HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-14, Page 71 TIE WINGITAM TULES, APRIT. 14 1904 A 1an e Web • • * ®C•D BY MRS. ALEXANDER ,. find Author of "Beaton's Bargain," "His Perfect Tru t," By Another Name," " Her Hea• is .idol," "Half a Truth," " H s Rival." 4!1 eessimeseeseeseesseemessieseseseoseeessee "''Sly well, you may come," and ••rile left the round. i Winton looked gravely after her for a moment, his brows slightly kbit as . if he were pusslecl-not agreeably I. puzzled. t Then he tlreel to Mrs. L'E's- trnnge, and said abruptly: "1t is rather unusual to see step- -mother and daughter 00 such good }terms. '1'114,• generally hate each [other like poison. I suspect your feature sweetens the 11,11X1 Ore: you Were (llwtlyl a bit 01 811 angel." I "Voll are too flattering, arid you d0 not do Nora ,justice. She is the rkinttest girl that ever lived: most , fortunately for us. Ino you know that e t et y4.ling is hers? She alight rturn us out penniless it she liked to- . morrow. I hail no marriage 'settle - relent. Colonel 111)' .trange was al- ways going to alter his will -which left all he possessed to Noro--bat died without having clone co: and zny poor 13('5 is quite unprovided for." 0 '•(\'hat an infetnlnl shame! They ought never to have allowed you to .marry wit holt1 11 proper sett Itul('Tlt , ''They? Who?" asked Mrs. 1.'Es- trange, with a lingo of bitterness. "I had few friends, and was not partic- ularly, sell -helpful. They were too i glad to find me provided for and orf (xheir hands, to raise any question 'that might delay the happy release. 1'chis was only natural! However, if ENOra 1•ettrh.14 one -and -twenty and i5 still a free agent. 1 nen sure she will 1•carry out ler intention of making a Ipro%ision for 1 ea." "When does she come of age?" 1 "Next Fedruary." "Train! 'film enough to marry and plaque 0 mail s hl'e,51 out 1,efore that!" ,. 'u • %• has ,4.t Y o 'Murk. what In .out of humor with Nora? Vent must t dislike her unreasonably." I not her! she is not the sort (d girl (.11y man would dislike! But :•^what a contrast bet 1•( en you two: 1 stronshy susee.'t she bullies you! What Lard lines you had ali your !lift.: I settee hues think 1(\(1. old 1 times area wonder IIIINC you pulled i through. ' Ile looked tit ler as he spoke. a • 'O1ldet•fally kind (XI're55!o4) :4111e1- ing his 4 y05. 1 nut vel ;V happy :Old tritnquil now," 1'r t creed "Airs. L'Est range. "re act the past bury its dead." ] "If I had been-" Winton wile be- • ginning, when lora 1'('turnsd wits, her hat 013-0 vary becoming hart. "Aro you not going to walk with us. Helen?" "•No, dear, T promised Tien to take ;ler to see 0 foal and a baby pea - Rock. at the Home Farm." "Well, Mein neer! 1 await you." Winton rose, land shook lewd-. with 1 sirs. L'Estrang•-•. tt "My aunt hopes you will • 0)110 to -luncheon tomorrow or on f't•iday. if ! you are in the town,'. he said "I will write to her. flood -bye for lt:he present." "Oh! I had almost forgotten." cried Nora, turning hack at (h • .(loon. "The squire said Is. woul,l c'on'e and ask for n cup of coffee this ,.evening about eight." "lie shall have it," rOturne(1 Mrs. 7...,' Est ‘Vinton, who had 'paused behind pNora. tt n•ne( a . questioning look o n hiss. LL tl ll;e then the ' • young lady of 11rookdale 1hiseigh the open entrance door into the sunlight beyond, and the sound of their foot- steps on t , 1 e freshly raked gra\ el -soon died away, ]hies. L'Estrange stepped out on I the veranda. and looked after the re- t treating figures. "He wu5 always wise and kind," •else 1441)l'111lired to herself." "Mother," cried Beatrice from within, "1 am quite ready.' tom: CTIAP'I'l''IR II. 1'r sun Ira, 4 later the Some ten days a t y I•s4tritirig to pierce the sultry hush of tam a:ulumnfI day in London, and • *taking the half -deserted streets op- 1)reSsit(ly warlu. 