HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-21, Page 6•h THE WINGIIAM TIMES, APRIL 21, 1904 0 Interesting Paragraphs Iron our Exchanges. D. Johneton, fnrnielly of Girh•rit+i, who has been station agent for th G. T. B. at 11ia1tou, has been appointed t•• er similar position at Preston NEURALGIA. "I had been suffering about sta. mon th- with Neuralgia when I starter] taking Milbure's Iblienma tie Pills. They del RIO raore used Mrs. Aa:iie Ryan, 1Sanr 1 p i it. N The grow t'.h of settlement in Oaneda is well illustrated by the fact that forty- seven DOW postordees were established in Canada ou April Let last. rsv e=4 2n, . Beara the . The Kind'f a l'as Aie,ais Ba- ,3ht o£ a�/r/Signetm Mr. George Scott has completed the assessment of Mt. Forest. The total is $723,720, about $17,000 more than last year. The population is 2140. All kinds of Coughs and Colds. Bron- chitis, Whooping Cough, Pities in the Chest, Wheezing. Hoarsr:e ss, Sore Throat and Asthma, yield to the Lnng•healing properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25c_ The Minister of the Interior his prom- ised a grant of $.5,0J:' a year for two years to the Western Canada Immigra- tion Society, which is actively engaged in bring Ing settlers fr..:. the western States iuto Canada. Lever's i,.Z:WiseHe_.: TD'?t_-__tzntSoma Powd'r is a boon to .:.v l:•..: ae. 1: dig^*.I- feats aria eleaze at the stele tic:_. =a The marriage tools place hn Londci oa April 13th, of Mr. Percy H. Tem. of Weliwood. Manitelet, son of Mr. J. E. Tem. P. S. I. of Gokelxe=h, to Miss Mar- garet Gonne, an estimable yeah, lady, of London. The Township of Stanley had six cases Peetrlativa, oue of diphtheria during February. as reported by the Provincial Board of Health, Goderich, Stephen and W. Wawanosit oue death each from Tuter4 ulosi; and Hay 2. DQCTOI1 Tun HORSES, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man., «rives; "My husband would not be with. rut Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house, '.s ha uses it a good deal for doctoring up the horses and cousiders it splendid." Price 25o. The rapidity with which the carrying capacity of cars is expanding is illustra- ted by this statemeut. There lately ar- rived in London, Ont. a car containing 95,200 pounds of corn. A. few years ago 30,000 pounds was considered a large car lead but recently shippers have become aheustomed to 60,000 pound car. A special from Minneapolis reperts an interview with Premier Roblin, of Mau- ito`)a, in which Mr. Roblin says he has not seen as backward a spring in the Prairie Province iu twenty-two years. Much ice and snow still remains, and under the most favorable condition seed- ing will not begin till the first or second week in May. SKR' WiT.II w OE]F'. Mrs J. D. Mayo. South Stukley, P. Q.. wrote the foliowit ; : -.One of my children took sick with worms and after trying everything a ithcnt getting relief we prconred Dr. Low's Worm Syrup which acted promptly and effeetuallv." ; The many friends in town of Mr. S. Smillie, of Hensadl, secretary of the South Huron Farmers Institute ute w 1l re- gret to learn that he is confined to his room having met with an aeeident which resulted iu the breaking of one of his legs below the knee. Bears the The K.'.d Signatnra / e_,r of ✓., dsefa./r/s" Mr. John Earner. last week sold the wollen mill at Wro::eter to Mr. Howe & Co. who have been running it since last slimmer. Mr. Earner tastes a brick house in Brussels, as part of the pur- chase price. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mr. Percy Aitcheson met with a pain- ful accident az; the Lucknow furniture factory. He was working at the buzz planer, and while cutting a crooked piece of timber, it slipped on the table of the machine and threw his left hand against the rapidly revolving knives. The first two fingers were completely taken off and the third finger was also badly lacerated. After a night with "the boys" there is :_o better remedy to clear the head and settle the stomach than Milbnrn's Ster- ling Headache Powders. Price 10c. and 2:e. all dealers. Mr. G. G. McPherson, K. C., of Stratford, who has been in Montreal and Ottawa interviewing capitalists in- terested in the proposed Stratford. to St. Joseph railway, is home. He states that the line from Stratford to Hensall will be pushed forward at once and that S+d,COO ties have been purchased. The capital is being put iu by French -Cana - A Mother's Recommendation. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Re- medy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best re- medy for coughs, colds and croup i have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this remedy.—Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by Colin A. Campbell. – i Mr. H. F. Binning. son of Mr. W. E. Binning of Listowel, was married at Medicine Hat to Miss Ellna B. Trimble. A few evenings previous to his marriage Mr. Binning was presented by the citi- zens of Medicine Hat with a handsome purse. pileTo prove to you that Dr. S t'hese's Ointment is a sh and absolute cure for e cash and every form of itehtrg, bleeding and protriniin,rpiles. the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tee. imonial.s in the daily press and ask your ne:gh- hors what they think or it, Ton can use it and art sour rnonev bark if not cured. foe a Lox, at rat dealers, or i!:DMMANsON,IiArES & Co.,Tortnto. Dr. Chase's Ointment The Palmerston pork packing house, which has been closed down for some time, is likely to be in operation again in June. Mr. O'Mara, a capitalist from Ireland, hao bought the 'plant and will assume the management himself. Lasa -Liver Pills are a positive cure for Sick Headache, Biliousness, constipation, Dyspepsia, and all stomach and liver complaints. They neither gripe, weaken nor sicken. Price 23c. at all dealers. The 1300 census gives the number of Wage 'workers in the United States at 3,285,022, divided as follows: Profes- oionai, 1,2G4.737; trade and transporta- tion, 4,778,2.43; domestic and personal service, 5,634,746; manufacturing, 7,122,- 087; agricultural pursuits, 10,438,416. For Over Sixty rears. It is understood that in accordance with instructions received front Dr. Chamberlain, Provincial Inspector of Prisons, First Turnkey Pole and Night Watchman McGrath, of the Middlesex county jail, have beeu permaueutly re- lieved from duty. Appointments to the vacant ;posts have not yet beau made. This is the outcome of Dr. Chamber- laiu's recent investigations, in con- nection with the escape of the prisoser "Texas." • A Good Word For (lhauiherlain's Cough Remedy. •'In December, 1900, I had a severe cold and was so hoarse that I could Lot speak above a whisper, "says Allen Davis, of Freestone, N.Y. "I tried several re- medies but got no relief Instil I used Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy, one bet• tle of which cured me. 1 will always speak a good word for that medicine." Fur sale by Colin A. Campbell. Suit was entered at Goderich last week on behalf of the Northern Eleva- tor Company of Winnipeg against the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling Co,, of Goderieh, for $10,000 damages for alleged wrongful conversion of 10,000 bushels of wheat consigned to the de- fendant compauy to be held to the order of the plaintiff. now to Ward Off an Attack of Rheuma- tism. "For years when spring time came on and I went into gardening, I was sure to have an attack of rheumatism and every attack was more severe than the preced- ing one," says Josie McDonald, of Man, Logan county, West l -a. "I tried every- thing with no relief whatever, until I procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and the first application gave me ease, and before the first bottle was used I felt like a new person. Now I feel that I am cured, but I always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one ler two applications of this liniment. For sale by Colin A, Campbell. There was called to her reward on persou, who Friday,April Sth,a saintlye s P , lived as she died. We speak of Louise A., beloved wife of Rev, E, M. Genzmer of the German Lutheran church of Auburn. She had been an invalid for over two years, and over two weeks ago suffered a stroke from which she never rallied, passing away to a better world at the age of 69 years. She was born in Germany and leaves a husband, one daughter and four sons to survive her. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, When you feel dull after eating. When you have no appetite. When you have a bad taste iu the mouth. When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you fee) bilious. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach, and regulate your liver and bowels. Price 25 centser oxb For sale by Colin A. Campbell. p, Faded Women Need Richer Blood. It Stamps the Glow of Robust Health on Cheeks and Lipa, How Blood Is blade Rich and Red Enough to Beautify the Complexion. A bright rosy complexion eau easily be acquired. All that is necessary is to purify the blood and supply it with au increased number of red corpuscles. The simplest method of doing this is to iutroduoe more iron into the system which is always lacking where, the com- plexion is pallid or sallow. Iron is a concentrated form, especially adapted for internal use is contained in in its most efficient state in Ferrozone which is noted for marvellous blood building properties. No matter how weak or poor the blood may be, Ferro - zone will enrich and nourish it. The iurinediate result is a better color which will improve steadily under Ferrozone. Every girl that takes pride •in her complexion will find Ferrozone of great- er value than causmeties or face pow- ders. Its influence is lasting whereas artificial beautifiers are but a temporary aid. Thousands that have used Ferro - sone are glad to endorse it strongly be- cause it certainly is the best reniedy for pimples, blotches, skin erruptions and poor complexion that money eau buy. Miss Minnie E. Stirling of Lanoaster, writes, "I can recommend Ferrozone to everyone who needs sontothiug to clear up their complexion. Before using Fer- rnzone my skin was sallow and had a very unhealthy color. After the first box of Ferrozone there was a great lin• provement and when I had used three boxes I felt much better and had a satis- factory color in my cheeks." Mrs. C. T. Warwick t.° ".adford , says: "My daughter was erectly benefited by using Ferrozone. She used to have a sickly color and never looked as if she was very strong. After using two boxes of Ferrozone she felt better and her color was wonderfully improved. This en couraged her to continue Ferrozone and in a few weeks she looked like a different person and had a clear rosy complexion. Ferrozone accomplished wonders for my daughter." Ferrczone is just what most girls and women need, It builds up their system, improves their looks, and makes them feel what buoyant good health really means. Price 50c. per box or six boxes 1 for $2 50 at all druggists. Beware of substitutes, and get Ferrozone when yon ask for it. Mailed to your address by N. 0. Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., and Kingston, Ont. iFor a bilious attack take Chamber - lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs 1 quick cure is certain. For sale by Colin the late Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used 1 daughter, A. Campbell. ofghter,Lucknow. for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers ,' --a--- for their children while teething, with! perfect success. It soothes the child.. ; The Shelburne Economist had a prize A young lady stepped into one of cur softens the gums, allays all pain, cures s competition last week. The problem jeweller's stores a day or two ago, and wind colic, and is the best remedy for' was to make a four -word sentence, ex- left her watch to be repaired. Yester- diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. ' Sold by druggists in every part of the I pressing a great truth, of twenty-eight day she called for it and taking out her world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its' letters, with four P's as the initial letters. Purse asked what was to pay. The volae is incalculable. Besure you ask s The correct answer was as follows; jeweller after some hesitation, said for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and .+prompt Payments Please Printers." $05,25! The young lady started, where take no other kind. ! Only two correct answers were received. upon the jeweller explained that the The Sunny Side of Life. "I can hardly snake up my mind to accept Reginald, He is so self-satibtied that I rear he will prove exacting." "Oa alta contrary, my dear, the oirctim- stance shows that he is very easily satie- fied."- Now Orleans Ti Ines -Democrat. Mother—Johnny ! On your wny hoose front school, stop at the store and gat nae a stick of Gaudy and a bar of soap. Father—Whatdo you want of a Stich of candy? Mother—That's so he'll re- member the soap.—New York Weekly, "Yes," stud the railroad president. "I've found out how the can make every oue of our men live to be a huudreo. years old." "Wonderful! How do you do it?" "It is only necessary to pension them off after they pet to be 60 or 70." Chicago Record -Herald. Towne—"If it hadn't been for that fellow Cutter, I'd be a hundred dollen. richer to -day." I3rowu--"Oh, forget about it. You ought to take things philosophically.'• Towne—"I do. That's easy enough, but it's hard to part with tlhiugs philosophically."—Philadelphia Press. Mrs. Newlywed—"Have you any nice slumps this Inornin,g ?" Butcher — "Slumps? What are they?" Mrs. Newlywed—"Indeed, I don't know; but my husband is alh'ays talking abont a slump in the market, and I thought I should like to try some."