HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-21, Page 8••••••••••••••••••••••. TRE WINGIIAN TIMES Alt'a 21, 1904 ALEX. RITCHIE'S. READV=TO=DON CLOTHING FOR THE NEXT THREE' WEEKS OF APRIL we will sell at ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES our stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' READY-TO•DON CLOTHING. Below we give you a list of the great bargains to be had at RITCHIE'S during the balance of April:- - Men's $12.00 Suits, assorted sizes and colors, for - f50.00 Men's 8.00 Snits, assorted colors, sizes 36 to 42, - 4,00 Men's 5 00 Suits, „ " 35 to 89, - 2.50 Youths' 8 00 Suits. e 4, 31 to 36, - 4.00 Youths' 6 00 Suits, 4. I. 31 to 83, - 3.00 Boys' 5.00 Suits, 4, "24 to 31, - 2.50. Boys' 3 50 Suits, ,, „ 22 to 28, - 1.73 Obildren's Suits, 1 off regular prices. The above prices are for Cash and Trade only. IlousecleaninA Time is here And we have an excellent assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. Below we give a few prices :— CARPETS 5 pieces a]1 -wool 3 -ply Carpet, ee•in wide, assorted patterns, a yd $1.00 3 .. 2 -ply " If I. " .75 4 pieces Union Carpet, 30 -in wide, assorted patterns, .50 Tapestry Carpets, assorted patterns, - - .45 to .75 Brussels .. ., .75 to 1.25 Wilton ,f " .95 to 1,50 OIL CLOTHS and LINOLEUMS 1 yard wide at 250. 14.e" yards wide at 35e. lee yds wide at 45c. 2 yards wide at 50e. 60c and 63c. 2 yd. wide, 73c, 90c, $1, 1.25, 1.85 1•'4 yards wide at 45c. 4 yds wide, 2.00, 2,25, 2.50, 2 75 1 piece 2 -yards wide Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard, 75c. •••••••••••• 111111MINMIMIIIIP 011111. - Lace Gurtains, Lace Netts and Madras Goods In an endless variety of patterns and prices. MM. Ritchie's for Dress Goods and Trimmings Ritchie's for House Furnishings Alex. ▪ ..BEArmi 116- C le. \\INGHAM. 1 /move his office to the Button block, and Mr, Rich. Barrett will move his barber shop to the premises now occupied by Mr. VanStone "Mr. W. H. Green and his ten men are now busy in the woods °fitting woods, Prices for coal and wood .will be an- nounced in the Seisms; advertising col- umns next week. -The eighty-fifth anniversary of the Independent Order of Oddfellows will be celebrated in Wiughana on Wednesday evening of next week by the local Odd MINOR LOCALS. -Lnelrnow and Mildmay will hold celebrations on May 24th. -Have you reuewed your subscription to the Tams for this year. -W. Ps VanStone shipped two ear loads of bogs to Toronto on Moriday. -Remember the band concert iu the opsee house on. Friday evening of this week, Times entice is the best place to get your wedding in v. t ation s and visiting cards. -Mr. Jas. Dey has accepted a eitua- tiou as brakeman ou the L., H. & B. freight train. -Have you secured your tickets for the band concert to be held on Friday evening* of this week? -The G. T. R. pay ear made its re- gular monthly visit to Wingham on Thursday of last week. -Farmers are anxiously waiting for favorable weather so as to be able to commence the spring work, -Madame Livinski, palmist, is now at room No. 2 of the National Hotel. See her advt, iu another column. -Try the 'limns office with your next order for bill heads, envelopes, or any- thing your require in office stationery. - The Wingham salt block is again running in full blast and large quanti- ties of the best grade salt is beiug made. - Tho front street of Wingham is in a very dirty state and should have its spriug scrubbing with brooms at an early date. -Miss Louio'Flood, of Lucknow, who has beeu at St. Joseph's Hospital at London on probation for two months, has been accepted as a nurse. 