1 hhairy one was out of town mid the chief clubs, shops, and hotels, , !!GREAT PAiS INTHECHE t Mr. John Clark, coachman, Port 'Hope, Ont., states : "Last winter T was so bad with a 1•cOld that I could not speak above a Irirhisper and had great pains in the chest. . At last I feared it would de- velop into consumption. A friend ad- , vised ane -to use Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpatttine, and one E .b ottle cured my cold which 1 I, believe te 'would have provenvery serious if I /ad not used this medicine. sr DR. CHASE'S NR" LINSEED AHD were being painted and renovated during the breathing space betwe„lp t 4,'88011S. A brougham stopped at the doa8, of a well-known hotel ill Bond street, and 11tt11u•ted the attention Oil 14 wish rl' lanai,*ing on the sten,:. Iii deseond'rl to asel•rtain %shut the cc. (•tlparlt wanted. She Was it large. distinguished kinking wolilan o1 nm,10 than a certain ttg(', with ale most white hair, and flack eyes; wheee traveling costume of dance, gray serge and bonnet Of gray straw and 13154.1, ribbons had evidently been designe(i by a high-class Modiste* "Is ,\Irs. lint i i e 1 tl here?" '.V('5 "Is she at home?" "J'11 see, '1(t." , mine Is to avoid unnecessary oxer- '1'he whiter di5aipeared, and soon tial, except riding. I now hope to returned, dance at your brother's bail." "11 i'$ TLuth\rn is in, lun'llm," I "Ino will be greatly disappointed if "e)pl•n 1111' door thou," And the fly you do not. ale• looks to 4,(511 to be (arer alighted. queen of the fete: caul 11'am''y the "oho Shall 1 say?" . county is on the tiptoe of expecttt- "Lauly Dorrington." i The waiter ushered the visitot up•1 '•Why! what can then. possibly stairs to a lianclson>ely furnished know about 3110?" asi:ed Urs. Huth - room. where, before a long glass be- vin, wit 11 t. 1111.11S11(1SHOW. tteectt 1110 windows, stood a 500111, i "O1(! we cue sad gossips in Blank - slight figure, in tut exquisite ball shire, and deeply interested in possi- tiress of pale -gold satin with draper- balite: which nlcty affect us societ- ies of fine filmy white lace, caught ; 14,'•" up at one side with drooping bon- "Does not that 'Miss L'Estrange, (wets of wonderfully natural violet, ' who was staying with you lust ehluatis, end. ferns. Two women, spring, live 1I'ar 1',vesl(.igh?" asked one 111 a dainty cap. the other Ina 'ars. 11uthton itbt'ltptly, smart hat, were standing bark as if 'I es. close by. She has n little they had ,trust desisted 1'1'W11 the task Praia:114, bordering my Ilrothor s, 1 of arranging the beautiful costume. . and is a distant (cousin." "A thousand apologies, deter Lady 1 "A little property! 1 was in hopes 1lurrington. for receiving you in this it was n big one: for I hero an idea extraordinary apparel: but f would 'Marsden WAS 11 good deal taken not 14(013 you wa it frig, US 1 know you in that qutu'ler, 110r tun 1 surprise(l; There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. It makes the home bright and clean. I11 in short," cried Lady ralrrIngton, laughing, "1 ;en hard on my brother, 1('01)050 I hlow whist he could do - and see how h4' wastes Isis life." 'Urs. Ruth tea 1111td0 1(0 reply: she looked at her 1'1111, and a slight col- or ruse in her cheek. "1 see you have his last photo- graph," resumed 141(ly llorrington. dad boy! Ile refused it to met Weil. dear 11rs, ltuthveu, tell me -- how are you? I was so sorry to hear you had sprained your ankle.,' '•It was ('1'11 at Sew ere twist, and it is nil right it gull]. 1 was foolish enough to let sussed be persuaded to 011111, down scone rocks at Ventnor, and Sintered 14(0011ingly. Ono should always ntlrk to 000'5 principle! -and lion respecting• you also." Hare 113114' 11 Mow hours in town!" 14(155 L I•.strangl• is a charming cried the lady in the ball (tress. ad- triol. �, •.• %slaying and shafting hands with her Lady I e 4.l mlgtolt glanced at her 1 isitor very cordially. I keenly. O1 t 1 4.•r- i1', c \ 113 , indeed, rl but u ( T '1 um charmed to have a prop .4.