HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-03-23, Page 13Lo al schools winners in 22nd KoC tournament
Ten 1 entered the 22nd Annual
Knights of Columbus hockey tournament
held on Slaturday and Sunday at the Seaforlli.
and District Community Centres. The tour-
nament is sponsored by the Father Stephen
Eckert Council of Seaforth for Separate
Schools in the council area. The teams vl
for Junior "A" and "B" trophies and th
Senior teams vie for "A" and "B" trophie .
The trophies are donated by the Father
. Stephen Eckert Council and remain one •
year with the winning teams. Once again the
Better half of
They said it could never happen again but.
Steep, Steeper, Steepest is back with one
slight change. Super Steve, that bowling,
great, has been nudged gently but firmly
aside by the other half of the Steep team,
Diaphanous Diana Steep, who bowled her
highest single of the season recording a 199.
But was lady Di satisfied with this singular.
honor, not on your life. She continued her
dazzling night of bowling with a personal
season high triple of 490.
Team-mate and fellow skittler Sizzling
Sherry Tunney joined in the fun bowling one
of her highest singles this season and in do-
ing so she captured that elusive weekly
women's singles crown with her stunning
251 single. Carol, our super spare, shared
the weekly honors with Sherry taking the
women's weekly high triple with her
outstanding 644 triple. (As you can see
C.S.S. I fought down the temptation to men-
tion last week but I want you to know it was
Deb (get out the quarter Doug) Barry was
also humming, bowling a 221 single and a
sizzling 602 triple. Many of the people in the
know believe if Miss Barry continues bowl-
ing at such a break neck pace she will in-
deed have those new bowling shoes before
the end of this bowling season. If this should
turn out to be the case there may be no stop-
ping her.
Marvelous Murray Bennewies once again
bowled a great trio of games with yet
another 300 barrier breaking 310, coupled
with a shattering 824 triple. But that
quintessential bowling fiend Neil Beuerman
was on the spot ready to take advantage of
Marvelous' momentary plummet from 900
heaven. Bowling two 300 plus games (330,
302) culminating in a devastating 904 triple
he won the right to bear both men's weekly
high crowns. The wee laddie sure can bowl.
Crests were donated by the Hensall Co-op were Dublin 3, Zurich 5; Seaforth 2, Mt.
for the players of the participating teams. Carmel 4; Dublin .1, Zurich 3; Dublin 3,
Seaforth's St. James' School captured the Seaforth 4; Mt. Carmel 3, Zurich 1.
The program was in the charge of William
Murray and Don Moylan, assisting the
Chairman Leon Maloney. There was a large
attendance during both days. Other
members of the Council assisted with hot
dogs, soft drinks and coffee.
The committee thanked all for their atten-
dance and success of the tournament,
Junior "A" trophy and the Junior "B
trophy went to Dublin -St. Columban. In the
series of games the scores were as follows:
Mt. Cannel 13, Dublin -St. Columban 0;
Zurich 3, Dublin•St. Columban 3; Dublin -St.
Columban 5, Zurich 5; Seaforth 9, Dublin 1.
Mt. Carmel won the "A" trophy in the
Senior Division and Dublin -St. Columban
the "B" trophy. Scores of the games played
Steep team outdoes hubby
. Sun Life Assurance
Company of Canada
117 Goderich St, East, Seaforth
Tel. 527-0410
Heel Lifts $5.25
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The poor 700 plateau was also targeted for will come as no surprise. For the rest of you
destruction this week by Mike (the Mixer) it is a sad bugt true statement of fact. Article
Meidinger bowling a 756 triple and Daring 6 of the bowler's Law handbook (available
in paperback in any reputable bookstore or
bowling establishment) clearly states and I
quote "and if not enough green is in
evidence on this greenest of all days of the
year the scores of said night cannot ...
Doug Leonhart with a 716 triple. Dazzling
Don Deighton another D -Team member
came close to surmounting the the 700 bar-
rier himself but a well placed double-
wammy in the tenth frame of his last game
forced him to settle for an ever so close 691.
Doug Vock bowled one of his highest triples
of the season a 655 and Matthew Vock bowl-
ed a personal season high single 183. From
all of these scores it would appear the luck
of the Irish was upon the alleys tonight and
one Irish lad (Joseph Patrick - leftie - Ryan)
was not above using a wee bit of the Irish to
bowl his way to an average increasing 563
triple. Just keep thinking green Pat ... it
Actually tonight was in influenced by the
green the point spread between the teams
has done a gigantic flip-flop and landed face
first in a pile of ail shamrocks. The prover-
bial goose egg was the order of the night for
three unlucky teams while the remainder of
the league greedily gobbled up the gift
points. Therefore for those of you who were
green enough to collect those precious
points we so graciously gave up, I give you
this weeks standing. Swingers 12 (now what
are you going to do), Wingers 13 (that
sounds vaguely familiar), Team three 14
(you gave it your best), Expo's 18 (they are
back on top), Misfit's 17 (what can you say
about them that hasn't already been said),
Highballers 10 (we will win again but it bet-
ter be quick). Remember only three more
weeks till IAO -Day.