1, --The Union 'furniture factory is closed this week owing to a shortage of dry lumber. The factory will 'be in full operation again on Monday., - Mr. J. H. Keeler, of The Keeler Co., has moved his family and household effects to Wingham and will occupy Mr. S. Gracey's dwelling on Patrick street. essasses, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresoleue tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists • eitMr. W. F. VanStone will next week seesdilliffeaMeiNSASSillittelinetertiteneelliagalinleklir fellows 1191dinff (WCIlinge -Last spriug the last snow fell on May 1st. The latest recorded fall in Ontario was on the 3rd and 4th of June, 1829. In 1850 and 1853 snow fell on May 20th, in 1830, on May 30th, and in 1895 and 1900 on May 14th. -The firemen had a run to the Union furniture factory on Monday afternoon and fortunately their services were not needed. A small firo had started in some of the gearing and was put out before do- ing any damage. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •40.44.4.••••••••••••••04.+••••• . 4. . • • A SPLENDID • • •• • SHOWING OF • ,, ,......,• ....,-..• • Wall Papers i.trs...............;.,.A„.l.,r.-i....-_..._.-...L •••••• 44 • • • •• 0 • - . s • • : • + • • • • 4•• • • • • • • • 4 4 • • • 4 • • • 4 • • •• • 4 • • •• • • • •• • • .4 4 • • 4 4 • • • • • • • • • 4 • 4 • '41 • THERE'S nothing that gives more character to a room than the Wall Paper, and you can answer for the character of any of your rooms for which our fine spring. assortMent 'supplies the paper and the mo ?legs. One thing we want to im- press upon you at the kart -the superio quality of the stock on which the designs are printed. This mean a gre deal in speaking of Wall Paper. We want you to see th .e -New GlimMer Wall Paper -You ible at the price. .A. large and well assort - wouldn't think such prettiness ed stock of pretty floral stripe and conventional designs. Pleasant is the sheen of the mica that in perfect harmony with the colorings will so brighten many a room. All the latest coloring are represented in this line, and the selection is so varied. Per Roll 3c, 4c, 5e, 6e, 7e, Se and 10e The golden glimmer of the New Gilt Wall Papers will charm. They 41 rapid that it sometimes terminates fatal - West Huron Licenses. have set figure, conventional and scroll designs. The colors aro red, brown, ; , . ly within a few days unless checked by -The officers of the 33rd regiment will ask the Militia Department to change the time of holding the camps of instruc- tion to the last two weeks of July or the first part of August. They consider that this change would lead to the en- rollment for camp instruction of a greater • number of students. • -It was rumored this week that Mr. Walton McKibbon had sold his drug • business in Wingham to A. L McCall & PERSONAL. ra,Amitil•WielS40101"WIWIWkwilall,••ivoill/WIINIeltAvitW1011101111 We shall ho glad to have contributions to thi8 column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note te that effeet. • Miss Floe Fleaty is visiting with friends in Wallaceburg, day last for Medicine Hat, Mr, Wel. Keri, left Winghatu on Fri. Miss Nellie Ross left on Friday for Toronto whore she will reside, Mr. W. F, Vanatous was iu Toronto for a few Were this week on busieess. Mr. Wm. Nicholson was in Loudon for a couple of days last week ou business Mrs, T. Hamlin, of London is *visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dal- las. Mr. Morris Rosq, of Guelph, is spend- ing two weeks visiting at his home in town. Messrs. Percy Hill and A Tipling were in Toronto for a few days this week ou businese. Mr. W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, Lioenee Iuspector for West Huron was in town ou Tuesday. Miss C. Mead returned to Detroit this week after a few weeks visit with her sister, Mrs, Robt. Maxwell. Mr. A. M. Carr bas taken a position as cutter in the tailoring establishment of Mr. J. K. Bricker at Atwood. ' Mrs. Andrew McCreight, of Scarboro is visiting with her sister, Mrs, W. S. Auderson, of the Bluevale road, Mr. W. H. Haines has returned home from Georgetown, where he had been visiting with his son, Mr. J. G. Haines for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Green were in Goderich over Sunday, visiting with Mr. Green's sister, Mrs. Henderson, who is still seriously ill. Mr. Agus Kennedy, a former resi- dent of Winghatu has left Seaforth for Brandon, where he expects to engage in the butchering business. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burger, who have been residents of Wingham for ablaut a year, loft yesterday for Brantford. Mr. Burgar was employed in the Western Foundry Coes stove works. Mr. J. D. Burns returned home on Monday evening after a few days visit at Perth. Mrs. Burns, who has been visiting at Perth for some weeks also re- m ed home on Monday evening. Mr. W. 11. Kerr, of the Brussels Post was calling on friends in Wingham on Mondey,He had been at Clinton on Sundayupreaching sermons in connec- tion with the Methodist Sunday school anniversary. Mrs. Thee, aceompanied by her daughter, Ada (Mrs. Rintoul) and her son Mr Fred Mathie of Lucknow are visiting with Wingham friends for a few days before leaving for their new home in Hamilton, North Dakota. Hygiene of the Mouth A great many of the bacteria that cause disease enter the body through the mouth. Germs are always to be found upon the gums: Those peculiar to the contagious diseases have been repeatedly discovered within the mouths and throats of healthy persons. Some of them persist for months in individuals who are not susceptible to inflection; but if from exposure, physical exhaus- tion or other cause, susceptibility is de- veloped, the germs promptly produce illness. There is also a group of diseases which affect only the mouth. The most dan- gerous of these are known as "ulcerative stomatitis" and noma." The former generally begins at the junction of the • Co., of Chatham. Mr. McKibbon an -lower gum and the teeth, and may nounces in his advt. this week that there • dos- is no truth in the rumor and that he troy the tissues down to the bone. It is o • inner surfaceed the cheek, and causes 4, stand. • 1 extensive destruction. Its progress is so highly contagious. Noma begins on the • will continue the business in theold blue, green, pink and cream. The price The Board of License Commissioners vigorous treatment, It attacks delicate Per Roll 10c. 12ie, 15e, 20c, 25e• • f or West Huron met at tho residence of children or those who are recovering • James Stevens, Ease Line, near Clinton, • from an acute disease, particularly measles or diphtheria. In the following selection what many think a further charm has been added by the embossed effects. There are beautiful. artistic designs in these • New Embossed Gilt Wall Papers in the latest shades of green, red, pink, : brown, blue and ivory. • • Per Roll 20e, 25c, 30e and 35e • • To the aesthetic taste the New Tapestry Wall Paper will particular- 2 ly appeal. Choice designs that present a vision of the Orient. • Special prices on remnants and small lots of good papers. • • • —ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE— • • Mouldings on which to hang your pictures les inches wide, in colors to snatch the papers, also white, gilt and oak, per ft. 3c and. 4c. • We will talk to you later about our superior stock of Window Shades and Curtain Poles. • • • .Cooper &Cosio • Successors to Alex. Ross. • • ..444.44.4.444. 4044•444.444.440*********40 Varmere 111 Dent County are greatly discouraged over the outlook for winter 'heat. They declare that the crop has been practically ruined by heavy fresh- ets. Mr. James IL Ifartney,Manitoba Goy nrnment agent in Toronto, looks for a bumper crop in Manitoba, this year. The inquires by prospective emigrants at his office during the past &tee months of thin yOttr bil,,03 been greater than for the Fhole elf last year. Rev. Colin Daguid, pastor of Maison- nerive Presbyterian Church, near Mont- real, committed suicide last night jest before evening service, by shooting him- self. Mr, Frank Windsor of Woodstock has been appointed bandmaster of the Ox. ford Rifles. Mr, Fred Littlejohn's three -year -bid son fell into a cistern at Highgate and was drowned. ' on Monday last to consider the applica- tions for liquor licenses for the ensuing year. The following were granted li- censes:-Wingham.