~t ' • your robe 1',f triumph, as 1 tau euro should newel' forgive her if site 1118r - it trill be. it is quite perfect. Don't tied (itfTsec. and he (could not 1e so let me interrupt you, don't postpone insape. lIe would nut mart ;v her. 1115 important study 4)1' 1111141 touch_ ndew1, 11 1114'1'(' inexperienced girl ec, now that you are full of your (•04)1(1 never hr• So at t ra(•t i \ o to him subject.' 115 n manual (,f the world. ' me that Miss ' "11 dues not strike is little•sitmtiore to he clonestrike• we -1:11,1.1.Z just heang 14' 101' to L Estt•aa (•reTTow- loul, up the lace on the shoulcic•1•c 0')er, as bngo"1' is atter,"11• 115 fnscgnit1etult %tits small bouquets, or with ruby it dues not matin," and the fair tviduw stifled a ya\en. ''W'h(•n do you and diamond butterflies. What do propose going to I.coslr}gh then?" you say, Lady Dorrington?" I Clay after 1u - "My dear Mrs. Nuthren, 1. am no' .'Thelii0rro%w-and yeti:'" judge. I never attempted to dress, I et aminviter- for the ' tits, and T lano%v it was no tlsr. 1 lust worm propose to :writ(' that afternoon. solid, serious clothes." The hall is fixed, 1 belie4t, for Wed - "You }MVP a(lnirahl4' tnSte, I am elemet.)e , sin<. 1 (int inclined for the butter- i '•l5 ferce any un( -any men, 1 flies sparkling among the lace." mean -you would like Clifford to ask? '1 think, madame," said the 1 ran vmd 1110 11)4itntions I,.fo1•e I dress -maker, deferentally. "there leave this :afternoon." would he an elegant 54ilnp1ielly in •'You are testily jou kind. 1 Should the bouquets." not (!r('001 of exit(' ting--" "If madame permits m4' to speak,'• "oh! there is no obligation," 1n- (•r1ed 1 11 11181(1, 113 French, "1 would terrupted Lady Uorringtoll. "1111 '44y, the 101105 and diamonds will be want a Iund„s• of dancing mien, and 11111111101y 10 01'(' di5t ingur'•" ' yet 11(1.1y 1.11(11. 50111(.., MOS. 1411111108 14. 00(1 a moment gas- ••The only parson 1 ('an think of ing fiw•(ily at herself in the glass, is captain S!tirley," lied then said, (1ec•i(lediy: • "very welt: what (5 1115 ad(]reS5, "1 will wear the butterflies. Bring and who !S h(''" MP a lea -gown, Virginia•, anti remelts- ••sir. mlustlon knows haul ahr:uty. 1' 11'1 (1 4) the (1110S8m114te?) "1 must IT(' was ill 11 y husband's regiment. have the dress complete by to -mor- 111• Is a good dancer and a present - row; the -changes you hate to nla.ko all( p008111), Ile !WS telt 1Ile army, might 1e (lone In an hour." 1 1eIi0ve. acid his address is 'Tho '•Oh, madame! not in an hour!" 1>t>ric Club.' "I will return immediately. Lady ''44('0', well. Now tell ole 811£11 YOU 140r11111121 011." said lies. It'll 11%101. not slid 1111d 44. ho y 1/11 SOW at (.'owes ? be0d11lg' her. a111(1 sweeping away to- ]low do you 1114' English 1'k' se, far. ward ler hrch•oon1. the door of which and L:,\1• any of our hriiliat,t youths stood open. "'Th('re is such a bad (111115x1,1 14)515. 11do%v,•cl heart?" sight in 1311• room. 1 4caS obliged to . Urs. 1(utht'1 laughed low and come here 10 see- how 1 looked." seri ly. )ler :attendants followed-luul Lady , ••Lite In England is very livable so llol•rington, taking ui, 'rhe World, fir as i trace seen it. Witil 1a few which .lay on the .oft, chose n come irlgredient5 it %iot,d be delightful, fortable chair anti settled herself. and 1111'50- -" She• had scarcely rend half what •'('t(ptafm Shirley!" said a waiter, The I kneel Says. 14'1811 141(.5. 11111 11V('8. 0111,18 Jug (pen the door. re-entered in a %(r;y beromi1ng tett- "'There is alt end (4f o(1(• gossip. my gown -4.,11 creamy 8)115118 and lace. dear." said Lady ilrrrington, "and I tight, 111')1 by tn1'ty ketol' (0 soft c'ritn- C:alt 1101 \1'1)1t," lies. 1Lptiisen diel not lease her Feat. She 1.'411 out a :Linn hand, which was sonic what dat•kr•t' in tint 1hau her fair and throat. told re- eds( d 4.h(' 10.1-(•om(er's profoundly re- Spentgre(t ilig 4.t its 11 (111 11.1 54111110. "Lady ltor'•itlgton. let nae present Captain Shirley to you." ''\\e luny 0151 been speaking of ;you. rapt tti1) S1,4Ile1'," said her 1401,1-111p Iliaadly, •'1!4, mealier. ('lif- 1.1•d 1111rsdem. i5 gathering his forces for 11 hath 1(1, (11, 23111, 013(1 if you are (lieenglsged tied inclined to spend r a f, w days et EN eel( igh, 14.