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The Wingham Times, 1904-04-14, Page 4
r. 4 TUE WINGIIAbi THIES, APRIL 14, 1004, ix rate TO TO ADVERTISERS 1Catholie, «09 as Church of England, 127 as Methodists, 99 as Presbyterian, 70 as N'ot%oe of changes must be left at this Baptista and 14 as Lutherans. The net office not later than Saturday noon, The copy far cbangee Iu see be left cast of the peuitentaries was $933,500 or not later than !loader evening. $272 per head, the cost of earth convict ca vial advertisements accepted up 1 per day being 75 cent% to noon Wednesday of each week. The Advance has. evidently worked --� - - ----- itself into a frenzy because The Clinton ESTABLISIIED 1872, New Era's siderecent trovers r o f the ec tcan Y between those two papers has been given wrier local publicity that that of the Advance, and the editor hastened last week to inform his readers that another lot of new subscribers had been added to his list. The MIES has no desire to be CHURCH NOTES. drawn into the controversy, but we will The Bishop of Huron has appointed always, as e have In the past, exercise our right to publish what we believe our readers and the oomtnunity in general are entitled to, and if the Advance will persist in getting itself into trouble iu its endeavors to educate the pnblic iu its own belief by misleading statements, it should be set right. Keep cool, Bro, Rev. A. H. Rhodes, formerly of Hyde Advance! Patient, persistent plodding, and plowing in your own furrow, is the way to success in the newspaper business.. TUE WINfitiAM TIMES. R. R,1eLLIQTT. PIInLuuszR AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, APRIL 1.4, 1904, N ES AND COMMENTS. Judge Winchester Saturday morning in the sessions sentenced the election eilleiels found guilty of con- spiracy at the last Toronto civic electiou. The deputy returniug officers got two years less one d ty, anl the p011 clerk ono year in the Central Peisou. The Toronto New of Monday and Tuesday has article% to the effect that the Ontario Geyer anent will appeal to the people in a'7.,at six. weeks. The Cabinet, sn eeye the News, is to have a number nt new men in it. Premier Ross hits denied the rumors that have been published in the News. An amendment to the Consolidated Municipal Act has been passed which provides that no newspaper proprietor or individual interested is a newspaper shall be deemed disquelttied from beiug elected a member of a innuicipal council lower rates, and opeu the back country of the older Provinces as well as a new country in the West. 'rout being oe a side street when. the Liberals eaule in, Canada has leaped toa front street; and under the same wise and progressive rule is bound to grow apace in the future. Who wants to return to the old days when the Tories legislated chiefly for themselves and their friends; when stags nation prevailed and people moved out, and the rest of us spout the time largely iu sectional and sectarian quarrels? the Rev. M. M. Goldberg, of .1)ungaunou, to the charge of the parish of Duukirk, Rev. F. J. Hartley, of Roland, Man., a former resident of lelnevale has had the honor of B. D. conferred upon him by the University in Manitoba. THE GROWTH OF IMMIGRATION. The iuimigraut arrivals in the last five years of Tory rule were as follows: - 1892.. .... 27,898 1893, 20.632 1894. 20,829 1895. 18,790 1896.. 16,835 Total. 113,9S4 The arrivals clariug the calendar year 1903 numbered no less than 139,857. or because advertisements of by-laws. etc., 2p years L per cent more than in the five appear iu the newspaper with which he I just cited. They were composed as fol - is connected. The select select committee on the Patty- British. 50,141 piece bill for the taxation of railways Contiuenta! 3S,009 American... 51,207 arrived at an important conclusion Tues- day. While it did not go the length of Total.. 