HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-03-30, Page 1816 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, 1988 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT UPPER DUPLEX, separate entrance, recently decorated, own gas furnace, parking. References. 527-1833. 26-13-tf APARTMENTS FOR RENT SEAFORTH 46 CHURCH STRET *ALL NEWLY RENOVATED *FRIDGE & STOVE INCLUDED 'FULLY CARPETED •LAUNDRY ROOM •PAY YOUR OWN WATER & HYDRO *RENTS $2259° to $3009° MONTH CALL COLLECT AFTER 5 P.M. 393-6921 FOR MORE INFORMATION 30. ROO & OARD WILLING to provide room and board. Phone 262-2647. 30-0941 [32 VACATIONS CLARE BURT TOURS' '88 PREVIEW - United Church Hall, Addison; April 8th - Red Carpet Inn, Lindsay; April 11th; - Legion, Dresden; April 12th - Hartley House, Walker- ton; April 13th - Rockmosa Community Cen- tre, Rockwood. Presentations at 8 p.m. Learn about world-wide agricultural tours. Door Prizes. Travel Discounts. For further details, Call (416) 451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090. 32-13-bc Visiting Oakville? Visit THE OMEGA, Oakville's finest dining lounge. Reservations advised. Corner Kerr St. and Speers Rd. Phone (416) 845-9601. 32-13-bc 33. EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1988 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 -Adelaide W. Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 33-12-bc MAKE MORE MONEY! Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic bookkeeping. Free brochure no obligation, U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, R3T 266. (204) 284-1806. Franchise available. 33-13-bc TURN that time on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meet nsw people and make new friends through Auctioneering. Next class April 2 - 9th. Register now. Southwestern On- tario School of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ 1 MO (519) 469-3936; (519) 537-2115. 33-13-bc 23. REAL ESTATE ALL POINTS ry REALTY. INC ..7 f l 'J iEMBER rr`' 7 11 91 �1 BROKER EXCELLENT OPPORTUNTY on operator or in stry/use tial Inv 3 renta rented a hands- ommer- rom the d3well sP: ocr. Approx. In- come tie rs; d 327,000.00. List price 3185,000. Cali Kathy Larone 527-0808. NEW LISTING A GREAT RETIREMENT HOME: 2 bedroom bungalow is 26 yrs. old. Size is easy to maintain and lot is 46' x 82.5', well land- scaped. Owner wants to sell. Cali Kathy Larone 527-0808. BUILDING ON MAIN ST. Recently renovated Including modem skylight. Well rented. Call Kathy Larone 527-0808. INCOME PROPERTY TRIPLEX. This 11/2 storey, vinyl sided home Is an Investment opportunity. This triplex Is well rented. 558,900. Call Kathy Larone 527-0808. Owner wants to sell. Kathy Larone Res. 527-0808 ®g® !1\ Realtk n+ Seaforth & Area 34. AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Pick up truck 3, tractors, fans machinery, riding lawn mower; hod tank, etc„ to be held 21/2 miles west and 2rr. Iles south of Dublin for Joe O'Reilly. TUESDAY, APRIL 5 AT 1:00 P.M. TRUCK: 1933 Chevrolet Silverside 1/2 ton pick up with tilt steering wheel, electric windows. air, radio, P.S., P.8., V8 automatic, dual fuel tanks. Landau cover, 37,000 Kms. ONLY. TRACTORS: Massey Ferguson 1085 diesel tractor with cab, heater, air, radio, power adjustable rear wheels, 18.4 x 34 rear tires. Set of 18.4 x 34 'Pilot snap on duals, run 1344 HRS.; Massey Ferguson 135 diesel tractor with multi power, Allied manure loader, A REAL CLEAN UNIT; Case 730 gas tractor with