HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-21, Page 1THE WINCiHAM TIMES. VOL XXXIII.—NO. 1680. The weather doesn't say so—but the calendar does. It's Springtime — renewing time.. Now is the right time to buy, and this is the right place to buy at. We needn't go into any long argument why this is the right place to buy at, either. Most folks .know us as our customers, or have heard of us 'through these self -same customers. We only claim what we believe is the fact, and that is, that we've the biggest arid best stocks of Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. in the County. We have the newest of everything—and we've values that court com- parisons no• matter where you've a mind to make them. Be ,sure you see our goods before buying elsewhere. A pleasure to show goods. �o Homuth Bros. J. & J. H. Kerr's old stand Macdonald Block, - WINGHAM MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PA'TERSON, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINOKAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 1000 Reserve Fund and • Undivided profits $ 3,414,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Clapital paid np, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— HON. Wu. GIBSON. Vice -President and General Manager —T. TunxnuLn, DIRECTORS Georgen S.aHendrie,n Geo, Rutherfo iLee, Inspector—H. 11 t. WAx,pE. Sayings Bank—Hours 10 to 9; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In• tenet allowed, and computed on the 80th No. vemberand 81st May each year and added to principal. spoons% _treposita also received at ourrent roves of tntekest. Drafts on Greet Britain and the tinned States Bought and sold. Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham- ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, which nen be cashed without charge or trot,. ;hie la any part of the world. W, COR$btJL1, Agent IHOKl1 8ON de HOLMES, Solicitors, Honest Goods Honest Prices That's what .you want— and what you get when you trade here. R. A. Hulebison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 60, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfleld Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold ohen on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap, A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village: .Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to T. A. Ma... TENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. Real Estate Notice. Do you intend to buy property iu town th• Spring ? If you do, I can save you some mo if you buy from me. I invite you to call and have a look, at what I have to offer you. Prices from 53 fro00 up to $8,500, according to quality and location. I have some special bargains that I would like to show you, and I feel certain I can satisfy von in house property no matter how particu- lar you may be. Big sale of Manitoba lands 071 at present. Call and get prices. C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent OEVXCE—Vanstone block, Wingham. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Messrs. ham's well-known we getting things in readi son's work and will cc soon as the roads wi their machinery. Las ceived a large cons: piping and iron pump large number of ordff' looking for a big seaso good work and partie ing wells should con . placing their order. Well Dr Currie & Hung. ing. Davidson, Wing - drillers are now ess for the sea- mence work as permit moving week ,they re- n elft of iron They report a ahead and are 'swork. They do who intend drill- ult this firm before Beautiful trimmed Spring Hats going at reduced prices at Mrs. Green's. Six Months A dispatch from V Two bales of yarn, Walkerton Hosiery C reached Montreal som ber last. As the good; appearance within ret company sued the Gr amount. A defence the thing remained. last week sloth bales ton. One was fount the other at Galt. way for a fall six m oming. alkerton says:— ousigned to the . from England, time in Septem- did not put in an enable time the nd Trunk for the as put in, and so On Saturday of rrived at Walker - and the. at Wingham hey were on atlas, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AI'IRIL 21, 190.1. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Anniversary Anniversary sery with the Epworth L ham Methodist Chu Sunday next, who preached by Rey. Strathroy, a former here. On Mouday will deliver his le� Man," d Lecture. 