—Philadelphia Record. Towne—Hear what SBifl'l'ins did wh, n the collection plate came 'round to him in church last Snuday? Browne—No. Dropped a button in, I suppose. Towne —Not even that. He leaned over and whispered: "I paid the pastor's fare in• the car yesterday morning. We'll call it square.'•'—Philadelphia Press. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McKenzie of Lucknow passed away on April 7th. Mr. McKenzie died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. J. G. Murdoch, of Luck - n ow, and Mrs. McKenzie at Toronto, where she had been for some time under- going treatment. The late Alexander MacKenzie was born in Lochalsh, Ross - shire. Scotland in the year 1824. At the age of twenty-three years he, together with a number of his brothers, sisters and near relatives came to Canada, set- tling for a few years in the Township of Zorra. About 1851 he came to Ashfield w here he settled on lot 10, concession 14, west division. Here he soon hewed a home out of the forest to which he shortly after ,v ards brought as help -meet for life Miss Margaret MacRae, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murdo Mac- Rae, of North Dumfries, Waterloo, County. To them was born. an only Eleanor Jane Savage, relict of the;Some of the other sentences sent in were Iate James Glenn, died at her residence, ;Ingenious and suggested more or less truth: "Partyism 'prevents pure poli - lot 12, con- 3, Ashfield, on Wednesday, tics"; "People's pennies purchase April 6th, aged 66 years. The deceased : „ „ pug - had been in poor health for about three •papers` ; Party politicians proved papersyears, but the sodden termination was sus Printers publish popular papers rather unexpected. The deceased seem- ed on the way to better health until com- # A Wonderful Hook. plications set in a,short bine since. The' As a work for family reference there late Mrs. Glenn was born in the town of was probably never compiled a more useful book than Dr. Chase's Receipt Goderich, and has resided in Dungan- - Book. Besides containing the symptoms non section all her life. She was of the! of disease, their cause and cure and the Presbyterian faith, a kind hearted and 1 great prescriptions gathered together lovable woman, and the mother of a ; during half a century of medical practice this book is replete with receipts for worthy and highly respected family of cooldng and has a complete department • devoted to the care of farm -stock, bees, 1 domestic animals, etc. For full partic- i niers write Edmauson, Bates, & Co., Host's This :' Toronto. We offer One Hundred Dollars rewardl for any case of Catarrh that cannot be A year ago a young man went to Can - cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 3. CHrNEY & Co., Toledo, O. ada to learn farming. One of the first We, the undersigned, have known P. • orders he received from the overseer of J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- ! the farm was to take a horse and bring ' Neve him perfectly honorable in all bus- back a single -farrow plough. When the ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his young man reached the plough he tried firm. Welding, 1 innan & Marvin, to back the horse into the handles in- Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. ` stead of the more usual way of harness - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ing it to the "tree" in front. Naturally, acting directly upon the blood and muc- ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials P sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold narrow for the horse; so he went to the by all Druggists. overseer, saying, "Give Inc a thinner Take Hail's Fatally Pills for constipa- Horse ; this ane is too fat for the shafts tion. Scottish American seven children. i•ccs••••••s••••s••ees••••so•o•000••••••••••••s•••• DILLS AND TILES. it Speaks' for Itself t 1041/4\4\P � 1s. 250. CURES H DAa... r O noistoril to Cara*Ala 36 lillnalezi. or 0aasi, eshan sit eortwind. The ilerrlil IQmsiY l:'s.,'Mlaetreel All Druggists Sold in t il'lgllt►1•A by V{►alton 1'tr+t�►w�r�ttlbei+sistelM#.iri►l►.���r.N ► ►i lion. • A prolifie cause of Piles is the use of • cathartics and pills of a drastic, violent • nature. • followed by a reaction on account of i the resmoue, drying properties they con- * tain. There are other causes, but no matter what the cause or what the kind of Piles Dr. Leonhardt'e Hein -1101d can be relied • rio young gentleman who purchased it had forgotten to pay for it, and he was now gone to the States! The young lady promptly thanked the jeweller for the information and left the watch in his hands.