HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-04-07, Page 4TIIE WIN UM TIMES, APRIL 7, 1904. WE ARE SOLE AGENT S FOR Dr. tlesse's Stock Goods C. A. Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. The mine of the exports t t home pro- Miss Alice fluff is speuding the poli- dace iron 1870 to 1576 -while the Con- dayshoiue, servatives were in power --was 694 nail- s, Master Thynne Wray of Belgrave ris- llone. From 18$7 to 1904 -While the !lied his Aunt, Mrs. Bailey, this week. Liberals had charge of affairs -it was . Nr and Dire, John Baby spent the s 1.162 millions. or nearly doable that of poem hokidays with relatives at Fort their predecessor. Dir. John Meneie spent Easter with A number of 'Canadian newspapers, friends at Stratford. uielnding the Loudon Free Press. the I Miss Cora Messer and Willie Elliott Winnipeg Telegram and the Toronto i are home from Listowel High School for 1 Mail have been jubilantly quoting Ur.' Mr. Harry McHardy was in Goderick Heys as s:►yiug that no wheat grown in {' during the holidays. the Cauadiau Northwest would be car- 1 Mr, McKenzie .Messer of Chatham is ried east by the all-railroute. Of course 11 visiting his home here for a feed days, Air. Hays said nothing of the kind. The I 1liiss. Mars~ Scott left last week to visit words are those of a London paper. if .relatives iu Seaforth, • Mr. flays thought no grain Weald be 1 Oliver Mills was holidaying at Olin - carried over the eastern section. of the ton. Grand Trunk Pacific he would not be Wesely Cornell visited friends at F3espler. Foolish enough to ask the promoters to Mrs. Marrow is visitiug relatives at pay interest for forty years on the cost of Listowel. constructing it. Miss Aunie Swann and Clifford Ptigh of Godericn Collegiate Institute CHURCH NOTES, are home. Service was held in St. Paul's Church Miss Kathleen Swann of Dungannon on Good Friday morning and in the , Mrs. G. Gannett acid George Green - ;Methodist church in the evening. : way visited at Guelph. Very Rev, Dr. Cronvit, Chancellor of Mrs, Elliott of Inwood was visiting the tise•barn resident of Landon, is critical- ^ Mr. Wesley Thornton of Detroit spent ly alt at his home in that cit i holidays with relatives here. y' TSIs+ Hill and Mr. Hill of Hamilton Among thelproverba and sayings cur - The annual Vestry meeting of St. • were guests at W. Thornton's last week. reut in Japan is the following: "A tongue three inches long can kill yacation. 1O ADVERTISERS :is spending the holidays at home. Diocese of Hamn. and the oldest na- her sister, Mrs. John Wasmau. John ,Allen.,..,..,,„... , -257 Ernest .Diamond. 254 Arlie Bisbee .......252 Veronica Armstrons;..,. ,,..243 Gordon McLean 239 Steward Tapsley ..... 235- Roy 35Roy Kinsman 234 Edgar Barber... 222 PT. z IP Pk. II OF FIRST Bora. DEPT, yin TO DEPT. vu. Pass 150. Jean. 'anNorman. 303 Alb% Elliott 800 Norah Smith 294 Melvin Milne. ..... -. .... - • 291 Millie Nichols 290 Annie Wilson 289 Grace Barrett 289 Ernest Corery .... . .....289 Gladys Nicholson 265 Marie Wanoksmuth 284 Olive McPherson 279 Agnes McIlwain 273 Fred Maguire 273 Herbert Kerr 272 Elsie Gillespie 272 Lacy Bower 271 Metba McPherson 264 Phoebe Bloomfield 260 Nelson Kargns 260 Weir Elliott ....... . 247 Leila Horsey ........243 Josie Harry Dear Ruth Lloyd , Melville Beeman 234 233 which is clubbed with this paper to new 226 or old subscribers paying in advance $1.15 for beth. A fine Map of the Seat of War, in three colors, 18x22 ruches, will be mailed :free to every subscriber to the two papers remitting us two ceuts extra for cost of mailing. Ad'1rees• THE TIMES, Wreeneet. 