HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-03-09, Page 44 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 9,1988
St. cc 1umban parish' sends:' toys to plait
it at any time throughout the year, an;yofe `.
has good toys, stuffed animals, dolls or such':
which their children do not need, they coulct.
leave them in the basement of the church or • %'.
at Ted Melady's home and Don Melady
would see they get to the Centre.
The date for the June Social and Tea will',
be Wednesday, June 15.
The meting closed with prayer.
Eleven tables were in play on Friday-
ridayevening at the Knights of Columbus euchre
game in St. Columan.
The winners were: ladies' high, Nell
Doyle, low, Rose Visser; men's high, Jim
Delaney, low, Wayne Chapin and for the •
most lone hands, Pat Delaney.
The next game will be on Friday, March
11 at 8 p.m. in the K. off C. Hall, St. Colum •
ban. Everyone is welcome.
Clarence and Cecilia Ryan entertained
Jerry and Heather Cronin and Alphonse and
Annie Cronin to a game of euchre on Satur-
day evening.
Catherine Anne Miller of Strathroy visited
on the weekend with her father Joseph
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St. Columban Correspondent
The March meeting off the St. Columban
Catholic • Women's League was held Tues-
day, March 1 in the parish hall with 14
members present.
Father J. Sharp, dean of the axon -Perth
Deanery will be the celebrant of Holy Mass
at 10 a.m. and at 11:15 he will talk on the
history of the Marian Devotion Journey.
Ladies are invited to attend this day of
Spiritual Reflection.
An open meeting will be held at St.
Patrick's Church Hall. Kinkora on Monday.
March 14 at 8 pm. Special speaker will be
Margaret O'Reilly, president opened the Gladys Charboneau from Chatham, an ac -
meeting with the league prayer. tive promoter of the movement to help teens
Correspondence read by Glenda Murray called "Teen Aid."
included letters from the St. Joseph family A meeting will be held for the youth group
and Thomas family in India sponsored by and all interested young people at St.
the St. Columban C.W.L. and thank you Patrick's School, Kinkora on Sunday,
cards for flowers and gifts. A letter was March 13 at 7 p.m.
received from the CWL National office urg- The annual CWL Diocesan Convention
ing the ladies to write to their Member of will be held at the Canterbury Inn in Sarnia
Parliament regarding abortions. March 25, on May 3 and 4. Anyone wishing to attend
feast of the Annunciation has been contact Margaret O'Reilly.
designated as a special CWL Day of prayer The CWL received a letter of thanks from
and fasting to pray for all expectant the director of Caldera Nutrition Centre in
mothers and unborn children. Milot, Haiti for toys they sent for the
A Spiritual Reflection Day will be held on children at the Centre de Nutrition.
Wednesday, April 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The director said the children's hearts
at Immaculate Conception Church, Strat- were brimming over with happiness as it
ford. The theme, Marian Year, in honor of was the first time these children have ever
the Blessed Virgin Mary. Reflection leader, seen toys.
Staffa women tour Rosebank Seed Farm
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Staffa Correspondent
Staff Women's Institute toured the
Rosebank Seed Farms last Wednesday
afternoon and were later guests in Lome
and Helen Fells home for their Canadian In-
dustries meeting.
During the tour Lorne explained the dif-
ferent steps in cleaning, treating and
preparing seed for sale. Later in the house
Lorne told members it has been 40 years
since he first started growing and selling
Lorne bought his first seed cleaner in 1968
and his seed growing, cleaning and selling
business has progressed steadily since then.
Lorne has won five world championships
with his seed. He was thanked and
presented with a gift by Joyce Vivian.
Lillian Douglas chaired the meeting.
Eleven members answered the roll call.
Esther Smale gave several safety hints. In
the absence of the secretary and treasurer Glen and Cathy Elliott and John and
Lillian Douglas read the minutes and cor- Joyce Miller have returned from a holiday
respondence and Joyce Vivian gave the in Florida.
treasurer's report. A special collection was Freda Kerslake, Doris Miller and Roberta
taken for Pennies for Friendship. Templeman attended a Program Planning
Roberta Templeman presided for the meeting prepared and presented by the
business. Letters were read regarding the Perth South District program co-ordinater
annual Mitchell and District Music Festival at the O.M.A.F. Boardroom in Stratford on
April 18-22, and a letter regarding the Monday evening.
Women's Institute display at Mitchell Fair Barb Templeman and Scott Bonikowsky,
int the fall. Oakville spent the weekend with Barb's
A committee of Grace Kerslake, Roberta family.
Templeman and Lillian Doltalas was named
to plan something in recognition of Staffa
branch's 85th anniversary. The institute will
sponsor Joyce Vivian to attend the Leader-
ship Development Conference in Kingston Visiting at the J. Templeman home on Sun -
May 13 to 15, 1988 if she is able to go. Lunch day were Jun and Geri Neilson and family
was served at the close of the meeting by of Kitchener, Dale and Fay Martyn and
Marjorie Drake, Ella Vivian and the hostess family of Russeldale, Rob and Bev
Helen Fell. Courtesy remarks were given by Templeman and family of Staffa, Ruth
Margaret Daynard. Templeman of Stratford, Barb Templeman
PEOPLE INTENDED and >cott Bonikowsky of Oakville, David
FOR LAST WEEK and Karen. Templeman and family of Mit-
Robin and Joan Daynard and family have chell, Hank and Nancy Bertens and family
returned from a holiday in Africa. of Fullerton and Doris Killer of Staffa.
Mike and Mary Jane Parsons spent the ,
weekend in Las Vegas with Mike and Cindy
Rowland from Edmonton.