139.357 recommending the bill in toto, with a Provincial board for the assessment of The Tories themselves smile wheu they railways, it did recommend that acorn- recall the legend which they used that mission of three be immediately appoint- the Grits did not posess the instinct for ad for the purpose of collecting fuforina_ governing. Under Mr. Sifton'smanege- tion as to the best methods of the taxa• meat, the Immigration Department has tion of railways and also upon other become, in a large sense, the most im- subjects. Mr. Pettypiece supported the Portant bureau at Ottawa. The others report. administer affairs, that supplies us with our crying want, population, on a scale Mr. Thomas Southworth, Ontario's oat of sight greater than would have director of colonization, has been in been thought possible a few years ago. communication with Col. Taylor who In the last five years of Liberal rule the has recently come from Euglaud to immigrant arrivals, taking diem by Toronto as special immigration agent each fiscal year, have exceeded 300.000; for the Salvation Army, and expects that that is have beeu nearly three times more through the agency of that organization numeroas than in the last five years of a great number of immigrants will be Tory rule. Such a body of new pro - brought to the province. The army has sneers and consumers -equal to the over 2,000 corps in England, and has at combined population of half a dozen its disposal unsurpassed facilities fur pro- average Ontatio comities -implies a lar- moting the work. The class who will ger incease in exports and a larger con - be brought out will be worthy farmers, snmption of home manufactures, with a and Mr. Sonthworth has advised that reduction of the per capita tax rate all they "hire out" for a year or two to over the Dominion, Tories like Mr. Iearn the ways of Canadian farming be- Wilson of Lennox grumble at the outlay fore buying farms of their own, for immigration, but forget to reckon the economic vane of each new settler, which, if put at $300, represents a total According to a piece of legislation in- troduced in the Legislature Fridav by Hon. J. M. Gibson, Attorney -General, gain in five years of about $240,000,000, to have a visit from the former pastor, long delays in the holding of bye-elec- or nearly enongh to ofset the national Rev. Richard Hobbs, of Strathroy, who tions such as took- place iu the case of debt. will preach here on Sunday, April 24th. Park, bag been appointed by the Bis- hop of Huron to be incutnbent of the parish of aliddletou, Holruerville and Summer Hill. Rev. D. Parrie was again too ill on Sunday lust to take his work in the Presbyterian church and air. Johu Kerr took charge of the morning service and uo service held in the eveuiug. The new Methodist Church at Harris - ton will be opened for Divine Worship oa Sunday next. Rev. Dr. Gundy, of town will take part in the servire,preaoh- iug the afternoon sermon, Dr. Gundy is a former pastor of the Ifarristou Methodist Church. Rev. I. M. Webb, of Brussels is re- ported seriously ill at a hospital in Lon- don. Mr. Webb was granted a few weeks leave of absence owing to ill health, but he became seriously i11 since going to his home iu Granton some weeks ago. The deficit in connection with the feuds of the Foreign Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada now amounts to about $25,000, and it has been decided to make a special ap- peal on April 24th and May 1st to all the Presbyterian churches for the par. pose of wiping out the deficit. Rev. A. E. Prior, a former pastor of the Wiugham Congregational Church has received and accepted a call as pas. tor of the Congregational Church at Unionville, Ohio. The salary is $800 with a free manse. Mr. Prior's old friends here will be pleased to hear that he is again settled in a good congrega- tion. Next Sunday Rev. D. Carman, of Tor- outo, General Superintendent of the Methodist Church will coaduct the ser. vices in the Wingbam Methodist Church. Many people in Wingham and vicinity will be pleased to hear the reverend gentleman, Special collections in