'es in connection gue of the Wing - 'h will be held ou sermons will be iohard Hobbs, of aster of the church evening Mr. Hobbs tare, '-Tho Manly Have you seen Cooper's wall For Th West. Messrs. Currie & Rintoul shipped a oar load of horses to ►dean Hears, N. W. T. on Tuesday. Mr. C. A. Rintoul go- ing iu charge. On he same day Mr. Stewart Wilson, of T rnberry shipped a car load of settlers cots to Radvers, N: W. T. Mr. Wil n has taken up laud in the West a is now going to live there., paper? Experienced dressmaker wanted at once. Apply to Mrs. Nixon, Beaver block. A t3irthda Mrs. John Fowler Junction celebrated ou Thursrlayof last of her intimate frien noon and evening the family home. I Mrs. Towler is er, and is as smart and men many years he friends wish her m anniversaries. NOTICE.—The question is: How can Robt. McIndoo loan his money so cheap on notes and mortgages? Oall and See. RonT. MoINDoo. • Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throaty Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St, Andrew's Church: Glasses supplied. Will be at Queen's Hotel, April 27th, June 1st and 29th. Take Ad Of reduced rates, and at the Greatest Wore Mo. The largest oxpi Fifty-four States pa Foreign Countries h' Return tickets on sal 25th, will be issued Railway at Single days,fare and ono th and at 80 per Cent. fare, good for seaso over at any interme tion also at Detroit and inforreation Grand Trunk Agen Donald, Dietriot P Tonto, Ont. lntage Spend a few days 's Fair, St. Louis, sitition ever held. icipate, an ve their on and n fifty nbits. ter April. nd Trunk - are, good for 15 d good for 80 days, 2 double one way and will allow stop fate Canadian Sta. ►d Chicago. Tickets n application to or to J'. 15. Mo. ssonger Agent, To - Party. of the W inghatn er S3rrl birthday 'eek, and a number s spent the after• era- pleasantly at may be noted that oying good health ctive as many wo• junior. Her many ny more bir '. clay A good mare, with foal .r :ale. Apply to Wm. If Campbell, ' ' Plot. Death of Edward Dear. . $'•One of the oldest tion passed away of of last week in th Dear, in his SOth ye to Morris Township and for many years He was a native of coming to this count on the railway. Oi first wife some year Wingham. He was member of the Mas funeral on Friday a the auspices of tha leaves a wife and th ee children. , residents of this sec - Thursday morning person of Edward r. Mr. Dear came ver forty years a go, ved on the first line,yy uglaod and beftTie Dr. Brown will haat ti was an engineer on Tuesday, April 26th f the death of his 7 p.m. for consultation in ago he moved to and throat cases. Tuesday—Openjng Day. The Keeler Co., of th store, have hack their Wingham and aro th packing boxes and bale goods on the shelves. will be their opening,. our readers to the fir in another column. new Bee Hive oods shipped to s week busy un - and placing the Next Tuesday y and we direct 's announcement Wanted at once --A good servant for family of two. Apply at Tmtes office. League Footb At a meeting of W. F. A., held in Brn - iug, the following sch up:—Intermediate Ser Seaforth, May 6; Seat May 13; Seaforth at W Brussels at Wingham, at Seaforth, May 30: sels, June 3. Junior at Brussels, May 20; F ham. June 7. Elmer 11 Wingham. I Games. Iron District of els Mouday avan- ule was drawn s—Wingham at rth at Brussels, ngham, May 17; ay 27; Brussels ngham at Brus- ries—Wingham ussels at Wiug- oore represented Still big bargains offered in long black plumes at Mrs. Green's. They are handsome. Leaving the Pro ession. "Under present condi 'one about 40 per cent. of the public s Stools change teachers every year. 7 ese frequent changes are injurious, a d hinder the progress of the pupils. I. there no re- medy for the evil? Wh • are the men- the ablest men—leaving e profession': Why are only 14 men at :nding the Nor- mal schools this session. There are sev- eral reasons for this denorable state of affairs—low salaries, la k of perntancy, no protection for experi •ace and success, slight chance of promo on, and unsat- isfactory arrangements for professional training. Allowingin: -perieucedceach- ors to teach in any rur 1 school is the main cause for low sale ies." J. Elgin Tom, of Goderich, cl.irman of the School Inspector's Depa tment, Educa- tion