power steering and 3 PT Hitch or eagle hitch; Canadians 11 HP riding lawn mower with electric start and 42" mower deck; Set of chains - fits a small farm tractor. MACHINERY: Win Power PTO farm hydro generator on wheels; McKee 7 ft. snowblower; MF 880 4 furrow semi - mount plow with 16" automatic hydraulic reset bottoms; Onternational No. 45 15 ft. Vibra shank, wing cultivator with harrows and new points; Kewanee 12 ft. wheel disc; George White 30 gallon 3 PTHitch sprayer with hypro pump and 28 ft. boom; New Odea No. 200 PTO manure .spreader; MM"bett drive ham- mermlll, 50 ft. drive belt, nearly new; 3 or 6 ton upright feed storage tank; 500 Ib. pressure washer with 2000 lb. hose; 4 section diamond harrows with wooden pole; 3 drum land roller; 4 bar side rake; New Idea PTO mower for parts; 13 ft. steel gate; water trough; sump pump; old set of 2000 scales; Stihl 041 AV chain saw; 200 gallon gas tank on stand; Aluminum 32 ft. extension ladder; Old auger feed cert for hens; '/, HP electric motor; Picket fence for Child's play area; 4 Inch pipe aerator fan with motor; Plus a few misc. farm Items. A WELL KEPT OFFERING. PLAN TO ATTEND TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb, Clinton, 519-482-7898 OWNER: Joe O'Reilly, Dublin, Ontario 319-327-2101 OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSI- B LE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine; 3 tractors; farm machinery; bean and forage equipment to be held 2'/2 miles North and 2 miles West of Dublin for James Moloney. THURSDAY, APRIL 14 AT 12 NOON COMBINE: Massey Ferguson 410 diesel w/cab, heater; quick hitch heads; MF 43 4 row narrow corn head, 10' head w/e' Bonn pickup , rasp bar and wire tooth cylinders. TRACTORS: Ford 8700 diesel tractor w/cab, heater, air, radio, 20.8x38 rear tiros, run 3000 hours, real clean; set of 20.8 x 38 T -bar duals; international 574 diesel tractor w/Dunham Lehr quick at- tach manure loader; 16.9 x 30 tires; 16.9 x 30 tiro chains; International H tractor w/hydraulics. MACHINERY: Mauer 4 row bean puller; Heath 1030 bean wlndrower with cross conveyor; Allis Chalmers 2000 4 furrow x 18" bottom semi mount plow w/3th furrow attachment and hyd. reset bot- tom; INC 43 181/4' vlbra shank trail cultivator wiener harrows; INC 510 16 run seed and fertilizer drill w/gran seeder and covering harrows; MF 52 10' wheel disc; New Holland 319 PTO manure spreader w/hyd. elury gate; John Deere 494A 4 row narrow corn planter w/lnseeticides; 11' danlsh typo cultivator; 4 section diamond harrows w/polo; Now Holland Super 717 forage harvester, like now w/2 row narrow corn head and hay pick up; INC 56 short trough forage blower; 32' of 9" pipe ; 2 flex elbows; 6' slider pipe; New Holland No. 8 3 beater forage box w/roof on 10 ton Elmira wagon; Gehl B USS 3 boater box w/roof on 10 ton Elmira wagon; MF No. 10 PTO hay baler; Win Power No. 12 7 P72, PTO drive farm alternator on wheels; Kllbros 350 bushel gravity box w/extensions en 10 ton Elmira wagon; Kllbros 375 gravity box w/exter:saons on 10 ton Elmira wagon; Turnco 375 bushel gravity box on 12 ton Electric wagon; JM 12' hyd. fertilizer auger. 