HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-14, Page 5THE WINUIIAM TIRES, APRIL 14 1904
No old goods here; everything bran new
Not made to order but made to fit
We have the largest selection s
of Men's Wear in Wingham to
choose from.
Plain words as to prices :
All our prices on all our clothing
are plainly marked. You can
see for your self. We do not have
half a do;.en prices on a suit. The
price to one is the price to all, your
neighbor can buy here no cheaper
than yourself. We offer the best
clothing for the cheapest price.
MEN'S SPRING SUITS. -In all the newest tweeds, worsteds, serge.,
cheviots ete., latest cut and made right-up-to-the-miuute,sizes 34 to
46 chest at per suit, - $5. $7. $9. $10. $12. $14.
YOUTHS' SPRING SUITS.-Ia stripe checks, etc., comprising all the
new effects for young men and made with a young man's look
about them sizes 32 to 36 chest at the following prices:
- - • - $5. $7 `lf8 $9 $10. $12.
BOYS SPRING SUITS. -In all the newest styles two or threo pieces,
to �.UO
sizes 22 to 33 prices $1.75 $
CRAVENETTE SPRING COATS. -Men's and youths showerproof
Coats short or long lengths,sizes 33 to 48 chest, each,
- - - - - . . $10. 812. 815.
MEN'S WATERPROOF COATS. -Men's black waterproof Raglanette
Coats 6.3 inches lone,cuffs on sleeve, velvet collar,guaranteed water-
proof, sizes 30 to 52 chest worth $10.00, special - - $7.75.
ODD TROUSERS. -300 pairs to choose from.
For Boys -- - - - 35c. 50e. 75e. 81.00
• For Youths - - •
- $1.00 $125 $1.50
For Men - - - $1.35 $1.75 $2.00 to $4.00
SPRING HATS. -For boy,youth or man, all the newest English and
I` American styles - 50e. 81.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.50
I BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. -Jost arrived, our spring stock of
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Boot Shoes and Rubbers at away
` • down prices.
The 12. 11. OROWD[R Go.
t Men's Outfitters. WINQIHAN. 3
:1'++4.•H++++4.44.+4.4.4.-1'4.4..1. 4-4-4-7-4-14++++++++++++4-4-44-4++
c-l.��-��► Take the4.
4.` ' q�lr��I��!'�!4..1.
;•u+?` +
Baby Out 4.4.
e4. �. c t� 4.
:'r forits airingl n
', � ''����1 i one
.4. (;� --'_ k�,f�..l of the new Carriages or T.
a+- I ��1* j I'r'' i Go -Carts we have just put 4-
��� on sale. It will be safe ;,
and comfortable. You will think from their style and •
get up, that they are high priced, but they're not. Not
having sufficient room, we have decided to sell then at a
very close margin, making profit a second consideration.
Nothing will delight the children more than one of'
our small Go -Carts and Wagons.
The People's
Furniture Storer
ry �
Brick residence, 5th house west
from Hamilton's Corner Drug
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention.
*+• +4++++++++++++4.++++++•'r 4.4-1-++++++++++++++++++++++4
Were at Lest
After waiting a long time, the new crop of MAPLE SYRUP has
arrived, and we can recommend it very highly. It weighs over
thirteen pounds to the (talion. (Not sold in tins). Per gallon :1.35
California Prunes
At this season of the year, when the jars of frnit are running
low, jest try some of our California Pruner. We have them in
all sizes. :,' lbs for 25e, up to 15e per lb.
i; Benson's Enamel
A man consumes more or less time
• when he is eating dates.
News From Our Neighbors
o 113 kind of constunp-
Correspondents Communicate- Other tion to fear is " neglected
What Wideawake Tunes
Items Clipped
From Our Exchanges.
On Sunday afternoon, April 3rd, Mr. ,T.
S. Elliot's brick house, on con. 8, Cul -
rose, was completely destroyed by fire.
