HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-14, Page 88
our stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS'
READY-TO DON CLOTH ING. Below we give you
a list of the great bargains to be had at RITCHIE'S
during the balance of April
Men's $12.00 Snits, assorted sizes and colors, for
Men's 8 00 Suits, assorted colors, sizes 30 to 42,
Men's 5 00 Suits, " " 85 to 80,
Youths' 8 00 Suits, 4( Si to 36,
Youths' 0 00 Setts, " '" 31 to 86,
Boys' 5 00 Suits, C 1 i 24 to 31,
" " 22 to 28,
Boys8 60 Suits,
Children's Suits, k; off regular prices.
The above prices are for Cash and Trade only.
- 86.00
• 4.00
• 2.50
- 4.00
- 3.00
• 2.50
- 1.75
ousecIeanine Time is here
And we have an excellent assortment of Carpets,
Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. Below we give a few
prices :--
5 pieces all -wool 3.ply Carpet, 36 -in wide, ass
34. 2 -ply "
4 pieces Union Carpet. 80 -in wide, assort
Tapestry Carpets,' assorted patterns,
1 yard wide at 250. 114 yards wide at 35e.
1 t yds wide at 450. 2 yards wide at 30c, 60c and 65c.
2 yd wide, 75e, 90c, $1, 1.25, .35 13;2 yards wide at 45e.
4 yds wide, 2.00, 2.25. 2.50, 2 75
1 piece 2 -yards wide Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard, 750.
ed patterns, a yd $1.00
patterns, •
" .75
.45 to
.75 to
.95 to
Lace Gurtahis, Lace. Netts
and madras 600ds
In an endless variety of patterns and prices.
Ritehie's Ever
Dress Goods and Trimmings
Ritehie's for
Rouse Furnishings
A Wall Paper Mau
Has His Troubles
same as all other people have
theirs; but
We have no trouble
in selling and satisfying the
people who come to us for
Wall Paper !
The New Goods
for this season are now on
display, and in variety and
beauty of design and coloring
they are absolutely unequal-
We hope to show you our
samples soon.
(Successors to Alex.
---Yesterday's suave storm put ono in
mind of the menthe of February and
—An accident down the line blocked
traffia on the G. P. R. yesterday after-
noon and no train reached, Wingliaw till
night and. Wingbawites were without
: their Torontonamingpapers for the
--Sleighs were rnnnipg in. Wingham.
on Novetnber 17th, and its some casae
they were doing duty. yesterday. We
do not asnally have five months of sleigh-
ing in one winter.
—The afternoon and evening passen-
ger trains from Palmerston are not run,
ping on very regular time. (;luring the
past week the trams have been from one
to three hours late. With the good
weather the G. T. R. should give us a
better service.
—The school population of Wingbam
during 1903 was 820, oX this number 553
attended, 263 boys and 203 git•1s eyitb_an
average attendeuce of 349, %Gisesieeh
has 961,730,296,340,45 resFeott egyt; S -
forth has 648,268,139,1;19,219; Clinton
has 515,447,220,217,816.
—Huron was ono of the few counties
{ that show no women committed to
county goal for 1003. Eighteen of the
male element, however, were comwitted
to Goderich for trial. One was sent' to
Central, 2 to provincial, 15 served out
sentence at Goderich.
—The City departmental stores are
again on the warpath with an unlimited
band Concert.
The neat baud coucert will be bold in
the opera. house on Briilayevening April
220, Program will be publislted in
neat week's 'flatus.
Canadian Women Warned.
From the Canadian Baptist.
A caution to young Canadian women
is as necessary asthat which is fading
place its many Americana religious pa-
pers, to the effect that an organized at-
tempt is being (nada to entice youug wo-
ven to St. Louis for infamous purposes,
under the guide of attractive and profit-
able employment. The great Exposition
to be held there will call for domestic
help of every class, and many favorable
positions will .open for industrious and.
competent girls, but there is a fearful
risk in any young woman going to such
a city to Sud employment in, answer to
en ordinary advertisement, and without
certainty as to the responsible and ee-
spectabie character of the advertiser, A
minutia's sooiety in the Western cities is
sending out circulars and publishing pa-
pers Showing that there are gangs of
vile wretchesscouring the country towns
and, places 50 lure girls to pities where it
is promised they will be met end cared
for by kind friends and provided with a
home• and employment. To their die.
may'they are taken to dens of infamy,
aud:only escape as by a miracle, If they
escape at all. And the seoundrol who
seat them forward is paid 'alarge corn-
supply of spring catalogues. Of course missien for every onehe thus bends to
1 they have a right to distribute thein to the snare of tato Yowler, his seems too
further their own cause, bat our people diabolical yo be true, but the facts are
nave non ht to t them `and the operators ague shame-
less game have been traced and convict-
ed and imprisoned, though•muoli oftener
they escape. Knowing tbis; the young
womeu of Canada should not only keep
far away from all such treacherous
schemes and schemers, but they ,should
put all their young acquaintances in pos-
bessiqu of the facts referred to, and unite
with them in a crusade for purity and
happiness within the range of their ea-
g patronize with
their cash and then run their faces with
I the merchants at home.