2 yrs. old; older gravi- ty box on wagon; Geo White 3 PT hitch; 100 gal. alum. tank sprayer w/turbo 913 pump & boom; 10' weed wick; Detso n 7' single auger snowblower; old 4 bar side rake; 16' tube hay elevator w/electric motor: G•so White 36' hay & grain elevator w/new 1 HP *Nettle motor; hay rack on New Holland dou- ble reach wagon; hay rack on older wagon; John Deere 6 ton wagon: round bole feeder: portable Battle abate head gate; Husky 7' 3 PT hitch blade: Mateo 33' x 6" PPO grain auger; Stihl 08 chain saw: portable air compressor; bench grinder: Acetylene torches and cart; 225 Lincoln Welder; cement mixer; grain cradle; walking plow; plus a small wagon load of misc. Items. Machinery kept inside. Plan to attend. Farm sold. Terms: Cash or Chegkia with proper I.D. Lunch Booth Owner. James Moloney 519-345-2617 AUCTIONEER O` Richard Lobb 519-482.7898 Clinton 34. AUCTION SALES Doug Jacob & Warne Rose 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER WED., MARCH 30, 6 P.M. - Auction of antiques, appliances & misc. at the Jacob Auction Centre, Mitchell for a Pkattsville Estate and Barry &Donna MacGregor. THURS., MARCH 31 - Farm im- plements & misc. at Norwich. Jim Fliich, proprietor. SAT., APRIL 2, 10 A.M. - Clearing auction of nearly new applicaaea, fur- niture & misc. to be held in the Village of Fullerton. Dave Dingman, proprietor. TUES., APRIL 5, 10 A.M. - Auction of implements, feed and miac. 1 mile south of the Strafford Drive -1n Theatre. Ines Flanagan, proprietor. WEIt., APRIL 6, 10 A.M. - Auction of implements, feed & misc. 6 miles south and 2 miles west of Stratford off Em- bro Rd. for Wilkerson's Family Farm. THURS., APRIL 7, 10:30 A.M. - An- nual farm equipment consignment sale to be held at the Jacob Auctdon Yard in Mitchell. Consign before March 26 for advertising. FRI., APRIL 8, 10 A.M. - Clearing auction of 150 acre farm (subject to prior sale), All line of farm equipment ( misc. 21 miles north of Mitchell and 2/ miles west. Alvin Ahrens, proprietor. SAT., APRIL 9, 9:30 A.M. - Large clearing auction of tractors, im- plements, antiques and collectible dishes to be held 4 miles east of Mit- chell and 1 mile north. Tom & Anne Mulholland, proprietors. THURS., APRiL 21, 6 P.M. - Auction sale of antiques, appliances, and misc. to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. Velma Steffan, proprietor. SAT., ARIL 23 AT 11 A.M. - Clearing auction of a full line of farm machinery, feed & misc. items to be held 21/2 miles north and 3 miles east of Mitchell. Ralph Mulholland, proprietor. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine, tractor. form machinery, riding mower, 3 wheel ATC, some lumber, etc. to be held Y. mile East of B rodhagen for Roy Balfour. TUESDAY, APRIL 12 At 1 P.M. COMBINE: John Deere 55 self- propelled; corn special w/cab, hooter, P.S., gos engine, rasp, bar cylinder, straw spreader; 235 JD 2 row wide corn head; 11'/,' cuttorbar head re /pick up reel and bat reel; 71/2' pick up screens, etc.. In good condition. TRACTOR: Case 1690 diesel tractor w/cab, heater, air, radio, 18.4 x 38 radial tiros, approx. 90 N.P. run 824 hours; Case 66L quick hitch manure loader w/6' bar; John Deere 56 riding lawn mower; 1984 Honda 3 wheal ATC 200 m. w/electric start. MACHINERY: INC 710 4 furrow x 18" bottoms, semi mount plow w/outo. spring reset, In extra good condition; Kongskilde 11', 3" cultivator; INC 350 11' wheel they; John Deere 1100 12'/,' 3 PT hitch cultivator w/new rolling har- rows; John Deere Von Brunt 17 run seed drill, 3 drum roller; 1 way disc; Weber 4 row rowcrop cultivator w/rolling shields; 101/2' trail rotary hoe; John Deere 1240 4 row corn planter; Goo White 150 gal. aluminum tank trail sprayer w/23' boom; Terme 225 gravi- ty box on heavy duty wagon