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The Wingham Times, 1904-04-14, Page 1
THS WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XXXIII,--N©. 1679, We are now comfort- ably and conveniently located in our new store in the Macdonald block (J. & J. H. Kerr's old stand), and invite you to call and see us. Will be pleased to show you the latest and most up - to - date in Gents' Furnishings for Spring wear. —NEW SHIRTS —NEW COLLARS, —NEW TIES, Etc. See our stock before purchasing your Spring outfit. Homuth Bros. J. & J. H. Kerr's old stand Macdonald Block, - WINGHAM 010111,111111. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 310001000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,474,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, th`e United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve rued, $1,;00,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— HON. WM. Gramm Vice -President and General Manager —J. TriuNnCnr.. 1:1111EOTO1¢S George Roach, John Proctor, A. B. Leo, John S. Hendrix, Geo. Rutherford. Inspector—H. M. WAtSON. Sevine Bank—flours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 to 1, Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No - *ember and 81st May each year and added to principal. eileei.n Oepoaita also received at current rates of interest. rex. • Britain end thet d Drafts an tar Y l7ni e States Botight and sold, Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham- ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Batik of England, Limited, which can be cashed without charge or trona bee in any tart oftho world. W. CO1ttIOULD, Agent DIC7S1N$ON dE fOLM•Es, Solicitors. PureMaple Syrup Received this week by express. A very fine artiole, put up iu tine. Try it. Oranges, Lemons & Bananas IN STOCK. Your Grocery Order. Will be promptly filled, with the best and freshest gnods that aro to be had anywhere. R. A. HtIIChiSOD GROCERIES AND °ROOKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 50 Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 00, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Sinloss, Greenock, Bruce, !Kincardine Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. ALso a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also agood blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotell doing good. business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cont. For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, lnanrance Arent, Holyrood. Real Estate Notice. I Do you intend to buy property in town this Sprig ? if you do, I can save you some money if you buy from me. I invite you to call and have a look at what I have to offer you. Prices from *+800 up to $8,800, according to quality and location. I have some special bargains that I would like to show you, and I feat certain lean satisfy you in house property no matter how particu- lar you may be. Big sale of Manitoba lands ou at present. 4=x11 and get prices. C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent OFFICE—Vanstono block, Wingham. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Perth Pi. neer Dead, Mr. James Miller one of the pioneers of Hibbert Township, . ear Cromarty, Perth County, died on S uday, April 3rd from an attack of ple risy. Deceased was about 70 years of go. He was a brother of Mrs. J. J. Mit hell and Mr. Andrew Miller of Wing am. Mr. J. J. Mit- chell, and Mr. S. t. Mitchell and Mr. Mil- ler attended the cneral. Have you seen Cooper's wall paper? ,ferry f .m Kerry. Patten & Perry's erry from Kerry Co. had a good attend= ce at their entertain- ment itc the oper= house on Tuesday evening. .The co pany has a good band and orchestra ant they put up a funny show that kept t $ audience in laughter all evening. Th; ' are bound to draw large houses wh, rever they go. Still big bar black plumes at are handsome. ins rs. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1904, Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Business The firth of Te general machtuit+ts toria street has be Rodwell is movin f, with, The basin tinned by Mr, Vas Paton who have fo Change. hider & Rodwell, nd repairers, of Vie - dissolved and Mr, to a farm near Nor - ss here will be con- incler and Mr. W. G. used a partue :hip• Experienced dressm to wanted at once. Apply to Mrs ' ixon, Beaver block. Oddfellows' The 2Gth of April sary day of the f pendent Order of members of Maitla members will cel holding a social e Mason block, on April 27th. nniversary. i11 be the anniver- indiug of the Inde- ldfellows, when the id Lodge and visiting brats the event by ening in their hall, Wednesday evening, Beautiful trim at reduced prices ed Spring Hats going t Mrs. Green's. Married uesday Morning. On Tuesday °ruing at 10 o'clock at the Wingham R C. Church, Miss Mar- garet Bradley, d tighter nf.