HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-03-30, Page 1616 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, 1988 CLASSIFIED 527-0240,oPm. 1. COMING EVENTS 3. LOST, STRAYED 5. HELP WANTED CHIP BII00O ',i $ lits, Deb in Com- mun,ty �•entre;� g , 1C1 ilif6 .aid District Athle0600c5i " 1-09-tf NEW LOCATION: The 9th Annual London Arts and Crafts Spring Show and Sale returns April 9 and 10 to a new and spacious location in the Canada Building, Western Fair Grounds, London, Ontario, and What a Show it isl Pottery, weaving, woodwork, florals and so much more. Make plans now to attend one of London's largest and longest established quality craft shows. Sat. April 9, noon to 9 p.m. Sunday April 10, noon to 6 p:m. Admission on- ly $2. New location, Canada Building, Western Fair Grounds. Info Olga Traher (519) 679-1810. 1-13-bc FESTIVAL OF FASHION - featuring the fashions of Bainton's and The Old Mill of Blyth, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, April 9, 1988, two shows - 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $7.00 and Seniors are $5.00. For information and tickets, contact Blyth Festival Box Office: 523-9300/9225. All proceeds go to the Blyth Festival Capital Campaign. 1-13-1 CAVAN U.C.W. Ham Supper at Winthrop on Thursday, April 14 from 5-7 p.m. Adults $6.00. Children 6-10 $2.50. Advance tickets sales only. 1-13-3 SINGLES DANCE, Saturday, April 9th, White Carnation Hall, Holmesville, Ont. Dancing 9-1. Music by Norm Dunsmoor. No jeans please. Next dance April 30th, 1-13-2 SWIM AND FITNESS classes start April 11th at Vanastra Recreation Centre (2 miles south of Clinton). For information call 482-3544. 1-13-2 IF YOU ARE interested in joining the Clinton - C4th 4-H Dairy Calf Club please call Allan , Carter at 233-7458 or Jim Murray at 345-2407. 1-13-x1 SPRING CUSTOMER Appreciation Daze, April 7, 8, 9. Each item .25 cents. Salvation Ar- my Thrift Store, 80 King St., Clinton. 482-7079. 1-13-1 BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball $200.00 (if not won) Lucky ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-09-tf HURON PROVINCIAL Liberal Association An- nual meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 6, 1988 at Blyth Community Centre. Recep- tion 6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m. Attorney General Ian Scott is the guest speaker, Election of officers, selection of delegates to Ontario Liberal Party convention to be held. Tickets at $15 each available from municipal chairpersons. 1-12-2 CANADIAN POWER & SALES SQUADRON, VHF course held at Victoria Public School, Goderich, 7:30 p.m. commencing April. Con- tact Fulton Charlton 524-2578. 1-12-2 EGMONDVILLE UNITED Church Easter Bake Sale, Thursday, March 31,'10:30 a.m. held at Ken Smith Pools (formerly United Trails). 1-12-2 SEAFORTH DISTRICT PRESCHOOL LEARNING CENTRE ENROLMENT for September 1988 for 2 - 4 year olds. Applications available THURS., MARCH 31 at the school or from Registrar. 527-1842 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office. Medical Building, Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1988 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anuemio Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure The Huron County Health Unit presents "PLEASURES, PROBLEMS, AND PRESCHOOLERS a series of 3 Parenting Classes for parents of Children aged 1 - 5 years Classes will commence MONDAY, APRIL 11 and will be held at HURONVIEW AUDITORIUM Clinton. Please call 482-3416 or toll free 1-800-265-5184 to pre -register by April 4. ONE LARGE black female Bovier dog, brown leather collar and tags. Strayed approx. March 11th, Dublin area. Phone 345-2434. 3-12-2 BROWN LEATHER jacket. Phone Brad Millson at 527-1167 after 6 p.m. 3-13-x1 LADIES gold ring with red stone and gold E in- itial. Lost - Sat., March 19 Seaforth - Mitchell area. Call 345-2003. 3-13-2 5. HELP WANTED • ITHELP WANTED FULL TIME employment available for male or female to manage farrowing and nursery barns on a large hog operation. For more in- formation call after 6 p.m. Arts Farms Ltd., 527-1795. 