The Wingham Times, 1904-04-07, Page 71 iso•••sstasa sores rs z • A Tangled • 1 BY MRS. ALEXANDER Author of "Beaton's Bargain," "His Perfect Tru t," " By Another Name," " Her Hea is Idol," w "• Half a Truth," "H s Rival." • Cl'emetitfs®00419468cesetesselMINMif® 06®®6000®3 • i:ITArTI:P I. A glowing September uun•ning was pouring its golden light through this open window of a morning-roont or sandy, in the eastern wing of a pie- turesquo old house standing half- way up It hill -side 111 on. of the 91id- land shirt's. A but. kground of beec•la- ,*rees trained in its mellow red -brick walls, and before it lay a wide, un- dulating platin. many colored. and 'bounded by distant dim blur hills. A pleasanter room. could scums. bo found, though the furniture was old- fashioned, the curtains andcarpet faded. 'Pilo buy -window opened on a terrace, below which were pleasure - grounds: and in Otos/sass stood a l,l�sLble, spread with dainty china and i'felleate silve•i'—the remains of break- fast—anti a vase of hot-110lse flowers, from a conservatory into Which a glass door admitted. . The sole occupant was a gentleman, a slight, elegant -looking man of thir- ty or upward, wi!.h silky, wavy dark hair and small moustache. and an unmistakable air of distinction. 1 A pilo of letters hiy beside hits. while he had pushed away his plat., 'to make room for a book, which he o was studying upparotltly With (leap 141 [.rest, 'Presently he raised his eyes—"eyes of most unholy 1)1ue"— and looked upon the goodly ltandseripe which lay before 111111. But his vision was et'i- dently (directed to sonic. far distant 'object, and after a moment's thought 31e took up a pencil and begun to scribble r:ak:ulatious on the hack of a letter. "Yes," lie murmured. "if it can he Carried out, 1 shall he a free mita." 'Then opening the letter on Which be had been s('rawl ing. he tumuli 01er a page 1)r talo covered with shall firm wl•itlug•, and rend slowly: "1 shall du nothing about a second drustr, until sifter yoitr festivities, - tan the pa0'agraph he had selected. "Ilt•sidrs e Very ono is uwny :t this 1;.41.144)11. Need 1 say I have perfect lunilidrnce in you?" TI" folded it up and lint it under an (lust ic band, [which hold some other let tlas together, turd 1r•ttring the envelope into oilir.ue fragments. threw thole into the waste -paper ,basket beside hint. As he slid so, a soft. indistinct sound front all adjoiuiug room—the door into W1*k'h stood open—caught itis ear. 1Ir• paused 111,(7 listened. The faint rustling th•4ty 114urrr. and as Idea:Aunt '. oleo begun to sing 111 *t low tune. as if the 14ilgrr thought in song. The 1istcna4'°seela(d to re(•og- 11i'!.e the mask' or the V4)!ce. 11is face brightened: he half rose from his treat, hilt res)u(('(1 it as 11 he swished 1.O hear more. The 1"x1 111elllelt a wady walked through the dour -wry and stopped opposite to him. t *4' young t 111.1 .1 A v1. holy. all 11 slight. i, 1.x • la 1.I round 14 in I'(eful• she ;though <tn and g .111 was simply dressed in a maize -colored print and a pretty muslin and lace apron tied a Willi brown rlbbu11S. a Koch of the some snarled her stlapely. 'waist, and tan gauutl.