---n Speak as u011(laor111:. tmist•ess of Ile• house- ellali hh tirhglitet1 to soh y14lt 'I'h(re 11- good shoot;tg. s(m(• 1:1itsant p'oldr. 111(11 14111-. llathwrn.,. -such attra.ti(,), lice mart 10 he resisted. I glal(tly- 1!•rept," returned le; , 1 al as 1(•1 bow. ''Yell must 181.11 the Oldhridge and , Athhester lien," with ti Indy Dor- ' ten:sloe. "11,• Al ill wild carriages to mese the six saelet'k train 1'•n the 21st. '401 i 1/01'1 1.1111 111441}. dein• Mts. 1:141111en." 11,4 latah k15454„ (I ltnd parted, Shir- 1(;4 esc•ortii•g 1x0, 1 a.:et:sat:at to her ca,: raige. 'iti.(at hr 1.1 merit `lies. the erten had resam,l cl her seat on the Sofa, 1(1x1 dial 11(1 e1 ,4.1. 4 e,1• al incensed Tie tit (d looking at 10.0 in silence: 811.0. 'tep1(1(4 Sl ,ria, was 110l0wv m1de110 lu .(tilt, 1tI1 11,4. Slightly 1i 0(1P. With a (lark loon face, 111(' I arture5 t)111(11. lt:t1 441 Ti c;.4. piercing black 5 t 1 t 1'y(. , t hr seepr1 scull of 'Whirs 4411?; ill g' el;,1 carefmile gour(led. Ile wore a smell the 1. eietteturL(•, the 1081 of 'MMS flare It 01(1.11 111114(11, till• hilie- 1,lhol. of la. t titelra11y strong: beard t S./< \ 11i thinly t l 11 .. } skin. g: h the .kilt. 1- 1'taml 1,08,51 to 1(e] he 114.(4 perfectly. flu 1'ty dre•s•sr•ti. cid luul till Lair of pstl(ltle neat ss. "\Veil," 1,11441 Mrs. llutliven at last. raising her f•,es 1.1eVtiy to his "you son 1.1114)1,. 511e 10(454 ail. to tr'at•ti4O looking worinll. 1 it 110111 regular beauty -a soft pale roulplexion, \%ith a certain 1•i(•In3(YS of int --11 1 red - lipped mouth. somewhat 1lootiug-a lido% low forelea(1, arld largo, (lark, beseoch1);g eyes. Tie (lair NN US Iwo - fuse --of 11 11('(•(31'111r cellnw. golden 1 tilt-•••an(1 400(•41 11i :t (ait•eleiS, irregt1- 1111('ringr -lhich bane orderly and narrow-iltimde(I i ,eepl0 111 131,1))•'11- ion of tint idii,,•SS. "And. you do net go Street to 1'resieigh?" said '\1rs. 14ut114en, 1'101' img herself on the sofa told f(1di1.1; (.Ile foot 1,41(1(1' 1.0r, with ,t wit 018..: 5up111Pli(•5S, "No. We 1414%0 alt fear o'clock for t h 4.,t 11 incur 111,S been 'levy unwell, 4,34 %%ash s to . t c1' 31.e." "All! the Tlla•hess 01 Ilr3(1154ter!" Solid 'tars. ILu,13te•n, 155 if n little im- iei•esse(1. "Ilett how will \l•. Marsden Manage his pr"para ions t\it}lout you?" "I'e1'f(etly well, 1To i.its eecellent taste: )u• will 00(1.-1' r'4er,thiltk re- gardless: of 44)51, anal 1,lie e. the pt, :tette to 1'1.ow•1(h•11('(' Airs. Ttuth%cn 19011,41, thoughtfully, with doweenst eyes, ars she open(] 81:(1 shut 4) large feather fan. ''loon ere a little hard 013 your moth(r! Ile has a right 'roe l(1meter' -811(1'-•-it rate 1541 n1 r." "Yes. At, relate Choi-witha lit. tie prod are, and ti 1i1t1e tettdy ltiOn- t••-'•\t onl(Y •,l,oyr rt.% itself. 1f T son always tml•atiellt with Clifford. Tie in quite 0141 (lough 1'o:, 10 Bite tip ilia Lollies aa''(i ltlo•.1(1 moth, 4.0 ttfnhi- , T H II PE 4Jl Gt.a l ion! Tim.. 319,51 Is. 5an,1' (lawn iut3rl R ©(i'citua• girls iu 1)1' llinrr1,g,-)I915Itit with % one t f who. r 1 h ) 5( :f money. \ i. 4.l}, heaps t 1 �i cents a 1 bottle family.ars there trui'9 7ls ' .w v *meld G0 rents, thrall dalers, or Ednlausoal, wotdd ,iunllr u4. ":,"1:(le'm 4•f T• 41. Ir lg,h, Bites & Co., Torolite, 'I'hrn l ,ttllamvad . :,13(1a si len(lict trti- To fr'etect you hgeintt Imitationsthe 110r- seer w(111111 be upetl to ti num of hitt bait and eignatiare of Dr, A, W. Chase the ability' 1 5404' le}m1 itt1111tt"sador, Kec- 4Imaous receipt book trudge', are on every bottle, rotary of foreign alTail:a-enie tllit)g nen 11001: after your interests. I hate managed this very pleasant irk.. vitt-Ilion for you, and a i11lagitle Ivo shall m('et a very good set at ll::l'.. Marseden's." "Yost are extremely good to ono in all minor mat terse," said Shirley, drawing 11 chair near het• sofa. "14Vit11 which you lutist be satis- fied," she said 411111114,', adding after an instant's pause, "and thankful." "1 out thankful! I ant 'very thank- ful for the little note In which you Wonted Inc ,'011 would be ill town for two or throe days, and would talk over the suggestion I Route, instead of refusing it at once. flow long do you remain?'' "Till 'Monday! 