Association. for many years a nit Order and the ernoon was under Order. Deceased Seeds !Clovers, Timothy, Goose Wheat, Waverly Oats and Muskoka Seed Peas, etc. Gno. E. KINu. April S . Storm. Eleven inches of si .w on the 15th of April in some parts of Ontario! Just think of it, and at the -ame time devote a moment's thought t the fiend who per- petrated that inane ece of doggerel, "Beautiful Snow." fter six mouths of winter, the weather 1 Ian, not satisfied with the multitude of 'ndiguities he has heaped upon this law abiding, peaceful Canadian community, rubs it in with a post -winter storm w itch in point of spitefulness and int .nvenience to the public, can hold its of n with anything old Boreas has turns out for a quarter of a century no :gel snow fell in Wiugham ring a umber of sleighs into use on Friday a d Saturday. An- other snow storm o • Tuesday morning gave us another goo, reminder of past winter. $50.00 to Califo nia and Return. i Via The Chicago, 71i on Pacific & North- Western Line, from Thicago, April 23 to - May 1. Ohoice of ro ites going and re- turning. Correspo ciingly low rates from all points. Ts . trains a day from Chicago throughwit outchange. Daily and personally coni acted tourist car excursions. Write f . r itinerary and full particulars regardin>, special traits leas• lug Chicago April 26 B, H. Bennett, 2 East King St. Toron o, Ont. Queen's Hotel om 11 a.rn. to eye, ear, nose Address and Prese p'�11Ir. John Adair, who has dent of Wingham for son, some time past foreman of department in the Union f tory, left on Friday morni combe, Alberta. Mr. Adai warns friends behind him, him health and prosperit home. Mrs. Adair and fa leave forthe West for som Thursday eveniug Mr. A workmen called at his hon ed hiui with a travelling o cipient was taken complete and thanked his friends The following address was Wingham, Apri To Mr. John Adair:— Dear Sir,—Wo have much regret that you are about to re• move from Wingham to the Northwest. ur departure ession to our esteem as fel- rtment. We ask you therefore, to acce t this Travel- lingSett as a memento of lie warm feel- ings which we have enter •ained towards you since you have been i entified as our foreman. The address was signs by Alex. Ard, Geo. Seighman, Roy M -on, Jas. Mc- Gillivray, Philip Fisher, arry Bradley Robert Small and C. H. Treeu. tation. been a res;. years, and he finishing niture fac- last for La• leaves many rep9rts having receiv ho will wish in his new ily will not week�,s, �..y�`n air's'►Tellow• and present. Land, spending mos t, and the re- London. He travell y by surprise, delphia from London 'or their gift, trip taking seven day end:— equipped with wirel 14th, 1004. the over one thousa kept in touch with earned with world, as there w. Bowlers to i A team of Canadii visit the Old Countr summer, The team thirty players, and s are A. F. MacLaren C. E. Nasmyth. o Feathergill, Listow riston ; W. Jaeksou Wood, Mitchell. Id Country. lawn bowlers will during the corning will be composed of nong the number M.P., Alex. Faill, Stratford; A. W. ; Alex. Yule, Har - Clinton, and Dr. To RENT — Corner store in Button Block is for rental, Apply to W. F. Van. Stone. Mutilated Coins. Frequently inquire s are received as to whether or not it i an offense against the law to pass mut' ted coins. Utter- ing defaced coins is ot, an "indictable offense" if weight h not been lessened; but section 476 of he criminal code provides that anyon uttering a coin up- on which any names r words have been stamped is guilty of n offense and liable on summary convicti n, to a penalty not exceeding $10." No rosecution under this section tau be c nmenced without leave of the Attorney eneral. Littering coin the weight of wh eh has been les- sened by "mutilation' is an indictable offense punishable wit 1 three years' i►n• prisonment. Section 75 of the code de• scribes the offense--' utters as being current, any gold or s Iver coin of less than its lawful weigi t, knowing such coin to have been im ;reel, 'diminished or lightened, otherwi e than by lawful wear." The offer o a coin though it be refused is held to c mplete the offense of uttering." Go to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. if you want to buy a house in town, ho bar just what you want. Home Fro Corporal John I of the South Afric rived home from S day evening