HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-03-23, Page 181.8 - THE HURON E3WOSITOR, MARCH 23,198 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ONE OR TWO bedroom apartment on John Street, fridge and stove supplied. Available march 1st. Phone 527-2177, after 6 p.m. 26-08-5 MODERN two bedroom apartment, newly decorated, available now, 63 Side Street. Phone 527-0636. 26-08-tf SPACIOUS, new, two bedroom apartment in Clinton. Available now. References required. Phone 482-9371. 26-09-4 ONE BEDROOM apartment. Main Street, Seaforth, landlord pays heat and hydro. $175.00 month 273-5188 after 5 p.m. 26-12-tf AP " TMENTS FOR RENT SEAPORT: L 46 CHURCH STREET *ALL NEWLY RENOVATED *FRIDGE & STOVE INCLUDED *FULLY CARPETED *LAUNDRY ROOM *PAY YOUR OWN WATER & HYDRO *RENTS $22590 to $30040 MONTH CALL COLLECT AFTER 5 P.M. 393®6921 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Peter Edward Maloney All persons having claims against the ESTATE OF PETER EDWARD MALONEY. late of the Village of Dublin in the County of Perth, who died on the 10th day of February, 1948, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of April, 1988, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Doted at Seaforth, Ontario this 11th day of March, 1988. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors REAL ESTATE AUCTION 11/2 acres consisting of 2 building lots to be held at the southerly • edge of Egmondville et the south east corner of Centre Strout and East Front Street. SATURDAY, APRIL 2 AT 10 AM Tho property being composed of part of Lot 10, Concession 2 Huron Rd. survey In the Township of Tuckeramith which port may be more particularly describ- ed as ports 1 and 2 according to a plan of reference for the Registry division of Huron as No. 22R935. This Targe 2 part lot becks along the Bayfield river in Egmondville and would make a beautiful location for a new home. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance due In full In 30 days. Financing may bo arranged by contacting the vendor, Clinton Community Credit Union, prior to sale date. Property being offered sublect to a reasonable reserve bid. Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 , 34. AUCTION SALES FOR MORE INFORMATION 30. ROOM & BOARD WILLING to provide room and board. Phone 262-2647. 30-09-tf 31. NOTICE ARE YOU living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 31-12-1 AS OF THIS DATE March 18, 1988 1, Linda Boak, residing in Egmondville, Ontario am not responsible for any debts incurred by my hus- band Brent Boak. Signed: Linda Boak. 31-12=x1 34. AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER CLINTON 482-7898 SAT., MARCH 26. 10 A.M.: Furniture, riding mower, 2 gas mowers at Richard Lobb's Auc- lion Barn, Clinton, for the Estate of Ross Leem- ing plus good additions. SAT., APRIL 2. 10 A.M.: 1'h acres consisting of 2 budding lots, southeast corner of Centre Si. and East From Street, Egmondville. SAT., APRIL 2 AT 1:30 P.M.: 2 tractors and machinery 11 miles North of Carlow and 11/2 miles East. For Gordon Watson. TUES., APRIL 5 AT 1:00 P.M.: 1985 Chev pickup truck like new. 1 tractors, riding mower, farm machinery. feed bin, 234 miles west & 2 miles south of Dublin for Joe O'Reilly. SAT., APRIL 9. 10 A.M.: Antiques, fumiture, appliances. riding lawn oat tor w/hydro static drive for Helen Anderson of Kippen and Bayfield home at Richard Lobb's Auction . Barn, Clinton, TUESDAY, APRIL 12 - 1 P.M.:Combine, Trac- tor, machinery. 3 wheel ATC, riding mower, etc . 'i. mile east of Brodhagen for Roy Belfour. THURS., APRIL 14 AT 12 NOON: Combine. 1 tractors, forage, bean and tillage, harvest equipment for )im Maloney, 2% miles North and 2 miles West of Dublin SAT., APRIL 16 AT 10:30 A.M.: Feed com- bine 4 tractors, term machinery, bean equip- ment Inc Glen Weido 4 miles West of Hen - sill and 2' , miles North. TUESDAY, APRiL 19. 1 PM.: New Zetor 60 HP tractor w/can run 250 hr., 2 other trac- tors and farm mac hinerv. 