HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-28, Page 1THS WIIv(iHAM TIMES.
VOL XXXI1.I,—NO. 1681.
The weather doesn't say
so—but the calendar does.
It's Springtime — renewing
time. Now is the right time
to buy, and this is the right
place to buy at.
We needn't go into any
long arguinent why this is
the right place to buy at,
either. Most folks know'us
as our customers, or have
heard of us through these
self -same customers. We
only claim what we believe
is the fact, and that is, that
we've the biggest arid best
stocks of
Tweeds, Hats,
Caps, Shirts,
Gloves, Hosiery, to.
in the County. We have the
newest of everything—and
that courtcom-
values t
no matter where
you've a mind to make
Be sure you see our goods
before buying elsewhere.
A pleasure to show goods.
Homuth gyros.
J. & J H. Kerr's old stand
Macdonald Block, - WINGHAM
Issued by Palmic PATEusox, No. ;8 Victoria
street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,000,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United.States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. H EPB U RN, Manager.
R. Vanstene, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President-•- Hort. Wt[. Gn so .
Vice -President and
General Manager —3. Tvrtxutrnt,.
George Roach, Tohn {Proctor, A. B. Lee,
John S. Hendrie, Geo. Rutlherford.
Inspector --I3. M. WAeso c.
Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In•
tereat allowed, and computed on the 00th No-
vember end
o-vrember'end 01st May each year end ridded to
MpeCia' tieposit3 also received at current
rows of interest.
Drafts on (}re..t Britain and the ZJnited
Statat Bought and sold.
' rattellers are notified that theBanlr of Ham-
Ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
*kWh can be cashed without charge Or trou-
ble in,any part of the World.
W. COEBOtT.LD, Agent
%AOKII 301/ c Il.t)T4MM5, aoltcltore.
Honest Goods
Honest Prices
That's what you want—
and what you get
when you trade here.
R. A. Hofchson
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 5;1
Who wants a Farm ?
for sahale, in 50, 7tJ000 0,, 1 ,l1 and 200 acres, Lots in
Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce, Aincardine, Huron
a71d Ashfield Townships. Good Iands with
good. buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sole, elm oat for a song.
.Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling 1n con-
vection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagons}lop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at o per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
IReal Estate Notice.
Do yo
u intend to }
ur property in town this
Spring ? If you (10, I can soveyou Seine money
if you buy from 711e. I invite you to calf and
have a look at what I hove to offer you Prices
from 2000 up to 23,100, accohclilig to quality and
I have some special bargains that I would
like to show you, and I feed certain Icon satisfy
you in hou,a property no matter how particu-
lar yeti may be.
Dig sal{, of Manitoba lands on
at iv* seat. Call and get priors.
Real Et.tate and Bw.inesa Transfer Agent
Or1rIcs—Vanstono block, Wingham.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure henriache.
Fordwich 1•
The hotel buildi
c tannletoly dextro
clay morning of las
ty was owned by le
Hotel Brunswick 01
will he a heavy 1
were insured for $
otel Burned.
g at Ford wi h was
ed by fire early Fri -
week. The. proper -
r. Alex. Orr, of the
this town, and he
sur. The premises
Still big bargetus
black plumes at Mrs.
are handsome.
offered in long
Green's. They
Mr. and Mrs,
family have this '
new home near Se
ogle has for a num
employee of the G.
forty years the far
dents of Wingham
will entry the b
Dr. Brown will b
on Tuesday, April '
7 p in. for consultat
and throat cases.
ha 11fcDonogh and
eek moved to their
forth. Mr. McDon-
er of years beet. au
T. R. and for over
ily have been resi-
nd vicinity. They
t wishes of many
at, the Queen's Hotel
ith from 11 a,rn. to
on in eye, ear, nose
Fast Horses
On Thursday la
shipped fourteen
'Winnipeg. Some
good time on the t
is the intention of
number of the race
A number of the
Mr, Swarts left for
day morning.
to Winnipeg.
t Mr. J. E. Swarts
igh class horses to
f the horses can show
ick and we believe it
to owner to visit a
eetings iu the West.
crses will be sold.
the West on Satur-
No Fait
Aylmer Sun:
this paper and
weather mom. I3
15, 1G and 17 wore
be very warm.
creaul suit oiled u
waited with a
"very warn.," I
misplaced confide
of the heaviest eu
prevailed, and fr
the boantiful (?
on the 16th vv
Shave', outtersre
and huge logs w
Oa the lith the
and the weath
blewed. "
in Hicks.