aid of the missionary fuud will be taken at both services. The Wingham Methodist congregation • North Renfrew will no longer be pox- On Monday evening, April 25th, Mr. siblein the Province of Ontario. The THE WORK ACCO MPLiSHE-D. • Hobbs will deliver his lecture, "The clause of the bill provides that if The Tories parade the growth of expen• l Manly Man." The many old friends of the writ for the bye -election is not diture as evidence that Liberals have Mr. Hobbs will bo pleased to meet him. issued within a certain time after a va- ' been wasteful. They never by any Rev. Dr. Gundy will go to his former canny is created, it shall be the duty of i chance tell the other side of the story, : charge in Strathroy for Sunday, April the clerk of the Crown in Chancery to • what Liberals have done with the money. issue the writ, set the date of the election These are some of the items:- ; An item appeared in last week's and carry out the other necessay details. 1 1. The gross foreign trade of Canada ; Advance as follows; - In this way, the bye -elections will come has risen from $ 239,000,000 in 1896, the! "At the death of Mark Hanna, the automatically, without any action on last year of Tory rale, to $467,000,000,1 Salvation Army of Cleveland, held memorial service and muffled their the part of the Government. It is now four times greater than it was' base dram. That was before The report of the Minister of Justice, ; in 1868. To put it in another way, the! Hanna's will was read. The Sena - tabled in the House at Ottawa on Mon- ! gross foreign trade daring the last seven t tor had given the Army some had day gives the average population in the years of Troy rale, 1890.06, was $1,630,- expeccatdlonng 3andThe were doomed to penitentiaries and territorial jails hi Op0,000, whilst for the seven years, 1597- i disappointment, for be left them 1902-3 as 1,224 -a decrease of 70 as corn- ;1903, of Liberal rule it has been $2,540,• i nothing by bequest, although his roared with the average of the precediug• 000,0{)0• estate totalled up to seven million year, and the lowest in ton years. The ; 2. Population has greatly increased' dollars sr immigration was never so 1 We have been handed the following number liberated on tickets of leave was 'since 1806; nine per cent; pardons, 2.8 per cent, and ; large and the exodus has practically ,paragraph in explanation of the above;- deaths, 1.3 per cent. The report regrets ceased. Meanwhile a very considerable ; I wish the people to know that the , that one -eight of the total number of movement of Americans to Canada has' Army did hold memorial service aa sta. ABNER wave Stock Markets. Toronto, April 11. --The vaunt the city cattle market to -day was 01 loads, with 1,215 head of cattle,LSQ sheep and lambs, 500 bogs and 105 calves. This was a heavy run of cattle. but very light for the small stuff. Bpsiuess was fairly brisk for good butcher's cattle, and prices w generally were ell steady,with per- hapsos w r era y w p t r- leaps a liltie easier tone towards the close of the market. Export -The market is dull for export. Liverpool cables are firmer, but that does not seem to have benefited the local shippers much, for the reason that cattle shipped to the old country have been de- layed in transit, and the usual number of boat; are not railing this month. Butchers -Some good loads of cattle Gold at $4,25 to $4.30 and a few extra choice at 100. and 150. higher. Good butchers' cows were also strong. For the general run of medium to fair cattle the markst was a little on the easy side, prices seemly holding their own. Stockers and feeders -There is a fair market for good stockers and short keep feeders, but there is a little too heavy a proportion of rough, inferior stockers. Hoge ---The market is steady, with uo chauges in the quotations. Prospects are that the market will continue steady for the rest of the week, though a' good many hogs are likely to be brought in. Best selects are gnote3 at $4.75. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle -- heavy • Light Bulls do., light Feeders light,800 pounds and up- wards 300 Now is the best time to enter. The ,January rash is now over. The beginners are well started in their work, and teachers con there- fore fore give more time to new students. It is now current talk throughout the country that the student who intends to take it business or shorthand course, and wants to be placed in a paying place when graduated, should attend The Canada Business College, CHATRA51, Students of last year already earning over $1900 per annum. 810 placed in 11 months. Do you know of any other business school getting such results? We pay your railway fare. Have you ever seen our catalohne ? If not, write for it and enter now. Adueess D. 11IeLACHLAN ,i CO., Chatham, Ont. WAR! WAR! Do goo want the latest and most reli. able War News, well illustrated, then READ THE WEEKLY MONTREAL HERALD which is clubbed with this paper to new or old subscribers paying iu advauee $1.15 for both, A fine Map of the Seat of War, in three colors, 18x22 inches, will be mailed free to every subscriber to the two papers remitting us two rents extra for cost of mailing. Add reefs* THE TIMES, WIxotiIAM. $45;1001$4.70 gf:u fl" ?I gIz'� J�%3t lr'' f'J t 46 3 4OO FINE PHOTOS t 3 25 tt CLEAR AND RICHT 2 50 841 12} 2 75 3 50- C We aro now doing a nice line at $L25 a doziin. Call nus see them at nArmstrong & Co's Studio I iWINGHAM 50 4 00 Stockers 000 lbs 13 ntchers'- Choice Medium Picked Bulls ....... 2 50 2 75 2 25 3000 425 3 ,u" 4 40 1>ougn Light stock bulls Milk cows.... Hogs-- , Best.......... 4 75 Lights 4 50 Sheep - Export Bucks. Culls . 3 50 3 25 3 50 Spring Lambe 3 00 550 Calves. each 4 30 4 15 4 50 3 00 325 2 50 0500 4 50 4 00 3 75 400 6 50 6 50 GRAND TRUNft SYs EM World's Fair, St. Louis, Apr. 30•Dec, 1, 1004 Six acre Rose Garden, 50,000 rose trees. Model Strawhcrry Farm, 400 varieties.. WI_NGHAbI MARKET REPORTS Return tickets will be issued at REDUCED Wingham, April 13th, 1904 RATES on and after April 25%, allowing :don - over at any intermediate Canadian station, Corrected every Wednesday afternoon also at Detroit and Chicago. by Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank. Flour per 100 lbs.... Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats, Barley ..... ........ Peas Turkeys, drawn ... , . • Geese, " Ducks, per pair , Chickens Butter ...... ............ Eggs per doz Wood per cord Hay , per ton....... , Potatoes, per bushel Tallow per lb Lard ... Dried Apples per lb Wool Live Hogs, per cwt. . 2 00 to 2 50 Washington, April lith, vadturinGood 0 88 t0 0 88 before April ISth, 1904. 0 00 to 0 00 0 29 to 0 30 $01 .50 to Los Angeles or San Francisco and 0 40 to 0 45 return; good going April 22nd to80th inclusive, 0 55 to 0 60 valid returning, reaching destination on or ,., 0 12 to 0 13 before June OOth, 1904. OO8to008 0 00 to 0 ,75 ONE-WAY SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS, 0 30 to 0 60 h Columbia, BALE California, sten Culorndo,Brlt- 0 15 to 0 15 012 to 012 2 50 to 3 50 Special Bottlers' Trelne to the Canadaan 7 00 fA 7 60 �orthtrebt will leave Toronto every Tuesday Ex - during April at 9.00 p.m. Passengers travelling 0 60 to 0 60 without live stock should take the Pacific Ex - 0 05 to 0 05 press leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m, 0 13 to 0 13 004 to 004 016 to 018 440 to 440 'W. . A. CU RRIE, Wingham, Ont. THE PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER. Why go outside for a goad man when you can get one at home Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. For tickets, reservatinns and all information imply to J, D. Iii -DONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, or L. HAROLD, Agent,Winghnm. LOW RATES Mone to Loan NELSON. B,C )•1'! 