In order -to lower the tempura
ture of the butter below E8 degrees
it is not sufficient to lower the tem -
e e i rte or
• ature h fr ego e
r of
the l: g ttla
two days befor„ the shipping of but-
ter. Butter boxes should be exposed
to a temperature below! 38 degrees
for at Toast five or six days.
4. The way to find out the temper-
ature of the batter is by emitting a
reliable thermometer 'Otto a box of
butter. 'The bat;."r maker should not
be guided entirely by the temperature
maintained in the cold storage roam,
5. Two hours of exposure to the
tient of the sun Will lessen ceus:dcr-
ably the keeping qullities of butter.
Butter should be protected from the
heat of the sun during transport from
the creamery lo the railway station.
The butter maker should find out the
hour at ':•Bich the refrigerator car is
to ,pass, so that butter may not have
to Stand 'it long time on 'thet station
platform or in a alarm shed,
0. A 'well built eold storage room
may be kept at a temperature 'below
321 degreek.F. with a mixture of suit
and ice. C"rer.*m ry owners who wish
to improve their refrigerators mayob-
tain necessary ehecificeti:•ns by apply-
ing to the Dvi:artmeni of Agriculture,
This department will extend the of-
fer of the bonus of $100 for the build-
ing and maintenance a of creamer:' re-
tri;erators .or the: stetson cf 1904.
Creamery otwn:rs who babel cold
storage roam cice1rdin;. to sat:sfnce
tory plans this spring will ba 'tuLitl-
c s ;hat hive been proved to be the ed to the first inst'ilmenl: of the bonus
most reliable. at the end of the season of 1004, pro-
vided that they observe the folloft ing
ceatly organized by Prof. Robertson, ! 08l'dit',ons meantwhila:
has a. wide field for useful work; in
j (:t) }Ttru£actcri n' at least ,:1)00
'*int the lbs. of butterper month.
production of high-
class. pure-bred seed corn. There is ; (�) Dlaintenanc: ti temperature of
no line of work that the growers of ; cold store;*':1+. a sufficientll` low
pedigreed seed may take up, that, is ; atgrae'
likelyto prove more remunerative t) Forwarding of n:cntl:ly reports
than the growing ii. seed corn of •vu-
ricties that are suitable for ensilage
purposes in the northern dairy dis-
to the department ihou'ing tins
taro maintained and quantity' et
ter manufactured.
liana and eiacificatioll5for the
sir etion of cold storage rooms
blank form of Marts • of teexpertutl'it
trill ba trailed to any address on, il>iI`
plication to this I)epertmeot.
An hnglish wholesale fruit deuleg
writes 'lh':� Fruit Division, Ottawa,
that he is desirous of importing Can*
adieu Apples next fall, and asks Who.
put in communication with; reliable,
shippers who would make consign*
.menta ag•titast prearranged advances,
$) would prefer to .dc business ‘only'
with those who expert their selected
frail in layer boxes. R"ss taddref
and further inforntatiop nay` in Il,atl
on application 'to M. W. A, liacgin.
nest, Chief of Fruit Division.
Medallions of all kinds ere ill great
v ;ere.
The long chain fad shows 14o sign A.
You cannot have too many ru Uingi*,,.
and shirrings.
The newest sleeves are cut in one
piece with the yoke.
The fancy for gold triaainlirgs ' 4a
gowns and wraps continues.
Petticoat fronts are much seen among
elaborate attire.
Insertions of colored lace trim some of
the sheer white blouses.
Narrow Val. lace is set upon the edges
of fine embroideries for the fine white
A pretty fringe for flonnce trimming
is made from mnititudiuons loops of
satin baby ribbon.
Linen belts wirh small gunmetal
Clasps will be worn as much this year as
they were last.
The red and bine Russian and Hunger,
ion embroideries are just the thing .to
fitly adorn pongees.
Deep fringes of silk, jet, pears and iri-
descent beans adorn both afternoon and,
evening dresses.