It's all off between
ev. Irl Hicks, the
A forecasts for April
hat these days would
o got out our ice -
the lawn mower and
lm leaf fan for the
was entirely a case of
ice. On the 15th one
wstorms of the year
m 12 to 14 inches of
covered the greand,
got flown the snow
laced wheeled vehicles,
re teamed in on sleighs.
now was still With us,
r was cold. Hicks be
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Annual Inetitu Meeting.
The annual rneetin' of the Wingham
branch Woman's Ins tote, will be held
in the Chisholm Hall on Friday after -
neon, May 0th, at 30 o'clock. All
ladies are cordially i viaed to attend this
Have yon seeu Cooper's well paper?
House Pro
Mr. Juhu Hann
and lot on the co
Edward streets to 4
Mr. Waddell has eol
and is moving to W
Mr. C. J. Maguire
Kerr's house and lot
Mr. Win. Bone at $,1
possession next thou
family front Reckw
erty Sold.
hes sold his bouso
ter of Patrick and
r. Matthew Waddell.
his farm in Culross
igharn.. This week
as sold Mr. R. A.
u Frances street to
50. Mr. Boue gets
1 and will move his
Printers' Ink Draws Trade.
The clepartmeuta
cities say that the
some localities are t
stores in some of the
lrcal inerrhants in
eking so ranch bet-
ter use cd their local papers that custom-
ers are awakening t
are just as well et,
Stores as in the ler
quenue the trail
large department s
siderabie shrinkage
the fact that they
ved in their home
cities As a comae -
der business of the
res has heti a o0u-
iu these localities.
Success 1 koncert.
The most s'.oce sfnl of the series of
concerts given by is citizens' band dtir-
ing the past few m uths was that held
on Friday evening est, the opera house
being fairly well fil ed. The progrinute
was rendered as ublished is these
columns last week, he different num-
bers being well res- ved. ,The citizens
have turned out h udsomely to these
entertainments, an a we cannot but
think that while the • have always got
good value for their money in the pro'
gramme provided, tl .y will feel doubly
repaid wheu they .:e the lneuibare of
thebaurl comic:, out eu full uniform in
a few we -Its.
Baptist Church An
• The aunnal report o°'
Baptist Charoh for tht
March a h 3Jtrt, 1901, has jn
The reports from the dilYe
in connection with the elm
the work in alt its hranche
ing. The pastor, Rev, X.
B A., has about completed
in Wingham, and the Tema
learn of the success of the
his care, and wishes bot
people continued abundan
al Report.
the Wingham
year ending
been issued.
ent societies.
oh show that
is 'weeper -
N, McLean,
iis first year
is pleased to
work under
pastor and
A good mare, with foal for sale. Apply
to Wan, Ii, Campbell, W. T. Plot.
Anniversary Ser
The anniversary Fervid
worth League of Wttttth
Church were held on Sunt
R. Hobbs, a former pastor
preaching both morning ai
large congregations rl
gethtleuhan delivered soup
sermons, 'in his wcll•kn
style. On Monday eve
Hobbs delivered his lectut
Man," to a good sized a
lecture was brimful of
advice. Mr. Hobbs' n7
Wingham were pleased t
hint again.
s of the Ep-
in Methodist
y last, Rev,
f the church.
d evening, to
he reverend Tickets now on
i, wholesome 550,000,0
Get Rid o1
Here is a farmer's
the premises of ratesa
wilt sprinkle sulphur
and through your cors
there will not be a rat
I doue this several yet{
been bothered with r
some q1d Dorn in my
not a rat or mouse
stacking hay or oa
ground and a little
and my word for i
stay there. A poen
sufficient to presery
and it is good for at
the cora for bread." ,
lode for ridding
did mice; ''If you
n your barn floor
as yon gather it
r mouse bother,
s, and have never
a or mice. I have
rib at preseet, and
tan be found. Iu
s, sprinkle ot1 the
hrough each load,
rats or mitis can't
of sulphur will be
a large barn of corn
k and will not hurt
Ladies, don't fail to see the large dis•
play of city trimmed ready -to -wears, iu
all shades and latest styles at Mrs
two vigorous
tug Rev. Mr.
i "The Manly
thence The
ted ideas and
iy friends in
see and hear
Wanted 'at once—A go d servant for
family of two. Apply at, I3IES office.
These will be sold by private s+ a np
to May 20th ; a quantity o go. " hnuse-
household furniture and ry , Articles
can be seen at residence on Frances
street. MRs. R. A. KERR.
Tennis Club Re -0
A very enthusiastic ne
interested in lawn tent
the Council Chamber oI
ing, when the club
with the following oft?
President, Wm. Corb
Vice President, Thos,
A. Morton; 1st Vico Prr
Macdonald ; '3nd Viee '1
'McLean; er•c"et7try-Tr
Dinsley. It was decfcl
Beautiful trimmed Spring Hats going; borship fee was placed
at reduced prices at Mrs. Green's. ( Mayers; i,2 50 for geutl
— --
1$1 50 for l'tdy players.
grounds put in good sh
The Young P
Committee of the
terian Church hist
Korn Organ Co., o
purchase of a ]lig
The organ purchase
manufactured by th
wont will be placed
the ist of Septrmbe
repairs of the ch tercl
Pipe Organ.
ple's Organ Fund
Winghain Presby-
ee1closed i. with the
Woodstock for the
class pips organ.
is one of very best
firm. Thy iustrn-
11 the church about
wheu the interior
lave been completer..
The Canadian
the uauadiau Tic
are going to Si.
via the Graud Tr
tral Railways, in
Pullman cars, an
the most mitres
paper and railw
Purchased Co
Mr. W. H. Green
chased Messrs. Bea
wood business.
purcbased this fir
acres of prairie 1
wagons and sleigh
of the coal shed at
The transfer was
1 Business.
as this week pnr-
ie Bros. coal and
r, Green has also
e gravel pit, seven
d, teant of horses,
and will get control
the C. P. R. station.
ade yesterday morn -
Having just p
coal business, I
quote prices 0
the very best g
We will not do
ing, but will
prices and term
in a business,Ii
the stock, and
for prices. We
market in abon
rehased Beattie Bros.
130W III a position
coal. I have se : ed
de of Gran . coal.
ny hacl• do• canvass -
cane r, lars, stating
, and will do business
way. We will keep
treat you right. Wait
will have wood on the
a week. W. H. GREEN.
All arrang
ale to The Great Press Assoc
ress Association and
et Agents Association,
,uis, May 13th and 14th
alt and Illinois • it -
two special . ins of
will be wi out (lonbt
to ve b y of news•
y et that ever left
Canada. They g :•1 to see the Fair,
Exhibits and buil lings while everything
i.e tresh and at here best. May and
June will be good oaths to make your
sl t.
Reduced rate tic ets t11e now on Sale
at single fare, go. 1 for l8clays fare and
one third, good ; days, and 800„ 01
double one way f re, good for season
and stop over wil
intermediate Can
at Detroit and Oh
For tickets aua
gznized apply to Ageuts, o
District Passeu;;e
etiug of parties
is was held itt
Monday even-
is re -organized
ers :—Ilnnorary
aid; H,inorary
ll; President J.
sident. Miss M.
resident, A. A
,sorer. Miss N.
ed. to have the
pe. The mem-
$1.00 for non -
men players and
Tickers may be
secured froni any of t7e officers.
Peens ! Cl Dyers. Ti en nthv. (Tanen Wheat,
Waverly Oats and Muskoka Seed Peas,
I etc. GEO. E. IS IYU.
I no to C J Mngnire, Real Estate
A ept, vee+ da•ant to hey a house 1n
town, Itoif has just what yon want.
East Huron Li
The East Huron Lice
Tits Committee is r ow only $600 short
of having the Elmo! nt of the purchase
price now on hand, i nd when the orga,i
is installed it shout i be almost, if not
wholly, i'ree of debt. The your, people
of the church r1Pse1 e much credit 111'
carrying ont all the c :tails iu connection
with the pnruhasing of the organ.
Experienced tires. maker wanted at
once. Apply to 1. i s. Nixon, Beaver
Posters have been issued announcing
that the oratorio, ' ielshazzar's Feast;
or the Fall of Babyl n," will be given in
the Winehaur Opera House on Tuesday
evening. May 3rd. 'his beautiful ora-
torio is replete
quartettes, ohor
has tr'e•n in con
for some months, 11
tion of Mr Geo. W
given (I1 the above ate as 11 cemplitnen-
tary l'entfir to the Wingham Citizens'
Band, to aid them ' t the purchase of new
unifortus Alread a good sutra has been
raised by rhe cone •rts given by the band
for this worthy p rpose, and it is hoped
that this entertai ment will be liberally
patronized. Ad nisSion 25c; reserved
seats, 35c. Plan of ball now open at
C. A. Campbell'- drug store.
's Feast."
ith solos, (Insets,
ses, etc., and
se of preparation ,
der the able three -
Cline, and will be
Death. in March.