1 —Mr. Jas. McKinlay, son of Mr. D.
I McKinlay, of town has resigned his posi-
tion as Principal of the O'Sullivan Busi-
nese College at Petrone, and has accept -
1 ed a more lucrative position with a Tor-
onto typewriter firm as their special
agent its the west. Wingham boys are
I bound to be in the front and we wish
• our young friend continued success.
drop in and toll us, a send
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our. readers. If you
I have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
r us a note tc that
Mr. Wm. Boit'e, of Rockwood hasbeen
visiting -in Wingham. this week.
• Mr. Robs. Mainprize, of Brussels, was
in Wingham for a couple of days this.
D. Geddes, V. S., of Ludknow, was
Calling on Wingham friends for a few
days last week.
Misses Tena and May Robertson left on Tuesday morning g for their new home
in Nauton, N. W. T.
—Mr. Samuel Bennett, of the Wing- Mr. Jas. Elliott, er:, of Sault Ste.
ham plaliiiirg mill has received three car Marie has been spending a few_days this
loads of lumber during the past week. week with old friends in town.
.The_••sebool re -opened on Monday Mr. 0. Dallas was visiting with old
morning for 'the spring term, with all friends in London. and Ingersoll this
the teachers in their places. week.
—Miss Griffin of this place resumed . W. R. Hawk, V. S., of Median° Hat
her vocal class lessons at Brussels on and Henry Pourfret, D. V. S., graduate
Milan, Italy, not Lyons, France is
now the greatest silk market.
The Japanese navy is now seventh
anon„ the navies of the 'world.
England is suffering from the meet
serious failure of the potato crop in
twenty -dive years.
The three distinct aboriginal people of
South Africa are the Bushmen, Hotten-
tots and Karnra.
,The pope ishan enthusiastic postal card
collector. Before his accession to' the
chair of St. Peter he had accumulated
over 10,000.
Experts expect that four million acres
will be seeded in,Manitoba this year, and.
•that, following past experience, the
"hard winter" will be followed by a
good growing summer.
The death is announced of Rev. jos.
Kiigonr, aged 72 9ears, a superannuated.
Methodist minister of Peterborough. He
entered the minietry in 1856, and was
.Tuesday after an enforced holiday ow- of Toronto and Chicago will practice superannuated in 1808.
ing to snow blockade. ! with John Wilson, V. S. for the nest With the assistance of the latest ma-
-The oratorio "Belshazzar's Feast',! few months. chines a piece of leather cau be trans -
will be given in the Wingham opera Mr. Perry Bradwin of London is visit- formed into a pair; of shoes its thirty-four
h ouse in about three weeks. Particulars { ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. minutes iu which time it passes through
will be given nezt week.Bradwin. Perry isnew recovering from the hands of 63 psrsons and through 15
—Some farmers in this section have I a bad attack of pneumonia, having spent machines.
commenced their spring plowing. At • six weeks in the London hospital. . In its report as to the pension system
this date last year many farmers were 1 'Mr. W. 3, McGregor, late of the Luck- recently introduced as a part of its econ-
through with spring seeding. ' now Sentinel, and son of Mr. D. McGee- omies thePennyelvania Railroad 'pm-
-West Huron License Commissioners; gorof town has accepted a position in pany accounts fdr the 'expenditure in
will meet on 1lionday next for the par- 1 the'job department of the London Ad. four years of nearly. $1,250,000, for the
pose of granting liquor licenses for the i vertiser and left for that city on friday, support of over 2,000 employees who
ensuing year, i have retired. • ,
—Mr, Win. Nicholson has sold his Not a Hopeful Outlook. •
A woman aged 28 has died in Bavaria
17 acres of of bush in East W awanosh to i The demand for farmers'' help lel in the cradle in which she was laid soon
Mr. John A. McLean, The sale was , increasing to such an extent around I alter her birth and in which she has
made by C. J. Maguire, real estate agent. ! the Government bureau at the t;nion passed the whole of her life. ,:She pre-
-Mr. H: Henscliffe has moved his I station, Toronto, that many of the vis -
I household effects to 'Wingham this week i itors refuse to accept the wages offered,
from Hespeler and will again re, ide inland are demanding . their own price.
