HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-03-23, Page 1713. USED TRUCKS New TRUCKS available w/steady year round cqntracts. Low Interest rate, 12.9% and up. Good selection of makes and models. Minimum investment $8000. Phone Transpo, 1-$00-663-0146. 13-12-bc IC ARTICLES FOR. SALE 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE BARRELS Whisky, fresh. •Whblesale'prices on large quantities; Free delivery. Phone (416) 936-4560, " 14-12-bc HORSE TRAILER - 2 horse, rebuilt, tack com- partment, step up, blue. Phone•396-3174 (Kin- cardine). 14-11-2 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Seaforth. Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 527-1213. 14-09-tf CIREENHOUSE and Hydroponic equipment, stippiles. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouse $175, Halides $115. Over 3,000 products In stock! Send $2 for Info pack and Free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, R.C. V68 3N9. 1-604-682-6636. 14-12-bc NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned Apples, Pear, Apricot, Nut -trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. 14-12-bc $$ LIQUIDATION $$ Buildings priced for im- mediate disposal. All items in stock. 30 x 40 x 14 $3,800; 40 x 60 x 14 $5,990; 50 x 80 $11,260; 70 x 120 $27,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance, Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for' immediate delivery. Call roll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446. 14-12-bc Montreal Military SURPLUS: Work shirts $2.75; work pants $3.50; work boots $15. Send $3 for catalogue (Reimbursement 1st order) Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec, JOS 1XO. 14-12-bc FIREWOOD - Dump truck loads of maple, beech, ash, oak, slabwood and edgings. Call R.J. Dungey and Sons, 1-348-8477. 14-10-4 WINTER CLEARANCE on all steel buildings. Example 32 x 44 $4,589; 46 x 80 $9,795; 50 x 100 $12,742; 60 x 150 $25,751. Call toll free 1-800-668-5111 Miracle Span. 14-12-bc FRESH Winthrop Maple Syrup, Ray and Barb Storey. Phone 527-1049. 14-11-2 PHOTOGRAPHY - Quality at a reasonable price. Family portraits, weddings, special oc- casions. Gregor Campbell 527-0273 after 4 p. m. 14-11-x$ MIXED GRAIN and barley for sale, both suitable for seed. Also, double cut Red Clover seed. oower cleaned. All priced right. Contact Robert Fotheringham 233-9196. 14-12-2 SUMP PUMP Submersible Type, automatic float and fittings. Phone 527-0257. 14-12-1 24' x 16' STORAGE SHED, has 10' x 9' overhead door plus service door, treated lumber floor, easily moved. $3000.00. 1986 Yamaha Tri Z 250R 3 wheeler, 10 hrs. riding, in excellent condition $2500. Phone 887-6784. 14;,12-1 SIX FOOT round bar - black leather, asking $80. Phone 527-2114. 14-12-1 SWIMMING POOL Sale: Top quality in - grounds, above-ongrounds. Professional in- stallation or do It yourself kits. Book early and save. Free solar blanket with pool purchase. (519) 747-4399. 14-12-bc HARD FIREWOOD SLABS, delivered by the truckload. Joe Van Osch 395-2865 or contact Jacob Stutzman at St. Helen's Mill, RR 2, Lucknow. 14-10-tf 164,000 BTU Gas/Propane Furnace with Dual Speed Motor. Good Running -Condition $175.00, Call 527-0710. 14-1 1-x2 ANTIQUE reproduction oil or electric lamps. New, imported from Europe. Various styles to fit almost any decor. Reasonably priced. Call 527-1095. 14-11-3 STEEL BUILDINGS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more - stock clear -out limited steel. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896 24 hours. 14-12-bc 1985 HONDA XL350R, 8000 km (highway). Excellent condition. MUST BE SEENI $1700 firm, Phone 527-0878. 14-12-x1 BABY NEEDS? Maternity clothes size 9-10, Swing-o-matic, large playpen, Prego pram, change table, newborn clothes, all in new con- dition. Call 527-0193. 14-12-1 WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New Advanced Technology for efficient treatment of problem water, offering protection throughout entire water system. Rusty.. Smelly... Bad Tasting... Water, hardness, staining, bacteria, and more. No Salt or Messy Chemicals maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our six month trial offer. Call toll-free 1-800-3873423 or write Aztec Purification Systems. 