—Stratford Beacon, April 7, 1805. A new $40,000 chapel will be erected at Assumption College, Sandwich, this summer. On Monday morning, April 11th, one of the business men of Wroxeter passed away after a lingering illness of mauy months,in the person of Roderick - Mc- Kay Calder in his 59th year. It is about four years since Mr. Calder went from Hamilton,and started up the Wrox- eter Foundry, which he and his son Geo. have since conducted. The de- ceased gentleman was building up a nice little business, when he was laid ,of work last spring and has since slowly declined, until the end came. He leaves a widow and family of two sons, Geo. and Harry, and two married daughters. .�.s�®sus Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bough Signature f'� •of Sunday, April 10th, John Clark paid Nature's debt and passed away from time, aged 80 years and six months. He had been failing quite perceptibly dor. ing the past year and his death was not an unexpected event. Mr. Clark was born in Nottinghamshire, England, and came to Canada when 17 years of age. After a sojourn in Tuckersmith township he moved to Grey 43 years ago when he took up lot 30, con. 4, a bush lot, and upon which he continued to reside until three years ago when he sold out to his son Isaac and moved to Ethel. Deceased had been a strong, hearty man and was thrifty and industrious. He was a mem- ber of the Methodist church. Mrs. Clark, who died about 4 years ago, was a Miss Elliott,Logan,Ireland, lhottf iv f o a vat e o She was 75 years of age. There were 10 c hildren. A Great Little Worker. During a long life time the heart will propel half a million tons of blood through the body. and so long as the blood is in a healthy condition it will re- pair itself as fast as it wastes, patiently keeping up the play of its valves and the rhythm of its throb. If the action of the heart gets weak, irregular and fluttering, the blood is lacking in nourishing quali- ties and requires just such assistance as is best supplied by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great blood builder and nerve restorative. A. department of forestry is to be add- ed to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. On Thursday afternoon, 7th inst., the sons and daughters, grandchildren, and a few intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleland. to the number of fifty in all, gathered at their residence, El:thank, Elora Township on the occasion of the' fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. Cleland is the best known man in the township; he has in past years served his fellow residents in the municipal offices well and faithfully and the proud position which that township now occupies as ono of the wealthiest and most progressive in the province is due to the energy, the industry and the enthusiasm of men of his stamp in the township and in no small ineasnre to himself individually. It is to his faith in the future of the dairy industry and • upOn to cure—to stay` cured. his efforts in establishing it ainoug the It's an internal remedy,lthat removes os the farmers of the township that the the cause of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or '• Suppurating files. present position of this section of tout- * A guarantee goer, with each package try is to a large extent due;and he has s containing a month's treatment. rightfully won for himself a national • It can be obtained for;1.00 at dru0ts. reputation as stn authority Ott dairy' c lb. subjeettl. THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLp x. Good brain food. •• 2. Excites the functions of the liver, 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Disinfects the mouth. 5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the mh. 6. Paralystozesachemorrhoidal disturbances. 7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys. 8. Prevents calculus concretions. 9. Obviates indigestion. ao, A preventative against diseases of the throat. ax. Restores all nervous energy and re- vives the natural forces. 1 THE OXYGENATOR CO. 22 Harbord 8t. • Toronto, Ont. WANTED 1 CR. SPINNEY, Founder of 1r. Spinr.z'y Li Co. t t • 9 Largest Established, Most Successful, Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men. a LOIMENICENEBESMISIXISEIBED�sa� m A man to represent "'Canada's Great- est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham and surrounding country, and take orders for FOR GOOD HEAITH' To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They are glade of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician, Ripans tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a vcritabic friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fan..' remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est t --m :dy 'vith a long and successful record, to c' -r;. 