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The Wingham Times, 1904-04-21, Page 3
IA THE \VING TAM TINES, APRIL 2.i, 1904 MILBUR..N'S Are the taaost void: able vegetabletromeetesfor dix eases mm1disorders of tho Liner, Stomach end ]howls. Stoic Headache Jaundice, Heart- noes,`Blotch©s and Pimples. Dlzz1- Dyspepsia, sour stomach, Wator Brash, Livor Complaint, Sallow op iduddy Complexion. Sweeten the breath and clear away all waste and poisonous matter from tho system. Price 25o. a bottle or 5 for gnee. All dealers or Tim T. e sun t Ca. Intuited, Toronto. THOUSANDS LEARN TO SHOOT. Rifle Association Reports A Member- ship of 22,935 and a. Growing Interest. RAILWAY TAX BILL Efitterent municipalities, S'eparat'e School Board,' have not this polar. and the bill proposes to give theft the came power to alter and die- • aolvo sections. Ottawa, April 12—The report of the Council of the Dominion Rifle Associa- tion, to be presented at 'the annual meeting of 'the Dominion Rifle.' Asso- ciation. on Friday next, says: The in- creased attendance of members of rifle clubs at the prize meeting is gratify- ing evidence of the growing interest which those associations are evincing in the cause of rifle shooting. They %now number 291, of which 203 are (ev- ilian clubs and 88 are military clubs, having a total membership of 22,935. Your council, in framing the program :for the annual prize tnee,ting, 'made provision 'for opening the principal competitions to members of civilian rifle clubs. ABS TE SEII Centain e tamer's Little Liver Pills. ^ t Commission to Gather Informs. • The see Guarantee. tion -Mr. Pettypiece's Bill. The debate oa the "Soo" saran: tee was continued by Mr. Whitney and Hon. Mr. Gibson. Mr. Whitney MD TO THE Ai.GOMA GENTRAI. objected al othe concc ns. c1Ple The fA assisting General in the course of an able address pointed out that the security speeches By DIr. Whitney and ,attorney- is ample and that when the plan is General Glb•on—Latter bays the sown- adopted the amounts of wages ad- vanced Ample the worktnon will be repaid Will Ile iterauded lir the De -1 to the bank by the Reorganized Company. Mr. Powell of Ottawa, organised Company—Lieut.. I will have the floor this afternoon, Governor's Dirolainter. 3Ir. Whitney Opposes Aid to Soo. Toronto, April 13.—The Legisla- When the House resumed in the tura spent all yesterday afternoon evening Mr. Whitney resumed the de - discussing the report of the select bate on the second reading of the committee on Mr. Yettypiece's tail- bill to aid the Algoma Central Rail- way taxation bill, recommending way, moved by the Premier on Fri - the appointment of a commission to day. Ho spoke for an hour, and op - gather information upon the subject. posed the measure first on the ground When the report was presented itlr, that it was not the, duty of the Gov - Clark (Bruce) moved that it be not ernnont to become a party to a received, but ho referred back to the business enterprise, and, second, be- ennuuitteo, with instructions to in- cause it would bd establishing a pre - corporate the whole of Mr. Potty- cadent whereby any struggling en - piece's bill. This justified the eriti- terprise would have a right to come cisco of,the Premier that tho Opposi- to the Provincial Treasury for aid. tion were merely trying to gain a Everyone, he began, was interested party advantage in connection with in the Soo industries. It had come the bill. Mr, Pettypiece had pro- to his knowledge from many different posed the formation of a Provincial sources that it was said that there Board of Assessors. The Royal was antagonism on tho Opposition Commission on assessment had om- side of the House to ''those Indus - bodied a similar provision in their tries. Nothing could be farther from recommendations, but tho House's the truth. Premier Ross' rosy pic- special committee had rejected it. tures of the condition of things at Mr. Hoyle and other Conservative the Soo took away his principal members of that committee spoke argument. Ho had said there was and voted against the commission- no possible danger to the Province ers' proposal, and yet in the House of loss. if that was so thero could voted in favor of a siinfiatr proposal. not bo a stern necessity for aid. Dir. Carscallen (klaluilton), however, 'Jaattnable Az.a.ure. refused to stultify himself, in spite Must Boar Signature of Sco Par-Slmno Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy to %aka as sugar. FOR HEADACHE„ FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. i. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TIE COMPLEXION orri,a;.rxrrrcan MU.THAVL cents I Purely Vegetable.. eriere• aa¢ CURE SICK HEADACHE. • CARTERS ITTL1: IVER P1 LLS, bilious? of the promptings of some of life Attorney -General Gibson followed. friends. Tho measure was justifiable as a partymeasure that had beel2 the Govern - Report of Committee. ment policy for the last quarter of "It is evident that the railways a century in the matter of the ald of Ontario could hear additional to railways. Not an acre of land, taxation without interfering with he declared, had been handed over, their efficiency, and without im- and would not be until the two mil - posing upon them burdens dispro- lion guarantee was wiped out. The packed in this style is sold as "C'hoic- portionate to those imposed under Government was only proceeding tzic Danish." CURES Dyspepsia, Boils, Pimples, Headaches, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, and all troubles arising from the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. Mrs. A. Lethaneue, of Ballydutt nt. writes I believe I would have been in had it not beep for Burdock Blued Bit - tors. I was run down to such an extent that I could scarce- ly move about the house. I was subject to severe betelac les, backaches and dizzi- ness; my ap' etito was gone and I was unable to do my housework. After using two bottles of le Il. B. I found my health fully restored. I waruilb'recommend it to all tired and worn out women." DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE form ap Jessooiationl o'f eeedgrowers. Rules governing the association and. standards Of perfection for pedigreed seen will be. controlled by in Adviec;ry board .composed of representative men from the various branch associations, There are now thirty-five seed grow- ers who are members of 'the Western Cone da Association. Their work is supervised and inspected by a euper- in4endent. Records are kept of ;be ainount and ,pedigree of seed. Produced by them. According to the rules of the association, cath member is re- quired to give a definite guarantee as t0 the purity, vitality atld iret'.dolzl trout seeds of noxious weeds, with all ars of seed said by him. The aeeeci- ation certificate will show the pedi- gree of the seed—the numb.r of con- secutive yours during which hand se- lectioa has been followed, Verniers eel, Western (.'linada, who hove farms that are iree from noxious %seeds and Otherwise, su,ted to grow- ing good seed of wheat, oats, rye, bar- ley and other grain, are invited to be- come members of the .association and make'seed growing a special industry in their farm operations. They may commence by sowing a plot in the coming spring with the beet obtain- able seal. There will be a ready market Tor all the sued that cant be produned by members, at prices that will pay handsomely Tor the extra trouble in producing it. There is now an alruull demand for :5.000 bushels of seed wheat alone. CANADIAN BUTTER PACKED IN DANISH: KILLS. Mr. Grindley reports as follows concerning the packing of Canadian butter in Danish. kiels : The butter peeked in this style is the bast quality of "Canadian Cr iam- ery," and is put up in this shape by the shiep.re who receive tteir ins:ruc- tion:, from consignees en this side. Most of it, comes with no mark except what is on this sacking which covers the cask --if any mark is on .alae .busk it can be easily erased. There is no doubt that the bulk of the butter Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayers Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable. Sold for 60 years. La el1,eMQ Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE the assessment act on real estate along the old lines of aiding rail- Only a few Canadian firms ship generally or upon other corpora- y tions. The committee had observed that under the assessment act now before the House municipal corpora- tions have been authorized to tax certain portions of railway proporty heretofore exempt. The subcommit- tee has also noticed that under the bill introduced by the Provincial tax upon r ur r the Provincial T ens eP railways has been greatly increased, and, as the committee is advised, will yierd a revenue of about $200,- 000 per annum, as against $35,000 Sofar received under the old rate. no legislation has been suggested, except in this measure, which would tax, either by municipalities or Pro- vince, United. States railways with running powers over Ontario rail- ways, or the great railway car -loan- ing corporations or other corpora- tions owing their own cars, which, the committee believes, use the On- tario railway system for the trans- portation of freight along Canadian railways east and west. TeX Foreign Cars. !MT eat:. a. P. PALU t. CO.. NOMA.:Tt, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TH.E TiNTES ways. To sell the industries under the hammer at bed rock value was to dostroy all the interest of share- holders and creditors. Would