17C PATS 'TO r- Now is the beat time to enter. The January rush is now over. The beginners are well started itt their work, and teachers can there- fore give more time to new students. Itis now current talk throughout the country that the student who intends to take a business or shorthand course, and wants to be placed in a paying place when graduated, should attend The Canada Business College, CHATHAM, ONT. Students of last year already earning over 1;1900 per annum. 540 placed. in 11 months. Do you know of any other business sehool getting such results? We pay your railway fare. Have you ever seen our catalogue? If not, write for it and enter now. Address P. McLACHL,AN & CO., Clattham, Ont. WAR! WAR! Do von want the latest and most reli- able War News, well illustrated, then READ THE WEEKLY MONTREAL HERALD Paul's church was called for Monday Mrs. DicAlltster, who resides with h Notice of chanes must be left at this' law. n(, after the trareartiott I daughter. Mrs. James Messer, fell one a man six feet high. r evening as , a s da last p. office not later than Saturday noon• h t was ad- y a` ' week and broke her hi As The copy for changes const e i.1ye Stock Markets, not later than Monday evening. jonrned for two weeks. I to prove- serious. Casual advertisements accepted up The eseentive committee of Huron An "At Home" under the auspices of Toronto, April 5. -There was rather a to noon.Wednesday of each week. the Westminster Guild of the Presby- light run at the city cattle markets to Sunday School Association meet at teriau church will be held at the home - -- - - -- --. -- --- a.Cliuton last Friday to arrange the pro- of Mr, and Mrs. George McDonald on day' consisting of 43 loads, with 800 head ESTABLISHBD 157'2. gram for the annual convention which Wednesday evening. All the young pito- of cattle, 167 sheep and lambs, 200 hogs T will he held in Wingham next month, ple cf the congregation are invited to and 105 calves. The market was about 1{:e ' INfiliA1 TIMES. . Wingham District Leagne Executive attend, b left of routine business the meeting, Mrs McAllister is au ofd lady it is apt steady, barely, however, holding its own. The annual meeting of the Bluevale Flax A heavier run would probably have H. eevaer,IOTT. Preaasa-5R.Nn PROrr.Teeoe will meet in Wingham Methodist Church Manufacturing Company was held in the. For- caused a distinct break in prices. esters' Hall. on Saturday afternoon, when a on Friday, April Sth, at 11 a, m. to dis- diridt-nd of 52.50 per 420 share was paid to the A feature of the day's offering was encs the passibility of a Summer School shareholders. Anew Board of Directors icas elected :Ts follows: Thomas Stewart, John sic- the number of very fine loads of cattle for the study of the Bible and missions. Cracken, George 'Purvey, William Messer and offering.Thegeneral quality' of the Henry Diment. Thomas Stewart was elected q t' Meetinesof Presbyterian, Methodist, President. An effort will be made to rent land offerings was higher than for some time for the purpose of sowing flax. and Coneregrtionai ministers and lay- past. men at Halifax and Winnipeg on Good THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 5904. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Lal trains, with NOTICE. -The question is: How can The following are the quotations: Frida dis..ussed the - uPstion of thatch On Thursday five spec y 4 3,000 immigrants, most of them Britisb, union, and ndoptad resolutions in favor Robt. DScIu loo loan his money so cheap passed through Montreal en route to the of the principle. ROBT. MCINDOO, Canadian Northwest. Every incoming Rev. D. Perrie has been confined to Atlantic steamer brings its full quota of the house for some days through illness, settlers. bat we are pleased to learn that he is re - The Customs revenue for the nine . covering and hones to be around again The following is the result of the pro - months ending March 31st, 1904, totals in .few days. Rev. lir. Paul. of Bras- motion examinations held in the Public $30,163.263, as egainst$26,708,229 for the sels took his work in the Presbyterian School at Easter, Examinatious will be held at midsummer, as usual. Pupils should be present on the first day of 4 - - opening, as ou that day the classes for 1904, was $3,559,251, as against $3,271,166, ' EAST R'AWANOSH the summer term'willbearranged. 4 an improvement of $285,005.4 . Mrs. Edmonton' visited her brother, FRoP JR. TO SR, THIRD. DEPT. ry To DEPT, In, Tuesday afternoon in the Legislature. Mr. F. Toll. on Easter. Pass mark, $45. the leader of the Government introduced' Mr. John Hallahan, who has been ill JessteStein. his bill to amend the Supplementary for some time is recovering. Irwin Adair Revenue Act by providing for the in. , We are mach pleased to hear of the Freda VanStoue recovery of ;lir. Jas. McGill, sr. Edith Conery. creased taxation. The bill proposes that Homer Barrett railways passing through the organized Miss Amanda Nethery of Bluevale is Elam Armour districts in Ontario shall pay a tax to the guest of Mrs. J. Wightman. Essie Jackson the provincial treasury of $30 per mile Mrs. Glasby of Brantford spent Easter Gordon Young.. for single tracks, and $10 for each addi- with her brother. Mr. Geo. Quinn. Chester Page Gretta Kennedy tional track. In the case of railways Mr. Thos. Black has returned to Toron- Rowland Taylor tanning through unorganized districts. to after abrief sojourn with friends here, dna Swarts the tax will be $20 and $5 respectively. Mrs. John Nethery of Bluevale is here Ethel Wood taking care of her mother who is very Ruby Hart.... Railways less than 100 miles in length g Bertha Jones are to be taxed $15 per mile for single ill. Adeline Welsh tracks and $5 per mile for additional Mrs. A. Henderson is very i11 at pres- Clara Beemer tracks. ent. We hope soon to hear of her re- - David Gaest covert'. Ada Haines. The Winnipeg Telegram, The Ottawa Bertie Sanderson Citizen and many other protectionist Messrs. J. Helps, D. Cook and R. B. Peter Kelly papers which continually bewail impor- McGowan held very successful wood bees ' Mary Coulter. ; Recommended -Eva Armour (ill). talions from the United States are last week. Mrs. Pope and children, of Hensall i SENIOR II TO JC` IOR III. constantly and regularly importing' i Derr. v To DEPT, iv. from the United States the plc- i spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. George pass 300. Henderson. on notes and mortgages? Call and See. P,ROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. same period last year, an improvement church on Sunday last. of $3,458,034. The revenue for March, 639 625 606 595 590 561 556 556 549 543 528 525 520 .515 .498 .472 .462 452 440 439 390 378 tures which they present to their readers , Mr. Ab Qainn Snndayed with friends and which can be made just as well in. • on the 6th line. On Tuesday be left for I Winnipeg or Ottawa, Toronto or Mon- , Winnipeg where he has secured a good treal, as in the United States. These situation. professed protectionists are all free trad- ! Hugh McLean removed his house -1 ers when they think it suits their pock- hold effects to his new farm on the 10th i ets.-Ottawa Events. 