•ts hid h4r hands, one of which held a large garden -hat manlier! with u couple 4.1 pale -pink c•hrystanth(1muns. The face 1 it had shaded twits fair and fresh. 1, and lighted by a, couple of largo dark -gray eyes--)'yi's. lesiva. eye- ' brows, all (lark. compared to the llight=brown hair that curled in a salnall fringe over her brow, and was • gathered neatly hawk into a large I knot. ' She gazed for an instant in h'nnk ttanazl'11eu1 11t the al n1Leman, who 11•ose to greet 1(r1. --)11x1) a quirk 1.1•1ght man!!' (ur1'111 her trod 111(ped kindly !mouth, m1(1 Lunde a little coquettish I int( rrogatj\( dimple i1 0114' cleat., as ,she Cried: • "Why how—when did you None, ,•xquire? We all faneb (1 ,you were in Scotland.'• f "Well, you see 1 tun 101," hr re- turned, advancing toward her with !'ss.n outstretched hatd in which she :placed hers. . •'\ d that (11r 1.c1) do - ing, I should like to l.noW, invadil4 # Jay premises in 1 his hurgiltri01•4 fash- ion?" 1 , "You know very well 1 always r f,• ,o n•1.h. fah 1)t 74 for nos hooks I ! •COs t to t• .•t,•' tool 'by tun ) ter. want a s1. 'llipa'nr stab 111 absents,. you ought "Nervous Headache and Rheumatism I. Iklth thoroughly cured by a course of tr ,t - meat with aro ('ha.e'' rt Nerve Food and KidueyL41'cr )'ills. l' These two great remedies of Dr. Chase are used together with great success by many per. tons. While the KidneyLiver fills awaken 1 the action of the liver, invigorate the kidneys, and regulate the bowels, the Nerve Food form! 1 new rich blood, creates new nerve force and builds up the system. 00,,,j to Nrs. C. IIATTiSOlt, 4 .,...= 373 ILTurray St., Ottawa, Ont., states:---"hor a. sometimcIwas asuffercr front nervousness, dizzi• nes*, nervous headache and rheamatism. I had ethe rheumatic gains for .ren' V about three years. Sell.i4cral weeks ago 1 began ,• the use of 1)r. Chase's Mrs. i3attiseat Nerae Food end Dr. fl'cea Kidney -Liver end have found thst theseces medicines \4 UT11. d together Ther t1e5t 1'111,fuairily in my easy have taken 1 altogether Several boxes of the Nerve Food and iia now entirely cured of' my old trouble. 1 !know of others who have used these pptellara• , tions and leen cured, and 1 can therefore heartily nonmetal them." The portrait sal signature of Dr. A. W. Carse on every box. not to 1.141 surprised if thiet-.s did break through and steal." "No, 141111 not in 1110 least sur- prised," with emphasis, "11'.11 I was. a little, when 1 found the library .!window open," resumed. that young lady, "but 1 thought airs. Storer was having a thorough clean- tug, so 1 walked in, and imagining she was in this room 1—" "t'uearthod the master! 1 14111111tu- cept your coating as a good moon." Ills handsome, though 14.onu'What worn, face was aglow with pleasure as ho spolc.: but her eyes were at- tracted to the pile of Inters and the open book, and she did not notice hits, •'T arrived quite unexpectedly last night, to the great disgust of nay few faithful retainers," he went on. "Do you know I have been planning gnat things:'—things that will rejoice you, dna belle L40nore.,, "Pray don't give 1)141 my long 1111.111.." she exclufined, with a pretty impatient pout. "11 always reminds 111' of. that horrid rayon tapping_ at the chamber door. \Chat are your groat. thi))gs?" •'Dorrington and Isabel. are coming to stay with me, and the 11ta1't't•ys, Algy Balfour, Mrs. Mal -stall and a lot more, and 1 tan going to give a big hall to the nobility, gentry.. and even the cads (41 the surrounding country." "No, nosily!" with evident de- light, "y 011 aro qui11' charming for thinking of such a thing." "I gilt glad your estimate of me coincides with that of society i11 gen- et•tt l . " "I1ow )natally c•ouceitr'(1 yon ore, Squire. hut i rue glad lady Dorring- ton is coming, and I shu411 be de- light e d to (lama at, your ball. Now 1 must go. flow bate you are! The breuk"ast things: 141!]1 en the table?" and glancing rot the book as she walked to the window. "What 1.u'(' your studies? Csiengstry'1 Who are kora going to p4.'14o),? 1 slid not think you were 14c'aist i:.( "Nor tun 1. 1 1)141 only a student of human moans Bat don't you wall! .1. 1100k:' Lc 1 1224 1.1341 cat,", 11111 I will curry it 110111'• 1'11r you." "You are too (gl og•ing.. 1 watt' a 1.(.111114' of Pups. 1 btu! 11(115p11V lust Hight with lir. )Canton about a pas- sage in the 'lasts 4,l 11,. Leel,' and 1 Want to prays myself right." "All'" fa 11)111.1-d1•.LW 11 "alt." "Ts Ile here? Well. Lind i4(1' boot., and I will escort you hack." Ile gathered to, his moans, thrust them into a bulaa1), 11114 he locked and rang for his Vu let. 1lis visitor returned to the library, a large 14ntu14re ttpurtua'ut 14(4'14(1e(1 with a faint t!':l;_i.tcid odor of Itus- silt 1(•14) her. and from one of the well - 111.1c(1 shelves selected a book. ')'hen put1.1tlg nn her he.:, she 1(1114144.41 through the glass (how ley Which she )) at 1ho had ,'ntered, 11114 st(e d gutit:•g with, luurlu 11)11. 141411 !e 11•0111 t he 14r- rac.. "All this seel,ls *4111)4' .u( sigh after contirocitrel 144,•11 ra." Said lire squire, joining !ler. "I1 bas 11 great rharlu for me. 'l'lu•re i( to 14rn5•: (: 1!'ir, and frr/•c1ou1, and c!e•Irfu1ness In is (3!)1111 1.lnd14cnpe *ha.t you 1.rl,r44,1' 1.101' 111114 where." Site 47'14(•( tat1'11 .1 lie steps 14) it he graveled put 11 181.•111 h (.s sl.• 14)40k4', her CO2!)1..0,10/1 i, 1loWiTig, and coming op beside 11,1•, -You 1,n Vo preserved a large amount of tat raaisti, it spite of solo- long 14ojo.:)1: (1l,I1,(1(i.'. "1 !late: yet 1 1074'' G4alutny. too. ] was t( ry 14(41'1"; 1het•1•." "Were you (•74er ulllua!,1'y be t,sl.- ed. with a slig11t1s colte1uptuva14 up- lifting of his grouse "Well. no, 1 do neat think I '••.et lea 14. 1 11:1'. o been NITS'. very sorra for the 1ru11)11• of 1ny, fr4411ds. 141(1. not on 114y x'.74 (1 1144101211) "Friends? Soto,• 1)l,14)11tii nto :c' its you refused. 1 14: pJ (ses" "Vo, intles si. 1 never refused any (.11(..•' you had ' 1.:•u• d u • c1• t 1(l sl ,-. c ].n I •1 11•,11 shoals of bold 1'1:1•'1l 1.1.11(1 male woofs 111 ye'it• 1,:11'. She langherl 0,rrrly. •1'1411 see 1 heed t,ot tat. rapist:Il;,1n • s*4Ws •ill.. ❑1(d 1 t ,4•'11 � •n b1. 1 f 1 I F. , ) 11011011.(1," ./ „1 . •1 . rte • P - . titer 1.h 1).t •1•\'I.ui 1.t i 4 L peessnfou4!" he )•( (ururol 1,111••1•iy. "I don't fwd a,•t•tn•sed, t hough 111.