-Geo. B. Roe, Alen. , Orr, L. W. Hanson, Orr Bros., and Jas. ' Broadway. Goderich-Fred Davis, E. R. Swarts, Ellis Bros., Mrs. Annie King, David Sawyer, Michael Farr, Ben Saults, and Wm. Babb, Shop to Walter Saults. Clinton -Jos, Rattenbury, J. .T. • by interfering with mastication and im- ' McCoughey, A. W. Brandenburg. Shop, , pairing nutrition. The simplest of them Thos. Bell, Biyth-Mr. 1'. Mason and { is characterized only by redness, with 1J. Emigh. Dungannon-DIrs, 3. Mal- 1 : perhaps a few small ulcers on the tongue lough and W. J. Mountain. Londes- 1 i or lips. It often results from neglect of land Neil McDonald. Port Albert -Nel- boro-Thoe, Hill, Kintail-Alex. Young 1 the teeth or the habit of introducing into f the mouth of such nproper substances son Pearson. Dunlop -Wm. Glaziers pieces of wood or rubber, and in Older An adjourned meeting of the Commis- i ; persons from the use of tobacto. Al sioners will be held on Monday of next i though it is geneally of short duration, week, when the following applications it is sometimes followed by more serious that were left over, will be considered, i affections. The contagious mouth dis. viz:-Saml, Pipo, John Perkins and 1eases are often communicated fron3 • 9 , C 1 tO c ild y t e ngera or roug Auburn. John McDonald, Whiteehureh, the exchange of toys and pencils, or by and N. G. Boggs, Carlow. At the meet- the eating of fruit or confection in coin- ing on Monday the Commissioners were Decay waited on by a deputation of ratepayers '''' whedeeleitlirsivtiteptoonthLaetilonn, et bEtliccatLf)1 t from the Township of Colborne, who, nants of food that adhere to the gums through their solicitor, Mr. Wm. Proud- and teeth after every Meal unless pith the brash. foot of Goderich, presented a petition eigned by over one hundred ratepayera, The infeetions diseases cannot be pre. and also a petitien frOm the Colberne IstiretleydlintelgtondgThee laMeriltil Council sighed atm° by Clerk and Trees- those of a local nature rarely attack a urer, asking that N. G. toggs at Carlow mucous membrane that has received granted %everal seseeer,erettAnia,eilweleiwailielemitilfitilisse eitee roper oar Youth's Com anion • markets, designed yo r twangingso; make our on LANGLEY-At Niagara Falls, on April Ord, the wife of Jas. Langley; son. MARRIED GA.3turx-CALDwELL-At the Presbyterian Manse, Bluevale, on April 13th, by Rev. W. J. West, 31, A., John Gamble, of Howick to Miss Agnes Caldwell, of Turnberry. SCOTT-&IITII-At the mange, Wroxeter, on April 8th, by Rev. L. Perrin, B. A. Mr, A. F. Scott of Turnberry, to Miss Nettie Stnith, daughter of Mr. Thew Smith of Wroxeter. DIED DEAR -In Winghant, on April 14th, Edward. Dear, aged 81 years. FARRIER -In Betgrave, on April 14th, June Farrier, wife of David Farrier, aged 75 years. HENDlinsoN-In East Wawanosh, on April 13th, Mrs. Isabella Henderson, relict or the late Alex. Henderson, aged. 78 years, 5 months and 2 clays. TREWTN- In Blyth, on April Oth, Wm. Trewin, aged 80 years and 20 days. BURNS -In ECONViolt, on April:41h., Geo. Burns, aged 20 years, 2 months and 9 days. CALDER -In Wroxeter, On. April llth, Roder- ick McKay Calder, aged. 58 years 3 months. INNOM• ...••••••• WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's propetty on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. An Ancient Foe To health and happiness is Scrofula-, as ugly as ever since time immemorial. 1,, It causes bunches iti the neck, did - figures the skin, inflames the micelle raeinbrane0/wastes the muscles, weak. ens the bones, reduces the power of, resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, and develops WU, cow sumption. 'qv° 6f my children had scrofula sdres which kept growing deeper and kept therd from going to school for three mOnths. Ointmentand medieines did no good until I began giving them Hood's Sarlaparills, This medicine caused the sores to heal, and the children have shown rio 003 01 sera' nia sinC.e.', 3. W. Mcdtrns, Woodstock, Ont, Hood's Scirsdp. arilia will rid yori of it, radically lend OW 01Miently. Ste is has rid thousind& VVVVVVVVVVVVVYTTYVVVITYVVI If a herrin' and a hslf Cost a penny and a half, What will eleven cost ? • Big is• 11*. is - 1.• io• • CHISII0Lm BLOCK 11AALAAAAAALAAAAIAAAAAAALAAAA- VVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV7VVYVV ' 4 4 4 -4 4 4. 