6380 No. 5 T'omken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1K2. "The lowest cost system that really works." Area code (807) call (416) 672-2300. 14-12-bc STAINED GLASS and Supplies by mail order) Shop by mail and save. 65 page Illustrated supply catalogue available. Call toll free 1 -80th -363-6633, The Glass Place. 14-12-bc PIONEER DAYS HERE AGAIN March 21 - 25 5% Early Pay Cash Savings plus' FREE Vacuum Bottle (1 L.) On Pioneer Brand Seed Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa and Sila-bac. NEW Pioneer 9661 Soybeans Seed Oats grown'from Certified Donaldson Seed. Spring Wheat grown from Certified Katepwa Commercial 1 Double Cut Red Clover HAROLD PRYCE 527-1637 PIONEER. 16. COMPUTER CORNER 1.2_3. REAL ESTATE J "SUDDENLY al SOLD" ' INE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 23,1988 - 17 ATARI 1040 ST COMPUTER 1000K main memory, 31/2 inch 720K disk drive, color monitor, MIDI comes with software and mouse for school or business: Best offer over $1400. Phone 527-0257. 18.12-2 19. PETS LOOKING for a bunny for Easter? We have all colours of French Lop -Eared that are used to being held. Phone 527-1114. 19-12-2 THREE REGISTERED quarter horses, 6 year old gelding, trained and shown for 4-1-0; 3 year old gelding, professionally trained and shown; 1 10 -month old colt. All quiet. 887-6412. 19-12-2 21. WANTEL TO UV OLD WRISTWATCHES Wanted: Mens only - Old Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted - Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Cen- tury" Rectangular wristwatches (25 years ser- vice) will pay $1000 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. MSA 1S2. 21-12-bc 22. WANTED Mason Bailey BROKER Gorden Hill 233.3307 SALES REPRESENTATIVE 12 ACRES: Hog barns for 650 hogs. Frame Home. HIGHWAY NO. B: Raised bungalow on t/V acre, 1200 sq. ft. Nice setting. CUNTON: Duplex on Huron Street, showing excellent return. A good investment property, 100 ACRES: REDUCED. Farm near Auburn, 81 acres workable, 1'/a storey brick home. General purpose barn. MODERN HOG OPERATION fully equipped for 1200 hogs, on 85 acres. Contact Gordon Hill. 135 ACRES: Stanley Township, 80 acres workable, 55 acres bush. Excellent building site. Contact Gordon Hill. FARROW TO FINISH: East Wawanosh, 100 acres, 90 sows. Selling as going concern. In- cludes all pigs to market weight, equipment and about 50 ft, high moisture corn in 20' x 70' Harvestore silo. Vendor will finance, HOLMESVILLE: White Carnation Banquet Hall and Restaurant. Fully equipped. Very reasonably price. LONDESBORO: 1 floor raised bungalow on '/, acre lot, Immaculate condition. Priced to sell quickly. CLINTON: 267 Albert St, 1 floor, 3 bedroom with gas heat. All in good condition. 482-9371 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE TORONTO TIMESHARE; Be first,own a fan- tastic ,timeshare condominium In dow(ttown Toronto, sleeps six,. all Weeks same price. Write Timeshare; , 42 Erindale Crescent, Brarnpton L6W 185: 24 -12 -bo STEEL -CLAD building 35' x 40' serviced, located in Seaforth. Phone 527-0717. 24-12-2 1.7.. PROPERTY FOR RENT 100 ACRES of good cash crop land, Hullett Township, well drained, flat. Apply to Box No. 3888 0/0 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, On- tario. NOK 1WO. 25-11-2 MODERN 3 bedroom farm home, 3 miles from Seaforth. Apply to Box No. 3887 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO. 25-11-2 50 ACRES flat cash crop land in McKillop Twsp. Replies should include amount willing to pay to: Box 3889 c/o The Huron Expositor P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO. 25-12-x1 ST, COLUMBAN - 3 bedroom house $400.00; also 2 bedroom bungalow close to uptown $450.00. One bedroom apartment $275.00 close to uptown, phone 527-1577. 25-12.1 98 ACRES of land for rent, call 527-1388 after 6. 25-12-1 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM modern apartment, 91 Vic- toria St. Available February 1st. Phone 527-0636. 