HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-03-23, Page 66 — THE HURON) EXPOSITOR, MARCH 23,1988 McLaughlin •Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main St. Seaforth 527-1140 • Service • Selection • Savings • Satisfaction • Leasing • Complete BODY SHOP Service ,13•16111. - Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil Dun Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 *Weddings *Portraits *Family Gatherings 523-9212 )located at Weatlield 5 mi. N.E. oI Auburn) TOSHIBA 28" STEREO COLOUR TV 1 09995 50 MONTH WARRANTY CX -2847 BLACKSTRIPE® Colour TV with Stereo MTS Broadcast Reception, Audio/Video Monitor Terminals and Random Access Remote Control •66 cm (28") Full Square picture tube for larger viewing area .MTS (stereo/bilingual broadcast reception) with dbx5' noise reduction system •1.10 -channel cable ready COMPUT-R-TUNE electronic synthesized tun- ing with channel return and programmable scan. TOSHIBA 4 HEAD VCR NEW ARRIVALS 'ALF' *Sweatshirts •Mugs •Pins SEE OUR NEW SELECTION OF MUGS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Complete New Display TANDY COMPUTERS r__,dsr r < MODEL 1000 SX M-7855 4 -Head VCR with 4-EvenU14-Day On - Screen Programming by Unified Remote Control •HQ •32 -function •wireless remote con- trdls Toshiba VCR and TV .4-event/14- day on-screen programming •122 - channel cable ready •10 -key random ac- cess frequency synthesized tuning • 1 -touch timer recording .2 -speed picture search (5x, 15x) and slow motion (1/7, 1/15) •Auto Play. 64995 VHS F K rocsri Faaurr Features 1 Disk Drive, and 384K RAM NOW ONLY 99995 Monitor Not Included FOR EASTER ... •CARDS by COUTTS HALLMARK •EASTER CANDIES *CHOCOLATE BUNNIES, EGGS, ETC. LARGE NEW SELECTION OF PLUSH ANIMALS For Easter and All Occasions PHOTOCOPYING - Nice Clean Copies - Day or Night - PHOTOCOPYING MAIN ST., • BOB & BETTY'S • VARIETY & GIFTS Radie►lhaek DEALER A.S.C. SEAFORTH, OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9AM TILL 11 PM t• 527-1880 YOUR LOTTERY TICKET CENTRE h ended on u've al ways de p one Now the sto yotwear needs os 9 for your familyopened one step further. We've the needs of our the Goderich store to service atter•_ customers in the ores b rleSCanbeaone accesso with wide Co-ordinating shopping convenience w our stop sh p assortment of Purses Bolts I scarves ph©nterrl Hosiery COsterile jeviell ery Etc• c fittings and with our custom take pride §, se to our customers.of children's, service a selection and l Carrying le'an°d den's quality, casual ladles ..:___-:_., ...._._:.._.....;:_._. a glimpse °f the footwear.and catch Visit us today °d Imes in now! new spring LIQitb'S SHOES Qu•Nt1 and S•nlc• S we• N9a Exeter 235-0611 see More Than Just A7q Shoe Store Ili11 tltllpri'ill r(l Iii tt'. (I i t;, f l q (11l�,�1 Clinton 482-9262 i1; tt r TI'P,teremC Goderich 524-7432 ) NEW BUSINESSMAN - Chuck Hasson is Seaforth's newest businessman on Main Street, and he has been preparing his shop, Candlelight Studio of Photography and Seaforth Art and Frame Shoppe for its Grand Opening on April 4. Corbett photo. Seaforth business area growing There have been a lot of changes on stock, and when the renovations are corn- Seaforth's Main Street recently, the largest pleted- of which is the opening of the Candlelight Kids loose will be dealing in children's Studio of Photography • Seaforth Art and wear from infant size to size 16 boys'. Mrs. Frame Shoppe. Aubin is also hoping to get some stock of Chuck Hasson is the owner and manager educational toys and books. of the new business, and he and his wife When the business starts it will be employ - Jean will be running the shop, which is real- ing one person aside from Mrs. Aubin, and ly two busineewws in one. There is the Deb Janmaat has already been chosen to fill Candlelight Studio aspect of the business the position. which does photography for weddings, SHINENS RENOVATIONS families, sports teams, baby pictures, sells Shinens has been under renovations in re - photography supplies and does 24 hour photo cent days, and the store has undergone a lot finishing, and then there is also the Art and of changes. Frame Shoppe which deals in photo and pit- The owners, Doug and Bee Foreman, say ture framing, and selling prints and limited they wanted to attract a younger clientele to edition prints. their business, yet maintain their current Mr. Hasson has been considering opening clientele. a business of his own fora while, and he says To this end they have carpeted, he decided on Seaforth because it doesn't wallpapered, painted and generally tried to have a business that offers what his store give the store a more