w/9011 x 20 tires; Turned 225 gravity box on heavy duty Martin Wagon w/ 11L x 15 SL tiros; Homemade bean puller frame f1ts WO 45 Allis tractor; 18.4 x 30 T -bar duals; 18.4 x 30 the chains; 7' 3 Pr hitch blade; 3 Pr hitch log splitter; 12' chain harrow; 6 section diamond harrows; 4 & 6 section poles; old farm wagon w/wooden box; 20" rip sow PPO drive; Gilson S HP garden- tiller; welding table; 10' x 4" auger; Antique wooden farm wagon; Antique bag cart scale; Antique MH corn chopper; 2 wooden seed drill wheels; walking plow; steel tool box fits across pick up box; 32' ex- tension ladder; 2 small chain saws; ap- prox. 125 board ft. hard maple; 16. 3" x 10" s 16' hemlock; small quantity of bricks; jacks, forks, shovels; 2 bicycles; picnic table; mise. windows; small quan- tity of firewood; Quick Hitch for trac- tor; 36 • 4/4" x 4' x 6' plywood cement forms; plus other various sizes; 14 steel posts; 20 wooden posts: misc. roofing steel; 32' extension ladder; milk sons; [roam eons. FARM SOLD MACHINERY KEPT INSIDE LUNCH BOOTH TERMS CASH or CHEQUE WITH 1.0. OWNER: Roy Balfour 519-345-2977 Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 CHn9en 34. AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER CLINTON 482-7898 SAT., APRIL 2 - 10 A.M.: 11/2 acres consisting of 2 building lots, southeast corner of Centre St. and East Front Street, Egmondville. SAT., APRIL 2 AT 1:30 P.M.: 2 tractors and machinery 11/4 miles North of Carlow and 11/2 miles East. For Gordon Watson. TUES., APRIL 5 AT 1:00 P.M,: 1985 Chev pickup truck like new, '3 tractors, riding mower, farm machinery, feed bin, 21 miles west. & 2 miles south of Dublin for Joe O'Reilly. SAT„ APRIL 9.10 A.M.: Antiques, furniture, appliances, riding lawn tractor w/hydro static drive for Helen Anderson of Kippen and Bayfield home -at Richard Lobb's Auction ' Barn, Clinton. TUESDAY, APRIL 12. 1 P.M.:Combine, Trac- tor, machinery, 3 wheel ATC, riding mower, - etc. '/, mile east of Brodhagen for Roy Belfour. THURS., APRIL 14 AT 12 NOON: Combine, 3 tractors, forage, bean and tillage, harvest equipment for Jim Maloney, 21/2 miles North and 2 miles West of Dublin. SAT., APRIL 16 AT 10:30 A.M.: Feed com- bine, 4 tractors, farm machinery, bean equip- ment for Glen Weido 4 miles West of Hen - sal( and 21/2 miles North. MON., APRIL 18 AT 1 P.M.: Ford 7610 Trac- tor w/loader, 970 Case Tractor, 1987 GMC Pick up Truck run 14,000 miles, Bean Combine, Windrower, Mix Mill, Farm Machinery, 4 miles north of Clinton on Base Line Rd. for the Estate of Charlie Merrill. TUESDAY, APRIL 19.1 P.M.: New Zetor 60 HP tractor w/cab run 250 hr., 2 other trac- tors and farm machinery, 6 miles east of Hen - sail for Jack Upshall: SAT., APRIL 30 AT 10 A.M.: Old Cars & Trucks, 1937-1966, Army Jeeps & Trucks, Parts, Motor Home, Mobile Lunch Booth, Antiques, 492 acre property with Auto Wrecking licence, Bill Brown's Wrecking Yard, Egmondville. CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Of Farm Machinery and Related Items to be held at the Jacob Auction Yard, 185 Herbert St. In Mitchell THURSDAY, APRIL 7 AT 10:30 A.M. TRACTORS: int. 986 diesel with cab, heater. new T.A.; Case 1210 diesel poworshlft (late model); M.F. 1085 diesel cab & air (1000 hr.); Case 1070 cab & powershlH; J.D. 4520 diesel with cab & quick toch coupler; D.B. 1212 diesel powershlft; 0.B. 930 diesel with loader, Oliver Super 34 with Allied loader AJ hydraulic bucket; A.C. WD row crop;"' Cockshutt 