and is parents, Mr. and 3 Stewart left Win and since that tiro different points i was for some time dorp and also at F the Canadian ;net African Constabula six months' furlou South Africa. Stewart, a inemher u Constabulary, ar- uth Africa on Mop - ow visiting with,,his s. D. StewartIr. am three years ago has been located at South Africa. He located at Krugers t Canada. Many of hers of the South y are now home on h, at the expiration of which they wi 1 return to South Africa, but Mr. Ste •art has taken his discharge and does n t intend to return. r ' a During his stay in onth Africa the TIMES was sent regul rly to hien and he d the paper regn- ho brought back ip home it took s to travel from npton, England. weeks in the Old of the time in d on the Piffle - .o New York, the . This vessel was ss telegraphy and passengers were 11 the events of the s a newspaper pub- larin, and many eopie with him. On the t sixteen and a half da Cape Town to South Mr. Stewart spent fav and we felt that before y we should give some exp feelings of friendship and low workmen of your dep St. Paul's Ve- ry Meeting. The adjourned Ves ry Meeting of St. Paul's Church was he d =Monday even - 1 ing and was very wul attended, The I 'meeting was a very hr rmonious one and all the reports presen ed were very en. couraging. The finan ial roport showed the church funds to e in good shape. Tho Rector, Rev. W . Lowe and his congregation aro to be congratulated on, the good showing to the year. Mr. • Wm. Corbould was e -elected as the People's Warden, and Ir. Thos. Boll re- appointed the Rector: Warden. The following sidesmen we e elected :—Chas. W. Inglis, F. McGuire., Ed.lrash, C. G. Vanstone, Alex. Por er, Jas. H. Kerr A. J, Alderson and Ch s. Heister. Mr. ly. McGuire was elec ed Vestry Clerk. Before the close of t o meeting hearty votes of thanks wortendered to the Church Wardens, omens's Guild, •Young People's Gull , and the Church Choir. "Here 1 Aiii" Here 1SIay!" (Despite rumors to contrary) agora IHAVE lieen in the Drug Business in Wingham for one -and -a -half years, and my business having mate! - i?lly increased, TII:sal I s'1'.1v (health permitting) as long as you continue or increase your patronage, Walton McKibhon Phm,B Nest deer to Post Office. ;� „_. •,�,.—... rr,a.....---ate.. lished on the vess:. Mr. Stewart comes home enjoying e.• ellent health, and well pleased with his rip and stay in South Africa. Ladies, don't fail to see the large dis- play of city trimmed ready -to -wears. in all shades and latest styles at Mrs. Green's. Citizens' c . d Concert. The next concert ' the Citizens' Band will be held on Fri ay evening of this j week in the operah. ese. The baud boys' are using the fun derived from the'! concerts in the purr hasing of new uni- Opening The Wingham their first game Wiugbam park, o ments are being ball team to visit and the local boy town a good gam given in future seball Game. aseball Club will play this season on the May 24th, Arrange- ade with a first class Ingham on that date promise the people of . Particulars will be ucs, Big Fir Torouto had a on Tuesday night about 8 o'clock in the uorth side of Bay street, and all ington street, from are burned. Over pal wholesale hous ashes and the fire until after 9 o'clock ing. Five wholesa lost their promises. be over $10,000,000 at Toronto. serious conflagration The fire broke out row of buildings on ellington street, near he buildings on Well - ay to Yonge streets hirty of the prinoi. s of the city are in s not under control u Wednesday moru- e paper firms have The total loss will Auction sale of household furniture on the market square, Wingham, on Satur• day afternoon, April 30th at 2,30 o'clock. Many articles ot useful furniture will be sold. Sale without reserve as owners are leaving Wingham. W. A. Currie, auctioneer. Selling Coa and Wood. The Ingersoll Co ncil has passed a by-law regulating tl e weighiug of coal and the mnasurin- of wood sold by dealers in that town. The by-law pro- vides that the °hie+ of Police be the inspector, and he is authorized to de- mand at auy time the t a load of coal be weighed on the tos n scales, and also to measure a load or ny proportion of a load of wood; also thet vendors of both coal and wood shall urnish a ticket to the driver, to be supied the purchaser, stating the exact amnt of coal or wood contaiued in the lea . The TI sus has ou previous occasion • said that a by-law similar to this one sl ould be passed by the Wingham Cou cil. During the past winter many pe.