modern look. The does. Foremans also rearranged their stock giv- Mr. Hasson has 10 years experience in the ing the stere a little more room, and have photography field (though not always pro- put their men's wear on display. fessionally) and has worked for his father The owners say the improvements have Don, who owns a business similar to helped, and they have been seeing some new Candlelight Studios located in Goderich. He faces in their store. has been interested in photography since the GINETrE'S EXPANSION age of 16 and has picked up a lot from his Ginettes Restaurant will have almost father and brother who are also doubled its seating capacity by the time photographers. renovations which are currently taking Mr. Hasson has taken a one year course in place in the store are completed photography at Fanshawe College, and says Dave de Vries says his business was he has a lot of experience with wedding literally turning people away last fall photography and studio photography because it was too full, and he is not going to through his association with his parent's do that again this year. So when the space business. beside Ginette's came available he seiner' "So I'm not just a guy who went out and the opportunity to expand. spent $2,000 on a camera and decided to Mr. de Vries' old office has been turned in - start a business," he says. to a washroom, and all the space toward the What Mr. Hasson hopes to offer his rear of the main room at Ginette's will be customers is very flexible service. utilized to add 15 seats. In the new wing "I'm here anytime people want pictures. another washroom has been added, a new If they can't get their family together for office made at the hack, and 24 extra seats pictures until six o'clock in the morning or added. six o'clock Sunday night, I'll be there," f The new space is currently set up with says. dividers between tables to allow patrons The new business is not officially open y et, some privacy, but those dividers can be but the public has been slowly ere,— ^ to removed, to allow larger groups - up to 30 in check things out. The grand opening ere number, to be served. on the week of April 4 - Al ' 1, and will Mr. de Vries says any community clubs or feature giveaways of Kodax products such groups can use the banquet room privately as pop coolers, knapsacks, beachballs, and at no extra charge providing they offer the a number of other items, but "Bill Cosby restaurant some business while there. won't be coming," says Seaforth's newest The new seats will likely come into use businessman. near the end of April, as soon as Mr. de Vries finishes hearings with the Liquor Board and has his renovations inspected by various authorities. LAUNDROMAT CHANGES HANDS Seaforth's laundromat has been bought by Bill and Anne Laverty of Seaforth. Mr. Laverty is hoping to replace the 20 pound heavy duty washer with a new one, and will be working on some improvements to the building. MORE TO COME LATER KIDS KLOZE Kids Klan will soon be coming to Seaforth. Joanne Aubin has done some market research in Seaforth and has found there is a demand for children's clothing. To meet this demand Mrs. Aubin will be opening her store on 53 Main Street sometime in mid- April (tentatively April 11), although it may be sooner depending on when she gets her HURON TAX .4CONSULTING SERVICES ranch Of Niagara Fa'rrn arid iness CoriMrltaiits (1964) 'Personal Services °No Advance Payments *Registered Tax Consultants *Fee $25.00 for Individual Tax Return HARRY DenHAAN 527.0551 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING . TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at the VAL- HALLA INN. KING & BENTON STREETS. KITCH- ENER. ONTARIO on TUESDAY. APRIL 5th, 1988 at the hour of 9-30 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the Board will hear an application m accord ance with the Liquor Licence Act. and Regulations thereunder The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the application will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time' Application For Additional Facilities Ginette's Restaurant 90 Main Street, Seatotth Additional Dining Lounge Facilities Lic encee: David Henry De Vries AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the municipality and who wishes to make representation relative to the application. shall make their submission to the Board in writing prior to the date of the hearing. or in person at the time and place of the hearing. (Copies of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant) Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO. Ontario. M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT