HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-21, Page 44 TRE WiNGIIA.If TIMES, .APRIL 21, i9O4, TO ADVERTISERS for the Americana The premium in- „ie. n- ohettsl;cli must bra left at thio come was respectively as fallows: Cana- newerAttlatertim 5atnrdaynoon. elan companies, SIO ,SSS3,174; iucrease Tits copy' for changes must be left $534.970, British companies, $1,430,817; WA later than Monday evening. Increase, $20,044. American compauiete advertisements accepted up to neon Wednesday of each week. t lrii'Wl t�uAM TIMES. E E. rt. les 7p14.10eT.1uarisnaaAND PaoPutEyoa t k THURSDAY,'APRIL 21, 1904. }� NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Ontario Legislature is making record for the lougest session in its his tsxry, or, rather, the members have now niheir} more working days than in any irevions session. Last year there was recess of three weeks or more on account ; however, that the Canadian springs were tion has been presented to this board of the Gatley investigation, but the ac exploited. The discovery —or re-discov et a recent meeting asking that the two teal number of working days was 62, . ery—was made accidentally, near the i beats numbered u and 12 be nuited and To -day the House will begin its 67th day, 1 town of Gsderich, in a bore -holo which. 4 made into one, and a more largely signed and the probabilities are that the session : was being made iu search of petroleum. ° petition has been placed before us today will run well into n •xt week. : At a depth of i164 feet, the drill struck I not to unite the said divisions, that rock -sail. The boring was continued to division number five be composed of lots 1,010 feet, and iu that distance passed' 24 to 28, con. 1, and that division num t through a solid, thirty-foot bed of rock- ,, ber 12 be composed of Iota 25 to 29, con. mutases Robt. and Ale*. held enzie recently Gold tbeir farm to Mr, Sohn Wall. They have since then, rented from Wm. Wet - sots bia farm on the Gth con. of Cairosa, $11,924,C08; increase, $310,525- Total iu- I Mr. Levi Erb jr. recently sold his crease. $1,165,0_,9, ! 50 acre farm on con. 13, Culross, and has since then purchased from his father his B tTABLIBHER 1870, OUR SALT AREAS. 100 acre farm, lot 7, con 12, Sar, Erb sr. Ontario supplies nearly all the salt for ; will remaincm the farm until JAne. Ile the Dominion, and the anpual report of I has not yet decided as to where he will the Section of Mines of the Geological, then take up hlsresidence. Survey attractively dest:ribes the work- t Council met on April 12th. Metnbers ing of the salt -measures iu the Western I all present. Miuutes of last meeting Peninsula. It seems that the "Wends- were read and sustained. ga formation,” the deposits in the lands . Ballagh—Doualdson—That as Mr . along the eastern shore of Lake Huron Stobo has matte a demand for payment a and the River and Lake St. Clair. were 1 for a plough that was broken iu doing - known to the Jestitt explorers. In the ; road work in the winter season in -Relations of the Jesuits" as far back as ploughing the roads, that the same be i(10, mention of the existence of salt . left over.—Carried. spriugs was made. It was not until 18J5, Doualdsou—Ballagh—Whereas a peti- Opposition pewspapers like The Mail The World. iiul The News, of Toronto and their mit-of-town echoes, talk abou Cabinet changes at Ottawa and Premier °sit and 3, and that Dan. McCormick be plate glass, and these deaorattans cost Rosa' election plans in Ontario iu alto- .. With the invention of the diamond- pathivaster in div. 5, and Wm. Caslick tahe iis eousideredthee wners of the dfiuestio$100,000.00, 00,00 of .00, gether too positive a tone to convince Fill the facilities for teetiug for salt , pathinaster in div. 12.—Carried. this handsome stone in America. The even themselves of the truth of their '"were tremendously improved. The re- Donaldson--Falconer—That as the ap- Grand Trunk leased the entire floor and Own statements. They know nothing port witch we have quoted says that preach to the bridge on sideroad be- called it the "Railway Exchange," hav- at all about these matters of which the the prubatnlity is that the greater part ' tween lots 18 and 19, con. 14,having lug a: sub -tenants: yco Great Eastern Fast Freight Line, writs so coutiileutially, and by their can- of that section of the 'Western Peninsula given way with the spring freshet, that Lehigh Wiley Railroad Co., Ards they have discounted the re:iabiliry comprising the counties of Kent and Wm. Baptist have the same repaired.— Maine Steamship Co., 4f their reports on political affairs.— i Essex is Luderlaiu by salt -fields. The Carried. Clyde Steamship Co.. Toronto Globe. whole laud pnrtioa of the salt basin is Donaldson—Ballagh—That the clerk Queeu And Crescent Rants, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co., estimated to tueasare an extreme length write the Provincial Treasurer to aster- Wisconsin Central Railroad Oma„ The Premier's faults are tl1 y faults of nue hnatired and fifty miles, from tain the amount of the land improve Central Railroad of New Jersey, which are common to almost all our Iiinwnrditae to Lase Erie, with a maxi- went fund due to this township from The Central States Dispatch, public men, big and little. His meritsPorewidth of shoot forty miles at the the Provincial Government and when Pore Marquette Railroad Co., snake him almost nnigne, among, the ' Georgia Railroad Co. centre. the sante will be paid.—Carried. The consolidation. of these forces is a public men of this Prse nie ce. Very con - The Western Ontario product is said FINANCE REPORT. new departure, and in the brief time Spicuousiy have these merits shone due- ?tote causiderabl-v purer than that of that they have been together, it has oper- W. McDonald, cutting ice at bridge $2.00 aced to so mach advantage to the roads Destruction by Lightning. The annual report of the Agricultural College for 1903-4, recently issued con - talus an interesting account of the effects of electrical storms for the past three years. The losses of last year were mach less than in either of the twoyears preceding. The number of tress struck in 1901 was 26, iu 190:3, 25, and in 1903, L3; total Gt. Of the 152 animals de- stroyed by lightning stroke, cattle num- bered 03; sheep, 55; horses, 30 and hogs 4, in the three -Sear period. In the same time 89 barns were struck and 33 other buildings. The remarkable feat- ure of these reports are, as in the • pre- vious years, the re-viousyears,the great number of barns struok and destroyed with the season's crop, and the comparative infrequency of serions loss with barns or other build- ings when the buildings are rodded or adequately protected by trees. Grand Trunk Again to the Front. The New York Agency of the Grand Truck Railway System are now ocoupy- iug what is conceded to be the hand- souiest railroad office in the world, on the ground floor of the new Dan Mer- which is clubbed with this paper to new cantile Agency Building. at 290 Broad- or old subscribers paying iu advance way, New York. The floor is finished $1,15 for both. throughont in Sienna marble, bronze and A fine Map of the Seat of War, in three colors, 18x22 iuchea, will be mailed free to every subscriber to the two papers remitting ns two cents extra for cost of mailing. Address - 'THE TIMES, WINGILial. IT PAIS TO rush Now s now over1mThte enter. The wall started in their work, and teachers can there- fore give more time to new students. Itis now current talk throughout the country that the student who intends to take a business or shorthand course, and wants to bo placed in a paying place when graduated, should attend The Canada business College, (MATHA.M, ONT. Students of last year already earning over ;1000 per annum. 8411 placed in 11 months. Do you know of any other business school getting such results? We pay your railway are. Have you ever seen our catalot.ne? R not, write for it and enter now, Address D. McL4CHLAN $` CO„ (fhitthatn, Ont. WARI WAR ! Do von want the latest and :mist reli- able War News, well illustrated, then BEAD THE WEEKLY MONTREAL HERALD ing the session now drawing to a close, His candor not less than bis skill and vigor in debate, his cheerful courage bis unfailing good temper and courtesv— often when he was under sssere provo- cation, his undoubted honesty of purpose and zeal for the public welfare have eotapaled the respect and admiration even of his opponents. His influence in the house is due less to the fact that he is Premier than to his own qualities of mind and cbaracter.—Hamilton Herald. • c. Cneshire. It is used nearly altogether P. Mahoney, work on bridge 1.00 interested, and has been such an accom- m for domestic uses iu the Central and F. Ballagh cutting ice and repair- inodatio ' Western. Provinces. In Nova Scotia ing bridge - . , . - - • . - - , 2.50 public, t and New Brunswick, however, the salt Jas. Day, cutting ice and repairing The • bridge 5 00 throngh coueumed in the sea and gulf fisheriesie Fred Melvin, work on gravel road 2.00 ponds with the bnilding's decorations, l all imported. It enters Canada, when Jas. Scott, ploughing snow on the offices being in the centre of the used in the caring of fish, duty-free, and gravel road 2 G0 I space with a lobby down each side. the trans-Atlantic freights are consider- Sohn Boyd, dieting gravel- road.. , 6.00 J1 Everythiug considered, the Grand Jas, Murray-, ploughing snow on Trunk Railway System's new office is `ably- lower than thosefromOntario's salt gravel road „ 7.50 worthy of a call from any one visiting fields. In all, Western Ontario produced Robt. Colvin, ploughing snow on New York. in the last fiscal year nearly three hun- gravel road 10.50 deed thousand dollars' worth of the Jas. Harkness, fixing calved 2.50 se. I. Colwell, po,t cards. .-.. , .70 l rye Stock Marlcete. article. Nearly fear hundred thousand Alfred Ross, fixing pitch holes1.25 i Toronto, April 19.—There was aheavy dollars' worth of duty-free salt was used S. L. Parves, cutting ice on bridge 1.80 rnu at the city cat.le market to -day, 115 Irl tiff` 4 FINE PHOTOS -t �jj CLEAR AND BRIGHT f We ore naw doing a nice line al l $1.25 a dozen. �i�t f Armstrong & Cos Studio n to the shipping and travelling ,f', WING�)AM �� hat its sw cess iss assured, p' (� �i int The coffers of the Dominion are full almost to repletion, and there is no sign of abatement of the revenue. Money is still pouring in, and the high water mark has apparently not yet been reach- ed. For the nine months ended March 31 the ordinary revenue amounted t ft Call and see them at tin mhot;auy which corfires•ed : galic it s � Y t13�1 by the fisheries of our Atlantic coast.— W. J. Smythe, discing on gravel loads of stock beiug delivered. The Toronto News. road 8.00 offerings consisted of 1,860 head of cattle,$1..10 to Washington, D.C., and return. Good Ballagh—Falconer—Tbat the finance ggoing April 11th, 79th, valid returning on or 219 sheep and lambs, 287 calves and before April 18th, 1904. report as fast read be adopted and l CHURCH NOTES. cheques be issued for payment of same. about 1,200 hogs. The large number of sei.5e to Los Angeles or San Franeiseo and Rec. Mr. Gond will o his former on the, market had the effect of return; good going April 22nd to 30th inclusive, GRAND TRUNK SYS EM World's Fair, St. Louis, Apr.30•Dee. 1,1904 Wonderful Electric Lighting Effects on grounds and buildings. Return tickets will be issued at REDUCED RATES on and after April 25th, allowing stop- over at any intermediate Canadian station, also at Detroit and Chicago. of Gandy got f mer —Carried, $51,303,567, which was 4,750,000 more than for the same period of the previous fiscal year, and $18,692,313 in excess of the ordinary expenditure. Over all ex- penditures cot biped there was a surplus of $12,069,443. The ordinary expendi- ture for the past nine months was but $993,000 more than for the corresponding period of the preceding year. The reven- ue from customs, excise and the post - office shows a substantial increase in each case. There was a slight falling off in the revenue from public works. charge at Strathroy for Sunday next. The Self -Denial Week in connection i with the Salvation Army will be held from the let to the 7th of May. Rev. Dr. Ross, pastor of the Walker- ton Methodist church, has accepted a call to