The fire is supposed to have started in a
fealty chimney and spread with great
rapidity. Fortunately most of the
household effects were saved, Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Eltltot and Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Eliot, who occupied the house, have se-
cured part of Mr. T. lefePherson's house,
just across the road, until they can re-
The Best Laxative Sold
Is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake
and Butternut, which relieves constips-
non, headache and liver complaint in a
few hours. Very mild, yet certain. Use
only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c.
• Joseph Clegg, a well known Morrisite,
has arrived home from a trip of 43,
mouths to Les Angles and San Francis-
co, looking first-class, The winter was
beautiful he says and with its fruits and
Rowers it is not to be wondered at that
he gained 12 or15 pounds despite the fact
that he walked the soles off his shoes in
the exercise he took. Many Canadians
are to be found in California during the
winter season so as toavoid a old the inclenl•
eucy of the Northerly latitudes and if the
coming winters are to be as long contin-
ued as the one now concluding it will
cause no wonderment if a much larger
number seek the sunny Sauth.
Did You Get Up Tired?
At this season tiredness fastens itself
even upon the healthy and strong. If
not feeling well you should build up, get
more blood into your veins, increase
yonr store of nerve energy. What yon
need is that rebuilder and tonic, Ferro -
zone which contains the strengthening
elements your system needs. Ferrozone
makes flesh, nerve and muscle; gives
you appetite, abundant energy, buoyant
spirits -in short Ferrozone assures health
and costs 50c. at all druggists. Get Fer-
rezone to -day.
Having failed to secure a farm to suit
him P. McDougall has decided to wait
till next fall.
The bridge oa the farm of Councillor
and James Grant, 14th con., over the
Beauchamp creek was swept away by
the freshet.
It is said Trueman Smith and daugh-
ter may make a visit at Lucknow and
other points before deciding where they
will locate. Mr. Smith sold his farm
Charlie Lamont, who has spent the
past 5 months in Michigan arrived home
last week and ,v ill pitch into fanning
operations as soon as spring work com-
The 100 acre farm, lot 6, con. 3, Grey,
owned by Robert McAllister, has been
purchased by William Bryons, 4th lice,
Morris, for the sum of $3,000, who got
good value for his money.
Mr. Jacob Ingold, an old and esteemed
resident of East Wawanosh, died ou
Monday, April 4th. He caught asevere
cold last autumn from which he never
fully recovered. Heart failure was the
cause of death. A widow and eight
children are left to mourn the loss of a
kind and Ioviug husband and father.
The bereaved ones have the sympathy
of a large circle of friends.
Mr. A. H. Jacobs, of East Wawanosh,
the live stock sale held ou the
farm of Zhos. Mercer, Markdale, Feb-
ruary 24, and while there purchased an
impnrted Shorthorn bull, for which he
paid $030. Mr. Jacobs succeeded iu get-
ting bis bull home last week. He also
brought with him `one bull .each for
Capt. T. E. Robson, Ilderton, and Wm.
Doherty, Clinton. Two very tempting
offers were made Mr. Jacobs for his
bull before he reached home, both offers
being greatly in advance of the price
paid for him.
• '
• !
• • l
a• l
This is a cold water Starch ; new process; reinires no boiling. r► ▪ ;
• ▪ i
Prepared especially for flue laundry work. Per package, - .10
�• AT SSS ;
-11.0.44+44++++++.4+++44444+• t4/44.44/4.044414114,011444
1311UEVALI .
Mrs. John Leech, a sister-in-law of
Mr. Joseph Leech, of this place, died
suddeuly at her home in Brandon on Fri-
day last. Deceased was a pioneer of
Brandon, and prominent in Methodist
work. Sons live at Brandon and Neep-
awa and Winnipeg, and a daughter Mrs.
(1tev.)P. T. Oaten, fornleryi at Belgrave,
at Melbourne, Out.