• gads 11:1(1 booms (lir) not 1'!'l14a• to (w,•. 1'0:, 1114!1. ashen, 14 0. :list the ;•'atest itullrutelt,'•ol.s. the 11.(4t suc- cess's] eareers. l.,,1c Loan stri•ie%.4 b: men W Lo 14)444 st•ttt: e a Naas to be- gin oath" ..Your rally, fault. Nora. is t,)1;ng too rettso1u141r. It is a„ 14,11.10.21 one, If yo41 wiil 1"' ..i a kiosit an to speak pl.litily ." -A kit:sul:11 too remote for the right of f1tuit-f: 1,g.'' she iL),'t•t•.Il.t- ed. With a. susses 111th. Lod. "Ah! 1 Moe foss(' you as '44:•y dl1:- tant cousin 1111114 n.'• So t)Illting, 1114.y Walked 1)(roC14 4111* pleasure -grounds, rad 11.toIgo.1 pale '0 Web admit led them to it Wide park -like stretch of pasture, bordered of o1)e side by a strip of \uodluud into which the push led. i'1(•on the ground began to slope sler•pl: e!t%t1Y ,' � +.r. )4 21 eau 1 'taw tl } ) , haIl4 1.v esu 1.2) t 4 1.t )i. ! 11 t of 'which riot n 14111,11. at 'iver r (analog incl diose l21'ing 1,14.4111},• b4'4 Marek. w, 1 same's, tnctl )''lq.tt:i: ntt•r a:1: 1,1,114't 'u)'l.y 1't,ri i. e, sonde feta 101':(111 d y sods :•Lev,', A hose they , sr lash roan t l.< strews. reun,. 1 dart•t W ivy -grotto birder r ,,nod t11' 4 1.l 1 1.110411.• lowtird WLi:a they came it. srt;1tt of a low n•rog;tlur house. or y111 111.1• sort rage. (a, the r'l•posit 1.r side. '1'lae grottos! 11)11st•diat4:4 rou1,rl !t wits[ bora, and 112411, fell s'4dd1•hly 1 or 1104 titer. IN 1.::e 1114 )igl:t through the tries 1.1a.,l1 shooed 1)ud it stood 4,n THE WINGILAI TIMES, APRIL 7 Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best Ask 10r the Octagon lase. 245 the summit of the flank: n richly green, close -shaven ]town. with a trw flower -beds near the 1100Se. a project- illg twitldOI o1.• two, to Ver111(18 with supports of unb(u•ked wood, and a huge elm tree, surrounded by a seat, satiating wow the edge of the decliv- ity. tiut(le a pleasant islettu'(•. "flow thoroughly English this looks," said the squire. "It is quite Arc:alien: but you will be awfully bored after awhile. and the sight of your abode reminds not 1 hate nater 4151tr•41 for Mrs. 111 1st rltlge." "She is quite well, and will be t OW 111rltslrl to see you." ".lied 1 shall he roily too glair to tro;tl.le you oath 311: pres(•ue1: but not this morning. 1 have a pile of letters to ansoer, and an upp111ing amount of tll'rIU(g( lui'ltts t(1 make. lit short, 1 ought not to have come 110 far (afield with you." "You area volnntnry trn8111," she returned, pausing on the bridge. "That 1 acknowl.(ige. Now I have seen you to 1110 edge of your own territory. I will say good-bye. 1f 1 conte uu(1 beg a cup of coffee about . eight or nine this evening, 1 suppose I shall not be barred out?" "1f the door is locked WO Will let you in through the window." 1111 bowed, and raising his soft felt hut. with easy grace. stood looking after her LIS she walked away tvitle a smooth light step clown the path which led toward the cottage. wt:)3 unmistakably 411 "squire of high degree." Above utf(1(110 height. his wall -proportioned fissure had an stir of picturesque dignity in his rough bet 1741.11 -cut shooting -east: his long. liar, iu(browited bund grasped a light walling -stick, and 118 he walked quirl.ly hack toward home, he cut Ilse heads from the tall reeds and grasses liur(lering his path with sharp. 1i(1(1111il1• strokes, as if he )(aid some detested (neluy prostrtt., at ('Very stroke '•'1'I:ls folly—wutlnoss t•atl14''-414 at desperate rompllc•urion, ,tet it is irre- 14isifbl.," he muttered to himself, •'1. hate only to he hold ea1ug'h 4(1(4 1 24111(11 544(4.4 ed! After? i\'r•(4(')1115, per- haps: i.ut 1 shall 11u.ve had an inter- .% nt.et•- '.11 o1 life and joy, it will he some- thing to !.now that, conte What 11013., 1 but'. 11r4.1 1)14'S4('(l," Hs g!auc•ed round sharply and sus- piciously. 1,1t the Only living things 1tecu' w4•),' a 1111 lc. I,rutwn 141111d1r,t that 1e•0ne1'('1'e(1 114 sadden fear up the rug- ged stein of 1)u oak, 011(1 a soak,. rust hog 81n4)4g the fallen bates us it eS('1O1((1 10 its 11014'. ll. toughed to himself, a cynlrel laugh. 74'(4t•y di17ereet froth the soft, caressing smiles lie bestowed on Ills, talc %isilor. Clifford 11ur*4d,m, the Squire of Evesl•igh, 71114 one of the fortunate individuals sometimes described as having brew "horn twills. a sill (a spool, in his month." 111• had suc- ceeded his father While still a school- boy: the sayings of his u,irtority en- itbled Ishii to stunt clear of all i1)- ('U3flhr(ulcr•s abets he came of age. and 1111' SixtMal 1)t• ) 4.1r1t.et1 weary 11•hlrh had since e!ups,d hold 141,412 diligently urcnpi4.41 1,y 141411 in creating fresh 04(4'5. Ile hate 1'1.\'1.111 %t Rh l cannlless extra- "'1'1 co4)l;1(4• 1+1(111 the glories of , sl ,..(1, 1104 tIs)11 grr•,11 111known: 14(11 I l4gt:ra'e 1(1,41 14•1•!f-intittlgouc,•, iI,. butt •1111. 1 tnth14111 1(1:41 11,1' jrwt 1ik.' ant quite sure halt -quality is the d"1(. ('11,:'', 1.1.111}', seen 1.tsay thams 4 x- )Cho is going 10 giro a Mall:' ' in soul of lour and lrienth+hlp. Now.- huusted ''(•rytl(i11g possible for a a s 1.111"'d lone ; rls;n(r. "1 110)51 start. When. is y1.(- f:'•latie•Ina1 a110Se c•Lnrtet4•r W(1 rrtili ;'(9 iT ld ir)t-fb')). ' 1 to day's ''1'411.•'.' 71. 1.12:' 11y blind nt:r, whose poploaoty sus un(tiu(in.. "Why he is. Got) knows. wiser•"' ! ,ld hi2lei i'1•"fe11. a n)•ttspup,r 10 the 1141,, d. 111uJtrr*4 anti city 1„'11 knew lit• is 1St laves sigh ('orae into nada " 904 to say 44441( .,•. •• (1.4131'...F;(1.4131' 11'111.11•1•F. r(1'I.s'. '1'114:y 14111(1 11111 the` *'h'11 ul(rry bewitched. 1111(1, our her Pact, • 1 1) Out il'i,• teat' desperete,',y anuvy- wan ha:, .t0 .•Duffs that it 5(4418! all 1101 tri I.(a't 11:1. 11111, hi 11111, hhc• horrid unnatural for a child to be 11(1.14 11)'(14r11 herself 111 hi4 V(1014111. 1:o taken 1113 With her step -IMO 1'1Yr. I),Q as 11.1414:1414 Was outs presented However, Colonel I...Estrange, hai- to her n rt,lll,h' of days before the ing been ordered to haul. (44 1111(1 wedding. et en the eitor (i1Ig Celia baths for (tire of rheunittism. ('04.1(1 not effect w1 exehuRlgl,." hronght on by standing klee-deep i(1 •• Do1('t :air like Abs. Itut h'. a t,, i hat the i ivet, fishing, r1tllut-ed lois Sulu- you speak >'o 111-11tatretil, :'" surd 14011/ 4fCt•eal11t•(1 by- another (len- nos 1i jest rouge, 1(,4(41}11(! 11)1 from gilts, beyond the reach of ((1QIIridee the ro11p11(•uted :ail.'I.c'ry with [which gossip, and, for r('esolls best known Oa 174(414 covering!' the )'(Itl(•I'11 of 4a tea 1linlseri, lel 1)rookdulo fur several ham:dkl•rc1,1, 1. "I 11. (•1gt bre 1}r•. tout yea1:5, 54111)111thc111, the 11'4,14 tot,• Leta) to ile was ttlready 141f-forgottc•n, lona' when the local papers 0tuuntucrtl his ''She is tw(luahtedly to charming (death 1(t 1lrrsden. [woman. I was lave 11.e had taste 111s widow vont haled to reside rat to like i'4 is that is ma'am; to abroad tillthe terns for Which the 141111*." Ilrook(1u141 !tad berm let expired. tool "It is odd! I all afraid you brae had only returned. with 11a.1• own and C1•outs t;:1.,1.11." ret4lru1(1 Mrs. i 'I:1•- h(•r step -daughter, in the preceding tramp., genies. sp1 1(1 . "1 don't third4 1 Lace." Tho 1Fadies ofTlroo'.td)1' hard 4111151)- "Celia." repented \ora, "what. an .d their midday meal. width tats tinustnd ozone." limeh(•on to tit er big neighbor's. and "Yes: 1 womsler• 11111.414' old Guthrie dinner to themselves. Litt14' heat- found it! It rood 1,111 1.4111' 181.8 rice. Nortt's hull' -sister, was teuclli1g h:•r Mother's. fur she was 11 Port u - a c}elu'esrd-looking Dachshund. with gid se 114111"1este..• out -turned tors, to lag. When a neat ''Yet lbs. not it ''n is fair," urged pnrlor-lntai11. op(114d 1Lr (1001', and 11rs, 1.'1'slranee. shit •'A caprice of matins she NI, ill "if yon pilaw.. ma'am. 1)r. Win- darken, us she glows older," ton IS i1) ll:. (11111113 (•(44.11." ')iota lalig has she been a wid- Mt's. 1.'I•..:tr•at1ge ruse from her seat o11''" asked Nits. 1.'1.*4ttuugr•. ns if to join hint. bet Nora cried:About 1.«o gars, SIsr i, (1 11)41141 We had better)tl'k 1411)1 i1) twee. lie (lite)• ('oot• Hat)1tln's truth, taut) bus I:,Y'a s11001u)1:', i suppus,'. (111(1 1a)u!(Irrrtl an 1l. 4'ot,1!11'•I1.t tilt she 3,011 nrcay be sure !,r is 1,uogo%." could doff Ler %leds. 1larsdi'i ought "1 174i11 go *41,1 frtels hill)!" ex- 10 11141('4,4, L,,•r. she 140s 1*4,1,)•74 enough stains( c} Ilea, lull! ilex 111) (41141 lel l itlg to put hitt straight, 111, es Fume say, the 1 iscuit With 11'hi:h she haul heat'. 11e is 44 111114• dilllm41,'' 1lPring the 11)41':s fall o11 the ((ulna "IIB 114))11 !.now that, for be ]tale as she nolo 41 owes. Sae m111 a 411.1- ).0)144 thing to (10 '.1.111, lea' In•upert1., 1(1(1,' 111(1" (•4('t1:1')' (.f 144N'(11 (>r 111114 1110 LW?" 14111(1 '1}1'S. 1:1:).tral1ge, right, with big dr.rk 1 ye 5, mud fair ••IL• is ('14' of 1141• tr.,s1, es." re- hear, and idle, elel)r. Willful monk- (u(•11rd Winton. "The 1:11)•x, an 1)1(1 .y, with %%h(un 1:: r 11111th(•)' stray(' }r: fr}(•u(' of Ii,•*' laltb.r'4, died last sear. 1.11.111 to tae stylist. end who helms( '1'hi5 )1(•o ert111 visit oral hall 14'01.S a goal deal on Ler step -sister. as if littts'rals was ma going to let "Ilea is quite eCrit1d.'• said 1111414 30 rich a i•riie slip ila•uugh his lin- 1.'Estr:11:1:", laughing. )111(1 before the gee:s," 14:11ther routs! reply the child re- ••1 don't 1liank the sgoit'e i5 mer - turn( :I, !.•10:11w 4:4 the band a tall. (•('11a1•y." said Nora. 'sleight fulls-, !)arr,•••Ir(.n'•d nein of perhaps six -and- 1,•ttiug her %tura drop into 114(' lap. Oasts 1)r toot(, turned by exposure "Peehtps nut," replied 111uta,11, to sun 14(141 Whitt a sleeper red brown caw•1osS1y, "Arc you gulag to spend 1hall 1V08 bt'couur,g, with thick, short this fin,' 'Inv in 1114• 1.101„.„.,miss L' - Bundy halt•, and light gray stere }rstrang,.! .-es. lie wore « slooting»j:ark(•t ••\o! 1 1,1.11 going )n the tillage. 1(11d I:nic!erlockers. 1 uloays p -it,• poor old :bs. Sykes "1 feel 1 «m n)4 intruder." be said, to, bout• or tat, 111 t1.o w(•'•k. She shaking lentils with Mrs. 1.'1?strange, is Il ' I,lt.tksm,lth's 11.1')1„•), i.ad 15 and then with Nora. "1 did not in- q:ails 1.11111." tens) to ,1-1. 4o ''1)t 1y. 1 11001'(1 yon You Lu%e so1'n 101111, auto well. fin !u tnwti, 11115 ((owning. turd rat- 111441 rouutry WuyS. ' 14:.114 1l int un, culnted on cleerine your 111rh''('f1 looking 511(di1: 1)1 her. "Are. sots hour. hut the birds are very '.wild, or und1.rt1)huc the pato 0f l.t.(1 liuult- 1 wits less kern limn ,114:1(41, and got 1tul',•, o74e1 the gr4)1n)d quicker."•"')'hut ! .41.11 rot, for axtelirnt 'We will forgive you,' return('d reasons," she returned. laughing: 1]t s. L'Estr18ng4. 7411411 44 friendly :411(1 1 0111 sorry to say 1 du not. smile. "and 1 dare sty, it you have like 1isit:1134 11113Ulg the p)(4:11.1.1s1 c r. 1 111 mut 111)•4(01, ILII 1.14, yon h,'gln 10 17411'4 1, 1 1 (ant h(lrutling. 1111(1 11)11111111; is the IWO! of souv'1111ng 4o eat." 01 thio: so *4,11,11 begin to 1uk1 Kluft "'1114111.14. 110. 1 laid some stand- 74411* du us a right. 01. el f11ge and w!r•ts au hour ego," "Still. Still'. a 1.1s(tait 1111(1 n glass of [thin Low rst 1 to 111-131 then:their lot is 11114)bauintdiryr tsho,y}11d10(1 olat khta1(tII sug34st4(1 Nora. ilsinunt-Ih• )it'll (411(44' bitterly than they du: "ales 1 :o1 1.0 be desped," rel'lecd 1 should. T alit Suer, Life altogether. 4ilnt(111 dl•lowi1,g 1(" chaiisr to iihu is a te:vitae puzzle," table. while one fair hostess poured + "')'hen don't g0 and ('rad to this oa•t l,is 1% int, (11)d :smith's. brought ( 111(1 at'ru1111a Ito 11,',' st„fry (•4,01(4: come the 1 isc'uit tiro. both of von and (sato 1111' back "1li:y I hate some of the pretty I thruug[t FAvslr.igh Woods. ')'hey ore brown feathers franc those birds you looking 11411*' 11,'14*,.• h ft in the hall, tar 11:y doll's hot," Neat colored 14liglul4., but shook 1114';1.1.1 Cert.her heart. "1 dare 1413y our mantilla will give "I 00,st ant (! su/point pnor incl 11)e11) 141 you: 1 I'rongltt the birds for ' liotsy . I 1 rally 14.114171 1ay reading her. \\(r' :o)1 !n OIdbI•idg't•, tea, � 414 a pl' l45lur thive 1(11(1 1 1!1441 1) 1;i s L'I?strau4''?" he continued, I too: she 41' a 11, o01111.1) of >41t4o1g('hIiar- loo i )g up quil•kly , 11g she offered ' 11(1)14 111,14 great in1.11,gonc e. She runt him) the 1•iscuits. her 1(111 (411.• N(11'1 111111110";011S. 1211(1 111• °No. 1 11111-eIr t t(n mI)t' - is •y., r.• 1( .))t sIr• )•f l sort t 01 Citta! 1, moos p tending t over the 'luau. 1 should not like to be his 1: tl as 1 11(13- pretending to "1 1' amino! 