any business man say it would be ad- vantageous to sail under the ham- mer? Mr. Carscallen: No. Three 3IillIons low. • Continuing, Mr. Gibson, combat- ted the statement of Mr. Whitney that there was no new money in the sums, various m read a o enterprise, rise and, is d. p or subscribed, amount- ingpaid in ub either , to $3,000,000. This ,was not a small amount of money. The scheme of reorganization had been' based upon the idea that the pulp lands would be held by the Government. Some one had written the Attorney - General that the rails and fastenings of the road, if removed, would be "The committee is of opinion that legislation should be provided where- by car -loaning corporations afore- said and other corporations not coming within the province of other legislation should be made to con- tribute to the Provincial revenue, and to that end, if practicable, legis- lation might be introduced this ses- sion. As to the methods to be adopted in the early future for. the purpose of taxing railway corpora- tions the subcommittee is of opinion that, instead of now appointing a commission specially for that pur- pose, the matter of railway taxa- tion might be entrusted to a Pro- vincial commission that would take into consideration such questions as to bonding powers and capitaliza- tion, floating of debts and applica- tion by municipalities for legisla- tion and possibly the approval of all bylaws by municipalities pur- porting to confer monopolistic rights on public utilities; such commission to have the power to advise upon tho terms of such bylaws and generally for matters similar to certain State commissioners of the United States or tho local Government Board of Enquiry of the Mother Country. It would be the duty of such Commis- sion, among other matters, to make all necessary enquiries regarding corporations that were subject to municipal and Provincial taxation, and particularly the basis of the taxation of railways. Commission Recommended. "The committee therefore recom- mends that in the meantime a com- mission of three persons be appoint- ed to collect lnformati0n on the Var- ious phases of railway legislation in force in the United States, and also statistics as to the value of rail- way property owned and operated or used in this Province, in order that the Legislature may be informed whether any other basis than that which now prevails in Ontario might not be more equitable, so far as the railways are concerned, and might not yield a more generous revenue to the Province. No ]horning Sessions Yet. It was decided that instead of a morning session the Mouse would meet at 2 pen. on Thursday. The session will last well into nett next week. The Premier on Monday evening drew the attention of the house to this paragraph in The News: "It is understoo f that the Lieut. -Governor is of opinion that the best solution of the present political deadlock is to let the people decide." Ile stated that at the request of the Lieut.- Governor and en his behalf he wish- ed to deny the statement that Ths Honor had expressed any opinion as to tho political situation. separate Scheel taw. Zion. ;12. Harcourt has introduced a bill to make minor amendments in the Separate School act. Public School Boards lute% power to dfa- *olvtll section* Blade up of parts trona butter in `'ktels" or eggs in the "For- eign" or ` hash" case. Canada in the major:ty of cases dces t a credit for her food products as much: as the ,quantity of the gluten that lends value to tho Superior wheat, lied Fiat, the standard var:ety and the hardiest wbeatt grown in , W.est- ern Canada. It will survive: the late spring frosts that aro sufficiently se- vere to kill out most other varieties. Its milling qualities are not excelled. Preston wheat is a'bearded variety that has grown in favor among farm - Mars in districts 'where Red Fife has frequently been injured by early frost. It. 'is from two to five days earlier than the Red Fife, If the, weather be unfavorable at the time when rireriyg takes place it may ripen even ten days earlier thin the latter variety. Some Canadian millers claim to have made careful milling' tests of Preston wheat and openly condemn it as inferior to the Red Fife. Results of tests car- ried Syn under the direction of Dr. Saunders, who originated the variety, indicate that it is Only slightly in- ferior to 'the Red Fife. Tho comparative productiveness of varieties differs evith. localities and conditions of soil and climate. Again,. there may be, quite es much difference between; two strains of seed of the same variety as between two different sorts, so far as their capacity; to give a largo yield of grain is ooncerne:d. Whatever varieties are selected, they should b3 grown separa.tefy and each kept reasonably pure. On account of careless practices in tate• matter of Ci NAD1AN FOOD I:ROL/LICTS 1N GREAT BRITAIN. The following Ls the report of Mr. A. W. Grindley, agent of the Depart- ment of Agriculture in Great Britain, regarding 'Canadian ,food products in Great Britain: Canadian food :products are often sold in Great Britain to the consumer as being the product of Great Britain or the product of some other country. the produce of which may- command a higher price on the markets. The only thing ghat can be done is Lor no ge ° i C'anadian' shippers to brand "Can - Out never sees in British retail shops • , . „ „ oda or Canadian" on e:•ertyliing "Canadian cheese," "Canadian bu;ter," and advertise ircely: in the British "Canadian eggs," "Canadian bacon" or trnda journals. A few Canadian "Canadianbeef."w Canadian e 'e.f A. f bt firms uvo fa ow this a h 11 ed n a d to- t n farms aro advertising their goods and P day their brands ora in de,rpand and in time our goods may be called foe;, arc known as "Cupudian pzwduce,'' but but as yet the average British can- this position has only beau gaiitr•d by .cl L r dces not care where his food vending a • t�ver ' - mo intis lot 'or no his 3 it suits comes from as long as Seed selection, lnixtttree of alt able: sorts hive increased in ties and wife t of 'the meet. Theta purities copsiat chiefly of earlier tuning varieties that shell more r Ile- than the Reed Fife, thuv having larger proportion of seed from therm to come as "volunteer wheat" is tolle next succeeding crop. Ii is of much importance to the country, as well aS ttr nriividtiat wheat growers, that these (ondition: be overcome. -ft is .clear that even I farmers who are careless about keep- ing their seed are are willing to pay fancy prices for ton, twenty or fifty) bushel lots rf t'ocd pure seed ot.: wheat ,oats and barley. Birt the sup- ply of high class geed is limited. Al- though the demand for it is great, he. little effort thus been 'erode by (armors to meet lite demned. Ave peals have been made to the 1latlliu�, ion Department of '21„6 riculture to fie+-; tablishl farms at various points for the purpose of growing pure seed of wheat, and other cereals, for distri- bution to farmers la the Most of titre- duction. That would entail a large � expense and would be. undertaking work that farmers are quite able to do 'themsclvee. The Department of Agriculture is willing to 'grant sloth assistance as may be necessary ito en- • courage private enterprise in alien: deavor to cope with the Situation. In matters of this .;;ind the best results are obtained from organized effort. THE 6R.E yT CHARITY. TFIL HOSPITAL Mit SICK CHILDREN, TORONTO. It Takes Care of Every SIck Child In Ontario Who Cannot Afford to Pay For Treatment. The 'Hospital for Siek Child •en, Toronto, is not u local institution—it k Provincial. rte. 1 The sick � II i j � child from Ontario VI 't I t, any part of {Ig'. ' I i whose par. entsnunnot LN Gx: FOR It1IgeM3TIsM. Ftn:w Clain, and the same privileges as the Toronto child born within sighs, of its well::. This is the reason that the Trust res ap- peal to the fathers andmothers of On- tario—for n- torio— er as their inonev goes out to help the Ito,pital so the Hospital's merry can go out to hole the -children. This is the 2Sth year of the H!spitul'; life. The story of the years is a le n der- ful one—for in that period 10,111),) elal.lren afford to pay for Jj treatnant f has the izg. Financial returns are what t;m have been treated, and over .,slit) mired taste ant this: price is reasonable. As receives more money by having this in it, beds and c.as, and of thand 3,000 improved. average shipper looks for, and if he List a general rule the wholesale firms year there were .,6i bays and isle mse 93 were buy and sell goods for what they are, goods sold as the product of some orb- i cured and 247 iutp:I.-ed. —the fuuny work is done by the re- er country, the very naturally pockets Look at these pietu"es of club foe.- b.... tailor, and the consumers are the cney once; who are deceived, and they don't worth 81,500,000, and ho would give caro if the ,quality is boar:. that much for the road. Under the "Merchandise Marks Act' Steel Fail Industry. of Great Britain goads can eater the The importance of the steel rail in- country with no mark or any mark dustry was dwelt upon. There was that will not load people astray as , a duty of $7 a ton on steel rails, exporter cannot afford to do, but and if the industry is resuscitated to where the goods come from; for Canadian goods are gradwllly, if slow- there will be business enough for the exampie, if you. 'put "Boston" 'in . ly, gaining in favor. This gain in industry for the next five years goods, the party concerned waltid 13.1.favor is chiefly duo to the Fine. lqual- through the construction of the fined, as then' is n. Boston he Eng- ity Gf the Canadian goods. Interna - Grand Trunk Pacific and other rail - land, but Boston, Mass., or Boston. I+ tiopai competition is so Teen to cap- S.A., would ba .safe. \ov:t Soot sure the British market that there on apples from that Province would t is no room to try "fake games" and b; allowed, as "Nova Scotian" apples' I an sorry+ to say the only way to the higher Price and says nothing. It is. a "very slow game," getting the British peop:e to change their idei,s cr tit rtes. To "play the game" one must leave lots of time and spend money freely. This the average Canadian ways under way. The security was absolutely good. There' was no doubt of that. New Cat a 1han restoffiees. are cl'ts:ed by themselves. Lggs come make some Canadian .,hippus honest Ottawa, April 13.—Tho growth of i1•OL'i Canute. packed . in the ''Lor- . settlement in Canada is illustratedis by Act of Parliament. Great good by the fact that forty-seven now co,.t'�"I ' .'r "Irish"caro which holds 1410 has alrca ly been done by "The Fruit stotlhces were established in Can- eggs' These are. sold as "Irish" or Narks Act." Our dairy products are fore and after. F.EFOFx :wren Of the SSS patients 293 ciuno from 216 places outside of Toronto. In three years the patients from different parts of Ontario, not Toronto, average 350 —nearly a third of the entire number. In six years 1,400 outside patients have been treated—and for 20 years past they will average 100 a year. The average stay of every patient was 64 days, the cost per patient per play 94e. A dollar or two means. small lot of money ont of your pocket, but it takes u big load of misery out of some little life. The X Ray department gives nonde:•tul results. :t trite came in with a double n, ", c:•t'et. d Danish," "s hiehcver :nay oda on April 1 last. Of these 27 landing eech season in more perfect thumb on one hand. She lett uith one were in Manitoba or the Territories. bring the highest price. American condition—this is due to the close in. thumb --•a perfect hand The following offices were opened in Ontario: Durnhouse, North Grey, Postmaster John Burns; Charlton, Nipissing, T. McLaughlin; Cundles, North Smites Joseph Nash; Heas- 0130 (;.IIlalllap bacon unci Hams t kept n Canada. over the See what the hand of the tin: „;ecu tiles spec ion i : man- ure sent from port of landing: to F7tig- for the crippled children et Ontario. nee smoke -houses and appear on the ulacture of cheese and butter, to the improvement in the cheese factories isk t ts' Wiltshire" "Cumberland" ,ar :'- ` , and creameries, bat also laree)y due lip, Nipissing, Joseph Heaslip; Is- eSe rk:.-hire," "Berkshire,' or aro-oth- " bester, Al g oma, Louis Garnet; Mit- I tvr favorite brand. Of course, if you to the Government Cool Curing Rooms" for cheese, and the improved ford haven, Algoma, Wm. Struthers; i could prove a case where• marks were Pine, Nipissing, B. B. Bahusen; "cool' and "cold" storage for food „ , Waupoos East, Prince Edward Corm- ' foi,�e d the parties concerned would be ty, Edward B. Harrison. heavily fined, but all this funny work products on the various to theship DEPORT: ,� Amu islines running from Canada to dif- Money kept frmn the Hospital is i:, doer in cellars or behind the ferent British ports kept from the children. Claim the Klondike. Dawson, April 13. --:Postal authori- ties in Washington, D.C., think they have jurisdiction over postal affairs in Dawson. Postmaster Hartman has just received a letter from the assistant postmaster -general of the United States scoring him for not complying with •tile regulations con- cerning American offices. Mr. Hart- man would not be surprised if he should receive a letter from the sane source telling him he is "re- tired" and that another good man will bo here in short order to take his place. Pacific Liner .)shore. New York, April 13.—A despatch from Acajutia, Salvador, which was received at the oflice of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company yesterday, states that the steamer Colon, bound from San Francisco to Panama with passengers and freight, is ashore near that port. All of the passen- gers were saved. Several of them wore en route to New York. Who Go Down to the Bea is Ships. Manistee, Mich., April 18. -The tug Frank Canfield, owned by the Canfield Tug Line of this city. ran aground on the outer bar at Point Sable and sunk Monday night. Capt. Henry Smith, Engineer Charles Kop- fer of tfanistee, and Helper William Juetmann were lost. The mate acid flremau were saved. DS*. Dr. 8orlmser to melee:. Montreal, April 13. -The comtait- tee apjleinted to consider the matter of a duct eeSor to Bev. Dr. Mae - Vicar, prinolptll of tho Presbyterien Colle 1, have reported in favor of itov. , John Scrimger, This, of course, tirilf have to bo approved 01 scones. mercy Your money means mercy to so?nebody'8 child. Your money can cheer some mother's heart by shying some mother's child, tTi • Heidi uud wealth.You give wealth to al ho HLJ the Ho,pital, and the Iiospital gives . health to the children. The Uurporatiou of the City of To- ronto Rites S7,500 ,•s.., a year to the 110 -,pi- , , tal for the uta n- _ t;.?4. tenaihee of every!; _ .*-�_ child, wletlic•r from �r,�%•-E, I 1 r.:ly or country. .....);13-..,1',. Ir li �' The citizens of :. Toronto 0ouu•ihute r`ji'S about :7,9,00 a year towards the maintenance ofi- �"/"N `';'"'``, every patient in the i' ' ,g.if'r Hospiutl, wilt tkt.r l .1 l tom Pi leyet. C-amtt'y ITT: r .ror3 nnAm o. TaruutuIr, its 'dare in work, and ;hwPrase cs ask you r, o mls . The Newspaper l'r pre -tore .,f Ontario h:.ve kin.a helped t:: 11 t,;.f:al by ia,ert- jnt; OOP a:,l•r•.,I.. I The -r•1 .Iles tri oeu.,p,lt r.•nt,, aol boys stn 1 :fids from :lie cctinire• :,t'.• prIOS 1 1n ti,., .•::;s f ,:t:u:c.i by the c re-lx;:er men. Lrndt a, the piecures .,f '•l,. far: and aft; r." Th.••• tell their o.tn .tore —surely you win legit ns in tie, gaol u'.•ri:. `f vont' d:,aar could s:r.:rrhtr31 the feet of a little L.,y o: girl will C:nb-feet you would gladly give it, and year c1.,l:ar will help to (10 that. BEFORE Take off the hand cap of deformity-- give all children a fair start in the race of life. Twenty-three children who came in with elub•fcet were sent home perfect cures last year. There are as many more in the Hospital to -day a"tuitinO• treatment. en rent: AVM:, I£ ,you know of a siek child --the club foot boy or girl -,en:} his parent's name to that hospital, send your rontltt sirens to Please 9e 1 J. Rous Robertson, Chairman, el' to Douglas Davidson, See.-Treas, of tho Hospital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. WHEAT GROWING IN WLSTEII\ SEED GROWERS' ASSOC'IATIJN. CANADA. With n view.. further to encourage Western Canada wheat has an cnvi- the production and more general neo able reputation in foreign countries, cif seed of the best _quality, an an- says lir. G. II. Clark, Chief of the Seed nounceinent was made. its the spring of Division, Ottawa, It is in demand for 1903, inviting farmers who had been American milling tentres, :ts well as giving some special attention lei the those of England lima Scotland, be - growing of seed grain, to unite and cause it is rich in-glutten of exceed- ingly good quality. The, crop of Western Canada ten years hence will reach. it is estimated. 500 tniiliens of bushels. Iii view of the rapidly in- creasing production, it Is important that its present good reputation be maintained or improved in order that it nlay continue to growin favor in foreign coon: ries, where 11 must• rend a market. lint the high standard of excellence has already been appreciably lowered through the introduction bf gheit of inferior milling quality. Through carelessness these mixtures are ' 4.1l- 11o•%sed toye..rly increase, while in gall- ! er districts inferior varieties have beet. grown, ihat depreciate the valtu ie.!: the total crop. t r The adv tylta;e of growing only un - Are a True Heart Tonle mixed "'heat May lie. jude,ed ►rem the Nerve Food and Blood Enricher. Thee build It(li1'fert'11ce• in Prise bet we c'n . 1 tip and renew all the wefts out and wasted hard' and the next 1\% ( grades, g'9 twee es of the body. end tester* perfect health ithw differenec is Insist. calnutwlly duo and vigor to the entle�e •yeteat. iWrvotterain Fier, Lacnes•,Pieality, after ; to thtc preva1epee of `soft, starch:; tracheo, Brain Pae. hark of Vitality, After Effect* o1 Ls Orlin*. Aoaimls, Week and I grain.S in the lower grades.. )`'No. 1 Dlzzy�Spelle Loss el fletnory. Palpitation of 1 )lard" invariably: has a high per: en•_- the Heart. Lose of Energy, Shortness eti Breath, etc.. cin ea Wonted red by tiring age of c0n tr rushucent gains indicating Milburn's Herat rat& Nerve Pills. a. lug', perceatIge 'ata good quality Prke fee.abox orator $1.25. Alltleslera 1 of gluten, as it is the el,ualityt quiteby, till 4004 tipet0.b ...�.. 'Ns T.eau.aust.fC:O.,wan*0,TolOntAt,llGr _. — ............ate••..•-..�� - �•�a+�te-mv tom" s:.��i- ' ed'770 r 20.4 K -16tRlL ,aisLikt. �','•'"0F1_Y' t i ?. I .4w a ,,. I 1"Lei Om GOILD BUST iwii ''Off3 „ Don't plod along like you grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing; betiding and rubbings GOLD DUST 'iakes housework easy. It cleans evorything and injures nothing. More economical than soap. Made only by THE N. K. PAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicory. New.Yet% Soma st, Louis. 'Montreal. 4