1 have not 415 yet such a circle of uequalinlauu•4', nor such it multiplicity of imitations 88 1.0111(1 1.1(14.1114' 14)4. 10 1(11 111) it Spate day or 1400." T fancy ,von minuend society pr11)111•!((5 ou kl,e• "et:114ty , ti11i1'11e,!"yBilelitaenia with 811(ldrn earnestness, raising herself on her cushions as she spoke, "'English 2001(14, is a bigger thing than either of us imagined. 1 hate a good start, that is all. '1'h(' want of family con- nections is al serious matter. Thee hating been at ,school 111 1'aris till I went out to join my father, is ano- ther draw burls. If 1 h114 Married 50011er, i( Isar, Of 1110re ilupnrtariee than poor Charlie. 1(11(1 returned With hint here. I :attain] hare made a place for myse 1?, but 1 s11a31 do it all the same, only it will take more tittle. I 118V( 110 111515 for lay opera- s i:ttis, except 111,V 1810 ltusbtuld's re- in tiuns." cin.tiuns." Shirley made a1 slight gesture of assent. "I suppose," he said, "you heliete that. That you cull a 1.051- 410n in London society, is worth the trouble it will cost?" "I do." thougtrifully• '•1 have, as you know, 1)1auy other pastimes, but when L weary of then', this umbilici's always remains to occupy 1ue!" Shirlt•y knocked the top of his cane softly and, reflec•tit(ly against his small white pointed teeth. "I was n fool," he said somewhat abruptly. "to dream I could persuade you to marry ale.,, "Yes," she retu•nel gently, with a slight senile, '•I think V011 were." "YOU are 'charmingly candid! W011, '.111s. I1uthton. hate you thought favorably of my proposi- tion?" I'o appoint. you 111y trustee in the Place of 1114, father's old ally, the 10,1e :Ifs:•, Burgess? No, my dear friend! Not (1.1 pr0s('1t1, 111 1('a8t." "But you do not entirely refect ]1(e! Yon most feel slur 1)0 0110 could be so devoted to your interests as .I awl." "I anti quitesuss. no interest would conte before mint', save one, and that is your own." Shirley showed all his white teeth in a pleasant smile. "You (41.0 very keen, but you do me an injustice, he said, "and believe me your inter- ests need looking after; J have been retaking quiet inquiries and 1 1in(I your present and sole trustee, ('lif- 1'ot•d 31arsden, has been in tt v(1 v shaky condition, for some time, but has lately been ('4 1(1(111 Jy flush of cash -rash which 1 suspect is yours." "Oh! nonsense," (tri ess1y; "Mars- den may he t. spendthrift, which af- ter all is only suspected, but he is a Mall of unbh•nliShed honor." "I don't 1, 11'' ,' in unblemished honor," observed Shirley calmly. "Probably 1401." she returned. "I AIM in no llurry• 1uu1 1 should like to (' ns . li o It Marsden • 5 second n. n a. to 4.t trustor. 11 suits '4)e to stand well and on confidenti111 terns with my late husband's rel(11ive5.,. '•No doubt: and." with at keen glance. •'8110411(1 this especial rolati40 beromle his surressor, a delay in naming the second trustee alight sate t1•oll10 in 01184' 8 new 54411(1110114 15) rr'qufred." Precisely," Said 111:•;. 1111th\'en with notch composure. "i should cer- tainly a000pt Clifford 'Marsden were 11' to ask me. The position as 11114 wile 100111(1 s1111 me exactly. But I do not think he will; unless, indeed, he wants lmy idotley tory 1110(11. lie IS 1101 11 1.t1t in 10\e with 1114', nor I with hilts; but it might do. Indeed• 1 a1131 now old enough to feel that marriage is too important a 'natter to be confused With love! T was al- ways accustomed to this %kw of the subject in lay school -day's; but stu- pidly allotted a whim to blind 111e 1011011 1 married poor Captain Ituth- 4en, who 4055 r1•ally very nice." "Well, 1 4111-1) ail 5akeeeSS 14) your platonic st'hetto! But a1' the salve time, 1 should 1l(1ViSr y011 to take ('Very pos5ihle prec111111011 145 r(:Spec15 the trusteeship. I have gen('ratly