Bye the bye did I mention the existence of
an archaic, seldom used bowling law that
comes into effect only when you chance
bowling on St. Patrick's Day. For those of
you who are upon the history of bowling this
David Wright gets greats 203 triple in YBC
Having Fun '87, Lightening Express 86,
Strike Force 79, Kool Kats 71, Spare it up 65,
Strikers 44.
Singles: Bantam Joe Kenny 118, Monica
Ryan 182 Junior, Rob Holmes 189, Susan
Kuzmich 167 Senior.
Seasonal Singles: Noelle Thompson 115,
Joseph Kenny 173, Monica Ryan 228, Rob
Holmes 189, Janet McBeath 294, Kevin Dick
Triple: Bantam Joseph Kenny 340, Tracie
Carter 426, Junior, Robin Scarrow 472,
Susan Kuzmich 450 Senior.
Seasonal Triples: Noele Thompson 275,
Joseph Kenny 412, Monica Ryan 524, Robin
Scarrow 498, Janet McBeath 619, Kevin Dick
repeat cannot be considered legally bin-
ding." Being in such close proximity to the
thriving Irish metropolis of Dublin I found
the disturbing lack of green on March 17
centrally unnerving. Therefore lads and
lassies 'tis with mixed emotions and a heavy
heart that I must enact the seldom used Ar-
ticle 6. To do otherwise would be a shameful
travisty of justice. However there is one and
only one way to have this binding decision
overturned and the onus lies solely with the
winning teams. Each and every bowler
(save the few dear bairns who actually wore
green Thursday last) must atone for their
sad lack of greeness by wearing on their
person something, anything, greento the
very next bowling match. We are not
demanding green hair, a lowly dollar bill
wore in a tasteful manner would be satisfac-
tory. The responsibility and the decision is
in your hands. Do not take it lightly.
Can You Afford
An Anstett
Great Single Robbie Holmes 189.
Bulldog 66, Stare Fighters 66, Late Corn-
ers 61, Snow Balls 58, California Cuties 57,
Blue Jays 51.
Singles: Heather McMillan 147, Craig
Harris 165, Carrie Bannon 129, Derek
McDonald 150, Amanda Manuel 110, Derek
Hunt 131.
Seasonal Singles - Heather McMillan 163,
Derek MacDonald 222.
Doubles - Carrie Bannon 234, Derek Mac-
Donald 267, Heather McMillan 230, Graig
Harris 263, Amanda Manuel 215, Derek Hunt
Seasonal Doubles - Heather McMillan 266,
Derek MacDonald 368.
Craig Harris good single 150.
Tigers down Lucan in intertown bowling
to be held at
McKillop Township Office
11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M.
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you settled for "discounted quality".
Can you afford to buy an Anstett Diamond?
You can't afford not to!
51395. $1895. 51 545.
BY GEORGE LOVE Tiger averages at the end of the schedule
The Seaforth Tigers downed Lucan 291/2 - and 27 weeks are Murray Bennewies 75
181 in the final week of League play in games - 252; Bill Wilson 50 games - 234 ; Jack
Men's intertown Bowling action at Starlight Fuller 98 games - 229; George Love 135
Lanes on Saturday. game s- 224, Neil Beuerman 135 games - 221,
George Love led the Seaforth attack with Erich Matzold 120 games - 221; Roger Ed -
218, 206, 265, 289, 296 - 1274; Bill Wilson - 215, wards 134 games - 216.
276, 208, 236, 257 -1192; Neil Beuerman - 257,
Seaforth will play Mitchell in the first
241, 231 - 1108; Dan Bennewies 204, 227, 222, round of the play-offs April 9 and 10.
231, 219 -1103; Roger Edwards 246, 237 -1058,
and Erich Matzold 295, 207 -1037. Top bowler Final standings are Goderich 888; Bowl -
for Lucan was Ray Hands with 292, 325, 258, Mor 7711/2; Seaforth - 712; Clinton - 6371/2. St.
241, 218 - 1334; Bob Smith 221, 269, 254, 244 - Mary's 6101/2; Mitchell 6001/2; New Ham -
1181; Wayne Smith 318, 288, 213 - 1129; and burg - 5941/2; Mikes - 592; Lucan - 589; Zurich
Roger Bennewies 293, 274, - 1120. - 4841/2.
March 26
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