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradley of ,'ictoria street was mar- ried to Mr. Gem e Haller, of Preston, The ceremony wa performed by Rev Father Hanlon in the presence of a number of friends. • To RENT — Corner store in Bntton Block is for rental, Apply to W. F. Van - Stone. A Quiet edding. A quiet weddin took place at the hcme of Mr. and M s. John Long, Vic- toria street on Thu -day eveuiug of last week, when their aughter, Miss Jennie Long was united n wedlock with Mr. Malcolm Lamont, of the Bluevale road. The ceremony w, s performed by Rev. J. N. McLean, B. . The newly wedded couple will hay the hearty congratula- tions of many fr nds. Seeds. Clovers, Timo •hy, Waverly Oats and sl etc. (xoose Wheat, to Seed Peas, EO. E. KING. Sunday Sch. of Convention. The executive ommittee of Huron County Sunday e hool Association and Christian Endeav r Union met in Clin- ton Good Friday orning and prepared the program for : noel convention to be held in Wingllat , Tuesday and Wed- nesday, June 1 and 15. As outside speakers it was c ecided to invite Rev. J. Gahey, Rev. , Albert Moore and S.S. Sec. Jackson, Ti onto. Former Win; hamite Promoted. Mr, Tim Frem in, of Toronto, a form- er operator at th C.P.R. station here was calling on h s old friends in town last week. Mr. position of tra C.P.R. and was official visit. pleased to hear o Frerulin saw ata ham and ninny and their places remlin now holds the Ding auditor on the iere making his usual dis old friends were his promotion. Mr. y changes in Wing - With the Ne This week Mr. A. ross takes charge of ti having purchased the from Mr. W. Colwell pt'ietor has our bust ', in the newspaper lin week's issue the Mitcl tered ou its forty-fiftl W, R. Davis, brother town, still at the 1� years with the same stretch, but the Advo with age and we wis continued prosperity spapers. Our Corr eKenzie, of Cul- Teeswater News, plant and business The new pro- ishes for success iness. With last ell Advocate en - year with Mr. f Mr. H. Davis of Ina. Forty-four paper is a long ate has improved its worthy editor Wanted at once—A g family of two. Apply at d ervant for 3IEs Office. New Tel Mr. C. A. Campbell the Bell Telephone Co past month added fou as follows:—Mr. C.G. No. 95; Mr. J. A. Clio Mr. R. Clegg's !muse, for Miss E. King, prof Lower Wingham, No. a total of 107 telophon Wingham, whioh is one one peop,e in the town showing and Mr, Cain gratulated as not man Wingham can boast of hones. local manager for pondents. correspondents to ach week whether We are looking to rscribers in their want the news uch. Sometimes news to send, but 11 you have more. t is the time your en one, is eepe- reader in your get every week if 1 one will be wel. We would ask our send in their budgets they are little or big. the interests of our s particular locality, an whether it is little or n you may not have mute don't keep that little uI When news is scarce ti two or three items, or eially appreciated by t sectiou. Send a big bu you can, if not, the smq comed. / NOTICE —The question is: How can Robe. Mclndoo loan Ms money so cheap on notes and mortgages?,. Call and See. Rom. MCINnoo. has during the Bowlers n t 1 h ew a ep ones, 'anStone's house, 's house, No. 57; o. 94 and oue ssional nurse in 3. This makes now in use in or every twenty - This is a good ell is to be con - towns the size of uch a record. WANTED—TO rent, located on main street ply at once to A. I. Mc ham, Ont. store centrally f Wingham. Ap- 1 `all & Co., Chat - Summer School a, Kincardine. A meeting of the Exec tive Committee of the Wingham D strict Epworth League was held in Win am on Friday last, when it was decided o hold a Sum- mer School for the study of the Bible and Missions at Kincardi r=, commencing the second week of Au st. It is ex- pected that a number of returned mis- sionaries will .be present luring the ses- sions of the school. Prvision was also made for a thorough ca paigning of the District during May a June, and for the holding of the ann =1 League conven- t tion on day after closi, of the summer I school. Ladies, don't fail t see the large dis- h play of city trimmed eady-to-wears, in ail shades and late.t styles at Mrs. I Green's. Change in Bu rness Stand. The store recently coupled by Mr. R. A. Douglass as a cl ug store has been leased by Mr. W. 3. Greer, and will be I used as a boot