6 mules east of Hen - '.all for lack Upshali , e0. • AUCTION SALE Of Antiques, Appltancos & Misc. Items to be hold at the Jacob Auction Centre 183 Herbert St., In Mitchell. WED.. MARCH 30 AT 6:00 P.M. Including: Frigidaire side by side fridge freezer; RCA automatic washer and dryer; smolt, medium & large deep freezers; Etectrohome dehumidifier; Elec- trohome soler T.V.; Electrolux vacuum with poworhead (as now); G.E. dishwasher; wall unit; sectional chesterfield -sofa bed; newer chesterfield suite; cedar chest; Mason Rlsch upright piano; lamps; pr. matching single beds; recliner chairs; dry sink; old post office cupboard; six ladder back chairs; 2 plus 5 drawer filing cabinets; desks; office chairs; 22 rifle (FAC required); beautiful old picture frames; open washstand;1 dressers; wicker pieces; Seth Thomas mantel clock; collection of 50 steel Match -Box toys in original .boxes (English); Craftsmen 10 inch bond saw (1 yr. old); Craftsmen router; hand & garden tools; ping-pong table; exercise bike; trunk; work bench; selection of toy robots; shop vac; drill press stand; hair- dressing equipment; bike; good dishes in- cluding depression, Carnival. and Oc- cupiod Japan; oak ion table; Toro electric start tractor style riding lawn mower, A-1; and a full line of household effects. Note: Viewing only after 3:00 P.M. day of sale. Prop: Barry & Donne MacGregor and a Plattsyiilo estate. AUCTIONEERS; Douglas Jacob 271-7894 Wallie Ross 539-5077 CLEARING AUCTION Of 130 acre form; full line of equipment and misc. items to be held 2'/, *miles North of Mllcholl and 234 miles West on FRIDAY, APRIL 8 AT 10:00 A.M. PROPERTY: This 150 acre parcel of lend known as Pts. Lot 24 and 23 Conc. 4 of Logan Twp. In the County of Porth hes approx. 141 acres workable. Situated on the property is an attractive 1% storey brick home with attached 2 car garage, 2 targe bank barns, 40' x 80' pole barn, 40' x 96' drive shed, 50' x 12' silo. and 1850 bu. steel granary. Those buildings aro all in excellent state of repair. The farm is plowed and wail drained. For more information and viewing of property phone 519-271-3648. No viewing of buildings day of sale. Terms on Property: 10% down day of sale, balance In 60 days. Selling sublect to reserve bid and prior safe. Full fist will appear next week. PROP.: Alvin Ahrens 519-271-3648 AUCTIONEERS Douglas Jacob 271-7894 Wallie Ross 539-5077 Doug Jacob ds Wallia Ross 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER WED., MARCH 23, 11 A.M... Farm Im- plements, household effects & misc., 2 mi. north of Hickson. Vic Carter, Proprietor. THURS., MARCH 24, 1:00 P.M. • Auction of implements; some furniture & misc. 10 mi. south and V, mi, west of Sebringvllle. Donald G. Nairn, Proprietor. FRI., MARCH 25, 10 A,M. b Farm Im- plements a misc., 4 ml. east of Hickson. Druce Raymer, Proprietor. SAT., MARCH 26. 10 A.M. - Farm im- plements & Misc., 2 mi. south of Bright. Jules Demeester, Proprietor. MON., MARCH 20. 12:30 P.M. - Clearing auction of tractors; full line of equipment and mist. to be held a 54 mile oast of Monkton. Wllllam Scholl. Proprietor. TUES., MARCH 29, 111:00 A.M. - Auction of farm machinery 2 mi, south and 4 ml. west of Embro for Slebor Farms Ltd. WED., MARCH 30, 11:00 A.M. - Auction of full line of farm equipment, trucks & misc. 4 mi. south of Dublin and a '/, mi. west. Cttff 8 Frank Miller, Proprietors. WED.. MARCH 30, 6 P.M. - Auction of an- tiques. appliances 8 mist. at the Jacob Auction Centre, Mitchell for a Plettsvllle Estate and Barry & Donna MacGregor. THURS., MARCH 31 - Farm implements a misc. at Norwich. Alm Fitch, Proprietor, SAT.. APRIL 2, 10 A.M. - Clearing auction of nearly new appliances, furniture & misc. to be held in the Village of Fuller- ton. Dave Dingmao, Proprietor. TUES., APRIL 5, 10:00 A.M. - Auction of implements; feed and misc. 1 mi. south of the Stratford Drive -In Theatre. One: Flanagan, Proprietor. WED., APRIL 6, 10:00 A.M. - Auction of im- plements; feed & misc. 6 mo. south and 2 mf. west of Stratford off Embro Road far Wilkerson's Family Farm. THURS., APRIL 7 - Annual farm equipment consignment sale to be hold at the Jacob Auction Yard in Mitchell. Consign before Mar. 26 for advertising. FRI. APRIL 8, 10:00 A.M. - Clearing auc- tion of 150 acre form (sublect to prior sale); full line of farm equipment & misc. 21/2 mi. north of Mitchell and 21/4 mi. west. Alvin Ahrens, Proprietor. SAT., APRIL 9, 9:30 A.M. - Large clearing auction of tractors, implements, antiques and collectible dishes to bo held 4 mi. east of Mitchell and 1 mi. north. Tom & Anne Mulholland, Proprietors. 35. TENDERS WANTED HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORIT'Y S.F.T. (HC) 88-07 For Janitorial Services and Snow Removal at Queen Street, Ellyth Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, April 6, 1988, by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be ob- tained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. GRAVEL TENDERS 1988 HLillett Township Tenders wanted for the supplying, crushing and delivering of approx. 