26-09-tf E. APARTMENTS FOR RENT THE BROWNSTONE 250 HINKSGT. - GODERICH One bedroom apartments available for im- mediate occupancy. Fully carPeted, includes fridge, stove, - outdoor parking, laundry facilities. 524-4249. 26 -09 -if THREE BEDROOM apartment available im- mediately, references required. Phone 527-0877. 26-09-tf CLEAN ONE BEDROOM apartment, downtown Seaforth. Call 527-1720. 26.07-tf MODERN one bedroom apartment. Available now. 63 Side St. 527-0636. 26-08-ff 23. REAL ESTATE Oa*ALL POINTS N REALTY INC LI MEMBER TI [1f A VICTORIAN BEAUTY Tastefully decorated throughout the 2 storey brick home. Ornate black ash staircase in living room, oak trim has been refurbished throughout the home. Sauna and shower in basement, Call Kathy Larone. COMFORTABLE LIVING FARMERS WANTED who are paying, too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today. Appointment times available to process '87 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants 2109 Ox- ford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business year-round for 36 years. 22-12-bc PIANOS WANTED Not necessarily in good condition. We buy, sell, restore, refinish, tune, and repair. Small or large jobs. Village Piano Shop, Elmira (519) 669-2280. 22-12-bc r. co, Approx. 1207 sq. ft. Three bedroom bungalow is well decorated throughout and very spacious. Finished basement with family room and wood burning stove. Call Kathy Larvae. •GRACIOUS LIVING PLUS AN INCOME ;4 23. REAL ESTATE WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. BRAFm•r+aoeUCTS ' sEEA MORED L ° CNAVNAa . 0Nv0.0, CANADA Naz Yt ,',O$tER- es sRA eat- enrol Proeocu w bU ¢abort W tlmtrems end mmnwu d slab u„cb rm Ont of ttw t0Dree5 and ear ee rr ass Pomo. uHSdabot as mane num, nuns. ',Wady otto/tatz •aeptW,r,baaamrf +550.0 ..mere N,.t50 lm,dse 0,10,0.OaanO. 50,50 REPRESENTATIVE HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEW LISTING: Cozy little 1 floor cottage. 1 block from mein corner. Double garage with shop. Excellent condition, $43,500.00, NEW LISTING: Building lot 80' x 371'. Village water. 516,000.00, NEW LISTING: 80' x 100' building lot with septic system 5 village water. 514,000.00. NEW LISTING: N. Main St. Check out this excellent 4 bedroom home. Complete new kitchen, sundeck, patio doors, large lot & more. Only $49,900,00. NEW LISTING: Country home close to town with 3 bedroom home In excellent condi• tion. Shop 8 more. $38.500.00. 10 ACRES: 1'/, storey home, fruit trees in Tuckersmith, $60,000.00. DUPLEX: Country location on paved rood, 549,000.00. CLINTON: 1 floor ranch style with 3 bedrooms. Energy efficient. $41,500.00. NORTH MAIN ST.: 84' x 146' building lot, $16,000.00. 25 ACRE HORSE FARM: Complete with riding arena, 4 bedroom brick home, highway location and much more. An ideal small business or retirement opportunity. 166 ACRES: New ranch style home, large born, 16 acres licensed gravel pit. McKillop Twp. Coll for details. 80 ACRE RETREAT: 60 workable, 3 stock- ed ponds, 40' x80' shed, cottage, bush close to Gederich. Beautiful. 2 STOREY BRiCK HOME: in Hullett Twp. Large lot, $35,000.00. EXECUTIVE RANCH: % acre lot in Egmond- ville. By appointment only. HARPHURHEY EXECUTIVE: Raised ranch with all the extras. Florida room, profes- sionally landscaped, etc. Really must be seen. 20 ACRES: of bush, small creek, ideal retreat. COUNTRY HOME: In McKillop Twp. on a paved road. A beautiful 4 bedroom 2 storey brick home with full walk-in attic on 5 acres. LOOK AT THIS: 15 acre vacant land. Close to Seaforth. 59 SEAT RESTAURANT: and Take -Out. Coll for details. BUILDING LOTS: We have o very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmondvllle and area. Call for your choice. AREA FARMS S. COUNTRY PROPERTIES IN MULLETT TWP. LAYERS: Modern operation, 8700 quota, 50 acres, fine 4 bedroom brick home. 100 ACRES: 92 workable, 50'x 100' shed, excellent frame home, very scenic. 5120,000.00. McKILLOP TWP. 143 ACRES: 140 acres systemar'-n' r Pd, prime land highway ' town. $210.000.00 2 - 50 ACR! PAR( 'LS $65,000.00 eoch, 100 ACRES: Generol 1, :t oom house, born, pole born. E C , se to segforth. 50 ACRES: Systematically filed, no buildings. Reduced $55,000.00. 115 ACRES: Partially tiled, no buildings. Reduced 5150,000.00. 75 ACRES: No buildings. 5120,000.00- 69 ACRES: No buildings. 555,000.00. 31 ACRES: No buildings. 585,000.00. 130 ACRES: 140 workable, brick home, ex- cellent financing available. NEWLY LSITED. 3 bedroom, 11 storey frame home, 2 bathrooms, woodstove, new windows 8e plumbing in '85. List price 538,000.00. JUST LISTED! Exce)pnt Dalry Farm - Hwy, 4 located on the outskirts of Blyth, 142 acres level land, Marriston loam allWjorkable. Barn has 44 tie-ups, pipeline, good holstein herd & quotas, some machinery Included. Large 2 storey home with siding, Town water & drill- ed well, Call Sharon Medd 527-0560. MARKET GARDEN FARM: Located on busy highway, large home. Showing good retum on 80 acres of land. BLYTHI Broiler chic trm, plus feeder hogs, 40 acres sy ifffly drained land, good buildings. Hwy location. HOLMESVILLE: Newer 3 bedroom bungalow, priced far below replacement costs. Owner anxious to sell, Will present all offers. Don't miss this, call Sharon Medd 527-0560. EXCELLENT CONDITION! 3 bedroom bungalow, totally refurbished 4 years ago, in- cluding new septic tank & drainage around house. Very large finished rec room,, formal dining room & living room, featured on beaullfully landscaped, well treed double lot with 38' x 38' shop, survey available. Phone Sharon Medd 527-0580. HWY. 8: Large 3 bedroom, 2 story home, In- terior Just like new. oak cupboards, gas lure nate, french doors, full basement featured on 1.3 acres. Must be seen. MILL STREET: 4 bedroom bungalow, finish- ed basement, brick garage. 60's. NEEDS WORK! 4 bedroom vinyl sided home on 120' x 132' lot, zoned R2 (multiple dwell- ing). List $30,000.00 IDEAL STARTER! 60' x 12' trailer, Including add -a -room, storage sheds. Just $11,000.00. LIST WITH THE ACTION TEAM Sharon Medd (Seaforth) 8111 Steonstra Aileen Craig 527-0560 Peter Damsme 482-3780 Mary Divok 482-3669 Office: 11 Victo .,. MULTIPLE. N. Five beautiful fireplaces eochanco various rooms of this 6 unit apartment house. Extra land also included, Call Karen Scruton at 482-9718 or Kathy Lorene 527-0808 for the information package on this property in Seaforth. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 10% to 25% down for Triplex invest- ment- Enjoy positive cash flow with this solid investment- All units are current- ly rented. Cell Kathy Larone 527-0808• RECREATIONAL RETREAT Log cabin. 27,9 acres with a rippling trout stream. Cedar bush with approx. 10 acres of cleared land. Call Kathy Lnrone 527.0808, Kathy Larone Res. 527-0808 482-9849 482-3370 is St., Clinton 100 nets rf tit Seatorth & Area THE LARGEST REAL. ESTATE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD, Culligan REAL ESTATE ®® LTD. Seaforth Office: 527-1577 8 Main Street, Seaforth JOHN ST. - Ready to Move int/ bedroom home plus garage. COUNTRY HOME • Duple, ri I bedroom units'ituatert on ..2R 79' 44 ACRFc- septup land, highway loco; inn 1071 .A RL.' - _flaw d prick home, plus ' crow toer n.ion. Close to town. ISABELLE ST. - Immaculate condition 4 bedrooms, fireplace, garage. Must be seen. '70,000.00 JARVIS ST. - 60's, one floor 3 bedroom home, family room, built in 1974. ORD ST. • Well maintained 2 bedroom home, 1'/2 baths, gas heat, hardwood floors. Seaforth & Clinton Representative Maureen Wildfong 482-3224 GEORGE ST. - Very well maintained 3 bedroom home, 11/2 baths, main floor laun- dry, formal dining. gas heat, att'd carport plus workshop. r � / ,. yG EAST WiLLiAM ST. • Cosy 2 bedroom bungalow in mint condition, family room, workshop area, newer roof & windows, att'd carport. MAiN STREET • Well constructed 2 or 3 HARPERHAY - 17 year old, one floor bedroom home, fireplace, formal dining, home, 3 bedrooms, electric heat, main floor hardwood floors. Situated on 116' x 150' lot. laundry, family room, att'd garage. List Price ' 62,000.00. -: YOU CAN RELY ON US! Other Area Offices Mitchell Office Bayfield Office Wingham Office 348 8355 565 5055 357 3622 19