91ine ]ant week. Ottawa "Events" remarks: "Very 1 Mr. Wesley Quinn intends leaving for i many persons in Canada, in fact mast ; Manitoba shortly, He will locate in the persons, believe that Parliament should o Barr settlement, i delegate its power of granting divorces ' Mr. Albert Quinn, son of Mr. George t to a court of law in order to lessen the ! Quinn, of East Wawanosh, left Blyth cost to parties who have a right to se- ' station last week for Roland, Manitoba, cure a decree. At present, only the where he will make his home for several man or woman with a bank account can months. secure the remedy to which Parliament Mr. Wm. Walden bas purchased Mr. I gays every person in the Dominion has' Wm. Ward's farm. The price paid was 1 a right. 1t is undoubtedly a case of one :3100. Mr. Ward is in i11 health and i Pass mark 300. law for the rich and another for the poor F will move to town to live. { Irlma Kennedy so far as the provinces of Ontario, Mani- , Mr. John Wightman moved to his new Dudley Holmes Mary Ritchie 520 Lyle Stephenson 462 Pearl Paton 461 Lizzie Johns 448 Pears Cartwright. 447 Hazel Drummond. 446 Ethtsl Beckwith. 437 Dick Mann.... 435 Mabel Hallern 432 Gladys Carr . , , , . 403 Minnie Kargus 376 Allan Knechtel....... 375 Wilbert Sturdy. 370 Leamen Hicks 365 Edna Coutts 360 Nellie Coutts 347 Frauk Graham , . - ....329 Stanley Mitchell 327 Clifton Aitcheson. 306 JR. Il TO SR. 11. DEPT. VI. TO DEPT. V'. Violet Borden toba and Qaebee are concerned. The farm on the west boundary of Morris Cora Kerr 510 477 466 other provinces grant divorces by means ' last week. Mr. Jas. Cloakey oft Gott" Holmes of provincial courts." Wingham moved to the farm recently Mary Madigan i Gordon Gannett '--- 'vacated by Mr. Wightman. Nellie Nichols Harry Coutts xLIIEDALL. l Earl Hall .vers When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged nervous, and irritable. Your cheeks are arsaparilla ppale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. "For intoe than 50 years t have used A7er's fler:YaperIllI In my family. 101* a grand tonle Sit all thane, and a wonderful medicine for im- pure blood.'. -D. C. Boar, West listen, Conn. ( .00 boil]!, J. C. I1tTtR OA., 1 ,fist for . Lowell, Mas., eak Nerves Miss Aggie Smillie of London Normal School is holidaying at home. Miss May Davidson of Wroxeter was) visiting her cousin, Mra. Peter Fowler, ! Bluevale road, this week. Mr. James Burgess of Strathroy spent a few days at home Iast week, Miss Belle Fowler of the Bluevale road visited at Stratford during the hot - 462 .462 457 457 ....455 449 446 Exporters' cattle - heavy Light Bulls do., light Feeders light,800 pounds and up- wards 3 00 Stockers -... 2 50 900 lbs 2 75 Butchers' - Choice Medium Picked Bulls . Rough Light stock bulls Milk cows Hogs - Best Lights Sheep - Export Bucks Calls Spring Lambs Calves, each.... Per 100 lbs. $4 80 4 00 4 00 4 00 $ 50 3 75 3 50 3 60 4 25 3 r5 4 40 2 50 2 75 2 25 30 00 4 75 4 50 3 25 3 12e 3 50 tit t!ftt !Lt FINE PHOTOS CLEAR AND BRIGHT ..••.i....••.N...• iewroo.. o•0•0•4m0sotomorscormegoiroloo We are now doing a nice line at $1.25 a dozen. tf Armstrong & Co's Studio MUMUM gag= ItCall and see them at THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE iJohil & Jas. H. Korr' WING' -IAM GRAND TRUNKSYs EM World's Fair, St. Louis, Apr. 30 -Dec. 1, 1904 1200,000in prizes for Tournament of Air -Ships. 5150,000 appropriated for Athletic events. • • • • • Return tickets will be issued at REDUCED 4 30 RATES on and after April 25th, allowing stop - 4 over at any intermediate Canadian station, 15 also at Detroit and Chicago. 4 50 3 00 5I7.10 to Washington, P.C., and return. Good 3 25 going April lith, ]2th; valid returning on or 2 b0 before April 18th, 1904. 