5-11-4 FIELD EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Cash crop and processing operation offering full time employment. Applicant must be a reliable self starting individual, shall be ex- perienced with all type of field operations and capable of routine maintenance and repairs. Apply to Nott Farm, Clinton, Ont. 233-7579 or 482-7439 evenings. 5-12-2 STUDENTS WANTED for general farm labor, call 887-6425. 5 -12 -4 - DAIRY FARM HELPER required. May 1st until mid September. Tractor experience required. Phone Tom Malady 345-2152. 5-12-3 AGRICO CANADA LTD. is accepting APPLICATIONS For Spring, Summer and Fall. Operators for fertilizer plant. Please apply to: AGRICO CANADA LTD, BRUCEFIELD 233-3948 Positions will involve some plant, and equipment maintenance and some weekend work. Seeing Is Believing i°INELLE SKIN-SKANTM Lets you see beneath the surface layer of your skin. Glamorous part-time and full-time positions teaching skin care, plus make-up and colour harmony. Big inceme, flexible hours. Train- ing Is provided. Advancement op- portunities plus new Oldsmobile Ciera Brougham to the right person. CALL DIANA MAXWELL. 393-6921 Between 6 pm and 8 pm for an appointment PERSON or persons required to assist in operating the food booth at the Winthrop Ball - Park. For more information contact Sharon Dalton 527-1381 or Helen Boven 527-0177 of the Winthrop Recreation Committee. 5-12-2 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. Chateau Woodland Resort, Haliburton, requires bakers, cooks, janitorial and recreation direc- tors. Also Housekeepers required immediate- ly. Applicants must be mature, reliable and ex- perienced. Student applications also ac- cepted. Accommodation also provided (705) 457-1892. 5-13-bc MECHANIC Class A required for Muskoka Shop. Front end, and Scope experience. Ren- tal accommodation available. Call David Friese, Port Carling (705) 765-5864 days, 765-5618 evenings. 5-13-bc HELP WANTED catching chickens, night work and travelling involved. Make up to $250.00 per week. Part or full time positions available. Call Clinton Stumpf 527-2725. 5-09-tf TRAIN for a job with a future... with Tri County Truck Driver Training. Job Search Assistance available, Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Cdlbome E., (5191,, 756-0223. 5-13-bc FULL TIME work available immediately loading chickens! Also part time and special student hours. Call free 1-800.2653034. 5-09-tt MA CHERIE Fashions. Discover a new rewar- ding career. Be an Independent. Join our team. It's the fun, easy way to earn extra money. Call collect (416) 632-9090. 5-13-bc OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. All oc- cupations. Free details. Overseas Employ- ment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 5-13-bc REMOTE mountain resort hotel accepting ap- plications for summer and full time employ- ment. Positions Include: chambermaids, cooks, dishwashers, waitresses, cashiers, desk clerks, bartenders, cafeteria workers, gas attendants. For application, send self- addressed stamped envelope to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.C. VOE 2S0. Attention: John Gall. 5-13-bc RICH AND FAMOUS: Multi -Million Dollar In- ternational Firm seeks two representatives in your area that seek incomes of up to $800 - $1,600 plus weekly. No direct selling involved, daily repeat business, set your own hours. Training provided. For confidential interview. Call 9 to 5 (416) 756-2111 or (416) 756-7796. 5-13-bc PART-TIME and possible full time help re- quired. Applicants preferably with Class 'D' licence. Apply in person to Hoegy's Farm Supply in Brodhagan. 5-13-1 BABYSITTER for five year old, close to Seaforth Public School. Phone 527-1094 after 5-13-1 EXPERIENCED reliable person for grain elevator and cash crop farm. Apply to Ken R. Campbell Elevators, 527-0249. 5-13-2 TWO BRICKLAYERS helpers needed im- mediately. Phone 527-0208 or 527-0043. 5-13-x2 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for days, reliable workers to train for moving and vacinating chickens - some travelling involved - occa- sional overnight work. Call free 1-800-265-3034. 