HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-07, Page 61.0.111 TRE `Y'ItG11A M TINES, APRIL 7, 1904 Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. - Owing to the success of experiments, sugar -beet culture will be attempted on a large scale in England. This leas been a hard winter ou bees. It is estimated that not over 5000 of these industrious luseets will live to sip nectarine from next summer's roses. SICK WITH WORMS. Mrs J, D. Mayo, South StuIcicle P. Q., wrote the following: "One of my children took sick with worms and after trying everything without 'getting relief wa prooured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup which aeted promptly and effectually," The Walkerton Binder Twine factory will not be put in operation until the fall of this year. About 15; tons of twine are pow on hand. The man whose concern makes most of the tin signs weft in this country is an observer of advertising platters. His experience indicates that tin signs are most valuable as au adjunct of news- paper publicity. He says: "My busi- ness is best when newspaper advertising is best, and my customers who are most successful in business are those who use newspaper space." Another of the pioneers of Goderich township, died in Clinton on Saturday March 20th, at the good age of 75 years. We speak of John Camden, a brother of Peter Cautelon, of the same township. He came to this couutry when but two years old, from Ireland. His family has all grown up, married, and away, and for a number of nears he has been alone. Mr, Peter Beaver, of the Holyrood All kinds of Cntighs and Colds. Bron- Painsin the hotel on Wednesday made an assignment Chest, Wheezing Koar Cougess, Sore Throat for the benefit of his creditors to Dir' and Asthma, yield to the Lung -healing John Purvis. properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25o. There is no immediate danger of any Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man., farmer actually starving to death in the writes; "My husband would not be with. four townships near Chesley. At a out Hagyard's Yellow 011 in the house, recent sale ou 10th cow. Bentinck only as he uses it a good deal for doctoring up the horses and considers it splendid." two notes were mads out by the auction. Price 25c. eer, the balance being pail spot cash. There's money in the old farm yet The quantity of water used in Toronto though some young men who crowd to during the past fortnight was 23,670,180 the cities and sell trinkets in a depart - gallons per day, or 114 gallons per head, mental store, at $3 a week, evidently taking 223,000 as the populatiou of don't think so.—Chesley Enterprise. the city. News was received in Goderich Thurs. After feeding two carload of horses at day morning of the death Wednesday Gerrie for a month, Messrs. McMicheal night at Toronto of A. A. MacRidd,a vela - Bros. managed to get them loaded on ed officer of the Trusts and Guarantee Saturday, March 26th, and started for Company of Toronto. Mr. MaeKidd was Qu'Appelle. Ono of the horses died formerly connected with the Bank of after being loaded and had to be taken Commerce but resigned Me position out at I+'ordtvich. to accept the inspectorship of the Trusts After a night with "clap boys" there is and Guarantee Company some years ago. DOCTOR THE HORSES. Sone naturalists are using glass hot - touted hosts in Etu•iving Fett life, The Brine's Howe of Lords is 91 feet by 45 feet ; the House of Cowtuous is a trifle smaller. Germans seem to be more eager for collegiate educati"n than the people of other countries. In Germany one man in 213 goes to a university, in Sootlaud one its 520, in the United States one in 2,000, and iu Eeglaud one in 5,000. no butter remedy to clear the head and settle the stomach than Milburn's Ster- ling Headache Powders. Price 10c. and 25c. all dealers. One day last week Mr. Henry Zimmer- man, of the Oth con., Howick had 7 head of young cattle drowned while in the act of driuking at the river on his farm. Timely assistance arrived and some of the animals were rescued from their cold bath but succumbed shortly afterwards. G .aA. 13' O 1st X .El.. Bears the Tho Kind You tia.e A!wa.is Bought ,or !Q ¢� of Chas. Hayes, who figured so promin- ently in the Stanley barn burning case, of Kinloss, at'Walkerton last week was tried before his Honor Judge Barrett. He was acquitted of the charge