HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-04-27, Page 9Nutritionist is speaker at Kippen WI Kippen Correspondent MRS. MARGARET HOGGARTH 262.8902 The 4th meeting of the Kippen 1114-H Club was held April 12 at Barb Moffatt's home. Members started the meeting off with Barb showing them how to build a fire and then start it. Then Pat Predhomme showed them how to make stoves and lanterns out of juice cans. Next, Barb led members out to the bush behind her farm, where they played a cou- ple of games. First was a game with a blind- folded person being led by a person not blindfolded. The blindfolded person would touch and smell four things and then iden- tify them. Members played a silent game where they had to find 10 different silent things and then write them in their books. After coming back from the bush, members made hot dogs and smores. After sampling the cooking they went inside and did their books. The meeting closed with the 4-H pledge. Press reporter for this meeting was Laura Mulder. OUTSIDERS MEET "The Outsiders" held their fifth meeting at Brueefield United Church on Tuesday, April 19. The Kippen III club has 15 members led by . Barb Moffat and Pat Predhonmrne. After repeating the 47H pledge, the home activity, roll call and title page were discussed. Members then divided into groups and looked at pictures depicting the. outdoors, judged them and placed them in the correct manner. The next meeting will be at Morrison Darn on Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Books are to be handed in by May 7 to leaders. Press Reporter Martina Aisentreis. PERSONALS Gerald and Mary Moffatt have returned from a winter of travelling They drove to Phoenix Arizona then flew from San Fran- sisco to Hong Kong. Then travelled on to China for a visit. Back again to Hong Kong where they flew to Thailand, returning again to Hong Kong to fly to Australia and New Zealand. While they were in these two countries they toured farm areas and were able to compare methods of farming with Canada. It was summer in Australia so the weather was very favourable. Then the Mof- fatts flew back to Hong Kong to spend a few more days sight seeing .before returning to Phoenix and the drive back to Canada. Al and Margaret Hoggarth have returned from a three week trip to England. While there, they visited with Margaret's mother, Violet Ashard in Walthamstow, and sister Janet and husband Alan Hollingbery in Theydon Bois. One week was spent touring Devon and Cornwall. They drove by coach from London to Exeter then rented a car to travel to Landsend the most westerly point in England and Lizard Point, the most southerly. They went by boat from Pen- zance to the Scilly Isles for a day. Also drove across Dartmoor, a large stretch of marginal grassland, famous for its prison and wild Shetland ponies. England's weather was perfect for spring, flowers and trees put up a very colourful show. As Kippen correspondent, I would like to thank Rena Caldwell for acting on my behalf while I was away on holiday. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEWS Kippen East Women's Institute held its annual meeting in Fellowship Hall of Hen- sall United Church on April 20. Dinner was served and roll call was "A Canadian Law That Causes Me Much Concern." It dealt with abortion, Sunday shopping, criminals rights to the freedom to pursue their criminal practices, etc. President Grade Drununond gave several interesting poems and was presented with a gift in apprecia- tion for her services to the institute. Lynn Garrison, nutritionist with Huron County Health Unit, gave an interesting and informative talk on "Cooking for One, or Two". She suggested meal planning, shopp- ing in small quantities, getting a rain che- que on specials that are out of stock. When cooking, cut recipes in half. Use smaller pots and dishes. She also mentioned that there were courses being taught in Clinton and Exeter on "Cooking For a Healthy Heart". Phyllis Parson thanked the speaker. Year end reports were given on programs also treasurer's report and nominating committee report. The following is the slate of officers for 1988 - 1989: Past President, Ruby Triebner; President, Grace Drummond; 1st Vice President, Margaret Hoggarth; 2nd Vice President, Mona Alderdice; secretary, Helen MacLean; treasurer, Mona Alder - dice; public relations, Margaret Hoggarth. Branch directors, Ruby Triebner, Charlotte McDowell, Phyllis Parsons. Co-ordinator, Margaret Hoggarth; District Director, Hilda Payne; alternate district director, Ruby Triebner; resolutions, Mona Alder - dice; Sunshine, Grace Eyre; assistant sun- shine, Charlotte McDowell; Education and Cultural Activities, Helen MacLean, Dorothy Bell; Family and Consumer Af- fairs, Rena Caldwell, Charlotte McDowell; Argiculture and Canadian Industries, Grace Eyre, Jennifer Oulton; Citizenship and World Affairs, Margaret Hoggarth, Thea Wisch; Curator, Hilda Payne; Pianist, Mary Broadfoot; Assistant Pianist, Hilda Payne; Auditor, Phyllis Parsons. Secret pals were revealed. Plans were fon mulated for the district annual May 19 which Kippen East is hosting. Each member is asked to bring a favourite peach recipe the next meeting. The annual meeting closed with the Royal Anthem. Hensall children mesmerized by magician private chauffered limousine for a leisurely of their own much to the dismay of Mr. Hensall Correspondent drive to London where they checked into the Ross. In the end, however, everything. was SUSAN HARTMAN gorgeous new hotel complex which was built straightened out. Lindsey Campbell and 262-2449 around the old London Armoury. Saturday Chad Taylor helped to bake a chocolate cake morning they were taken to London Airport and whipped up a very "Harey" ending to where they boarded a plane for Toronto. In the trick. Toronto Jeff and Janice stayed at the Sutton The enthusiastic group was absolutely Place Hotel where they enjoyed two lux- mesmerized by the antics of Michael Ross. urious nights before returning to Hensall on His finale of "the Dance of the Rings" Monday. All of this plus spending money mystified everyone and I'm sure that the was part of their prize as the big winners in young people who were present will be try - the Suitcase Dance. ing to figure out his sleight-of-hand tricks Brian and Sharon Fink were the lucky for a long, long time. winners of a Robindales' gift certificate, The Hensall and District Horticultural Greg and Brenda Dayman won a season Society presents a Wild Orchid Tour on Mon - pass from Huron Country Playhouse, Bill day, June 6, 1988. There are 43 species of and Linda Soldan won two tickets for the wild orchids on the Bruce Peninsula and the Toronto Blue Jays home game on July 9, Pat trip will allow people to see them. Campbell won a set of travel bags donated Flowers on the memorial tables at Hen - by Marlin Travel and Pat Campbell won a sall United Church on Sunday were from the beautiful stained glass ornament designed funeral last week of Mary McAllister. and donated by Kinsman Randy Powell. Steve Corbett met worshippers as they entered the church and Claire Hoffman, Jeff Corbett, Jim. Parsons and Ian McAllister showed them to their seats. For the children's story, Reverend Douglas Wright was asptisted by his puppet companion In telling the children where their offering goes and how it is spent. There are a lot of children in the world who are much less fortunate. The Junior choir and other selected classes went to Queensway Nursing Home to sing some hymns and songs to the pa- tients and residents. A duet 'You ought to know Him', was sung by Belva Fuss and Winona Hoffman. Rev. Wright's sermon dealt with `Giving our best'. After a one year hiatus the vacation Bible School will run this year from June 27 -July 21. First, however, volunteer leaders are needed. if you can help, please call Bev Bell at 262.5579. You need not be a Hensall United Church member to take part and the Bible School is open to all children. NORTHCREST NEWS Rose Pyke of Northcrest has returned home after spending the winter with her sister in Florida. Residents are pleased to see Olga Chip - chase and Drew Fowler return home after undergoing surgery at London's Victoria Hospital. Everyone wishes them a complete and speedy recovery. Hilda Payne attended the 85th Anniver- sary of the Huron South Women's Institute held at Seaforth Arena last Tuesday. The guest speaker was Carl Hiebert of the Cana- dian Paraplegic Association. Babe McGregor of Northcrest attended the London Home and Garden show on Sunday. Shuffleboard scores for the Happy Pushers for Tuesday, April 19 were: Six game winners - Ladies high -Dorothy Brint` nell, 365; Anne Reid 284, Men's high -Bruce Watson 301, George Dowson 299. High 5 game winners were Pearl McKnight 298 and John Pepper 267. I.O.O.F. NEWS On Thursday, April 21 the Beef Draw organized by Brother Charlie Hay was held. The draw was made by Noble Grand Wayne Love and the winner was Bob Payne of Parkhill. On Thursday night as well, the annual visit of the area officer Bro. Gordon Hanna of Listowel took place. The Hensall Kinettes Suitcase Dance at the Hensall Arena on Friday night was thoroughly enjoyed by all of those who at- tended, even though the crowd was not over- ly large. The winners of the surprise weekend trip were Jeff and Janice Butson of Hensall. The Butsons left Hensall at midnight in their Mrs. George Cowan of Chatham enjoyed a lovely visit last Friday with Mrs. Laird Mickle of Hensall. A large audience thrilled to the "Magic Adventures of Hieronymous Dutullus" at the Hensall Library last Friday afternoon. Michael Ross created the role of the swashbuckling merchant marine from the seventeenth century who regaled the au- dience with stories and magic from the many lands that he has visited. Mark Bell of Hensall aided Hieronymous as his "first mate." Gold and silver dubloons appeared everywhere with the aid of helpers in the crowd. After asking everyone to recite the wizard's oath the magician showed all how to turn a plain white scarf into one the exact color of little A.J. Ferguson's hair. I think however that he left something out of the instructions because it didn't seem to work for anyone else. Katie Rathwell and Danny Leppington dressed as wizards and played some tricks THE HURON. EXPOSITOR, APRIL 27,' 1988 — 9 grand opening New Location IAANKEN SMITH .. POOLS FRIDAY &. SATURDAY, APRIL 29 & 30 •DUCANE BARBECUES •HEIDT METAL LAWN FURNITURE oChemlcels/OloGusrd mDleing Boerde/taddees .FloetIng Lounge Chalet .Soler Blankets/Soler Rollers =Vecteume/Vecuum Hose Reels Ropeef5ruehes/Leaf Rakes "Poo! 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