65 00 501.50 to Los Angeles or San Francisco and return ; good going April '22nd to 80th inclusive, valid returning, reaching destination on or 4 50 before June 30th, 1004. 3 50 4 05 325 3775 3 50 4 00 3 00 (i 50 5 50 6 50 WINGITAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, April 6th, 1904 Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank. Flour per 100 lbs.......... 2 00 to 2 50 Fall Wheat 0 88 to 0 S8 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 29 to 0 30 Barley .... ..... 0 40 to 0 45 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 Turkeys, drawn 0 12 to 0 13 Geese, " 0 08 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair ... 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 60; Butter 0 15 to 0 15 Eggs per doz 0 12 to 0 12 W o R Lo' S 'Wood per cord ONE-WAY SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS ON SALE DAILY to points in Colorado,Brit- ish Colufubia, California, ete. Special Settlers' •Tarns to the Canadian Northwest will leave Toronto every Tuesday during April at9,00 p.m. Passengers travelling without live stock snould take the Pacific Ex- press leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.ni. • • • • • • • For tickets, reservations and all information apply to J. D. MoDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, or L. HAROLD, Agent,Winglinm. 250 to 350 30TH TO Hay , per ton............ 7 00 to 7 60 Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 60 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 Oa Lard 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per 1b 0 04 to 0 04 Wool 0 16 tp 0 18 Live Hogs, per cwt 4 40 to 4 40 Basil Blackhall. 443 Hazel Taylor 430 MargneriteHomnth...,....427 BUToHERSHOPGoldwia Hamilton 425 • • )Sari, Day . 404 ! Willis Haines ,... 403 Oliver Campbell 400 FAIR, ST. LOUIS, DECEMBER 1ST • • • • r ! • • APSIL 1904 NELSON, RC ROSSLAND, B C.........1 VANCOUVER, B. C VICTORIA, B.C.... I SEATTLE, Wash ^""--"' TACOMA. Wasli.... PORTLAND, Ore Money to Loan Any amount of money to loan on good farm property at 5 per cent. ABNER OOSENS. WINGHAM ONT. NORTH END $41451 The largest Store in Wingham A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $43.95 From Wingham. Second Class. Until April 80th, 1004. Lower rates to Many other points. Apply to nearest Canadian Pacffie. Agent, or A. ti. NOTMAN. Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto Edna Bottrell ..358 Earl Johns 344 Lettie Morden .. 315 ]days. ! Agnea Walker... 312 Mrs. C, R, Brinker and children are , Recommended -Mary Adams spending the holidays in Michigan. y Edith Shark. ' Miss Maggie Jermyn hag returned tri 1 SR, PT. II To .Tie.,SECoxD. Toronto after a two•weeks visit at home, Darr. 'en TO DEPT. VL Mrs. George Haney is visititg relatives i Total 400. To pass 200. i at Toronto. 1 a Irwin Mrs. Robert ]fang of Toronto spent the 1 Oneida George Constable ...... , ....331 352 I Easier holidays with het sister MIs, An- ! Robbie Crowder , 319 1 Weetey Denman of Grand Valley was t (Georgia Forbes .314 drew Holmes s Willie Adair... , .... . .318 Having pnrchased Mr. Mitchell's in- terests in the Butchering business, I will continue the same in the old stand, and solicit a continuance of the liberal pat• (ill) renege of the past, Wild guarantee the beat of quality in Boasts of Beef, Veal, Lamb And Pork. Steaks, Chad, Sottp Renese, Boiling Pieces. 1 visiting at Ills home here. 3 Vila Bowman . . ..... . .... . ..809 All orders delivered protmptly to dna Mr. Fred Johnston of Brantford spent ¢ Vernon Scott 306 part of the town. Easter Sunday at home. Russell Rosman Ch tet P h f Pal f h George Howson over Sunday. es ng o mere an ryas eine ! Erbil Cro e trd t.... Frank McLean ..