Oakville. Rev. R. I. Hocking. of Ripley preach - 1 ed missionary- sermons in the White - ichurch Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev. C. C. Keine took Mr. Rocking's t work at Ripley. yy Rev. Principal Waller, of Huron Col- LIFEINSURANCE RETURNS. llege, London, took the services in St. 1 Paul's church on Sunday last, Rev. Wm. The condition of the life insurance t Lowe taking the services at Lucknow btisine6s of British companies in Can- and St. Helens. ads does not appear to be rosate judging The Pastor and members of the Wing - from the official returns for the last Iham Baptist Church will hold their calendar year which have just made Annual Roll Call, on Thursday evening, their appearance. The amount of inane- t April23th. Refreshments will be served ante effected by the British companies during the evening. in 1903 was was 83,324,317, which was i The Winnipeg Ministerial Association $191413 less than in the year previous, The insurance done by Canadian com- ; passed a resolution expressing the con - parties, on the other hand aggregated viction that the union of the Cangrega- $55,180,604, being a gain over the pre- inane', Presbyterian and Methodist vious year of $9,288,437. That of the Churches in Canada is most desirable American companies totalled $33,274,297 and practicable. an increase of $1,927,815. The dome stic ; Rev. R. C.Tibb, treasurer of the Bible companies were away ahead of their a Societies centenary fund. reports that British and American rivals in new bus.- oa the Bible Society's Sunday, March 6, nese. The total insnranes effected was $2,59 was collected is Toronto, and $950 $91,577,805, a gain of $11,024,839. The - before that date. Aboat $4,000 has been net amount of insurance in force in 1903 collected in Canada. The sum asked be - was: Canadian companies, $335,625,096; ing $50,000, British companies, $42,134,304; Ameri- The meinbers and adherents of the tan Companies $170,676,800; total, $548, 1 Presbyteri1u church were pleased to see 436,200, This is a gain of $27,422,500 for' their pastor, Rev. D. Perrie, able to take Ballagh—Falconer—That this Connell the day, do now adjourn to meet again on Tues- the exile day the 31st day of May as a Court of Trade be Revision and Appeal, the Clerk to give about ste the Statutory notice.- • Carried. of cattle, Cans. Brrrox, Clerk. The fol Exporters Is The Earth Fiat? heavy $460 $4 80 Woodstock Express. Light 3 60 4 00 Bulls 3 50 3 75 As a matter of fact, while modern do., light 3 50 4 00 astronomy has made great strides, the Feeders language in everyday use has not yet light,800 pounds and up - passed the fiat earth period. We still wards Stockers 3 00 , 2 50 speak familiarly of the rising and setting 900 lbs 2 75 of the sun and of the four corners of the Butchers'— globe; we still look to the new moon to Choice 4 25 see whether it is dry or wet, notwith- Medium.... 3 80 Picked 4 40 standing that the moon repeats its phases Bulls 2 75 as regularly as the hands of a clock point Rough 3 00 to the time—more regularly, indeed, than Light stock balls 2 26 the hands of some clocks—and still pin Hogs__ cows.... 30 00 ogs-- our faith to Hicks. And while there are Best what appear to be unanswerable aim- Lights, ments in favor of the globular theory Sheep— valid returning, reaching destination on or making trade slow for the early part of before June S0t1t, 184. buyers apparently waiting with dation. of a break in prices. ONE WAY E ON SALE DAILY to points in Colorado,Brit- came brisker and prices held ish Columbia, California, etc. ady, except for the poorer class Which Hent off from 15c to 20c. Special Settlers' Trains to the Canadian Northwest will leave Toronto every Tuesday lowing are the quotations: during April at 0.00 p.m. Passengers travelling without live stock should take the Pacific Ex- ' cattle— Per 100 lbs. press leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m. 3 25 3 i2} i 3 50 4 30 4 15 4 50 1 300 4 40 ' 250 For tickets, reservations and all information apply to J. D. AlcDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, or L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingham. NA'CC1A.N• PA`c.i. Ftc' '4395• ■ 65 00 VANCOUVER, 13.0., VICTORIA, B.C. 4 90 SELTTLE, WASH., TACOMA, WASH., 4 65 AND PORTLAND, ORE. Export 400 4 25 and in support of the planetary motions, Bucks,,,, 2 50 3 25 who can say now, looking back at what Culls 3 50 4 00 has been accomplished in the past hand- Spring Lambe 2 50 6 50 red years, what another century will Calves, each .. , 5 50 5 50 produce? It does not seem probable that the fiat earth theory will ever be gener- ally accepted by educated people again, i Corrected every Wednesday afternoou but it is by no means certain that the by Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank, present theory will hold forever. It was !Flour per 100 lbs. , , • 2 00 to 2 50 only a few days ago that one of the best- I Fall Wheat .. , , , , , , 0 88 to 0 88 known writers on scientific matters in ; Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 029 to 080 040 to 045 0 55 to 0 60 dawn 0 12 to 0 13 008to008 060 too <5 030 to 060 015 to 0 15 012 to 012 250 to 350 WING 1 • 45 RAM MARKET REPORTS NELSON, B. C. ROSSLAND B. C. Wingham, April 20th, 1904 England startled the world by going' Oats back to the old theory that the peas y earth, after all, instead of being a meat Turkeys, floating through space, was really the Geese, the Canadian companies, of $578,069 for the services on Sunday last after a centre of the universe and the only Dhickened r pair the British companies, and of $11,623,3361 a couple of weeks illness. Mr. Perrie habitable portion of creation. Butter as not yet • felly recovered, but is able f Ito be around and hopes to be fully re- Wood ' Eggs per doz per cord Hay, per ton..,,,7 00 to 7 60 Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 60 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 05' Lard„, 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per ib 0 04 to 0 04 Wool .....,..., 0 IG to 0 18 Live Hogs, per otv't, 4 GO to 4 GO Ayer's Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils. pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nen,- ousfless, depression. If the Sarsaparilia stom*ch, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for so years. t43,.141.1b o t:'ebsti ry 4, :At; i tO S p8 tiw15a Obottisset et' *sirs. c.134 RwiR Ser*ften, P4, 4 1 *otos, i, r. ATitit Cc,, for Lorrett ire pure tdood stored to good health in a short time. The average newspaper is in love with k He preached two excellent sermons on the individual who when he is the sole Sunday. possessor of information which should be given publicity carefully witholds it I The yearly returns of the various sec- . from the editor, and then spends half a tions of the Methodist Church through - oat yapping round town that "the, paper oat the world show a grand total of 48,- f is no good and never has any news in 815 ministers who have in their charge 1 it,” , 39,430 churches and missions. The total t T membership with "probationers" is sot , TA meanest man on record has been ' down at 7,1,0I,331 including 105,452 Local found. He sold his son-in-law one half preachers, There are 81,680 Sunday Id a COw and then refused to divide the !schools, with 804,778 officers and teachers milk, maintaining that he sold the front and 6,523,230 scholars. half. He aleo'required that the son in 1 law previde nit feed consumed and carry RMissionary anniversary services were water to the beast three times a day. held in the Methodist Church. on Sunday ' Recently the cow hooked the old man I' last, Rev, Dr, barman, General Superin- and he ip suing his son-in-law for dain- teudent of the Methodist Church in Can. ages, ada, preaching both morning and even- Red-headed people are leafs gnbjoct to i ing, Both sermons were sound, etene � baldness than others. A doctor explains 1 Cal, Gasper meesagee, and Were liuttedbd to by large congregations. In the even- ' ing the reverend gentleman took as the !basis of his discourse the Words "Thy Kingdom Come." Despite his advancing yenta and the bne ' Ind active life the 1 with the same titimber of fair heirs one What "s the want, themvenerable nerable head of Cztnadian