4 44 4 4 4 -4 4 ale Now on ATA. R. SMITH'S New Collars, best linen, 2 for .15 Fine Laundried Shirts, white or colored, each .50 Boys' Braces, for age 3 to 5 years, well worth 10c, for .05 Men's Braces cheaper than the cheapest, and of the best quality. New Hard and Soft Felt Hats -a case of them. 25c to 2 .30 See our new styles in Gents' Neckties, Boots & Shoes. Splendid value in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, Odd Coats, Odd Pants, Odd Vests. Fancy'Vests, well worth $3.00, for Big variety of Boys' Knee Pants. A., R. 4 444 4 4 -4 -4 4 $2.00 Smith .4 -4 1 WINGHAM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Mr. J. M. McEvoy of London, Ont., decided to proceed with his suit against Mr. R. R. Gamey. In tho Court of Justice MILLER vs. MILLER Pursuant to the judgment herein there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Goderich on Wednesday,the Ilth day of May A.D. 1104, at twelve o'clock noo e•-• itt Gofton's Botel in the 'V age of Wroxeter the following valuable farm operty, namely: The north halves lots ty-three and fifty- four in the first eon es n of the said Town- ship of Morris, cont1 ng one hundred acres, more or lss. Ninety acres of the said lands aro cleared, the balance on hardwood bush. The soil is clay loam, The farm is thoroughly under - drained, well fenced, and. well watered, having two wells and the Maitland River crossing the rearc.2arethe twofa lna heacres of first class apple or- chard. The •buildings consist of a good frame house, large bank barn and a good frame driving shed, all in good repair. The farm'is well situated for market being seven miles from the thriving town of Wing - ham and three and four miles respectively from the village of Bluevale and Wroxeter, to all of which there aro good gravel roads. The land is at present tinder lease to John D. Miller at a rental of $200.00 per 'year with taxes, etc., which lease Will terminate on the first day of April, A.D. 1905. Tho sale will be subject to this lease. The lands will be offered in one parcel, sub- ject to a reserve bid, TERMS OF SALE -Ten per cent. on the day of sale to the Plaintiff's Solicitor, and the bal. once to be paid into Court within thirty days thereafter. The Other terms and conditions wir be the standing terms and conditions of the High Court of Justice. Further particulars may be had front the undersigned; F. W. Hareourt, Official Guar- dian, Toronto ; Dickinson & Garrow,Barristers, Goderich; and Messrs. Proudfoot, Hays & 13lair, Barristers, Goderich. Dated this .10th day of April, A.D. 1904. B. L. DOYLE Local Master at Goderich. It. VANSTONE, Solicitor for Plaintiff. DR.. OVENS, of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPEDIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham Monthly. Glasses properly fitted, bra oft Catarrh end DeltfaesS treated. Winglnon otnee-Campbellei Drug Store. Loudon oftloe--228 QUCOIVE are, Flours 11 to 8 pan. Dates of 1714iti-Iforkdaya, Feb. 1, Poh. 20; March 03, May 2, Mor 30, June 2r, July 25, Sept. 3, Oct, 8, Oct. 31, Nov, U. C. J. MAG-UIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE'eAND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'cliick, CANADIAN ORDER • WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No. 139 "TOLD their regular meetings on the 2nd 11 and 4th Friday iis each inonth, iu Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAxwm.r., C. C. R. H. CROWDER, Clerk. BULL FOR SERVICE. rrIIF undersigned will keen for service on I. his premises, north half lot 2, 1st line of Morris, the Thoroughbred Shorthorn Ball, " Ontario Gold." Terms $1.50, with privilege of returning if necessary. J. G. FYFE. NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. Having purchased Mr. Mitchell's in- terests in the Butchering business, I will continue the same in the old stand, and solicit a contitmance of the liberal pat- ronage of the past, and guarantee the best of quality in Roasts of Beef, Vela, , Lamb and Pork. Steaks, Chops. •goup Bones, Boiling Pieces. All 'orders delivered promptly to any part of the toWn. Highest eah pride paid for Hides and. Skins. THOS. FELLS Opposite Skating Rink. 11