22,00Q cu. yds. of 5/8 granular "A" gravel for roads in Hullett Township, and must be capable 011,200 cu. yds. or more per day. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the Rd. Supt. 10,000 cu. yds. to be completed by June 1st, 1988 and the remainder by October 15th, 1988. The tenders must be in the hands of the Rd. Supt. by 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 5th, 1988. They must be accom- panied with a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bld and must be approved by MTC. Tender forms available at Rd. Supt. office, Londesboro. James Johnston Road Superintendent Londesboro, Ont. NOM 2H0 523-4404 - / HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY r 31. NOTICE AUCTION -SALE Furniture, glassware, riding lawn mower. etc. to be hold at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, for the Estate of Ross Looming, plus several good additions. SAT., MARCH 26 AT 10 A.M. International Cadet 75 riding lawn mower, 2 gas push lawn mower's, Poulan chainsaw, small battery charger, Thor wringer' washer, 2 vacuum cleaners, 2 WWII chino cabinets, small down draft stove, couch a chair, oval kitchen table & 4 shales, umbrella table, Islam chairs, new davenport couch, folding card table, chairs, chrome table and 4 chairs, Forestville well dock w/ weights, floor model stereo, cabinet sewing machine, 2 French Provincial and tables, lantern, wicker rocker, wicker arm chair, floor lamps, light fixtures, cost '175 now, chesterfield & chair, buffet, dining table w/leaf, picnic table, humidifier, hall mir- ror, finger oil lamps, lantern, small ap- pliances, dishes, glassware, garden tools, eta., flush toilet, bath tub, small vanity, plus many other Items too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 CLINTON Notice To the Residents Of THE VILLAGE OF BLYTH and HULLETT TOWNSHIP SORTING of GARBAGE All garbage to the Blyth/Hullett Landfill Site MUST be sorted into categories CLEARING ft AUCTION SALE of ' Pick up truck 3, tractors, -farm machinery, riding lawdltr8wet, feed tank, etc., to be hold 21/2 mi/fs{s west and 2 miles south of Dublin for Joe O'Reilly. TUESDAY, APRIL 5 AT 1:00 P.M. TRUCK: 1985 Chevfolet Silverado V. ton pick up with tilt steering wheel, electric windows, air, radio, P.S., P.B., V8 automatic, dual fuel tanks, Landau cover. 37,000 Kms. ONLY. TRACTORS: Massey Ferguson 1085 diesel tractor with cab, heater, air, radio, power adjustable roar wheels, 18.4 x 34 roar tires. Set of 18.4 x 34 T -Bar snap on duals, run 1344 HRS.; Massey Ferguson 135 diesel tractor with multi power, Allied manure loader, A REAL CLEAN UNIT; Case 730 gas tractor with power steering and 3 PT Hitch or eagle hitch; Canadians 11 HP riding lawn mower with oldcfrit start and 42" mower deck; Set of chains - fits a small farm tractor. MACHINERY: Win Power PTO farm hydro generator on wheels; McKee 7 ft. snowblower; MF 080 4 furrow semi - mount plow with 16" automatic hydraulic reset bottoms; International No. 45 15 ft. Vibro shank, wing cultivator with harrows and new points; Kewanee 12 ft. wheel disc; George White 30 gallon 3 PTHitch sprayer with hypro pump and 28 ft. boom; New Idea No. 200 PTO manure spreader; MM belt drive ham- -mermill, 50 ft. drive belt, nearly new; 3 or 6 ton upright feed storage tank; 500 Ib. pressure washer with 2000 Ib. hose; 4 section diamond harrows with wooden pole; 3 drum land roller; 4 bar side rake; New Idea PTO mower for parts; 13 ft. steel gate: water trough; sump pump: old set of 2000 scales; Stihl 041 AV chain sow; 200 gallon gas tank on stand; Aluminum 32 ft. extension ladder; Old auger feed cart for hens; 1/2 HP electric motor; Picket fence for Child's play area; 4lnch pipe aerator fan with motor; Plus a few mise. farm Items. A WELL KEPT OFFERING. PLAN TO ATTEND TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb, Clinton, 519482-7898 OWNER: Joe O'Reilly, Dublin. Ontario 519.527-2101 OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSI. BLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE. 1) NON -BURNABLE ITEMS Such es glass, tin cans, household vegetable waste, plastics, etc. 2) BURNABLE ITEMS (Identified with red stickers) Such as cardboard, paper, wood, leaves. 