lfethod- is comparatively bola, 1"61:84 t tdltea neat i i toth ad led, he still retains I wonaerftil o ABNER COSEN M A W E.L L •�r� � la sutra bt o! viptor sn$ aisplry!,t reaiarkebla IOO,GOii fair out 1(J6,000 brorrtt heti to f t "WINGFA11t O1tT. Hton Alter T':uitott. the matter time: The hair of the red. Beaded id relatively thick, bite red hair being almost as thick as five fair* or three brown haird, With 80,000 ted hairs the scalp is well thatched, whereas W A. CURRIE, Wingham, Ont. Tl1E PEOPLE'S Al CTI0I EER. Why go outside for good man when yon can get one at home ? Orders left at the TtMk$ office will receive prompt attention. Money to Loan From Wingham. One way. Second Class. Until April 130th, Lower rates to many other points. Apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or , A. N. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto BUYING A SUIT HERE • is a good way to spend money--•• because whether you PAY little or much—you always oar what you pay for. The values accompany the prices wherever they go—up or down. And they ate never higher than they Any amount of axone_ y to ought to be. Just high enough to put in all the good thnigs that bis - 1 o a n on good farm long to carefully made clothing. property at 5 per cent. knowing tan's idea oyf economy.the •1•AM•A•N#••!••r.N•.M•11 •NNi�1t•r�tfMM1M•R0ANt I THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE •••••••••••••••..i•••M••••••••••••1••••••i•••••wMN• • • • "GET THE HABIT." •• John & Jas. H. Kerr 1 • • • •• • Shop at the Big Store ! • • Our stock of Dress Goods shows a happy combin- • ation of variety, good taste, exclusiveness, high quality , i • • and price moderation. Our assortments are still com- plete in spite of the greatest testimony of popularity • we have ever known. Visitors are heartily welcome • in our magnificent Dress Goods department, We are showing a fine range of Voiles, Eolienne, Crepe de Chene, etc. Also Scotch and French, Tweed Suitings in fashionable mixed effects, 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • New Neckwear for Women 4 . • • • •• In view of the fact that women are bestowing more • attention than ever on becoming and attractive styles • ••of dressing the neck, we have provided them with a •• large variety of very dainty neck pieces to gratify their tastes in this direction. The tendency is towards transparent and filmy styles in chiffon and unlined silk • stocks. Linen stocks are sill of moderate and com- fortable height in kerchief points, colored and drawn work border. We'll be pleased to show you these goods. • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • Men's and Boys' Readysto=wear Clothing • •• • • • • This week we have put into stock a complete assortment of sizes, styles, colors, etc. in ready-to- wear clothing. For fit, style, finish and quality there is no better shown. Prices moderate. All our goods are marked in plain figures. No two prices. You pay the same price that your neighbour rays. Grocery Bargains at the Big Store • Re -cleaned Raisins, 5 lbs for - .25 • New Prunes, 5 lbs for - .25 e Cooking Figs, 81bs for • .25 • Large package of Powdered • • Ammonia, each - .10 e McGregor's Orange Marma- - • lade - - .YO and .15 r s • • • .�� • •• VanCamp's Tomato Soup, tin, .15 " Mock Turtle ' ` .15 •► " Chicken I .15 • New pure Maple Syrup—the • kind that's made from a the sap of the maple tree, ` per quart - - .35 • 1•r•••••O••••••l••••r••l19i •••••••••••••••••••••••••• VVVVVVVVyvVYVVYVyyYYyyrry, ♦VYYYYyyyyyyry'Ryyyyy' y'11yy ►. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! 114 SEEDS! ! T. A. MILLS HAS JUST COMPLETED HIS STOCK OF 4 4 44141 4 Garden and Field Seeds 4444144 4 —Common Red Clover —Mammoth Alsike —Crimson, Lucerne and White Timothy —Orchard Grass —Kentuck Blue Grass —Meadow Fescue, Red Top —Lawn Grasses, in packages of' the finest mixtures. -Marigolds-Intermediate, Long Red, —Giant Sugar Beets + ---Goose Wheat. 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 1 1 4 4 1 a A• 4 4 4 1 Call and see them 3 ET A. 11/1ILLS1 AAAAA*AXA11,uN;LAA11441A ll1A A All.AAA“AAM„Rl►AALAAAAIL AA.16