upon which he was tried on the ground of in- sanity, and an order was made commit- tals him to the asylum. Lasa -Liver Pills are a positive cure for Sick Headache, Biliousness, constipation, Dyspepsia, and all stomach and liver complaints. They neither gripe, weaken nor sicken. Price 25c. at all dealers. On the suggestion of R. Holmes, M.P., that it would add to the usefulness of the Poultry Station at Hoimesville, the Hou. Mr. Fisher has consented to the erection of a small incubator house, which will be erected at once. This sta- tion is doing excellent work for the farm- ; ars of this section, and is regarded by the department as one of the best under its control. Farmers' Institute meetings will be held on April 5th, 6th awl 7th as follows: April 5th, at Porter's Hill; April lith, at Leeburn; April 7th, at Dungannon; both afternoon and evening sessions. Thos. McMillan, of Seaforth and others will address the meetings on live subjects. 'Signature startling Revelations. It frequeutly happens that people suf- fer for years from kidney cleraugerueuts without knowing the armee of their back- aches, aching limbs and other bodily enf. feriugs, suddenly the truth is revealed to them that they are the victims of serious kidney diseaae and in imminent danger. There is no mediciue which gives each prompt and lasting relief' for every form of Kidney disease as Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. They are positively effective even iu the must ohronio cases. He was a son of the late Rev. Alexander MacKidd, of Goderich, and the body was taken to Goderich for interment. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1444. Countess von Schimon Schwaudorf, formerly lady in waitiug at the Austrian court, was recently evicted from the wretched teuemeut in Naw York where she earns a living as a seamstress. Roueu's great clock has been measur- ing the time and striking the hours and quarters for over 500 years, relining all this time without interruption. Itkeeps excellent tine. . A new geography intended for use in the public schools of Ontario, is in course of preparation and will be pub- lished at an early date. It is said the book will devote special attention to Canada, whero the developments of re- cent years have added many places of importance to the maps, but at the same time it will not cut off Great Britain and the United States with such scant treatment as is given Canadian geo- graphies in these countries. J. L. Jones has been for a quarter of a century editor of Unity (Chicago.) In his anniversary number, Mr. Jones re- marks:—Should anyone care to waste money for a stoue to mark where my dust may rest, the inscription might run as follows: "He edited Unity for 25 years, and it never paid Expenses." Pa- trons of newspapers, both subscribers and advertisers, should take a hint from this and pay the newspaper man cheer- fully and promptly. NEURALGIA. "1 bad been suffering about six months with Neuralgia when I started taking Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did me more good than any medicine I ever -used. Mrs. Annie Ryan, Sand point, N. 5.,, On Tuesday evening, March 2nd, an in>resting ceremony took place at the home of Jos. Colwell, Goderich Tp., when his youngest daughter, Letty, was married to D. Cameron Galbraith, son of Jelin Galbraith, Stanley, in the presence of the i "mediate friends of the contract- ing parties. Rev. J. Hamilton, IgA., Goderich, was the officiating clergyman. C A.anoc ri. A. The Kind You !lave Alway, Bsf /leers tlke Bignatnre bf For Our Sixty rears. An Old and Well -Treed Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the guns, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A Mother's Recommendation. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Re- medy for a number of years and have no hesitauey iu raying that it is the best re- medy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this remedy.—Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by Colin A. Campbell. In the uuited kingdom the value of the nonmetallic minerals raisers in ] 901 was $555,000.000 while in the United States is was 0565,060,000 In both cases it was considerably greater than the value of the metallic products. A writer'eln an agricultural paper con- tends that dehorniug cattle is a mistake, and that if the practice is kept up for a few years they will be nothing but scrubs, good for neither milk nor beef. Dr. John Stanish informs us that this simply backs up a theory which he has held for years. He has always been an opponent of the dehorning craze, and his observation has led him to be more op- posed to it than ever.