The Bluevale branch of the Women's
Institute will meet on Wednesday,
April 20th, at 2.30 p.1n. at the home of
Mrs. Swaun, (The Parsonage.) The
topic for discassiou, Bread and Bread
Dougha." At the March meeting of the
Institute an excellent paper was read by
Mrs. T. Ralph, on "The Buying and
Cooking of Meats," followed by au in-
teresting discussion. Music was ren-
dered by Miss Eva Patterson. All the
ladies are cordially invited to attend
next meeting.
A Two Minute Grump Cure
That isu't equalled the world over is
Nerviliue, the greatest relief for cramps
and stomach pains ever discovered.
Nerviline acts promptly and is very
pleasant to take. "I think Nerviline is
the fittest remedy in the world for colic
and cramps" writes W. B. Wilton of
Toledo. `• When I take Nerviliue I know
its going to relieve quickly and for
that reason I am never without it. I
have found Nerviline good for sick head-
ache and stomach troubles and recom-
mend it for strength and.sureness. •' Ex-
cellent for inward nse-good to rub on.
Price 26c.
John Durnin is leaving for Galt. He
has secured a very lucrative position
with a farmer in that vicinity.
Miss Mine Lockhart, who teaches iu
one of the divisions of Blyth public
school, was spending the vacation at the
home of her parents.
The Misses Mina and Lizzie Ruther-
ford, Maggie and Lily Clark and Hugh
MacDonald and John McCrostie, of the
G. C. I , were spending the vacation at
the homes of their parents.
Willie Bell having decided to retire
from fanning, has sold his farm iu West
Wawanosh to William Elliott of the
same township,
On Monday of this week another resi-
dent of West Wawatiofh passed away in
the person of Mary Barbour, wife of Mr.
Richard Anderson. The funeral took
place to the Lucknow cemetery on Wed-
nesny afternoon.
Messrs. Wm. Johuston and Win.
Smith shipped a car of hogs to Toronto
Iast week.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGill and Mr.
Wellington McGill left ou Tneeday for
Neepawa, Manitoba, where they purpose
makiug their home until next autumn.
During the past week 10 cars of maple
blocks have been shipped from Blyth
station to Liverpool, England, by the W.
R. Thompson Co., of Teeswater.
Mrs. E. D. Chamberlain has sold her
vacant lot on Queen street to Mr. Wm.
Robertson for $375.
Mr. W. I. McLean. B. A.
who is a
divinity student at Knox college, To-
ronto, was visiting his parents, Rev. Dr.
and Mrs. McLean. He left this week for
Mill Creek, Manitoba, where he will
have charge of a Presbyterian Mission
during the summer vacation.
Mr. Lnxton Hill has purchased the
Blyth planing mill from the James Hill
Estate and will continue the building
and contracting business so successfully
carried ou by his late brother for several
years. Mr. Hill has moved his family
from Londesboro to Blyth.
While operating a planer at the Blyth
planing mill, Mr. Charles Roadhouse
had the misfortune to have the thumb
of his right hand so badly jammed that
amputation at the first joint was found
Mr. Robert Gilholui of Galt, ex -Mayor
and ex -Warden, is dead, aged 71 years.
Hon. W. B. Vail, formerly Minister of
Militia in Hon. Alex. Mackenzie's Ad-
ministration, died at Dover, England.
. sfahlisl ed /S79
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Grip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
t`nesot.rvr. 19 a lung established and standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It
cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased surfaces
of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment.
Tuns.• ata consumptive tendency, or sufferers frou, chronic bronchitis, find immediate
rad from coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat. Uescripth a booklet free.
i'lF, .►.lGd\l:, S1E[.rR lli.. tstl NotreDante Pt., Montreal, Canadian Anemia
Antiseptic Tablets
dissolved ,lit the numth are e'tPective and safe for
coughs and irritation of the throat.
stat a bait:: AIX 010C1gISTS
People are learning that con-
sulnption is a curable disease.
t s neglected consumption
that is so often incurable.
At the faintest suspicion cf
consumption get a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion and begin
'1-egular doses.
The use of Scott's Emulsion
at once, has, in thousands of
cases, turned the balance in
favor of health.
Neglected consumption docs
not exist where Scott's Emul-
sion is.
Prompt use of Scott's Emul-
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & L•O\VNI;, Chemists,
Toronto, Ontario
sot. and $h.00; all druggists.
Messrs. Stewart & Smith, of 'Merton,
formerly of Brussels have assigned to
N. L. Martin, Toronto.
Wednesday of last week H. A. b atch-
ett, who has hcen storekeeping in the
Garfield block for the past year, removed
the stock to Tweed, Hastings Co., where
he will be associated with his brother.
The Court of Appeal at Toronto will
hear the appeal case of the sewer suit,
between Messrs. McCrae and Danford vs.
Brussels Corporation. on the 15th iust.
Barrister Sinclair will look after the case
for the town.
James Elliott, who recently disposed
of his farm iu Grey township, has pur-
chased the Broadfoot property, corner
of Mill and Alexander streets, Brussels,
and will take up residence there in the
near future.
Shim Prices LeadingIThe Stllall prafits
Stout ValuesSr Quick returns
Carpetiogs for Spring.
. Our Carpets, Oilcloths, Ltnoleums, Rugs
and Matting are now here, and you are. cordially invited
to inspect them. The new season's goods are handsomer
than ever ----many are our private patterns and are exclus-
ive, and while accepting our invitation to this beautiful
carpet display, don't forget that you can save as much
money on buying your floor covering here as in the city.
It will pay you to come to us for all kinds of New spring
goods even though you're miles away.
The very latest patterns, in
choice colorings and shad-
ings; good, heavy, close
weave. Prices 0 and 3
.�c .1.tv
15 patterns to choose from.
Elegant variety of patterns
giving soft, rich effect, the
hest makes of goads.
ry t✓ 5
..fie .i;:aC 45e uUc EiOC .7.s
INGRAINS. -The Ingrains of today takes rank with the finest
grades of carpet in color combinations and effects. Our stock em-
braces the best makes. Prices begin at, per yard, - 25c.
STAIR CARPET. -We are showing a large range of patterns in
Stair Carpet, all widths. Prices begin at, per yard, - 121c.
JAPAN MATTINGS.-10 pieces mattings to choose from; all new
patterns and choice colorings. Prices begin at - 121,c.
LACE CURTAINS. -We are showing a larger and better stock of
Curtains and Curtain Materials than ever. Prices begin at
per pair, - - - - - - 25e.
OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS iu all the lastest designs, width
18 inches to 12 feet.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Hight goods at right prices.
Last week Robert Denbow sold out
his teamster outfit consistiug of team, ' '-
harness, wagon, sleighs, etc., to Daniel
Denman, of this place, who will continue
the business. Mr. Denbow talks of go-
ing to Manitoba, where he has a brother
two nephews, with the intention of go-
ing into fartniug if he finds what suits
Mr. McFarlane, the new agent of Brus-
sels Branch of the Standard Bank,
arrived this week and is now in charge.
He comes from Orono here. Mr. F. H.
Gray, who has been manager here for
three years goes to Stnuffvnlle.
Thousands Aequiring the Dope Habit.
The dope habit is being acquired by
thousands of Canadians through using
so-called cures for Catarrh containing an
excessive amount of alcohol and other
dangerous drugs. Doctors claim there
is only one safe and certain cure for
Catarrh -fragrant healing Catarrhozono
which cures by medicated vapor that is
breatbed direct to the seat of the decease.
The balsamic vapor of Catarrhozene kills
the germs, heals sore spots, stops drop-
ping in the throat, keeps the nose clear
and permanently erradicates every trace
of catarrh from the system. Catarrho-
zone can't fail ; it's guaranteed. Two
months treatment $1.00; trial size 25c.
,(4,•orge V. Hobart,
A knocker never has lung trouble.
A soft answer turneth avay der gas
and leads to a proposaling.
Most people haf to get it iu der neck
before dey get religion.
D h t 't d
••••••••••••♦••♦•♦•••a•♦•o 1T6®00009®00400®•••♦•®O®¢+♦♦
Coal and Wood Uisioess1
WING decided to till the long -felt want for a first-
class Coal and Wood Business in the Town of
Wingham, we are putting in two thousand tons
of first-class Coal of all the different sizes, and five
thousand cords of Wood (we can get it).
Wait for quotations before purchasing. Prices will
be published in this space as soon as best quotations are
received, which will stand good for twelve months, with-
out a raise of one cant.
Farmers, don't be afraid to buy coal stoves, as it is
our intention to keep a stock of Coal on hand and we
I: will do it, so that strikes, railway blockades or bad roads
will not affect us. We'll keep the stock, and you rest easy.
• They say we can't get best grade Coal. Is it not
e silly ? WeCAN get, it !
1 ♦
W. R. GREEN, Manager.
•••0•••••••••♦•+•••♦•044•+ ••00.4•••••,.•••••••••••••••
Wiogharn Coil & Wood Supply Co.
moosic, en m1 der ragtime mind al- IComrng 1 To National
onal o l Wingham � � � �
ways pretensions to make classical g
ner is alv
puthis shoulder toer
Vimmeu chump at conclusions der !
vay des champ at a moose - back- 1\/1 i Dan.lQ E4 i Q J I N S K 1,
yards. L r j 11JI (F li V j �! lI`1y
1 ■ r
Married men make der best inwinters
because a poor eggscuse is better den
i e Soopnoodle says dare vas no place
i like home, und proves it py staying onid j
all night. ;
Necessity is der mother dot puts der
1 patches on der trousers.
Be sure you vas right -den back
Ven ambition commits suicide it is
c11 �lcastle linader fair hasy e 110 elevators ; Gomm eit G 1 fl 6 Monday April 18
Palmist and Psychic.
The greatest Living adviser. She sees at a glance what your troubles are and
guides you to ultimate success. With marvellous insight of the most phenomenal
character she points the way. Thousands have recognized this wonderful gift,
which combines an absolute knowledge of Palmistry together with intelleetual
powers that make failure impossible. There are always two Baths; she helps you t.s
choose the wiser one. Madame Liviuski tells yon about Business, Law Suits.
Chauges, Marriage, Divorce, Lnvo Affairs, 111 Health, Accidents, Daugers and En-
emies. Madame Livinski will be at the ATIO1 AI. HOTEL FOR ONE WEER!
because it is quicker to fall downstairs ;
ven ve take ap.
Eferdydiug comes to him dot 'gaits in !
der middle of der street.
Der man dot kicks because he has
too much vork should remember der'
fellow dot is too hungry to kick because
he has no vork.
' Patience was a virtue always found in
bill collectors.
' Der brainy politician is der van dot
knows how to ase tier brains of hie
Opportunity* often veers boring -gloves
3 ven it knocks at our door.
It ,as long lane dot doan'd furnish
.304 I somedil g to be run over by an antonio-
0 9
Fees, - 35c and 50e.
George Harwood, a well-known citi-
izen of Woodstock, committed suicide by
taking carbolic acid.
'Thomas Snowdon of Stratford. fire-
man, ani Harvey Hall of Clinton, brake-
man, were killed in a collision ou the
Grand Trunk near Guelph.
will of the into Mr. A. P. (Malt
of ;t(l.ontreai disposes of an estate o;i ..I,-
192,653, of which a large amount is left
to churches and charitable institutions.
Hon. Thomas t:reenway predicts that
within the next half century "Canada
will have three big cities Winnipeg,
Montreal and Vancouver," and that inn
time Winnipeg must become the great-
est city in Canaria.
Eastern Ontario has again shown that:
it is a good place in which to lire loin
and dio old. The deaths are announce'.
of Mrs. Donald 9iaedonell, of t rlt.ngariy
107, and of Mr. Kenneth McGillivray, of
Moose creek, C, a t;d 101.