and hoe store. Exton - j sive alterations wi 1 be made in the 1 premises and the ste will be especially fitted up for boots Ind shoes. The G. • N. W. telegraph o e will likely remain 1 at the old stand as , largely signed peti- tion has been forwa ded to the company asking that Mr. Gr er be appointed the local agent/Mr. ereer will not move from his present st nd for a few weeks. We wish our gonia boot and shoe dealer continued success i his new premises. Dr. Brown will be at the Que s Hotel ou Tuesday, April 26th fr.r 1 R.M. to 7 p.m. for consultation i eye, ear, nose and throat cases. the old faces are gone aken by new residents. I Twenty car le ds of the very bee quality of coal Go to 0. J. Maguire, Real Estate Fill be in Wing1. Agent, if you want to buy a house in ,000 cords of town, he has just what you want. purchased and 1 ting wood next s order for next wi til you have had Wingham Coal a offered in long e The New F Green's. They 14lessrs. Walker Canadi Foresters. At the regular . eeting of Court Mait- land, Canadian F resters held on Fri- day evening las Messrs. W. Wauch- smuth, N. L. 13 anclon, M. Beckwith and IL 13. Elliott ere elected as dele- gates to the I-Iigh ourt meeting to be held in Toronto i June. This order is in a flourishing co dition, the member- ship now number . g over 55,000 anti the surplus funds am Bunting to over one million and a half: The Sco ch Concert. The members of the Royal Scottish Concert CO. gave splendid entertain- ment in the operah . use on Monday even- ing under the ausp es or the Westmin- ster Guild. Ever member of the com- pany fully susta . ed the reputation gained at their pr vious appearance in Wingham. The bad weather put a damper ou the att .ndance, but all pres. ent were well pee sed with the violin music by Macken' a Murdoch; the sing- ing by Geo. Neil nd .Harry Munroe. Mr. A. Lawrence urdoch, is a splendid accompanist. 7.h ambo s of the eom- pany o r co pane leave for their„ honor in Scotland next week, but will: return to Canada neat season and pro iso to make a re- turn visit to, Wingh m.. necessary arrange work on their new early a date as po tenni is being pur tory Will bo built the present facto house now occupie den will be move room for the new has this week Brown's property premises. rniture Factory. - Clegg are making newts to commence actory building at as sible. Building ma- ased. The now fac- tho corner west of building and the by Mr. Palmer Mor - so as to give more building. Tho firm urcicased Ida. Harry which is opposite their Street At the special Council on Mon of the appointm stoner was discus the opinion that official of the thi in the right dire Council have n t devote to the wore: on the stc repairing of drai payers expect a spend valuable ti works. If a man pointed mirth mo in the repairing town streets coal shape and we bel make no mistake Commissioner. ommissioner. nesting of tete Town y evening, the matter t of a Street Commis - ed. Tho Times is of ho appointment of au kind would be a move OIL Members of the the necessary time to verseeing of necessary ts, sidewalks and the s, nor should the rate- aember of council to e in supervising public f experience wero ap• ey could be saved in f drains, eta. The be kept in more tidy oho the Connell would in appointing a Street dered this week am this moth. rst-class w 1n will commence cut - eek. Don't place your ter's supply of fuel uu- e quotations from the ; d Wood Supply Co. W. H. GREEN. I The Wingham Bo organized for 1904 a Friday last iu the The following are tl President, Dr. A. J. dent, D. T. Hepbu urer, A. M. Craw tickets are now offe expected that the cli larger membership t siderable work is t grounds and this wil soon as weather will was quite popular in son and this year s interesting games. rganize. 1 ng Club was re - a meeting held on Council Chamber. e officers chosen:— Irwin; Vice Presi- ; Secretary-Treas- ord." . Membership d for sale and it is will have a much n last year. Con - be done on the be attended to as permit. Bowling ingham last sea- nld see some very Unreserved aucti • cattle. 