5-09-5 STUDENTS J.M.R. ELECTRIC LTD. MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS require an OFFICE CLERK (male or female) Duties to Include: Mechanical Accounts payable, equipment and tool control, mechanical daily orders, and invoicing verification. Permanent full-time position. Good wages and benefit package. Experience preferred but not essential. To apply, submit resume to: J.M.R. ELECTRIC LTD. Box 1450, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 OR CALL (519) 235-1516 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 6:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY I/ A.M. 22 words - one week. $4.50: Iwo weeks. $4 00 three weeks $3.50. Additional words 18 cents BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7, with pi..4ure $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks alter date or wedding Atter this time, photo and cutkne only. $15. Complete write-up $25. IN MEMORIAMS - $4 50 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words. $4.50 Each ad. ditional word 06 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3 00. each additional week. - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming Events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard. Garage Sale 24. Properly for sale 3. Lost, Strayed 25. Property for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7 Situations Wanted 29 For rent 8. Custom work 30 Room and Board 9. Farm Stock 31 Notice 10 Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11 Hay and straw 33 Educational 12. Used cars 34 Auction Sales 13. Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14 Articles for sale • 36 Legal notice 15 R V s for sale 37 Notice to creditorS 16. Mobile homes 38 Service directory 17. VCRs for sale 39 Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40 In memoriam 19 Pets 41 Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21. Wanted to buy 43 Marriages 22 Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 9:00 a.m. to $ p.m. 5. HELP WANTED J.M.R. ELECTRIC LTD. MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS require a RECEPTIONIST For general office duties. Applicants should have strong typing skills, good penmanship, and a pleasant telephone manner. Good wages and benefits. Permanent full-time position. To apply, sub- mit resume to: J.M.R. ELECTRIC LTD. Box 1450 Exeter, Ontario. NOM 160 OR CALL (519) 235-1516 kt ER We require an energetic self starter who enjoys working with people. ....Must possess a good general knowledge of the mechanical aspect of automobiles p- Must be prepared to work long hours during peak periods ✓Must have the desire & ability to take charge ✓Good penmanship & neatness a necessity ✓A positive attitude with a genuine desire to look after our customers Please phone for an appointment, ask for John Hindmarsh. tcxtq ° �J t,Ut)LIIIClt dl . HRtFTY1f�'r6�fUtft iron W WOMEN AT WORK So, you are looking for a job! Need help? Plan to participate in the employment workshop to be held Saturday, April 16 ' 1988• Clinton Town Hall 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Women Power from London, Ont., will lead! you through jobsearch. techniques, resume writing and in- terview preparation. Phone Women Today at 482-9706, between 9-5 Mon. -Fri. until April 5 to ensure your participation. Limited space available. Sponsored by Women To- day/Secretary of State. 344....W'C11 Rd.., ti I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH requires a PART TIME CUSTODIAN Part time and full time students required for Farmers Dell in Brumfield. Opening in May. Apply in person at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. AroOh what afeeling! , Applications available and ac- cepted at the Town Clerk's Office until 3:00 p.m., Friday, April 0, 1988. For further information contact the undersigned. James Crocker, A.M.C.T. Administrator, Clerk -Treasurer, Town of Seaforth 527-0160 OPENINGS AVAILABLE J.M.R. Mechanical and Electrical Contractors are expanding once again. WE REQUIRE: Licenced Electricians Licenced Plumbers' Licenced Sheetmetal Workers AS WELL AS: Electrical plumbing and sheet metal apprentices, 3rd, 4th & 5th term. WE OFFER: Permanent Full-time Positi • ns, Good competitive hourly rate, OHIP, Dental & Health Benefit Package. NOTE: Normal week is based on 44 hours worked. Overtime is available and paid at time and a' half in accordance with Labour Laws of this province. To Apply: Please Call J Ra ELECTRIC LTD. Box 1450 Exeter, Ontario. NOM 150 (519) 2351516