—Walkerton Tele- scope. Lever's Y -Z (wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects. 33 Death has again come into our midst and taken away one of the oldest pion- eers of North Brant in the person of Mr. Bleakley McCartney. Mr. McCartney was a native of Ireland having been born in the county of Fermanagh in the year 1522. At the age of eighteen he crossed the Atlantic settling inEsquesing Town- ship, Halton Co. He then moved to Bruce County living for a time in Greenock., afterwards; in North Brant where he resided until his death. Bears the _,Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Mr. A. Macdonald, who has been a resident of Clinton for thirty years was I found dead on the road, about 100 yards from his residence, Dinsley Terrace on Saturday, Marga 26th. Since Mr. Mac- donald's retirement from active labor as section foreman four years ago, he has lived a very reserved and quiet life. Mr. Macdonald was born in Whycoco- magh, Nova Scotia, 73 years ago, was married in 1860 and moved up into Huron's tract in 1S71, and for 30 years ho was a valued employee of the G.T.R. Seven children blessed his wedded life, wlio with his aged life partner still sur- vive him. 111•••••••••••••••••3•crosssosoo•mo••s•o••••••••••••• • • • • It elvehlke for Itself I • \ "o••oa • • • • •r CURES HEAaiiCHE• • a .a ry °+ • i uirrlkteed • to' Care *ot61• ao jl holes, et' medley is amber • i' All retaggleterrl'tnailed. The Nereid *embody Cm. Modttreel * ire;o0igo00000Mresoo••••••••••••sr••••••i•••••ileus••• • • II Your Children - Are Run Down They Are Liable to Get Fever or Pneumonia. Keep Your Litite Ones Strong and Healthy with Ferro- zone. Parents can't afford to neglect the health of their children, for if disease. fastens itself ou the child of tender years it may be the beginning of a long train of serious eicknees Forrezoue is a remedy that mothers can rely ou, and every child will be beuefited by using it. Mrs. Heurietta Laflarne of Quebec, antes: "Last year my daught- er, aged sixteen, was run down and looked very poorly. She was worrying about her exams, and she didn't feel steoug enbugll to study very hard, I got some Ferrozone and it made a won- derful change in Marie. .1?errozoue gave her strength t•nd. toned her up splendidly. I auk very grateful to Ferrozone and know that childreu world be muck stronger if treated with Ferrozoue." Mrs. James E. Devine of Frankfort], says Ferrozoue has no equal for strength- ening children and writes: "When my little daughter was weak and Miserable I gave her one Ferrozoue tablet at meals. She improved at once, and before taking Perrozoue a week gained in weight, min enjoyed a splendicl appetite I never used any tonic that gave such quick and perm alive) t results as Ferrozone." Every child can be made stronger by Ferrozone which acts on the blood and strengtbous the entire system. Ferrozoue is the sort of tonic that builds up strong healthy frames; it gives a child energy and spirit, and drives away weakness, Every mother should give her childreu Ferrczoiie, and give up all obsolete treat- ment like bitters and cod liver oil,which are hard on a child's stomach, Just oue Ferrozoue tablet at meals, easy aucl pleasant to take. Results are sure when 'you use Fe►rozone. Refuse any sub- stitute and insist cu having Ferrozoue which alone can build up and cure quickly. Price 50c, or six boxes $2.50,at ell druggists or by mail, from N. 0. Polson de Co., Kingstor, Ont., and Hart- ford, Ccun., U. S. A. Dr. Moore, who for very many years was a resident of Clinton, died a fort- night since in California after an illness of only three days. He left Clinton last fall to spend his last days with nieces and nephews in that sunny stats, but the change of climate appeared to be too great for him. He was born ]n Cork, Ireland, eighty-one years ago and came to this country when quite a young man. In 1849 he graduated from McGill Medical College, Montreal. He was the eldest son of a baronet and two years ago succeeded to the title, bat he never assumed it, the family estate and the wherewithal to maintain it having been lost. He