$04 301 292 281 usi• Mr. Bert Bailey of Owen Sound SI Thomas Hoirnee,.....,..,280 i nese College spent the holidays at hie I Abrabatn Bror 11 288 home here. Frank Galbraith 288 e MiAnnie and 13e11 Richardson -of i (George Cruickshank. 282 tirll s ss t artar with Afei'*'sll 1 Brawls harts been visiting at John 1 Muriel Partly. ono 11 411•Oh Y1 Etht. Binrgei i, 275 .Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. 1111181111110*,11h11r8• MT' -"will l\ -.i n..M AMR mutm !!!!1 a i Ellt,atun Cts 1!► 111 nivel pus mos •■/'ssi m iii■ gicaviime e. ~iA • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • SPRING! SPRING! SPRING! We're keeping Spring in this big store, whether Nature is or not, Store full of Spring Goods. The breath of Spring in everything. Spring fashions, Spring brightness, Spring weight, Spring lightness, Spring daintiness in shades and styles. Fancy and Staple Dress Goods for tailored suits and street gowns add to the Spring-like feeling notice- able throughout this beautiful store. And Bargains - Spring Bargains -in every department. - e • • • • • • i • • • We make the largest and most complete display of Fashionable Dress Goods ever shown in Wingham l ! Everything that is exclusive, new, and in good taste, will be found in this store. A range of prices that from the lowest to the highest represents the very • best qualities obtainable at anything near such prices. • • • • • • • • ee • • • • • • • • • Our supremacy in Dres's Goods, Fancy Blousings and Suitings is fully demonstrated by the magnificent display of choicest New Dress Fabrics. Our variety s of weaves, styles and colorings is so large that the most fastidious can rely on procuring just what they want. 0041041041041.100111001041160•0504,114 4111101118111111100011141410411114100011141161.0 • JOHN & JAS. H. KERR s ' - ONTARIO -Silk and Wool Crepe Balionne -Silk and Wool Eolienue -Silk and Wool Crepe de Chene -Victoria Pauama Canvas -Victoria Panama Knicker -Victorian Flake Tweed -Scotch Tweed Suitings -Irish Tweed Suitings -Silk and Wool Drape de Paris -Striped and Spotted Lnstres -Venetian Ladies' Cloth -Etamine Voile -Silk Dotted Voile -Canvas Voile -French Cheviot -Worsted Venetians -Mohair Zibelines -Carde de Soie -Bleak Silk Grenadine -Cream Silk Grenadine -Knicker. Suitings -Flaked Box Cloth Every color. style and weave that fashion demands. • • W1NOHAM • Cia!•!••!•••••••••••a•••w.. ••••••••••••••0•••a••••••• 1 :1VvVVVyy'VVVYYvYYV111VYV1 ♦11V1111V11VVYV'VYYVYVYVTV 1$EEDS! SEEDS! EXPECT TO GET FAULTLESS FITS. P 4 4 a SEEDS ! I a a a 4j a -4 -4 .4 .4 •a 4 -4 4 a a .4 4 andFleId Seeds 1 .4 a A .4 T. A. MILLS HAS JUST COMPLETED HIS STOCK OF Expect -demand if yon like ---care- ful thoiight and the applied thor- oughnese which means unques- tioned satisfaction to you. And expectto find the price which you are asked to pay as low as ever egtial Value was exchanged for. So if you need a new Spring Suit- orlxu Overcoat• -•or any article of ap- parel -or if yott WILL be needing somethiLg by-and.by--yon owe us a visit. Now Spring Suitings end Overcoat- ings to hand. We'll be pleased to show thelia to you. THOSU FELISI R. M A 1. EL L. i opposite Skating Rink. Ment ARV !tanto*. ► 5 - ►P ► ► F ► ► ►►, Call and see them ► E. [T. ii•iti --Common Red Clover ----'Mammoth Alsike -Crimson, Lucerne and White Timothy -Orchard Grass -Sentuck Blue Grass -Meadow Fescue, Recd Top -Lawn Grasses, in packages of the finest mixtures. ---Mangolds-Intermediate, Long Red, -Giant Sugar Beets -Goose Wheat. .4 4 a a 4 4 -4 4 a 4 a a 4 4 -4 4 .4 4 4 • MILLSI AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4