Returns publis led from 700 divisions
give the deathsi the province of Ontario
for the mouth of larch as 2,415 froni all
causes, or a rate f 51.1 per 1,000, the
highest for any m.nth since the bulletins
were first issued, ..even years ago. Scar-
let fever shows a ecline in the number
of deaths compar:. with March, 1003,
there being 272 : cases With 85 fewer
deaths. Sutallpo. dropped from 175
oases with one de th to 48 cases with no
deaths. Diplithe is shows a slight in-
crease from 228 c ses and 24 deaths to
207 cases and 4 deaths. During the
month there were 9; deaths from con-
sumption, and 14 + eaths out of 50 cases i
of typhoid fever. The number of death's,
from infectious tt d contagious diseases'i
was 'it , l
.e Coinmiesion- !Lizzie Lemont,
era met at Brussels on Wedepeday of !
last week and tirante the follotving
licenses for the ensu' ig year:—Bel-
nhnre, Jas Kirkby; rnxeter, Wm.1
Ceirrie and A. A. Est ; Gerrie, R. F.;
White, and .\. (1. Pr (icor; hordwich,
H. Rapp; Mol.'swort•h, Chas. Seehaver;
Ethel, L. L. Longew y; Cranbrook. J.
.Long: Brussels, Geo. gown, J.Qneerili, i
and McLennan & rad foot; Walton,
Wm. Bia;.hill; Duhlit , L. Wolfe; Bel -
he allowed at any
diau station, also
nuttier information
to J. D. McDonald,
Agent, Toronto.
Death of Mrs. Lamont.
There died Ripley on Saturday
;morning last, a .rtner well-known rest -
dent of this sect n, iu the person of Mrs.
S. Lamont, ages 70 years. Deceased
'was born in Prin. • Edward Island and
many years ago In ved into Turnberry
i settling with her It isbancl on the farm
' near Zetland, now owned by Mr. W. J.
iDeyell. After resi ing on the farm for
, a number of yours, Mrs. Lamont lived
I for some time at Ze land. and over twenty
years ago moved t Ripley, where elle has
1since resided. Sb hurl not h,'nn i71 for
long, having been .eized with a stroke of
paralysis on the T.esday previous to her
d.ea t•h. Mrs. Lem , t w
I t t as held iu high
esteem by all whknew her and she will
be remembered 1, many of the older
residents of the s tion. Deceased was
the mother of nin children, all of whom
survive, viz:—Mr- John Taggart, Mich-
igan; Mas. MeN a ara. Tauslcy ; Miss
nnitese; hiss Sarah
Lamont, Ripley; Irs. John Taylor and
Mra. A. L. Ham ton, Wingltam; Dr.
John Lamont, C tido, Dakota ; Angus
Lamont. Michi tau; Malcolm La-
mont, Winghant The remains were
brought to Wine am on Tuesday after-
noon, the funeral ' akiue; place from the
G.T.F. station t
grave. Jas, B. Strettot
Johnston; Jamestown
beer and wine. The
another meeting in 1:
nesday, May fedi.
Bluevale, J. C,
Thos. McEwen,
board will hold
russels, on Wed •
Dr. Butler. Eve, Ear. Nose and Throat
Specialist. 310 Queen's Avenue. Louden,
;3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied. Will be at Queeu's
Hotel, .April '21rh. June 1st and. 29th.
"Hee 1 Am!"
Hero Stay!"
(Despite rumors to contrary)
kHAVE been in the Drug
1 Business m ` •in hatn
for one -and -a -half years, and
my business having mater -
idly increased, HERE t STAN'
(health permitting) as long
as you continue or increase
your patronage.
Walton MeKibban, Phm,B
Next flour to Post Office,
tery. All the m
were present at ti
the ':viugham ceme
nbers of the family titige
e funeral except Sirs.
Taggart and Ang hs Lamont.
kin to •St. Lquis.
ments for the Canadian
tion excursion to the
World's Fair . t St. Loris are now com-
plete. The d rty will be composed of
143 persons an will leave Toronto by
special train o Saturday, May 14th.
The party will .pend five days at St.
Louis and will s +end a day at Chicago
on the return tri., arriving in Toronto
on Saturday, Ma • 21st, The excursion-
ists will be given accommodation at the
Inside Inn, whic' is situated inside the
grounds. This otol has a capacity of
0,000 guests. A n e tuber of Huron county
uewspaper men t' 11 be with the party,
among them beim C. H Sanders, Exeter
Advocate; W. McLean, Seaforth Expos-
itor; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bradwin, Blyth
Standard; Mr. au Mrs. H. B. Elliott,
Wingham TIMES.
Commissio ers Meeting.
The adjonrned n eeting of the License
Board was held on 'outlay afternoon at
the residence of th chairman, Mr. Jas.
Stephens. Harry t cl3rieu of Auburn,
and J. McDonald f Whitechureh were
granted their licen es: J. Perkin, of the
Queen's hotel, a d S. Pike. of the
rly House, 5 inton were granted
an extension of licenses for three months.