was Sir Richard Moore, how- ever. Children grow strong on Ferrozone P.. To prove to you thai Dr, 1esChases Ointmontisacertain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, bleedingand protruding piles. "lie manufacturers have guaranteed it. Sec tos- irnoniais in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think grit Yon can use it and .!nt your money hack if not cured. Me a box, at di dealers or EDMANSox,I3ATES & Co.,Toronto, The ships of the world are insured for a total of nearly $5,000,000,000. Within the area of Greater London dwell 6,240,000 people. Of these one in five attend places of divine worship on Sundays. The worshipers are classified thus: Church of England, 538,477; Pro- testant noncomformists, 545,317; Romau Catholics, 96,281; Jews, Greeks, and others, 72,358; total, 1,252,433. Only Ono Dr, Chase. There is only one Dr. Chase of Receipt Book fame—Only one Dr. Chase who is known the wc.rld over because of the great prescriptions he gave to mankind. His portrait and signature—A. W. Chase, M. D.,—are on every box of his reme- dies. Imitators do not dare to produce these. They are the guarantee which protects you against fraud. Be sure they are on the box you buy. Dr. Chase's Ointment The provincial secretary's department has sent out a circular to all license M- Ispectors throughont the province calling upon them to strictly enforce the liquor 1 license law. The circular, in part, reads : 1 "There is a fairly general complaint that inspectors aro not doing their duty. When complaints to this effect reach the department and it is made to appear that any inspector's failure to exercise proper vigilance in discharge of his ofiM- tial duties, justifies each complaint, the r 'esination o e insf th ector affected gp thereby will be considered necessary." Tho circular adds that it is expected' that inspectors will take action in the direc- tion of procuring enforcement of the law and in dealing with violations of it without waiting for formal complaint. The Billows Springtime, Now gentle zephyre fill the air, Anti hamors all the blood ;. While mew Sud tvonieu everywhere Take things tp t1u 'nus good. With medic, ads the papers all Are stat ed in every column ; To heedless ones dire ills hefull Who spurn their warnings solemn. For any one of sixty ill, hiodisasters, BestOr take pysDorul•, Dingent's Kidney P.ils, Or Stickeul's Porous Piasters. If you've a system full of faults, 'Twill speedily restore yciu ; Take Dr, 1+'ussy's Fizzing Salts, . Or Father Ful.e's Castoria. For coated tongue or mentirl grief, Or g•ievons disappniutuieut, Rub Dnseur's Rendy Pain Relief, Or Iiuwbug'is Olive Ointment. For those with fever, cold, and chills L'eruua is a clantly; But Doper's Little Shiver Pills Will do if they are handy. Why suffer with a wart or buil, When you may sure dispel it, With a slight dose of AlphaAil, For all good druggists sell it, So why be ill or suffer aught? Why every spring be sickly? Tut, tut, buy some one's pateut rot; Have faith, and get well quickly. Peaches are now grown with initials or monograms on them. The monogram or crest is cut out in paper and pasted on peaches while growing. A soon as the fruit is ripe the paper patterns are re- moved, when a facsimile of the mono- gram, or other desigu used is found picked out in most delicate green, while the rest of the fruit will be found rosy and deep hued. DIANA GEE, WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably known house of solid fknancial standing. ,_O,CO straight cash salary and expenses. paid each Monday by cheat direct from headquarters. Expense money advaneFcl. Position permanent. Address Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago, Illinois, There aren't enough adjectives in the English language to enable a girl pro- perly to describe her first beau. Lame* ack for Four Months. Was Unable to Turn in Bed Without Help. Plasters and Liniments No Good. A Good Nord For Chamberlain's Cough lteut.'dy. "In December, 1900, I had a severe cold and was so hoarse that I could rot speak above a whisper, "say s Allen Davis, of Freestone, N.Y "I tried several re- medies but got no relief until I need Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, one boa tic of which cured me. 1 will always speak a good word tor that medicine." For sale by Colin A. Campbell. This was the experience of Mr. Benjamin Stewart, Zionville, TWO.TIIIRDS OF A BOX 010 Dowry's Kidney Pills CURED HIM. The Sunny Side of Life. "Is he a litterateur?" "Oh, dear, no, Why, he's able to sell the stuff he writes."