ab - served that honor is blemished or un- blemished \'cry much in proportion to the thesis* 4)1 temptation to which it is exposed. You must remember that. sate Myself. you have few 01d original friends. if any. in England: and in all 5im(•1•rity 1 nni devoted to - "1 ant really inclined to believe you," staid :firs, ilntltten with a soft SI)Iiie, 011(1 seduce it r up -turning nilig of her rtes, -en 1 wvill try and do you a good turn. At taesleig11 you *ill r probably Meet a very charming girl cousin of the 1tarseletls: she las c i props , I 1 13 all u 4., 1 will inquire i t 1 %into t 1 Its 1(11114'). un(1 if worth the trouble yon n(it;111 At ill and 11111?" iter. 1 will give y ,1ia all the help I can." ( , .\S 'You for %4'1'4, gond. , an nb- stra t !dee. 1 mal mot a believer in marriage. nitr'I'iatg,', lilt 1 11111 (:pe11 10 ('OIIV r- tica, Since 1 1"i5 the Service 1'0 Bye 1311 111, pt'it alt.• 101'0111e. 1 hate not done so 111(11,4: what with at little heel% un the Stool. 1:xchanlrr, and (4 little judgnlll,t fn making, a book -Tales cane, all gambling i5 risky; but as ; (d (141 dabble in Such mat- ees:a, T wish ;., a 441)111(1 g1(\(' me nn idea hw 1 rats get mote, t'an three anri la 1(slf per .1 111.- is st11 1' nee at0 for feet: 4)l• fifty thousand pounds?" i'. ,r "Ville/it len:deed t4 1 year! i m I n a Coe your higily hr>nnr•able trustee do no letter for ,4014 41),111 that? You must hale it Monk 1)411 fu your heart for hitt. or ,0u 1would 1(e\(r 5i111111 it." "'1'h'•t 4' is mo W1014414)1) of 'Weak - 85 " She r1' 1''n e 1 ie 1 It 1'r 1 _ i ) 11 ufuliv. "Our ip a > 4 irlati4 m. , If at y r•ir•r i x1, t beim rr'►t 135, 44111 1141 1)111,14, it lmittr1' 0i (•alcu- hit lob." Shirley looked dozen with a slight incredulous smile, and noes. lluthtett watched 11114 with to ginner of fierce fntease an[relrt;uic11I,' reCCtering her- self. she added, with insolent 1(1110- 01' not, 145 you t!`1itr0s('/1' "1 much preli1r beli('vittg,. ' return- ed Shirley. "Now, what arch you go- ing to dna the rest of your (exile here? Will you: come down to Oxford with 1311' to -morrow? 1t is one ois tau• places you ought to fse able to talk about!" "1f you will come hack and dine with me at 7.80 to -clay, I shall have made up 111y u110(1. and tell you." "'To hear 15 to obey. T 5111411. bee herr Inflict (11411Y: and in the mean- tiwo I will think over the question of investments! 'Three and a half per cent! The flog of Love himself rllust halve 111in(lfoh'1ed yo'tt 1101o1.e you submitted to Spoil robbery." "As you. lila." retul•ned Mrs. T1l1th- von coldly and c•arelc Ssls , "so good- nlol•nilig, and an revolts" Shirie•, hissed her hand with an air of gallantry, and left the room. When the !lour ;cad closed on him :firs. TLulhtes sprung lop with the vifeline grace of 4.t tigress, Dart - to ser writing -table she seize(( tine ises1'sge•1'ph .of Clifford 'Marsden, and stood for a moment intensely still, gazing at it, Then she lour- tnureurel(I: "Py a matter of can -illation," and laughed aloud. "Only a matter of c•0k'ulattu1,'' she repeated. "Oh, my, prince! 1114, king!" hissing the picture passionately, she threw it front her on the table, (ll!(! crouching t(g11111 on the sofa, Sat with clasped hands gibing at some imaginers picture as if lost in a dream. * * ♦ * * * * All 1)1 tnkshire rejoiced that 14vc- slei>;•h 'Mamie %vas outs. more opt•ned to the county, and to the severely clec•i1111'°suriet,4 of Oldbridge. Though the present owner had been most popular with all sorts and con- ditions of mien, his prolonged ab- sence was beginning to toll against him, and whispers of his extrava- gance were raising serious doubts that he would again show himself among his pt•otmetal. peers. The ru- mored magnificence of his Linguini - lions pato the he most agreeably to these ill-natured reports. 