Open doors was theme of World Day of Prayer
J. Boynton demonstrated making chocolate
cherries and Easter eggs.
Cranbrook area residents receiving
awards and certificates were: Canadian
gold medal ice dancer, Peter MacDonald
received the medal as the township's most
outstnding male athlete, while his mother
Faye -MacDonald was chosen as the most
outstanding coach in the community. M.P.
Murray Cardiff presented the medals and
certificates of merit to Kathy Workman, An-
nie Engel, Lloyd Smith, Don Cotton,
Eleanor Stevenson, Jack Conley and Nancy
Vanass. Gary Evans was not present to
receive his, and former resident Marilyn
Clark was absent also.
Cranbrook Correspondent
Keith Knight, Cornwall, spent a recent
weekend with his mother Mrs. Goldwin
Sharon Engel and Tracy Abado, London,
Learn more about
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visited their grandmother, Mrs. Mac Engel.
Mrs. Harvey Smith is visiting in London
and Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rothbauer from the
Queen Charlotte Islands have been visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald.
The World Day of Prayer service was held
at the home of Mrs. Stuart Stevenson. The
service on the theme "Open Doors" was'
written by the women of Brazil. Mrs. Jack
Knight opened the meeting and gave some
background of Brazil. It is the fifth largest
country in the world. Portugese is the most
spoken language. It has vast natural
resources. For 4 days and 4 nights before
Lent almost no one works. The women suf-
fer discrimination. Taking part in the ser-
vice were Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. Leslie
Knight, Mrs. Stewart Steiss and Mrs. FORESTER'S EUCHRE
Stevenson. A skit was contributed by Mrs. There were 16 tables at the Forester's
Steiss and Mrs. Stevenson. All agreed it was euchre on March 4. Winners were: high -
a very interesting service. Lunch was pro- Beryl Smith, Allan Kennedy; low - Merle
vided by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. L. Knight. Bowes, Bill Craig; lone hands - Marg Mac-
ao-The March meeting of the Cranbrook W.I. Donald, Lloyd Smith; lucky table - Harry
was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Jacklin, Jack Cox, Lois Hart, Violet Smith;
Workman. The district president, Mrs. Ted tallies - Jean Bewley, Frank McKenzie,
Klaasen of Fordwich, was present. The in- Dorothy Hamilton, Betty Krotz, Shirley
stitute is responsible for the birthday party Versteop, Harvey Adams, Olive Garton,
at Brussels Nursing Home on March 30. June Jacklin, Ross Stephenson. The hall
Five members and four guests answered the board will sponsor the euchre on Friday,
roll call "Your favorite kind of candy". Mrs. March 11.
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Walton Correspondent
The March general meeting of the United
Church Women was held with Walton II unit
in charge of devotions. Kathleen Williamson
opened with the thought for the day. Marion
Godkin was pianist for the hymn and scrip-
ture was read by Marilyn McDonald.
Kathleen gave meditation and prayer,
followed by a reading, If all the faces were
the same.
Maxine Marks for for Church in Society
introduced Heidi McClure who spoke on her
trip to the Dominican Republic last winter.
She had many pictures she described and
passed around. Also on display were articles
that had been brought back from that coun-
try. Audrey Hackwell thanked her for ¢har-
ing these pictures and her experiences.
Business was chaired by 1st Vice -Pres.
Dorothy Sholdice. Minutes were approved
as read by Marilyn McDonald. Cor-
respondence was read. Initiations were
read from Northside United Church to their
thank offering March 28 at 8 p.m. and to the :
First Presbyterian Church March 29 at 2
Walton U.C.W. thank offering will be held
April 10 in the evening with surrounding
churches invited.
Leona McDonald gave the treasurer's '
report. Olene Dennis gave a report of the
Huron -Perth Presbyterial meeting she had
attended recently. A bale will be sent
sometime in May, a date to be given at the
unit meeting.
The executive meeting will be held April 6
at 1 p.m. Dorothy closed this meeting with
an Irish Blessing.
Joan Beuremann of Stratford visited with
her mother, Isabelle Shortreed a week ago
Volker and Shirley Hertlein and Crystal of
London and Ruthie Thamer Kitchener
visited on the weekend at the home of Ruth
Several ladies from Duff's United Church
attended the World Day of Prayer service at
the Brussels Mennonite Church on Friday.
Dublin scouts hold church service
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Intended for last week
Last Sunday (February 28th), the 1st
Cromarty Beavers, Cubs and Scouts held
their annual church service in St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin, followed by a potluck lun-
cheon in the Dublin Pavilion.
After lunch, presentations were made and
the boys were then treated to a movie.
Mrs. Millie Evans spent a few days in Lon-
don with her daughter and husband Marie
and Jack Cleary.
Mrs. Anne Rowland has returned home
from Stratford Hospital. We wish you the
best Ann, from all your friends.
Miss Monica Holland, Stratford, was with
Mrs. Millie Evans on Sunday.
Mr. Joe Eckert is still a patient in Strat-
ford Hospital. We also send get well wishes.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Benninger ft urn Kit-
chener were with his parents Hugh and Ann
My daughter, Sharon Pelling and family,
Mark and friend Sherry and Jennifer and
friend Rick from Meaford, were home on
Sunday to visit my son Bill Wolfe, who is in
Stratford Hospital. Bill suffered back in-
juries in a fall at work last week. Kathy
Wolfe and children Tracy and Chad, Mit-
chell, also were with us Sunday evening.
News deadline is Monday
Call Heather or Neil at 4:30 p.m.
with news tips a 527-0240