30 gas; MTD 8 hp. lawn tractor. PLANTING EQUIPMENT. I.H.C. 400 six row with monitor; J.D. 1240 four row; Ford 4 row; I.H.C. 36 four row; Cockshutt 4 row;'MF 33 seventeen run comb. with gross; J.D. 13 run comb. with gran; Int. 510 16 run comb. with grass; J.D. 661 15 run; Brillion 10'/2 ft. grass seeder; Loly 3 pth fertilizer spreader. TILLAGE: I.H.C. 18 ft. vibroshank with harrows; Glencoe 16 ft. troll cult. with harrows; Ford 18 ft. wing cultivator; Kongskilde 20 H. folding cultivator with harrows; Int. 14 ft. 3 pth cultivator; smaller Kongsklldes; tnt. 12 ft. disc; White 12 h. disc; Kongskltde 4 row scut. fier; 16 ft. horrogator, diamond harrow; 10 ft. cultipocker. PLOWS: J.D. 2500 auto reset 3 s 18; int. 4 x 16 semi•mt„ Ford 142 semi-mt. 4 x 16; Fraug 3 pth 3 furrow aril.; Hydrein 3 It 14 mt.; J.D. 3 x 16 semi-mt.: Case 3 x 16 plow; J.D. 3 s 16 semi-mt.; Ford 4 x 12 mt. MISC. IMPLEMENTS: N.A. 80 inch 2 auger blower; McKee 6 h. blower; Allied 32 h. pipe elevator; N.H. No. 27 forage blower; J.D. 115 steeper blade; two gravity bins on Joss 10 ton gear; 16 h. thrower rack & gear; M.R. No. 9 baler & thrower; Continental 200 gallon sprayer & 30 ft. boom: two Turnco bins on 3 ton gear; flat racks; Maurer 4 row puller; N.H. 273 baler & thrower; MI 130 spreader, Farmhand 2 ton atilt mill; I.H.C. 82 pull type combine; Cockshutt 12 ft. weather; J.M. 250 bin & gear, A.C. pto rake; Geo. White 7 ton 9.01; Niagara 100 gallon mt. sprayer; M.F. No. 10 baler; Wetmore grinder blower; hay conditioners; 32 ft. bele elevator with undercarriage; Kooks KB54 blower, J.D. 54 spreader. MiSC.: Form -King 7 Inch oat roller, Nuhn 6 inch liquid side -mount pump; eight ton chain fall; 8 ft. stone bucket; set of 18.4 x 38 duals; cement mixer; gas water pump; four Surge milk meters; Choreboy milk pump; tarps; Farmmatle 6 compartment mix mill; Wiidwood 87 amp alternator; compressor; Delaval pump; steel fence posts; 300 gallon fibreglass tank & liquid fertiliser pump; G.T. rotary grain screen; Tractor chains; 20 ft. x 6 Inch auger and 15 ft. eaten - slots; Dunham -Lehr Quick -Tach loader with 3 buckets; Pats chain type feeder, Coates tire changer; pig feeders; 5000 watt gas generator; air operated fluid pump; hydraulic pump est -up; 20 ft. pipe elevator; N.H. Super 717 harvester with 1 row head; A.C. forage blower; 1000 Ib. pressure washer; 20.8 x 32 duals; 15.5. x 38 duals; Celia 200 sprayer with 23 ft. boom (trail). Consignments still welcome. Call 519.271.7694. Prop. & auctioneers not responsible for accidents on sole yard primases. Ltd subject to additions & deletions. AUCTIONEERS Douglas Jacob 271.7894 Wallis Ross 539.5077 34. AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION Of 130 Acre Farm; Full Line of Equip- ment &'fisc. Items, to be held 21/2 mi. North of Mitchell and 21/4 ml. West on FRIDAY, APRIL 8 AT 10:00 A.M. PROPERTY: This 130 acre parcel of land known as Pis. Lot 24 and 23 Conc. 4 of Logan Twp. In the County of Perth has approx. 141 acres workable. Situated on the property is an attractive 11/2 storey brick home with attached 2 car garage, two large bank barns; 40' x 80' pole barn; 40 ft. a 96 ft. drive shod; 30 ft, x 12 ft. silo and 1850 be. steel granary. These buildings are In excellent state of repair. The farm Is plowed and well drained. For more information and viewing of property phone 519.271.3648. No viewing of buildings day of sale. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down day of solo. Balance In 60 days. Selling subject to reserve bid and prior sale. SELF-PROPELLED EQUIPMENT: Case 1070 Agri -King cab air (2024 hr.); J.D. 2120 diesel with cab; J.D. 1120 diesel with Dunham Lehr loader & hydraulic bucket (1180 hr., chains to fit); J.O. 53 gas com- bine with cab, Innes pickup, straw shredder and bean screens; Cockshutt 502 twelve ft. swather. IMPLEMENTS: J.O. No. 1450 4 x 18 inch semi-mt. plow; Westfield 41 ft. x 6 inch pto auger; J.O. 34 two beater pto spreader; Turnco 180 bu. gravity bin with 12 ft. fertilizer auger; Int. 181/2 ff. wing cultivator with buster bars; Spramotor 150 gallon 3 pth sprayer with 20' booms; J.O. 7 h. scraper blade; Int. 3 pth 3 x 11 plow; King-Kutter 5 ft. rotary mower; Ford post hole auger; six section of harrow & pole; Noble 4 row stuffier; Turnco 11 ft. sprocket packer; 3 drum land roller; 2 flat racks & gear; Krause 12 ft, double disc; Kongskilde 11 ft. cultivator with harrows; Innes 520 bean wlndrower with cross conveyor; In- nes 4 row bean puller; two Turnco 223 bu. gravity bins on 9 ton Martin gear; King -Wise bale elevator; 9 ft. chain har- rows; Int. No. 56 four row planter with insecticides; N.H. crimper; M.F. 33 six- teen run combination drill with gross seeder; N.H. No. 66 baler; 4 bar side rake; V -typo snowblower. MISC.: Picnic table; walking plow; set of 3 bar tine harrows for 18'/, ft. cultivator; two wheel troller; grain aerator; stool fence posts; 7 farrowing crates (1 yr. old); food carts; mineral headers; steel gates; fanning mill; plat- form scale; hog feeder; 4 Inch by 12 ft. grain auger; heated water bowl; 2 Surge milker units; cattle clipper; dehornors; Surge vacuum pump; quan- tity of lumber and stool siding; cement forms for concrete posts; cream separator; water trough; quantity of scrap iron; J.D. ram; and numerous other„Items. ANTIQUES:, Wilt cart; old wagon box & gear, sausage !duffer; sausage grinder; harness maker's bench. Plan to attend. A11 machinery has been wall cored for. Prop. & Auctioneers Not responsible for accidents day of sole. Prop.: Alvin Ahrens 519.271.3648 AUCTIONEERS DouglasJacob 271-7894 8r Wailio Ross 539-5077 35. TENDERS WANTED HURON A COUNTY .. HOUSING AUTHORITY B05 (PT) 88-05 Replacement of Mansard Roofing Windows, Storm Doors, Etc. Clinton OH.1. Ontario (Seniors building of 135 James Street) Tenders will be received for the above until 2:30 p.m. local time, Friday, April 8, 1988 by the Ministry of Housing Southwestern Regional Housing Programs Office. 380 Wellington Street. Suite 1100, London. Ontario N6A 585 (519-679-7110). Details and specifications may be obtained quoting reference number os above. Tenders may also be obtained from Huron County Housing Authority. 48 The Square, Goderich. Ontoro. N7A 1M5 (519.524-2637). Tender Opening to be in London Office. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER Plainly marked seated tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned prior to noon on Fri- day, April 8, 1988 for contracting custodial services al Grey Central Public School, Ethel, Ontario. All tenders must be submitted on the official tender forms which are available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Ontario, and Grey Central Public School. The IoWest or any lender not necessarily accepted. G. Glannandrea Superintendent of Personnel Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 R. B. Allan J. Jewitt Director of Education Chair