Braid is used in extravagant gnanti,
ties for trimming. It helps oat embroi-
defy and lace, besides taking au active:
part without aid.
It's jest the irony of fate to have the
furnace want to draw like a whirlwind
in the warming weather.
The servant problem ie not only how
to keep those yon want, but to t -ret rid of
those you don't want.
From the way a woman nes 'it•heu she
goes out in a new spring hat you'd think
she was scorching in a big red automo-
Brantford, London, Ycterboro, East I Alfre 1 fl'+les wee 0scending a Polder of their sox in their own country, :Ind class, pedigreed seed of corn end other
and North 'I'orollto and other Omni- : et the eoreler or Wel'[neton and 11av- to exhibit at th^. Exposition sped- cereals. Because .,of the increasing
ci zalities which sent engines and i str"ete ellen a pole broke and struelt K. reliable
portions of their brigades nr uffcrud' eim+h^',1•e the .eirinkne tnnthl.7'ntft " irons of the:r productions and ex.- demand and limited supply
to do so. ° the + Te nmplcs of ill it ac: Iv; ties, mantle I. seed earn the•.Production of pure bred
keno ^:r it ". foortd he w'ae serf- .
leore a rather severe concussion. mental, se orlific end arisiin. Cont- seed of this important cere'1 offers
• fertil• '
munlcatica.i on 111 subyt'et to tt; speeial inducements.
made to ',2r:. Delhi:'t Manning, T'resi-
The list of those who suffered thru dent Pour 1 cr' M.2reetors, :cit. L cuffs. A Very Good Unit:,
tt test+ c•,+ryr dir.c•ult to obtain even 2:n
last night's fire is pusstbly Lnco
mpl tte
at the present time, but so tar as pos-
sible to be got at it is as fdtu:is; approximate estinu:t a of the .un,:Ont
SOUTH $fbl . of the damage caused by la."•t ni lice,) ,
W. R. BTIOCK & CO. } fire, as the majority of the insurance
ROT,PH-SiITTI•I. ngents in town were on the scene oC
ADDISON AND etA.INPttICL. ; the disaster and couid not he reaohttt3.
1 'rhe 1:oy:t1 will lose 1.8)0,009.
BROWNY-BROS. tlara'r"•
';'i”, Scottish Uni0'1. $250,000.
IDIC'IC1 ' The Attila, $150.000,
DODDS. MCDNIl ot). The Commercial Union $21)0,000.
RICIT R1) sTEAmP,1IAT CO' The .int,"leerciterk;u1, $200,000.
1l. T. C D T,. 13AIiI/3t• t1lte Norwich inion, $25e,000.
E. T. CORSET co. • In short, the English commutes will
C II, WEST WOOD Mit INC lose from $t`0).000 to $10,000 err it. And
TACKLE. the Canadian companies up to $500,.
I The heaviest tons will fail on the
A. W, GRASi:TT, ;ti:lly. AGENT,Western and British American Com- .Heals find Iloother the Lungs and Cana da-'iti m. li1lar, New name
THOMAS NORMAN, MAN. AGENT. puniest Lure, •Ont.. tOtttp.rise.iylg stave tripe
_ -" It is well known that the majority of
iinrnan ills arise from uoustipttuun of the
e bowels and on this accuu1lt many people
.y„sat make it a rule to see that the bowels
t'eete.W move once every day. If you are sub-
,ts ject to coustipation you can be cured by
t the use of De. Chase's ILiduey-Liver
Pills. These Pills not only make the
bowels active, but by their action on
the liver ensure a regular flow of bile,
nature's awn cathartic and so remove the
cause of serious disease\
Patent Report.
Bronchial Tubes, es, Cures COUGtHS,
GTLLESPIE & ANSL'E:Y. I COLDS,B$OKORITIs HOABSI0 Saints and rcnplinsr t: Wm. Goetz:,
EL AND S. CC MIE. while shnotiox Pike.+ Winnipeg, Jlao., Iterness tug secerieg
Bea, ,Oi1TIlt OF WELLINGTON. Citatlrliln, April `lO. W, E. Ben- 1 ESS, eta.t quicker than. ally' Tent and teeasine lleVict'<; Ar.httr P. Cou-
r. A. TIJRNER, MAN. AGENT. nett, 15 years of age, and only son edy known. If you hate that irrx tore Toronto, Out., pivoted sash snp-
TtTItN'l ti fir tLAittILTON. j of Robert Bennett of Blenheim, was tatingCatigh that keeps you awake orfs; Uein o, Aub., voted al, Que.,
MARX )ISHt It & SONS. geridentolly injured Monday evening at dight, t dose of the Syrup will P
DTtA1C1 . ITAMI3L•Y & COCiCBVI11V, '`while shooting hike ill rt creek in that smoke consuIuer; Joseph La 1Zielter,
atop it 'at once. (qua., stitch farnzin meeb-
FANCL NG &I, vicinity. He received n hi the entire Monteeal,
CLUNG & T3i'T` 1t`; i�TA'V' AGENT. b 3 his id b
Mc •• • .- • x , charge of a gun rt ut s e, above
the hip, and died four hours after USEtT Fog BIOUT YTtARS. :ezlisnt for slide sewing machines; Au -
At,LCt3t'1C, LAItII'C & W1:ST- ; gust 1�ltruschcl, ;iSan're111, One , elec. Ii, CIPAGG, Manufacturers' agent, boat. with tt cw)lptin on, tear srailways;
1tOTTlyt_I3ILD 13I.OS. & CO„ button ; tCult towards hintarlt by the ttluzzle, PINE SYRUP for every cold x have had l+bilins i3el:e, ;11r�ntre 1. Que., St,f.onett
WOOD, fishing titl:itlls. i the acetdentf ''Bennett, who wits in a
I d • h3 I have used DR. WOO NORWAY Incitraction
system for
Manufa c ttr fere.
t;', ti r, Pf)1' GAT1iI' R- CO., broke*.
11ItTC(filE & fAM:ll3T, coated piper
THOMAS' IIOSE/N, manufacturei:ti'
-11i114i. J1'i,SSOI` A SOS, iteef -*natio.
A. *. *in Dead.
Elmira, April 20,—A, H. trb, •iti
*ardt•1L for the County 8l Watt:Idol,
died suddenly from pnoutnbnia, . 14i
hit ha d. ltlsl% ivaMsg.
. . ,u w-,...........,-4
for the past eight years, with 'wonder,
fol $ucee3s. t never see a friend 'Viol .a
cough or cold but that I recommend
1r118Worth,, Jacksonville,
United States-»Mess.rs. l eteison -t'c 1
i'uteaw, -'Seattle, iti.;sit., soli -vealint.
faucet ' Joseph Dupont, Rochester,
lzneumatic tire, i • r
It's from, the stomach the
blood is fell and the nerves i
I ntllgesteli food ferments
for Iack of gastri•' juice.
The fermentation anti putre-
faction in the stomach and
alimentary canal are the
m:Lll eAll ^S of ,agenic.
It cr wets the nerves.
It poisons the system.
Dr. Le gd*ardt's Anti -'Pill
increases `he necessary sup
ply of gastric. juice in quant
tity an 1 quality to insure
perfet t st,):::aols action. It
ha4 ,•':t:aa: arti,r:1 oa bill;
formation. Anyone can
prove thio f .r le itself by
atldresOm Wie se:orYLs
< u., :*ia: era yells, Ont., far
free sample.
Don't plod along like your grandmother did "•:r.fore
you, scouring and scrubbing; bending. and ru 3bing.
rnakes x ouiov+iork. easy. It cleans ovorytttln3 at•'`t
injuros nothing. Moro economical than cow l'
Mado only by THE N. N. } AIREANI< ooM At'flt`,
Woke*, Nair York, Boston, It, Louis, Montreal.