Wingham. !The other morning there was the usual
1onghs. colds, hoarseness, end other throat ' number of farmers on hand looking for! ,
, ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene '• help, and the applicants were indiffer- ; BORN,tablets- ten cents Der bps. MI druggists ' eat about taking a' position, A young ? Doi;:.— On 3rd Con.,.Rowiek, on April 5th,
—Messrs. Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr are hex- • man refused $250 a year with board.' the wife of Andrew Dog; a son.
I ing the front of their store premises' The farmer raised,: this amount, which +'+ tl eon fe f JE he wt'aok'' a soii:n March 22nd,
i painted and the firm name will be placed ! was refused, until he, finally said "Well, i ce 7ifean f Tis East ' awanosh, on April 11th,
• in large letters on the front of the build- : if you have experience, name your own ! the wife of David Currie; a daughter. .
Iing. , price," and he did. The wages paid; blAliltIHT1
—Mr, Thos. Gregory is leaking ar- {single men is usually from $I20•to $240 a' pi°anae' WfnRn.• itttlteArhtofeatntbythe
rangements for the tearing down of the 1 year, vtith board according to exper- e i DFr�Gunld3�;ogdofoynvd1Hinioway an'd bliss
building now occupied by Mr. R. Barrett, ' ience. Man end wife get $225 and 1 ' : Ar.Y,En-BuAnr hv.--At the it. C. Church,
as a barber shop, and will build a brick' board, and a man with wife and family',, clip George 'HoilrP, of 12th, by toaMiss Mar-
! store in place. can get $800 and board; of rousse all { garet Bradley, daughter of DIr. and Mrs, Wm,
—The firm of Cooper& Co., of Wing. a members of the family would be expect- i Bradley,
I ey, al Ln,*Ingham. �At. the residence of the
halls and Clinton were successful in the . ed to earn their share of . the money. ( bride's iarenta, on .April estai, by Sev. J. N. Me -
recent Agents' Contest of the Butterick I bir. Persse, the Government agent, sap's ; Lean, ail. �+.., brairolfe kam?iit, nf' SYorris Tp.
BluPt+ale road tp Driss Je»pie Lon •, daughter oi
Publishing Co., New York, Mimi week . "I never reinetnber anything like the Bin and t1rs. John Long, of Wiugnant.
receiving a cash prize of Ave dollars. '•demand for farm help before; and I #STEn
z.-0. J. Maguire, real estate agent has have over 200 applications front farmersrtr,Y nsox - ru Vest Wawanosii, on April
this week sold Mise Johnston's cottage 0n hand, at present, and cannot fill lith DiaryEarbour, Wife of Richard Anderson.
on John street to Mr. John McCool, them:" arilu AA.�C rayD,aidrluerly of H April
who recently sold his property oix Vic- years and 2 months.
toric street. The price paid was $f300. Divorce does not seen( pc/inlet or ne- i\,:ot,m--tn East Wawanosli, en April 4th,
, costars' in Canada. It is stated that _ Mr. Jacob ingoiti, teed ec years and a months.
--During a fire at Richardson's photo, only 113 divorces have I;een granted ill pp� wee of vile°laic Thos.
ie idaSu.
d an grapli gallery, Napanee, Mr. John P91•
Canada the past twenty years. years and 4 months.
served to the end the appearance and sift
of a baby a few Months old, though her
min d developed normally, and she was
a p ersistent talker.
Our up -to -elate stock of Staple and Fancy Dry 'Goods, the very
newest in Men's Furnishings, and. Nice Fresh Groceries, is now on
the way to Wingham--in fact part 'of ,our goads are at the
railway station. All will be opened, marked ,';off, and passed into
stock in the course of a few days. We ha a . complete stock in
the above lines. buy everything for cash and uarantee everthing we
sell, Our MR. J. H. KEELER, who has full charge, has had 31
years' experience in Dry Goods, and having made it a life-long
study, is exceptionally well up on the best markets.
We are confident that our way of buying and selling will be appre-
ciated by the buying public in and around Wingham.
will he made in next week's paper. - - Watch this space.
Bee Hive.
Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con-
veyancing done.
OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. ,
Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'elocic.
Camp rational, No. 139
TIOLD their regular meetings on the 2nd
_ILL and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd.
fellows' Rall. Ali visitors welcome.
R. MAXWELL, C. 0. Bele. Caow»En, Clerk.
DR. OVENS, of London,
Visits Wingham monthly.
Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and
Deafness treated.
Wingham Office—Campbell's Drug Store.
London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours : 11
id 81r.•in:
Dates-cf visits—Mondays, Feb. 1, Feb. 29;
Diarch-28,, May 2, May 30, June 27, July 25,
Sept: 5; : Oct. 5, deb. 81, Nov. 28.
rPHE undersigned will keen for service on
1 his premises, north half lot 2, 1st line of
Morris, :the Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull,
" Ontario'.G old. '
Terms. 51.50, With privilege of returning if
necessary. • J. G. FYFE.
..—More winter weather this week.
All the sidewalks fit W'inghatn are
now cleared of winter's snow and ice.
-- The now has about all disappeared
aad no serious damage from floods.
- Virork on the dottble•traoking of the
(.4..T.E., from London to Paris was start-
ed. on Mondays.
.-Madame Livitlski, palmist will be at
Illatfonm*l hotel for one week. See advt.
is *mother ej1*mtt of this lame.
regular meeting of Camp Cale.
doral*, Sons of Scotland will 'beheld on
outlay evening of next week.
lard, editor of the Esprees, fell to the
ground and expired from heart failure.
Mr. Pollard left Tiverton some fourteen
years ago.
—All those taking partin the oratorio,
"Beleltarzar's beast" are requested to
attend a meeting to be held in. Chisholm's
There were found in the Tiber last Miiier tiroti erHof liD3�tAnilrProV biillte'r anaiMrs
year the bodies of 16,500 dogs, 1,355 J J entehe1t, of "Agitate in his eeth year,
eats, 1,630 rats, 701 turkeys, 3 pigeons,
377 canaries, 160 other birisds,1,712 hares,'
21 tabbits, b t , 5'sSi cep, $ parrot and A tillalrr., � WALKER;�ROSr & BUTTON
Ism at the University of Heidelberg, UNbEerrant iS. WINGHAM.
hall this {Thursday( evel3in . 33ltsfbess not olrly' lectures on his.subject, but Night 'calls Button l3lock, or reef.
g makes his pupils write editorials, reports,dente at Rite "s property+ oat Scott St.
of importance will be brought before book reviews and criticisms of enter. 'or titled Lou ei.' of i{ollool on dohii
Elie meeting, taimttemts, street. Shop '; o
•�¢oalia Macdonald block.,
3)r. A. Kati, the professor of johroal-
If a herriu' and a half
Cost a penny and a half,
What will eleven cost ?
AT A. Ra
Now on 4
New Collars, best linen, - 2 for
Fine Laundried Shirts, white or colored, each -
Boys' Braces, for age 3 to 5 years, well worth 10e, for
Men's Braces cheaper than the cheapest, and of the
best quality.
New Hard and Soft Felt Hats—a case of them. 250 to 2.50
See our new styles in Gents' Neckties, Boots & Shoes.
Splendid value in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits,
Odd Coats, • Odd Pants, Odd Vests.
Fanny Vests, well worth $3.00, for -
Big variety of Boys' Knee Pants.
A. .4, Sm-th
Crustroi t Bi.ocx.
A:mS.''"9�, .,..,,ci.x9.w.ar„13:. IG •�•«,c;i;.,h: i .. +?b.'; ., :'n:' n4'.ea,:: ..� , .. `,..• ,..
The Sign of the lite"
is the gtilde post to good hoes. It is tike
sign that never mislea i that never points
the way to doubtful Aes.
"The Sign of the Slate" marks the
home ,f 4c Slater" Shoes. It tells the passers—
by' that this is the place of honestly made
shoes -"--comfortable shoes --stylish shoes --and shoes that
• are vouched for by a Canadian company that lives up to
every word.of"rits guntee.
The • man .yyvho takes the "Sign, of the Slate' as his
guidepost, is on ,the straight road to foot comfort, shoe satis-
faction; and economy,
Every. pair ' or "SLATE." Shoes has this trade mark
label sewn on the lining. Whenever
yett buy—look.for. it; :any shoe that
has tot this label. .41, it, 18 NOT a
«Slat r" Shoe&
You will see tit «Sign of the Slate" at
The L Le:titling. Shoe Store.
RE E:t2'S