1) horses ant , Bluevale road, hal I on Saturday, Iepril I son, prop; J. Pared. auctioneers. n sale of 70 .ad of farm 'um] • .cents on mile "r. - '" Ingham, Gth. Geo. Mender - and Jas. Henderson, Pig in a • Truth is sometim fiction. Such is t related by Mr. Cha Base line, near Osh lath, 1903, Mr. Cha ' G. Pterce on his far awastation. While' done, a sow belongin 'accidently and unkn with straw, and seen 1st, 1904, when sh • underneath the stra confinement of 75 d drink. reduced her t had life enough to had by continually stack made a hole t and thus saved her rapidly gaining str be as healthy as e reinarkable one. raw Stack. s more strange than e case in the story es Chattersou of the va. On December ereon threshed for just west of Osh- reshing was being to Mr. Pierce was Tingly covered up o more till March crawled out from stack. The long s, without food or a skeleton, but she walk. The cattle ebbing against the where the sow lay, fe. The animal is ngth and will soon, 'er. The case is a i A Smoki g Concert. The Owen Souu Liberal Club held a successful smokin concert on Tuesday evening of last wee . Dr. Macdonald, M. P. was one of the speakers and he is re- ported by the Ow •n Sound Advertiseras follows: —Dr. Ma. donald, M. R, when 1 called upon gave a brief address. He j had not thought r. make a speech hint- self, and as he kn ' v they were all present for enjoyment he was afraid if lie did he 1 wonld mar the p esure of the evening. However, in res. suse to the request of the company, Dr. acdonald proceeded j ress and development! cc the Liberal Gov - power. During that time Canada beca e a nation, and last j year, 147,000 pe. Ile had emmigrated into the western pr. vinces and territories. 1 It is said the prosp rity of Canada dur- 1 ing these years wa entirely due to the' dence—matters not I 1. But it could not be denied that th = (Government had enacted legislation hick had been ad -1 vantageons to the c.untry, and was still pursuing its wise an progressive admin- istration. He referr d to the importance of such organization • as tlee one he was addressing, the objets of which were to inculcate the princi les of Liberalism and fit the young m:• for the positions which statesmen of ..-day must soon re- linquish and they m, st fill. He dealt with the essentials o goo a government, referred to the excelli t school system of Canada, for which the country was indebted to the Ref. am Government. Tho patriotic spirit w, : referred to in glowing terms, the six leer recalling the cry that came across ti - sea for aid dur- ing the South African truggle, and the reply that was given to that appeal by Canadian volunteers. The battle of Paardeburg and the su •ender of Crowe ---the avenging of the d feat at Majuba Hill twenty years befo e—were in tarn recalled, awakening etc lcusiastio respon- ses in the deeply intei 'sted audience. In an elogcient peroratio I)r, Macdonald. expressed the hope tha such patriotic sentiments and love f e r the another country wonld long fell a hearts and actuate the lives of the rising genera. tions of young Canadians. FINALLY PASSED BY COUNCIL. Waik'er & Clegg Loan By -Law Re- ceives its T ird Reading. The Wingham T meeting in the ilea evening, with May chair and the meml By-law No. 513, loan of $10,000 to Clegg received its motion of Couns. passed. The clerk read a copy of the agree- ment between th town and Messrs. Walker & Clegg, e principal terms of which have beenti, yen in these columns, and with whic , ;i ratepayers are now more or leis fib r. An informal c 4' ssion took place re- garding the work 'i'tihe Street Commit- vn Council held a s office on Monday r Vanstone in the rs all,preser.t. 04, authoriziug the Messrs. Walker & hird reading, and on neer and D. Bell was tee, and the quest or not it would be man regularly eu,l l work iu eounec.tr drain repairing, etc i was raised whether dvisable to have a eyed to oversee the u with street and FOR SALE—One cow, in calf; one two- year-ola heifer 10 can ; two pore bran Bronze Turkey Goblers; two pure bred Barred Ylymuth Rock Roosters. 1 or parrauulars apply to Wm, H. Campbell, Wingham Tuwu Plot or Wingham P.U. $33.00 to 'the Pacific Coast Via the Chicago -Union Pacific & North- Western Line from Chicago daily during March and April, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle ,Tacoma, Van- couver and other Pacific Coast points. Very low rates to Helena, Butte, Spo- kane Ogden and Salt Lake City. Cor- espondiug low rates from all points. Daily and personally conducted excur- sions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Port- land, through without change, double berth only $7.00. Choice of routes. For particulars address B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto. SCHOO BOARD. Regular monthly meeting of the School Board helrl on Tuesday evening. Chairman Homuth pr siding and all the members present exee t R. A. Douglass. Minutes of previous m eting wero read and approved. The Principal's repor, for the month of March was read as fo lows: — Dept Boys Girls Total Aver. 1 A & B 23 46 79 GG 2 20 24 44 41 3 13 e1 44 41 4 23 el 