—Chicago Evening Post. Nell—"Jack is always talking to me about the depth of his love," Belle— "The depth wouldn't interest me so much as the length."—Philadelphia Re- cord. Drug Clerk --'Will you take this tonin?" Jones—"No; show me something cheaper. My wife wouldn't save my life or hers with anything at $1,25 a bottle."—Cincinnati Tribune. Tess—"Well, their engagement is off." Jess—"Tho idea! It was only announ- ced yesterday. What did they quarrel about?" Tess—"As to which was the more pnworthy of the other."—Phila- delphia Press. "There are some things," said the philosopher, "that money cannot buy." "I suppose so," answered Senator Sor- ghum. "But that dosen't alter the fact that there is an almighty' lot of things that it will buy."—Washington Star. "Did you attend the Wilson obse- quies?" asked Mrs. Oldcastle. "Gra- cious, no!" replied her hostess, "Have they had some? Why, me and Josiah was at the funeral of their grandmother only last week."—Chicago Record - Herald. Mr. Shrinker—"My! great pauic in Vladivostock; fear of bombardment; populace fleeing! I'am glad we were not there!" . Mrs. Shrinker—"Oh, I don't know. Think of the sacrifice bar- gain sales in the stores!"—Chicago Daily News. "I'd like to see that young Japanese prince." "A Japanese prince? Where is he?" "Oh, he's traveling incognito." "Is he? I'm so dreadfully weak about geography names. That's up near Manchuria, isn't it?„—Cleveland Plain - Dealer. He tells of his experience in rife follow. ing words:" For four months l was troubled with a lame back and all this time was un. able to turn in bed Without help. I tried plasters and liniments of all kinds but with no effect. At last I was induced to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and by the time I had used two-thirds of a box my 'sack was at well and as strong as ever and has kept go ever since." WANTED. $aekaehe, Frequent Thirst, Scanty, S?LOIAT, RnPlu.-.Y' TATlsr in this Ctoudy,ThiekorliighlyColorediJrfne, county and adjoining territories, to re- Puffing under the Ryes, Swelling of present and advertise en old established business houso of solid financial stand, the Feet and Ankles, are all sylnptoni<, ing, Salary VI. weakly, with oxpenseg; of kidney trouble that Doan's Kidne, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expenses advanced;posi- tion permanent. We furnish every. thing Address, The .Columbia, 630' Monon Bldg,, Chicago, I'll, Pills will cure. Price so cts, per box or 3 for $t.lts, AI ,w r • dealers, or 'THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO. 1.... - TORONTO oN?. i ........,. 3.16-tv to Ward Oft' an Attach of Rheuma- tism. "For years when spring time came on and I went into gardening, I was sure to have an attack of rheumatism and every attack was more severe than the preced- ing one," says Josie McDonald, of Man, Logan county, West ti a. "I tried every- thing with no relief whatever, until I procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and the first application gave ole ease, and before the first bottle was used I felt like a new person. Now I feel. that I am cured, but I always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one or two applications of this liniment. Fer sale by Colin A. Campbell. Only a fool man would deliVerately make an enemy by guessing within ten years of a woman's real age. amosswasumpli WANTED A man to represent "Canada's Great- est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham and surrounding country, and take orders for To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription. for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They .are made of a combination of medicine ; approved and used by every physician. Ii.ipers Tabules are widely used by all sorts c£ people ---but :o the plain, every -day folks they .re a veritable. friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. - remedy. They arc a dependable, hon- est .vith a long and successful record, to 'a iigest",n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn c, .t.1pation, t ...iensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • 'ai' .]tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn- ,- .•.