S. S. Cooper's was left over to be eon-
sidered when the 1 uilding is complet-
ed, asnitable tenni installed, and the
required signed pet bon trotu the rate-
, payers of the ward i which the build-
ing is located. Th application of W
G. Boggs, Carlow was not granted;
a deputation of son a seventeeu resid.-
ents of the neigh oncced, with Rev.
Wilson of the Ni as leader, waiting
upon the license board, and stating
the house was no necessary. Ou the
other side, pray g that a license be
granted, was a pe ition from the coun-
cil and signed b 07 residents of the
township. Eutre en this was msuiiicient
to get Br. Hogg's as license.
NOTICE. —The question is: 1•Iow can
Robt. McIndoo loan his money so cheap
Oil notes and mortgages? Call and See.
This is tho se aeon for
We keep only the "Star"
brand,put up in half and one
pound bottles, with full dirt
eetions on each. One pound
will treat about SO bushels of
Insist on getting the "Star"
Brand. It is the best,
C, A. Campbell
The Druggist
Cheap One Way
Great Hort
Effective daily
April, cheap one
will be issued fro
to all points on th
in the States of M
ington, and Ore
British Colambia.
On March 15t
April 5th, 1221,
second-class tick
Chicago to polo
greatly reduced
Full infermati
berth rates in To
ature on any of t
cation to, Cha
Passenger A gent
12. Toronto, or
Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
ates to The West
rn Railway.
during March and
ay colonist tickets
all stations in Ontario
Great Northern Ry,
utaua, Idaho, Wash -
n, also all points in
, 22nd, and 29th and
lath, 20th, one way
is will be issued from
in North Dakota at
n as to time of trains,
rest Sleeper, also liter-
s above States on appli-
W. Graves, District
GKingSt. West, Room
. I Whitney, General
Many Calls
are received from business firms and
Many Students are pieced in good
positions each year by the famous
This school stands for the highest
and best iu business education in
Canada to -day. Many business col-
leges employ our graduates as teach-
ers. We have scores of applications
from other colleges. Ask to see them
the day yon enter. Conmense course
now. Catalogue free.
Auction sale of household furniture on
the market squar , Winghau7, on Satur-
day afternoon, A tit 30th at 2 ;30 o'clock.
Many articles of seful furuiture will
be sold. Sale wi out reserve as owners
Etre leaving Wiug' am. W. A, Currie,
Wingham Old Resident Dead.
One of the early ettlers of Wingham
passed away on W : nesday evening of
last week in the pe -ou of Caleb Griffin,
in his S(ith year. eceaserl bad been
living with his nice Mrs. Whitley, at
Elora and was enjoy ug his usual good
health and on Wean sdayafternoon was
out in the yard, whe he suddently fell
over and expired in few moments. 11Ir.
Griffin was among t e first settlers in
Win ;barn, coming h+ re in 1863 and for;
many years the condu ted the hotel now
known as the Broadw y House, and old
residents inform us hat he made a
genial and obliging 1 udlord. In 1883,
he moved. to Manitob , where he re-
mained for some eight ears,and return- i
ing has since Iived with tis son, daugh-
ters and niece.Mr. Grit in was a man of
ma.uy good qualities an
esteem by a large circle
leaves behind four dau
son, vizi—Mrs, J. H. Hi
Mrs. W. H. McDonald
Henderson, Montreal;
Brandon; and C. N. Gr
The remains were brong
and the funeral took rola
residence on Friday a
Wingham cemetery. T
house and grave were r
was held in high
f friends. He
iters and one
'ocks, London;
Toronto; Mrs. f
Miss (.rrifiiin,
n, Wingham.
t to Wingllaln
from his son's
ernoon to the
e services at the
.ducted by Rev.
Wm. Lowe. The pa 1 bearers were
Messrs. Thos. Abraba. , Wm, Cornyn,
Thos. Gregory, J, 3. H.,,. nth, Thos. L.
Jobb and F. H. Roder, •.
All !::ea
Yes, we are all ready with a Spring
of Men's 'Thom ear that deserves your attention,
if you give any thought to matters or "correct-
All the new conceits in leather and shape
that have been marked "approved" by tho-e
whose approval settles the styles,
Particular mien will find here just what
they want in Footwear. This is a Shoe store
that is especially conducted fir particular people.
The L,aborin?i Man --the Business Man or the
Swell Dresser will Lind that we will give his par-
ticular Shoe wants the most careful attention,
Prices count for little unless you see the Shoes --
so we say, cotyle in for a look.
The Shoe Man.