44 39 • 5 23 22 45 40 623 21 50 47 7 33 28 (11 55 8 1_342 65 _55 191 241 432 352 Promotion examinati.ns were held at the end of the term a follows:—Part i to Part 11, 24; Part 2n to Jr. 2nd, 22; Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd, 20; r. 2nd to Jr. 3rd, 19; Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd, '9; making a total of 105. On motion of Messr . Griffin and Moore, the Principal's repo t was adopted as read. Accounts were ead as follows: -- Beattie Bros., dra\ ng coal, $1.S1: C. Lloyd & Sen Co., c al, $9.76; Vasbinder & Rodwell. repair:, $2; R. R. Mooney, material and repa' s, $3.35 ; R. H. Mc- Kay, glazing, 75 ; W. Taylor, extra work at school, S 50. On motion of 14 ssrs. Griffin and Lloyd, the accounts as r ad were ordered to be paid. A communic tion from Kincardine was read, askin for information as to how the school ere is hented and how i much fuel is us:" in a season. The Sec -1 retary was in- :rutted to answer the ! communication Two comma icatious in reference to the Sturgeon ails School Lill were read and on mo 'on of Messrs. Irwin and Lloyd were ord: 'ed to be filed. The matter of .urehasing a supply of coal for the seho. I was discussed and It was decided to d far action until next meeting. On motion the - laries of the teat•hers' and officers were rdered to be paid. to review the pro Over of the Dominion s already ernment went int blessings of Prov r.seam.. under human coutr Welcome ! Owing to the closing as a "DRUG STORE," the store recently occupied by R. A. Douglass, many aro left without a "DRUG HOME." Wo will be pleased to WELCOME any such among our list of SATIS- FIED CUSTOMERS. IsramemommorsmIn Our Drugs are right. Our prices are right. And we'll use you right. Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST Noxi door to pont office. $I A YEAR IN ADVANCE FARMERS, ATTENTION mists the season for FORMALDEHYDE We keep y the "Star" brand,put up in half and one pound bottles, with full dir- ections on each. One pound will treat about 50 bushels of grain, Insist on getting the "Star" Brand. It is the best. Fog SALE ONLY 13Y C. A. Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. Cheap One Way Rates to The West via Great Northern Railway. Effective daily duriul March and April, cheap one way colonist tickets will be issued from all stations in Ontario to all points on the Great Northern Ry, in the States of Montana, Idaho, Wash- ington, and Oregon, also all points in British Colombia. Oa March 15th, 22nd, and 29th and April 5th, 12th, 19th, Nth, one way second-class tickets will be issued front Chicago to points in North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full information as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleeper, also liter- ature on any of the above States on appli- cation to, Chas. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, G King St. West, Room le. Toronto, or 1?. I Whitney, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Many Gaffs are received from business firms and Many Students aro placed in good positions each year by the famous CENTRAL agiai E3TRATFORD., ONT. This school stands for the highest and best in business . ducatiou in Canada to -clay. Many business col- leges employ our graduates as teach- ers. We have scores of applications trout other colleges. Ask to see them the day you enter. Comutense course now. Catalogue free. son W. J. ELUOTT PRINCIPAL, Wiugham's leading Shoe Store Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church. GIasses supplied. Will be at Queen's Hotel, April lith. June 1st and 'lath. $50.00 to California and Return. Via The Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line, from Chicago, April 23 to May 1. Choice of routes going and re- turning. !Correspondingly low rates' l points. Two trains a day from all o � c . from 1 y Chicano through without change, Daily and personally eondueted tourist car excursions. Write for itinerary and full particulars regarding special train leay. ing Chicago April 20. 13, 10, Bennett, East King St. Toronto, Ont. i MEN'S $3.00 SI -HOES As good as you tau get any- where else by paying :t dollar more. It's a wenlertcil shoe store that can beat the world ?the that, and vet it isn't if eel: }.t.en:w how we de it. Everybody thought the world was flat until Columbus came routed. Pay us +CI.CDO in place of $3.50 er $4.00 eisewhera and jingle the change in ;ver ,;f:cltet and wear the smartest shoe in town. Most all the careful fellows are up to this trick. Are you, Sire Allgood leathers and riplit lasts. riminionewswirarell W. J.Greer The Shoe Man.