1 thought you were ! •'1 14) 4.41)1 ;0..11(1 to rale your future far too In•u:•tiral to dream. Whati t,i,sh:111.d. 11is14 lar.:strange?" ores ;1)u 1(!4'1lhl::1g about?" "1 have 110 4 list Met intentions r• - 1.h;:1 las h,,,ds wrro 1i/•a1,17 1.,ur1- the dent's,^loom. ai.(I 1 will tell '11 yon 1'.i!I not escort 11,1' I will rstgrd; but snriety, ns yet. curly std- you 1)!i 1,hucl ii a' (scot') :ell," said Mitten, nured itis mttgnilic(sore, withoa:t Bore 111.14 I', a was ea:•r,l(1 1.11 by ••W'iti, (11, witltul:t 111y 1,0114''" ex- ,1,•tltting his sa11l'71ry. int l:email go\ell.es4, riot a it hoot ' 4.)((ltzte(1 Noru. holding u)• 0 finger 1fiisi•igh had s,rn 114111' ('1 11s 111,114_ 1011(1 111.4•1Is14a1c1s 1(11(1 reproachers Rar111110y. 1)•1' of hate years. but. 111 11114 1.111yl111 14(1(11,• s":1 to \tlt,tut), who 11.11>4 1)l- \\intoe, 111)144)41.11. (lays. 1,44(1 for surto' 14111e t;fter 01144111- 14'4,4.1 on the 'f(:e of outlaw:1y. ''if you ore g1'8(•104•,ly 1lt•nsetl tb Meth his majority. 'Marsd,•1, hunted "1 w1:1k,'d up to 1hr 111111 11115 1'ermit 11,e," it(• udd)'d. •o,d s11111 in (ins Seas(•n 1,1 E', s- u16rt.'o6'." rrs'urt,(1 miss L'lstralge, -- leig)1. ' 111:r,: 1It. y 111.41 a:OVed ti' t 1e draw- (To be continued) !lis near neighlo!• and r( :alive Was Ma•rooils "1', Irak 1111' that )'o3-s11ge ('olune) L'1'sU•1)ngr. of 1b•oolslu1.•, o: 1 ops, a ,..4) 7474hir1 you etre s1( 1ht. col Urge !1151 (14.see11e(1. ' 114:141,4'., u. 81(1 1111.1, I fat:11(1 111e ! CHILDREN. 1� '1'):e beauty of Mr sight had )'rule sou 4. ear Ole his 1•reakfast tit ton P�AYFUi. 1i���i1 E�. ably induced the h:iilder of I•.'.'.l i_h ;, 414 41 a." ;souse tolace that rdiGc. on t•tc 1.1'1111.111 1,1u;;e••oc. something Nor - 1 1 k state. 1• l ) 1• 1.for i1) stream � slat, t u.t at , t c tit1.1 .1 g soowr-mentiolc4 was its 1loutulary' ' 'Theo 1 o 101(1 nae that Mrs. Beth - on this side. ale farm tool Iasi- Nen, Lord and Lady Poir.ngtol 141)11 duce of 111,nlu101' 11441 1111.1 1.111••• i a 14.1. c•f 1'"011 were 4ot1,ing 10 stay. rl:nsetl by 1b)• 141)1,11')''5 1:1.41.1.-grittt(1ii,i- *1,441 1,1• m1,5 e: :113 to Bite a grand titer. also static() it on his(.•(lv dim -boil 14 1.1.0 alai t tr.4t1 . ! I1: n 11(1 ,*4 ti .• a '- r , Mind. n 1YIII ( . eaters '4 1'1'111 41. U •• 1 oast d1. .l1.. ( . This d 11.111.1 1)c. 1 t. a c. a t 1.t a lads, I. 1_ 1 r1) ' .*4s .•, ,,- ,• r. la not 14 n . ,' good family. ('e dot \ r 111•.14 t.. '. 1 a I 11.. 14111.11••1. r l c 1 a 1. , 1 lalstl'„a1( 74w(114 her grail(!5(:n. rotas sl.::!',.fly. mut rosy . loco a st•i1- /l(• 11:141 tentried in 11111111. (11.41 soon :aeros1' ((41 ('hl'st!n. 4.).14 (' •'•t•. 17411)1 atter his 14141 1110*'. 11;14 (!.'!ic:4(r ; 11„• ” Wife 1(1 41 somewhat su4id,I:1y. 1121- 4 114:,1.4.11 .l:,used 1)t her• a slow ing him a l,ah_y eiel wi navel (:'.e 141:)11, tele:0,1.a a itis fore. yr:115 olt1. The roloerl, 11 31),74 o, ter- i ' .11,(1 11111 0 1 1.1111. sit,'(•!:41,41 Ir:y- )1UI'lr loath, 441.1.101' lads:"urs. anti ,.Il- self." he said. "y144 t.,li show 11e 30:'1211,1(4 !I, 121.),14'.14, :hod .1, :L has: soot. roar shed cop mitt* the lames 1,:11,1,'' 11,11114', 111,1(14,"gt•(8.rt.1,11 f1 o 111 ' of 14.1' l'4'1,411 1' :