•le have probably paid for short measu in buying fuel, and we e a believe it 'o ld be in the best interests of the publi, if aby-law similar to the above were .... sled and enforced in Wingham. $33.00 to the pacific Coast Via the Chicago-1Mb n Pacific & Nortb- Western Line from ( lieaao daily during March and April, to :an Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Sr attle,Tacoma, Van- couver and other teific Coast points. elena,Bette, - Very low rates tott , Spo- kane Ogden and Sr t Lake City. Cor- espondiug low rat s from all points. Daily and person ly conducted excur- sions in Pullman t., gist sleeping cars to San Francisco, L. s Angeles and Port - laud, through wi out change, double berth only 57.00. hoice of routes. For particulars addres- B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto Au attempt is t Outario with cru five dozen of t brought to the L the purpose of br be made to restock it from Kensas, and ese birds have been idon Asylum farm for eding SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE FARMER'S, ATTENTION This is the season for FMALDEHYDE We keep only the "Star'' braud,put up in half and oue pound bottles, with full dir- ections on each. One pound will, treat about 50 bushels of grain. Insist on getting the "Star" Brand. It is the best. FOR SALE ONLY BY C. A. Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. Cheap One Way Rates to The West via Great Northern Railway. Effective daily durinz March and April. cheap one way colonist tickets will he issued from all stations in Outario to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the States of Montana, Idaho, Wash- ington, and Oregon, also all points in British Columbia. On March 15th, 22nd, and 29th and April 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, one way second-class tickets will be issued from Chicago to points in North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full information as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleeper, also liter- ature on any of the above States on appli- cation to, Chas. W. Graves, District Passenger A gent, G King St. West, Room 12. Toronto, or F. I Whitney, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul. Minn. /many Calls are received from business firms and Many Students are placed in good positions each year by the famous CENTRAL Ti�L%�I�YJ VTR ATi ORD- ONT. — This school stands for the highest and best in business education in Canada to -day. Many business con leges employ our graduates as teach- ers. We have scores of applications irons other colleges. Ask to see them the day yon enter. Cotnmense course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL 4' forms, music, etc. money is require should be largely a admission will be c be reserved until 8 their escorts. F. gram:— PA 1. islarch."Tile B Citize Considerable more and this concert' ended. The usual rged and seats will 'clock for ladies and lowing is the pro- IT I, ttleship Alabama". s' Band. 2. Duet.... "The : awbee" R. Muswell and Miss M. Stewart :1. Instrumental .•.............. Selecteci Miss Sherk. 4. Waltzes. . "Anuadora" Citizens' Band. 5. Highland Fling Miss Mabel McDonald. 6. Chorus Selected Miss Houghton's Singing Class. PART II. 1. Novelette. "A Whispered Thought" Citiz sBand. Song..Selected Misliisholm. 3. Irish Jig Miss Mab 1 McDonald. 4. Overture."Cu ain Raiser" Citize s' Band. 5. Juggling H. Hightman. S. Sacred March What a Vriend we have in Je us." Citize s' Band. (ion ti A\lti TIII, Semen 2. All Ready -e= Yes, we are all ready with a Spring stock of Men's Footwear that deserves your attention, if you give any thought to matters of "c''rrect- ness." All the new conceits in leather and shape that have been marked -approved" by those whose approval settles the styles. Particular keen will fines here just what they want in Footwear. This is a Shoe store that is especially conducted for particular people. The Laborin;' Man --the Business flan or the Swell Dresser will find that we will give his par- ticular Shoe wants the most careful attention. Prices count for little unless you see the Shoes ----- so we say, come its for a look. W. J. GREER The Shoe Man,