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs; build up i. wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe'- • td sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives ,,;on tont benefit from a regular use of Ripana '1',:btlles. Your drl ggist sells them. The five - c ni: packet is en . h for an ordinary occasion.. The Family Bottlk 5o cents, contains a supply for a year. ..9?",,y,(Iea" ,..f'i't"ti.f%1',�.,1.^' br fig' • ititietsWOO iThcard*ill***4134011 r?Oil►t►ttitle4tts****Vs* �; Cured To 11 STRICT i' y' :...a Sty Cured � * Strictures, no matter where located, are apt to involve the iei ttilk surrounding structures. If neglected or improperly treated, * r i urethral stricture will produce distressing symptoms. Cut- 'W ting, stretching and tearing are the old barbarous methods of 41' treating this disease: The strictly modern and original meth - ill � ods employed by us are free from the horrors of surgery and '�l' �,,a _ are absolutely safe and harmless. The abnormal stricture tis- 44 �I �yd' sue is dissolved anc'. leaves the channel free and clear. All un. ii., natural discharges cease, any irritation or burning sensation 4 disappears, the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate Gland and other la+, surrounding organs are strengthened and the bliss of manhood 4 R„ ! t• '• ,. returns. Ottr ABSORPTIVE TREATMENT will positively 9' 4F _ 1 cure you. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. V' 4"2-< :;., "<. We Cure Varloocole. Blood and Skin Diseases, '4' * Nervous Debility, Strictures, Bladder, Kidney and Ir4 DR. SPINNEY, Urinary Diseases. ' * Dr. Sp• inney & Co. CONSULTATION FREE. Question List For Home ,nder of IP Treatment Sent Free. $, A VII Mi DR. SPINNEY t CO. w * 290WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. 4 iitOs* E011411.06***41644416*444644144*4444'. `* 4.�C *CM4 OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, $ce. Stook true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right roan on either salary or corn - mission. STONE it WELLINGTON t'Oeteeelot i.L rrVRSE.Italts oyer 800 Acreg TORONTO, w w ONTARIO K K &'K. K.tkiir Cl'tf SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEPs. THE RESULT of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body induced by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives and future happiness of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach matri- mony but find no solace or comfort there. The victims are found in all stations of life—the farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades and tate professions. Nervous Debility and Seminal Yloaknoaa are guaranteed cured by our New Method Treatment or No Pay. You run no risk 25 years in Detroit. Batik security. CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. No names used without written consent. "I am 33 years of age and married. When youug 1 led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for ine. 1 became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was unsatisfactory and mp home unhappy. I trled everything—all failed till I took treatment from Dre. Kennedy & Kergan. Their New Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man lit every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest, skilful and responsible financially, eo why patronize Quacks and Fakirs when you can be cured by reliable doctors."—W. A. Belton. CORES GBARANi•EED OR NO PAY. Collsllllaloa Freo--Books Free--Daesiloa BIaak Free for RN Ireaimoai, D�'�•Q 148 Shelby Street, rs. Kennedy a gL�TI, Detroit, Micil. K&K.'K&,K &K, ,k se Clubbing Offers - 9903-04 4-14 1- —4-4"b a4.+f-tel�l4 rd's are44+-1 ++ THE TIMES announces the following low -rate - Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8 -page illustrated supplement 1 60 Times and Family Herald arid Weekly Star, with ' premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun. 1 r5 Times and Daily Globe 4 35 2 25 Times'and Toronto Daily Star. 1 80 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night .... 2 30 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary, We can, give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES,' marked down, so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the BALANCE kW 1903 V Iu i. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address— Times and Farmers' Advocate THE T11YIES OFFICE I3' AVIcIk.DLOOK 16`llly$IN s'PRR1rr; WTNGHAM. 4