41,4 ROSSLAND, B.C. `�` VANCOUVER, B. C VICTORIA, B.C..... SEATTLE, Wadi. .. $43.95 TACOMA, Wash. PORTLAND, Ore Any amount of money to Ioan on good farm property at 5 per cent. Convicts are mere youths. The total ex -set in. Down to June 30 last, the Amer- ! ted but it was not done, 'as the Advance lean immigrants to the Canadian North- , would infer," front any mercenary mo- petaditure on the Kingston penitentiary was $90,000; the revenue, $32,133, in- , west numbered 120,000. All that conn- tive, but wholly out of respect to the eluding $24,742 from binder twine. There :try is being rapidly settled up, and as its memory of the late Senator !!gone who NORTH END are 592 convicts ill the Kingston pen!- population grows the demand for fac• had during his life, proved himself a tertiary Of 1,250 convicts in the pen!- tors goods and general merchandise warm friend and practical supporter of �! tentiary, 635 gave their creed as Roman > from the older provinces increases. the Army as well as a Christian gentle. H H T V HER 3, Liberals have added to and im man, and the Army would do the same -- "V ; proved the Intercolonial Ry. till is it now for any man who was worthy. irrespec- able to earn running expenses: and tive of wealth, training or education. !these betterments have helped indirectly It has been the aim. of the Army to use COSENS, WIA'GHAM ONT. ers You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood-- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, x11 your folks, used h. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. 01 rehears tottibly !rein Itatigeefioti Ind tibia blood. T found no relief until 1 took Aries bet oparille„ Your bOttltrs petyae„ aertl5 tarred ismePr1C. *xs=. Xt. place, x.Y, tbettte. J. C. ansa CO.. for r well Mal ch Blood T to promote interprovincial trade, which every menus to bring before the masses 4 was never so great in the history of the the great necessity of living "not for the country. things which are seen but for those that 4. They have improved the St. Law. are eternal." rence route, are now providing a Chan. nel 30 feet deep between tidewater and Montreal, have built canals west of Men.` ��%�s in the Back treal, and constructed minor works of ymptoms of a weak, torpid or , variaas kinds at other points, all with are sstagnant condition of the kidneys or the view of cheapening transportation liver, and are a warning it is extremely . rates and so increasing the selliug value hazardous to neglect, so important is of Canadian products. a healthy action of these organs '' 5. They have opened the' nkon, pre- They aro commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of courage, and tome• served order there and ailed its estab, times by gloomy foreboding and de• lisbing another market for Eastern goods. spondency. 0. The abounding prosperity is due, "I was taken 111 with kidney trouble, and of course, to natnral causes; but Liberals became so weak I Pmts Scarcely get around, X toric medicine without benetit, and finally can claim credit for having, by a wise deckled to try Mood's Sarsaparilla. After bt rthtti readjustment of the tariff and other mea.the ftrsE better I telt So much a it continued its nor, and rix bottles allose me , sures, allowed industry tall play and n new woman. When my little girl vats it done all that could have been done by sbaubyhe cnoduwlde ngeatvkris nytb'iatt8►orntaghunan means to ad' ance the general in. ring which cured her." Mae: Turas IR. 7. ° tereste of the country, i !alta, Wailatebnrg, Ont. They aro now paving the way for` I Ifood'S SarSaparilta 1the conatratetiof of A second transoon•' Cures kidney acid liver troubles, re. i�irraat lttt�la.• 1 tiuentai road, which will cost the tax• lievos the backs *pd builds tip' the trio payer little, ensure competition end i *bole ryittetu. SHOP. Having purchased Mr. Mitchell's in- terests in the Butchering business, I will continue the same in the old stand, and solicit a continuance of the liberal pat- ronage of the past, and guarantee the best of quality in From Wingham. Second Class, Until April 80th. 1904. Lower rates to many other points. Apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or A. tt. ?toy/amt. Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto lossAiLkfavaumse /JIM �►.,. nrnmmnnn, pine 4 n4*wli■ • rIra r. geeeOr f'. _J Roasts of Beef, Veal, EXPECT TO GET Lamb and Pork. Steaks, chops, Soup Bones, Boiling rieees. EtPect-demand if you like --care- ful thought and the applied tiler oughness which means ungues• Mined satisfaction to you. Alts expect to find the price which yon All orders delivered promptly to any i are asked to pay as low as ever part of the town. equal came wasexchantteil for. So if you need a new Spring Suit-- or an Overcoat -or any article of np. perel-or if you wltt be needing • somethk.g by -and -by --you owe tie a Highest cash price paid for Hides and 1 visit. Skins. 1 New Spring Swings and Overcoat• lugs to hand. We'll be pleased to show them to you. FAULTLESS FITS. i HU�1 'A. MAXWELL. Opposite Slitting !link. 1 !lean -Ali r rdlTaett. ••••••••••••••••••••••t#••• ••••••••••••N•••• - THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE John & Jas. H. Korr I r• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••tN••••••••••••••••Os Het the Habit. Buy at the Big store J • • Ladies who visit Kerr's will see the authoritative dis- a play of Dress Goods. Style is the all -essential, You s must have a suit that is stylish whether you can afford ' an • expensive one or not,and just there is where we excel. We • have taken some trouble to have a great variety of weaves, i styles and colorings in Dress Fabrics for Spring and • Summer. See our values before buying. Our Spring Trimmings and .Fancy Goods • • though a little late in coming are now in stock, Our cust- • omers will belad to know that this store is headquarters : • for the Ultra Fashionable Laces (Cluly, Yack,• Valenciennes.) Insertions, Braids, Applique, etc. : • t ••• • • • • • • • • • i We show a large, assortment of Ladies Collars. •• • Plain White Linen, all sizes, fashionable height, 2 for 25c. • Chiffon Collar Frawes,white or black,eacli 10c. Chiffon Uollar Frames, trimmed, very pretty, each 20e. e Fancy Stock Collars, all the best colors, New Designs, 25c. up • • Ladies Kid Gloves in all the new shades. Every i pair is Guaranteed. • Prices, - - - 1.00 1.25 1.50. • . Ladies' Silk, Taffetta, and Cashmere Gloves .25 .50 .75 • • New Spring Roller Windor Shades, very large assortment of Window shades, new colors, new de- • : signs. Best quality of Shade, Roller and Spring. Prices Z : lower than ever. See the handsome shade we offer for : 40c complete. We put them up for you free of charge. • • - • • New Lace Curtains. -Our new Curtain Holder f makes it possible for us to bhow you 3o different patterns : in Lace Curtains in about 5 minutes. Of course we'll not hurry you through like that. But we do want you to see : our display of curtains. We'll take pleasure i,i showing • them to you. i a • Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum. --New Goods • • all in stock. Splendid assortment of Patterns. Any pattern of floor Oil Cloth for 25 cents a square yard. • 0 O.•®••••••000001 00GO©tDOOMP000•00O••0•••••O••••••• : • •JOHN & JAS. H. KERR • • ONTARIO! o WIRCHAM •ti•••••••••••NO••••V•••w• ••••••••••••••••A••d•••••• ••••11111=••••11.1111 Ifammao/m/Rat rvvvrvvvvvvvyvvvvrvvvyvyyv eyrvyvvyvrvyvyvy►vvyvvvvv' ► r ► 03! SI E E 0 Si 1,.. I SEEDS1! 11 '� IP - e. ► SEEDS ! ! e.le 4 11 et 10. w T. A. MILLS HAS JUST COMPLETED 3 E HIS STOCK OF 4 P. 4 ►P. 1 :Garden and Field Seeds ► ► . . is C. E -Common Red Clover --Mammoth Alsike -Crimson, Lucerne and White Timothy • p. p. -Orchard Grass ► r' -Kentuck Blue Grass 4 -Meadow Fescue, Red Top -I ► 4 E ► -Lawn Grasses, in packages of the - finest mixtures. O. 4 P.: 4 Ow .4 0.'w 4 10. It. 4 f 41 -Mangol.s-----Intermediate, Long Red, . P 1 0. -Giant Sugar Beets P. 1 ---Goose Wheat. , 3 1 4 ► 4 11. w •• Call and see them p. i. _ .MILLS' .. ill1 AAAAAAAAA14AAAAiAlatMIt,AAA•,.A,1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA; 4 4 4 1 4 4 4