'n•llgest+=In, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _o' ..iipation, t ..fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, .ltion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular tatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- ,- , ,'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t ' 'own systems; restore pure blood, good appe- t .; '•.id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives con .tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans ':.:Wes. Your drl •ggist sells them. The five - amt packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bott?i 50 cents, contains a supply for a year. __,;:.its+ fl,t • re We make no misleading statements or unbusi- nesslike propositions to the afflicted in order to 50.. curd their patronage. We cure to stay cured. Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, mood Diseases, Weakness, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases due to inheritance, habits, excesses, or the results of specific dis- eases. The many years of our successful practice in Detroit proves that our special treatment for men is safe and certain. You do not want to be mutilated and maimed for life in trying tobe cured of varicocele, Stricture and kindred troubles by surgical procedures. We Guarantee n SAFNANn POSITIVE CURE in the shortest possible time without injurious after-effects. Our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious, skill- ful and successful services. CONSULTATION FREE, SPRCIAI, HOME TREATMENT For o . Patients Wh Cannot Call Ouestiou Blank Sent Free 1 1 f, 1 Consultation Froe. Cures Guaranteed. •r- - •�.w G' 290 Wood- ;, � 9 Detroit, Mich. ward Avo., OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES ' in Fruit Trees, Shall Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, - Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stook true to name and free from San .TOse Scale. A permanent position for the right mat on either salary or cont- 1i11081On. STONE 4c WELLINGTON It 'U ttatILi, letY1tsltt] E oyer € 00 dittos TORONTO, • et ONTARIO s"`K Vic,. K& K fC'1t:'K &'K DRs.KENNDY& KERG Specialists in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of glen and Women. 25 Years in Detroit. OirNo Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed. Thousands of young and middle-aged melt are annually swept to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas. Anderson was oue of the victims, but was rescued in time. Ile says: "I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon- dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make matters worse, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. I tried many doctors and medical firms—all failed tilt Drs. Iten- • nedy & Kergau took my case. In one week I felt better, and in a ] 1\ 1 J few weelcs was entirely cured. They ate the only reliable and honest Specialists in the country." READER—We guarantee to cure you or no pay. You run no risk. We Have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of frauds and impostors. We will pay $1,000 for any case we take that our NEW METHOD TRIIATMENT will not cure. We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call or write for Question 'List for Home Treatment. + Cor. lliichigan Ave.Shelby 5t, DRS. KENNEDY & 1SERGAN Detroit, Mich. ri K.& Clubbing Offors 9903-U4 THE TIMES announces the following low -rate - Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 :— Times till Jan, lst, 1905 $1 00 Tinges and Weekly Globe with 8•page illustrated supplement .. - . 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario.. 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun.. - 1 15 Times and Daily Globe • + 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate - 2 25 Times and Toronto Daily Star. - 1 80 • Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily News - 1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night - .. • 2 30' We could extend the list, but it is not . necessary. We -carr give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there' is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new Subscribers for the nALANCIi 1W 1903 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or. renewal snbscriptions, All subscribers will receive the' premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address— TflE TIMES OFFICE `yy BEAVER IZ ELOOlt rf' erEsHI 14pt MUM; k WING A •