1'.rery one welcomed the idea of such (1 n('igh- hur listing in their 1111(1st, and enter- taining both great and small with the upon -handed hospitality which characterized the 11(u•sdems of old, hlnlicc'n,.d by the gossip to which this unexpected event g1 444 rise, tune flew quickly, and rho ringers of the local (heSSmatk(•rs worked ninthly, while almost (ter,' train w1110h. stopped at 1)Id1ricigo brought men or munitions of war desire(1 for the 310111or huuSP. hit's. L' 1.1,1 range stud b(•1' step - (.laughter took a 1181 111111 1451(1 lately imterest in the preparations. Wars - den himself lbs frequent 14, 81 the cuttatgc. ui1'ay8 in 1110 1)1081 charm- ing epic•its, and boyishly full of anti- (•ipated :1104.1':5. It was the day but one before the ball, Nora 1.145 sitting near one of the drawing -moan 1indowS which was open. while a bight wood tile cracLled m4) the hearth. It 1•(414 a soft. grits (lay. as if nature was ten- derly moer'ning the departed 'sum- mer. and tilts woods gate out a 1111/1 11)11(111)1.1111 1111I114) l fragrant*. Nora 511(1g softly 111 snatches a1.5 she. pliecl 1101• meadle diligently, ht•aidimg a lister frock for Beatrice. "lfaty 1 roto,. in through the win- dow?" asked Winton, so suddenly frons the 4(1(11)4!14 that. Nora started foal blushed \i\ idly. tTo be continued) KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL. There ought 1 of to le •toy sic kly.f, et- tul, eturl•iors chintreu--,here would not be any if molhersgatve their little ones an occasional dose of Baby's Own '1'ab. lets. The little ones are sickly and fret- ful and sleepless usually because of son e stomach. howdy or teething tronb!e. These and (114 other minor ills of little ones are speedily relieved and tromptly cured by Baby's own Tablets, and the little one thrives and growspluntp,sleeps web at nights and lets the mother flet her much needed rest as well. Mrs. R. M. LaRue, Mountain, Ont., says: -"I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets to all mothers who hare cross or delicate children. I do not know how I could get along without them. Mother, isn't it worth your while to give this medicine just one trial? If your medicine dealer does not keep the Tablets send o o cents to The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the Tablets will be sent by mail post paid. People who come t) high apt to indulge in low ones. When a man reaches the betting stage he is at the end of his argument. Some progressive euchre clubs remind oneo f 'h o w at1'm s h said e 141 war was. Every man on earth has either rheu- matism, catarrh, or some other hobby. After a man gets to be about so old insurance solicitors cease to trouble him. A married man who owns an automo- bile is in a position to acquire a lot of experience. Men at a theetre who are unable to get out Letweau the acts for a smile are forced to grin 811(1 bear it. Alter a tonal; 111an leas 45114-d on 11 girl at least three 'times 'tshts i 41'. g net, :bete is au odor 0f (1tinee b'0 b01118 18 the air. 'rhe man VINO tanrrios five tame in order to 04411011300 himself that tn111•1'))11l1 s as leis use ou,.ut to be ludo d up fel words are 4')l'IIVYn�''P„nfIIli1IIlll,lllll:I,1l'lll' I31n1111,,) .AVege table Prep oration foe's - similating theFoodandRegula- t'ing the Stomachs andBowels of r»>G� Promotes Digestion,Cileerfui- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiuln,Morphine nor Nfineraal. NOT NAn C OTIC. o,OldlirSAI1ET''P1r Ef 7 13ewi(4 J'red - /IA:Jenne lt,uld1,S,Ts- ..emile Sod Qi t,Foa+ fl‘n f • ova: Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Fever'ish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP Tacsimile Signature Oil NEW -YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 THC CCNTAVH COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. .:....41' 1. P.9 a..:, a �:;. ...e .: 1'(,:11 ,,, .-J: 5*.`tJY.:�t.wwii:T51;,;.,.4t: J.,Vrt.. ',9�'! :,.•tJa-„e ,,:,"'r .: ••, .... 