3) METAL - (Fence wire not accepted) 4) WOOD or WOOD PRODUCTS All garbage must be bagged or contained. No chemical or hazardous waste will be accepted. Landfill Site Committee 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY LARGE AUCTION Of full lint of farm Implements and miscellaneous items'to be held 4 miles• south of Dublin and o %, mile west on WED., MARCH 30 AT 11:00 A.M. Self-propelled Equipment: INC 1406 diesel tractor with lab, air and'duals; IHC ..Q444, Mgt�l. UDI 'Fait,i4. aka duals,.- - MI 273 lfifrt'tlra'tnr with duals; INC 275 twelve ft swat' with hay conditioner; MF 750 diesel combine with pick-up, 15 ft. Tiger Jaw cutter bar head; 1163 six row narrow corn head; and straw shroddar. Tillage Equipment: INC 720 semi -mount plow (6x16); INC 510 semi -mount plow (5x14); Kongskllde 26' trail cultivator with harrow a spray tips; Kongskllde 12' cultivator 3 pth with harrow; Kongskllde six row stuffier; IHC 9 shank troll chisel plow; 3 pth. Loby 14 ft. Roterra; Kraus* 12 ft. wheel disc; Armor pto stone win- drower; Tumco 12 H. sprocket packer; Bfisol 10 fl, double packer, MF 3 pth plow (4x12"): Ferguson 3 pth plow (3x12); Planting Equipment: INC 56 six row planter with Insecticides; INC 620 twenty -ono run seed drill with press wheals and grass seeder; Geo White 400 gallon trail sprayer; 500 gallon poly tank on gear with pump; - Haying & Harvest Equipment: Wetmore 400 bu. corn btiggy; IHC 46 baler; Allied bale stooker with gas engine; INC 47 baler; two J.D., wagons with grain racks; Wefmore grinder - blower; Sped -King 36 x 6 transport auger; King -Wise 32 ft. elevator.; 16 ft. pipe elevator; Innes 4 row bean windrower; AC pto rake; Misc. Equipment: NH 310 double beater spreader; Gehl hammormlll with cob at- tachment; Ebersol '/, ton feed mixer; Peerless oat roller with motor; Mill oat roller with 10 Inch rolls; Woods electric grinder with motor; 12 ft. fertilizer auger; small gravel box on dump troller; 5 section of harrow a pole; V type snow blower; 3 pth circle saw; heat houser and pulley to fit; 636 INC tractor; 4inch grain auger; Badger silo distributor; 120' x 7" endless belt; 3 drum land roller; 14 ton bulk fend took: and o small wagon of misc. items. Trucks: 1978 Ford F100 pick-up with fibreglass topper, 6 cyl., automatic; 1969 Dodge 600 stake truck with hoist; 1974 Ford 750 stoke truck with hoist. Ail above trucks sold As Is. Feud: Approx. 3500 bales of hay. Prop. and auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Terms: Cash or cheque with 1.0. Plan to attend this large auction "'of medium sized well kept equipment. Prop: Cliff & Frank Miller 519-345-2316 AUCTIONEERS Douglas Jacob 271-7894 & Wallie Ross 539-5077 • The Huron County Housing Authori- ty will be soliciting quotations and issuing tenders for a variety of ser- vices as required by the Authority. In an effort to ensure that as far as possible, all companies aro given an opportunity to bid, we invite such companies, to submit, on their let- terhead, a request to bo listed for One or more of the following , categories. Services 1. Roofing 2. Plumbing 3. Electrical 4. Heating 5. Fencing 6. Grounds Equipment Service 7. Asphalt 0. Stand by Lighting and Fire Alarm Testing 9. Glatt and Screens 10. Carpeting' 11. Lodumithing 12. Pest Control 13. Tree Trimming & Removal 14. Landscaping & Grounds Maintenance 15. Fire Extinguisher Service 16. Intercom Entry Systems 17. Move Out Cleaning 18. General Maintenance 19. Ceramic Tile 20. Floor Tile 21. Sewer Clowning 22. Aluminum Siding, Trim 23. Weed Control 24. Appliance Repairs 23. Equipment & Appliances for Sole Address replies to: Huron County Housing Authority 48 The Square, Godorteh, Ontario N7A 1M5 ATTN: Mr. Wm. G. Tugwell Housing Manager 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Edna Mabel Butt All persons having claims against the ESTATE OF EDNA MABEL BUTT, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, who died on the 10th day of December 1987, are hereby notified to send in full par• titulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 61h day of April 1988, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 11th day of March 1988. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAIN ST. MITCHELL HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY Fuel 011' Furnace Service and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 1