000000000 A Coiled Spring Wire Fence P � With Large, stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of THE FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the running wires with THE FROST WEDGE -LOCK, making an absolutely Stock -proof Fence. The Locks bind without kinking or crimping either the stays or lateral Wires. Will not slip, and our new method of enamelling and baking prevents rust, which adds greatly to the appearance of the fence. Make no mistake. Buy THE FROST. It is the heaviest and the best. For sale by • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 •J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch. Oe••••1'e••••.•••rteN.w�,ss"�oe•,00•.osaeeoow(:i, Reflexions ofa Bachelor. From the New York Press. Life is a constant drill for soldiers and bank burglars. A successful man is one who succeeds in snaking others think as well of him as he thinks of himself. Little boys tell lies as if they were caught pulling the cat's tail; little girls as if they were sprinkling sunbeams on lovely flowers. It's worth thinking about that a mi n s dream of au ideal state never gets nearer to a woman than a boat, a pipe, and a fibhline. What a woman likes about having an aceouut at the grocer's is that if he should forget to charge her for something she gets it won't be her fault. Most every man thinks ho is smart enough to tackle any job till he runs up against the problem of grading the front lawn so all the rain won't run into the cellar. CURIOUS FACTS. An albatross has been known to fol- low a ship for two months without ever having been seen to alight. • In Nort,il London r there is a gang which describes itself as the Amalga- mated Sons of Rest. One of the chief laws is that no member shall work be. fore the age of sixty. If he has the temerity to disobey this rule a penalty is inflicted. In Siam some of the women entrust their children to the care of elephant nurses and It issaid thattrust a d the t ust Is never betrayed. The babies play about she lenge feet of the elephants vrho aro very careful not to hurt their little chary*es. Inrmar paper 4.y, it is said, pal 1'r floors are well liked because, having no joints, then are more easily kept clean, they are poor conc'luetors of heat and of 'onus' and they cost less than hardwood floors, They are put down in the forth of a paste, which is 511100thed with rol- lers. The Commissioner of Prisons ill•cot- Ian d 1 draws attention tentioll to the fact that in Ireland whi •h i C r ' c s o Isixlired a poor eoutltry, St) per cent. of prisoners pay their fines, while in Scotland only 4 or 3 1'e•kea• 1(I . a r (8 . S e e t do o. p sa t TORONTO, The Midwinter Fat Stock Show will be held at Guelph December 5th to 9th_ Mttchell's private bank at Fleshertan %vas entered early Tuesday morning and. $0,100 was carried away. Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, the celebrat- ed New York fiaaneislr, /nay follow the example of Mr. W. W Astor, baceme a. British sabjeat aurl live the met of his life in England. THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER I E IN THE WORLD I. Good brain food. 2. Excites the functions of the liver. 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Disinfects the mouth, 5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the stomach. 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances. 7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys. 8. Prevents calculus concretions, g. Obviates indigestion. 1'o. A preventative against diseases of the throat. ex. Restores all nervous energy and re- vives evives the natural forces. THE OXYGENATOR 00. 22 Harbord St. - Toronto, Ont,. WANTED A man to represent "Canada's Great. est Nurseries" in the town of Winghtem and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e. Stork Imre to name and free froth San Jose Seale. A permanout position for the right man on either salary or com- mission, STONE R «.r:LLY .r Oi. T'ONxlat:t. Ne}tSi;ItX1:5 00er 800 Acres ONTARIO GE FENCES Wear Best 1s is the (moo that has stood the test of time -stands the heaviest Strain->ttever 901 sags-tbe etmadard the world art)r. Order through our local tooter direct front tta. THE PACE WIRE FENCE GO. LIMITED, Wsikertlfle.Oint. Hiligreal.tae. !x. Moo teak. WitnshOtt',1tl OU